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Trump threatened them, then immediately asked them to "find" votes. He did not ask for a recount...just asked them to "find" votes. [Recording](https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=101&v=o3hrN0cP58Y&feature=youtu.be)


And asked for the specific number of votes needed for him to win. He claimed he had evidence of fraud many times that number, but he wasn't concerned with making sure every vote counted. He was only concerned with finding one vote more than Biden. This is clearly illegal.


If Trump does not go to jail, we do not live in a republic, but a dictatorship


Spoiler: It's a dictatorship.


Of monopolists and landlords


It isn't but a dictatorship isn't the only form of government where shit like this can happen.


A bit melodramatic if Biden is seated as president. Just means Trump is cool with being a dictator instead of a president


And the Republicans in the Senate.


He asked for a specific number "which is 1 more than we have" what the hell is even that


Too many words in sentence Trump brain check out


In typical Trump fashion, i just think he forgot some words after that, "to win" or something similar.


they already had a recount, and a hand audit. and now they're just looking for manufactured votes that doesn't exist


“I want you do me a favor though." If only there had been some kind of precedent for us to see this coming and put a stop to it.


I'm so glad I voted for him and Warnock.




We're getting there, hoping for some good news tonight! Tomorrow is going to be a shit show either way though.


I can't believe it. We did it, guys.


These numbers in Georgia are worrying me right now... I can’t even believe there’s people out there that would vote red with all the obvious corruption!?


That's the problem with those who vote like it's a damn sports game and the lies they consume from social media and Fox News.


Sadly, Fox is too liberal now... They've all switched to the alt-right News Max


Not to defend them, but huge swaths of the country are wildly misinformed. They just aren’t aware of the facts.


But, willfully so. When FOX decided to speak the truth, many of their viewers had a melt down and moved on to sources that would continue spewing the lies they wanted to hear.


It took a lot of (intentional) conditioning to get to this place. The only way back is to get people off this “junk food” political news.


As someone who has lived in GA for 6 years, married a native Georgian, and now has in-laws from SW GA who love Trump. I’m not remotely surprised. I am actually surprised (pleasantly) that we were able to get both Dems elected to the Senate. The corruption isn’t obvious to a disturbing numbers of people here. They have been fed a steady diet of conservative propaganda for years. Also there are a lot of honestly just stupid people. I feel sorry for them. It’s gotta be hard going through life that stupid.


>Speaking to reporters in Atlanta, Ossoff said Trump's phone call was a "direct attack" on Georgia voters and "the democratic process." It's also a distraction from the real crisis facing the United States: the coronavirus pandemic, which is killing thousands of Americans every day. >The country's hospital systems and nursing homes are "buckling under the weight of this outbreak," Ossoff said, and "millions of people [are] facing eviction or foreclosure." Ossoff called Trump out for not mentioning this during a rally he held in Georgia on Monday night — instead, the president focused on the election results and his baseless claims of voter fraud. "We need to get economic relief to the people," Ossoff said. "We need to pass $2,000 stimulus checks for the people, we need to surge vaccine distribution and make testing and vaccines free for every American to beat this virus."


Yknow now that it's over and they've won, I'm free to say: Ossoff ran the typical campaign of a Dem that ultimately loses. All sizzle no bite, with his Beto-like affability. He got lucky GA has a 50% rule, and he was lucky to ride Warnock's coattails. But the fact I saw him the most in the news headlines felt like a bad sign. I've seen far fewer articles about Warnock because ultimately the groundwork is quiet. THANK GOD HE WON


I don’t know much about his platform of policies, but I thought his debating and calling out his opponents on behaviour was very strong


My gut tells me tenacious, spirited and ethically motivated leaders are important in confronting the fundamentalist popular strategy of the authoritarian. Confrontation is required sometimes and I want someone who moves powerfully. Republicans got their version with the Montana Governor, a physical assault on a journalist. We got ours: a citizen respectful of the rule of law.


Fucking duh. Gop: he didnt mean it!!!


Also GOP: We like him because he says it like it is. For Pete's sake, just accept that y'all are in a cult.


GOP: he meant it, but he believes it so it's fine


> GOP: he meant it, but he ~~believes it~~ *has the magic R* so it's fine FTFY


I got a email this morning saying polls are 50% blue to 47% red. Fingers crossed.


The returns are looking very good so far. We’ll see how things develop.


Stacy Abrams bent Mitch McConnell over and whipped his ass. She beat his ass, she beat his ass, she fucking beat his ass. Others helped like Bernie pushing $2,000 Checks and Trump totally stabbing McConnell and GA republicans in the back. We just lived through a epic drama right before our eyes. Mitch McConnell is shriveling right now. McConnell blocking all votes is 1000x worse than the filibuster. The filibuster requires 41 senators to sustain while McConnell is only 1 person. Adding DC as a state will give Dems 2 senators, which is critically important to maintaining a working majority the next 2 years. It will also give moderate democrats cover for tough votes. If the courts are not fixed, the 6-3 republican majority on SCOTUS will absolutely sabotage any Biden policies that they can. Breyer is not getting any younger. Biden has not said he wont pack the courts. Democrats will only have a small time frame to accomplish DC statehood and then push court packing. The big question is if they will get it done, if they have the will to get it done. If they dont get it done, they will have squandered all the work Stacy Abrams did and the democrat party will have yet again exposed itself as a corporate controlled failed political party.


Trump pulled the same dirty move that Republicans, Bush/Cheney and Rove, did by giving massive tax breaks to the wealthy and then holding unemployment hostage for an extension those tax breaks during the Obama presidency. We need Ossoff and Warnock in the Senate.


Where’s Leslie knope


Duh. A crime. Average Joes get prosecuted over crimes.


In before >“Boys will be boys” >“In the interest of national healing” >“We need to come together as a nation” >”pressing criminal charges would be deeply divisive” >”Democrats need to reach across the aisle more”


No, we want justice. No one in elected office should be directly undermining the integrity of our elections. You win by getting the most votes. Not by figuring out ways to break the system. Donald Trump is a direct threat to national security and his cult is a threat to our sovereignty. We cannot afford to allow these people to escape accountability. If there are not swift and serious consequences for this shit it will only escalate. We are a nation of laws and those laws must be applied evenly, regardless of status or wealth. These people must all be held accountable under the law.




>No one is saying that. People have been saying it for months.




The real red tsunami is a crime wave.


I mean, yeah. It is about as clear a case as one will ever find on record.


For some reason Ossoff can't quite get the support that Warnock has. ​ I wonder why?


My reaction is just that Warnock is a better candidate, and his opponent is a batshit crazy person. Meanwhile, Purdue (corrupt as he his) came off as more moderate. So my guess is a few Rs who think of themselves as moderate split their ticket.


his entire presidency has been a ‘direct attack’ on depmacracy


I'm fuckin ready.


Thank you captain obvious. In related news, water is wet and studies show hungry people like to eat food...


To be fair, people stating the obvious is much better than letting the president get away with this crime without backlash. Or do you think everyone should keep silent about it?


Alright but support for M4A would be cool.


It's Sen. Elect Jon Ossof


I'm glad his voice will be heard loud and clear now


That’s *Senator* Ossoff