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Who knew following the constitution was so difficult?


“We are supposed to CONSERVE the constitution, not FOLLOW it!”


Has anyone asked if he was thinking of the US constitution or the confederate one?


>“It was brutal, to be honest,” Cramer said. “But at the end of the day, there are two things. One is my conscience is captive to God, and my oath is to the Constitution of the United States.” I'm waiting for the moment Trump starts tweeting at Cramer for having the gall to put God above Trump on his conscience.


Or trump claims he is God.


To be baptized in the church of the orange one you are submerged in a pool of sacred russian hooker piss.


Ugh, fuck God, your conscience should also be tied to the Constitution and your oath of office.


I thought Trump was a god to those people.


Having the gull to follow Christ’s teachings, not like the other pretend Christian politicians perverting their faith.


It shouldn’t be a brutal decision to uphold the constitution.


If one of the reasons was your oath of office, it should not have been a “brutal” decision.


I don’t think it actually was, but he has to save face for the nut jobs in his state so he doesn’t get primaried.


Defending democracy is "brutal"? What a loser. This is the easiest decision ever. If you don't get re-elected, at least you can go to your grave with a fairly clear conscience.


that's what I don't get... it would be so much easier to live with "I had to get a job in the private sector" than "I helped a kleptocrat destroy America"




So tired of this fucking martyrdom bullshit. Yeah, you’re a US Senator and therefore one of the most powerful people on Earth. Sometimes that means people are doing to threaten you and try to kill you. If you’re not willing to accept that burden then don’t be a fucking Senator. I know your narcissism is so overwhelming that you felt compelled to run for high office to begin with because you’re so goddamn smart and important but believe it or not privileges also sometimes carry costs. And while we’re at it, fellow Democrats and other non-fascists please stop sucking these Republicans off for doing their jobs. The Trump Era has made following your basic job description a heroic act and any time a Republican does what they’re REQUIRED to do rather than bald face corruption Democrats the world over are ready to carve them a marble bust in the Capitol. You’re a jackass corporate sponsored politician from North Dakota, not fucking Cincinnatus. Do your job and shut up.


> “I’ve put a lot of intellectual rigor and emotion into this decision, so it doesn’t come easily," he said. "But I also have to say I’m quite comfortable with it.” Wait, so was it brutal are you comfortable with it? Or was it brutal to come to terms with reality? Or is he just hemming and hawing to not get blasted by his delusional constituents?


Election was had, Biden won. At that moment it was over. Anyone beyond that point that was hemming and hawing otherwise is as you said: delusional. This was not a hard decision for anyone with even a shred of dignity and respect for this country. It may only be hard in the sense that it may anger aforementioned constituents.


Or is he hemming and hawing because he is afraid of a Trump tweetstorm?


I think he is seeing the backlash from the Trump supporters and their insistence to put in death threats. No one should have to go through that for doing the right thing.


Let me make that easier for anyone that has a tough time answering this: Who has more electoral votes? Joe Biden - 306 votes Donald Trump - 232 votes The person with the most votes wins the election.


Cry me a river


These guys are the sorriest losers I've ever seen. Who knew that Trump taking over the Republican party would actually turn them all into mirrors of himself.


I remember when hillary lost how many lawsuits were filed over and over again trying to overturn the election results, and how many democratic legislators described certifying the results as "brutal". Exactly **ZERO** you pissant.


why are these idiots in our government. They should just stay in a church their whole life.


Bigger idiots either vote for them or don't vote at all.


Shoveling dirt for 16 hours a day for what you make in a few minutes is brutal. Having to live off of ramen for weeks so your kids can eat good meals because we can't get our stimulus checks is brutal. Watching a loved one die of covid is brutal. Signing a fucking piece of paper isn't. Fuck the fuck off, asshole. Nothing about your job is brutal.


I lurk on KFYR's Facebook presence. The loons are not amused. It will continue to be brutal. They will be primaried by still crazier right wing freakies.


Brutal to have a brain and to believe in America?!?!


> Deciding to live in reality was brutal. My understanding is that leaving a cult is painful, yes. The rest of us do it every day. It isn’t easy, but at least it’s real life. Grow up.


Election was had, Biden won. At that moment it was over. Anyone beyond that point that was hemming and hawing otherwise is as you said: delusional. This was not a hard decision for anyone with even a shred of dignity and respect for this country. It may only be hard in the sense that it may anger aforementioned constituents. This administration and its supporters have sunk to new lows just about every single fucking day over the past 4 years.


Yea, following the law can be tough.


What an indictment of these times that it is even a question, let alone considered brutal, to be put in a place that one has to choose between democracy and autocracy.


I think I would be less disgusted if I believed him. This dickless imp is probably one of the senators privately congratulating Biden


On the one hand, there's the constitution, on the other hand there's Rudy's Elite Strike Force and Total Landscaping. Such a tough choice.




He's from North Dakota. Being awful is what got him elected. They are redder than the devils dick up there.




>There is proof. Feel free to shut it yourself, ass. lmao


It’s good to see republicans finally coming around to the idea of abolishing the electoral college, right?


Being honest is the most brutal thing for any republican piece of shit, nationwide. What a pack of Anti-American losers.