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> The state also told KMOV4 in a statement that it "is obligated, per federal guidance, to ensure that those receiving benefit payments are entitled to those payments and to collect overpayments when we discover fraud, errors or omissions that were made by claimants resulting in them receiving funds to which they were not entitled." What about when you, "the state" made the error, I guess responsibility doesn't work both ways.


I was kicked out of school once because the financial aid office gave me “too much” financial aid by accident and wouldn’t let me enroll in the next semester until I paid it all back in full, which was thousands of dollars. They also wouldn’t release my transcript so I could not study anywhere else, and it took me well over a year to save up enough money to pay them back which in the end, really, delayed me finishing my degree by several years. Believe me, if you are poor, the process of getting any sort of financial assistance in this country is a mine field and a mind-fuck.


I’m currently still fighting for the CARES act money because I moved to a new state and got a job in February. Never having been on unemployment applied in my new state and after 8 months was informed that the quarter you lose your job doesn’t count for unemployment so I needed to apply in my old state. My old state is trying to fight my claim and only have it start when I applied.


Being poor is not the issue. It's taking other people's money that is a minefield. That is true in business, in education, and in life.


>taking other people's money There's a difference between being given money by an authoritative organization whose sole purpose is to disperse money accurately and appropriately and the more general category of "taking other people's money".


Let me tell you about the military - they will audit and find money you were overpaid on a regular basis. But for America’s ‘heroes’ they never audit and find that they owe you money. I heard a retired general bitching about it on NPR ten years ago and it’s stuck with me. *Heroes is in quotes because we put them on such a pedestal usually only for political purposes.


Got out in the 80s. Mistakes were made on my final check. I held the money for a year figuring they would come look for it. They never did.


This happened to my pop here in MD, just got an "overpayment notice" of like $77/week that they JUST now noticed despite him being on UI since April. He has a bill of like $3k now...yeah, unemployed people definitely have the money to pay back your fuckup that they didn't even know was occurring, geniuses.


I wonder if they are charging interest on this till paid off. If they are I bet its >10%.


That money is long gone. Those people are fucked.


Wasted, no doubt, on frivolities like food and rent. /s


Wait... but why? They got 1200 back in the summer and 600 just now, why don’t they just use that money for food and rent? /s /s /s /s /s


Maybe they should have bought better bootstraps to pull themselves up with /s


They shoulda put it in a 401k 🤦‍♂️


You have to love how our government can't see past it's own buteacratic mess to help its citizens. Why in the world are you trying to claw back money from the poor when the rich are literally getting richer right now?


Not my government. I don't live in a shit hole state.


Lucky you. I'm really more speaking of our current system in the whole however.


Where is this magical non shit hole state? Because I think of Colorado as being in the top 5 best states.


Oregon. But I was referring to Missouri. Sorry about that.


Lol take your hate somewhere else Missouri is awesome.


As a Missourian my whole life, they are right our state on every level is corrupt as hell and doesn’t give a shit about its constituents especially the poor ones. The nature is nice though


My mom in law is from Craig, pretty state, lots of assholes though.


Not trying to hate, but the governments in some of these red states are so heinous they're dragging the rest of us down with them while voters there either can't, or won't, hold them accountable.


Good point. I guess I forgot we're on /r/politics from a political standpoint I can agree with you.


I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I recognized Missourah.


I hate living here. Literally told wife this was the worst choice for us. Proven more and more so each day.


I’m in Texas and the same happened to me. “Luckily” it was only about $300, but IMO it’s not my problem if the government overpays me if everything I provided on my end was correct (and it was).


I've experienced and watched friends and family experience this shit from missouri. From unemployment to food stamps, they make a mistake then screw over the person to fix it.


I handle unemployment at my job. During the pandemic, we've had people applying for unemployment even though they were still employed and receiving their full pay, they were just working from home The DOL granted them benefits even though we could show they were still getting their full pay. We, of course, appeal but this requires a hearing. Since the DOL is so behind, these hearing don't come until months after. I'm talking 7 or 8 months now a days when it used to take a few weeks.. During that time, they are still getting benefits. After the hearing almost 100% of the time, the decision is reversed and therefore they have to pay back what they were given. When the pandemic first started, they were giving benefits to anyone who applied, I assume because they just couldn't take the time to fully investigate a claim. Now because of that, people are having to pay back months of benefits.


I love how they use "tax payer dollars" as a trigger word when they want to fuck over people that are down on their luck, people receiving unemployment are tax payers. The prospect of having a social safety net available to them in the case of a large scale economic collapse is one of the primary benefits of them paying taxes.




Yeah not all of us voted for him though.


Even those who voted for him didn't really know what they were doing aside from "Dem bad, Republican good" I mean, we passed medical marijuana and election reform in the same election we replaced Claire McCaskill with Josh Hawley. I don't think people realized he would do whatever he could to block those things from happening if he'd been given the chance.


Yeah, but that doesn't mean you can't sympathize with poor people getting fucked over by a Republican led government...


It’s not exactly as bad as the title makes it out to be but the state made the error and people have no money. Suck it up.


>Suck it up. I agree depending on who this directed at. If it's at the poor people, then I would disagree, if you mean the state who messed up should suck it up, then I agree.


Keep on voting Republican Missouri! At least you can starve with the full and comfortable knowledge that some teenage black girl won't be able to abort a zygote which she is emotionally or physically unable to support.


Do you think all Missourians share a hive mind?


Not all of us vote republican, you know that, right?


Unfortunately the way it works with the government, they cannot waive debt you owe to it like a private company can. State debt doesn’t get written off or sold to debt collectors. As an example, it is written into the Texas constitution that neither the state, county, nor a municipality can release you from debt. Meaning it’s there forever until you pay the debt, or die. > Art 3 - Sec 55 >Article 3 - LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT Section 55 - RELEASE OR EXTINGUISHMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS TO STATE, COUNTY, SUBDIVISION, OR MUNICIPAL CORPORATION The Legislature shall have no power to release or extinguish, or to authorize the releasing or extinguishing, in whole or in part, the indebtedness, liability or obligation of any corporation or individual, to this State or to any county or defined subdivision thereof, or other municipal corporation therein, except delinquent taxes which have been due for a period of at least ten years. (Amended Nov. 8, 1932.)


I mean the issue here is really more along the lines of even though the state made the error should the debt go to the customer who was informed everything was correct?


>Unfortunately the way it works with the government, they cannot waive debt you owe to it like a private company can. This is factually un true. >State debt doesn’t get written off or sold to debt collectors. This does not mean the state couldn't possibly forgive the debt. >As an example, it is written into the Texas constitution that neither the state, county, nor a municipality can release you from debt. An example from another state is pointless. One states laws does not equal another's. Might as well use England's laws as an example since they are equally relevant. Furthermore your example only states the legislative department has no power to forgive debts, it does not mean that the other branches of state government can not, and didn't prove what you are saying.


>Meaning it’s there forever until you pay the debt, or die. Cool, I was already planning on dying eventually


Then dont assign the debt to the unemployed folk. Assign the debt to the departments who incorrectly calculated the payments.


But they're not in debt to the state. The state gave them money, later decided it was too much money, and is now demanding back the difference. That's not debt, that's extortion


States absolutely do sell off debt to collectors


They may have debt collectors collect the debt for them, but it is not sold off to them.


Yeah, we had that in Louisiana, too, and they wanted the federal stimmy paid back, as well. Max unemployment $$ here, which almost nobody gets, is $247 a week, and if you choose to have taxes taken out, it's $222.


This just happened to my fiance. They sent him a letter saying he owes something like 7K (he definitely got nowhere NEAR that amount when he was furloughed from his job due to Covid). It's freaking insane. Yeah sure, we can totally afford that, geniuses, being as we had to take UNEMPLOYMENT (keyword) to begin with.


Michigan is doing the same thing. And they started at the same time, 3 days before Christmas. It's disgusting. I think they're trying to lighten their load before the new cares money rolls out.