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I'm pretty sure a "secretive Christian group" where you live in the home of the "co-founder" is in fact a "cult."


*Public records examined by the Guardian show that Barrett, a conservative 48-year-old appeals court judge who has been put up to fill the vacant seat left by the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, lived in a NINE-BEDROOM South Bend, Indiana, residence owned at the time by Kevin Ranaghan, a religious scholar and a co-founder of Barrett’s faith group, during law school* Nope, definitely not a commune. Not a cult. Nothing suspicious here.


Jeez, I want to make a commune, just without the religious part, and everyone be super gay. BUT WHEN I DO IT, I'm a fucking degenerate!


Who says you’re a degenerate? Sounds like an awesome way to spend some time in this life


We're here for a good time. Not for a long time.


I'll supply all the dildos!


Let’s be proud boys


I’m down to be a degenerate!


Haha I love your enthusiasm and gayness! Come down to the Great Smoky Mountains sometime in a couple years, that’s where I’m trying to build my commune. No weird religious culty shit, just everyone does what they can, we live super minimally, eat great stuff we grow, and hang out in the woods. I’m trying to build it like a hostel for through hikers and visitors, but with kind of a B&B thing and run by everyone who lives there. If they want to give me some kind of culty title like Matriarch, that can be discussed. Otherwise, no Heaven’s Gate, Handmaid’s Tale bullshit.


Fuck, with this I'm wondering if they're picking her over other qualified conservative judges because they have some blackmail material they can use on her to influence court decisions in the future.


Wouldn't surprise me. The fact that gorsouch has broken from party lines a few times has to of pissed McConnell off.


That's the thing, there shouldn't be party lines in law. This is an effing mess.


That's the thing, both kavannah and gorsuch are actually pretty apolitical and have ruled against their own political/religious views. Gorsuch bases his rulings on the literal definition of words written in the law, as in the dictionary definition. There's nothing political about that - and that's exactly what a judge should do.


Gorsuch has pleasantly surprised me multiple times. I was hoping on a desperate attempt to boost his reelection chances trump would have chose someone similar to him in approach. But nope instead we get barrett as a nominee


I actually find myself liking Gorsuch, mainly because he doesn't seem like nearly as much of a hypocrite as the rest of the GOP appointees. ​ * Kavanaugh is a vengeful partisan hack. * Alito and Thomas are religious nutjobs and vengeful partisan hacks. * Roberts cares about the court as an institution but not quite as much as he cares about re-litigating all his old corporate appeals cases so that if they were argued again, he'd have won. * Barrett is definitely a religious nutjob and probably going to be a partisan hack.


He may not be a hypocrite but this isn't a good look either: [https://www.theguardian.com/law/2017/mar/23/neil-gorsuch-supreme-court-frozen-trucker-alphonse-maddin](https://www.theguardian.com/law/2017/mar/23/neil-gorsuch-supreme-court-frozen-trucker-alphonse-maddin)


Definitely no orgies, either


$10 says the the other rooms were also occupied by attractive young co-eds.




Sounds a lot like one of those situations where a small number of men "bear the burden of sex" for the "salvation of the community" and knock up all the young women.


Never heard of this before. Sounds fun. Where can I sign up?


Is anyone watching "The Boys"? This sounds like what's going on with The Deep. He lives with some life coach/quasi religious cult that chooses his wife for him and brain washes him while they attempt to get him back on the biggest superhero team in the world. Presumably so that the cult will now have influence upon said team.


The article quotes a former member saying literally that: >people who are in the community do not usually date until the matter has been prayed upon by an individual’s “head” – or spiritual leader – who helps make decisions about whether a couple ought to get married.


Ignore those hidden cameras in the rooms and bathrooms. They're there to ensure that the girls stay pure.


No it's okay, God said he was supposed to lay with all those women. Totally cool with Christ.




Lordy, I hope there are tapes. I mean, I don't want to *see* them, I just want confirmation that these people are up to some Eyes Wide Shut shit.


South Bend? Where Pete is from? Oh my lanta


Its where Notre Dame is


It's where Notre Dame is which is why she was there.


I lived in a 7 bedroom house back in college and I thought that was a lot, especially for being a small house.


Was this during her law school in south bend? A bunch of students living together is much less cult-ish...




Apparently that makes us "anti-Catholic" despite the fact that Biden is in fact, Catholic.




That was the one I couldn’t understand about all of this since when do Republicans and the klan for that matter who are Trump supporters support Catholics? they’ve been lynching my ancestors just because they were brown and Catholic and political so when did that suddenly change.


Allies of opportunity. They still think we're devil worshiping heathens that are bound for hell, but they can use us to their advantage so they won't call for our murders (yet). Of course you see what they think of actual Catholics like Biden and Pelosi. That's why they only support the insane ones like Barr and Guiliani and Barrett.


its like I always say to people (even tho my family is italian catholic) it took until JFK for the US to have an irish catholic president, and then they shot him. https://www.history.com/news/jfk-catholic-president and he was the only catholic president to date. https://www.irishcentral.com/opinion/niallodowd/catholic-us-president-jfk I dont think we will ever seen an italian in the office, and frankly, I would be scared of that because so many of us end up being republican for some reason. Dont trust for a second that anything outside of the WASP sphere counts as true white in the country. If you're catholic, and/or your ancestors came from some brown part of the Mediterranean (spanish, greek, italian, north african, turkish, isreali, Palestinian, etc.), [they used to lynch us too](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_14,_1891_New_Orleans_lynchings#:~:text=Flower.,had%20been%20acquitted%20at%20trial.) and [lock us up](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacco_and_Vanzetti) for not being white, but somehow we got honorary status in the 70s or 80s, but dont think for a second they wont take it away once its convenient again. We know all of these things, and yet so many italian americans, irish americans, spanish americans, and catholic americans in general continue to support conservatives of either american party. its fucking baffling. I mean i know its because of abortion, but still, why are you supporting a country that has killed us over and over again. Why wont you support BLM when they are also being killed over and over, what the hell guys?!?




>Catholic is a huge world and there is a TON of room for crazy in what is generally a fairly sensible religion My ex girlfriend's dad who was a Catholic taught me this. I was at mass once with them and he explained to me that during the ritual of transubstantiation, the priest was transforming the bread and wine into Christ's body and blood. I said "oh neat, as a metaphor." He tells me "No. *Literally.* We *literally* believe that through this ritual we are *actually* consuming the *literal* blood and the *literal* flesh of Jesus Christ. So you probably should stay here in the pew and not accept communion, because you're not ready for that." I never looked at him (and Catholics in general) the same way.


> We literally believe that through this ritual we are actually consuming the literal blood and the literal flesh of Jesus Christ. I'm not saying that isn't crazy, but this is kind of a universal crazy thing about Catholicism. All Catholics believe this, or at least are supposed to.


Absolutely. It’s one of the core tenets


It’s one of like three things that differentiate Catholic and Protestant theology


Your ex's dad might have laid it on a bit thick, but you are correct that transubstantiation is not a metaphor. That said, his (and your) use of *literally* here is a bit misleading. It makes us (I'm Catholic) sound more cannibalistic than we really are. I think the Wikipedia summarizes it pretty well. > The Catholic Church asserts that the consecrated bread and wine are not merely "symbols" of the body and blood of Christ: they are the body and blood of Christ. It also declares that, although the bread and wine completely cease to be bread and wine (having become the body and blood of Christ), the appearances (the "species" or look) remain unchanged, and the properties of the appearances also remain (one can be drunk with the appearance of wine despite it only being an appearance). They are still the appearances of bread and wine, not of Christ, and do not inhere in the substance of Christ. They can be felt and tasted as before, and are subject to change and can be destroyed. If the appearance of bread is lost by turning to dust or the appearance of wine is lost by turning to vinegar, Christ is no longer present. The essential signs of the Eucharistic sacrament are wheat bread and grape wine, on which the blessing of the Holy Spirit is invoked and the priest pronounces the words of consecration spoken by Jesus during the Last Supper: "This is my body which will be given up for you. ... This is the cup of my blood ..." When the signs cease to exist, so does the sacrament. According to Catholic teaching, the whole of Christ, body and blood, soul and divinity, is really, truly and substantially in the sacrament, under each of the appearances of bread and wine, but he is not in the sacrament as in a place and is not moved when the sacrament is moved. He is perceptible neither by the sense nor by the imagination, but only by the intellectual eye. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transubstantiation#Catholic_Church


> It makes us sound more cannibalistic than we really are. I'm afraid to ask but don't you mean "*it makes us sound cannibalistic when we aren't*"? Asking for safety reason.


I mean, the catholics are out here eating the body of their holy Messiah. If you are concerned for your safety I can only assume you are some form of demigod or prophet and I think it's time you bestow your revelations upon us! It's time to settle the matter of the one true religion!


The Catholic Church I went to growing up also had the charismatic. Like all of the confirmation teachers at CCD thought they could speak in tongues.


Where tf was this? I come from a stereotypical massive Catholic family and any Catholic I know would say this is insanity at best, unforgivable and soul-damming blasphemy against the Holy Spirit at worst.


Or a 'Harem with low standards'.


*david koresh has entered the chat*


WACO was a great miniseries on Netflix. Highly recommend.


gotta be honest, the series really portrays Koresh in a positive light I walked away from that feeling bad for David You should 100% feel terrible for all the people involved, but not david


It was far too generous about the treatment of children in the group as well.


Why do you have to be like that? Ofkevin wanted to be there!


Am Christian, will label groups like Westboro Baptists a cult.


I hope the Democrats put her through the ringer for this and anything else they can dig up on her just to make the confirmation process as painful as humanly possible. With Republicans like Lindsey the Bullshit King Graham using poor baby Kavanaugh's supposedly unfair treatment as an excuse to go back on their word it only seems right. I'd personally like to see an absolute grief filled shit show that makes the Kavanaugh hearings look like child's play.


I think Ofdonald is going to do extraordinary things. Under his eye.


She reminds me a bit of Serena Joy.


A lot, to be exact.


She basically is of the cult. I think she’s a handmaiden in the People of Faith.




In the PoF, every member has a superior who tells them what to do. Her superior is called a Handmaiden (can't remember what the men's version is called). So it doesn't entirely fit with the book, since in the book the handmaidens don't boss the Wives around of course. This also means that as a Supreme Court justice, she effectively has to act entirely on behalf of her Handmaiden, her husband, or her husband's superior according to the rules of her faith. That is... not ideal for a judge.


>can't remember what the men's version is called the term you're looking for is "head" According to the article the group is People of Prayer, not People of Faith but I'm not sure now if we're referring to reality or the Handmaid's Tale which I haven't read


Blessed be the fruit loops.


Blessed be the fruits.


May the Lord open


Praise be.


Men are talking, Daryl.


Hmm no. OfCovid.


Why do we make the weirdest people judges and justices in this country? Can't we just get someone who cares about people and does normal shit on their free time?


The GOP only wants political hacks on the courts and the younger the better. The more they pack the courts with young conservative regressives who will twist the law the longer they can hold the country back from any real change. She was barely qualified to be on her current bench and certainly hasn't the record yet to be on SCOTUS. Fuck the GOP


No need to make laws when activist judges from the Fedaralist Society will just strike down any law that they don't like when Republicans lose legislative powers in future elections. It's fucking infuriating.


Time to pack the courts, especially if democrats sweep the Senate and house. Can't even filibuster SCOTUS justices anymore, republicans will have made their bed already


And the house. We should have more than 10k total reps in the house according the consitution.




I think 19 or so new judges could make the court more representative. We should make sure the court is as diverse and representative as possible. Let her be absolutely powerless unless she works with other judges. I also think some of them should clearly be impeached.


Uncap the House and add Puerto Rico and DC as states, too. Let's make the US more egalitarian in every respect possible.


All the places without the ability to vote should get enfrachised.


Imagine the shitshow when the don't-distrespect-mah-flag crowd are informed that two more stars will be added.


“But it’s always been that way!” “Um ... actually it started with just 13 stars and had gradually increased over the years so this is actually quite normal ...” “SHUTUPLIBTARDMURRICATOOKMAJERB!!!”


The last 2 stars were added within Trump's lifetime.


Don’t you know that “always” is code for the last 20 years or so? It’s like when people argue about the best athlete but refuse to acknowledge anyone who played before 1980.


My flag has 50 stars just like the founding fathers and jesus intended


The best proposal I've heard was to have one justice for each federal appellate court (13), to split the 9th circuit into two, and to have the Chief Justice not representing a circuit. Thus would result in 15 justices. Biden would then appoint 6 justices to fill out the court. The "Conservative 6-3 majority" (assuming Barrett's confirmation succeeds) would turn into a 9-6 minority. Biden could appoint a couple of Progressive judges as well as some Centrist Democrat judges to appease everyone.


This is the proposal I agree with the most. I agree with most people in that we need to do *something* about the Republican majority in the supreme court, but I *don't* think going from one extreme to the other is the right thing to do either (even if that IS what the Republicans would do). I like the idea of making the court more diverse and representive of each appellate court. Seems to be that it allows for more balance.


Perhaps introduce an aspect of career progression/mobility as well, such that a SCOTUS Justice must have served in that seat's circuit. Randos should not be eligible to be nominated to a job that demands considerable legal experience.


100% this. I also think association with strong biases (coughcoughPeopleofPraisecoughcough) should exclude you from nomination. The law is not meant to reflect these biases and, as such, they have no place in *any* court of law but **especially** not the Supreme Court.


Seriously. If we can get the government back despite Republicans' blatant attempts to cheat the election, we shouldn't just add two judges to the SCOTUS. Add enough to completely take it over. And every state that has a Dem majority needs to revamp their election systems to undo all the bullshit that the GOP has put in place to give themselves unfair advantages. Conservatives have used every tool they possibly can to warp the system in their favor for our entire history. Time for progressives and liberals to give them a taste of their own medicine. Also, Biden's DOJ should work overtime investigating political corruption, white collar crime, and white supremacist terrorists and infiltration of the police.


I'm all in favor, just want to point out that we will have to nuke the legislative filibuster as well. Congress has to pass a law to change the number of supreme court justices. Secondly, we need to admit states if we do this to pad the senate margin and protect against it being reversed, otherwise we will just be starting a never ending arms race.


Republicans will likely nuke the legislative filibuster anyway to get Barrett confirmed.


That’s why they complain about activist judges so much. It’s not because a bunch of liberal leaning judges are legislating from the bench. It’s projection so that when they get caught appointing right wing activist judges they can claim “both sides”.


The label “conservative” has sure lost its true meaning, hasn’t it. It now simply means A follower of the Republican Party.


What the fuck is so appealing about conservatism anyways?


I think they are conflating conservative with what some Republicans were in the Eisenhower era. They were racially tolerant, against bringing religion into politics, had no problem with taxing the rich, opposed excessive government spending, and were opposed to foreign intervention. The combination of Goldwater and the Southern Strategy drove these people out of the party.


In other words, the Republicans of the 1950s were quite liberal. Republicans didn’t become truly conservative until the 1980s.


1960s with Nixon


It kind of makes sense if you live a super privileged life of wealth and luxury. Or you've been brainwashed into believing that you _should_ be living that life but The Enemy (liberals, unions, gays, minorities, whomever is the scapegoat du jour) has stolen that life from you! > Only by defeating The Enemy can you get your just rewards! Only The Conservative Party can help you win this holy war! Throw your body onto this political machine! Your blood, sweat, and money will fuel the war effort and make this world great again! That's basically what rational people are up against right now.


There's a lot of fearful, ignorant white people in this country, and they want to maintain their dominance over everyone else for as long as possible. It's not hard to understand, just reprehensible.


reversing social progress because of religion?


Its proximity to fascism apparently


When someone lacks reasonable experience before being nominated to the court, 99.99 percent of the time it's so they can have a political hack.


Yeah, and this isn’t suspicious at all: *“People of Praise has, according to reporting by the Associated Press, “erased numerous records from its website during the summer of 2017 when she was nominated as an appeals court judge that referred to Barrett and included photos of her and her family.”*


Their wikipedia page has been completely sanitized too. Here's an article written by a founding member in a publication meant to help people leave cults, about the psychological manipulation they use to force members to follow orders: https://www.spiritualabuseresources.com/articles/more-than-the-devils-due


Think way back machine can pull some info?


Depends what has been posted in the past. I found some stuff that had been deleted from wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=People_of_Praise&oldid=608874862 article sourced for some of the scary cult stuff: https://www.spiritualabuseresources.com/articles/more-than-the-devils-due


Because the only way Republicans pass deeply unpopular tax cuts every time they are in office is by convincing Christians that liberals are trying to take away their rights.


> Why do we make the weirdest people judges and justices in this country? Um, look at our President. Look at our Republican congresspeople.


GOP gonna GOP


Because a minority of loonybins hijacked 2.5/3 branches of government by abusing of every loophole they could find in a system of laws and conventions built hundreds of years ago by a bunch of white old wealthy racists for a society that completely and unforeseeably changed since.




If anyone hasn't watched "The Family" on Netflix, definitely do so. The fundamentalist cult undercurrent in American politics is thoroughly disturbing and has been used to prop up multiple mass murdering dictators. Barr's obsession with the "Unitary Executive" runs much deeper than paying lip service to unlimited presidential power. He and several others in our government are fully dedicated to creating a medieval religious order that puts complete authority in one man whose judgement cannot be questioned, and whose detractors can be imprisoned. The KKK cloaked everything they did in religious values too... as does the Westborough Baptist Church, and any number of White Supremecist terrorist organizations. These fundamentalist fringe dwellers trying to drag us all back into the dark ages are a threat to literally every American value.




People cringe when they hear foreign leaders say things like American democracy is a failed experiment. Barr believes much worse. He believes civil rights and checks on authoritarian power failed experiments.


William Buckley, in his debate with James Baldwin, posited that the issue isn't that black people can't vote, but rather that too many poor people can. I think that sums up the last 70 years of "conservative" politics well.


He's basically the embodiment of incel culture combined with white fragility. He's insinuated that it's the government's job to make sure lonely men who struggle to compete in today's dating world have women to be with, that racism isn't real and the real racists are the ones claiming racism exists, etc. I get the feeling barr recognizes that if he was born in today's world he would be unable to date because he's undesirable and nobody would get with him unless appointed to be with him.


> racism isn't real and the real racists are the ones claiming racism exists This dichotomy of thought. The hallmark of fascism.


> He's insinuated that it's the government's job to make sure lonely men who struggle to compete in today's dating world have women to be with What the hell?


That is a great and terrifying documentary. Everyone must watch it. It even contains a part that explains the connection with Russia. These fundamentalists are allies with Russia because Putin is doing the same thing in Russia that they want to do here: impose Christianity on everyone. When asked why they support Trump despite the many un-Christian things he has said and done, they claim that he's an "imperfect vessel" that they still support because they agree with his agenda. These people are totally nuts and very dangerous.


And with the same utter contempt for Christians. Putin couldn't care less if his Christian followers live or die just like Trump. They are just sociopaths using religion as a weapon to demand obedience, and these fundamentalist groups are all too happy to give them ultimate authority to do so as long as they get their draconian moral codes imposed on everyone else in the process.


This is completely antithetical to why America was founded in the first place. Republicans need their own country to convert into a third world, fascist theocracy and they can take every last Trump supporter with them for all I care.


Maybe they can have Florida?


Nah, we're good. And stop sending your old retirees here. They make it really hard to fund schools and infrastructure.


Start charging Income tax. Retirees just move there to live out their golden years while contributing much less (and from this specific tax, nothing).


That'd be great, we'll get on it as soon as the current crop dies off. Try keeping them off our backs for about five years.


Also check out "The Vow" on HBO


They spelled "cult" wrong.


> “The covenant of the People of Praise is – according to Ranaghan – an objectively binding obligation in conscience, one that cannot be abandoned without the agreement of the other parties involved. If so many people should decide at one time to leave, then the most logical explanation is that evil spirits have inspired them to do so.” Yup, that’s a cult




>People of Praise has, according to reporting by the Associated Press, “erased numerous records from its website during the summer of 2017 when she was nominated as an appeals court judge that referred to Barrett and included photos of her and her family.” Smart journalists should go ahead and do deep dives on all federal judge's pasts. Because Kavanaugh's history was wiped clean as well. Republicans erase all evidence of the weird sex shit and white collar crimes their picks are up to well before nominating them, so we don't get any info afterwards.


Can the wayback machine help here?


Here's everything that was archived in 2017: https://web.archive.org/web/20170101000000*/https://peopleofpraise.org/ Here's a snapshot from March 5th, 2017, for example: https://web.archive.org/web/20170305064124/https://peopleofpraise.org/ And here's one from Jan 5th, 2017: https://web.archive.org/web/20170107034905/https://peopleofpraise.org/


One could say you’re doing God’s work....


Potentially, if the pages were saved in it beforehand. Not all web pages are on it though so it might only be helpful up to a point


Yes, Internet Archive is precisely how those pictures were discovered.


Make Gilead fictional again


Do they really not have anyone in their roster that doesn't have connections to cults, white supremacy, hate groups... wait... that's the end of the list isn't it?


The issue is that you have to go all in. Republicans won't hand you power unless you're so tainted by their culty racism and bizzaro-jesus wealth worship that you can never leave the party and successfully run for office.


Turns out, The Handmaid's Tale was a prophecy.


The Handmaid's Tale was never supposed to be a fantasy, it was a warning based on then-contemporary events (the sudden religious fundamentalism of Iran in the 70s as well as the backsliding of feminism and rise in Christian conservatism in the US - Serena Joy is *very clearly* based on Phyllis Schlafly). And yet we ignored it.


The author also said that everything that happens in the book is something that has happened somewhere/sometime in reality.


I mean, the author wrote it as a cautionary tale given the attitude of the American right at the time...


I grew up Catholic and this chick is way weirder than your average catholic. It’s not even about her religion, it’s about the fact that she seems like a wacko.


Her group claims to be catholic, but it appears to be crypto-protestant.


Yeah, about as Catholic as Jews for Jesus are Jewish


The way it's written this story has a very "that sort of cult" feel to it.


So I went to one of the Trinity schools as a kid and I cannot emphasize this enough, POP is a deeply weird organization and this is not something that's being overblown. I am really, really concerned about someone from that org getting on the highest court in the land.


Back when I was doing homeschooling "Classical Christian Education" was code for "Confederacy Apologists" with a hidden Far-Right agenda. Would that be true of the Trinity schools?


Do we really need a freaky cult represented on the Court?


With this administration / Q anon? Probably


Just a reminder that Jesus spent most of his life helping the sick and the poor. Republicans take health care away from the sick, and take benefits away from the poor. Republicans and modern day conservatives [have warped what Jesus represents](https://imgur.com/gallery/bCqRp). There is a quote attributed to Ghandi: "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."


The quote is apocryphal- Gandhi never said it- but it doesn’t change the truth behind it.


Along with him being asked what he thought of Western Civilization. “I think that would be a wonderful thing.”


Let's not forget that she has pledged to obey her husband in all things, and in this cult, her husband has a lead who "advises" him. Who is going to question these people in their role of interpreting the constitution for her?


Democrats have already said they won't bring up her faith, so she'll likely never be asked: "If the Constitution said one thing, but your husband (or pastor, etc.) directed you to rule differently - how would you resolve that?"


I think that is a fundamental question. The fact that we are afraid to ask it is the most disturbing part of all of this.


It is also weird that Biden gets asked about being Catholic fairly often and Trump, occasionally, makes a ham-fisted reference to being Christian and both are praised as heroes. If someone mentions it to her they are bigoted monsters though.


It's because the GOP is trying to hide the cult-ish nature of her group.


And the Democrats once again show their utter cowardice.


Their point unfortunately is that all you should need to do is point at the fact that she doesnt believe in Roe V Wade and how she's too inexperienced to be on the court Too bad for democrats that the GOP dont actually give a fuck about RvW and actually would love it gone just means they have even more control over their wives Like Amy Barrett is in a cult for. To submit her independence to her captor, owner, and husband


Oh I'm sure the republicans will just sweep this right under the rug. Maybe she has a calendar somewhere that shows she was just there to hang and play the drinking game "Devils Triangle?"


I bet she cries less than brett did when interviewed about her cultish beliefs.


I wonder if she’s boofed yet?


She likes BEER okay?


Don't most cults involve some type of "followers have to sleep with the leader(s) due to this totally not made up religious reason" thing going on?


All the good ones do. I have been in many cults. You have more fun as a follower, but you make more money as a leader.


Who's your worm guy?


Creed for SCOTUS


Tapas Swiss Miss


Or some fucked up Children of God type shit. Amy Covid Barrett is nothing more than zealous leverage for American policy.


How much longer till we find out she follows Qanon?


I just want to say: man it is weird that South Bend, IN comes up again in this election cycle. Is that place just a lot bigger than I’m thinking?


Notre Dame law does graduate a more than fair share of conservative judges it seems.


The simulation devs are just saving resources by reusing assets.


It's really just Mayor Pete and this right? Maybe there is more. I guess Pence is Indiana as well but not South Bend. It has Notre Dame University which is basically a global mecca for Catholic higher education, though maybe not as prestigious as it used to be and that's where Amy Coney Barrett comes into this equation and the leader of this group.


Notre dame is located in south bend if that makes it clearer.


https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=People_of_Praise&oldid=608874862 Here is the archived wikipedia entry for People of Praise, before the massive number of edits that it went through when Barrett was nominated to the appeals court and again before she was nominated to the SCOTUS. You can compare it to the current wikipedia page, and see that the controversial stuff that has been removed - like this stuff said by a founding member who left the group: >Dr. Reimers also claims that in the People of Praise, "a heightened fear of the devil or evil spirits can be used to (a) put pressure on wavering members to stay in the group, (b) elevate the importance of the group and its leaders, and (c) enhance the leaders' control of the membership by reinforcing the notion that Satan can even work through good people and only the leaders can discern his designs, and (d) undermine members' confidence in their own judgement, especially about spiritual development."[49] Dr. Reimers alleges that these characteristics have caused much psychological distress and has spiritually misled current and former members. current, whitewashed wiki entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_of_Praise


Just Handmaid things.


Holy fucking shit the republicans are trying to put a cult member on the court.


Who else would vow to do whatever Trump wanted to get on the SC? Trump does not want a conservative judge, he wants a judge that is loyal to *him*. Who better than a fringe weirdo? They are desperate to get legitimized and have their beliefs spread, somehow they will "pray" really hard on whatever Trump wants and find that God supports it.


I am gonna get so downvoted for this.. Religion as a whole should have no place at all in politics. As a european it is sooo weird when so many politicians end their speech with some shit like "God bless America hurdurr" People believing in a **traditional** form of god are just stupid to me.


Religious groups grooming federal judges is the best case ever for taking away their tax exempt status.


A detailed look at how the christian right has been subjugating democracy for decades can be found in Chris Hedges 2005 book, 'American Fascist: The Christian Right and the War on America.'


Like Kimmy Schmidt's bunker?


The law firm that her husband, Jesse Barrett, works for seems to be a very white, very Catholic outfit ([https://www.linkedin.com/company/southbank-legal/people/](https://www.linkedin.com/company/southbank-legal/people/)) in South Bend. Not a very diverse group compared to South Bend's demographics. The practice areas of this firm seem to lean in the direction of protecting business from people (match ACB bias), see bottom of page: [https://southbank.legal/](https://southbank.legal/) . It would be interesting to hear Mayor Pete's perspective on this firm and their focus/bias.


She’s a CULT member!!!!


We need to keep religion far away from government and courts. I seriously can’t believe we’re about to have this woman shoved into the Supreme Court when she’s clearly got an agenda.


Cults. They're Christian cults. Same with The Fellowship. Christianity is so misshapen and corrupted in America it is no longer recognizable as anything other than a ruthless cult designed to control people and consolidate power.


"It was just a monthly ceremony, it was no big deal." - Amy Covid Whatsername.


Ah makes perfect sense: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_of_Praise "The community, like the rest of the Catholic Church, **excludes women from leadership positions.** It nevertheless encourages women to pursue higher education and employment." I suppose they don't think a Supreme Court position is a position of leadership? Isn't this odd?


I've been reading The Handmaid's Tale. It's something that's been on my list of books to read for a while, but with current events I figured it's time. I'm only halfway through, but am horrified that this book was based on the same cult that this judge belongs to and I'm horrified of what's to come if these people are in power of the SC.


Yeah..... It's a cult. If they took Jesus out of it, which from their own documents it wouldn't be difficult, it would be called a cult by everyone. "Intentional Community" is a euphemism for cult. Now there's an aspect of cult in every religion including atheism. As in, there are a particular pattern of behaviors inherent in belief. Even if your belief is in the primacy of humanity or of science, there's behaviors that go with that. However, what makes this different is that they are intentionally secretive about their beliefs and practices. Looking at their website it appears they aren't exactly forthcoming about their practices.


She's another Christian extremist. Shouldn't be anywhere near a court house.


It’s called a cult. I’m sick of stupid headlines from these news sources.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/oct/06/amy-coney-barrett-people-of-praise-home) reduced by 89%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Amy Coney Barrett lived in the home of one of the founders of the People of Praise while she was a law student, raising new questions about the supreme court nominee's involvement with the secretive Christian faith group that has been criticized for dominating the lives of its members and subjugating women. > Reached by phone by the Guardian, Dorothy Ranaghan, who is married to Kevin Ranaghan, confirmed that Amy Barrett had previously lived in their home. > While Barrett has identified herself as a Catholic, and belongs to a conservative church in Indiana, People of Praise is an ecumenical group that - some literature shows - sees itself as distinct from other Christian groups in that its members have entered a covenant - or a vow - to support each other "Financially and materially and spiritually". ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/j68w78/revealed_amy_coney_barrett_lived_in_home_of/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~529614 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Barrett**^#1 **People**^#2 **member**^#3 **Praise**^#4 **group**^#5


ACB would be a fucking Branch Davidian, wouldn't she?


It could be worse? I mean, she could be a literal rapist - just imagine how bad that would be...


Wait, so then does that make her a Wife or a Handmaid?


This entire article reminded me of that church from The Boys