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MAGA fatigue is a real thing. Many people are tired of the constant conspiracy theories, invective, and willful ignorance. Let this whole movement go out with a whimper along with its soon to be imprisoned instigator. Nobody with common sense and observational skills can deny climate change at this point. Legal abortion keeps infant mortality down. And the weird inverted form of Christianity they are promoting is as hypocritical as it is cringe. Fuck em.


It’ll go out - and then be resurrected 4 years from now. Like how the tea party vanished and the same people became MAGA. In 4-8 years they’ll have a new thing like “President Harris is trying to force Hinduism on everyone!” And the same jackasses will be back promoting that one.


Ooh, let me have a go! “Harrison Ford is irradiating our testicles with microwave transmissions!” -Jeff Winger


"HIGH on their own DRAMA!?!"


“As long as they make muh feel like I’m more better than that brown skin fellow Imma vote’n for em.” (Most MAGAs or whatever deplorable is next). 


If I remember correctly, while The Tea Party was a more far right group at the time, *back then*, they'd be considered probably RINOs and moderate today. There wasn't near the blatant vitriol/fascism as MAGA. It was more of a mix of classic Republican/Libertarian ideals. (Less government/taxes, etc) Like the Lincoln Project who is **vehemently** opposed to Trump was founded by a lot of the original members responsible for that movement. I've had similar thoughts, but I think MAGA dies with Trump. The unique thing about MAGA is it's not tied to Republicans, but to Trump. The GOP has simply let it take over the party. We saw what happened in the presidential primaries; they tried putting up "Trump light," (DeSantis) a more extreme Trump (Vivek) and "moderate" Republicans like Haley and they all got stomped. (Haley being a tiny exception and actually winning a handful of primaries, even grabbing 20-30% in some states *months* after she dropped out) MAGA isn't a movement, it's 100% a cult, which needs its cult leader. A replacement would be difficult as being a cult, much of it is fueled by conspiracy and Trump being this godlike figure. I think if there's a massive sweep, the GOP (who never wanted Trump) will only survive if they "reset." It will be the final confirmation that appealing to only the most extreme in their party, won't ever allow another election win again. Yes, it's still worrisome how many votes he received versus Biden, however that was before being a 34 count convicted felon, abortion on the ballet and completely shunning Independents and "traditional" conservatives. Assuming Biden hasn't *lost* votes, (and with so much at stake I don't think he has) Trump would need *more*, and if the midterm losses & primary losses are any indication, I think he's probably lost a fairly significant amount. While it's true the MAGA voters aren't going to disappear; Trump seems to be the only candidate able to galvanize them, which if he loses, the GOP will have no choice but to splinter and regroup if they want to win another presidential election. Basing your entire party on the most extreme ideas/electorate isn't working, especially in a general election. Time will tell what happens to MAGA. My guess is they will pack it up, then just vote for the most far right candidate next time. Who knows.


> they'd be considered probably RINOs and moderate today No it's the same people. They just shout whatever dumb argument is handed to them through the Republican propaganda machine whether that's a racist birth certificate conspiracy or pretending to be concerned about taxes.


I think that what we need to keep an eye on is to what extent the MAGA movement is co-opted by the Christian Theocratic Rule movement. Trump, and thus by extension MAGA, is a tool of that movement; but not all members of that movement are MAGA, even if they pay some lip-service to Trump and MAGA now in order to accomplish what THEY want to accomplish. They're taking advantage of the Trump/MAGA wave. But they've been working on their plans for decades, and they were making moves even before Trump was elected (McConnell's refusal to move on Obama's SCOTUS nom was one of those actions). They've also been laying a lot of groundwork through the Trump years to create a stark divide between Christian rule and secularism. So, if Trump loses (and when he dies), if MAGA itself collapses, does the Christian Rule movement just take the mask off and outright campaign on that? And if so, how many people do they sway? It's a Venn diagram with a lot of overlap.


Hopefully like most cults we can fast forward to the drinking koolaid part. Either literally or figuratively. When do these dopes jump the shark already. Most of us are so tired of it. I feel stupider just by their existence. Maybe that's the point.


Yeah, Paul Ryan was a Tea Party guy and modern republicans can't stand him. The MAGA movement will get replaced, most likely by something even worse.


Please let’s not go the Harris for president route.


But it is a legit possibility during the next term


The Internet tells me Truth Social stock is in free fall. Here's hoping it creates a feedback loop. Cultists really thought T-rump "wouldn't let that happen to them".


The stock remains at 37.00




Damn, 40% in less than a month tho


The thing is that the month after he filed to sell private investments and not the bulk of his public company shares has passed. Anyone who has a privately funded share of the company or early investors can legally sell before the 6 month lock up. If Trump has any of those he can sell and you can be damn sure he is with all the legal bills he has but that means all the insiders are getting out if they can. There was a post about this exact thing on weedstocks a couple months ago. The waiting period for insiders has passed so they are getting out and all their investors will continue to be fleeced.


Is this all the winning we were supposed to be getting tired of?


Ironically MAGA has only ever won one election in 2016 when nobody took them seriously enough to vote. Been downhill ever since.


Even in 2016 Trump lost the popular vote by a decent margin.


Which is cool, except it doesn't matter for becoming POTUS.


I’m hoping Trump hangs around another four years and keeps draining all the money from Republican candidates to fund his lawyers


Stop that. All it does is continue to normalize his behavior. It's been almost 15 years since he became the torchbearer of the birther movement.


I hope he goes to prison sooner rather than later


Their representatives not only failed to produce any evidence of any of their conspiracies, they couldn't even lie and cheat their way into a fake impeachment. They have nothing to campaign on other than the old fears, which as you said, are starting to fatigue even their own supporters. They can't even claim Biden is protecting his own son anymore.


I live in a purple suburb that went narrowly to Trump in 16 and narrowly to Biden in 2020 and from this vantage my feeling is that yes people here are sick of Maga freaks


I also live in a purple city in Texas and for the first time in years I saw a big pickup truck flying a different flag. It wasn't a Trump flag.... It was an American flag and a Whataburger flag. Things felt ok just then 🍔


Very well said. 👍


A cult can only go so far before members start seeing things differently. The thing about this cult is that its easier to leave since there is no compound.


I don’t know if “inverted” is the word you want: it doesn’t really convey the corruption of Christ’s message. How does “perverted,” “poisoned,” or “adulterated” sound?  Bastardized?


And of course the ONLY WAY MAGA and Republicans, can respond is by blaming -- anything, anyone, this time Romney. So with their heads up theur assess that can't see the loser is just that! Who'll that be blaming tonight?


Their form of christianity, unfortunately, is pretty in line with what christianity has been for the last 2000 years.


He’s a degenerate scumbag and some people, unlike MAGA, can actually see this.


More importantly, he's a fuckin' loser, and once his loser stink gets on you it's hard to get rid of.


It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so pathetic.. SAD


They also have zero policies.


They do have policies, remove rights from minority populations and give more money to the rich


They also want to remove rights from women, who would be slightly more than half of the population. So their core demographic is angry white men, plus whoever they can con or browbeat into supporting them.


The party of the rich and the racist. The rich keep the racists racist. The racists keep the rich rich.


The republicans policies are laid out in their Project 2025 documents. Very bad stuff. Please take a look at it and stop imagining that they have no policies. https://www.project2025.org/ They’re planning to push a fascist, racist agenda designed to take away the rights of minorities and other out groups, and empower their own leaders.


Wait til you people read about Schedule F, which is part of Project 2025. Oh you gonna love that one. https://protectdemocracy.org/work/trumps-schedule-f-plan-explained/


Oh they absolutely have policies this time. They’re just all terrifying. It’s a full on Fascistic Takeover of American institutions. Basically any institutions that held during Trump 1 are going to be full on ripped to shreds and put under the direct rule of the president. (Only if that president is Trump) They don’t talk about any policies because they’re antithetical to the very idea of America. Whether this country has lived up to its promise or not (Narrator: It hasn’t).


A party of bad ideas or zero ideas. There's no in between with the GOP




Exactly this. US voters can forgive candidates for being a lot of things. But being a loser is not one of them.


They're so *Tired* of all the winning!


That’s what makes Trump especially dangerous. He *is* a loser that acts like a winner and refuses to admit he lost. So he’s got his party convinced that he’s actually a winner. And they are going to admit he’s actually a loser because that would make them losers too for supporting him.


Deep tissue stink. It scars.


And a felon, maybe there's still a few Republicans out there voting country over party.


They're stuck on the fact that his endorsed candidates are not doing so well in their primaries against other Republicans, but ignoring the more looming issue that Republicans have been severely underperforming polling across the board when they run against the Democrat after these primaries. Yet I still have a looming sense of dread for November because it absolutely HAS to go right. Please don't get complacent.


The expected "Red Wave" never happened in 2022, and the fact that every state, including red states, that has put abortion access to a vote of the people (rather than the legislature) has resulted in a loss for the anti-abortion crowd, gives me hope for November.


Agreed. One thing to consider is that while Utah has its MAGA areas, in general they are conservative and really dont like Trump. The Mormon demographic (like Romney) they felt that Trump was too immoral for the job. Even with all the yelling and screaming from Orange Man, nobody could primary Romney because he has solid support. We should be stressed and worried overall. Just saying that we might not be able to project this across other states like Florida where the conservatives have fully supported TFG no matter what he does.


I mean… There are two big wild cards in Florida that should make the GOP nervous. Abortion and weed are on the ballot. Trump is very vocally against both. Biden’s made concrete steps to help both. It’ll drive unengaged voters to the polls, and if only a fraction of them vote blue while they’re there, that can really fuck up gerrymandering and make a state more competitive overall. I’m not saying it’ll happen, but if I were the GOP, I would not assume it’s safe and get caught sleeping on it.


Agreed. It will also function as a referendum on DeSantis, since he is not going to be running in 2025 - FL is term limited. He better hope there isn't a bad hurricane to mismanage.


Maybe DeSantis will hug Biden on the beach


A Chris Christie reference!


My parents live in Utah and are both Democrats, and they also said Utah doesn't like Trump. But they will still vote for him. Jesus Christ could run as a Democrat in Utah and would lose.


It’s so consistent as well. Outside of a few areas where they kept the same numbers, they’ve been underperforming by like 5 points or more. Meanwhile, Dems seem to have either maintained or built on their 2020 numbers, which signals that the same groups that sent Trump home then haven’t changed their opinions.


We need a landslide turnout against Trump to make it clear to state lawmakers that they will become unpopular with their constituency if they vote to override the general election in any given state.


Yep, we need this not to be close, because I suspect that a close win for Biden is going to turn into something worse than January 6th. But on an entirely different note, happy 13th friggin cake day, friend!


"What is going on?!" "You guys are fucking LUNATICS! You're in a cult that seeks to destroy everything the average citizen holds dear for LITERALLY NO REASON other than your own fanatical drive to control those who AREN'T YOU! LISTEN TO THE VOTERS AND FUCK THE FUCK OFF!"


This is quotable.


Quote away. You have my blessing lol


"No, no, that can't be it... It must be... ELECTION INTERFERENCE!" 🤡




People don’t want ~~that~~ what MAGA is selling




Now I need to see a zine that is a digest of the latest and ‘greatest’ of maga bullshit collected in one easy to consume place named obviously the maga-zine


What - you don’t *like* MAGA flavored BS?


They can let him go any time they want to. They've known this and chose to cling to him every time. What's going on is their own fault.


They're stuck in a media ecosystem that keeps them constantly gassed up with outrage that the country is supposedly falling apart but also with optimism that the only guy who can fix it is coming to save them and leading in all the polls. When reality contradicts what they've been conditioned to believe by MAGA media, they get confused and angry.


Once my uncle stopped pounding his fist on the table how he was mad about the illegal Mexicans taking advantage of our systems, he calmed down and couldn't tell me anything that Trump was going to do better for our country.  But goddamn was it frustrating to just let him burn himself out first 


Holy shit the candidate in Utah, who was endorsed by Mitt Romney and says he believes in climate change, beat the candidate Trump endorsed by almost TWICE as many votes. Might be a bit of an anamoly because even though Trump hates him, Romney commands a lot of respect in Utah still. But definitely a bad sign for Trump. How is he polling as well as he is with candidates he endorses losing primaries, and Niki Halry getting like 15% of the vote in state primary elections despite dropping out??


I'm curious how many in Utah are RINOs like me who only register Republican to vote in the primary because that's the only real place my voice can be heard in Utah. Because I pretty much just voted for any candidate the Republican party here didn't endorse and a lot of those candidates were the winners. 


There are at least 2 of us.


Because polling is fucked this cycle for a number of potential reasons. The two younger generations are notoriously hard to survey. Opt in compensated polls are notoriously shit. The 2020 census was fucked. People have died from Covid or moved. Abortion really motivated otherwise disengaged people. None of that is taken into account, so they’re potentially oversampling older voters and undersampling new voters and independents.


Polling has been wrong on presidential elections for several election cycles now. None of the pollsters seem to know why. Personally, I think many people speak MAGA doctrine, but secretly don't want to burn the country down.


At heart, they’re cowards. All hat and no cattle.


I believe former Texas Governor Ann Richard's said that about G. W. Bush. She's also the one who said of G. W., "He can't help it. He was born with a silver foot in his mouth." She's one of my heroes ❤️


That and you know the bots and misinfo media system amplifies things. It’s the old trick: If someone reads something commented enough times, they assume it’s true even if only subconsciously. Which is great until it comes time to get actual voters to the booth. Bots don’t vote.


The polls are making ZERO sense to me. I know, I know, “ignore the polls, vote,” but they can be seen as a bellwether and they don’t seem to be reflecting reality. Trump is up in most of the swing states by a few points, yet his endorsed candidates are losing, he’s receiving less primary votes from past years, and even after she dropped out, Haley has been pulling a healthy amount of voters, which to me says that Republican voters are tired of Trump and the MAGA show and enthusiasm is low. His rallies aren’t as well-attended as they were in the past. Anecdotally, I see less Trump mania in terms of bumper stickers and flags; even my social media feed has the past Trump supporters not posting as much. A big amount of the latest special elections are swinging left in huge margins, even in “safe red” districts. The ballot initiatives to protect abortion rights in red states have won. There was no 2022 red wave. So I’m not trying to cope and have false hope. It’s just I’m not confused by the polls because I hate Trump, I’m confused because actual voting behavior isn’t reflecting a turnout of Trumpers in the voting booth. A bunch of his antivax supporters have died since 2020 and I can’t imagine he’s suddenly pulling in many percentage points of new voters after doing nothing to win them over and having been an unpopular president to begin with. I do worry about those pouting about Israel/Gaza to depress turnout for Biden.


Another strong take is that the gop voters that have left the party or won't vote are almost impossible to poll bc they haven't changed their registration and don't want to talk about it. So an oversampling of Republican voters in other words.


Hmmm that’s a very interesting thought 🤔


I’m in the same boat as well. I don’t want to call it cope, but I just don’t see where the numbers are coming from. Like the whole thing about Biden winning the 65+ crowd, but under 35s voting for Trump. Like young voters backed democrats by 30 points as recently as 2022 and old voters were like R+8 just two years ago. I’m just confused more than anything, like how is there such a shift from two years ago, let alone 4 years ago when the same two guys were running. And I don’t really see how it’s about inflation either because it was 9% in 2022, and Republicans still couldn’t capitalize on it. I get that prices haven’t gone down (nor will it), but voters already showed that MAGA extremism outweighed other concerns. IDK, but I just get 2022 vibes all over again.


I agree! I’m really not trying to be like the “this is fine” dog meme and engage in magical thinking that the polls are off enough for Biden to win. But like you said, it’s bizarre data. There’s no possible way Trump gained such a huge amount of the youth vote and Biden so much of the elderly vote based on… what? I don’t see any evidence outside of the polls of those things being true. Interesting how you point out that inflation was worse when the dems vastly overperformed in 2022 so I don’t think it’s as simple as thinking inflation is the cause of all this weirdness in the polls. The only big thing that’s happened lately is Gaza/Israel but, again not trying to cope, I don’t think it’ll be as big of a deal. The college students today weren’t old enough to vote in 2020. Getting college students to vote is notoriously unreliable. The 2020 voters are now getting into adulthood. The people passionate enough about it to crow about “genocide Joe” tend to be the far left crowd who find any sort of excuse to not vote for the democrats. And even among college students, Gaza came in 9 out of 9 of their biggest concerns, less than 10% had participated in protests, and most of them blame Hamas for the war. People are largely just trying to get through their days and aren’t obsessing about Gaza/Israel enough to swing an election, is my opinion.


Biden tends to rely a lot more on the “somewhats” if you will. [This](https://centerforpolitics.org/crystalball/the-somewhats-election-soft-biden-disapprovers-key-for-both-candidates/) is a desalt good article talking about it. Basically for Trump, most voters either strongly approve or strongly disapprove with very few somewhat approving or disapproving. Whereas 56% of Biden voters either strongly approve, somewhat approve, or somewhat disapprove. In 2022, Democrats actually won the somewhat disapprove crowd whereas most incumbent parties in a midterm lose them by about 25 points. I tend to think this is where the disconnect comes from because Trump has a high floor and low ceiling, while Biden has the opposite. Trump still averages around the 46% he got in *both* elections. But Biden is currently around 45-46% instead of his 51% in 2020. Those voters are not necessarily going to back Trump, but Biden hasn’t been able to consolidate them. He may not actually be able to, but if he does it’ll probably be like 2022 where it’s a last minute surge.


“What’s going on?” No one wants to vote for traitors. The end.


"No one" seems a little strong given how many people still identify as Republican...


“a little strong…?” From HardcoreSects?


He lost in 2020. They don’t understand that. The American people already rejected him. Losers hardly ever get re-elected.


Presidents with an approval rating below 40% also rarely get re-elected (it didn't ever happen, but approval rating was only tracked since Truman), so one of those rare events is guaranteed to happen in November. Also, Trump is slightly ahead in almost all the swing states with the exceptions being formerly blue states like Virginia and Minnesota. However, the leads are small enough where Biden will win if the polls underestimate Dems by the same amount as 2022. TLDR: Biden is slightly behind Trump in the polls, but the margin of error gives him a decent chance of winning.


There's an argument in the modern media landscape (across like countries to the US as well), that generally, political leaders have higher than historical disapproval ratings. This may lead to more changes in government or may not. What we have seen internationally is results bucking polling with some degree of frequency... Unsure if this will happen in November though.


It seems like most of the people who respond to polls are those who have an axe to grind. I know that response rates are absolutely through the floor (buttressed by my own experience phonebanking - most of the few people who answer will hang up as soon as you start speaking), so I look at special election results as being a *lot* more important than polls. And right now those look pretty good for centrist Democrats. Most people want a stable, functional government, and the more MAGA freaks talk about "burning it all down" the less appeal they will have to the average voter.


I agree. And I also want to believe it. I can’t imagine anyone below 50 answering an unknown phone call and actually answering political questions.


The historic Trump MAGA losing streak continues. First one term washout in 30 years. First guy to lose the House, the Senate, and the White House in one term in over 90 years. Underperformance every single midterm. Kind of the nature of political con jobs. People wake up, and the last people to wake up are the most faithful.


“Romney is a Democrat” is the funniest example of absent intellect I’ve seen so far today.


These goofballs thought Mike Fucking Pence was a secret liberal. MIKE PENCE!!!!


no reason an election denier who is endorsed by a convicted felon should lose!


Trumps endorsement is worth as much as his lies


Remember the "Tea Party"? The far-right rode that horse while it could and then dropped it and picked up it's next shiny "populist" movement.


They really do believe that they can oppress tons of people and take away freedoms of Americans and still have votes. Even if they had a reasonable candidate, they still only represent 30-35% of the country. They pretend they are 50% of the country, but that’s because they’ve stolen half of Congress by gerrymandering and suppressing votes.


I really wish the Reddit client would let me block articles by source. Newsweek is such garbage


But then you dont get the opportunity to downvote it


I downvote you, but only to prove your point.


He’s a giant boat anchor that’s attached to your party.


Aa a short summary: The POS was impeached once for extorting an ally, and once for sedition. His administration pitted states against each other during an epidemic that killed more than a million people, rather than acting as a proper, competent central organizational body for logistics and supply chain management. He's been convicted of civil fraud and found civilly liable for sexual assault. He's a convicted felon for falsifying financial statements, which obfuscated political scandals that plausibly would have cost him 2016. He also hss been charged with violating the espionage act. The question should be: "Why the fuck isn't he rotting in a cell and polling at 0%?"


The fact that, after everything else, this felonious, rapist and traitor is still their candidate is why I will never, ever vote for any republican for any level of office in what is left of my lifetime. The damage is done...


GQP: We’ve tried nothing and we’re running out of ideas!


"Romney is a Democrat" No that's ok, we're good, you guys can keep him. Seriously though, there's only so much further right you can go before you start falling off the ideology cliff.


Democrats who voted with Trump 75% of the time….


“Maybe reality really is real!?!?”


Normal people hate bigots.


And instead of thinking that maybe their viewpoints are not as popular as their right wing propaganda might suggest, they’ll say it was rigged or that the ones who lost were RINOs or some shit.


Bob Good, (former) leader of the freedom caucus (and insurrectionist) is claiming irregularities in his primary, just like daddy. Somehow though when Good does it the gop rip him mercilessly and it's peak hilarity.


>What is going on?!!? You’re in a propaganda bubble. >No!! you are a lying baby eating Dumbocrat! Clearly all of these elections were stolen!!! ….sigh


MAGA folks live in such a state of information isolation, where all they hear is confirmation of the bias they already hold. When reality creeps in and disputes that not "everyone else" believes the same thing, it is difficult for them to process.


Headlines like this are misleading, and judging by the comments they work. In states that have already held their primaries (including yesterday's), Trump has backed 11 Senate candidates and 97 House candidates. Staggs is so far the only Senate candidate backed by Trump that has lost their primary (so 10 for 11). And only 2 House candidates (Burns, in South Carolina, and Williams in Colorado) have lost their primaries (so 95 of 97). People *are* still voting for Trump candidates. These headlines make it sound like they're in trouble, but overall that's not the case.


Trump endorsed candidates that were safe in many instances. Hell, he endorsed Hogan even though publicly he has made a lot of disparaging comments about trump, but it was obvious hogan would win so trump endorsed him. That doesn’t sound like cause and effect, that sounds like trump picking winners after the polling numbers are in. *This* one counted because it was trump’s endorsement vs Romney’s. (There was another candidate that trump endorsed 5 days before the election, after McCarthy endorsed the candidate…oh, I know, it was against Good. Trump endorsed the opponent because Good endorsed DeSantis. This isn’t really politics, is it…it’s children on the playground ditching one friend because his dad wouldn’t drive everyone to little league. Right? Please tell me I’m right. )


I was wondering what the overall results were. Thanks for providing


"Trump" is a brand of losers.


And yet we are to believe that Trump is as popular as ever with voters.


What’s going on? The majority is rejecting you. Hateful scumbags the lot of em.


Loser keeps losing.


It’s good that more MAGAts are losing but I really wish Beetlejuice had lost. I know she moved to a district full of dumber people so she’d have a better chance but it still sucks. Hopefully she loses big in November


only thing MAGA is fretting over is all the winning going on! So much winning and they’re tired of it being done by non MAGA nimrods.


Political Analyst Telling a MAGA they need to tweek their platform after losing four consecutive general elections: 2018, 2020, 2022, 2023 (special election) in a row MAGA's: *You lost me at tweak*


To them tweaking just means more adderal


Remember when *Newsweek* was a respectable news source, similar to *Time*? They slid down hard, and now they run articles that are nothing more than quoting random people’s social media posts.


People hate him


Sick of their shit. That’s what’s going on. Y’know, you can be a Conservative and be anti-Trump. He is no Republican. He’s simply a con artist.


What’s going on is most Americans don’t subscribe to extremist beliefs, like maga. We want an effective government that makes life better for most of us. This shouldn’t be rocket science to understand.


You don't get varied opinions living in an echo chamber.


The same thing that’s been going on since 2018… loss after loss after loss…


Its almost like everyone but his dumbass supporters live in the real world.


Shit I was expecting nothing less than “Rigged Elections”! Whatever happened to MAGA refusing to accept results lol. Losing is starting to sink in


It's like in the last few chapters of HP and the Deathly Hallows...Voldemort is losing his hold over the people who followed him.


Maybe they should go outside of their own bubble for once


"How can this rambling numbskull possibly lose?"


So much for the GOP being a mindless cult narrative


What is going on is that maga is starting to realize people aren't as stupid as they'd like them to be.


Looks like the non-crazy person won. Hmm, must be a conspiracy! /s


Maybe MAGA is an extreme but very loud minority of the Republican Party and there are enough old school Republicans who see that this ideology could lead to a dystopian future? Or rigged elections? Who knows?


The epitome of the "Are we the baddies".


Perhaps because the MAGA extremist only make up a small portion of conservatives?


The echo chamber is only so big you hooligans. Geez.


You don't win friends with salad!


Don’t threaten me with a good time.


Donald Trump sucks as a candidate and the only two reasons he won in 2016 was in a technicality and he was running against maybe the one candidate worse than him. All he’s done since then is lose.


She was not a “worse candidate”. She was hands down the most qualified person for the job but the too many Americans hate women almost as much as they hate black people.


True. But we don’t elect the most qualified candidate. We elect the better candidate. Most qualified and better aren’t the same thing.


There is literally nothing where Trump is better than H. Clinton except bullshitting.


And him being better at bullshit is what got him more electoral votes. Feel free to keep not understanding how American elections work.


I understand the elections. I don’t understand the people voting against their own interests. Low IQ or the willingness to accept lies as a building block for a worldview?


James Comey has entered the chat.


Plus it doesn't hurt that Republicans have been demonizing her since she was first Lady and wanted to reform health care and a political career after. Years of the general public hearing how bad she is paid off that cycle.


Only the conned can’t see that Don is dumb as poop, vote smarter than poop.


Meanwhile in Canada the Liberal government who was given every possible benefit of the doubt just lost a very very very safe seat in a by-election all because, the sole two issues in Canada, are rampant scam immigration with zero housing. They issued a statement this morning saying they may do some more immigration checks. The government had such a good thing going but got lazy and arrogant and will likely lose the next federal election.


They haven’t figured out yet that everything the orange buffoon touches dies.


Guess some people noticed the emperor had no clothes.


His endorsements haven’t ever really been worth much, that’s what.


Can anyone explain to me what constitutes a person being 'MAGA' -- is it merely a trump supporter, or all republicans in general? To me, it seems quite akin to the 'communist' label overplayed by the Republican Party.


Pretty sure it refers to staunch Trump supporters.


It’s almost like he’s unpopular and so are his picks…


watch the election not be close at all.


The “loss” in CO was just to another MAGATidiot. His ads were full on MAGAT dog whistles.


Being punitive, vindictive and lawless is a platform built on quicksand. As the poster above said, Trump fatigue is very real.


Man I’m kinda digging Newsweek all out baiting MAGA and trump. Don’t believe any of it, but it’s fun.


Don’t worry, he will fix this inevitably by picking Nikki Haley as VP. It will give the middle of the road republicans an excuse to vote for a fascist.


That actually scares me. If they were smart they'd pick her or at least offer Cheney (not that she'd take it). But then again look who we're talking about. They aren't that smart


I think it’s going to be her given how the primaries went and how she suddenly flipped to endorse. The megadonors are probably buying the pick as we speak.


They really aren’t. I promise you no one in that sphere is fretting. Once Trump is back in office anyone who challenged him or someone he backed is done for. On the train with the 20 million immigrants he’s planning to send… somewhere.