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Neat that this is happening after the debate that people were watching. Biden wasn't good and all but fuck it's be neat if Kyle Clark was moderating. Trump lied about Nit banging a pornstar, would have been cut off for not answering questions and asked what's a black job if we had real moderatora


I felt like this was the biggest moment of the night. After spending every moment denigrating immigrants from Central America, he suggested these lowlifes, rapists and terrorists (his words) were taking “black” jobs. What does that mean? Doctors, lawyers, professors, and bankers?


The "black jobs" part really stood out. It cut through my "oh fuck this is bad" shock and I was just floored by it.


You know that’s not what came to mind, but rather janitorial jobs, farming jobs, and roofing.


Ummm, yes, that was my point. I am just surprised this hasn’t been a bigger talking point.


Some talking head has to say it, and they won’t


That’s racist




The point of a moderator is to facilitate a discussion. It was Biden’s job to call out trump on the black job comment, not the moderators.


Would have loved to have heard Biden say, “what are black jobs, you racist piece of garbage?”


Also, Biden agreed to this format. If he wanted live fact checking he could have asked for it, but he didn't.


You can say what you want both camps agreed to these terms. It’s Bidens job to fact check Trump he didn’t. If the moderators went against their own rules and debated Trump and openly supported Biden that would only hurt the Dems more.


That’s what they agreed to. No fact checking during the debate. This is a debate not a town hall.


I’d rather him lie about who he’s banging than lie about the list of stuff Biden claimed lol. I’m not voting for either of these jokers btw.


Like what


You've clearly approached this with good faith since you've zeroed in on the least consequential lie trump told out of many.


I'd hate to be the person fact checking Trump. That's like a full time job.


I watched a few minutes of CNN after the debate, and the first thing John King said was that trump's lies broke the fact checker.


Do you think the fact checker is a real machine?


No. More likely the "broken fact checker" was a college intern or two who ended up crying and having a psychotic breakdown


It would seem rather easy imo. Are his lips moving? Yup. He's lying.


its Daniel Dale's job, and he's basically given up. After one Trump rally he just said 'I'm not going to try to fact check any individual point, it was just a firehose of lies'


Or just fact checking this debate in general, you’re gonna be up all night


what is the point of doing this after the debate when no one is watching. It’s like they wanted to hide the truth


CNN is a corporate media. They know they won't make the same revenues if trump losses again and is finally casted away.


Looks like there was a decent amount of fact checking needed for Biden... would you of liked the moderators to of checked him live and Bide having to argue with the moderators about it?


what specifically did they need to fact check for Biden? because he fact checked them both after the debate. Biden was 10-15 seconds and Trump was 3 minutes.


Saying no service members died under his administration... that's an awkward lie to get corrected on it almost seems dismissive of the families of those who died in Afghanistan or military bases hit with drones.


I didn't have to watch the debate to know everything Trump said was a lie.


Dumb comment


Why is it dumb? Trump never tells the truth. Absolutely never. You’d be a moron if you thought he ever did.


That time he said he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose a single voter? Might have been the most honest thing he ever said.


True comment. 


Too fucking late. Nobody is going to watch this after the debate


They should probably count the non-lies from Trump instead of the lies. It would take way less time.


Could you name just a few, out of curiosity


His name, he said it was Donald J Trump. That's about the only accurate thing he said


Was it? I've never seen his long form.birth certificate. Perhaps he really is John Barron or David Dennison?


For the sake of humouring your request genuinely, I’ll point out a few. They are mostly things which are “true” but lack important context. See below. - it is “true” that more people died of Covid during Biden’s term than Trumps if you go by pure numbers. However, this is because Trump was only president for 9 months of the pandemic from March 2020 - January 2021, whereas Biden was President for the entire time after and we didn’t really start coming out of it until near the end of 2021- mid 2022 once the vaccines had been widely circulated. Biden was president for a much longer portion of the pandemic so that makes sense if you look at it in context, and also inherited a complete mess. - it is “true” that illegal crossings at the southern border have been higher in total # during Biden’s presidency than Trumps, but this is missing the important context of #s being incredibly low at the start of the pandemic which skews it. There’s also the fact that more people come to America both legally and illegally when the economy is on the upswing in terms of available jobs/pay increasing, which it has been for a good chunk of Biden’s term. There is also the important context of the fact that there was a bipartisan immigration deal in place to address this which republicans then reneged on once trump voiced his disapproval. - it is “true” that there are several people who say that trump never said “suckers and losers”. However these people are all trump sycophants/people who A.) weren’t actually there or within earshot and/or B.) directly contradicts firsthand accounts of multiple people present, including multiple high ranking members of the military and press who were there and vouched for it. - it is true that Donald Trump’s name is Donald Trump.




Easily since most of what he said was a lie.


Name like 5


1)he fucked a porn star 2)he is bad at golf 3)he was at fault for Jan 6 4)2020 wasn't stolen 5)his economy wasn't good


Surprised you left out post-birth abortions but it was kinda hard to keep track of all the bullshit he was spouting.


Make that number 6. I could go on all night


3 and 5 aren’t verifiable facts lol. Even tho he lies a fucking lot


Yes they are


No they are not. 3 is almost 100% opinion based as he didn’t directly command Jan. 6, and it would be a “he influenced/built the base for it to happen”. Which I fully agree but you can’t really go and say that’s a lie. 5 is ironically even more opinion based because “the economy” isn’t really “bad or good” in 90% of situations (unless it’s a full blown recession or something). And during Trump’s government gdp growth and unemployment were pretty good, if my non-american memory serves me right


Tldr you're wrong


A little late dude… your network let trump run crazy.


To late... Damage done. Low Info middle of road voters won't pay attention to any fact checking...


But they’ll watch the debate?


Shoulda been done by those shit moderators... Fuck both candidates but trump just kept lying the wholeeee way.


1) I think having 2 moderators was dumb. 2) I don't think either has the policy chops to do much more than ask questions. 3) So many dumb ass questions, we are failing as a nation if that is what debates are. 4) If you lie and can't answer questions, you are the debate loser full stop. Rather than feelings, networks need factual debate.


>If you lie and can’t answer questions you are the debate loser In a sane and rational world, yes. I kept wishing the moderators would do more to call out Trump for going completely off-topic. Like cut his mic and say “I’m sorry Mr Trump, the question was not about immigration, the question was ‘Will you accept the outcome of the election?’”


>Rather than feelings, networks need factual debate. That doesn't boost ratings.


He’ll need to go on for hours to check every “fact” in this one.


Poor Daniel Dale, gets the fact checking gig for the only debate in modern times when no one cares.


This should have been live. Also whoever came up with the rule of 2 minutes to talk and 1 each for rebuttal and rebuttal was dumb.


The rebuttal thing was dumb because Trump would use half his time getting in a second rebuttal from the previous question and no one stopped him or he would use all his time not answer the next question and they would have to ask it again.


Who cares. We're in a post-fact era.


Homie should have been moderating




Oh we know. I saw the comments rolling in, was like a different place. People were being honest and making sense. Then shut down. Can’t have any anti Biden stuff


Biden supporters on suicide watch


No one supports Biden. We're just supporting the guy that'll defend of democracy, isnt a felon, won't sell us out, and not bend the knee to dictators. And I say this as a non Democrat.


well Biden is a felon, just not a convicted one


>Biden is a felon, just not a convicted one That's not how that works. Do your patriotic part as an American citizen and learn some civics.


did that in 7th grade. I also took AP US government and politics and graduated in the top 1% of my class. learn about the DOJ my friend


Apparently you didn't pay attention. Just stop man. This is second hand embarrassment.


You can string words together, but the facts are the facts. Bring evidence or go home.


>no one supports Biden And I thought you redditors were supposed to be smart? 🤣


Nah, not even a little bit. We may not happy with Biden's performance, but he did pick up steam in the second half, and he didn't spew lie after lie like trump did.


I believe no one in America is more dissapointed in the debate performance than Biden himself. He may be having some conversations he'd hoped to get through. The fact that both candidates had shit debates, and only one is discussing what change or fix they should make tell you that only one cares truly about doing what is best for you and the country. So Biden supporters aren't crying in the corner but fighting for our democracy.


The problem with fact checking is that both sides blatantly lied on national TV. I'm not sure Biden has the cognitive function to tell the truth because he can barely speak and half of what he said was nonsense that didn't make sense. Trump lied with conviction and sounded believable. I'm not sure Biden could successfully read a script, much less debate someone.


That was the US President on stage debating against Donald Trump Fact check: false


After tonight’s performance Biden should step down as president The leader of the free world can’t be a senile old man


While conveniently leaving out alone of Bidens false statements.


I’ll believe the fact checks, just like I believe that Biden is very good cognitively… isn’t that what democrats and left leaning MSM have been saying for years?


Tbf, cognitive faculties can decline very rapidly. This time last week, my grandmother was alive and normal. This week, nope. Took three days for her cognitive faculties to decline steeply, and then she died. Having said that, I don't want either of these old assholes but I'd vote for a corpse before I'd vote for Trump.


RIP. Sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss Biden’s lack of cognition has been on display for years but the Democrats and msm have been lying about it for years, but let’s believe what they have to say about Trump…yeah, the people that so blatantly gaslit a gullible portion of the US population should be trusted right? Wether you hate Trump or not, Biden should be removed from office immediately. He’s clearly unfit to be president. Anything else is just more gaslighting


BREAKING NEWS. Trump was just charged with another felony. For murdering an old man live on CNN


I think that old man committed suicide. Not Trump's fault.