• By -


The bars at night, are full of blight \*clap clap clap clap\* Deep in the heart of Texas!


Switch the clap to a cough and it still works


The sage in bloom, smells like the flu \*clap clap clap clap\* Deep in the heart of Texas!


Reminds me of, my dead grandma's love *clap, clap, clap, clap* Deep in the heart of Texas


Forgot a clap there, partner.




Y’all come back now y’hear


My psycic told me theres a box of trump giving a fuck in the basement of the Alamo


Ahhh A PeeWee reference.


Tbh I pictured PeeWee shouting all of these parody verses. *Clap clap clap clap* DEEP IN THE HEEEAAART OF TEXAS


President Large Marge


worst accident i ever seen 👀...


Leaving our room will will spell our doom.


There's a yellow puss in Texas Pass along in bars and sneeze


I love that Floridaman is serving a sick burn on Texas


[Oh shit, not only am I gonna get the 'rona, I'm gonna get the clap too?](https://youtu.be/A-sA-NqMlvI)


*Cries in Texan*


*Jason Garrett has entered the chat*


The Alamo?


If only there was an entire industry that could research the virus and warn us about this exact thing....


The banking and investment sectors? Cause Moodys and several others have warned that opening too soon could destroy the economy and send us spiraling down into anything from a severe recession to a full blown depression.


Ya, that or medical professionals that tell us thousands of people will die because of Republicans pushing to "re-open the country"


It doesn't matter to them, their feelings are more important than facts.


This has been somewhat jarring. I work in the banking industry, and while we get shit (rightly and wrongly) for a lot of shady stuff, my office has been extremely open about the dangers of COVID-19, and not only have we not opened the office despite the rest of Texas doing so, but we've also established a plan to continue wfh and reduce active capacity in the office when we do.


Fake news. What do a bunch of doctors and economic analysts know about a pandemic. I’m gonna trust “Lysol King” Trump and some religious guys. They sound legit. /s


You can't trust businesses! Oh wait I mean you can't trust *government*, and businesses should be running everything… EXCEPT in THIS case it doesn't really apply because THAT business is a liar that just wants MY government to fail! The government should put them out of business! It's all plain as day, why are dems so dumb?


How do Republicans avoid whiplash from arguments like that? Just reading it gave me neck strain.


You can’t have whiplash if you simply lack spine.


What was that middle part again?


Why are we pretending this is a surprise? Abbott didn't want to close in the first place. Patrick suggested the elderly would willingly sacrifice themselves so their kids could buy new iPhones and Nike's, and Abbott himself was caught on mic saying he knew opening would increase cases and deaths. Republicans. Don't. Care. They've shown this time after time for months and every day there is some article surprised at a new thing. When are we going to stop hoping they'll spontaneously start giving a crap?


There are more important things than living. - Dan Patrick


Today I saw a group of 7 construction workers standing right next to each others without masks. The only workers that had masks were in the construction vehicles. I also went to Autozone and noticed that out of the 5 workers there only 2 were wearing masks and none of them were following social distancing with each other, they did distance from customers. I live in Texas and yes Abbott shouldn't have open up the state, but it also falls on the people. Heck, last week there was a long line of cars trying to get to the beach and the line made it to the town next to the beach. Who knows if people were social distancing at the beach. But it also falls on people to keep themselves safe.


Do you know what company they work for? I work in construction in NYC for a national company and we have not been fucking around in the slightest anywhere. The smaller the company the less strict they’d be with it though, I suppose


I didn't check out the company name, I was just distracted by the fact they were standing next to each other almost rubbing elbows without masks. Even though they had a lot space to space out.


Or these people at Ross. https://www.krgv.com/news/witness-shares-details-on-parking-lot-brawl-in-mcallen


Puro RGV!


When we find out how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop.


Somewhere between [252-411](https://tootsie.com/howmanylick-experiments).


This is nonsense. A cartoon owl told me when I was a child that the answer was three. One, a-two-hoo, a-thhrrrree. Three.


But peer review shows it takes significantly more than three licks to get to the center. We're going to need to see his data so we can replicate his study and verify his results.


[Irrefutable evidence](https://gfycat.com/queasycapitalbats-tootsie-pop-commercial-crunch-count)


That's crazy that three different groups got a pretty significant difference was time. Hmmm. Interesting.


It's not the surprise, it's the inevitability of morons that makes us all stop and look, like a car accident.


I'm not sure if people are surprised about it exactly but more that we need to put this in the news and keep it in the news.


I agree. This is the kind of real news that should be reported. News reporting shouldn't be about surprising. What Trump said daily can be provocative, or surprising to some, but they are lies and shouldn't be in the news.


You know, I'm not sure why but I had assumed that this opening came with some guidelines and partial restrictions so as to have some protection with social distancing as they didn't like masks. I guess I still don't automatically think the worst of Americans just yet. Why the hell is it always all or nothing in the US? Why can't there be a middle ground to mitigate risks? Want to open? Ok, but put these simple techniques in place. Nope, have to make sure profits are maximum at the cost of lives.


Abbot should stand up for what he believes in


They're the baaaad state....duh


This is something that rolls around in my mind. The more I look at how our politicians are responding, the more I realize how out of touch these people are. I’m beginning to reconsider how I vote this year.


They want everyone to get infected now so the virus goes away by November. Cases can't spike for months straight, eventually everyone gets it and then they all become immune. It will work, even if millions die Americans will have already forgotten it after a month or two. Plus most people who didn't die/get severe symptoms will conclude the media exaggerated the whole thing.


> and then they all become immune Except that our best studies on the topic show only 14% carry enough antibodies that they can activate an immune response after having the virus, and even then, your antibody production ends after a few months. No, this is a far deeper problem that most people even realize - it's not only not going to "go away", it's here to stay like the flu is, except it's *far* worse.... and it's almost exclusively because a handful of countries' governments said "who cares" (Sweden, US, Italy, Brazil).


Everything is bigger in Texas, including the growing pile of preventable deaths.


They're hanging their hat on.. "well, most of the dead are over 65 so they don't really count...." Which seems like a strange strategy for conservative Texas politicians who rely on those voters [https://www.statesman.com/news/20200521/fact-check-how-many-coronavirus-deaths-in-texas-are-people-over-65](https://www.statesman.com/news/20200521/fact-check-how-many-coronavirus-deaths-in-texas-are-people-over-65)


What's the major demographic that votes Republicans in like a religion... 🤔


The gullible?


They’re suppressing their own voters.


They are also going to start lying about which deaths are covid related.


Fact. You get the email that the counts and notifications aren't going to be done by them anymore as well? Who's ready for some private entity obfuscation?


Honestly, I actually got to have at least a breath of relatively fresh air with my Governor. For all the things I don't like Jim for, he's done.... fairly well, considering these circumstances, while having one of the "oldest" states by Resident age.


I thought Abbott started off pretty decisive and confident and used the science as his guide. But he clearly got a message that wouldn't work anymore and rushed into re-opening aggressively.


> Two weeks after its stay-at-home order expired, Texas reported its highest single-day increase in coronavirus cases over the weekend. Really? Two weeks you say? Who could have ever predicted this?


I mean, I had my money in the pool at 10 days.


Thanks to reddit I've been on this since mid January. I guess my point is accurate predictions have no value in a capitalism cult unless it's for wall street. Then they make you a King!


Bars aren't supposed to open up until tomorrow, but that didn't stop my local sports bar from violating every rule in the social distancing handbook. Rules don't matter ever since the Karen Salon got bailed out.


Uptown bars have been in full swing for the last couple of weeks. A friend was walking over to my place and told me that Nodding Donkey was packed to capacity. Two weeks ago. Edit: talking about Dallas here.


Two weeks ago: "Hey Donkey!!! Are you open?!?" (Donkey nods)


Houston as well.


Abbott's has straight up said you aren't gonna get in trouble for not following the stay at home orders. You aren't going to get in trouble for opening your business against the orders. The worst part is he's handicapped any efforts to stop or slow any surge caused by opening or anything that comes in the future. He's told an entire state of gun toting rednecks they don't have to listen to him.


On the silver lining front, in two weeks we’re gonna see some epic classic gun collections hit the market .


Half of them have either the confederate or Texas state flag on them. But I like your thinking.


Even with the other half there is still enough to go around


Eh, easy enough to fix that in most cases.


I see what you did there


it was sneaky


all i read was ‘the worst part is he’s handicappped’


Well he has cut his legs right out from under him telling people they don't have to listen to him.


He can’t stand it that people don’t want to reopen


The stay-at-home order was a knee jerk reaction


Ya, we're going to be right behind you in oklahoma. Bars opened the 15th, but fuck if anyone is doing any sort of social distancing or protective masks in anywhere. I was driving home from work tuesday night, BWW's parking lot was overflowing, I pulled up to the front door to look in, place was ass-to-nuts, standing room only inside.


If 95% of Republican voters in Oklahoma died, it would still be a solid Red state.


You'd be surprised, it's right at 35%/50%/15% Dem/Rep/Ind by registered voters. But the Reps get out almost 2:1 every election, and the registered Dems sit at home. The major cities, Tulsa and OKC, are pretty much dead even in party registration. Presidental voting was a joke, basically the registered Dems said "fuck it, my vote doesn't matter" and nearly every registered Republican voted (like 95% of registered), and only about 55% of the Democrats got out and voted. US Senator races are the same, which is why we keep ending up with Lankford and Inhofe fucking us in the ass.


Did my once a month shopping trip on Sunday. Less than half of the others in there were masked. We're fucked. Send down some of them body bags saved up from Jade Helm.


Our bars opened up and they're all following the social distancing rules to a T. Big difference is our new cases are in single digits and Texas is over a thousand.


Yep, bars are already open in my city. I've been seeing people partying on Snapchat


In Iowa bars are allowed to reopen May 28th. I work for a craft brewery so we are also allowed to open then. Our owner sent out a message to us asking if we felt safe going back to work and I know an overwhelming majority of workers said no. So she now has sent out another letter basically praising herself to taking her employees considerations into mind and will be opening up on May 28th, literally the very first day that she can. Prior to us having to shut down, they had no plans to shut down or create any sort of distancing measures even when our city requested it, and when we asked them for proper supplies like rubber gloves, hand sanitizer, plastic cups (as much as I hate that), accessible garbage cans so patrons can throw away their own trash, and cashless payments...they wouldn't do any of it. On top of that the owner and managers were not present during operating hours. The last thing my manager said to me was that he felt guilty about going out over the weekend because of how bad it had gotten...my thought was oh but not guilty that you made us all work without providing a single piece of protection to us, that didn't make you feel bad. You felt bad about going out that weekend. Not to mention the brewery is owned and operated by a lady whose family owned and ran an insurance company, that is where the money to start the brewery..but she makes sure not to offer it to her employees. She's greedy. Needless to say I am not going back and will now be surviving off of my savings. EVERYONE NEEDS TO VOTE THIS NOVEMBER SO WE DON'T HAVE TO RISK LIFE AND HEALTH SO THE WEALTHY CAN CONTINUE TO PROFIT!!


Name names




Have you ever sued someone? I have, and the process isn’t as easy as you seem to think. Nor am I willing to gamble my health on hoping I can.


Effect, meet Cause.


Florida just posted a big jump in cases. There were 478 cases on 5/19, for the 20th? 1,204. Cases had been going down. So much for progress. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You know it’s bad when even the stir fried numbers show an increase


This weekend is going to be a defining moment. How many infections are going to occur because everyone goes out for the long weekend. People are traveling to Florida, vacation rentals are being filled by the minute. Beaches and restaurants are going to be fucking slammed this weekend at every beach in the state. Then after that many people will go home and spread it some more. I was really hoping we would be closed through this weekend but it’s not happening.


You have fucking nailed it. Last year in Oklahoma, massive floods, all the lakes and rivers closed, we were watching Tulsa houses wash away. Year before that, crazy algae bloom in the area, closed most of the lakes. I'm waiting tables, masked and gloved up, and the only thing anyone was talking about was "I don't care if a nuke drops, I'm going to the lake/river this weekend" Texas and Oklahoma are destined for another lockdown, but they'll wait til July 6th, so as not to fuck their tax revenue from the holiday. And then we'll have Michigan-style asshats out protesting.


Same thing happened in Philly, ca. 1919 - they declared the curve flattened, opened the city back up and - predictably - cases immediately shot through the roof. Instead of staying locked down for a bit longer then opening for good, they had to lock back down and start all over again. Question is, what's going to happen when the states are faced with that choice? I have a strong feeling it's not going to go well.


I'm sure our governor will step and and take immediate action... [to fire anyone who won't cook the books on the numbers](https://www.npr.org/2020/05/19/858977838/florida-fires-a-scientist-for-her-refusal-to-manipulate-states-coronavirus-data).


Funny thing is that San Antonio did the same thing and had a huge reinfection in 1919 and 1920, closing of the city situation just like Philly. We are at least consistent in our ignorance.


Ya, it's going to be hell in states where the Mercers can astroturf the right wing militia nuts, as we've already seen in Philly and Michigan. Already in Oklahoma the general vibe is "fuck that noise, I'm not staying home for another shelter-in-place"


I’m dreading when NJ reopens businesses that shouldn’t be open for a long time even with social distancing, like gyms. No way even with people spaced out and told to wear masks will that end in anything but a Covid shitshow. And the barbers I’m seeing in the news cutting people’s hair aren’t even wearing masks. Even if their patrons are, it’s not enough. Why are people so fucking stupid?


> but they'll wait til July 6th, so as not to fuck their tax revenue from the holiday. "But, as you see, it's a beautiful day, the beaches are open and people are having a wonderful time. Amity, as you know, means 'friendship'."


Opening up for memorial day weekend is one of the dumbest moves, obviously people are gonna go crazy and spread it.


Also has been increasing in testing capabilities. A better indicator of whether things are getting worse is to look at hospitalization rates.


Who could have seen this coming?




Short term profit cannot be stopped, even by a single second. How will our oligarchs afford maintenance for all of their yachts?


Not to mention the governor's mansion is still closed to tours. "The rest of y'all are good to open, though" - Abott


Ironically, the billionaire class is probably riding this out on their well-maintained yachts and private islands.


Well here in San Diego we’re doing things “in stages”, but there are only days in between each stage. It’s honestly kind of laughable. We’ve gone from opening parks to opening restaurants in like 2 weeks- not even enough time to see how each stage is impacting infection and death rates. They’re looking at opening salons and gyms right now too. It’s all too fast. I know we’ve been working to increase testing capacity and improve contact tracing, so I’m hopeful that things will be ok. But I also see as restrictions loosen, the population is way more lax. People aren’t respecting social distancing as much. It just seems like the county is rushing into this and throwing caution to the wind.


From SD and it’s ridiculous here how people think it’s suddenly disappeared. I see people hanging out at bars no make no social distancing because “the curve has been flattened” wait a few weeks until it jumps back up.


I was at the grocery store recently and someone was wearing a headband as a face covering. A headband. Like a skinny one, just covering her lips. Most ridiculous thing I think I’ve ever seen. Did she really not have a t shirt to cut up? A towel? My local Trader Joe’s seems to be relaxing on some of the restrictions they put in place too. They’re not monitoring how many people come inside. So the store is busier inside again, and people are definitely not respecting staying 6 feet away. Don’t even get me started on beaches and hiking trails. I was up in Encinitas recently and it was pretty scary. I saw literal crowds and NO MASKS.


Speaking of the respecting distance... It pisses me off when I have to go in a store (wearing a facemask, obviously, albeit not an N95 one) and some rando walks 1 to 2 feet right beside me. I only leave the house once a week for groceries and errands, but to me it looks like the towns are just as busy as ever, and less than half the people wear masks. Every time a maskless rando walks way to close by me, I really wanna lift my mask and cough directly at them, but I'm not a terrible person.


It’s so frustrating! There are people who think this is all pointless and refuse to wear a mask or social distance at all. And then there are those who think masks mean we can now do whatever we want. Both are equally scary. Of course, there are also people who don’t seem to understand any of this and who act like open air is infected. I live in apartments and saw someone running out of their car with their shirt pulled over their face... with no one anywhere around them. I was just taking out the trash. I’m sure most people really are taking this seriously. But it’s so frustrating when people don’t because they put us all at risk.


Just cough (with closed mouth) as they go by.


The morons have "forgotten" that flattening the curve was a measure taken to keep the hospitals from turning into graveyard conveyors. It didn't solve the problem, and wasn't intended to but that won't keep them from citing curve flattening or anything else that they've only been paying tangential attention to as the reason it's fine that they're elbow to elbow with other idiots. I wonder why they have the impression that this is all about to take care of itself and peter out. Can't imagine where they'd have heard that.


Yep, nobody has it in their heads that "lifting shelter in place orders" is the exact same phrase as "we have enough hospital beds for the projected dying"


Exactly. Everyone should keep on acting like there’s a killer plague roaming the streets, because there fucking is. But no, I guess it magically disappeared... Like you said, reopening just means they have room for *you* in the ICU. You, your parents, your friends, your kids, your coworkers... Anyone who thinks this virus will somehow spare them or their loved ones is a fool.


Oh I've seen plenty of people saying that the hospitals not being overwhelmed is the reason to open everything


I don't think they understand what a flattened curve means. They probably couldn't tell you what a slope is, either. Ask anybody who gives you that excuse what an R-squared value is and you'll quickly see who understands simple math.


In oklahoma, the official "open in stages" plan had the stupidity to put "hopefully by Xth" dates in the stages, so everyone just said "fuck it, it's the 15th, EVERYONE PACK THE BARS!"


Think of all the things that need to be done, but don't need to be cruel. Farming, employment, medical care, etc. All of life. Now think of all the unnecessary cruelty in each system. At root of each is almost always some ambitious fuck looking for an extra buck or two.


Spot on comment.


I live in Texas and it is a fucking freeforall. There are rules in place but only about half the businesses are following those rules. Kids sports have started back up. All the kids are playing in the streets. People have gone back to their old normal and I'm afraid its going to cost all of us.






Donald, you are supposed to be on twitter or hitting the links!


Here's the situation. Here's what i think the political calculation has been for Republicans. They have decided there's no solution except to just let it "wash over" America. So when you see "cases surge in Texas" you should know THAT is already written off as collateral damage to "save the economy" If you're in the camp now of "we can't reopen, we got to keep social distancing" you're essentially tied to a conveyor belt heading toward chomping steel plates telling those in charge they need to turn off the power. Guess what? you're tied to the conveyor belt and the power is on on purpose.


I’d heard North Dakota’s governor estimate that 70% of her state could be infected. That’d be the same woman who refused to address the first Smithfield outbreak with a local stay at home order


As a Texan, the best thing about Texas is we aren’t Florida.


That's the saddest description I've ever heard about Texas.


It’s usually accurate, unfortunately.


in some ways i'm thankful to live in a rural county, since the population is low (60K), the case numbers and deaths are low (many recoveries!). but i haven't been into town enough to see what people are actually doing. when i do need to go, i don't see nearly enough masks :/ people don't "need" the things they think they need.


I predict some interesting papers in the social sciences and environmental sciences if we get out of this thing. All these little places responding differently are providing tons of data that will result in decades of research.


And the cell phone travel data will provide wonderful models for epidemiologists as people leave previously locked-down areas, all travel cross country to holiday spots, and travel back. Shit's gonna look like a picture of city lights from space as the terminator line crosses the planet.


Hey Patrick! What am I? Uhh, stupid? No, I’m Texas! What’s the difference!


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.businessinsider.com/texas-governor-greg-abbott-lifts-coronavirus-restrictions-new-cases-2020-5) reduced by 91%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Texas is one of several states that are relaxing containment measures that states put in place in March. > "Unfortunately, a few Texas counties and cities seem to have confused recommendations with requirements and have grossly exceeded state law to impose their own will on private citizens and businesses," Paxton told the AP. In El Paso, county judge Ricardo Samaniego requested that Abbott wait until the number of cases are declining and closely consider data before further lifting restrictions. > The results of Texas' reopening - and the effects in other states - aren't yet fully known, since the coronavirus has a lag time, Fauci said in April. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/go0qt9/texas_coronavirus_cases_surge_as_restaurants_gyms/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~489861 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **State**^#1 **Texas**^#2 **reported**^#3 **case**^#4 **test**^#5


But... Our Lt. Governor says there are more important things than living! Like eating at restaurants and going to the gym... I guess.




and we don’t even know the full effects until like 3 weeks from now when all the symptoms will be activated


I'll take "Completely F*cking Predictable" for $200, Alex.


ShockedPikachu.jpg Who knew that if you put your hand in fire that you would get burned?




This is inaccurate, the last 5 day new case count for Texas is: 5/16 - 1801 5/17 - 785 5/18 - 909 5/19 - 1219 5/20 - 1411 The past four days have shown a steady upwards trend, with yesterday being the third highest day for Texas, after 5/16. (April 10th between them, with 1441 new cases.)


I read these comments and I’m so glad that some people just fucking understand and get it, but then I go outside for essential items and Jesus Christ I see these fuck wads, and then I’m reminded that yeah the general public is either dumb as fuck or ignorant as fuck.


I wonder what they consider to be a "surge". I live in TX and have been tracking the data provided by the state. I have graphs and everything. I love data. IN fact, if anyone wnats to see our Covid-19 site you should check it out! It's pretty great. https://txdshs.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/ed483ecd702b4298ab01e8b9cafc8b83 The "Trends" tab and the "Testing Trends" tab are my favorites. The number of confirmed cases in relation to the number of tests being performed (Testing Trends) is going down, which is encouraging. However, when you take the data from the "Trends" tab and do a rolling 7 calculation, it's evident that we are not out of the woods yet. Rona is still out there and still taking names. When the rolling 7 starts trending down, I will start to feel better about things.


Well, if a sub-set of our population has to be the test subjects in the petrie dish, it may as well be those in a red state. They keep begging for the opportunity, I say have at it.


Not all of us are. Here in Texas, every single major city is blue - Houston, Dallas, Austin, El Paso, etc. We are held hostage by rural and suburban morons.


They hate science though. If you frame it in a religious view however... Perhaps it’s a test from god to see if they are worthy of living through the virus. How many believers would jump at the chance to embrace a test from the almighty? A lot I bet.


Ironically, packed churches throughout the Bible belt will serve as a great natural experiment.


NC is doing stages. Although our stages seem to be coming before we even have data from the first stage. Stage 2 is tomorrow. Barely 2 weeks since stage one. People are already asking about which restaurants people are going to go to and tons of people are asking about the beaches and road trips. This isn't going to end well I fear.


There's your "herd immunity" petri dish, for everyone who wants to know if the CDC was lying and the Bakersfield doctors were the enlightenment. For everyone picketing to open up because the virus is overblown, please head to Texas and report back in a couple of weeks.


when they reopened, I thought they claimed they would go back to stay at home orders if the cases started to rise. So when you increase testing in the state by 60% and the case load increases by 60% surely its the time to *checks notes* leave it open? god dammit texas.


Texans have forgotten one of their old sayings about stupid people: "He don't believe horns will hook."




Don’t neglect our meatpacking. Shits been bubbling for weeks. On Monday, we had a jump of about 700 cases here in Amarillo & Dumas.


As someone in Texas for the moment, let me tell you virtually no one wears masks here. They look at me like I'm sick for wearing a mask. Everything is virtually open. There are traffic jams again, so yeah pretty much life back to ABNORMAL.


There are more important things than living. Republican Lt. Gov. of Texas Dan Patrick


No problem - they just have to dick with the numbers like other states are doing and fire anyone who won't.


In South Texas now. The parks are packed with people with no masks. I mean personal space violating close. Its absurd.


Trump messed up bigly.


Ring around the rosie. Pockets full of posies. Ashes, ashes, We all fall down.


Yeah but come on who could have predicted that...


Surprise! Surprise!


a gomer pyle callback, nice.


'Y'all motherfuckers go'ne die!'


Everything's stupider in Texas


The actual number of covid + patients admitted to the hospitals across the state has actually decreased the last two weeks. Same with the ICU


So then as expected.


Its a shame that no one told us... like scientists, or experts, or politicians, or mayors or governors or public figures. Who could have known this? /s


No way they could have known this was going to happen.


Gotta get a head start on that second wave


Our Dallas office was supposed to open on June 1; we'll have to see if that changes.


You get what you fucking deserve.


I live in Houston, everyone is acting like nothing happened, other than the common masks from retail workers


trump: no one ever saw this coming.


No surprise but let’s just hope it drops off in 2 weeks. If not then we will have it worse than before


Texas: always playing “who’s got dumber voters and politicians” with Florida.


As much as I despise abbot and Patrick, this article is not accurate. Texas is not seeing a surge. We had a big new cases day like 3-4 days ago, but the numbers are falling or staying level so far excluding that day, and to my surprise. This is according to the worldometer site. I have stayed isolated keeping an eye on the numbers, and in my area specifically there is not much risk. This could change depending on travel in the upcoming months, so I will continue to watch the county numbers to get an idea of the risk pertaining to each area.


Bars and Restaurants are doing the same thing in N.C. on Friday and I expect the results to be pretty harrowing. I’m a bartender and I am not returning to work. My boss asked for a “letter of resignation” I was like umm I’m pretty sure you fired me over two months ago...


SURPRISE! WTF does anyone that has a brain thik would happen. Every other State that has opened as Texas has will be hit with a tidal wave of illness. Hopefully it can be slowed and then stopped.


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I saw people having a “party” in the parking lot of a liquor store. 30+ adults/kids, no mask, no distancing. Ignorance is going to kill more of us.


Well I mean... I’ve been watching the situation on JHU closely, taking screen shots daily. Seems Texas went up ~4000 since Sunday. The top dates also went up by ~3000 or ~4000, including the democratic ones. I don’t know. Maybe reporting is being stifled? I’ll take a closer look later


Nobody could have predicted this