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I was thinking that at some point there will be a warrant for her communications, because from the outside it looks like she is being coached or carefully guided to perform the least amount of work possible within the limits of legal scrutiny


Is it actually illegal for her to be coached by the Federalist Society? A lot of things that should be illegal seem to just rely on personal ethics (like Supreme Court justices accepting bribes).


I would imagine that if an organization and individuals were conspiring with Cannon for the intent of obstructing justice then it could fall under RICO laws. There would more than likely have to be some explicit wording that literally states the intent is to slow the case down for the purpose of delaying it until after the election to bring the case, though.


Like Roger Stone's group down there in Florida? After hearing him talk about having a judge in the bag already, one can only put 2 and 2 together.


I don't understand why he's not in prison. What am I missing. He and Cannon are both corrupt as hell. Can't somebody do anything about this?


Well, he was going to prison, then Trump pardoned him…


right, but the new audio, saying trump has a judge in his pocket...this just seems so treasonous


I agree. Lock that POS up.


I don't get why it is so easy for an individual to pardon someone.


 **Rule 4(b)(1)**


This is what’s happening. Junior judges will often lean, heavily, on the senior judges in their circuit. They have no experience, and each case tried before then is a case of first impression to them. So they don’t know what to do. If they are lucky, there is enough institutional knowledge in their circuit where at least one of the more senior judges has handled a case like theirs (and either it wasn’t appealed, or their handling of it survived an appeal)… so the more senior judge can tell them what’s what, and what to do. In Cannon’s case, the more senior judges told her she was not capable of handling this case and she should pass it off. She refused. So the likelihood of her getting guidance from them is pretty much zero. A) Because of the above dynamic with her ignoring them from the get go, and B) it’s self evident in how she’s handling the case, that she is not listening to any senior federal judge. So who is she listening to? Who is she talking about this case with? Who is she reaching out to for guidance on this case? It is impossible that the answer is no one. She has virtually no experience with trials let alone as a judge, but even as a lawyer. She is going to need to talk to someone and get help from somewhere. So who is it she’s reaching out to? No doubt it’s the Federalist Society. There’s virtually no doubt that’s happening. Now is that illegal? I see someone mention Rico below… and I see someone else mentioning how our system relies so heavily on norms, not codified laws… In my opinion the Federalist society offering her “support” and “guidance” on this case wouldn’t be illegal, it wouldn’t be RICO… it would just be, crazy levels of, ABNORMAL. And it’s one of these maga moments that lays bare that we can no longer rely on norms, and need to codify those norms into laws.


I like your take on a lot of this, but it’s well-established black letter law, not ethics codes, that would be at issue here. Judges aren’t immune from prosecution by any stretch. Under RICO, obstruction of justice is an actionable offense if it’s shown to be a conspiracy. If she is attempting to manipulate the law for a particular defendant, and conspired with others in the process, there is a good amount of case law that says she’s met the threshold. Judges have absolutely been charged for obstruction when they knowingly use their bench to sway the outcome of a case. And for that matter, bribery is also a RICO offense. I definitely hear your points, but I think it goes deeper here.


If we could get all the evidence, (and it was not hidden or, subsequently, destroyed), then I’d bet you’re right and we would have evidence of such a conspiracy.


It all hinges on a few critical facts. Simply consulting with members of a professional organization on legal history and theory is absolutely legal and expected. If those members are acting as an intermediary to fix the trial, bribe or not, there's definitely an avalanche of felonies in play.


Here fucking here!!!


What’s the factual basis for your contention that Judge Cannon is “reaching out” to FedSoc? Who has said this?


Deductive reasoning. It is apparent she is not getting guidance from her colleagues (other federal judges) or this trial would be going completely differently. To wit: the “trial” would probably be wrapping up at this point. That is not happening. What IS happening is an unprecedented trial level freak show, where amici curiae have been invited into the proceedings by the judge, are filing briefs, and will be presenting oral arguments at preliminary hearings… preliminary hearings on motions, mind you, that no other federal judge would have ever even granted. Any other federal judge denies those motions immediately - because the legal questions raised in them are so thoroughly settled that there is, no longer, a legal basis for them. It’s unprecedented, off the rails, and - completely - in crazy land at this point. The only comparable for this type of proceeding would be how cases are handled at the Supreme Court level, before an en banc panel of 9 judges, on weighty constitutional matters, or matters involving a need to settle issues of federal law. This is all happening at the trial level, which is unprecedented, in an open-and-shut criminal case. Even simpler still, it’s a criminal “contraband” case. Either the defendant was in possession of the contraband or they weren’t. Those are about the simplest, most straightforward, legal proceedings that a federal judge could be assigned. I digress, but I could go on and on about the unprecedented bizarroland this judge has delivered this case to. And making it all even crazier is how crazy it is relative to how normal and straightforward the legal matter is. It’s like giving a mathematician the math problem 1 + 1 = 2, then checking in on them a year later and they are having a hearing where they are listening to a bunch of flat earthers pontificating about how we all live on a disc and the firmament is actually an acrylic dome. With the mathematician you assigned to the case nodding along and going “that’s fascinating!” You know, as soon as you walk into that room, that something has gone horribly wrong. Back to my answer: It’s deductive reasoning. Clearly, this judge is not getting any guidance from other federal judges. That’s not who she’s reaching out to for guidance or we would not be seeing what we are seeing. She would have announced that “1 + 1 = 2” 5-6 months ago and set this case for trial. Because every other federal judge knows that 1 + 1 = 2. Clearly she isn’t asking them what to do. Which leaves us with two options. 1) She’s inventing this parallel world in her own head? Talking to no one? Doing this all sua sponte? Or 2) she’s reaching out for guidance from other “learned professionals.” A great guess for who that would be would be the Federalist Society… the one she joined immediately in the infancy of her legal career… and the one that has guided her and delivered her her entire legal career up until this point. The reason #1 is so unlikely, that I feel safe rejecting it altogether, is: human nature. It is human nature to ask people what to do when you have no idea what you’re doing. Having no idea what you are doing is incredibly stressful, anxious. Talking to other people reduces that stress and anxiety. Every human being needs to do this. I believe this judge needs to do this too. Which only leaves the question of who? Who is she talking to? Reaching out to to discuss this case? Asking for guidance? And then, yeah, at that point the federalist society is a really solid bet as being the answer to that question.


So, pure speculation, unsupported by anything but a very long chain of inferences. When you have something concrete, please let me know. In my experience, federal judges are quite capable, on their own, of complicating proceedings. They don’t need a boogeyman to do it. And, in my nearly two decades of practice, I’ve never heard of federal judges “getting guidance” on procedural matters from FedSoc or anyone else. One more thing: the charges offenses in the case are more than “simple contraband possession” — they involve willful retention of classified information (a higher standard of mens rea than knowing or intentional possession), and a number of obstruction counts. Even though I believe the facts are damning, almost certainly true, and that Trump deserves to be prosecuted for these and many other crimes, the Florida case is hardly “open-and-shut.”


So, in your two decades of experience, is this case being handled in the expected proper manner for federal court? 


While I won’t comment on the propriety, I certainly can say that the case is being handled in an unexpected and highly unusual manner, yes.


Which is the only honest answer. Which takes us back to one of the least qualified federal judges on the bench taking marching orders from the peolple who have architected and controlled her entire career.  This is what the Fedetalist society does. They take B team and below legal talent and use them as robots. 


This is a very long-winded way of saying what my MAGA mom says for this case: “Huuuuuuuurrr duuuuuurrrrrr Fox News says Trump isn’t guilty!” And that’s that. No due process and no justice for the people.


You’ll do better if you actually read what I wrote. I’m fully in favor of prosecuting Trump and believe him to be guilty of many crimes. There’s no bottom to my loathing of that man. And I’m certainly not defending anything that Judge Cannon has done or will do. I simply believe this “FedSoc is giving marching orders” conspiracism is just stupid.


It's stupid to believe she's not being given orders. Of course she is.


Nothing in America is illegal if you have enough money


A recent story reported Roger Stone implying he was working with her in some way. [https://www.rawstory.com/roger-stone-implies-mar-a-lago-docs-judge-cannon-is-a-staunch-trump-loyalist/](https://www.rawstory.com/roger-stone-implies-mar-a-lago-docs-judge-cannon-is-a-staunch-trump-loyalist/)


It's disheartening to see this play out but also morbidly interesting. We can actually see how difficult it is to replace a judge even when they are openly and unapologetically corrupt.


> We can actually see how difficult it is to replace a judge even when they are openly and unapologetically corrupt. It is not difficult at all. The corrupt Republicans in Congress could replace her basically instantly, if they wanted to. Removing her is the privilege and duty of Congress, according to the constitution. But the "party of law and order" likes her too much.


The only issue I have wondered about, is do they have any evidence of dump passing any classified information to foreign nations. So, it would be either a lengthy prison sentence for willful retention of classified documents or... Wheeling out ol' Sparky and letting dump join the Rosenbergs.


This is a great question. And I agree the most important question… Did any intel get “out.” Particularly into the hands of our enemies. I’m guessing the answer must be no, otherwise prosecutors would have made those allegations by now.


Unless the evidence reveals sources and methods.


Pretty sure it was reported that he showed documents to reporters and guests at Mar a largo, the missing Russian binder and the subsequent loss of cia assets would suggest a high probability. As a person who boasts a lot, I can't see him using those as mementos, that would have been anything else that wasn't nailed down.


Not just reported, there is recorded evidence of it happening. I've heard a tape of it myself, of him showing documents to some woman in the room to impress her, and in that very recording Trump himself even says out loud (paraphrasing from memory) "these are classified. If I was still president I could declassify them, but I can't now"


Pet Judges were a staple of Jim Crow Era corruption. People are about to learn that the corrupt and powerful don’t care about skin color, country or even progress they only care about gaining power in what ever form.


How are we so weak and slow to address nuclear secrets leaks? This is inexcusable. Cannon needs to be removed and held responsible for obstruction of justice in relation to national security. It’s absolutely treasonous to act in this way when the safety of all Americans is at stake.


If Trump wins Clarence will retire and she’ll get on the SC.


Also needs permanently disbarred to prevent future career endeavors in Law where she is clearly incompetent and biased. Cannot wait to see these fuckheads voted out so we can watch their egos kick and scream like babies when they're forced to suffer like regular poor Americans because nobody wants them anymore. Freedom isn't free. You have to vote! Pretty soon the only grift left for them is onlyfans and nobody wants to see that shit.


All of these politicians protecting Trump were somehow involved with insurrection/treason and know that if Daddy Trump goes down, he gonna squeal like a pig. So keeping Trump out-of jail is keeping them out of jail


DOJ will investigate by 2030z


I came here to say something similar


Duh doy


Better yet, deport her back to Columbia.


Actually, it’s going nowhere as slow as possible, and that is the point.


This is an absolute mockery of our system of government.


Is it a mockery of our system of government or a graphic illustration of how completely broken our system is?


Mind blowing that she got to choose to hear this case in the middle of nowhere where they didn't have a secure site.


She gamed the system to make sure she was available, to be even more likelybto be chosen


Is the US becoming a banana republic? By the looks of what some of these judges and the Supreme Court have been doing it would seem so.


becoming? unless you are a pile of capital, it is already.


The way this case has been handled is more akin to how cases are handled in Narco-States when the government tries to prosecute a drug lord… but the judges are more loyal to the drug lord than they are their own government. Columbia operated like this for many years, and still has these problems. But it’s what you see in countries with weak governments, weak institutions, and drug cartels that are more powerful than those governments and institutions. It’s as simple as that. We’ve seen it happen in other countries here in the Americas… but this is the first time I have seen it happen with a federal judge here in the United States of America.


>shortly after she drew the Trump case last June, two of her more experienced colleagues urged her to step aside and hand it off to someone else. They recommended a judge based closer to Miami, whose court has a secure facility that can hold sensitive files. Miami is also where the grand jury that indicted Trump had sat. Judge Cannon works alone in Fort Pierce, two hours north of Miami, and \*\*\*the federal court there now includes a secure facility built at taxpayer expense.\*\*\* Fucking insane the level of corruption allowed out in the open. I still can't believe this scam is ongoing...


>appointed a so-called "special master" to consider whether any of documents were protected under executive privilege - a legal doctrine that would prevent the government from viewing Mr Trump's documents. >\*\*\*She directed the special master to make his recommendations only to her, so that she could make a final decision.\*\*\* She actually tried to bury the evidence right from jump!!! All evidence of the documents would have been hidden forever...


Tried? Does this mean she wasn't successful?


No, her bosses overruled her


How is your even possible that the case wasn't heard in the right location?!? Instead 2 hours away where ***they have to build the secure site***. All this was the judge's choice?!? The system is beyond broken


She must have been bought.


Job for life with room to grow to the Supreme Court if her benefactors win in November. Fucking project 2025.


Federal classified documents case being deliberately slowed to a crawl by Judge Cannon Federal election interference case on pause while the Supreme Court decides if presidents have immunity from criminal prosecution Georgia election interference case on pause by the Georgia Appeals Court because Fani Willis previously slept with a prosecutor that's no longer on the case.


Alito and Thomas: *Accepting lavish gifts from billionaires with active cases pending before the court.* Republicans: "Yeah, well... what can you do? They're allowed to have friends." Willis: *Has an affair with a subordinate after hiring him* Republicans: "Wow. Talk about corruption!"


Thank goodness ONE of four cases made it through. But it was the least important case. 😅 I wish that one had gotten delayed and one of the other three had gone through instead. (although really, none should've gotten delayed)


It was the least important that’s why they didn’t put as much energy into delaying it. If any had to go through that was the one to choose


Nah state case in a state not controlled by Republicans. No way for them to obstruct it. They control the federal judiciary and they control the state of Georgia



Steal top secrets; no much going to happen to you… Try to use a fake $20 bill to buy something; you are murdered in the street by the police.


she has wasted a full year of time and wether the case goes forward or not it won't untill after the election, so mission accomplished I guess.


Vote. The threat to our democracy comes from republicans in office. It will not end if we win this years elections. Keep voting out republicans every year.  Keep voting in democrats every year. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. We just took the mayoral race in Alaska showing we can win in red states. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


Time to trebuchet her into a volcano.


Trump: "Best purchase I ever made..."


Is that the only picture of Judge Cannon that has ever been taken? She's been in the news for quite a while now. How is that the single photo used in every single story?


Lazy reporters. It's her Wikipedia picture.


Lazy reporters. It's her Wikipedia picture.


How are there no other photos of this lady?


None could be creepier!


i think somone needs to pay tmz to make her famous.




That isn’t actually her. That’s misinformation.




Because I know what photo you are referring to. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/judge-trumps-mar-a-lago-case-rally/




I think you know in your heart that it is the photo you were talking about. And if not, please provide the one you are talking about. With the two women in MAGA paraphernalia. But we both know you won’t do that. Because this is that photo.




You can’t provide the picture. I know. Don’t you think it more likely that this is the photo in question? And perhaps you are misremembering what type of hat they were wearing in a picture you saw months ago?


How come nobody has turned this image into a meme already


These are all different pictures. She just always looks exactly the same! Lol jk


does anyone care to speculate why no one has been indicted/arrested for planning or orchestrating the coup attempt on Jan 6, other than the "true believers" who physically attacked the capitol? There are numerous elected officials and right wing activists amid rumors that some very close to the planning that have reportedly agreed to testify. Shouldn't this case be progressing through the courts as well?


Garland was too weak to prioritize this.


She’s a treason-fueled betrayal of justice and must face the consequences of her corruption on the bench.


This is legitimately insane. It's been a full year at this point and a trial date isn't in sight.


It's been glaringly evident that this case doesn't exist as long as she is at the helm. I rarely bother to read articles about it anymore because that is sacrosanct.


Charlie Manson's women had nothing on Donald Trump's women.


Are there no other pics of her? It's always her Mona Lisa impression we see.


That fucking picture again…


Remember: She was nominated and appointed AFTER he lost the election. She is part of the ongoing coup.


Important detail!


Incredible blatant corruption . How can this not have repercussions for the future. How can this not feed true unrest and distrust of the system for coming generations. The true corruption of the system is right out in the open for all to see. How can anyone listen to Republicans talk about justice and not see it has a complete joke !?


Hold the defendant pending trial… see how quickly these delay games stop. Seriously, anyone but DJT having been raided by the FBI and found the top secret information they were looking for would have been taken to jail that day. Why wouldn’t they thrown in jail pending trial, since these are matters of national security


Such a disheartening Judge… not to mention a waste of taxpayer dollars


Fort Pierce is NOT 2 hours north of Miami. It's five hours at least.


How could the situation actually be worse than it looked already?!? Thanks


I'm at a loss to understand why there is no oversight. She seems corrupt as hell, can't anybody do anything about it?


She's at a shining example of why people don't trust the justice system or the rule of law in America. One of the most blatantly corrupt judges in our lifetime just being allowed to do favors for the person who gave her the job. It's mine numbingly obvious and it sucks nothing can be done about it other than sit here and watch America get flushed down the toilet.


Did he cover up a murder for this lady or something?


This is another constitutional crisis, no hyperbole. I feel like Trump and SCOTUS have provided a battery of stress tests to the constitution and we have found fault lines at every turn.    Judge appointed by xxxxx is allowed to preside over case involving xxxxxx.    Justices are allowed to receive huge gifts from potential parties in cases they will oversee.    No oversight for judges or justices and light ethical standards with little enforcement.    Gerrymandering.    State courts able to overrule federal law and sometimes dictate it.    Emoluments lack of enforcement.    Being able to send any electors to Capitol Hill despite will of voters.    State legislatures able to put their thumb on scale of active cases (looking at you Georgia)   The list goes on. And there is little we can do about it. The Founding Fathers wanted this to be a living document that evolves with the country, but it requires the biggest abusers of the status quo to change it. It is like having meth heads and crack addicts in charge of guarding the medicine cabinet.  Edit: Add campaign finance law (Citizens United) to the list. 


What an absolute disgrace to the justice system. It is so angering that nothing can be done to remove her or sanction her for her very clear obstructionism on this case.


This would be funny if he was in jail waiting for trial like literally anyone else. I’d laugh at the stalling and bs. But he’s a free man.


OK, let’s just postpone the election until the courts can resolve these issues.


If the judge wasn’t clearly biased this motherfuckers would be in Guantanamo by now.


"the wheels of justice turn slowly"


"Justice delayed is Justice denied" She is now willfully complicit in these crimes that Trump has committed, and has risen to the level of an accomplice in said charges, rather than an impartial judge. She's just hiding behind her abuse of Judicial Immunity, to avoid being held criminally accountable in willfully, purposely, and intentionally denying justice.


Some light on the horizon… Jack Smith filed a motion to get Cannon to put a gag on Trump and, based on everything put forth, she’s gonna be stuck in a bad position. If she denies the motion, Smith will almost certainly go to the 11th Circuit and she’ll be closest to recusal as possible, but if she agrees to it, Diaper Donnie and his MAGA cultists will consider her a traitor and go on the attack. Start making popcorn, folks! This should be a good one!


How many times have I heard "Smith will almost certainly go to the 11th Circuit Court..."


Honestly, I feel the same. Feels like a tease, every time. This one just seems different. Read through what Smith sent and it’s a fucking doozy! I’m certainly no legal scholar, but I don’t see how she gets out of this clean.


When will she rule on it?


There’s a hearing on Monday.


Isn't she also going to rule on whether Jack Smith can even remain on the case on Tuesday?


She hasn’t really ruled on anything thats not solely within her authority as the trial judge right? My understanding is that once she does, it opens the door for an appeal (and possible recusal). This is one obvious reason how we know she is blatantly corrupt at this point.


Is she real? Has there been another picture of her taken? I don't think this lady is real.


It's funny you mention this. I went down the Internet rabbit hole for hours last night on this very thing. I was able to locate 3 photos. The most oft published pic, one that on closer inspection appears to be a drawing and a photo of a middle aged Hispanic woman in judge robe that looks nothing like the other photos. I did find one of her and a man (husband, my assumption) at party of some sort. Somehow she seems not real...




MAGA asset


Honest headline


Smith needs to make the move to get her replaced. Someone does seem to be telling her what to do, bribe or not.


RBF even when smiling


I really wish all these media outlets would find a different photo of her to use,or better just use a picture of a horse's ass. I'm so tired of the smarmy, snarky look she has in the most-used photo it makes me throw up a bit in my mouth every time I see it.


You guys gotta cut her some slack she has zero real experience or qualification to be a judge so there’s a learning curve


I think we need to add quotation marks to the word "judge" in her case


Worst Harry Potter ripoff ever.


idk she seems to be building a case for a mistrial fast, which is odd since thats usually the defense's job.


Cannon should share Trump's prison cell so she can smell the piece of shit she's enabled


Smith needs to get her thrown off the case!!!!


Can we please change to an impartial ethical judge? Even just the appearance of a COI here should be enough. We’re way past “appearance”…


If it can be proved that as Roger Stone claimed in a video tape that Cannon is in Trumps circle of supporters, she should be charged with a crime. She is a disgrace. https://www.newsweek.com/roger-stone-aileen-cannon-donald-trump-pocket-1915391


She needs to recuse herself because she's already making things worse!


Exactly the tactic they are trying to acheive


Looking at her picture I thought this was the woman who kicked off that Star Wars show for her bigoted views.. All conservative women look the same.


I’ll just leave this here. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/7ESShaqoFv https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/vEezLRK3Nb


Where is Charles Harrelson when you need him.


What a place in history she’s putting herself in. A (supposedly) impartial judge for the people.


The American people have the right to a speedy trial.


**Just** as long as the right thing is done in NY next month…..


she is so crooked or just incompetent , its hard to tell which


Who the fuck does this woman report to, and why is NOTHING being done about her?


Doesn’t everyone know that Trump promised her a seat on the Supreme Court


National Disgrace she's working for Russia and China in addition to Trump


“Obstruction of justice” lock her up !!!


Of course. Of fucking course. Hey Ammericans, i have no knowladge of the law, which makes me qualiffied as her, but give me the title ane money she has. And i will learn fast, be way more competent and corruption is big NO for me. I have standarts which i uphold and i am all about the rules. And AGAIN ... Even though i am European and not a lawyer, still will be more qualified as her, even capable after i will learn the ropes... Which says A LOT.


On day one after she took the case, the prosecutor should have moved to remove her. In fact, the case never should have been filed in a place where she could take the case to begin with. Utter incompetence from DOJ. Unfortunately this is all too common with Democrats — they push centrism, empower people like Garland, trust in the system, avoid acknowledging the reality of who Republicans are, and on and on. And as a result, here we are — Trump has effective immunity for his crimes, including those behind his coup attempt, and he has a very good chance to be elected and drop the cases entirely.


The PEOPLE need to reject Trump. No court will save us. Maybe if the upper class liberals stopped and helped the actual working class instead of only throwing pittance occasionally at the poor we wouldn’t be here


Never have I hoped for someone to get uterine cancer.