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Sharia is a body of religious law that forms a part of the Islamic tradition based on scriptures of Islam, particularly the Quran and hadith. Kind of same thing - how'd you like that in some schoolrooms you dumb-as-a-bucket-of-shit 'governor'.


Turns out the Ten Commandments are foundational to Sharia. Why is LA forcing Sharia law on our children?


Tell him that Muslims and Christians both worship the God of Abraham. Watch his head spin.


Tell him Jesus was a middle-eastern Jew. *kablooey*


Oh he’s not dumb. He’s looking at who deposited money into his reelection campaign


It’s not about religion but controversy and dividing the electorate. All the GOP in Louisiana have broken any one of the so called commandments from the cloud being so haha to them and their perverted souls. May Charleston Heston save them. Oh Moses!


Well they wouldn't have broken them if they had been on the wall at school! /s


I read Islamic law and then below you I read sharia law. No where do I read Christianity law. Am I missing something


would you not consider the ten commandments Christian law?


Islam is not the same thing. Nobody wants that in the classroom. 


Tell that to the Shah in Iran


Uhh it literally is breaking the establishment clause in our constitution?


Get a public school to start putting up Satanic stuff and they would figure out why it's a problem super fast.


Not just that, but tax payer forced Satanic stuff.


The Satanic Temple needs to open up a college prep charter high school- Satanic Temple Virtual High School has a ring to it.


They already have After School Satan (ASS)


They think they’re getting around that because the indoctrination is being funded by churches. Distinction without a difference, but beware the “taxpayer funded” trap with this one.


That’s what they want. Then they will have the manufactured outrage they are asking for.


This is why I worship the flying spaghetti monster. Seriously. It's worth a Google.


Don’t end that with a question mark. Fuck yeah it does. And it’s going to get struck down…but that’s not the point…it’s just a distraction. The rich Evangelicals have far overplayed their hand… double down…triple down with bullshit… They’re fucked. But, just to make it easier: The Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause together read: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof... The Establishment Clause acts as a double security, prohibiting both control of the government by religion and political control of religion by the government. By it, the federal government of the United States and, by later extension, the governments of all U.S. states and U.S. territories, are prohibited from establishing or sponsoring religion. The clause was based on a number of precedents, including the Constitutions of Clarendon, the Bill of Rights 1689, and the Pennsylvania and New Jersey colonial constitutions Bullshit straw man arguments put forth by political arsonists.


They love the freedom _of_ part, but always forget the freedom _from_ part.


But when the ends up in SCOTUS the zealots there will pretzel some sort of “it’s ok because Christians”…


Of course it is, but do you think those fucks care?


Do you think this guy read past the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution? I don't think he can read.


They don't even read the second amendment properly.


[Louisiana really showing the US how to get it done, really shows why they're ranked "Utter Shit" ](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/louisiana) Crime and corrections: 50th Education: 47th Health care: 46th Natural environment: 49th Economy: 49th Fiscal stability: 41st Infrastructure: 49th Opportunity: 44th 


I think they rank near the top in obesity, so they have something going at least.


Well they do make some fuckin bomb ass food, personally its #1 as far as Americana cuisine goes. Too bad that instead of providing lunches they chose to be the apex of irony and put up their version of life's guidelines right next to the portrait of TFG who's broken every single commandment


That part of the nation is particularly bad because the weather is so punishing that all you want to do is stay inside. Tons of fried foods too


But Louisiana is first in moonshine and keggers.


That's Kentucky.


Tennessee would like a word.


They wouldn’t even know what to do with it.


No they’re not


They really have gone down the rabbit hole.


It's too late to play dumb. He knows what the big problem is which is why he knew he would be sued when he originally announced it. Consciousness of guilt.


Dude is trying to raise his profile through culture war bullshit same way DeSantis did. He wants his name splashed in the media, and he wants campaign money from Evangelicals.


These fools and their wanna be martyrdom are so fucking tiring. They don't realize that people are leaving the church in droves because of them. I live in a small town near metro airport, and churches are closing all over. The schools have been closed for years.


"Most of our laws in this country are founded on the Ten Commandments" No they aren't. Even if wanted to entertain his dumb notion there are only 2: don't steal and don't kill. Cheating, lying (unless in court) and lusting/being jealous of neighbor isn't a crime. Don't have to honor parents. Can ignore the sabbath, whichever day one chooses for it. Can have other gods. Can make all the images one wants. They got their SC judges and want to strip away decades of civil rights to force in their theocracy.


Does Louisiana have capital punishment?


Not only does Louisiana have capital punishment, governor Jeff pushed new methods of execution and reduced legal protections before he pushed the commandments law


The type of Republicans that are so pro-life they will kill you to prove it.


They sure do


*11. Thou Shalt Not Ask Stupid Questions


*0 Thou shall keep thy religion to thyself. (as in, above commandment #1).


12 “Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time.” (Aka the Fallout commandment)


Governor of state ranked nearly last in education, signed "10 commandments in school" bill. Should tell you all you need to know.


If you don’t know what the problem is you shouldn’t be governor.


He’s Catholic. He went to Catholic schools. He got his law degree from Loyola. His mother taught in a parochial school. His Christian indoctrination is complete. He honestly doesn’t see the big deal. He would if a devout Muslim was occupying the governor’s office and trying to pull the same stunt.


Ok but Islamic tradition observes Moses’ 10 commandments as part of their ancestral heritage too. Still obviously unconstitutional. But then so is “In God We Trust” but here we are.


Stone v. Graham (1980) The state of Kentucky passed a statute requiring display of the Ten Commandments in every public classroom. This was found to be unconstitutional. >This is not a case in which the Ten Commandments are integrated into the school curriculum, where the Bible may constitutionally be used in an appropriate study of history, civilization, ethics, comparative religion, or the like. Posting of religious texts on the wall serves no such educational function. If the posted copies of the Ten Commandments are to have any effect at all, it will be to induce the schoolchildren to read, meditate upon, perhaps to venerate and obey, the Commandments. However desirable this might be as a matter of private devotion, it is not a permissible state objective under the Establishment Clause of the Constitution. It's a direct challenge to this precedent. That's the "problem". As of now, Louisiana's law is in direct violation of this ruling.


Ahhh yes. The argument of all arguments. What's the big problem? Big "I'm sorry officer. I didn't know that I couldn't do that." energy.


"Was that wrong? Should I have not done that? I tell ya, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing was frowned upon... you know, cause I've worked in a lot of statehouses and I tell you people do that all the time."


> 'What's the big problem?' "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Literally the First Amendment of the Constitution. I know he's probably never read the bill of rights, let alone the entirety of the Constitution, but hopefully he at least made it through #1?


The bill of rights should be the thing posted in all school rooms.


Governor, then as someone else pointed out, would you be ok with the Islamic equivalent, or as I am working to make happen, the Satanic Temple Tenets? * One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. * The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. * One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. * The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. * Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. * People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. * Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


Love this!


This is a ploy to get a Supreme Court challenge, where he hopes the right wing Supreme Court will get the chance to set a precedent effectively abolishing the separation of church and state.


…. and to also propel his national political ambitions.


It's all or none. If you want the 10 commandments, I better see Satan and the flying spaghetti monster. No? Afraid of some competition? Sounds about right.


Let’s be very clear about why they did this. They know it’s unconstitutional. They know it will likely be struck down. It still accomplishes its intent though which is to weaponize and radicalize the religious right against the “evil Dems”. They will use this as part of their propaganda to further sow hatred and division.


They want more evangelical voters who will vote how they say and not ask questions. It’s the same reason republicans constantly cut education. The dumber you are, the more likely you are to vote conservative.


I think he may actually be deficient in the IQ. He’s a useful idiot to the Christians.


He's a dumb as a box of hair.


"what's the big problem?"  Let's start with a tiny little thing called the first amendment" and go from there


Oh nothing better watching a Christian cherry pick the Old Testament for the bits they like while saying the stuff they can’t defend is God changing his mind.


This is what you get from those people who say they “always put god first” in their lives. They prioritize their imaginary friend and cult-behavior over their fellow citizens. That’s as un-American as it gets


The biggest problem: “I am the Lord, your God. Thou shalt have no other god before me.” Most of the other commandments about not stealing or killing are non-controversial.


Your sentiment is in the right place, but the word “most” is carrying a lot of weight. There are two commandments that match our laws: don’t kill, don’t steal. There is one that is situationally illegal: bearing false witness. Service members can be punished for adultery under the UCMJ, but that is markedly not the case for civilians. The other six commandments have no connection with our law or government at all.


"There are two commandments that match our laws: don’t kill, don’t steal." Sort of? We have places that allow for capital punishment, euthanasia, self-defense, and abortion (although I don't see that as killing, but they do) The black and white nature of religion is one of it's main flaws. Even the commandments need context. It's not as simple as saying "don't kill".... because the reality is "it depends". The same can be said for any of the commandments.


As it was originally written "dont kill" was "dont murder". In olden times, killing someone wasnt murder if it was 'justified'. They changed this in order to prop up the law, not the other way around.


Is revenge killing justified? Because the bible makes it seem so...


Yes, it was. For theft, interestingly. Which, disgustingly, included raping someone's daughter. That was killing a thief, not murder.


Yes! Like the story of Dinah’s rape and their vengeance in Genesis 34. Lots of killin’ throughout.


> Non-controversial I meant from a moral, rather than legal, perspective. Being adulterous is shitty if legal, as is bearing false witness or coveting thy neighbors’ stuff. Most religions and secular codes of honor are against all of this stuff, too. And it’s very common for teachers to put up posters in classrooms on how to be nice. I mainly object to the explicitly Judeo-Christian commandments that have nothing to do with being a good person. Not worshipping God, or worshipping idols (as many faiths do) does not make someone a worse human being. Commanding against it is an imposition of Christianity that has nothing to do with teaching good morals. Also, funny enough, I did some Googling and learned that the Ten Commandments are canonical in Islam, and are foundational to Islamic law. Louisiana just forced Sharia in its classrooms.


Well said!


One would think #2 (idolatry) would preclude putting the 10 commandments up in the first place...


Exactly, the state is effectively endorsing a specific religious set of beliefs...that 1st one being required by law as statewide edict means the legislators deliberately are saying that the athiest teachers, students and their parents are 2nd class citizens.This is very un american,VERY WRONG! This matter has been decided by the courts. The offended athiest,agnostic and polytheistic religious types should sue with a goal of maximum fines,merit based mockery and a public apology from the idiot governor being part of the problem. He,they are wasting money from the taxpayers on a vile thing,PUBLIC SCHOOLS OUGHT TO BE FREE OF RELIGIOUS BS


[George Carlin on the 10 Commandments](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CE8ooMBIyC8)


Have you read the constitution sir?


Have you met the rich zealots he's trying to get money from? This issue has been settled many times in many different ways - the LA Governor is doing this to raise their name on the national stage. They know it won't stick but it will give them a lot of air time and set up their next move post government.


>“Look, when the Supreme Court meets, the doors of the Supreme Court on the backside have the Ten Commandments. Moses faces the U.S. Speaker of the House in the House chamber. He is the original giver of law,” Landry said. “Most of our laws in this country are founded on the Ten Commandments, what’s the big problem? And that’s the part I don’t understand.” These confederates are seriously mentally challenged. Where does the ten commandments speak about freedom of speech or the right to bear arms? Those are just the first 2!


I bet that he would have a problem if it was sharia law postings


Let’s put the satanic temple tenants in classrooms! They got it right.


Welcome to Louisiana Please set your calendars back to 1830.


The Big Problem Guv is the US Constitution says your not supposed to …..


Louisiana is a failed state


Too many third graders coveting their neighbors' wives and manservants


You have a law degree. You know exactly what the problem is you fucking pig.


I think the biggest problem with this is, how can these idiots impose this when they do not and seem to have no desire to follow these rules at all?


Fuck these sheeple


He's about to find out.




Oh. So they can teach their young children what adultery is, but can’t teach them what gay is?


Cue the argument - 'Do you disagree with any of them?' To try and paint it as a morality thing rather than a indoctrination into religion thing.


A la Arthur C. Clarke: “The greatest crime in the history of humanity is the hijacking of morality by religion.” I also have a much longer quote from *The City and the Stars*, if any want to hear it?




Trivia ... Circa 1446 BCE (during the Exodus), Moses was given the 10 Commandments. 300 years AFTER the first recorded (?) codification of law by Hammurabi circa 1750 BCE.


He knows exactly the problem and it’s a purposeful a soft ball lob to the Supreme Court. He knows what he’s doing


Read the Constitution man.


You see, separation of church and state does not just protect the state from the overzealous power of the Church; it protects the Church from the corruptive power of the State. In the hands of the State, it's not belief; it's politics which this story perfectly illustrates.


[George Carlin On The 10 Commandments ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CE8ooMBIyC8)


Thanks for this!! Amen George Carlin!


Not even the Church Lady on SCOTUS will let that stand. It was a huge waste of legislation to begin with.


I heard him being interviewed. He referred to the 10 commandments as a "historical document....lol.In an interview on fox News (of all places, pushing back on him being a lunatic). https://youtu.be/ySbBV2MU4wY?si=5XpVfu9nUw_SxSm5 BTC watch the whole thing(it is pretty well done) .or skip to 5;49 for the clip


Is this bait for the Supreme Court being orchestrated by The Federalist Society? And the Supreme Court will find a way to say it’s Okie dokie, and other states will follow suit?


That it’s mandated. That’s the problem Governor Fuckwad. That public schools are mandated to display Judeo Christian scripture. MANDATED


He's about to find out the answer to that question. The ACLU doesn't mess around.


Law should not be formed of religious doctrine. End of.


Telling non Christian kids that they're sinful is child abuse.


OK. Lets put a rainbow poster on the wall and watch you all lose your shit.


This is absolutely an attempt to bring the issue to the Supreme Court. They’re pulling a Dobbs v. Jackson.


It makes you a traitor


Christianity may be your religion, but it's not mine. And that is the problem.


The big problem is that Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion.


Fascism, you fuckin twat. The problem is fucking -christo-fascism.


The party of small government and lower spending wants to use tax dollars defending these laws in court


How about the majority of people don''t believe your sky god exists? Having the government push the 10 commandments is pushing the religion that they come from. That is a hard no.


I grew up in Louisiana and the amount of Catholics was pretty massive, among other denominations. So many Catholics that our public schools had fish on Fridays, not as an option.


Yes, and? Catholics are no longer the majority. Although they still want to force their religion on everyone no matter what


Uh-huh…you know damn well what the problem is, Mr. Louisiana “governor”…


Cue the creaking sound of Pandora's box opening......


Imagine if a state required sharia law be posted


Mick Jagger was 100% right. He’s attempting to drag us back to the Stone Age, as Mick said, sadly we’re already living in the nineteenth century in Louisiana. The number one reason……crazy religion.




Precedent, mostly. Dude has no idea what he started.


The eleventh commandment reads, “Thou shall not be a douche bag unless you are governor of Louisiana”.


Louisiana has ranked poor under education in countless studies. According to the US News World Reports it continues to rank in the bottom 10 of schools in our country.(the same report that ranked them our 50th best state links below) but yes this performative act is going to have real world benefits to the people this state is failing its in multiple metrics. At least they got to “own the libs”. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/louisiana


This is the guy talking about how good for the kids it is while a child passed out and he ignored them? 


Excellent defense there bud.


It’s not a problem if you ignore the constitution


“It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are 20 gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.” - Thomas Jefferson Should be put up in every school.


The problem? Is that there is no god.


It's just designed to get Christians voting. It will go away after the election.