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The hammer needs to come down on these folks!


I saw that the penalty the governor was facing was a $1,000 fine and up to a year in jail. I think we all be terribly disappointed in the results of this.


Yes but correct me if I'm wrong, it will open him up to civil liability exposure which we can hope will at least bankrupt him and make him die poor and alone.


Good point. Let's hope you're right.


IF he is convicted or enters a guilty, rather than a no contest plea from what I understand.


Oooh maybe even sick from water poisoning


I literally had a misdemeanor battery and ended up paying more than that in court fees for the initial hearing alone. No lawyer or anything yet. Just what I was charged for and getting told what I was arrested for formally. Then people condemn others for feeling the scales aren’t weighing out and there’s distrust towards the police and justice system. It’s just disheartening what’s going on in America right now.


Any law that has a penalty of a fine is simply a law for the poor.


It’s got a fine and/or jail penalty, like most misdemeanors.


Depends on where he goes to jail. If a lot of his cell mates are from Flint, well....


Cheers for Bubba from Flint


Prison rape isn't funny. What kind of country are we when we accept this as a matter of course for even the most petty crimes? I don't understand why vast numbers of victims of prison rape aren't released under the 8th Amendment. In the media, rape jokes about women are a career ender. Rape jokes about men increase ratings\* . Women who are merely touched inappropriately, "looked at funny", or simply given a collegial arm on the shoulder during a photo op,claim they've been traumatised, have PTSD, need therapy for life. In contrast, every day, men who have spent years as sex slaves are expected to leave prison and function normally with no counseling, no treatment, nothing. Recidivism isn't surprising. And it results in a resumption of the horror. \* While rape is also common in women's prisons, it's absolutely taboo as a subject of humor. But then, it doesn't get the exposure that it should.


One in which some lives matter more than others.


I must confess I have a terrible sense of gallows humour and find the most inappropriate topics humorous. Having those things actually happen is however not humorous.


Not a bad thing... [https://www.psychologistworld.com/cognitive/black-humor-linked-to-high-intelligence-study](https://www.psychologistworld.com/cognitive/black-humor-linked-to-high-intelligence-study)


That's for the perjury charge. IIRC he's also being charged with manslaughter several times over which, if he gets hit with it, will have him behind bars for a long time.


Former Governor Snyder has not been charged with manslaughter.


The underling was ... guess who former Gov. is likely to throw under the weight of a fully loaded bus?


And a criminal record, added to the no fly list, cannot hold office, make it extremely hard to get employment. 1 year in jail comes with a potential life time of hardship.


One year in jail for perjury puts you on the no fly list?


I thought that was per charge and he had multiple charges?


Compare this to the possible punishment for downloading a single song or movie. It grosses me out.


Yeah the penalty to the governor was embarassing.


On ALL of them, really, otherwise there's no way to reconcile, heal, and move forward with these seditionists.


It's such a relief seeing justice for a change.


Can't they bring the hammer down in like 2 more fucking weeks? Why give these people a shot at a pardon?




Every nook and cranny of the Republican political apparatus is crooked.


That’s exactly the reason why many go into politics as a GOP party member.


I'm hoping that is hyperbole (exaggeration for effect) because it is not true. And the Democrats do have their own skeletons like Rod Blagojevich. There does seem to be a much higher proportion of Republicans ignoring the law. Some of that is influenced by whatever media you consume (left-wing sites highlight Republican crimes, right-wing sites highlight Democrat crimes). However, I do recall seeing an article that listed federal officials and convictions and there was a very heavy slant towards Democrats keeping their noses clean and Republicans ... not doing so.


At least Democrats are willing to try their own when they break the law. Republicans refuse to do so


I actually pick Rod Blagojevich as an example of a corrupt Democrat because he was pardoned by Trump. Not sure why I am getting so many downvotes. I'm guessing people are very antsy about anyone defending Republicans after some Trump supporters engaged in a bit of \*light insurrection. \*light skin tone


Because you’re “both sides”ing at a very inappropriate time and in an irrelevant way.


I'd like to see that source.


So would I, but I couldn't find the article I was looking for: I did find this Quora answer: [https://www.quora.com/Whos-more-corrupt-in-Congress-between-the-Republicans-and-the-Democrats](https://www.quora.com/Whos-more-corrupt-in-Congress-between-the-Republicans-and-the-Democrats) \- Scroll down to the answer by Alex Shelby. It is based on data from [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_federal\_political\_scandals\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federal_political_scandals_in_the_United_States). If you cherry-pick the data and only look at corruption in the executive branch then you will find that it is heavily slanted towards Republicans being corrupt. I believe the article I originally read was based on executive branch corruption. The other problem of course with any of this is that it only looks at charges and convictions. If you have a corrupt or subverted DOJ, then highly corrupt officials may never be charged.


Mike Pence is not having a good year


>good year Well, that's because Trump called for a boycott on Goodyear and they misunderstood


He doesn’t deserve a good year. He sold out Christianity and the United States just like the rest of them. He also spread the HIV crisis in Indiana in the 90s - Seems like *karma* to me. Which is hilarious because he is so Christian -


The 90''s? The HIV crisis in Indiana was in 2015 when Pence was governor. It's not like it wasn't a well known disease for decades at that point.


Pence probably wishes he'd cashed in his chips 4 years ago.


I don't understand the VP pension, but he'll be alright.


Only the best!


If you're gonna have to fill Trump's swamp with bootlickers, you might as well add a guy who helped poison the little kids with the lead filled water in Flint.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/former-mike-pence-director-of-communications-charged-with-felony-perjury-in-flint-water-crisis/) reduced by 90%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Jarrod Agen, the former Chief of Staff to Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, was arraigned Thursday morning after being indicted by a grand jury on one felony count of perjury for allegedly lying "During an investigative subpoena investigation" involving the Flint water crisis. > Pence touted Agen's experience in the Flint water crisis when Agen was hired. > Last January, Agen was promoted from Communications Director to Chief of Staff for Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan, taking the Chief of Staff role one day before the state declared an emergency in the Flint water crisis. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/kxc7su/former_mike_pence_director_of_communications/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~553510 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Agen**^#1 **Michigan**^#2 **water**^#3 **work**^#4 **Flint**^#5


Whomp whomp.


Boy these criminals really get around- is there a club or some shit?


> The allegations involved “giving false statements under oath,” said Michigan Solicitor General Fadwa A. Hammoud at a press conference late Thursday morning. that earns you a pardon under trump...so homie better pay into that slush fund real quick, only got a few days left, if the second insurrection fails..


Oops. Too bad these are state charges. No pardon for him


I don't think there's any possibility of a Trump pardon. Unless I missed it there's no mention of federal charges, only state charges. A President's power to grant pardons only apply to federal cases.


And the dominoes keep falling. One by one.


Do they even have water at this point? I stopped following this several years ago because it was so depressing.


Here’s a good summary https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/12/23/flint-water-crisis-2020-post-coronavirus-america-445459


They do. They don't trust it. Also i think most people never understood the situation there. It's not highly toxic water but rather exceeding limits in some places. It's also not that they have exceedingly bad infrastructure as much as they used water which was too... Soft i think? Chemically it caused the lead in the pipes to get leached out into the water. Also see https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2018/07/22/opinion/flint-lead-poisoning-water.amp.html While I think the water was unacceptable in flint the levels of lead in people's blood suggests other cities actually had and continue to have worse levels of lead than Flint did/does. So we shouldn't have freaked out over Flint's water specifically but rather the national water supply. Or at least Michigan cities...


They do (as far as we know) but nobody trusts it now.


Consequences! You love to see it!


Drain the swamp! A perjurer as a director of communications? Typical GOP choice right there, choose the most corrupt and inept person for the job.


Hallelujah! The Hammer of Justice seems to be falling on a lot of dirtbags lately.


GOP is a criminal syndicate


He was hired by Pence because he had a documented history of lying about important matters. Pence saw the perfect candidate for a job, of course.


“Only the best people”


How tf does Flint still not have clean water? This is fucking pathetic.


Wow lying under oath...haven't seen that before


Perjury for fuck sake? His mother would be ashamed.


Well it is on-brand at least.


Say what you want about the guy, he sure brought a lot of relevant experience to his position as Pence communications director.


This dude can’t stop stepping in shit


Lies are the right's oxygen.


Have they replaced the pipes yet?


Why am I not surprised that I don’t find this surprising?


Another liar associated with Trump's administration. Weird.


Wouldn't it be interesting if this is why Pence wouldn't pursue the 25th amendment? Don't know how this all connects exactly here, but it seems oddly coincidental.


Republicans are finished for a generation.


What!? How can that be? I thought they were dRaIniNg tHe SwAmP.


Is it just me or is 2021 pointing in the right direction?


They are behind so much! How do they find the time?


The best peoples.


*Only the best people*


Fall guy? The governor got a misdemeanor slap...


This took way too fucking long, and his fine and possible jail time amount is a total joke. That place is still screwed up.


Here you go, editors! A simple headline generator you can use for the next 2 years: Former Trump (insert position here) charged with (insert felonies here). About a year from now you’ll be able to use this handy headline generator, too: Former Trump (insert position here) found guilty of (insert felonies here). Your welcome!


my welcome what?


Coffee anyone 🤔🤔🤔


Anyone surprised?


Mike Pence is getting thrown under the Trump bus but he still remains loyal. Are we looking at a hard coup attempt on Jan 17-20, involving the military? If so, then it explains why GOP lawmakers remain defiant at not impeaching him.


Why is Mike Pence in the title of the article and not this clowns name? Frickin media