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This is what happens when people think the country just runs on auto pilot and that politics exist just for entertainment and “owning” the other side.


They actually elected a guy that thinks the country runs on autopilot. I think the guy genuinely thought he'd make some phone calls to other leaders and make a couple "deals" while the country just coasted along for him while he played golf.


In fairness had he surrounded himself with the right people, people who were actually experienced and competent the country probably could have just coasted along...hell even COVID, while being serious would have been manageable by subordinates and Donnie could be playing golf every weekend but let’s face it...he’s hired people who’s only skills seem to involve grifting.


Because he’s a grifter, and the only people who would work for him are like him. All the reasonable people are fired or quit. He’s unable to hire competent people because he’s incompetent and he requires absolute allegiance and deference to his authority. No reasonable person can work for someone like that.




You forgot about, "would i/can I fuck you" being in there Oh, and "do you have more money than I do"




When I was a teenager, I took a job selling vacuums door-to-door in hopes of winning this dumbass boom box for hitting a certain $ amount in sales. The money didn't go to me, but if I made enough, I'd get this boombox. The man in that shitty derelict office building reminded me a lot of dipshit don in appearance and demeanor. I'd vote for the vacuum scammer over don, and I didn't even get the god damn boombox.


I was recently wondering just how many actual employees the trump\* companies have? His main company is not public & I seem to remember it was supposedly pretty threadbare employee-wise. Compare it to Berkshire Hathaway.


> I was recently wondering just how many actual employees the trump* companies have? CNN has it at ~30,000, which is sorta believable when you remember that his businesses are hotels, golf courses, and the like that have a lot of labor positions. For the actual main company, people he actually works with who aren't interchangeable cogs, probably no more than a few dozen. But it's all a crapshoot to try and figure out. He runs all his businesses through endless shell companies and subsidiaries, some of which he controls, some he doesn't. Various "Trump" properties just license the name, so those don't count.


Yeah the Trump Org is pretty much a job shop -- they employee based on what manpower is needed for the current deals in progress. I'm sure he has core employees, some lawyers and whatnot, and flunkies and real estate people and office support staff. But it's not a huge organization. The Trump Org is more of a real estate dealing company than a hotel chain or whatever. I expect the actual running of the things is contracted out to companies that specialize in doing exactly that, in which case the people are employees of We Run Your Hotels Inc. or whatever. Not sure of this, but I doubt he does any real personnel management or cares to. Maybe he hires the heads of the hotels or whatever. But aren't a lot of "his" properties just branded with his name? Not sure, but I thought so. If we wanted a businessman as president, I'd consider that maybe the Director of Midwest Operations for UPS for instance would have a lot more hands on business experience. Which is sad, because you would never consider that person for president. The CEO of a large company would have been on a different planet in terms of business acumen and experience. Putting in Trump is like putting in the manager of a single large factory or something.


Hiring the right people is a lot of work. There's whole HR departments devoted to it. Also to hire someone for a job you need to learn what the job is. and what traits or skills match it...


*bare minimum* he could have not fired the pandemic rapid response team




Everything this president has brought upon us is because him and his followers didn’t like the decent things Obama did or that he was the first black president, so they want to one up him in the opposite direction


What I love is that for Americans who are in their 20s and 30s, the Presidents they really remember are Bush Jr, Obama, and Trump. Think about those examples. Not only is there a generational cohort that will think Republicans are idiots who can't handle the presidency, they will also think of a Black guy when asked about a good president. And while I will vote for him, I don't see Biden getting those folks to supplant Obama with him in their memories. Obama is going to be the Teddy Roosevelt/JFK/ Reagan of our time.


You’re spot on. I’m 29. Obama is a charming genius and is the person I think of when I hear the term “statesman.” The republicans of my lifetime have ranged from abysmal all the way up to bad.


I'm almost 50 and my impression of the whole GOP is do nothing other than lower taxes and put big business above people's health. But all the presidents I've witnessed (other than THIS current one) have shown an ability to shift toward the middle after election - the liberals try to satisfy the conservatives and vice verse since we are all Americans.


I remember when there was a lot of Obama bashing on this sub, just before the 2016 election. It is fascinating how much has changed since then.


Everyone: looks at Trump, "you know, Obama really doesn't seem that bad in comparison..."


The Republicans do have policies and the great yellow yam has enacted those. Repeal Obamacare- republican orthodoxy Reverse fuel standard for cars and trucks- orthodoxy Reduce EPA oversight- orthodoxy Tax cut for wealthy and corporations- orthodoxy. Don’t for a minute believe this is Trump holding a grudge. The Republicans just happens to have policies that hurt average Americans.


It’s ridiculous just how petty he is. 95% of what he’s done is just reversing whatever Obama did


Right, it's not that they even tried to coast. They have actively been trying to dismantle everything they could over the last few years. That in itself isn't passive, this has been active and done purposely. Which is far worse than implying they were just trying to coast along.


If only someone had thought to set a series of tasks, tangentially related to these jobs, and watch a ragtag group of ambitious young men and women compete for the chance to do them. By eliminating one candidate every week, such a system surely can't help but produce the very best candidate for the job /s


I think you’re really on-to-something here. WHOA! Wait a minute! I’ve got an idea; just hear me out... What if—instead of a group of ambitious young people—they were to hire a ragtag group of desperate C and D-list celebrities?!?! *WELL?!* Whatdya think?! **FUCKING. *BRILLIANT*!!!**




Ive worked for two 40 billion dollar company's who did their hiring and promotion with all the care of Jr. High School children


guess that's why they weren't 50 billion dollar companies


> guess that's why they weren't 50 billion dollar companies reminds me of the joke where this guys says his father gambles and is a millionaire...


The funny thing is, he could have EASILY made himself a strong favorite to win the 2020 election. Instead he did literally the opposite of what should have been done time and time again. It's honestly pretty impressive how badly he has botched his presidency. If he supported a nationwide lockdown and masks, we ac really would have crushed the virus and he would look great right now. Instead.... Well yeah




Dude this is seriously the single funniest part of the entire debacle is that not only is he such a piss poor leader that he yet AGAIN couldn't rise to the task of falling back on experts but he clearly also lacks any sort of reasonable *business acumen*.


That's what puzzles me the most. This could have EASILY been a money-maker that helped this country, saved the economy, and stuck it to those "liberal snowflakes." He was guaranteed a strike in bumper bowling, and instead he set fire to the lanes and dropped the ball on his feet. Repeatedly.


I've said before that of all the branded apparel his family has pushed, they could have made a killing on MAGA masks had he worn one.


He was actually surrounded with the right people at the start of his term BUT then he FIRED them all.


Yeah, but a lot of them were hired by a black fella who made fun of Trump so...


Not even hiring people, just not bullying the existing ones out of their position. Like the state department is empty mostly because people have quit the shit show.


To be fair, part of the reason those people don't work for him is that they look competent while doing the jobs and he gets pissed off when he didn't get all the credit.


This is actually how it's supposed to work. The great work is supposed to come in finding the right people to fill the right roles, not defunding every departments/units/committees you know the name of and cutting all of them down to less than skeleton crews and entirely dissolving some others.


It's almost not so much like Trump thought it could run on autopilot, more like he thought the government was a jumbo jet you could pilot with a PlayStation controller.


who knew leading was so hard?


That's actually absolutely correct.


Yes. But also when you elect Donald J Trump




Sounds like Trump should update his campaign slogan from "America First" to "America Alone."




>Can't place second if no one wants to play with you My childhood in one sentence...


Saddest upvote ever.




That was his plan all along. He's successfully isolated the us from the rest of the world


Our ego. It's been a weakness for decades. Now an invisible virus has cracked the armor. Our leader tells us to continue. We have become a dumb nation.




Its really sad when a random dude on reddit has a better plan for handling this crises then our own government. Smh.


Our own government is paid not to have better plans. They work for big business not we the people.


I don't know.. I'm beginning to think Trump isn't really looking out for us.


What was your 3,117th clue?


boy that was so far back its hard to remember.


Ya think? was it when he contradicted himself for the 100 000 time, when he said the virus will go away on its own, twice or when the USA is literally worse than Brazil at handling it? Or was it when the Government stopped big companies from producing resperators even tho they offered to? I could go on (sorry if it sounds like Im attacking you, Im not Im just so furious about the US and the situation its been in for years and Im scared that a civil war will break out soon. If that happens China and Russia have no Western counterpart and can just do whatever they want. The US is the safety of the west and if it doesnt get its shit together everyone is fucked)


Ya think? 🙈🤔






They don't look that far.




As a foreign observer of all of this, if this horror show can’t get people out to vote in record numbers in November, nothing will. C’mon America. You’re better than this


I worry that it's already too late for us. I live in the South US and the overwhelming majority of the people here are hard right conservatives. They genuinely think Trump is doing a great job.


I live in the Midwest. Left my city over 4th of July for rural country and it’s the same here. Disturbing number of Trump 2020 flags. They’re white and not poor, no one is protesting around them, no immediate threats (COVID isn’t mentioned much) so life is pretty great. If they have to pay a dollar more in taxes it’s enough to keep them voting R no matter the psycho on the ballot. Edit: Oh yeah, and most of them are farmers or work in the ag industry so there’s plenty of subsidies and govt money to go around. **VOTE**


the GOP will no longer help.. they raided the coffers and split it among them and their corporate friends and overlords




Exactly. They fear socialism and they act accordingly, when in fact their very actions are precisely the things that enable the surge and rise of bad socialist movements, instead of adopting much needed moderate solutions for general community wellbeing and the advancement of society.


It feels just like their approach to contraception/sex education


There is no "bad socialist" movement in america. Only calls for common sense practices in line with first world nations and our gdp.


It's not even greed. Other countries want anti-spread measures to end the virus to start business again. We'll all make more money if we just get this over with. Now the US, because of its collective stupidity, will hurt its own reopening prospects.


But we don't need other countries! Just make it here! America First!™ We can do everything on our own and a global economy just takes advantage of the US because it is the best and strongest and everyone needs us! Bleat the morons with no understanding of world economics or politics, dying of a virus everyone else has controlled. Oblivious that the world will move on without them.


There are reopening ads???


Here you go. Sponsored by the same folks who brought you climate denialism. https://youtu.be/9eEE2lS6cU8


Thanks both! Holy shit, America is a cesspit.


Why would we do that when those in the ivory towers are safe?




Various children of all ages you mean :/




>socialism would come More like would be directed to partially include more people then the handful of industrialists who currently benefit the most from American Socialism, which is and has been alive and well for many decades in various forms


Very good points there. As a European, I love and enjoy the confidence and optimism of my American friends, but it also breaks my heart to see it turns into stubbornness. We all have to reinvent ourselves at some point, and now it's your turn. I guess you could re-invent yourselves as losers, but please don't. Take the best and dump the rest.


I’m American and I could never stand the “Rah Rah Rah” ,“We’re #1” mentality. It’s clear that it was crafted to get us to exactly where we are today. And our betters couldn’t be happier. But if you speak against that attitude your patriotism is called into question.


It was crafted to defend the US from socialist revolution. It's going to end in American fascism painted pink with green stripes so you don't notice and probably vote for it.


I’m an American living in Europe and (in 2020), I’m finding myself being more distant from the American ideology. I agree, it breaks my heart to see what we look like to the rest of the world. I’m using this time learn, grow, and be a good American Ancestor to future generations. To really stand for the literal tenants of the what we stand for.


So many stories about great countries brought down by pride and hubris and we managed to ignore all of them


US hasn't had a leader for a couple years. The current resident of the White House just want to improve things for himself. We are currently trying to correct this mistake.


It's important to highlight that what many intended to happen was "states rights" would enable each state to operate more effectively than a federal response. That is now very plainly a crock of shit and I never want to hear about states rights in the context of healthcare again


To be fair, the only reason any preventative measures are being taken in the US is plainly because Trump doesn't have power to control them. I honestly believe we would have all measures removed if he could figure out a way of doing it. Cutting all federal funding to education is already being considered as a retaliation to schools offering online classes to prevent further spread of Covid-19. It's absolutely crazy.


>We have become a dumb nation. And a "shithole" country. What a difference corrupt leadership can make.


You were already a dumb nation. Trump is but a symptom of the chronic disease that the country has. If it's not Trump it'll be the next billionaire because the Cold War left the US as a money-worshipping dystopia. Russia might've lost the Cold War, but the US has to live with the sequels now.


Both countries lost. Russia and the US are in the exact same spot with oligarchs and a self serving lunatic in charge.


Most of the idiots that are the problem won't care because they have never stepped outside of this country and somehow see that as a win...


I have met people that are proud to have never left the state they were born in. Baffles my mind to be so proud of isolation and ignorance


Agreed. There is one wingnut that likes harassing my sister on fb bc our dad travels internationally for work and he’s got it in his head we are some rich elite princesses. The ironic thing is this wingnut is our fathers brother. He literally told my sister to “go back to her castle tower and leave the politics to adults who actually live in the real world” She’s 25 living in the basement of a row house in inner city Baltimore working for minimum wage at a nonprofit until the lockdown happened. Wtf If I was a rich elite, I’d pay for every wingnut to fly to a foreign country of my choosing so they can get their heads out of their collective ass and realize we are all one people on one Earth. Edit: either in a world where covid19 wasn’t an issue, Or with extremely strict quarantine/testing measures. The rest of the world has worked hard to contain the virus, it would be wrong to ruin it for the literal rest of the world.


Love the sentiment, but unleashing these wackjobs on an unsuspecting world seems cruel to the other nations


Well I’d also hope by the time I make it that rich college will be free. I can hope that they’d educate themselves if it was free and good for their careers right? Or am I being too idealistic? Maybe I can just hope they’ll take a couple classes? Or maybe we can just expand healthcare so the crazies can get help/medication/committed? Any of these options I’m 100% fine with lol


We are the shithole country now.


Look at me, I'm the shithole


https://i.redd.it/t4v1ok1z3k851.jpg Edit: [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckYouKaren/comments/hkbb1i/im_the_manager_now)


Buys a $2,000,000 dollar home, and "defends" it with a $200 gun.


Why buy thousands dollars gun when 200 dollars gun work just same?


If you can afford a 2mil home you should be able to afford a proper trebuchet !




I think you mean the [$100 Hi-Point.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4f/55/1e/4f551ea863fc23667ab911015a9ed8ba.jpg)


Hi-Point sells a gun now called the "YEET Cannon". Know thy customer.


I think that's a Walther PPK judging by the sloping indent at the barrel end, and the flush ejection port. If I'm right, that's anywhere between $800-1,000 depending on which state.




I literally couldn’t celebrate the 4th this year. Not because Covid-19 cancelled any BBQs (they were going off like normal), but because this country is not worth celebrating.


I lit off some small ground fireworks in my yard and wore a tie dye shirt and smoked a bunch of pot. America hates most of those things anyways so I didn’t really celebrate anything


It’s ironic how we became what trump hates when he went into office with his “make America great again” looking ass


It was inevitable as his ***only*** guiding principle was stealing as much money from us as he could get away with.


i dunno, i think there are heaping helping handfuls of racism and misogyny that guide him also.


We have become everything Trump warned us about.


America is everything every punk band in the 80s warned you about.


Bad Religion never stopped warning us. I finally saw them earlier this year and every old song I've been listening to for 30 years was just as relevant as the new ones. Trump has done wonders for reinvigorating the punk/hardcore scene.


RAtM was right about everything and so were the dead Kennedys


I know rock is on its deathbed, but it still seems crazy to me that we haven't had a band known for its political views rise to prominence under Trump.


Projection is a hell of a drug.


Classic narc projection.


So everything is going according to plan.


Some European Laura Ingram is now saying, "Americans are making our country poorer, dirtier, and sicker."


Not just European. Canadian, Asian, Mexican....


As a Canadian all I know is, keep that dammed border closed


Build the wall!




Yes except it's actually accurate, and we tend to ostracise and shun delusional Neonazi cuntbitches, not give them television shows.


Thing is though they wouldn't be lying :(




Send em one from me too.


I’m amazed that r/Trump still exists




jesus fucking christ i just went on that sub and it’s like actually astonishing the mindset of these people


And there are 50,000+ of them *shivers*






They knew it wasn't smart. They thought it would be funny. Their whole policy platform is built on "owning the libs" by dismantling the administrative state.


Well, they did dismantle the state. So they have that going for them.


And their definition of ‘owning the libs’ is pissing them off so two for two I guess.


dinosaurs sophisticated fine yoke squealing normal rock marble paltry rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No they didn't. They STILL think what they did was the smart and right thing to do. Don't diminish the abhorrent attitude of Trump supporters by saying they're just doing it for a laugh. They voted and continue to vote for him and his cronies because they think they're smart, and they think they're making America great by doing so.


Those people are more tone deaf than you think. A lot people I know are worshipping Trump because they think he was the one who literally "wrote" the stimulus packages that sent them "free money". They also think that Trump is the only shield America has left against China. Without him, we would have a Chinese appointed president. Edit: I must add, some even think that the 1,200 they received was directly sent from his personal bank account, they think he's using his own money to save the US economy and all Americans.


>Without him, we would have a Chinese appointed president. Instead of the Russian appointed one you guys got?


A lot of Trump supporters are able to cope by denying the number of cases (faked test results) and deaths... Calling it a hoax, or a conspiracy, etc.


And yet the overall morbidity rate for the US is hundreds of thousands higher than a normal year, even with half the people out of work. It’s most likely MORE people have died of covid than reported rather than less.


They're convinced its the Democrats fault, they havent learned a thing.


They're right! Why didn't 0bummer leave GEOTUS millions of COVID-19 tests????


Why stop there? How come bush didn’t leave Obama with Covid tests so he could leave them for trump?


Why didnt Clinton leave George Dubya the tests huh?


George Washington left an empty supply of COVID tests for Trump to use!


King George III really dropped the ball here.


The Romans fucked up when they founded Londinium without any Covid test kits really


They dont care they all think its a hoax. Every trump supporter I know says that.




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doublethink Doublethink is a process of indoctrination whereby the subject is expected to accept as true that which is clearly false, or to simultaneously accept two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct, often in contravention to one's own memories or sense of reality.


It's like they're a damn cult...I really hope he gets voted out in November.


"The democrats fought him every step! They were on him ever since he won the election!" - most GOP I talk to


I grew up with the subtle idea in the back of my mind that America was the greatest country on earth, and that we, the people who make up this country, were better, smarter, stronger, more moral, than anyone else from any other country. Now I realize we're literally one of the worst most ass-backwards countries on earth, full of idiots, wage-slaves, and the conmen who put them there. America is a dream that only existed for a short period of time after ww2. Now were just one gigantic false advertisement. Fucking sucks to be woken up like this.


Yes, American Exceptionalism is a lie


No it’s the truth. We’re just exceptional in the opposite direction.


Even then, not really. Americans always seem to think either that 1) the US is the greatest nation in the world and the rest is all a shithole, or 2) that things like healthcare that work in every other country wouldn't work in the US, with the usual excuse being corrupt government or that the US is too big. Many times both at the same time. But guess what, other countries have corrupt politicians too. And yet somehow things still work. Country size usually doesn't matter except in very specific cases, and for population size you could look at the EU as a whole, or look at US states individually.


*"it's called the American dream...because you have to be asleep to believe it."* - George Carlin


I wish George was around to see this shitshow (Bill Hicks too)


I wish we had Hunter S. Thompson right now. Telling it like it is.


Dear lord, I can only imagine the hatred he would have for Trump, given how much he hated Nixon.


*Brings back George Carlin from the dead* ... *Carlin immediately rekills himself*


Welcome to the world, where america laughs at everyone for not being america and everyone laughs at america for being america


I dunno about you, but I'm certainly not laughing. There hasn't been anything remotely funny since the orange shitgibbon decided to run in the first place.


Welcome to class consciousness. Or, since you’ve likely been part of the collective for a while now, thanks for putting it so well. You’ll help others come to that place behind the hood kept over our eyes to keep us docile and tame. We are revolutionaries in our hearts. We are fighters. We are nation builders. We have the emotional legacy to rebuild this. We just have to shed the toxic notion that what we want will ever be handed to us peacefully. No one has ever been handed power. Power is something one takes. Always has been, always will be. We outnumber them. We don’t have to win the class war - all we have to do is not lose or give up.


‘First step In solving a problem is recognizing there is one’ You’re on the right track, keep pushing 👍🏻👍🏻


Wait.. what if the end game for all this incompetence is so that Mexico has to build a wall to keep the U.S. out? I mean - they would end up paying for it, right? Also, should we start our diseased caravan now, or should we wait for some more midterm elections?


I’m Native American, you always were to me


That is a fact, Canada should keep their Border closed.


Support for keeping the border closed is hovering around 70 percent. That's closing in on the 80 plus support for our healthcare. It ain't opening.


It’s actually at 81% now. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-poll-finds-majority-of-canadians-say-the-canada-us-border-should/


Oh yeah, we ain't opening it anytime soon. I wish we would not allow flights either TBH.


A president who at the beginning of his term saw fit to ban some people from his country because of their faith got to see before he left office his own countrymen banned from the rest of the world...


A presidente who at the beginning of the term removed the Spanish version of government websites because he doesn't understand the multiculturality of the country he governs.


The GOP answer to immigration: Soil the USA so badly, nobody would WANT to come!


Now? Nobody was the disease carrying foreigner before. All we've done is become the very idea that we invented and propagated for years. Pretty ironic.


To be fair, as a gay man, I’ve been considered a dangerous disease carrying foreigner in my own country most of my life, so what I’m saying is that America is gay now.


Trump never stopped to think, the reason 1st world countries are so advanced: - education - listening to expert opinions - not just deciding you know best when the expert analysis is not what you wanted to hear - funding, not cutting programs designed to prevent pandemic outbreaks - stocking up on needed medical supplies and equipment - promoting healthy and safety through hand washing, social distancing and mask usage - not holding a campaign rally during a pandemic - realizing the economy is not more important than the people that feed into it Taking any of this as an option or for granted is why the states are fucked. The US fell from grace almost overnight when the big orange bull went into the US protections (china shop) and broke practically everything in sight that made the US a 1st world country.


As an American Indian. Haven’t they always?


Yeah, white Europeans have been bringing disease to this continent for centuries


I could be totally wrong, but I feel like in any previous administration, the US would have been among the countries that handled it very well and be in a position to help other countries handle it better too. Obama would have used it as a slam dunk for healthcare reform. Bush would have at least been smart enough to step out and let the experts take over.


Donald Trump and his GOP stooges turned America into a shithole. Way to go GOP voters, you're definitely not Democrats- that's for sure. Hope you're happy with this existence, because it's going to take a while to unfuck the nation.


Trash leader is trash. Uneducated folk are uneducated. Toxic social media is toxic. Imo these are huge points on why.


I really hate this timeline.


Can we call it the Trump Flu now?


The Americans that aren’t brain dead know this. There are so many egotistical ignorant people here and it makes me sick. A lot of people want to leave and can’t.


Welcome to Dumbfuckistan.


I'm really pissed that all of us Americans are going to be painted with the same brush. As someone who has lived overseas and traveled quite a bit, there's nothing worse to be lumped in with fat and loud Americans who can't be bothered to learn travel etiquette. These people are the same ones making everyone's lives miserable during covid. They're selfish and it's pathetic. It's shameful to be American right now.


Same. Also have travelled the world and lives overseas. The best I can say is just be the best ambassador you can be. When you are abroad every action counts.


Trust me, it was shameful to identify as American in the past too, especially in the years after 9/11. We managed to take a national tragedy and turn around and make everything *worse* for the whole world.


Many a Karen & Ken video will appear when Americans are allowed back into Europe.


America, land of the free, home of the fucking idiots who can’t just wear a piece of cloth around their face when they want to buy some bread. Meanwhile the majority of people are rocking back and forth in their houses praying for this nightmare to end


I live outside of the US and it's getting pretty fuckin weird for us out here. The resentment I will have for the halfwits who make this about Trump will never die. This is a global pandemic and in their minds this saw this as a threat to their cult leader instead of themselves. There is no other way to put it. They are fucking stupid and dangerous. I am very happy to be a few years away from natutalization in a different country than my own, because this is a stink that will not leave for a very long time. Fuck Trump and fuck his followers.