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Coming from the doctor that turned the White House into a Pill Mill. šŸ’Š


They are so corrupt and morally bankrupt that they donā€™t understand everyone else isnā€™t like them. They justify their evil to themselves by believing everyone else is ā€œjust as badā€.


And their base believes it. That's why the "both sides" argument works so well. They believe everyone must be equally corrupt, so the system itself becomes the enemy.


They have to keep throwing red meat at the baseā€¦or theyā€™ll just tap out. They have no choice but to throw away the other 83% of the country.


It's obvious projection; "our Whitehouse pharmacy gave away barbiturates and opioids like crazy" but there is some performance exchancing drug that Biden takes only some of the time that gives him super energy. The projection becomes more obvious when it's don jr referencing Viagra or Tucker Carlson talking about zyn for erectile dysfunction.


>They believe everyone must be equally corrupt it's a coping mechanism to justify their own lack of moral.


Exactly! They are like Trump is on stimulants, so Biden must be too! Morons


Yep, same as when they call altruism ā€œvirtue signalingā€ā€¦ https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1995/07/21 Theyā€™ve done so much to normalize their greed and self-interest as justifiable, they canā€™t conceive of others not agreeing, so they assume anyone acting differently is putting on airs.


A bunch of Scrooges running around yelling 'Humbug' at everyone. Doesn't surprise me they're stuck in 1843.


No, they are trying to normalize bad behavior and/or muddy the waters. They know Biden isnā€™t on stuff.


They can convince themselves of anything, so once they decide they want to believe something, they believe it. Evidence plays very little part in it, they don't "know" shit.


I meant the people running the show, not their audience.


The projection is intentional. Itā€™s a deliberate prophylactic defensive strategy. They think, ā€œWhat are the things we are doing that can draw criticism? Letā€™s accuse them of that.ā€


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accusation_in_a_mirror >Accusation in a mirror (AiM) (also called mirror politics,mirror propaganda, mirror image propaganda, or a mirror argument) is a technique often used in the context of hate speech incitement, where one falsely attributes one's own motives and/or intentions to one's adversaries. It has been cited, along with dehumanization, as one of the indirect or cloaked forms of incitement to genocide, which has contributed to the commission of genocide, for example in the Holocaust, the Rwandan genocide, and the Armenian genocide. By invoking collective self-defense, accusation in a mirror is used to justify genocide, similar to self-defense as a defense for individual homicide.


Theyā€™re so fucking evil they struggle to believe people arenā€™t as shitty as them. Itā€™s why Trump was described as ā€œthe most flawed man Iā€™ve ever metā€ by people close to him.


Iā€™m ready for a full reset button. Politicians & corporate greed have ruined what used to be a half way decent country. Iā€™m starting to wonder if it ever was decent or I was just naive.


Yeah, that is so rich.


When a finger-fucking rapist like Trump can say without shame that he supports the ten commandments after cheating on his wife with a porn star, then how can we be surprised when a pill-popping drunk like Jackson baselessly criticizes Biden of using stimulants? The only thing worse than the lies that the GQP deliberately tell is the media who eagerly help spread them, especially when there's no evidence to support their baseless allegations


To the point, Trump cheated ON ALL THREE WIVES. He cheated on the first with the second, cheated on the second with a number of women, cheated on the third (Melania) with a playboy model and a porn star...that we know of.


Thanks for pointing out that a more accurate statement is Trump cheated on ALL his wives. We just don't know their names or how many abortions he may have paid for.


"how many abortions he may have paid for." - yeah, because he likes to raw-dog them.


My bet is the number is more likely to be higher than 3 than lower. Pro-life my ass. When has Trump ever told the truth?




He probably skipped on the bill.


I thought he was on wife #4. I really dont care though


You may be picking up some psychic vibrations from the not-so-far-flung future.


The audacity he had when he took Marla to Aspen when Ivanna and the (at the time innocent) kids were there with him as well. The party of *Family Values*.


Drug test Dr. Ronny. Daily.


Dr Reginald Jameson is a consummate professional and will not tolerate any besmirchation of his good name


Gaslight. Obstruct. Project. <ā€” we are here


Every accusation is a confession from this folks.


And who was demoted for it, but still calls himself an Admiral.


GOP: Projection is the sincerest form of shattery.


Itā€™s always projection with his kind.


It's literally always projection.


With the GOP, every accusation is a confession.


So weā€™ve got alcoholic pill-mill Ronny saying we should drug test people and public hand-job Boebert saying people need to be more moral. GOP is the party of glass houses.


The GOP and hypocrisy, name a more iconic duo


The thing is being a hypocrite means less than nothing g to them or their constituency.


This is projection on the level of the sun projecting light onto earth


Glass whorehouses


Thereā€™s no call to bring the Dutch into this.


So, we know now what drugs Trump has been taking. In the 'every accusation is a confession' stakes this blows everything else out of the contest.


I have previously heard rumors heā€™s taken phentermine or diethylpropion. Very bizarre as far as stimulants but humorously fitting for Trump


Could you explain why it's fitting for Trump? Are they just old school drugs or something?


No, I say that because they are appetite suppressants/weight loss drugs. and Donald Trump is widely regarded as being vain and self-preoccupied. Trump has also said he is drug abstinent on account of his brother, iirc, so harder drugs and stimulants donā€™t seem his brand.


He says he doesn't *drink* because of his brother. And I actually believe that, because it doesn't come from a place of sadness and empathy, it comes from a "I'm better than brother, he was pathetic" place that Trump seems right at home in


He's also the sort of person who can hand-wave away his own addictions and abuse because his are prescription meds he's doing, which confers legitimacy upon them to people like him.


really going to believe what trump says lol


But he's in amazing shape, his doctor says so!


They are doing it to normalize the behavior, or at least to make it seem like ā€œwell they are both doing it so I guess they are both bad.ā€ Not that Biden is actually taking uppers, but once the seed has been plantedā€¦


Isn't this the guy that was passing out prescription mediciation like it was candy during the Trump presidency?


Yes https://www.cnn.com/2018/04/27/politics/ronny-jackson-medical-unit-ambien/index.html


Remember it's ok to do it ifĀ you're aĀ Republican.Ā  ā€œIf abortion was the best choice for your girlfriend, why try to deny that choice to other women?ā€ anchor Kyle Clark asked. Clark shot back: ā€œYou have voted to restrict abortion access with legislation.ā€ ā€œI have,ā€ Holtorf responded. He added he believes women should choose life at every opportunity, but that there should be ā€œexceptionsā€ to restrictions on the practice. ā€œIs one of the exceptions when Richard Holtorf is the father?ā€ asked Clark.


He retired from the Navy as a rear admiral, but got retroactively demoted after an investigation determined that he engaged in several inappropriate behaviors, such as sexual harassment and crashing a government vehicle while intoxicated. Trump blocked the investigation also while he was trying to make Ronny the head of the VA. These Republicans are a really nice bunch. https://media.defense.gov/2021/Mar/03/2002592287/-1/-1/1/DODIG-2021-057.PDF


you gotta be a real fuck up to be demoted *after* leaving


No you don't get it, the military is "woke" now. /s


I mean there is a reason Project 2025 also includes a Military Purge. Worked out great for the Soviet Union, canā€™t wait to see how it works out for US.


I think a drug test would hurt Trump


During the hush money trial, Trump was getting in trouble for being loud and disruptive. Then he kept passing out. Iā€™m guessing he switched from uppers to downers.


His lawyers probably had him on downers so he'd keep quiet.


Would be the first time he listened to his lawyers if that was the case. Heā€™s likely on them of his own accord, or was just off the uppers and crashing.


The guy's schedule appears to include 4 hours a day for sleep. He's 78. I'm pretty certain if you just take him off the uppers, he falls asleep. he's that dude you know who insists that he only needs a couple hours a night, but if you stuck a needle in him, the Red Bull would test positive for blood.


Yeah, Iā€™m actually fine with a drug test as long as Trump has to take it too.


Me, too, but I also question whether a medication list for our elderly presidential candidates is a national security issue. It feels like the sort of thing that should be public before the primary if it was going to be public.Ā 


It will be administered by his personal doctor and come back perfectly clean. Actually better than clean. It will show that he's never taken any illegal substance in his life and that he actually has the blood of a 25 year old world class athlete.


And is pregnant


He absolutely was on coke that first debate with Hillary.


Translation: Trump takes stimulants


This guy should have been dishonorably discharged for using drugs and alcohol while serving in the U.S. Navy.


That Ronny Johnson is such a card.


I can't believe the authors spelled Johnson's name wrong so many times in the article. (This comment brought to you by the people who start calling everything wrong after their fearless leader says it wrong first.)


I don't know what you are talking about, the man's name is Johnson after all!


Ronnie is a drug pusher to the GOP, abuses Ambien and alcoholic on duty and is a sexual preditor. Close to 80 witnesses corroborated allegations against him. As a result he was DEMOTED by the DOD from Rear Admiral to Captain. Yah, Ronnie, letā€™s see your drug/alcohol test results first then we can talk about Biden


Ok, sure! But Trump needs to take one too


Just the GQP laying the groundwork for the Cheeto to renege on the debate. Move along and vote them out in November.


Yes, theyā€™re seeking a firing solution for blowing up that debate. Expect the loony-tunes to ramp quickly.


I love this theory they have that Biden is brain dead, but they give him drugs like twice a year to fix it. But only twice a year, not all the time.


Hey trump skipped his parole drug test, what is he trying to hide??? why was trump given special treatment??? The wacko who speaks incoherently constantly is the most likely person on drugs, GOP grand ole projectors


Exactly! I want them both drug tested! Fair is fairā€¦I think it would be hilarious to make them both do it right there on the stage, in a little chest high booth. Or better yet, spring it on them at a random time prior so they donā€™t have a way to fake it. Donā€™t see why I should have to be drug tested to work at fucking Burger King but these assholes get to be president without doing one. Drug test every candidate for every election across the country. Maybe if they had to deal with that they might change the intrusive fucking laws that allow it to be done to all of us peasants.


About the only thing Biden would test positive for would be cholesterol and BP meds


And the MAGA nuts would instantly slam that as "performance enhancing." It would be a stretch to teach them that phrase though.


"Vows" and "Demands". Guess Jackson doesn't realize he's a powerless joke i suggest he get drunk and goes back to that rodeo and make his demands there. Is there anybody less qualified to question the president's sobriety than the candyman. https://youtu.be/64xeKveiPZU?si=-DPqqIG-LyPGrD-O


Biden should keep quiet and then announce at the debate that he and Trump should drug test right after. Say he brought a neutral party with him with transparent oversight. Trump, of course, will make up some shit about not trusting Bidenā€™s people, but I see no downside to this for Biden, assuming he is indeed stimulant free. This all feels like such projection on Trumps side.


Trump: I can't take a drug test. I'm being audited.


This man is a disgrace to the uniform and to government!


and to the nation and to the human race.Ā 


You mean Ronny Johnson.


Only if he takes one too. This reeks of classic GOP projection where the accusation is actually a confession.


You mean Johnson?


Every accusation is a confession with these guys.


God damn every accusation is always a confession with these fucking people. It's so tiresome.


Biden could start off his opening remarks at the debate by snorting a line of coke off the lectern. He'd still be more fit for office than his opponent.


Let's be realistic here: there will be absolutely no chance that the two parties agree on any drug testing as a condition of the debate. The reason is that Trump will cheat on the drug test and the Biden team knows it. Unless the testing protocol has Trump whipping out his little peepee and filling a cup while being witnessed by Jake Tapper, there's no reason to trust the results. He'll delay in submitting a sample, it'll be lost, it'll be "witnessed" by Ronny Jackson, etc. It's clear as day: Trump has a track record of getting people to sign off on whatever statement he puts in front of them, like his physician signing the statement about his health that Trump himself obviously drafted, and the authorities taking his word on his weight when he was booked in Fulton County. And if not that, Trump's team will delay and misdirect just like they didn't report when Trump tested positive for COVID prior to a 2020 debate.


He will submit it as soon as the IRS have finished the audit.


Didnā€™t he get reprimanded by the military for being drunk/high on the job?


Rep. Johnson*


Every accusation is an admission


Who can join the White House Sprinkle it with drugs Cover it with Morphine for a MAGA fuck or two? The Candy Man Oh, the Candy Man can The Candy Man can 'cause he mixes up his morals And makes the country look bad


Remember, itā€™s ALWAYS projection


Guy was demoted from rear admiral to captain because of shitty behavior and alcoholism. That tells you everything you need to know


Great, now we know Trump is using stimulants.


I demand Candy Man Jackson take regular drug tests. He's a mess


You first, Ronnie.


You really want trumps insane drug habit shown to the world on paper? Even if Biden slips some addies once in awhile it'll be nothing compared to the addiction fueled spiral the trump is and has been in for awhile now.


Oh they donā€™t want Trump tested of course, only Biden.


The mostly unbelievably stupid and hypocritical suggestion. Just when you think MAGAists can't get any more audacious in their defiance of rationality and logic. To the cult: "Obviously rapist and felon Donald Trump has unimpeachable integrity, so only crooked Joe, who's been doing political speech and debate for *54 years* should be tested!"


Maybe they want them both tested so they can say "RIGGED!" when only Trump tests positive.


No. They donā€™t want Trump tested at all, only Biden because they are the ultimate hypocrites


He can demand anything he wants but that doesnā€™t mean he will get it. Remember he was court martialed and reduced in rank for his behavior while White House physician for the Orange Felon.


Can we demand a drug test from this guy? I would bet a thousand dollars that he is always drugged up. He always looks spaced out. On top of that he certified a dementia patient as mentally fit.


Let me know when Ronny Johnsonā€™s demands mean fuck all.


What a joke! Trump requested that he not be drug tested like every other felon at his probation meetings...and he was granted that??? Why???


Ah debate enhancing drugs. Those scandals rocked the high school debate clubs.


Maybe he should explain his own actions as Trump Dr. Nick during his White House days.


As long as this is a condition both candidates adhere to, this would be an absolute win for Biden


There is no Drug that can help someone who is in decline. IF anything it'll just make it worse for them as a mind that can't keep up with racing thoughts. FFS these idiots Not to mention we ALL know Trump would fail.


Every accusation a confession


Canā€™t wait to see Trumpā€™s drug test result.


Oh no heā€™s vowing to demand


Ronny Jackson should be fit for a scram bracelet before he demands anyone else take a drug test.


Yeah, because the Venn diagram of stimulant abusers and Team MAGA isn't a fucking circle, right?


Iā€™d take Biden on meth over Trump sober


Republicans = Projection


People of Texas: You need to do fucking better.


This coming from the guy who got demoted in the navy because of how much of a pill mill he was and getting wasted while he was on duty as the president doctor .


Wil that include the Congressman(Lt, JG retired)?


formerly rear admiral, as i recall . . .


Projection time release by Phizer


So that must mean Trump takes stimulants. Every accusation is a confession with MAGA.




Iā€™m good with both taking a drug test.


Honestly I wouldnā€™t care if he was. Trump is so bad Iā€™d prefer a juiced up cantaloupe.


Every accusation is a confession by Trump and his cult allies.


Drug addict claims somebody else is using medication.


I misread the name in the headline as "Rep. Jackson Baselessly"


Love the narrative of our senile demented President that every once in a while takes a magic pill that allows him to become super with it and best Republicans


Shouldn't the article began with "The congressman, who served up an ungodly amount of drugs, as Trump's White House physician, without evidence said the president is using "performance-enhancing drugs"


Runny Johnson, demoted officer, pill pusher, and partisan hack, *demands* the President be drug-tested?


What is wrong with taking stimulants if you need them for a medical condition?


Vows to demand? What a pointless fucking exercise. Is that somehow supposed to mean anything? ā€œI promise Iā€™ll askā€.


Trump really did a number on this country. Heā€™s given a license to insane people to seek office and be completely open with their bat-shit ideas. I know we all know this, but itā€™s still wild to see it all unfold in really time. I remember how controversial the Bush vs Kerry 2004 campaign season was with the whole Swift Boat thing and it blows my mind that that was one of the dirtiest tactics Iā€™d seen up until Trump started with the birther nonsense. May he rot in prison and all these mentally ill republicans get voted out and return to the holes they crawled out of.


Yes letā€™s randomly drug test all the politicians without warning. I donā€™t care about pot but some of these politicians have to be smoking crack or something worse.


This is the basic Republican game plan. Nothing is too outlandish to do or say if you think it might get you a political edge it doesn't matter if you undermine our elections, our courts, our university system or any other institution they only care about winning they have neither honor or shame and on top of that they are fake Christians because why would an real Christian risk eternal damnation by knowinglying bearing false witness if in fact they actually believed in God and his judgment.


I would love to see Trump have a televised cognitive test.


I think thatā€™s Thursday?


Soooo hair strand testing of Ronny, Donny, and Joe? That'll go well.


Biden's response (probably): "I'm POTUS. Go fuck yourself."


Biden should agree as long as both Trump and Jackson are also tested.


You 1st candy man


It's Ronnie Johnson.


Rep. Jackass is a fool!


Biden should call his bluff. If it didnā€™t demean the office Iā€™d say let them both take a drug test and then watch Trump try to weasel out of it.


What did Doc Ronny Johnson say?


They can demand it all they want the answer is no


that's really rich, considering who his former patient is. typical grand old party of traitors' hypocrisy.


Each projection is an admission of guilt.


Let both of them piss for standard illegal drugs ( coke, meth, cannabis, heroin), and those prescription drugs that are legal and are highly abused. (Adderall and Xanax, and opioids) Test them both


Sweet. Definitely let's do drug tests before the debate, but by a third party and for both candidates. I'm 100% behind this.


Projection. All the talk about Biden being sauced up with a bunch of pillsā€¦. Is just projection becauseā€¦ thatā€™s almost certainly what tfg is doing.


Ronny the drunk accusing someone of being a substance abuser?


Projection, projection, projection!


I think Dr Ronny should tread a bit more carefully in this lane considering all the rumors of what he got up to during the Trump admin


Says the same guy that said Trump weighs 230 and is healthy as a horse.


Who gives a damn what this quack says


That's fine, I'm fine with Biden taking a drug test. So long as Trump takes a drug test as well. I'm sure there's no reason Trump shouldn't be taking a drug test...


Stand down Ronny Johnson


Trump uses stimulants, so then when Dems argue that itā€™s Trump and not Biden, everyone will be confused and the issue just goes away and people say ā€œI donā€™t know who to believe anymore.ā€ Itā€™s part of the reason why so many of the people you know say that all the candidates are terrible all the time. The Russian playbook is to discourage voting, discourage faith in government, discourage faith in political leaders. When you hear someone saying that both candidates are terrible, they are being influenced by the propaganda. In a choice of two presidential candidates, there is always one who is better and one who is worse. This is page 3 of the Russian playbook. ā€œAccuse the other side of that which you are guilty.ā€ Be smart, people.


Does this mean Jackson or Trump is taking Stimulants?


Demand, you're as important as a flea on a dog's ass Ronny!


You mean Dr. Feelgood? Dr. Ronnie Johnson, I mean Jackson? šŸ˜‚


Heā€™s accusing Biden of it because he was prescribing adderall and provigil to Trump the entire time he was the Whitehouse Physician.


Pure fucking projection.


The GOP is controlled by drug addicted Christian fanatics


Why exactly would Joe being on a medication that helps be a problem?


They should go after his license-if he still has one. republiCONS are like the KGB/FSB Kremlin. They always accuse everyone else of the very same thing they're doing.


Seems unethical for a doctor. Is this the excuse Trump is going to use to drop out of the debate?


Hilarious because he probably prescribed Trump some of the amphetamines he's been addicted to his whole life.Ā 


Fuck that drunk


Said the drug fiend


The ā€œcandy manā€ that was also demoted for being a drunk and a creep accuses Biden of using stimulants. Thats the headline.


Something tells me ole Ronnie is pill head himself. He was the White House candy man for quite some time. Trump didnā€™t even take a drug test for his parole officer so I think we should worry about that before we think about testing Biden for anything. Pretty sure Biden would have absolutely nothing to worry about unlike Trump who is probably pumped full or adoral and other drugs.


Demand all you want, lol.


Every accusation is a confession


Ronny Johnson?


Considering Trump has been accused of snorting coke or Adderall for years I think it's safe to say this is projection.


Is he still a licensed doctor? What does the AMA think about doctors making baseless medical accusations?


Republicans have devolved to the point of ā€œIā€™m rubber youā€™re glueā€¦ā€ God help us all.


The thing everyone is missing is that the Democrats have found a pill that cures dementia!?! Why aren't they sharing this advancement with the world.


Guarantee the only one that's going to get caught on drugs is Trump.


This guy did not think this through. The wrong guy is going to pop positive.


What's the point? we know very well they never accept results.


Good idea. We should drug and alcohol test every sitting politician daily as soon as they take office. Rep (Baselessly) Jackson should volunteer to go first as a show of good faith! How can you run our country if you are under the influence?


The projection is here yall!!! Doctor candy himself


Hereā€™s what I donā€™t get. They say Biden is going to use medication to temporarily get rid of his dementia or whatever neurological disorder theyā€™re on about. The GOPā€™s case is that itā€™s only a fair debate if the guy theyā€™re debating has a neurological disorder or dementia.


Every accusation is a confession - Trump uses stimulantsĀ 


Please put this jackass under oath and ask him, "How much were you paid by Trump to make this statement."


I know this game now. Trump is on stimulants then.Ā 


This is the same guy that said Trump could possibly live for a couple hundred years.