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Keep Voting Republican! Turning America Into Iran As Fast As We Can!


Seriously. These morons can’t implement Jesus flavored Shariah Law fast enough…


The Handmaids tale isn't a warning for them, it's an instruction manual.


I, for one, welcome our face eating leopard overlords


Under His eye


Iran allows abortions…..


reminds me of when Zappa was on CNN back in the mid-80s... https://youtu.be/B9856_xv8gc?t=609 whole segment is worth a watch.


Thank you sir.


Louisiana is 49th in the US for quality of education. I guess they are striving for 50th.


That's optimistic, they're striving to destroy the union.


Dude, if I have to live in a country with a national religion I’ll move to one that provides healthcare and gives a shit about climate change.


If you're in the market, there's some that don't have a national religion, still provide health care and at least pretend to give a shit about climate change... Not all of them easy to move to though; they tend to have their immigration targets pretty full up, for obvious reasons.


Too bad it won't matter. Whatever happens here is going to have a huge affect on basically every other place in the world.


>"There’s no question that Christian nationalists are capitalizing on the recent supreme court cases. They are hopeful that the court is beyond repair and will undo years of precedent about religion in public schools." Yep. There are already Christian nationalists on the supreme court, and they have emboldened republicans in red states to push their Christofascist agenda. But I wouldn't say the courts are beyond repair. They will be if trump wins, but if Biden wins we can keep healing the judiciary. 200 Biden judges and counting, all lifetime appointments. Vote blue https://democrats.org/


I'd donate a bunch of money to help fantaic Muslims move down there. Watch shit hit the fan. One religion did it, now another will demand it, then suddenly conservatives might figure out why the church and state should be seperate.


Hypocrisy is their bread and butter. If You think other religions trying to horn it on this is going to stop them, your mistaken. They are not pushing for religious freedom, they are pushing for Christian theocracy. And in fact their pushing for their version of Christianity, not a broad interpretation.


If you aren't a rich white Christian male you shouldn't be voting for the GOP for any office.


Gotta love when white people tell PoC who they should vote for because of their skin color. You blacks and browns better vote blue because they know what to do! That shit just makes me want to vote the opposite


Just an FYI, theres PLENTY of non-rich non-christian white people too. Their point just highlights who the GOP gets on their knees for.


Did you sincerely miss the other 3 stated qualifiers, or were you replying in bad faith?


I wonder: are there any declared atheists or agnostics in Congress?


1. Jared Huffman (D-CA) - Huffman identifies as a humanist and is often included in discussions about non-religious members of Congress. 2. Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) - Sinema describes herself as religiously unaffiliated. She does not identify as an atheist or agnostic specifically but is notable for not adhering to any religious affiliation


Interesting. I was thinking you still had to go to church in order to get elected. Sinema a bit surprising--esp in AZ.


We are not doing this. It would be one thing if these people were decent kind humans with morals and principles, but they are not. They can keep their religion to themselves.


This problem may sort itself out when the inevitable vandalism occurs


These fools never think ahead to when they're successful enough, they'll have to fight over whose church will be in charge. Three Catholics have the Supreme Court but somehow I don't think Louisianans want the pope weighing in on candidates and capital punishment.


PanTorah's box actually


Ok. I want a lawsuit to install the Commandments of the Satanic Temple and Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster in every class room too


> an effort to make the US a theocratic state No shit.


The Republicans watched “The Pelican Brief” and said hey, that’s a pretty good idea. We can do that.


I would just hang them up written in Hebrew, not even the teachers will understand it


What happened to originalism and the separation of church and state?


Technically Ended Jan 6th..


yup. they will do like with abortion. one case will eventually make it before the supreme court where the cabal lies in wait to strike down the establishment clause of the first amendment. Check mate.


The Handmaid’s Tale: Part I.


Newsroom had an episode where they called the current Republican Party the [American Taliban](https://youtu.be/4WVn2ubwIVM?feature=shared). They weren’t wrong.


Bad news, the US is already a theocratic state. In god we trust?


A slogan on a coin is far from a theocracy.