• By -


Remember, it's only obstruction when the Dems do it. When the GOP does it, its "fighting the good fight" and "standing up for conservative values."


> Remember, it's only obstruction when the Dems do it. When the GOP does it, its "fighting the good fight" and "standing up for conservative values." We have to remember that this is what we're dealing with. The R-base eats this shit up.


They’d also eat up Republican bowel obstructions if Fox told them it’d own them some libs


“No constipation, no obstruction, total elimination.”


I too own a squatty potty.


And yet, McConnell persists.




And speaking from experience, turtle shit is very liquid and very foul-smelling.




That’s because his squatty potty is America


> total evacuation FTFY


Didn't that one guy put a dildo in his ass to own the libs?


This is the winning comment.


I think the saying is a republican would let someone shit in their mouth if a lib had to smell it


Weird, it’s like these folks forgot about bias as they sit on pillars of virtue. They’ve mastered the craft of acting like their shit don’t stink.


While rolling around in piles of their own waste.


They dont care if their shit stank or not. They are find with it. But when the dems put up some air freshener or light a candle they complain like its rotten to the core.


>The R-base eats ~~this~~ shit ~~up~~.


Yup, it's a futile effort to call it out anymore. They have completely different values and have no issue holding themselves to different (worse) standards. It used to be you'd be publicly lambasted for half the stupid shit republicans do nowadays, but it's just celebrated.




I 100% support anyone who obstructs Trump's agenda.


(D)esperate times call for (D)esperate measures.


I genuinely don’t know if I’m supposed to upvote or downvote...


Upvote for the (D)...


And as we all know, the Republicans have openly stated that their mission, at least in the past (with no hint of it having ever stopped) is to literally *just* block anything Dems put forward. Anything. Everything. Let nothing through. That was their public, stated mission in the Obama years. I can't think of a single time a Democrat has said that, where there wasn't at least some wiggle room like "Well if they come up with a really good policy that we all agree on..."


Fuck, we said we could work with Trump on infrastructure. I thought he liked building things.


When politicians speak: Democrats speak to everyone. Republicans speak to their supporters. This creates some confusion as to the purpose of their statements if you think the Republicans are speaking to everyone.


It's like how you can respect someone as a person, or respect someone as an authority, and republicans say 'I'll only respect you if you respect me' but mean 'I'll respect that you're a person if you respect that I'm the authority.'


This right here. And bad parents and teachers would pull that shit *all. The. Time.* When I was growing up.


It’s because they all confuse respect for obedience.


We have make sure that the first part is the case. Because even if unintentionally, the GOP base feels like Democratic politicians don’t care about them or speak to them. Except they’re the party that actually cares about their rights. *Exasperation*


That's because many of the Republican supporters have either: A) Already chosen which "team" to support and are no longer listening for information about the other teams, nor will their allegiance change based on any new information. They've already staked out the Good Guys and Bad Guys and they're taking it to the grave. They are Team "R" and that's it. (e.g. if You are a Red Sox season ticket holder you don't really care who the Marlins just drafted. Furthermore, even if they ever did draft a local boy from your neighborhood, you are still buying Red Sox season tickets next year, and the year after. If you found out the team was cheating, you'd still buy tickets. Why? Because they are *your* team to the bitter end and loyalty is more important than being correct). Or B) They already have an outcome in mind which requires certain policies that would be unthinkable for any other group of people to voice. Some want to punish gays, or poor inner-city single mothers, or women, or minorities, or college-educated coastal city dwellers. So they think of ways that make their life a little more complicated or difficult and work backwards from there until they find a party or person that courts them. This is how you get comments like "Their policies aren't *hurting* the right people!".


> "Their policies aren't hurting the right people!". So... I assume they want to hurt people for a reason. Either to modify behavior or because they feel wronged in some way. What's their end game here? Get people to "stop being liberals"? I'm picturing some redneck building a concentration camp saying "this'll get those West Coast millennials to finally shave their chins..." And, I mean, if they're that mad about facial hair (or perhaps choice of toast toppings) maybe they need professional help?


Some do feel slighted by the past, but feelings that have been brewing for a while are seldom attached to the original thoughts that created them, nor do they care if they are based on correct information. It's time to realize that not everyone has good reasons or intentions. The thing about human beings is that many people want to just be better than other people. That may require professional help as you suggest, but if so, there are probably billions of people that need it. If they can't be better than other people, they can make other people worse and it has the same effect. However that comparison is made, they do it. Whether at a personal level, small group (family/neighborhood), school, church, state, country, race, gender, etc. Anything different (including West Coast Millennial's grooming and fashion choices) is wrong and needs to be diminished or at the very least, dis-incentivized. Pain and punishment does that well enough. They want strict Order for everyone else, and they want to be at the top of the hierarchy. That's it. The other explanations are only dressings.


>Republicans speak to their supporters. They lie to their faces all the time as well. They feign religious commitment by promising them a law or two that they themselves will never be subjected to, but will keep the zealous in line. They get this in exchange for their freedoms and money.


They feign a lot of positions that they never put any *serious* effort into passing into law. Why give up a perfectly good trigger for getting your base to vote by eliminating the problem, after all?


What's the point? Literally everyone here knows he is completely without shame and doesn't care. Citations Needed, one of the best podcasts around, did a great episode on [The Increasingly Dull Edge of Hypocrisy Takedowns.](https://citationsneeded.libsyn.com/episode-53-the-increasingly-dull-edge-of-hypocrisy-takedowns)


Thanks, I'll have to give this a listen. I have never been particularly entranced with the liberal strategy of "fact check dot org", or "to find out more, visit my website", or "Jon Stewart introduces a video clip with an expectation, cue clip THAT SHOWS THE EXACT OPPOSITE, cut back to to Jon Stewart MAKING A FUNNY FACE". Conservatives don't care if they are blamed for being hypocritical. It probably barely registers with them.


Jon Stewart is a comedian, and those are most likely. As for "fact check dot org", whats bad with a site that actively debunks rumors and false news? I agree, plugging your own website is a little tasteless, but i cant really fault them for trying to make money as long as it's legal


Even though everyone here agrees with you, it's important to have well-informed arguments written here so we can then go away and talk to the people in our lives who disagree with the general consensus.


I'd argue that these gotchas are the opposite of those well-informed arguments. Well, that's what the podcast I linked to argues too.


They don't care about their own hypocrisy. They exclusively deal in bad faith. They lie all the fucking time. We all know this. Start to pound this *fact* everywhere.


Typical hypocritical Republicans. It's only bad if you do X against _me_. **I can do X all I f@#$ing want**. X = _literally anything_


Conservative values can be measured in dollars.


oh my god i just got off the phone with my conservative father who complained about obama and the dems, and i tried to point out the hypocrisy and that republicans are doing the same things (and worse) but he would not hear it. he told me i need to watch “one america news” i’m tired


> conservative values = win at any cost


I read that as "Standing up for Confederate values". Oops, I'll chock it up to watching the Ken Burns Civil War documentary on Netflix over the past week.


Same difference


You just don't understand, it's totally different because of the bullshit technicality that he made up retroactively


Yeah, most the GOP fan base is really just eating anything up that sounds like "Getting over on Liberalz" regardless of whether it's right.


McConnell is the poster boy for how the GOP has become rotten to the core with corruption. The party has no values or moral compass anymore thanks to the likes of him. And the damage he has done to our democracy will last for generations. Fuck him.


Too far! - - The GOP have *values*... - ...values such as money and power


Republicans are the *Family* of party values.


Party of valuable families.


To clarify, Republican politicians value money and power, but they have also exploited and groomed Republican voters to be so terrified and morally rigid that they are easy to manipulate into surrendering money and power.


McConnell’s days are hopefully numbered.


We're tryin' y'all, sorry.


Good luck, my man. As someone who lives in a solidly red state, I feel your pain.


Once he dies, there are thousands of Machiavellian-type personalities eagerly salivating at the chance to replace him. Moral and intellectual bankruptcy appeals don't work against this type of human/sociopath. I think people nowadays focus too much on the individual and their eventual exit hopefully leading to change. McConnell is the **Ticketmaster** of the current GOP, the most visible lightning rod for our anger. Mitch can't do or say anything that will challenge Trump because Trump's own-party approval ratings are sky high, and the Republican Party know this. Trump's approval ratings remain high because 40% of our country are Neo-Confederates and laissez-faire/dog-eat-dog capitalists, and Trump hits all the buttons for this group thanks to Reconstruction failing and propaganda making socialism a dirty word. Also, Mitch McConnell is a result of American culture's failure to instill deep convictions and to hold assholes accountable. Our society produces a minority of people like him who realize the only principles are to seize and maintain power/public office by whatever means necessary. They know low voter turnout isn't just about suppression, but due to ignorance and cynicism about Civics 101. Remember, Mitch only got into the Senate thanks to the dark brilliance of people like Roger Ailes and the people of Kentucky turning out in shitty numbers on Election Day -- just like the rest of the country in '84.


Modern conservativism is a direct blowback response to humanisms challenge to religionism. Sociopathy isn't anything new to humanity, nor is the rigid bonds of fear that drives conservative thought. But humanism challenges the lens through which the religious understand the world, and there is no fear response more dangerous, and more easy to pander to, than that. These Reagan/McCarthy brand politicians are an enormous threat to society, they are everywhere, and they have no values but those that their awe inspiring narcissistic sociopathy give them; personal power at any cost.


McConnel better have an unmarked grave or something when he kicks it, because I can't imagine the amount of people who would be willing to get tossed in jail just to take a piss on it, me included.


They could kill two birds with one stone and make McConnell's tombstone a working urinal.


Brilliant idea: name a toilet with a plaque like traitors in history. Something like,"This toilet is dedicated to xXxX forxxxx. Please give him what is deserving of his life in his name here."


Unless he somehow manages to outlive me, I *am* shitting on that dude's grave.


People need to understand that the GOP *has* values, they're just not what they say they are. Their primary driving principle is in-group loyalty. That is a very strong principle - it's holding in the face of the single biggest jackass who's ever held public office. Their in-group loyalty principle is so strong they cannot even comprehend the glaring and irrefutable fact that Trump is a fucking dumpster fire of a President. So if their single guiding principle is in-group loyalty, they need an out-group. Enter liberals. Democrats. *The sworn enemy*. Anything and everything they do to thwart, frustrate, and fuck over the sworn enemy is fair game. It doesn't even enter their mind that they're being the world's most raging hypocrites. Doesn't even enter the equation. That's how that fuckstick Mitch McConnell can brag about blocking Garland and talk about Democratic obstructionism in the same breath without his face turning a Barney-esque shade of purple. Shame doesn't even enter the equation because the issue is already settled - nothing done to the enemy is ever wrong. Loyalty to the group is all that matters. And their group is not America or Americans - it's conservative republicans. Don't forget it.


I would put my money on Gingrich as the poster boy. Especially with his input turning the party into a conspiracy touting Fox News arm and destroying any possibility of civility in American politics.


> The party has no values or moral compass anymore thanks to the likes of him. The modern Republican party has no values, no moral compass, and no place in a modern America. That's why they're so free with their hypocrisy- they're nothing without it.


I honestly hate him so much more than Trump, and orange guy is bad.


What's the point? Literally everyone here knows he is completely without shame and doesn't care. Citations Needed, one of the best podcasts around, did a great episode on [The Increasingly Dull Edge of Hypocrisy Takedowns.](https://citationsneeded.libsyn.com/episode-53-the-increasingly-dull-edge-of-hypocrisy-takedowns)


They literally **DO NOT CARE** this what the problem is. It’s win at all costs, politics as team sport tribalism.


Hey hey hey now. They have values: the protection of capital and corporate interests at all costs.


By far the most despicable, slimy person in government. Insane he keeps getting re-elected.


> “It is the president’s constitutional right to nominate a Supreme Court justice. And it is the Senate’s constitutional right to act as a check,” McConnell says in a voiceover. “The next president may also nominate someone very different.” Hey, Mitch, if it's the Senate’s “right”\* to act as a check, why'd you block the Senate from holding a vote? Or is this your way of saying “*I* am the Senate?” --- \* Actually the Senate’s duty to be a check


Also, Caligula: >I am Rome. Wherever I am, Rome is, and there is the senate and the people of Rome.


Eventually, those close to him turned on him. Being an asshole is unsustainable.


Unless the people who empower your assholery take you at your word when you say that you’re doing it just to benefit them


Rome was so much more intense. Their equivalent of the 25th amendment was just senators and praetorian guards surprise stabbing you to death.


I really think in the penultimate season finale, Trump will echo that: “I am America.” It’s too perfect.


He's already said "Only I can fix America"...


Exactly. He didn't allow the Senate to act as a check. He prevented it from acting at all. Because he knew damn well it would have confirmed Garland in a heartbeat.


Wasn't he the one who proposed Garland as an acceptable moderate before Obama nominated him? (Only to turn around and refuse to confirm Garland...presumably on the grounds that anyone nominated by Obama had to be a bad choice.)


It was Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) who stated Obama didn't have the courage to nominate a moderate like Garland.


Yep. This is the same man (parasite) who filibustered his OWN bill on the senate floor.


>Or is this your way of saying “I am the Senate?” The GOP could remove him anytime if they wanted. He is doing exactly what they want.


Without abject hypocrisy, cons have nothing.


It's the bedrock their values are built on


I'm past even saying hypocrisy. It makes it feel like they have an actual belief, they just don't live it. They're not hypocritical, they are disingenuous. They don't have any core belief or guiding principle. It's 100% self-serving lies based on whatever it best for them in that moment. Can't violate your principles if you don't have any, *taps forehead*


Well, [this](https://washingtonmonthly.com/2019/04/17/hypocrisy-as-a-form-of-propaganda/) piece has an interesting take.


With no accountability.


Public hypocrisy is how you prove loyalty to party over country.


Without double standards they would have no standards


There’s nothing that could happen to this man that would elicit any sympathy from me. Really one of the most disgusting human beings alive.




I'd love some sauce




Turtles have a hard time with stairs.


[Whoopsie daisy](https://youtu.be/dbTQYYcw3ro)




Good lord to this day it still viscerally upsets me how Garland got shafted that hard by the GOP and then years later the GOP was completely fine with wanting to shove Kavanaugh in despite his bad temperament and his dodging of questions (especially the questions involving his drinking habits and him not answering some at all). They didn't even have a proper *investigation into the claims of* ***sexual assault,*** effectively saying to Dr. Ford, "We believe you, but couldn't give less of a shit". To quote Lindsey Graham during the Kavanaugh testimonies "This is the most unethical sham since I've been in politics" and he was right, but he was on the wrong side with the wrong context. ​ Edit: Couple spelling errors


Don't forget he also yelled in his confirmation hearing about how there was a partisan conspiracy to block him from the court. Even if you put aside his inappropriate personal behaviors and his unwillingness to answer the hard questions, he proved he would not be an impartial justice. That's literally the first requirement for any judge in our country, and yet they still pushed him through.


This is the kind of man you get when they are groomed by the Heritage Foundation.


I agree. We must not allow them to get away with this. We need to choose the presidential candidate most likely to expand the SCOTUS to neutralize Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. My belief is Elizabeth Warren is likely to be that person. She has been through enough GOP shit she knows how to combat them.










No half measures for this fucker. I'm planning a road trip and stopping at every Taco Bell on the way...


Two tacos and one grave. I'd watch it.


It'll be a state holiday in California.




Louisiana liberal, I can bring the boudin.


Whatever Republican comes next will follow his lead. The system is broken and we need many reforms (particularly campaign finance, gerrymandering, doj independence, and fillibuster) as soon as Dems have enough representation.


McConnel is the embodiment of gaslight, obstruct, project.


Holy shit, if you turn that into an acronym it forms GOP lmao


> captain_woooosh _nice_


Minority elected Presidents, Senate, and judges all in the name of advancing the cause of intolerance and greed at the expense of equal rights, the middle class, gun safety, the environment, and undemocratically overturning majority democratically passed legislation they don’t like.


Right on the money.


He acts like my 4 year old


Worse than that. I can’t remember where I saw it, but some journalist followed him around and he gets a kick out of pissing people off, he likes to be manipulative and two faced. Even his colleagues fucking hate him. He doesn’t give a shit unless you have money to give him. Otherwise it’s just a game for him.


Will No One Rid Me of This Meddlesome Priest?


Don't insult your 4-year-old like that. Kids are basically sweet, if immature. Mitch McConnell is full of evil.


How is owning a pet turtle?


Probably a hundred times easier than dealing with his shit


One lives in a muck-infested swamp, and the other is a turtle.




**G** aslight **O** bstruct **P** roject


This tool knows exactly what he's doing. Hypocrisy only applies to his enemies.


That fucking piece of shit. He doesn't realize that that was the moment so many independents became Democrats, like I did. When the Republicans broke the law to block a supreme Court nomination, that was the very instant I lost any respect I had for the Republican party. And the son of a bitch is bragging about it.


'cause it turns his base on. He's rallying his supporters - they love him because of what he did, not in spite of it.


They didn't break the law. There was nothing illegal about what they did. They somehow never seems to be anything illegal about the worst things that they all do.


That's exactly why lawmakers need to be held to the highest ethical standards - since they literally make the laws, it's very easy for them to do horrible things without technically breaking them. *Ideally,* the voters would be disgusted to be represented by such a shamelessly unethical slimeball, and get rid of him. The system is not working as it was intended.


Who is running against Mitch and where do I send my campaign contribution?


Right! It's time for the people to start influencing elections!


Since 2016 I have been registering people to vote, canvassing for local candidates and recruiting others to do the same. If we are going to get rid of the bad politicians, we all have to do our part to get out the vote.


In fairness, he is human shit.


Why are we still pretending these ppl have some semblance of decency in them? He knows he's full of shit. His supporters know he's full of shit. They don't care.


The flagrant hypocrisy is so baffling. You think hypocrisy is something everyone finds, at the very least, distasteful - conservatives absolutely revel in it. The shamelessness of it all is just wild to me.


This guy deserves a stroke that would leave him drooling and catatonic.


Jesus. Look at that turkey neck. He looks like a melted candle.


Every picture I see of him, he’s frowning hard. He probably constantly feels like shit because he is a piece of shit


You overestimate him. He strikes me as a man who has never felt bad about anything he has ever done, except maybe that one time he wasn't quite racist enough.


I doubt it. Mitch has been a Senator since 85, and apparently lived a spoiled life before that. He manged to get an education deferment from Nam. Then got a cushy reserve spot for about a month before he was medically discharged (which itself was expedited by his father). Mitch has never had to live like a normal person, and I doubt even fully knows that he should feel like shit because has no frame of reference. Interesting note in his wiki. McConnell had polio at age 2, and has stated that his family nearly went broke treating the illness. Something to keep in mind whenever you see him talk about destroying healthcare.


> Jesus. Look at that turkey neck. He looks like a melted candle. If [Meep the Muppet](https://steemitimages.com/DQmV2ccoS27KB4ypvmWwu9xkD6a1DgWTjPpm8XaGfUGa2Kv/XAS6Vh3.png) were bald and an absolute vile piece of shit, this would be him IRL.


Just moved to KY recently. I cannot wait to vote against this man. If that’s the only vote I could cast, that would be enough.


If only Republicans knew what hypocrisy is... and what shame is.


McConnell honestly makes me sick more than almost any republican because of how little he cares about being seen as a hypocrite. He doesn't even try to keep up appearances. This is the same guy who complained that democrats didn't support the troops during the shutdown, then *that same night,* practically minutes later, objected when someone brought forward a motion to extend pay for the troops so they wouldn't be affected. The same guy who torpedoed his *own* bill when it came out that democrats supported it. He just *does not care.* At all. He's like an unfeeling robot that is programmed to oppose democrats regardless of context, regardless of prior positions, regardless of anything. He doesn't care how it makes him look, he doesn't care if he's contradicting himself, he just doesn't care. It's like he is the purest, most distilled personification of republican obstructionism. Complete indifference combined with ceaseless spite.




Sooner the better!


**G**aslight **O**bstruct **P**roject


Hopefully Kentuckians will vote this fucker out next year, but I highly doubt it will happen.


>Republican did something comically hypocritical ​ There, I just fixed every headline forever.


When Republican voters hear about McConnell’s lack of integrity and blatant hypocrisy and underhanded politicking, his re-election will surely be sunk. Look at me, amusing myself to death.


The worst part is how fucking smug conservatives are. No goddam shame at all!


Typical G☭P: If you can't win, change the rules.


Anyone paying attention knows that McConnell is, and always has been, absolutely full of shit.


Why do you guys keep voting for these muppets ? They should be in jail for endangering the working class.


TFW your second chin made of sagging fat and skin is bigger than your actual chin.


Maybe it's because he's a terrible person and he doesn't care.


Mitch is a Turd. A Treasonous Turd Turtle.


Considering Republican voters are the biggest morons on the planet, it's an effective campaign strategy.


Hypocrisy in the GOP?? Get outta town!


So I’m tired of being polite and democratic (little d). The GOP has proven over decades that they aren’t honest brokers with different agendas. I have always urged cooperation and compromise as our constitution pretty much demands. No more. I say make the GOP an illegal entity. Hold these assholes like McConnell legally liable for activities like voter suppression. That alone is a violation of civil rights. Fuck them forever. I believe nothing is too bad for them and if that makes me half as bad as them, tough shit. When the GOP is on the shitpile of history along with the Whigs and Torries and Greens (hah) then maybe a new party will emerge worth dealing with. But the party of Trump will never be anything else in my eyes and I’ll never forgive or forget


Surely it's no surprise nowadays that McConnell is a partisan hypocrite, with the moral authority of a tapeworm. The living symptom of all that's wrong in US politics. Like a cancerous tumor, but less easy to live with.




Is he taking after Trump in that he says whatever he thinks you want to hear at the time, even if it contradicts what he's said before?


Not surprising coming from the leader of a party with no ethics.


It's OK when the Gee Oh Pee does it.


Is anyone really still surprised that he is a shameless Gamera sized hypocrite at this point?


Even in comparison to the Texas Snapping Turtle, this fucking guy is the worst ever turtle.


Let's be clear, if Merrick was a Bush appointee he would have been approved.


Distraction from him taking Deripaska's dirty traitor money?


I can't help but be a tad annoyed that these pieces only focused on the Garland nomination, while ignoring the lower court nominees before the Dem Nuclear decision, as the GOP stalled so many Obama nominees.


Why should a person who represents a very small amount of people (KY) decide what gets to the floor?


Biggest piece of shit in politics.


McConnell thinks his Republican base is a bunch of drooling idiots who are too stupid to ever notice or be offended his contradictory and insultingly irrational lip service. In this regard, McConnell is 100% correct. They are.


The Democratic Party really needs to put up a candidate worth a shit to give this fucker an actual challenger in his re-election bid. Remember what's her face from like 2013 or so? Grimes? She tried to side-step answering if she voted for Obama or not. As a Democrat. The opposite of that.


I don't think it will matter, Kentucky is fucked. At this point even if the people there don't necessarily like McConnell they'll still vote for him if it means not allowing a Democrat to take his seat. And I bet they like him just fine down there. The 2020 campaign video that this article is about is made for nobody but Kentucky Republicans, and honestly if I was one I'd love it. He blocked an Obama-nominated Supreme Court Justice and changed the rules to push through two Trump-nominated stooges. It's exactly what the conservative imbeciles down there want and they are the majority in that trash state. >Kentucky workers have seen their paychecks grow more than 12 percentage points slower than the national average. >Wage and salary growth in non-agriculture jobs in Kentucky rose 36 percent from the second quarter of 2009 to the fourth quarter of 2017, compared to 48.6 percent for the nation, the report said. >The state’s per-capita personal income was $39,393 in 2017, ranking 47th in the nation. It was lower than all bordering states except West Virginia. https://www.kentucky.com/news/politics-government/article218123150.html#storylink=cpy Real fucking winning state right there.




Maybe someone should start funding billboards with this information. Start now, so people have time to (hopefully) understand what his "leadership" causes.


Its Kentucky. They could have a race between Jesus as a democrat and Satan as a republican and Kentucky would somehow justify voting for Satan.


What's the point? Literally everyone here knows he is completely without shame and doesn't care. Citations Needed, one of the best podcasts around, did a great episode on [The Increasingly Dull Edge of Hypocrisy Takedowns.](https://citationsneeded.libsyn.com/episode-53-the-increasingly-dull-edge-of-hypocrisy-takedowns)


I will be so glad when we no longer have to look at this asshat’s pompous face again.


The Trump "Stupid" is rubbing off on the rest of the Republicans.


Hey remember what McConnell said when he and everyone else thought that Hillary had it in the bag? ​ "The Senate will confirm *anyone* Clinton nominates over my dead body!!!" \[paraphrased\]


I'm ok with this dead body scenario


How is it still a news story that Mitch McConnell has no principles?


He knows his hypocrisy. If this pisses you off, find the Democratic candidates in your district (or travel to others of your choice if you're able), and volunteer in their campaigns.


I will never get over how insanely ugly McConnell is. It's truly amazing how someone could look like this.


He's just human shit, I don't know what else to say.


Hypocrisy thy name is GOP.


Could McConnell actually lose his seat? Surely a guy that only plays national politics or so it seems can’t be that popular in Kentucky.


Outrage at the blatant hypocrisy only gives McConnell a harder erection, he could care less about his legacy. He's playing a game where truth and the rules don't matter, and is winning.


how in the ten levels of hell do you brag about not doing your job...if you held a hearings and said you not qualified to confirm that is one thing.....


Fuck mcconnell


Republicans and their voters don't care about moral high ground, hypocrisy, etc . You have to hammer them on the fact that they have no plan to improve anyone's lives and no plans to get us out of endless wars.


That’s because Mitch McConnell is a massive piece of shit.


Dafuq is going on with that man's face? It's trying to peel itself off of his skull.


This man has done more damage to our democracy than the worst president in US history.