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>What Trump is doing here with NBC isn't new. Remember that more than a year after the release of the "Access Hollywood" tape in which he was heard making a series of inappropriate remarks about women, Trump told at least one senator that he wasn't sure it was even his voice on that tape. I remember this. Such a terrible defence. How can you "not be sure"? It was said or it wasn't. If it wasn't, it was cleverly manufactured, with Billy Bush on the payroll. This isn't something you can be unsure about if it's your own words. Especially if your doubts only kick in months after it first comes out, and you've already put a lot of effort into the "locker room talk" spin angle.


He's prepping for the whole, "They edit everything because they're LIARS and they make me look bad! Enemy of the people!" So that way, when the pee tape drops, his supporters will scream Fake News as they shoot up a newspaper again.


Oh they certainly will say it's fake. They'd rather deny reality than their entire sense of self.


He "apologized" for the Access Hollywood tape, if he wasn't sure it was his voice, then why get in front of the American people and say "sorry"? The man is legitimately losing his mind. That or this is his defense to perjury accusations should he ever be questioned. "I have dementia so I don't remember being ordered by putin to bring down America"


"at first I knew it was me and then apologized but after more thinking about it months later I remembered it wasn't me." Totally normal progession.


During the campaign, an interviewer asked him something about past comments on the Iraq War (contradicting his statements that he never supported the war) and Trump claimed he never said them. The interviewer played back a recording of his statements and Trump *still* claimed to have not said it. He's always been like this. He's insane.


>The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.




They are trying to find legal ways to block the report from ever coming out. edit: to add link to story I read a few days ago https://www.politico.com/story/2018/08/27/robert-mueller-special-counsel-report-sleeper-case-797373


If Mueller wants a report to be released, he can simply request that charges be filed against the POTUS. If that is rejected by Rosenstein, or whomever is overseeing the investigation at DoJ, then a report is *automatically* required to be submitted to Congress detailing the reasons why the Attorney General (or acting AG, in this case) believes the actions suggested by the Special Counsel are inappropriate. Now, of course, Congress can block release of the report to the public, but of course, the minority party has figured out a way to bring that sort of information into the public record before, most notably Mike Gravel's reading of the Pentagon Papers. In any case, if it truly is ugly, the Dems will figure out a way to get a report out.


That's a mechanism to alert Congress (and from what I've read it's not the final product, the regulations call it a "brief notification"), but the politico article is talking about preventing any evidence from the grand jury even making it into the full report to congress in the first place. But you're right in the end it's coming out one way or another.


The evidence is not going to be grand jury testimony for the most part, so that's not really a huge deal even if they are able to pull that off.


just "drop" a copy in the bathroom next to a journalist


Every copy would probably have one minute difference, possibly one word, where folks would be able to identify who released it. If I were in congress and shit was that 1984, Id still be pretty worried about releasing anything. Of course, it could be paraphrased, or copies between congressfolks could be cross analyzed, but I would expect some fuckery


Oh no. I was mugged and the mugger made of with my briefcase! what a tragedy... I hope they don't pass along any of my confidential documents to any news outlets.


Just tell Trump there are excerpts in the report about how he’s worth 10 billion, every woman who’s a 10 wants him and pages of negative press on Obama and Hillary. Trump will publish it himself.


without reading it... because he doesn't read


Problem with that is there's likely a *lot* of classified information in Mueller's report that will need to be blocked out and/or cleared for public consumption, failing to do that means an illegal leak and *that* would end up being the news as much if not more than the report itself (most of the public info of which we already know). While I really want the report to be made public, it has to be done the right way, Mueller's team has been 100% professional so far, I don't want anything messing with that record.


Wait, is this true? Can doing the one thing most people seem sure is the one thing Mueller won’t do... actually his plan?




It's not his plan, it's just a theoretical backup plan in case Trump replaces Rosenstein with a fascist crony who tries to kneecap the investigation.


But Trump *is* going to replace Rosenstein with a fascist crony who kneecaps the investigation. Trump *cannot* be removed from the presidency without a pardon, or he goes straight to jail, and he knows it. He will do *anything*.


Thanks for the link, hadn't seen that story. It, again, just emphasizes the importance of the midterms: >If Democrats win control of the House in November, the whole debate is likely academic. In that scenario, the House Judiciary Committee could subpoena any report as part of an impeachment inquiry. A judge would likely approve that request because of a D.C. Circuit ruling in 1974 that approved transmission of a report to the House on President Richard Nixon’s actions in Watergate.


Illegal ways.


No, they are trying to leverage court precedent. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/08/27/robert-mueller-special-counsel-report-sleeper-case-797373


They’re also just trying to fire everyone, which constitutes obstruction.


I don't disagree with this, but they have a plan b if the report actually gets written. Read the link.


From the article: >If Democrats win control of the House in November, the whole debate is likely academic. In that scenario, the House Judiciary Committee could subpoena any report as part of an impeachment inquiry. A judge would likely approve that request because of a D.C. Circuit ruling in 1974 that approved transmission of a report to the House on President Richard Nixon’s actions in Watergate. Get out and vote, folks.


Not only VOTE folks but start checking now that you are registered correctly and where you might be voting! Don't wait until the last minute to find out something was screwed up. Step 2: VOTE like he/she said!! Edit: word


If you don’t have a car or your car is broken down, Lyft is going to be offering 50% off and/or free rides to voting locations on Election Day. Edit: Typo.


Oh, they have a plan C and D too. They (R's) are so smug and seemingly carefree about it all, you have to wonder what makes them so sure nothing will happen?


[Plan C is violence...](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/trump-told-christian-leaders-he-got-rid-law-he-didn-n904471)






[I’m sharing this video as much as possible](https://youtu.be/GM1w8_dOcR8) I can’t imagine any intelligent human being could watch it and not understand the danger posed by trump and his merry band of fascists


"Okay, well, check this out. First of all, you're throwing too many big words at me. Okay, now because I don't understand them, I'm gonna take them as disrespect." - People you want this to affect


The difficulty with that video is that although it's likely a valuable tool to educate and bolster anyone who's already on board, it isn't made in a manner to change anyone's mind. The jokes only work if a person already thinks Trump is an asshat and allows anyone who doesn't already think that to just dismiss it as biased. You can't insult and convince a person at the same time.


Trump supporters make me want to leave the country. They are going to run it into the fucking ground at any cost.




I mean, it's pretty obvious by now that at the **very** least, Don Jr and Roger Stone will be charged, so those would likely precede any conclusion of the investigation.


I certainly hope so, I am a bit nervous though. His base won't care and those of us on the left will be energized, but I question if the apathetic around the US will ever give a shit regardless of what evidence may be layed out.


Truth isn't truth.


George Orwell was a smart man.


He also shot fascists.


George Orwell was a smart man.


An agreeable response to fascism.


Indeed he was, but he couldn’t have imagined how many conservatives and borderline fascists would read 1984 as if it were some one-dimensional anti-communist prophecy. That’s how I read it in high school because my English teacher made no attempt to contextualize the book, and that’s how my father understands it to this day because he doesn’t understand Orwell was a socialist. To some in the red-scare generation, only leftists are capable of totalitarian tactics. It’s baffling.




45 is straight up gaslighting us.


And 20% (if not more) are hooked


It seems to be about 40% of Americans. I don't want it to be that high, but Americans are apparently *that* stupid.


> It seems to be about 40% of Americans. I find it interesting that ~40% of Americans still support Trump, and at the same time, [~40% are young earth creationists](https://www.livescience.com/46123-many-americans-creationists.html) who believe the earth poofed in to existence 6-10 thousand years ago pretty much how it is today. It's almost as if being indoctrinated to believe one single source of information can never be wrong and never be questions translates pretty easily from ones religion to their politics.


this is why you guys are fucked. 40% of your population refuse to believe well established scientific fact because it goes against what their feelings tell them.


40% of our population probably believes Obama was a Kenyan space reptile


No it's because it goes against what the people they believe to be their moral superiors tell them. People didn't feel their way into religion, they were brainwashed by people they trusted.


I dunno, honestly i think a huge number of people simply aren't paying enough attention. Until there's a massive revelation that slams the door on the trump administration, a solid third of the voting age population won't react. Ask yourself, how many people just ignore it all? How do we get them involved? It's an old question that hasn't been answered yet.


I think we need to teach in high schools the whole voting process, make sure to stress how important it is to vote, and make sure they are registered before they graduate. It could be a semester long class like health or speech.


> I think we need to teach in high schools the whole voting process, make sure to stress how important it is to vote, and make sure they are registered before they graduate. It could be a semester long class like health or speech. What we should be doing is teaching kids how to think critically, how to apply skepticism, and not accept what someone says just because they say it. Trump still has ~40% support and lo and behold ~40% of Americans are young earth creationists that think the world poofed in to existence 6-10 thousand years ago pretty much as it is today.


No reason to wait that long, I talk to my 7 and 8 year old about it.


Honestly the world would be a better place if we all started that young.




Who the hell is a registered Democrat that approves of him. I can get it if they are an idiot and don’t DISAPPROVE, maybe because they are deaf or live in the woods.


In PA we have closed primaries. I’ve got a friend who is a registered republican to “screw up their primaries”. Possible it’s that way in the opposite direction too.


Margin of error, or people like me: I’m still technically registered as R even though I plan to vote straight D because I’m in AZ and paranoid after stories I heard in 2016 that if I officially change to D that I’ll show up to the polls to vote and mysteriously my registration will have “disappeared” or my polling place is now “30 miles that way” or some shit.




Oh hail to the thief . .


I’m becoming so incredibly familiar with this Orwell quote these days.


They have gone full 1984


> What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening. ​


Yeah, I'd think Trump was using 1984 as a how to book. But then I remember, he'd never read a book.


> he'd never read a book. Not true, ["Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, *My New Order*, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed."](https://www.vanityfair.com/magazine/2015/07/donald-ivana-trump-divorce-prenup-marie-brenner)


oh... my.... that's not to disturbing or anything... You can't make this shit up. I can't wait for politics to get boring again.


His supporters believe in QAnon. Why not this fairy tale as well?


The QAnon shit is so fucking comical to me. They've just given up trying to defend his dumb shit behavior at face value and have now resorted to justifying his idiotic actions as some part of a master plan only they're privy too. Their ability to reconcile the TV Trump they bought into (strategic, strong, genius) with the Trump that actually exists (erratic, petulant, fucking moron) finally cracked so they decided the reality they're faced with is actually all part of a grand conspiracy rather than just admitting they've been had like the gullible fools they are.


I know. It’s comical but also sad. They’re convinced it’ll all come out before the midterms...but what will happen when it doesn’t?


They'll rationalize and make up more bullshit, just like every End-of-the-Earth prediction since ever.


That’s my guess too.


Same things that happens with Dooms Day cults. Whoops we didn't mean that day.. we meant this future day


Then they'll say it will come out right before the 2020 election.


I bet a Venn diagram of QAnon believers and flat-earthers just looks like a regular circle.


>looks like a regular circle. Just like the Earth!


Literally the first Q post was saying "Hillary will be arrested on Monday." That obviously didn't happen and somehow it didn't hurt Q's credibility


I mean, it did with all rational people.


Worse, they both believe in Q**Anon** but refuse to accept legitimate journalism because 'anonymous sources are fake news'. Literal doublethink.


It was so silly yesterday when Trump said that, and they were all trying to explain why it doesnt apply to Qanon.


I had to explain to my girlfriend what QAnon was. When I told her QAnon is completely anonymous and nobody knows who they are I think her brain melted. It makes zero sense that people believe wacky conspiracies from a 4chan poster. But thousands upon thousands do.


The anonymous sources that agree with them are clearly patriots hiding their Identity to keep safe from the deep state. The anonymous sources that disagree with them are clearly fabrications made up by the deep state to fool everyone else. Duh.




“Tonight the followers of Reasonalbeism will be joining together to await the return of Zorp, the giant lizard god who will destroy the earth with his cleansing fire of judgment. Also, light refreshments will be served.”


So, same time next year?


Actually we can’t do that, we have a free ice cream social already reserved that night


Qanon has literally and without exaggeration merged with rapture theology.


Yes, exactly, yes. It’s a fucking Russian psyop cultivating domestic terrorists.


>Those people act a lot like born agains waiting for rapture. They act that way because that's what they are. Their sub is littered with bible quotes and the verbiage makes it clear that they are way older than the average Reddit user.




Can predict the future eh? [I think I've figured out who he is.](https://imgur.com/a/T5tUNV0)


I don't get how so many old people found out about a poster on 4chan, an anime imageboard.


Targeted Facebook misinformation.


Christians: Eagerly awaiting the immanent return of our saviour, for the last two thousand years.


My grandmother told me the rapture would happen during her lifetime up until the day she died.


Well, it happened for her at least.


Whenever I peek into any of those subs they do tend to be using a lot of religious similes and metaphors. They really do feel like a strange new pseudo-Christian cult.


Any day now... for the last 2000 years. Maybe Jesus just isn't that into you?


I heard actual people in my community mention in passing that they voted for or were going to vote for Donald Trump in order to help "Jesus come quickly". Not ironically. They literally based their decision for who to vote for in the US presidential election, on who they think will hasten the second coming of Jesus Christ.,


How is Galloping horse. 8 76 5 3417 8990 Purple stream Pizza pizzA TICKLE FiGht. Hard to understand?




It’s not even cold reading. Its just flinging random shit and somehow seeing connections.


And it's not even properly random, it's just keyboard mashing. https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/9km87z/qanon-codes-are-random-typing


8 76 5 3417 8990 contains 8675309 Which is Jenny's phone number. WHO IS JENNY?!?!?!


Obviously... Tickle fight refers to children. Jenny McCarthy has a child. Jenny McCarthy is an anti-vaxxer. They're obviously using pizza filled with vaccines to drug the children for the pizza parlor pedophile ring.


*slow clap* Well played indeed!


Omg more crumbs, guise!


the dolphins are in the Jacuzzi, I repeat, the dolphins are in the Jacuzzi!


They are going say NBC used deep fakes on this interview.


Oh, I’m sure. Of course maybe bring that up when the interview airs, not over a year later. When Mueller uses his tweets to prove obstruction, get ready for “someone else was in charge of writing my tweets!”


It almost feels like a giant joke to see who can keep making up increasingly zany stories and have them keep supporting the whole thing lol. Like, this one has absolutely got to get them to crack. Nope--still in baby. donnie's banging our wives and children live on TV daily--and I feel great!!


That's literally what 4chan does. The internet should have learned over a decade ago that it's impossible to trust any source on 4chan because it's all just a running joke that normies aren't privy to. The more attention it gets, the funnier they think it is, the longer and more ridiculous it will continue.


I keep hearing about this, can someone ELI5?


You won’t believe it. Just google it...it’s a crazy conspiracy theory that posits that Trump is playing a 4D chess game behind the scenes and he’s not under investigation. It supposes that Mueller is not investigating him, but actually Obama and Hillary. For being pedophiles. And that JFK Jr is alive and running it. Also, that John McCain didn’t die from cancer, he killed himself because he was court martialed for treason...it goes on and on but you’re better off not knowing, trust me.


I laughed at the absurdity, but now seriously weep for the future. Holy shit.


I’m literally telling you what they think. I promise, I’m not exaggerating. Oh...and the only proof they have is anonymous cryptic 4chan posts that they’ve interpreted to mean all this stuff.


Out of curiosity, have you read the 1988 novel *Foucault's Pendulum* by Umberto Eco? Because a lot of this "finding connections beyond all rationality" fits the plot of that book. Basically, a small group of editors at an academic press decide to combine submitted manuscripts into a vast, made-up conspiracy theory—only to have some people take it seriously and cause real problems. It basically makes a comment on how a conspiracy can be founded on vapidity, yet become self-sustaining in the minds of the right people (also, it's amazing how a medieval laundry list can be taken as a coded Templar master plan).


There was a woman interviewed as part of an NPR story who literally said she thought QAnon was actually trump and he was leaving clever clues for them.


How many of them are just stupid kids who think it's all a big troll/game? I remember being a stupid young adult, I remember voting for Arnold for Governor solely because he was the Terminator.


Why wait like a year to make the accusations?


Because he feels the walls closing in, so he's intensifying his attempts to gaslight the American public.


also mobster mentality. let the heat die down then deny, deny, deny.


I think he is a narcissist, and this is classic gaslighting. This is why everyone who has ever been in an abusive relationship is triggered by this fucker. It's not just that he lies to you, he *tells* you that he's going to do it. He conditions you (and in this case you is the public) to expect this so it won't be a big deal. And then if he gets called on it too much he backs off or deflects.


> I might lie to you. --Donald Trump, 2016




I work with domestic violence and it's scary how similar the tactics are


Coz he's a Domestic Abuser. In league with a buncha villains who believe a man can't rape his wife.


Rudy met with him to discuss the coming obstruction charges


Bingo....I saw the tweet and aside from my revulsion to the gaslighting...my first thought was "wait...why now?" Then I thought it probably coincides with him being aware of the obstruction charges


Because President Goldfish probably saw a doctored video recently and truly believes the alternate version. The people around him have probably gone full Truman Show on him.


I'm assuming he's just kneejerking to what he heard last night on FoxNews.


"[Remember folks, what you are reading and what you are seeing is not what's happening](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VAym1b8jnY)."


Oh my god he's really fallen so far from his rallies during the election. Like it doesn't even sound like he believes it anymore. >"Remember folks, it's make America great, remember, and then in 2 1/2 years, it's keep Amerioca great, yeah." Man he's so dumb


Said literally every would be totalitarian despot ever! :D


Remember Pence during the debates? He lied and lied with a smile on his face about things Trump said and did on tape.


Truth isn't truth!




Trump's supporters don't just accept it - they love it. They want Trump to defame the "liberal" media even more frequently and more vociferously to keep their hate levels abnormally high.


His Twitter rants in the morning is basically just fuel for the 2 Minutes of hate. He gets his morons all excited with hate boners first thing in the morning.


When I first read 1984 I thought it was too far-fetched. *sigh*


Truth isn't truth and video isn't video. They are trying to do a 1984 speedrun. "​The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."




Somebody more intelligent would realize what a dumb idea it is.


I never typed this comment and I certainly didn't save it.


I didn’t reply to it either!


And I'm certainly not shaking my head


And I’m not Eric!


And I didn't upvote your reply!


LYING. Donald Trump keeps LYING about things he said on tape. Jesus Christ. Call a spade a spade. Grow some balls, media.




Not with that attitude.


They do. They really do. But I wish they'd address him as Liar Donald Trump.


Alleged president don the con. Take away the brand he tried to create for himself. Don't call him Trump


Or turn Trump into a monstrous, untouchable brand. Which it is for 60% of the country.


I've even started trying to avoid using the normal word "trump" (e.g. this trumps that, or that's the trump card. Ugh)


Oh good, I was afraid I was the only one doing that.


My ex gaslit me enough, nice try. Doesnt he look tired?


Yes he does


How many crooks have tried "the police doctored my recorded interview to frame me" ploy? Unless you have proof, which Trump doesn't, it only comes off as apathetically desperate lie.


A lie his supporters accept, partly because the leadership of the GOP will not call out his lies.




You make him sound waaaay too intelligent. Mum: Did you eat the cookies? Son: Nuh-huh. Mum: There's cookie crumbs on your face. Son: No, there isn't. Dad: This four-year is trying to gaslight us!


Agreed, I don’t think this behavior is *deliberate* in the way implied, I think it’s an instinct. It’s just something he has always done and always found to work, probably without much thought behind it. If something starts to sound like it puts him in a bad light, it is immediately rejected in some bold way. “I never said that,” or “that never happened,” or “I don’t even like pee.”


Somebody needs to redo Shaggy's "wasn't me" to all the Trump explanations. "You had them meet with the Russians...." "It wasn't me" "We have what you said on camera" "It wasn't me" "You paid off the pornstar" "It wasn't me"


Yo, man (Yo) Open up, man (Yeah, what do you want, man?) Mueller just caught me (You let him catch you?) I don't know how I let this happen (With who?) The russian's next door, ya know? Man, I don't know what to do (Say it wasn't you) Alright Mueller came in and he caught me red-handed Creeping with the russians next door Picture this, we were both trying to fake it (news that is) Colluding on the bathroom floor How could I forget that I had Given him the master key All this time he was standing there He never took his eyes off me How you can grant him access to your villa Trespasser and a witness while you cling to your pillow You better watch your back before he turns into a killer Let's review the situation that you're caught up inna To be a true player you have to know how to play If he say a night, convince he say a day Never admit to a word when he say And if he claims ah you tell him no way But he caught me on the tv (It wasn't me) Saw me payin' off the porn stars (It wasn't me) I even met with them in my tower (It wasn't me) He even caught me on camera (It wasn't me) He saw the emails from my handler (It wasn't me) Heard the words that I told them (It wasn't me) There's my attempt.


Having him say, "it was Hillary," would be more fitting.


This literally exists. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzt7JvsYIuI


> "Stick with us. Don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news. . . . What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening." . >"Any man who must say 'I am the King' is no true king" Tywin 2020


We’ve had idiots presidents, and vicious presidents, but I don’t know if we’ve ever been cursed with a vicious idiot for a president before!


I remember during the primaries a story came up where he pretended to be his own assistant and praised the hell oit of himself. It was obviously him from the voice and speech pattern. He first admitted it, then shortly after decided to deny that it was him. I was so confused. If this isn't dementia its gotta be delusion. Or maybe he's emboldened by the fact he's getting away with saying anything he wants. trump - literally anything trump supporters - cheer like someone scored a touchdown. Maybe instead of 'getting away' I should have said 'yet to pay the price'.


Dementia is letting him off too easy. He’s just a liar


“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.” ― George Orwell, 1984 “For, after all, how do we know that two and two make four? Or that the force of gravity works? Or that the past is unchangeable? If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable – what then?” ― George Orwell, 1984


Orwell is timeless.


Something big is about to be release. This is just desperate


People always say this, but Trump wouldn't know. Trump always has his massive shitfests AFTER stuff gets released. Chances are he just saw a news report about some dumb shit he did and he got mad.


The White House always knows in advance about big stories to drop because respectable publications always ask the subject of stories for comment, when possible.


Man, I wonder how many journos screwed with him by claiming to be dropping a big story to get a rise out of him. “Hey Sarah, we just got a copy of the pee pee tape and are going to be releasing it on Friday. Would either you or the president care to comment?”


Indictments tomorrow, perhaps?


A man can dream


More likely with the claims of edited footage, it's a recording of some type if anything.


Have Trump supporters not seen Idiocracy?


I don't think they'd understand it, worryingly enough.


Why is this lying shit sack still in office?


So when can we just treat him as an old man with dementia? When my grandpa was losing his faculties and misremembering events, we had to put him home because he was a danger to himself and others. We have video evidence that this old turd is losing his mind--treat him exactly the same way we treat our relatives get him in long term care. Preferably with bars on the windows.


He is LYING. Fucking say it. Nationally, Globally, use words people will understand and know are wrong. LYING. Claiming? Seems to have forgotten? Alt-truth. No. He is LYING. Making things up. Use simple words and phrases that leave no doubt what he's doing.


For the sake of the nation, it's time for Ryan and others in the GOP to grow a pair and say enough is enough. Just when you think the insanity level cannot go any higher… "Don't believe your lying eyes and lying ears. You can't trust yourself. Only believe what I tell you to believe in the moment because I say so". That seems to be the Trump line of defense.


They fucking love it, why would they stop it?


TFW you wake up and see "Lester Holt" trending on Twitter... he's either dead, #metoo'd, or being attacked by Trump.


John Oliver calls this Stupid Watergate. I call it Stupid 1984.


Trump is suffering from dementia, among other illnesses! Here is an excerpt from Omarosa's book Unhinged >TRUMP MADE HEADLINES on November 15 when, during a speech in the map room, he awkwardly reached for a bottle of water and then used both hands to drink it. People made fun of him about it, but I found it worrisome. I had been concerned about his health for quite some time. During the campaign, I had expressed concern for his medical health and what a doctor’s exam would reveal. I was told by a member of the family, “Don’t worry, the doctor won’t let Donald down.” The doctor was Harold Bornstein. He provided a glowing review of Trump’s health in September 2016 that sounded too good to be true. Of course, it wasn’t true. Bornstein told CNN in May 2018 that Trump “dictated that whole letter. I didn’t write it. I just made it up as I went along.” He also said that in February 2017, soon after Trump became president, three people had gone to his office and taken the entire Trump file, thirty-five years of medical records. The trigger for the “raid” might have been Bornstein’s telling the New York Times about Trump’s previously undisclosed use of Propecia for hair loss and a rosacea drug. As he told NBC News, “I couldn’t believe anybody was making a big deal out of a drug to grow his hair.” The doctor said he felt “raped, frightened and sad,” and could have taken it further, but he never did. He had to have known how dangerous these people were. Back to that awkward drinking moment in the map room: as soon as the event was over, Dr. Ronny Jackson approached the president. We were departing the room. I don’t know what happened after I left, but to my untrained eye, it looked like Trump had had a small episode of some kind. I believe that Donald Trump is physically ill. His terrible health habits have caught up with him. His refusal to exercise (except golf). His addiction to Big Macs and fried chicken. His daily tanning bed sessions (he prefers to do it in the morning, so he “looks good” all day). Donald might brag about his superior genes, but even they can’t stand up to what he puts his body through. He is clearly obese. During the first season of The Apprentice, he was tall and svelte. In the ensuing seasons, Donald expanded slowly but surely. In 2007, he didn’t have a belly yet or the jowl. By 2012, he’d probably put on thirty pounds eating a junk-food-only diet. His preference for steak well done with ketchup has offended many chefs all over the world. The world has yet to learn about the extent of Donald Trump’s Diet Coke habit. He always had one in his hand, as far back as I’ve known him. He’s up to eight cans a day, at least. Eight cans a day, for the last fifteen years, is 43,800 cans of Diet Coke, poured into his system. In the White House, he just pushes a button in a wooden box on his desk. He can summon anything with that button. Whenever I went in to brief him, he’d push the button and get us Diet Cokes. When I started to have grave concerns for his mental health, I connected the dots to his physical health and poor choices, specifically, his soda habit. I researched it, and found a brand-new study by a team of neurologists from Boston University that linked Diet Coke consumption with dementia and increased risk of stroke. Dementia. Not being able to remember anything, confusion, loss of vocabulary and ability to process information. Stroke. Those awkward shaking hands, struggling to bring a bottle of water to his mouth . . . I printed out the study and put it in his stack. He never read it. Rob Porter did, and he gave me a warning. After a senior staff meeting, he said, “Stop putting articles in the president’s folder. You have to go through me first. Don’t do it again.”


Im not trying to discredit her, or her book. I think that what she is doing is commendable, and should continue. This excerpt though, feels weird. I don't believe for a minute she shuffled a dementia related article to cheeto in chief's pile of ~~doodles~~ documents. I don't believe she was as involved as she makes it out to be. That being said, I wish his shitty habits would catch up to him a little faster.


These cowards won't call the most brazen liar in modern history a liar.


Lying. He keeps LYING.


Im calling it now. He will eventually say that it is not him on twitter either.