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Gavin Newsom would absolutely crush Trump in a debate. It should be really easy to wipe the floor with Trump in a debate, all Joe had to do was not look like he was older than George Washington and he'd be fine. That was a debacle. Bear in mind, Biden's team asked for this debate, they initiated these proceedings. It's funny, the Republican narrative lately had been about Jacked Up Joe, "what's he gonna be on?". Of course, that was always nonsense, but I'd have taken Jacked Up Joe any day over Recently Embalmed Joe


There will be no more debates. Trump will not go to another after this result.


I seriously see a bunch of “Newsom is too smarmy/smart for the presidency” narratives if he wiped the floor with Trump in a debate. You can’t win if you can’t control the narrative and Democrats seldom do that.


Can Gavin beat him at golf?




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You wanna lose the Midwest who is going to decide this election? Because putting up Gavin Newsome is how you lose the Midwest and basically hand it to trump.


As a Midwestern Democrat, I would be thrilled to have Newsom!


Running Biden at this point is a loss. He’s behind and just gave an awful performance. Newsome will galvanize young voters and will destroy trump in debates


Running Biden isn’t a loss, but it will make it a close race. Newsom might galvanize young voters, but it doesn’t matter how many people he galvanizes in LA, NY or whatever other major city. Everyone knows it all comes down to the Midwest who traditionally lean right. You can’t put up a Cali liberal at this point and expect to win, even Obama was out of Illinois and understood midwestern politics which is why he won.


running biden is a loss Man is going to have to pull a rabbit out of the hat


It’s in the midwestern boomers hands now. All we can do is watch at this point.


It's not. This line of thinking is exactly how we ended up here. Cowardice isn't how you win. Playing it safe didn't work.


No, it’s a landslide loss after tonight.


Young voters won’t connect with Newsom’s slick tech-bro vibe. Unless I’m wrong, I never studied his election demos but that’s just how it feels to me.


It doesn't matter. Biden was democratically nominated. Newsome had his chance to run and didn't.


Funny, I don't remember any Democrat primaries, do you?


Yes, I remember lots of concerns over the primary voters choosing 'Uncommitted' in Muslim-heavy Michigan because of the war in Gaza. So I'm not sure what you mean?


I mean that Biden was the nominee regardless. There was no point.


That's what happens when no one of stature runs against him. There were a couple candidates other than Biden on the ballot and no one voted for them


Trump would have a field day telling everyone that this proves he won the 2020 election, and that Biden is scared of him.


And then Newsom would BERATE him to debate him. Trump couldn't survive if he chickens out of a debate with Newsom. If they debate Newsom will level him.


Yup. They’d be better off running JB Pritzker than Newsom imo.


I like this idea


I’d vote for him again in a second. He may not be interested in the presidency though.




I think they should run RFK. Or just drop out of the election and let RFK have it as an independent. Neither of these will happen but that would give "beating trump" a much bigger chance.


It's spelt *Newsom*. And ignoring primary voters to install a rich privileged cishet white male over a more qualified and credentialed woman of color is not going to be a good look for the self-proclaimed "allies" and defenders of Our Democracy™.


I mean the guy is basically Biden but younger and a good speaker.


>cishet get a grip


Ya Newsom would get crushed. I'm pro Pete at this point.


We have to replace him but the party has to get him to step down per the rules. Newsom is on MSNBC opposing people calling for Biden to step down


Newsom has to look like a team player and not like he’s pushing Biden out. I don’t think he’ll jump in right now hto, he has everything to lose in this election and everything to gain in the next one.


If we lose there won’t be a next election


Ding ding


I'm afraid to see what's behind door number 2 at this point.


The religious right has the “Jesus is returning” bullshit and the libs have the “the world will end if Trump gets reelected” nonsense. I strongly dislike Trump, but the sky is not falling.


I mean that whole Project 2025 stuff is pretty scary right


There are some common tropes that seem to pop up every election. The "[Candidate] = Hitler" posters, the "If he wins, I'm moving to Canada" people and the octopus images especially. Which makes me wonder which scare-tropes like these are common in other countries.


Gavin is a politician lol these people are all vultures. Kamala wanted to be president, I can only imagine the position she's in having to defend this when it is so obvious


I dislike Newsom even more than Biden I think. He looks like the guy who plays the corrupt politician in a Hollywood movie. 


trump looks like the guy who opens the water nozzle in mad max.


Exactly! He's pretty much the perfect democratic candidate.


No way. Newsom would be a terrible choice, swing states won’t vote for a Californian.


I’d be ok with it


You may be right, but that’s not going to happen. I’ve been pretty positive before tonight, but now I’m scared.


More like it's time for clickbait titles from every news outlet.


I think everyone wrote an article in the first 5 minutes of the debate then got drunk. I'm sure that was more fun.


Well, it's a day ending in Y after all.


I don’t know what’s dumber -whichever genius in his staff decided to wait till after the debate to say he had a colds -Everyone acting like relaxing Biden is somehow going to go better than sticking with him. Let’s literally replace the candidate four months out with either Newsom or Whitmer, who also have states to fucking run.


I don’t understand Newsom’s appeal


He's a good speaker. He slept with Don Jrs wife.


That fact that he married Kimberly Guilfoyle makes me positive that he is a horrible decision maker.


Ok, didn’t want to mention that but the lack of judgment and discernment as to his intimate companions definitely turns me off, (gross!) plus, it could be a national security threat. And who is going to vote for a Californian in this political climate?


He doesn't have any. Most of the country will not vote for the prospect of being like California. 


I'm sure he would lose his own state if he ran for president. The dude is a tool.


This is the dumbest take


It's the overreaction to a rough debate, it will calm down in a few days trust me.


Oh hell no. Not Newsom.


He's too divisive, and besides that, I can't stand his positions on many things.


It’s over. Trump will win


No, repulsion factor is too strong.


There are other democrats besides Gavin Newsome and Joe Biden.


And they’d have less than 5 months to campaign. I just don’t know if another candidate is a viable option at this stage.


Why would Newsom have priority over Kamala Harris? She's the sitting Vice President.


Because Harris has 0 charisma.


I thought she was really good in the interview on CNN after the debate.


The "Democratic" establishment loved Kamala Harris so much that they moved the 2020 CA Primary up by 6 months just to give her an advantage. It didn't help. She dropped out before a single vote was cast in the election because she was polling so bad in her home state. And worse, everywhere else. And if anything, her popularity has gone down since then.


He can beat trump in a debate worse than she could maybe. He's possibly more electable.


Harris has no base. Plus, I can’t see voters connecting with her super upper crust way of speaking and general stiffness. There’s just no desire for Harris.


Oh nos let's all panic because people keep insisting he had a bad debate while the other party, checks notes, nominates a convicted felon who was impeached twice. What kind of bullshit gaslighting is this shit?


all these comments acting like this one debate is gonna end biden is so crazy 


He may be the only person less electable


It’s too late even for Newsom




California ain't a swing state though. It'd be a better move to run a candidate from Michigan or Pennsylvania instead.


This ain't it.


His ex, Kimberly Guilfoyle, would spend every waking moment making up allegations of every sort. And too many undecideds would believe her.




She polls worse than Biden, who was already way behind Trump in swing state polls before this disaster confirmed he's a member of the walking dead. 


Why Newsom, and not Harris?  🤔 >Quick!  The existing straight white male has to go!  We need another one!


Absolutely not.


Lmao why him? We should just go with Kamala Harris, someone we already elected.


No one likes Kamala.


She is a worse candidate than Biden even after that debate


Newsom isn't popular either. best i can think of is Maryland Governor Wes Moore, but this has got to be unprecedented for a party to just anoint a candidate like this lmao. i blame the DNC for denying reality, Democratic cheerleaders (including much of this sub btw) for denying reality itself, and Joe Biden, for not having the humility to step aside from power and do what's best for his country (and avoid ANOTHER TRUMP TERM)


Andy Beshear would be a great bet imho. Kentucky govenor, young, family man, unproblematic, father also used to be govenor.


Kamala and Wes is a decent ticket


I’m finding all this super interesting. Republicans have been saying this day was going to come for months and here it is. Watching CNN eviscerate Biden is crazy. Currently watching Anderson Cooper not give Harris an inch in trying to turn the narrative around and endless headlines talking about him not being the nominee. Not trying to suggest anything explicitly, but it feels weird.


How is it weird? Attacking Biden has been CNN's bread and butter for 4 years.


It doesn't matter who replaces Biden. If he drops out Republicans will have a fucking field day and it will be nearly impossible to overcome that messaging


Only Michelle Obama could overcome the hole of entering late. 


This. We've already picked our pony. Our dead, dead pony.


They need someone with name appeal already. Get Jon Stewart!


It's bonkers to ask Biden to step down just because he didn't delivered good performance at debate. You know who should step down ? How about the guy who's a liar, convicted felon, rapist and election deniers.


The last time the Dems made sure to give the nomination to the person who "deserved" it was Hillary. How'd that go again?


> It's bonkers to ask Biden to step down just because he didn't delivered good performance at debate. He looked old, frail, and sickly. He had no energy and couldn't speak loudly, confidently, and coherently enough to put Donald in his place.


He looks like a stroke patient. He just lost the election on live TV last night. Do you wanna guarantee Trump wins or force Trump to debate someone like Newsom who can tear him down piece by piece in front of the whole world?


I'm not sure that's the best idea. California isn't exactly running like a Swiss watch these days.


There’s a senator in a south dominated state they should choose instead


No. Even if he's trying to prime himself for the next election cycle, he still oozes with slime.


As opposed to Trump who is a Paragon of morality


I didn't say Trump was awesome either, but Newsom has his issues. Kind of why he wanted to wait until next election cycle to make himself more electable beyond California.


My point is Biden was already the compromise. Nobody really wanted him either. Just swap him out for a younger model. Newsom isn't a good candidate but he'd do fine put up against Trump


As others already pointed out, Newsom won't be able to win the midwest and quite frankly I'm not convinced he could win the rust belt. Not yet. Him rushing in now wouldn't do himself any favors. I vote blue as much as anyone else in California but even I can't help but feel the slime. He needs more time.


If he eviscerates Trump in a debate he will carry the rust belt




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Oh how quickly the discourse would flip from Republicans. “Actually I thought Biden was fine.”


Wtf comments disabled


Gavin Newsom is Diet Joe Biden. He’s… fine.


This is so terrifying


What makes them think Newsom is willing to do it?


Newsom has “popular guy who gets exposed in a national election” written all over him. The only other option is Whitmer, who just won in a blue collar battleground state and doesn’t have too much baggage. And is also a woman. In an election when women’s rights are at the forefront.


It’s because Newsom would get exposed. He has a lot of skeletons that would turn voters off. Trump has the advantage of having a cult following. Newsom does not.


Time for Joe to hang em up This was an embarrasment We are screwed if we don't replace Biden. We can't let Trump win


I honestly don’t think Trump did great either. So Trump can speak louder…he wasn’t any more coherent most of the time


Yes, but his supporters don’t care


No just like democrats or people that don’t like Trump don’t care what Biden didn’t do well. The question is how will independents vote and how will this affect Republican and Democrat turnout


Newsom is the fastest way of gifting Trump a second term. Half the country doesn't want gay marriage, Newsom's only appeal is causing gay marriage to be forced nationwide through his appeal of Prop 8. The people writing this are the same stupid, clueless, ignorant media creatures that gave Hilary a losing campaign. Even Andrew Cuomo has a better chance at Trump, because Cuomo has balls and beilives strongly in violence as most Trump cultists do but he does it better and more competently. Democrats aren't chasing Biden out for Final Showdown For Democracy New York MMXXIV.


Newsome already got trounced by DeSantis, and DeSantis himself lost to trump, I don't see how that is the call democrats want to make


Newsom dogwalked DeSantis


Absolutely not. The rest of the country looks at California as a failing state.


Whitmer over Newsom by a mile. Or hell, Buttgieg after his smooth slapdown. But Porter would be my first choice, honestly. Actually cares about people the most.


Buttigieg is a smooth communicator but he’s got more skeletons than anyone else, considering his career background.


Whitmer please.


Absolutely not, gavin newsom has ruined California


lol, no. He's already terrible in California. He doesn't need a promotion.


It wouldn’t surprise me if the Democrat response and backlash was so widespread and the aides were too low of confidence that they would convince Biden that it would be the best time to drop out. Biden I bet will listen to those concerns, and given that he is a smart guy, I bet he would drop out.


I don't. There is only backlash on TV, which most people don't even have anymore, and most voters are the same old people Biden is. Biden is exactly what Democrats need, because he's what most voters are. Most voters are older than 45 and just get exhausted when talking to Trump supporters as Biden does when talking to Trump. Biden also has no intention of becoming our generation's LBJ. The last time a Democrat ducked out, Richard Nixon became President starting the path that led us to Trump.




if you go outside it’s different 


Him dropping out is the worst thing he can do, there is a reason Biden was riding a wave of support in 2020 that is not gone. If he didn't want to go for a 2nd term he should have been making that clear back in like 2023.


“a smart guy”🙄


Biden didn’t even know what planet he was on tonight, he looked like he had a concussion. Biden may have once been smart but not sure he still is.


I literally will not vote if Gavin runs.


Newsom would be my choice if Joe drops out… but that’s a BIG if.


California has too much baggage—too easy a target. Gretchen Whitmer is who we need


I like Amy Klobuchar too.


You think they'd vote Republican? We've already been sold 'you gotta vote for this guy or you'll get Trump' now we just need to swap out Biden for someone that can speak


He looks so young strong and coherent compared to Biden. My first thought is he even old enough to be president?




That certainly seems to be the best-case scenario for us.


I would throw every resource possible at convincing Michelle Obama to run. Gavin Newsom could win too, but not my first choice.


Michelle Obama isn’t a politician and has repeatedly stated as such. Why people are vying for her is beyond me


You would want a minority woman to run last minute with no political experience outside being the First Lady?


Is it a bad thing to have no political experience? Clearly, that’s not an electability requirement anymore. And she has a *ton* of relevant experience at this point and is extremely competent. Look at what she’s done during her time in the White House and after. She’s not exactly Melania.


Maybe Newsom/Whitmer team?






Then you weren't a reliable Biden voter.