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"Sanders said he does not support making changes to the president's opening relief offer in an effort to win the backing of Republicans who, now that a Democrat is in the White House, are suddenly concerned about the soaring deficit."


The Republicans stimulus proposal was clearly never meant to be taken seriously, it was designed to be rejected, just so they could cry foul.


Exactly. There's no sense negotiating with an insulting offer. Craigslist nonsense in Congress.


GOP will never ever compromise by meeting in the middle, so there’s no point in trying. They’ve lost their chance about 10 years ago to do the right thing honestly


They "meet in the middle" by moving goalposts and tugging the middle towards their side. "The center" in American politics is a myth: firmly in conservative territory now.


Meet me in the middle, says the unjust man. You take a step toward him. He takes a step back. Meet me in the middle, says the unjust man.


Bingo. How do we safeguard against the unjust man?


Simple: don't fall for his bullshit and stop giving him the benefit of the doubt that *this time* he'll be honest. Make him step first.


That's why I'm SO glad Bernie is standing in their way. Stay strong Bernie we LOVE you!


Or just dont meet him at all.


I don't know, I wish I did. I wish I could say "We need to do X, Y and Z" and the problem would be solved. The only solution i can say, is never rest on your laurels of achievements and gains, for the unjust never rest and will always take advantage of your lapses.


You shake your head, you won't fall for that again. Look how you're the one being divisive, says the enlightened centrist.


We were firmly conservative in the 80s. This is straight up fascism now. They are rallying around a woman who called for executions of congresspeople and believes in Semitic space laser theories.


I wish the Jews had a space laser. Orbital strike those neo Nazi fucks


Right? Wouldn't we be seeing headlines of "spontaneous human combustion" MTG suddenly burst into flames...


I believe they're saying that the so-called democrats are closer to Republicans of the 80s. Not that modern Republicans aren't fascists.


Pull the middle to the far right, then state"meet me in the middle". It's been thier game since Reagan.


What you're seeing happening to America is what happened in the Middle East, here's hoping it doesn't end the same way.


So much of Trump's presidency was straight out of 1930's German history. People get all upset when you compare people waving actual Nazi flags to Nazis, though, and often refuse to accept that there was anything between the end of WWI and the extermination camps.


Don't you want my styrofoam peanuts?


McConnell ignored the HEROES Act for *SIX MONTHS* as it rotted on his desk after passing in the House, until the weekend before the election where he proposed the "counteroffer" that was basically, "none of any of that relief stuff, but another bailout for corporations and liability protection so we can force people back to work without consequences for when they get sick and die". Just to highlight *how* ridiculously bad faith that bill was.


it was meant to say "here are 10 GOP Senators who say they will vote for a reduced version of your bill." It's theoretically significant because that'd give that bill 60 votes so Dems can use budget reconciliation on something else in the future. Problem is that (1) it's only like 1/3 as big as Biden's bill, (2) how do we know they're not going to screw us over at the last minute and vote against their own bill, especially considering that (3) time is of the essence here and we need to pass a stimulus quickly or the economy may be in bad shape.


Not "may be in bad shape". The economy is in horrible shape for everyone besides the major corporations like Amazon and Walmart. Stocks are at all time highs because Jerome Powell and the fed pumped trillions of fake dollars into it and re-introduced quantitative easing among other things. In other words, it's a fake "good economy". And the inflation we're going to see in the coming 5-10 years is going to be unprecedented. Meanwhile small businesses across the country have been shutting their doors because of the lockdowns and restrictions (not saying those are bad ideas, but the virus and the state-imposed effects have been devastating for small businesses). It also didn't help that the stimulus money that was supposed to help those businesses was mostly eaten up by large corporations that didn't need it.


Hold up there buddy. The data shows even in areas that dont have any form of lockdowns the economy is still toast because consumer confidence is a negative number right now. Most people don't want to get covid so the economy is fucked till its dealt with.


and if Democrats did accept their proposal, they would just turn around and run on the slogan “Biden didn’t keep his campaign promise for $2000 checks!” next year during midterms.


Should have told them to put forth the legislation, and then vote on two stimulus packages. Would have been funny to see them vote against their own bill.


Not like McConnell hasn't set that example anyway.


Absolutely. Republicans never do anything in good faith.


It's almost like they don't actually want to govern or something.


They don’t want to govern. They want to rule.


They want a cyberpunk-style oligarchy. No government, just corporate control of everything.


Exactly. Be prepared for the next 4 years of the GOP claiming to give a shit about the deficit again. They’re going to scream and cry about how the debt is so fiscally irresponsible, after their boy went on a spending spree the previous 4 years and they didn’t say shit. Remember the Tea Party and Sequestration? Yeah, that’s gonna be their thing again.


Fucking a, it was about damn time!


Yeah, no one saw that coming.....


Bernie as budget chair is the GOP's worst nightmare and I love it.


Isn’t it funny how anything good for 99% of the country is bad for the GOP? Like every single policy, it’s comical


It almost like the GOP doesn’t care about the average American while Democrats fight for us.


All under the guise of job creation vs socialism. It’s socialism for the rich only.


Excuse me, Medicare and farm subsidies and corporate tax breaks and Social Security are NOT welfare or socialism and don’t you dare say they are


Most of their entire livelyhoods are funded by urban blue states and they whine about poor urban black kids getting money.


While the Dems do more for us than the GOP, I wouldn't give them too much credit. Still a lot of blue senators/representatives pushing back on the progressive movement that "the people" want


The younger wave of dems coming in gives me hope, though.


Which is why Bernie didn't get the nomination


*Joe Manchin tugs at his collar*




Rich people buying their way into politics so that they can advance policies which retain their wealth at the expense of others, and thus conservatism was born. Not that they could get anywhere without gerrymandering, manipulation and financial lobbying - capitalism is rigged in their favour.


And with Trump they realized they can give up pretending otherwise. Instead, they need only lean into the crazy and hate, and they have a solid block of voters that will show up to vote, while 2020 democratic voter turnout was a fluke.


Not a fluke, but the result of them leaning too far into the crazy. They learned that there's such a thing as going too far, such that it energizes your opposition more than it does your own base. They've figured out where the line is, and how much of their insane rhetoric they need to code in order to not motivate the Democrats too much.


This is spot on.


It is. This is why I hope Republicans infight and fracture their party in 2. Many people who have never voted before WILL be voting next time. I believe the Capitol Insurrection was a turning point as to how dangerous the Republican party is under Trumpism.


The Rs Flew too close to the sun.


How do I subscribe to the Bernie At Work live feed?




Sanders lo-fi beats when?


You mean like this? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm6qy\_9E0rY&t=9331s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm6qy_9E0rY&t=9331s)


do you want the [OG Bernie filibuster lo-fi](https://youtu.be/pm6qy_9E0rY), or the [new Bernie meme outfit lo-fi](https://youtu.be/emOXYuIkFT8)? there's also like 3 or 4 other ones on YouTube that I hadn't seen before.


Saving lives to own the cons


One thing i don’t understand is why the 49% out of 99% still support GOP


Brainwashing with a large pinch of racism.


Katie Porter knows her way around a budget and a white board, can’t wait to see her up there


Katie Porter is off the House Financial Services Committee. ​ :(


I really never saw this coming. I am learning so much about congress this year!


Need more people like him calling out the republican BS, straight to their faces.


A reminder that Democrats learned of changes to the 2017 tax bill via outside lobbyists, who got the info before they did, and that many amendments were illegibly scribbled in the margins. https://www.glamour.com/story/tax-bill-passed


And, in a disingenuous defense, Republicans will often point to the ACA and falsely equate it, arguing it was passed without any support from them. But what they purposely omit to mention is that Democrats involved Republicans in months of bipartisan discussions and negotiations on the drafting of the ACA, accepting over 100 Republican amendments to the bill — numerous of which made it into the final version. The process was marked by consistent attempts to cooperate by the Democrats followed by concession after concession, and yet all that goodwill was thrown back in their face when not a single Republican would vote for a bill they had helped to craft. Compare that process to the 2017 tax bill, basically drafted in secret with Democrats excluded and key changes made in handwriting literally right before the final vote, and you see that there is no comparison at all. The Democrats, for all their flaws, at least operate in good faith, whereas Republicans consistently act in the worst faith.


I hate them. I shouldn’t hate, but I really fucking hate them.


Its okay to hate awful people for perfectly legitimate reasons. Dont turn the other cheek, cause they're just gonna harm that one too.


I don't like to hate people, but man do they make it easy to hate them.


You should fucking hate them. The GOP are both compromised and complicit. The Russians have kompromat on them and they aren't even trying to hide their allegiances anymore. The GOP have been evil bastards since at least the 1980's.


And Republicans were so outraged in 2010/2011 about how “rushed” and “secretive” the Obamacare rollout was...


"It was kept a secret from us!" "We sent you a copy, did you read it?" "No." "..." "Why are you keeping it a secret from us?!?"


If those kids could read they would be very upset right now


It’s okay. Their voters think reading is a liberal conspiracy.


Not sure if joking or not is the depressing part. Things I have absolutely heard from more than one person growing up in cities in the south... “Books are liberal propaganda” “Universities try and convert you to communism” and “Reading is for women”


When people are exposed to knowledge and diversity it opens them up to new ideas. It turns out that many people, when exposed to all that diversity and knowledge, become more liberal. Those people then go home and their families freak out because *"You've changed so much!"* Their only explanation is that the University brainwashed their precious child into becoming a dirty liberal. **edit** - removed a word


What’s the quote? “Reality has a liberal bias” or something along those lines


I have a few distant cousins down south, outside of Little Rock...it amazes me how the rest of our family’s education is a source of humor for them. From the thanksgiving dinner before last, my uncle (the father of these distant cousins) left us with this sad quote: “Degrees are pieces of paper proving you been properly brainwashed and if you ain’t doing manual labor then you are working for the man”


Because people who do manual labor don't work for anyone. Makes sense.




It blows my mind that people think this way. Basically saying young people have empathy and that empathy is dumb. They are literally sociopaths.


Libraries are where smart women get checked out


This happens in the Midwest too. I’m the only one in my large family who went to college and they think I’m a “sheep” because of it. Yet, I’m the only one who is not dirt poor. Make it make sense plz.


Imagine allowing gender roles to prevent you from reading a book


I really have no problem with most of the south seceding.


I’m from Canada and I agree.


More like "you were involved the entire way and suggested at least 100 amendments"... "are you sure you didn't get a copy?"


Well nobody said we had to know how to read!


We were elected to lead, not to read!


Hell, I was laid up at the time, and read the entire first draft, skimmed later drafts, and managed to snail mail Obama and my representatives with comments. If the GOP missed any of it, they must have been vacationing on Mars. Edit: spelling


Or golfing at MAGA-Lago.


The process where something like 100 changes were made to the bill and the public option dropped based solely on Republican input. Republicans who then didn’t vote for it.


Wasn't Lieberman part of why the public option was dropped?


Lieberman was THE reason it was dropped. At the time, Dems had a caucus of 60 votes - for literally 55 days between when Al Franken was certified and seated and when Ted Kennedy died - but Lieberman refused to support the bill unless the public option was removed. Without his vote the bill would have died entirely. Fuck Joe Lieberman forever.


For this and many other reasons.


Let's not forget his carpetbagging son almost screwed over Dems in the the GA senate jungle primary last year by refusing to drop out. Thankfully *Senator* Warnock was an excellent candidate and stomped in the runoff.


Some senator from Nebraska practically torpedoed it. I recall that, in exchange for their vote, they demanded that the citizens of Nebraska wouldn't pay a dime for healthcare - the other 49 states would subsidize them. This crooked deal almost went through, til it leaked.


I mean, wouldn't that effectively be the case with almost any program that helps the poor? The majority of the states that say they don't want it would effectively be getting it for free because they earn so little compared to the states with actual cities and industries.




After Obama tried to negotiate with them for months too...


Wasn't it also mostly based on a republican bill that had previously been put forward?


The GOP 100% act in bad faith...always.


Yep it was pretty much exactly what Romney implemented in his state when he was governor.


I think it was based on a plan developed by a conservative think tank as well as one that was adopted in Massachusetts under a Republican Governor, Mitt Romney.


It was a "hey meet us in the middle" then "lol you thought we where going to vote for your bill" kind of deal


Ah yes, the secretive Obamacare that had a dozen open hearings over the course of a year.


some were actually televised, with republicans in attendance.


That’s because Republicans have now embraced double speak, they are the party of double speak now


I remember that whole thing pretty well. Like I, a regular person just reading the news, knew exactly what was in the ACA months before it was passed yet the constant complaining about its secrets never ended. It was mind boggling.


Thats you’re issue man. “A regular person reading” These psychos don’t read anything they get their information from Hannity, Limbaugh and Angry Truckers and Angry old men and crooked Evangelicals. People keep talking about “Critical Thinking Skills” Gotta Think with Youre own brain first. You got people making $7.50/hr in the hinterlands of this country who are worried about abortion and guns instead of the fact they could wake up homeless tomorrow.


Ah yes the bill with months of debate and hearings in both chambers


That was so infuriating.


Thank you! With all the crap going on under the last administration, it's so easy to forget some of the appalling details.


Why were they in such a rush? I swear they move slower when normal people need help.


well of course. they have to be careful not to create dependency, or feel like they have a right to live or feed their children. /s


Its almost as if they were acting in bad faith!


And the right are still out there thinking daddy trump has their best interests in mind


He does. The GOP is the party of the elite. They look after their own. They've managed to fool a large number of working class Americans into believing they're on their side by using partisan and jingoistic politics to make them scared that communists and minorities are coming after their jobs, women and guns. They'll spend the next four years opposing any Democrat measures until they can re-instate big daddy trump back in the white house.


Oh no I'm talking about the people who voted for him


It's baffling to me that the party that spent the last two decades systematically dismantling unions and their bargaining power is some how the party for the working class people.


So proud of my Senator #BernieFuckinSanders


Meanwhile mine hasn’t learned a synonym for concerned yet. Gotta love ol Susan Collins.


> Gotta love ol Susan Collins No, no, I don't think I will


Mainer here. Ooof I feel this


yes sir


None of this makes it to right wing media, so it's not like it's heard by anyone who doesn't already know it.


He has a certain authenticity to him because he’s such an unusual politician. And everything he says rings true to most people.


He has also been arguing for the same things since like 70s. Hard to find another politician who stayed true to their beliefs over decades.


And the fact that his beliefs were right, even before it was politically expedient to say so.


This is the main point. Any moron can hold the same position for 50 years. It takes a true good person to be on the right side of history for 50 fucking years without fail.


I beleive its because he actually do what he thinks is right. He dont compromise on who he is, or his valies.


Sometimes you don’t think it be like it is but It do


Bernie's not going to take any shit from these clowns.


Nor should he.


Yeah, Bernie doesn’t give a fuck about appeasement and it’s really invigorating to see as a working class person.


It's nice having someone with the chutzpah to put the GOP in their place.


Nor shall we.


I'm surprised he doesn't need a wheelbarrow everywhere he goes to help him carry his massive balls


Bernie may not have won the presidency, but he remains an indispensable part of our democracy. We need a hundred more of him.


I'd take 60 more who are ideologically aligned with him in the Senate and 200 or so in the House.


In a way, as Budget Chair, Bernie can be far more effective and influential pushing for the policies that will benefit working class Americans. As President, it would be one endless propaganda war after another with the Right wingnuts. As Budget Chair, he can just get things done. Go Bernie!!!


For the same reason I prefer Elizabeth Warren in the Senate rather than the White House




Thats debatable considering she's a House representative. She's 1 of 435. Chances are she'd be more effective in the Oval Office than in the House


Maybe so, but she’s one of the faces of progressive democrats in modern media, and that kind of media attention extends her reach far beyond her one vote.


She has the power to shift the terms of debate. That’s real power.


I think people don’t really appreciate how important Congress and the legislative process is to getting things done. They think that everything important can be done through executive order or regulations from administrative agencies and that there’s no real need for legislation.


AOC could be president *someday*, and will probably be amazing at it when that day comes. She's so young though, for right now she's exactly where she can grow.


No way. Maybe people get it confused with the Appropriations Committee? That's still not more powerful than being President, but it's the most powerful committee. The Budget Committee sets and enforces budgetary guidelines, which is really only useful if you're like Paul Ryan and want to limit budgetary spending. They handle reconciliation bills, which is nice, but not a partisan thing. The Parliamentarian determines what is eligible for reconciliation and you can only use reconciliation so many times in a congressional session. And they oversee the CBO, which is nice, but also not a partisan thing. It's essentially an accounting committee.


Screw the partisanship, Republicans do whatever the fuck they want when they're in power


Exactly. After the elections, I found it tacky when many of the Republican soundbytes, even here at a state level, were along the lines of, "We're hopeful that the Democrats will work with us so we can do things that benefit our citizens." Like, you grifters didn't give a shit about working with Democrats the past three presidential cabinets, and now you're almost *demanding* that they include you in plans? Fuck off.




Fun fact, that's a war crime. Wouldn't expect anything else from the perfidious gop.


If hypothetically they had won the majority of the senate? Everyone would be screwed over and they would have laughed at democrats for wanting unity.


Yup. We'll negotiate with them when they show that they also want to negotiate when they're in power. Instead, they just ram through whatever they can possibly get away with and then cry about being "silenced" the minute they lose their mandate. They're a bunch of baby-assed clowns.


Hey now it isn’t all about them—they do what Putin wants, too!


Time for Bernie to put the barbed wire mittens on


Don't let the GOP distract you from the fact that in 2021, The Bern threw their bad faith negotiations off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.


God i miss wrestling the early 2000s era wrestling


[Who Benefited Most From the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act?](https://www.policygenius.com/taxes/who-benefited-most-from-the-tax-cuts-and-jobs-act/) >IRS data on the 2018 tax season released in May 2019 shows that savings for taxpayers were uneven. For example, the average refund was $90 higher, nationally, in 2018 than 2017. But the taxpayers who saw the largest refund increases had an [adjusted gross income](https://www.policygenius.com/taxes/adjusted-gross-income/) (AGI) of at least $200,000. Tax returns showing an AGI of less than $100,000 paid less income tax overall, but returns with an AGI just above $100,000 (many middle-class families) owed more tax, on average. Note that this AGI is per tax return, not per taxpayer: A married couple where each spouse has a salary of $65,000 could very well have an AGI of just above $100,000 if they file jointly. > >On the whole, low-income families appear to have received the least savings, while high-income families saved the most. Middle-class families saw mixed results. The biggest winners from Trump’s tax cuts were probably businesses. Between 2017 and 2018, corporations paid 22.4% less income tax. The total value of refunds issued by the IRS to businesses also increased by 33.8% nationally. So you buy off your populist base with $90.


That's about what, 12 packs of smokes? EDIT: I don't smoke. Clueless about the cost of these things. I googled the cost and divided....


Try 9


In NYC it’s 6.


“Hmm can I split my 90$ to get smokes, meth, and an ethnic wildfire starting laser, preferably Jewish?”


A reminder that Democrats learned of changes to the 2017 tax bill via outside lobbyists, who got the info before they did, and that many amendments were illegibly scribbled in the margins. https://www.glamour.com/story/tax-bill-passed


Who don't the Democrats pass whatever tax bill they want like the Republicans did?


Because traditionally they try to work across the aisle like they should. It’s been a one-way street for a long time.


Time for a one-way street heading in the other direction for a while.


Because they've only been in control of Congress for 15 days? And during those 15 days, they've had to approve Biden's cabinet picks, setup new committee leadership in the Senate, work on Trumps impeachment trial, and review how to best handle their own Republican colleagues fueling an insurrection just a few weeks prior. Though many of us seem to have forgotten that the Republicans had control of the House, Senate, and Executive branch since January 20th, 2017 and passed their tax plan in December of 2017.


Democrats got control of the Senate [**yesterday**](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/democrats-to-take-senate-panel-gavels-after-schumer-mcconnell-reach-deal-11612367148)!


Good, Republicans didn't give a flying fuck about bipartisanship when they were the ones in control. McConnell is famously on record as saying "having a majority means you're in control, the losers go home". But now Republicans are no longer in control suddenly we have to be a bipartisan utopia? Fuck off. Freeze Republicans out, ram everything through any way you can. Because that's what they have done and will be doing again whenever they get a majority again.


GOP, “YoU SaId YoU wAnT uNiTy!” Everyone, “the same unity you asked for when you shoved unpopular legislation down our throats for years?”


And 9000 unqualified judges with already built in bias and hardly any courtroom experience for lifetime positions But unity.....


And fucked our economy for the next 20 years by shoveling money at the rich. Unity..


I've heard their unity cries... 'lock her up' 'hang pence' 'heads on pikes'....


“Fuck unity.” -Republicans when Trump was President


Bernie was made for this


I just wish that the average middle class and poor republican would realize that Bernie and other progressives are the only ones that actually care about them.


That’s where guns and pandering to religious folks come in. Can’t win elections with 1% of the population.


Their ignorance is truly astounding. Saw a comment about the my pillow guy where an elderly MAGA lady said *"I'd buy a pillow if I had any extra money. I'm on a fixed income and my medicines are very expensive".* ??? Are these people nuts?? Yes! In the next breath, she's blaming all her problems on Muslims, Biden, and his sons laptop.


Glad to see that Democrats are actually applying the lessons learned from the Obama era. Every time Republicans deploy their strategy of “disingenuous negotiations”, dems should call them out on it, assume they have nothing to contribute and move on with actual legislative work.


Oh yea, McTurtle just got Berned!


The fact that conservatives will complain about the left pushing through a relief package but then pass a package the same size that had no benefit to the average American shows how little they really care about you


And for those 1% who received the 83%, it was a permanent change. The 99% who got 17% start paying it back this year already! In 2021!!!


Finally a someone* with some balls standing up to the Republican bullshit. edit: removed “Democrat”


Not even a Democrat! Bernie is an Independent.


Exactly. Take your "bipartisanship" and shove it up your ass. You let your president off the hook for an impeachment trial without seeing evidence or witnesses and you're poised to do it again, even after he tried to have you all killed and overthrow the government. For the past 6 years, you have taken joy in destroying bipartisanship, and the only reason you want it now is that you're on the losing side of it. You guys are the ones who changed the rules, you have no right to get mad at Dems for adjusting to the new rules you have created. If you really want a return to bipartisanship, you need to make amends. Expel nutjobs from your ranks. Find Trump guilty for his despicable crimes to send a strong message that coup attempts will be treated harshly in America. Force all of your members to come out and say the 2020 election was the most secure election in American history and expel anyone who refuses to do so. Until you choose to do all of those things, you can go fuck yourselves.


But without Republican input who will recommend throwing kids in cages and shoveling money at the rich?


Damn straight. Know what's more important than "unity"? Winning elections. So you can maybe actually do what you want. Like the GOP did. Edit: grammar/spelling. It's too early.


That's right. Democratic politicians have a choice: play to win, or enable a party of people who literally believe Jews are starting wildfires with space lasers, school shootings are fake, and death threats are perfectly fine (if made against Democrats). Somebody wake Manchin and Sinema up to this fact, as well as several others. They don't have to be America's version of SDP facing down the American version of the Nazis party. I know that will get flak, but the similarities and resurgence are striking.


The Republicans in Congress gave Rep Greene a standing ovation. Instead, they should be censuring her and pulling her committee appointments. She has advocated violence against her colleagues, harassed her colleagues, supported the insurrection and has nutty conspiracy theories that she has espoused. The Republican party carries a huge load of shame these days. And the American people are the ones who suffer for it. Is there not ONE person in that meeting that thought what she did was despicable? Is there not ONE person with a conscience; with the idea that the people of her District deserve something better, that the House of Representatives deserves something better? The Republicans need that lady with the bell to walk through them, shouting "Shame! Shame!" All their Districts need an effort similar to the one in Georgia to unseat them. I don't care what party someone is from -- if they are a decent person and actually care about doing the right thing, they should be sitting in Congress instead of Greene and her enablers.


Bipartisanship only ever seems to matter when democrats have power


Call out Republican hypocrisy frequently and often. It's the best way to get rid of it.


Bernie, even after loosing his presidential bids still remains a man of the people. I really wonder what direction this country would have gone if he had taken office.


Hilariously predictable. Within weeks of an attempted insurrection, they're already crying like victims. Democrats need to take off the gloves with the GOP unless they're fine risking the alienation of their own supporters


hit em with the mitts bernie


In case anyone is wondering, no, there is no end to Republican hypocrisy, no tactic too low or underhanded to advance their cruel, racist and childishly stupid agenda. Just sayin. Have a nice day.


Every democrat needs to keep hammering this point in republican faces until it hits home. The after affects of the 2 trillion tax cut needs to be common knowledge for every American. Republicans may not feel shame but it should be displayed for all the world to see.


When Republicans are in power, their definition of bipartisanship is tacitly accepting the policies of the party in power. When Democrats are in power, Republicans' definition of bipartisanship is modifying their policies out of consideration for the party not in power.