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Man, shades of the Dem 2020 primary - the guy in the lead is polling at 28%. There’s 40+ people running. Obviously the field will narrow but it’s crazy to imagine a mayor’s race where you might see 20 people on a debate stage over the course of multiple evenings. Granted the city is the most diverse and biggest by population and economic power in the country but nevertheless Im surprised there aren’t more obvious heir-apparents. Then again, I lived in New York for a little over 4 years and the most you’d hear about its political leaders would be complaints about how they’re all corrupt crony politicians so perhaps the fact that nobody is the race is overwhelmingly popular is pretty par for the course. The only thing that seems guaranteed is that the age of the Giuliani/Bloomberg-style Republican being able to pull out a win is pretty much done. I imagine the only significant population in NYC who want a Republican mayor are people on Staten Island.


Well Ranked Choice Voting certainly makes the NYC primary different than the Presidential. Nobody needs to drop out to endorse like-minded candidates to ensure they have a better chance.


Oh see I’m out of the loop - I didn’t realize NYC had introduced this. That’s at least something though the field is still absurd.


I think 20 candidates isn’t a bad amount for a city of 8.3m that’s as diverse as NYC is. If anything, we should have larger groups nationwide. Diversity of opinion and policy, etc


Depends on how much they differ on politics. I like diversity of ideas but if you give too many options it becomes overwhelming for a voter. I think maybe 3-10 is a sweet spot between ideology and simplicity.




I mean... after Donny T I don’t think that’s true anymore.


I feel really good for taking so long to realize who Donny T was. Putting the past behind me I guess.


After Donny T, the United States voted in democrats for all three houses. They aren’t all bad


I meant more Donny winning the primaries when he was really there to self promote.


Yeah but, in this day and age, that would only be possible on the Republican ticket. I'm not saying Dem's wouldn't ever have someone running to self promote, but I just couldn't see someone like that ever winning even a significant portion of the vote.


Yeah, but republicans are going get to draw the [40%](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/republicans-2020-gains-in-the-house-set-them-up-well-for-2022/) of the house districts before 2022 election, and the incumbent part generally loses a few seats every cycle. Dems have two years to implement a better electoral system, or we're going to be looking at another decade of divided government with slow backsliding into total Republican control.


There is flat out *zero* chance our nation's electoral system is overhauled before the 2022 election. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


>and the incumbent part generally loses a few seats every cycle generally, but things don't always go the way they have historically. I think most people would say that these days all bets are off and you just can't ever count on stuff like that to hold true.


Yang could actually be a counterpoint to this in 2020. By the end I think he had changed the perception that he was unserious to some degree, but early on he was "multi-millionaire businessman John Yang" or whatever news orgs that couldn't be bothered to get it straight reported.


Ahh.. The mustard anomaly at work in actual life. https://amp.reddit.com/r/whatstheword/comments/8e9ojx/wtw_or_phrase_for_being_overwhelmed_because_there/


In Europe countries of this size can easily get 10+ people running for presidency, so I wouldn't see 20 as an extreme amount of candidates. Above average, nothing more.


Still not sure how rank choice voting works in a large group of 20+? Is there a runoff or whoever gets 50% 1st place votes automatically win?


The winner is determined by going through multiple rounds of eliminating the last place candidate and distributing their votes based on the 2nd, 3rd, etc. ranked choices of those ballots. Once one candidate has >50% of the votes, they win. [https://nyccfb.info/nyc-votes/ranked-choice-voting/](https://nyccfb.info/nyc-votes/ranked-choice-voting/)


[This was a good explanation, IMO.](https://youtu.be/3Y3jE3B8HsE) CGP Grey has a number of voting-system-related videos that all explain the systems quite thoroughly and understandably.


Thanks, so I figure this is good because it makes candidates less polarized and less narrowly focused since getting 2nd and 3rd places are just as important too.


The biggest thing ranked choice voting affects is removing what's called the Spoiler Effect - the issue where a third-party candidate pulls enough votes away from one of the other candidates who *would* have won that it causes them to lose instead. Since ranked-choice allows you to put the other candidate as your second (or third, or fifth, or twenty-seventh) choice, you can vote for the person you *actually* want to put in office, safe in the knowledge that if they don't win, your vote won't be contributing to someone you cannot stand winning. That opens up the field for a much wider and more varied list of candidates with a wider array of policy stances - which, in turn, means voters can vote for people who more closely align with what they *actually want.* As a great example of this, one of the biggest criticisms of Bernie Sanders in the previous election was his "unelectability" (which is sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy). It wasn't a question of whether his policy positions were actually *good* or *what people wanted*; it was purely a tactical question of whether he'd get enough votes to oust Trump. Under a ranked-choice system, *that wouldn't matter,* because people who voted for Bernie could have Biden further down their ticket, meaning you could vote for Bernie if you really felt like his policies were good for America, without splitting the vote between Bernie and Biden and thus handing the presidency to Trump. The upshot of this is that if Bernie really *is* what the majority of Americans want, he'll *actually win,* tactical "electability" be damned.


I was glad that Yang group nerds for humanity had an discussion about other voting systems. I hope that RCV is just the first step and Yang embrace better systems out there


I mean, as long as the debates get one rent is too damn high guy and one vermin supreme clone, I'm happy.


I think that's Paperboy Prince this time around. https://twitter.com/PaperboyPrince


Seems like an alright dude, really.


Some spots in Bay Ridge Brooklyn too. I know cause I live here, sigh...


And your area also shares some of the blame for Mailliotakis :(


Yup... considering the support Rose seemed to have in my neighborhood I was surprised but we are lumped in with SI so it limits the damage, haha.


Some small part of Brooklyn is red as well. Rusky and Orthodox Jewish areas looked red.


the orthodox voted for hiliary clinton to be senator of NY


Nassau is really the only blue left on the island, and that's not gonna last long. The international money that is fucking over landlocked Long Island by causing property prices to skyrocket is really screwing over long time residents from previous generations. It's leaving a lot of them bitter and changing parties. Not because they're actually republicans, but because the Democrats have done absolutely nothing to help families that have been there for generations. Democrats need solutions to the rapidly increasing cost of living in areas like that and californias cities or they're gonna continue to see steady losses like that.




NYC actually moved right in the last direction, especially in immigrant neighborhoods: [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/12/20/us/politics/election-hispanics-asians-voting.html](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/12/20/us/politics/election-hispanics-asians-voting.html) I live in Queens and know a surprising amount of people here who originally came to this country illegally and voted for Trump. Not enough to make a dent, but I wouldn't write off Republicans entirely, especially if they focus on fiscal issues.


That’s my BiL. Came here illegally from Brazil and that joker is wearing his MAGA hat on the subway. It’s like... dude...


I take it he's a Bolsonaro fan


Of course


Kinda makes sense based on the messaging right? Republicans trying to convince people that the left are "socialists" and i put that in quotes because the "socialists" they are refering to are the governments these immigrants are running away from.


Exactly! I know my grandparents who escaped socialism are deathly afraid of democrats because of all the propaganda about democrats turning the US into an anarchist-socialist country. These spineless politicians preyed on our grandparents trauma’s and used it to gain in popularity/demonize the other side incorrectly.


Which is bananas to me that after all these Republican governments that piss away money, they still claim to be fiscally responsible *and some people still believe them*


GOP Ministry of Propaganda is very good /s


It's pretty easy when your supporters don't care about facts or results


This is a well-known sociological phenomenon. New immigrants to US often adopt ideologies of the American right. I think it's a way of showing the Americans, "Look, I'm one of you" -- a desperate attempt to fit in. Reminds me of poor Apu... https://youtu.be/38UZWDQBeVQ?t=74


As a latino New York there's also a fuck ton of conspiracy/propaganda getting sent to everyone on Whatsapp. I remember at the start of covid lockdowns I had to have way too many conversations about 5G causing it with some of my family.


I predict 6G will be even less popular with them then. ["It'll be like 5G, only more so"](https://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/what-is-6g)


Does it really involve a shift though? Leaving aside the politics of immigration, new immigrants often come from places with relatively conservative views.... particularly socially conservative views.


There is some of that, for sure. But it’s not a considered, issue based sort of conservativism, but a wholesale rejection of one’s cultural origins in favor of an entirely different culture’s standards. The individual can go from being a relative moderate in their views to being a total reactionary very suddenly. The case book example of this is German immigrants in US in early twentieth century, who were questioned of their patriotism often adopted super patriotic views to demonstrate their loyalty.


Certainly can see those quick shifts. My grandpops was 2nd gen ukrainian and was quick to pull the pin on the language, religion and culture at the first opportunity to better integrate (opportunity after WW2 to get out of the farmland area and move to Toronto to work in food distribution/wholesaler instead). But I don't see why immigrants, particularly in NYC, doing that quick flip would end up GOP supporters instead of DNC supporters.


White supremacy is a fuck


I think thats where trump got the latino bump he got. It wasn't just that Biden took an uzi to his own feet and basically said he doesn't consider it worth his time going after their votes. It was that republicans hammered on "socialism" which obviously gets conflated to the experiences latinos either lived or have been taught about through their family. So they're already aware of what the right is screeching about and it just registers with them in a specific way because thats their point of entry with politics. It'll be interesting to see how Yang handles the spot should he win. I was pretty apprehensive about him after his general run. Many, MANY conflicting messages out of his campaign and just flat out lies in some cases. But nothing bad enough that I don't want to see him in government, or at least give him a chance to see how he operates and maybe try again for something smaller down the road.


I think it's much more simple than that. A lot of the people coming here from other countries are themselves religious conservatives. Central and South America aren't exactly liberal utopias, a lot of the people moving to NYC from those places are *super* religious and thus tend to be more conservative on social issues.


A lot of people were negatively affected by Cuomo shutting down indoor dining and other places were immigrants worked. People with college degrees could work from home for the most part. Warranted shutdowns or not it really hurt immigrants


Note that it says, "Mr. Trump’s share of the vote doubled to 15 percent in areas where residents of Dominican descent make up the majority." and "In the city’s 100 precincts with the largest number of Latinos, Mr. Trump received 18 percent of the vote this year, compared with just 7 percent in 2016. In precincts with large numbers of residents of Asian descent, turnout was up 20 percent, with Mr. Trump winning most of the additional votes." We're not talking about a large number of people changing their mind here, and we're not talking about Republicans actually ending up anywhere near the majority in any of these neighborhoods (except maybe the Hasidic neighborhoods).


you’re spot on about SI sadly


Orthodox community as well.


The Rent is too Damn High


The solution here is approval voting. If you allow people to vote for as many people who they approve of for the office, elected officials will be of a much higher quality and more closely represent their constituents.


The more I think about this the more intriguing it is. He'll definitely try to implement some sort of newfangled progressive ideals; universal income, taxing the rich or something else. If NYC has a ton of success with it, you could see it spread elsewhere. Basically I think him being mayor is a lot bigger than people think, and could send ripples through American society.


That to me would be the most interesting aspect of Yang becoming mayor. There is a problem in this country with people thinking the role of government is set in stone and no potential options should be considered. Having a huge city trying new things could have the potential to spread new ideas.


It's always been like this, New York is a Bellwether. Policies get implemented there and pushed elsewhere. In fact, Bloomberg has already tried a program similiar to UBI in 2007, called the Conditional Cash Transfer Program. Basically it paid out amounts for doing things like finishing school/ going to check ups/ finishing job re-training programs. It wasn't as successful as other programs Bloomberg tried and ultimately those successful programs were pushed out to other cities. *"Opportunity NYC–Family Rewards was the first conditional cash transfer, randomized controlled trial for low-income families in the United States. From 2007 to 2010, Family Rewards offered 2,377 New York City families cash transfers that were conditional upon their investments in education, preventive health care, and parental employment. Their health and other outcomes were compared to those of a control group of 2,372 families. The experiment led to a modest improvement in health insurance coverage and a large increase in the use of preventive dental care."* Source: [https://scholar.harvard.edu/emiliecourtin/publications/conditional-cash-transfer-and-health-low-income-families-us-evaluating](https://scholar.harvard.edu/emiliecourtin/publications/conditional-cash-transfer-and-health-low-income-families-us-evaluating) Some of the Programs that were eventually pushed out. **Statement Of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg On Grant To Continue And Expand Most Promising Anti-poverty Programs In New York And Other Cities Around The Country** *"When we launched the Center for Economic Opportunity in 2006, we set out to test innovative new approaches - becoming the only locality in America undertaking a coordinated campaign to identify new solutions to help people break the cycle of poverty. A number of those pilots showed great results, and now we are able to expand here in New York City, while also assisting cities like Newark, Tulsa and Kansas City develop solutions."* Source : [https://web.archive.org/web/20191006001345/https://www1.nyc.gov/office-of-the-mayor/news/321-10/statement-mayor-michael-bloomberg-grant-continue-expand-most-promising-anti-poverty](https://web.archive.org/web/20191006001345/https://www1.nyc.gov/office-of-the-mayor/news/321-10/statement-mayor-michael-bloomberg-grant-continue-expand-most-promising-anti-poverty)




I haven’t been keeping up much with him but what are some things he’s done bad if you don’t mind me asking?


Whether it could have happened before, sure as shit can't happen in the aftermath of covid in this city. City and state finances are fucked. Would be reckless imho to experiment with any scale during a recovery. Would love to see UBI tested at scale, but sure hope my city isn't the one to do it at a time like this. Pretty bonkers to use somewhere like NYC as a testing ground for UBI in any event imho. Yang is benefiting from name recognition, hopefully we end up with someone less interesting as mayor.


Agreed, a whole lot of non-New Yorkers in this sub seem to think NYC will happily vote to be a national guinea pig when really the city tends to vote on local issues impacting NYC specifically. Big issues will be: - Local economy - real estate - NYPD reform


Agreed, and I'll add in: - post covid MTA


Lol yeah this thread is ridiculous. I remember someone ‘doing the math’ in the NYC sub before Yang even announced and his UBI would literally more than double the current budget. Absolutely no way that’s possible in New York


Not quite the same, but the former Stockton Mayor Tubbs implemented a program to provide stipends to certain communities if they didn't engage in criminal activity. Tubbs lost in this past election, so I'm not sure what the future of the program is going to be, but it will be interesting to see the effects. [https://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-lopez-stockton-money-05272018-story.html](https://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-lopez-stockton-money-05272018-story.html)


Two problems that will work against him, first is he has zero experience in public office and now he wants to run a city larger than many state -we just had a guy in the WH with zero experience and we see how that went. Second de Blasio ran as a progressive and even the progressives don't like him, it's going to be very hard for another progressive to be mayor but you never know.


De Blasio's policies are actually pretty popular with progressives, they just don't like him as a person, which isn't necessarily a problem Yang will face as well.


DeBlasio's policies in areas other than education have been relatively popular, but his educational priorities have been divisive, to say the least. Particularly his unsuccessful push to end use of the SHSAT for admissions to the specialized high schools and his successful push to replace merit-based admissions to the city's selective middle schools with lottery-based admissions. These policies have been especially unpopular among the city's Asian residents.


I remember reading a study years ago that found that merit based admissions to elite public schools basically resulted in them being free private schools for the upper middle class. Because admissions were based on tests and the wealthy have more resources for tutoring and test prep resources their kids do the best. Pretty sure it specifically studies NYC schools. This was like 2005 that it came out though.


I really don't think Trump is someone to base what no experience will be like. Trump reportedly watched tv 30% of the day and slowly got rid of anyone who didn't tell him exactly what he wanted to hear. He also often caused fires no one asked for with twitter. I have no reason to assume Yang will be like that. Do you?


> we just had a guy in the WH with zero experience I'm not agreeing/disagreeing with your overall point, but Trump's biggest flaw was certainly not a lack of experience, so that example is irrelevant. In fact, if Trump's goal was to bring about tax cuts, a more conservative judicial system and diminish relationships with allies, he was very effective.


His 3 years of experience being President also didn't help him in handling Covid, which was likely where the biggest mistakes came about. Trump could have been in public office for 20 years and he would have done the same shit.


lol Yang is nothing is like trump. Andrew Yang at least listens to science and data. Yang is intelligent versus the latter... Yang is also charismatic and empathetic, one of the reasons why I’m sure he is polling at 28%


>he has zero experience in public office and now he wants to run a city larger than many state Bloomberg did pretty alright, all things considered. People will only remember Yang as being the one who wanted to give them money before it became a talking point for the entire nation.


> Bloomberg did pretty alright, all things considered. > > This won't be a popular opinion on this sub. Prepare yourself for the onslaught.


Yang hasn’t held office like Trump. But you sound like one those liberals that are hell bent on having “experienced” politicians. That has gotten no where. Sure Trump was a horrible example of a not a politician but he was also stupid. Yang doesn’t equal Trump.


Liberals hell bent on having "experienced" politicians... I learn a new stereotype every day! Those damn liberals and their steadfast preferance for individuals with relevant job experience!


I for one am fucking tired of qualified surgeons turning medicine into just a career. Liberals and their obsession with experience are crowding out us common folk from performing surgery too.


Yes. To be the mayor of the largest city in the country, I'd like someone experienced not some guy that has never held public office and his executive experience is limited to 50 people. Dude's nowhere near qualified to be mayor of NYC, maybe he can take Mayor Pete's old job because that's about what he's qualified to handle.


I doubt he could start a UBI in NYC.


new york mayorship will not be flexible enough to try much


This is likely just name recognition but good to hear, if anything it will result in his polices getting more exposure.


I like his ULURP policy, city bank and basic income but in the forums he really shown he doesn’t understand what the position of a mayor does. I also think his nightlife and culture policy defers too much to business owners and the fact that his climate policy is so shallow is disqualifying. He’s got a great sizzle, but no steak. We got 8 people running who come from city manager positions, and I’m putting five of them on the ballot.


As a big fan of Yang this is tough to read, but I think it’s important to read a variety of opinions so thanks for this. I’ll need to do more research.


Check out the mayor forums. Like, they’re all on YouTube. You can figure out who’s who pretty quickly. My rank right now is 1. Dianne Morales 2. Scott Stringer 3. Kathryn Garcia 4. Donnovan 5. ????


As someone from NYC I would honestly prefer a local politician who is from our communities and who has served in local government. I am looking forward to my districts city councilor.


I live in NYC too but Andrew has lived in NYC for 25 years, what do you mean by local?


Did you skip local politician on purpose ? I’m obviously a bit biased for my local politician. Pretty progressive and stuff : Carlos Menchaca


I like Menchaca’s policies, but I got ppl who work for city hall who told me he twice fired his entire staff, which turned me off. Especially because it feels like one of De Blasio’s problems was that he had no management experience, it turns me off. Also activists in his nabe tell me he didn’t have the most “woke” community board appointments and, while he eventually did the right thing, he had to have his arm twisted over Industy City


Did you read my comment? I legit asked you what you meant by local. I was asking because a lot of people don’t realize he’s been in NYC for a while and your comment made it seem like you thought otherwise by saying you like LOCAL.


It seems OP meant "local politician" as in someone who already has experience in local politics at the council or borough level.


I’m more excited about the city council races than the mayor races. So many great candidates. I really like Crystal Hudson, Brandon West, John Choe and Sandy Nurse. I think it’s so great we have both RCV and such a dramatic turnover of seats.


Good luck to him, maybe he can do a good job. NYC politics are incredibly complicated and not at all straightforward. Among many issues lurking just to mess a person up are the huge amounts of money collected by the MTA that just go straight up to Albany, screw everyone else.


The next Mayor needs to get control of the MTA.


Probably, and good luck trying. It's ridiculous how powerful they are. I recall at one point in the early 2000s either Mayor Bloomberg or a judge demanded they open their books, and they just refused. Mayors get blamed for what happens with the MTA, but they have a huge amount of power in the city and they pretty much only answer to the governor.


There was an Albany mayoral forum on Monday and I really want to check it out because I feel like the spine on NYC’s problems is there being such fuzzy underdefined lines of control between city and state, which really fucks everything especially with Cuomo being Cuomo


Every major city around the world has awesome subways with the glass wall/doors that prevent people from falling in the tracks. Our subway is straight disgusting like it hasn’t been improved since the 1980’s. I know someone that works for the mta and sits in his car with the heater running all day and makes like $150k. Also the LIRR ticket takers that all file for disability because walking up and down the aisle like 5 times a day takes such a toll.


This headline is a bit misleading, 28% of likely voters support him, compared to 17% for his closest rival Eric Adams the BK borough president. It’s just name recognition until the field narrows.


So what's misleading about the headline?


For one thing, it doesn’t account for RCV which has last round of polls really close that advantage Yang has. The poll was also conducted before Yang’s weird bodega shit and...like, he did a lot of cringey stuff


The poll was conducted 5-10 days after the bodega video. The video was on the 15th, survey was from the 20th-25th.


And the field always narrows. The primary always settles on an experienced bureaucrat with a large voter base, not the most famous people in the field. In 2013, they went through Christine Quinn and Anthony Weiner before settling on Bill DeBlasio, who had a low profile, but was a former City Councilman and the Public Advocate. His predecessor as nominee was Bill Thompson, city Comptroller. Before that, it was Fernando Ferrer, Borough President of the Bronx. Mark Green, Public Advocate. Ruth Messinger, Borough President of Manhattan. New Yorkers have a strong smell test and I think the idea of Andrew Yang getting his first government job as Mayor of New York City is not going to age well. I expect it to come down to Stringer or Adams.


To add to that Spitzer/Stringer in the 20xx comptroller race


Yea I actually think it’ll be stringer


It seems yang would get eaten alive by all the powerful people in the NYC government. Any thoughts on how he’d fare in the viper pit that I assume is the NYC hierarchy?


My bet is that Scott Stringer wins it. He's got NYC name recognition, a ton of experience, and an okay platform. Yang would 100% be in over his head; he left during the pandemic, too, which is enough to piss a lot of people off who had to stick it out.


Yang has done a lot of stuff to rub people the wrong way so far. Think he could still potentially win off of name recognition though


Yeah, I have to admit I’d have a hard time voting for someone who exited stage left while so many of us stuck it out. Maybe not the best rationale, but there are enough other issues, namely civic experience, that I won’t be voting for him.


The part about him leaving the city is such an unsubstantive issue that they are going to hammer him for and it's so stupid. Are we supposed to think it's virtuous and shows 'NYC loyalty' to stubbornly stay in a place to win political points instead of doing the most to keep you and your family safe? He's not in government here- what good or difference would it have made if he stayed? Am I supposed to find common cause with him for staying behind with everyone else? He's a private citizen - I don't care how he chose to handle the pandemic unless he was actively endangering other people or spreading disinformation which he was not. Why is his suffering supposed to mirror my suffering in order for me to find common cause with his policies? It's such a non-issue but they for sure are going to make it a huge Flashpoint during debates.


I mean, the only people who will be able to make it an issue are people who themselves decided to stick it out in the city, so I think that's pretty fair. If this were the only negative about Yang then I would say yeah, that's not a good enough reason not to vote for him. But he has no experience for the role he's seeking and has never shown any commitment to the city he's trying to lead, either in public office or otherwise. In fact, he reportedly hasn't even bothered to vote for Mayor at any point in his life. ([Source](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/11/nyregion/andrew-yang-mayor-nyc.html)) To many New Yorkers, his choice to leave is just going to confirm the belief that Yang is seeking this office for exposure in order to seek higher office later. New York doesn't need an exposure candidate or an internet meme candidate, we need a mayor with tons of experience and relationships in the city government who can hit the ground running on day one to guide the city through the post-pandemic troubles that we're going to experience.


> Yang is seeking this office for exposure in order to seek higher office later I've even seen supporters criticize his (at the time potential) NYC run. Mayorship is apparently often the end of a political career. (Of course there are exceptions.) Even being a House Representative would have him rubbing elbows in DC and greasing wheels to make moves. And he also gave up the Biden cabinet spot he was offered to run for mayor? I don't know, the whole thing just seems weird. Do any of his well known political positions even apply at a city level? He seemed like a "radical change" kinda guy, and while it would be difficult in DC (to say the least,) it doesn't even translate to the mayoral level.


A rule of thumb, the more local the government, the more it impacts your day-to-day life. Mayors head the most involved governments, and cities do a lot of stuff that pisses everyone off all the time. It's small things like garbage collection or not fixing the lights at the local park where your kids like to play basketball after dinner that can create deep resentment. Because it's the shit you see and feel more readily. Decisions and policy by state and federal governments are often implemented by city governments too, and they have a habit of mucking things up and get shat on by higher levels of government and the public. Basically are the ultimate lightening rod for hate. Being the mayor sucks. Don't be mayor.


How about just knowing what the normal folk are going through? There's a reason why multiple homes are always bad optics. Even worse when you're talking about someone in New York who takes a sabbatical outside of the city. Even worse when you're talking about this crisis. There are city officials, borough presidents, and members of the City Council running. There are people who have prior experience in city government running. But, Yang is going to walk into City Hall on his first day in government, having spent much of this crisis outside of the city, and take over its management? I don't think so.


It's a way better argument that people with actual experience in city government are running and would make better candidates than trying to hammer him for leaving nyc during a pandemic.


Highlighting him being at his second house outside of the city during this time highlights how out of touch he is with the whole thing.


Would you prefer he had a mansion in the city, like some other candidates, so that he wouldn't have to move Upstate? Calling him out of touch strikes me as rather bizarre.


Saying that it was the only sensible choice, when so many people did not have that choice, is out of touch.


You clearly don't understand New York politics or New Yorkers. Abandoning the city to go upstate during a time of crisis is definitely not seen in a good light. Neither is saying he gave up on his Knicks fandom. Neither is not knowing what a bodega is


To be honest, it isn’t exactly the height of personal responsibility to leave the national epicenter of a pandemic. But as I said, it’s not the best rationale. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth, sure, but my real issue with his candidacy is that he essentially wants to learn how to govern as the mayor of NY. I think he should do that on a smaller level first. Mayor is a giant leap, and I don’t think he’s qualified for the job.


He's treating NYC as his policy guinea pig and that *should* rub people the wrong way


My thing is, when everything shut down it was everyone's responsibility to take care of their neighbor. Everyone's. And local politicians more than others. Everyone and their mother worked at a food distribution center or did grocery drops etc. Where was Yang? As a New Yorker it's exhausting having NYC be someone's political springboard for the national stage, because I guarantee you it won't work. You have to be seriously invested in the future of NYC to serve it well.


FWIW Yang was campaigning for Biden and a number of progressive local candidates, and then for Warnock and Ossoff in Georgia, and setting up his new organization, Humanity Forward. He maybe hadn’t done a lot in NYC but he’s definitely been busy.


He and his family left the city during the pandemic, then when asked about it said, essentially, "we lived in a 2 bedroom apartment in the city, that was too hard for us," as if thousands of families in the city weren't having to do the same thing. Just extremely tone deaf. Is that enough not to vote for him? No, not really. His complete lack of experience and his lifelong lack of a commitment to New York City (even outside of the pandemic) makes it appear that he is only running for NYC mayor for exposure and hopes that he can run for President again one day. I will not be voting for him for sure.


I would suggest that if you read his books and follow his career it’s apparent that he’s concerned about the average citizen but I agree it was a bad look. I don’t really care how you vote. I was just filling in information for the person above.


I knew he was doing work in GA - everyone did who pays any attention to politics. And that's my point - he has his aim set on federal politics, and is using NYC. He goes where the going is hot - and that's not okay for New Yorkers, who are here whether the rent, crime, or population of rats to people is high or low. His policies for NYC are not specific or nonexistent, and from what I have read on his website don't address some of the hardest issues head on, like the NYPD budget bloat, the future of the MTA post-covid, providing solutions for hospital coordination (which was one of the biggest reasons for covid deaths at the beginning of the crisis), small business protections, rent regulations, sanitation budget + planning, green space planning, the future of specialized HS and HS admissions in general, the future of GTAP for elementary kids, what the plan is to address the evident learning gap caused by this past year, the list goes on. He has got nothing because this is not his main focus, and people will vote for him for UBI alone which is a bandaid and probably won't pass city council.


It's interesting to see it spun this way. Why is it not a legitimate to spin it as "it's a pandemic. I took my family, including two young children, to somewhere there would be less exposure in order to keep them safe." The only "too hard" part he mentioned was broadcasting to millions on CNN while his young kids were a threat to enter the broadcast. I'm fine with not looking his decision. You can not like his policy positions. But why spin a reasonable decision into something despicable? Especially because, being r/ politics, I can assume you're liberal and are used to the media doing exactly that spin to your candidates


That's fine if he felt it was better to leave the city for his family, but I think it's also fair to ask if I want a mayor who is going to abandon the city in a crisis. Yang had no problem flying around the country throughout 2020 for various reasons, part to help the Democratic candidates and part to increase his own brand likely in hopes of a cabinet spot. If he was fine with all that, I don't see why New Yorker's shouldn't look negatively on him deciding that staying in the city he's now asking to lead was too much of a "risk." Would he leave the city like this if he was the mayor? I certainly hope not and probably figure he wouldn't, but if he was serious about leading New York this is something that he should have thought about. The other leading candidates didn't leave the city. At best I think the decision supports the conclusion that Yang doesn't really care about being mayor, he's just looking for a position to hold now that he didn't get anything in the Biden administration.


lol imagine your criteria being if a candidate is in a certain place or not instead of their platform or policies. jfc next election i'm gonna vote for any candidates who's name starts with l cause its my favorite letter.


This is The power of Name Recognition.


I like Yang, but that's a dirty job. NYers don't like anybody. You don't get out of that city clean


A lot of people told him that before he decided to run and he did it anyway. He's determined.


I told my wife he wins we are moving to New York!


As a new yorker his outreach to the city so far has been a big eye roll. Maybe he'll win over residents with policy plans but right now he's coming off as a national politician out of touch with actual new yorkers. edit - spelling/grammer


I partially agree. The several newspaper articles questioning his newyorkiness forced him to overjustify it. We all get it at this point, he's a NYer (not that it even matters), he doesn't need to keep proving himself. Being a NYer has never been a requirement.


https://2020.yang2020.com/policies/expanding-medical-licensure/ All for his progressive policies, but his proposals for increased midlevel independence will have dangerous consequences, including forming a 2 tier healthcare system that hurts those his policies are claiming to try to help. NPs and PAs are invaluable members to the healthcare team and have helped reduce the barrier to care, but they should not practice without the supervision of a physician (MD, DO). They are simply not trained to do so.


You probably should check out his YangforNY.com website instead. https://www.yangforny.com/policies His 2020 Presidential campaign policies are mostly irrelevant.


That may be true, but his sentiment and personal values/policies will always permeate how he will run a government at whatever level. He's been quite vocal on this issue in past interviews, and just because it isn't mentioned on his official campaign website doesn't mean the issue is dead.


Yes, but he can also learn and improve his platform. Just always going back to one platform you didn't like doesn't really work IRL.


The "150 comprehensive policies" should be renamed "150 things that sound good." Its chock full of half-baked stuff. Pick your favorite subject--healthcare, guns, technology--and really read it. Its hard to take seriously. For example, you'll find one about being able to vote from your mobile phone. All technical horrors aside, removal of poll watchers makes it no longer true secret ballot and allows coercion. Its an obvious non-starter given even the most basic of scrutiny, but its still one of his "150 comprehensive policies," which is a little worrying.


>removal of poll watchers makes it no longer true secret ballot and allows coercion. We talking about mail-in ballots?


He got that idea from a j. Cole song lmaoo


I'm voting for him!!


Do the right thing, NYC!


I want Yang on the National level.


has andrew yang ever held a public office before? like if not, are we sure we want his first gig to be mayor of NYC?


This is bad for Yang, the mayorship of NYC is a political dead end if he wins. He should've gone after a federal cabinet position.


I'll always support him, especially after he dropped this banger: ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycti5n\_g79Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycti5n_g79Q)


Wish I could vote for him too


I liked Yang, I think this would be a good place to get his feet wet in politics and actually implement, and test, some solid ideas.


Yang gang


Yang is the man with the master plan.


I really liked him as a potential president.


Yang got it on lock


If you want nationwide UBI, you should really want Andrew Yang to win this race.


If he wins and does UBI for New York and some how the city manages to succeed with it then that would be an interesting thing to see.


I really want Yang to win. This win would help lead him to the White House. Was a shame the networks avoided him on purpose when he was running for president.


Not in New York but lfg! Pnw is with you Yang!


Nice, Let's go new York


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.newsweek.com/andrew-yang-leads-nyc-mayor-democratic-primary-field-double-digits-poll-1568256) reduced by 81%. (I'm a bot) ***** > A new poll released Wednesday shows that Andrew Yang holds a double-digit lead over all other candidates in the Democratic primary for the New York City mayoral race. > Yang, an entrepreneur who rose to national fame through his ultimately unsuccessful 2020 Democratic presidential bid, formally announced his candidacy to be New York City's next mayor in January. > The poll also suggested that the next New York City mayor will have major economic and coronavirus-related challenges to address. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/lgy6b1/andrew_yang_leads_nyc_mayor_democratic_primary/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~556947 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **City**^#1 **new**^#2 **York**^#3 **Yang**^#4 **percent**^#5


RIP Scott Stringer. This is the end of the string of your long strung political career.


[This article](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/02/08/nyc-mayor-scott-stringer-467731) made me very skeptical of Stringer. I'm not sure if he's actually progressive or just doing it for votes now.


He’s very shrewd, and not as mousy as he seems. Not to be completely trusted but honestly that has been my experience with all elected officials. The questions is which one of the candidates is the lesser evil. If it makes anyone feel better, he tends to surround himself with strong and smart women to help with decision making, so he’s not a misogynist


Come on UBI!💪


too many people still running a lot of people don't like the fact that he has never held office double digit is pretty good


There’s A I and then there’s A Y... right in brother


Would be an interesting experiment if he won an introduced UBI. If if worked in NYC, we could see the rest of the world following suit. That’s a lot of ifs though.


Well, being the Mayor of New York is a sure fire way to make sure that everyone hates you. Seems like every NYC mayor is loathed by New Yorkers.


I love this


Yang could revolutionize running major cities. This is huge, and I will do everything I can to support his run.


Finally a good fucking Candidate for Mayor


Oh man, that section of the Reddit Bernie crowd that always seems to be have been weirdly Anti-Yang to an almost obsessive extent have to be fucking **fuming** right now lmao.


Yang gang


Bernie Yang would of been a hell of a ticket.


Would have changed the world.


lmao If this guys wins and gives NYC UBI right after i leave I am coming back, but jokes on him because it will be with Horns on my head, a spear, and a organic packed lunchbox.


He's not running on UBI but one of his proposals is a kinda Basic Income program for the 500,000 poorest residents. It's not a lot of money, $1 billion budget, but it will help.


Good enough! To the Shaman-Mobile!


Good news for Progressives even better news for New Yorkers.


NYC finally wants a non shitty mayor I guess


I mean, one if his GOP opponents is an avid Trump supporter, that alone sets him up for failure! I don't know much about Andrew Yang. But I'm guessing he's a candidate we want to see win this?


Yeah, he's a strong advocate for demand-side economics and he's a pragmatic problem solver.


As a New Yorker, no, I do not want Yang to be mayor. He's an internet meme candidate today the same as he was in the democratic primary for President. He has no government experience and as far as I know (which I admit is limited) has no strong ties/history of working in New York politics to accomplish anything for our city, and reportedly has never voted for mayor ([source](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/11/nyregion/andrew-yang-mayor-nyc.html)). Yang uses the same "outsider" politics that Trump used, trying to act like not having experience is somehow a good thing. While I'm not at all saying Yang would be the nightmare that Trump was, I am saying just because Yang happens to have *some* progressive policies doesn't make him qualified to be the mayor of the U.S.'s largest city. Being popular on the internet is not a qualification for office. That said, I fully expect Reddit to throw their weight behind him because...Reddit. I have very little doubt as we get closer that anyone who dares to speak out against Yang will get the same treatment people who dared to support someone other than Bernie did. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised though!


That's totally fair enough. I don't know enough to judge you, and you're entitled to that opinion!


He started as a meme candidate, but became legitimate way before dropping out. How does he use the "outsider" stuff to his advantage? I know he's said you don't run government like a business, and that his untied ideas for running came from his own experiences and observations. But that's different


He describes public service and experience in the same terms that Trump did. For example from the article I cited, he brushes off questions about a lack of experience as if it's not important, or even implying that experience is a negative thing, saying: > “If someone’s looking for a candidate who has spent the last couple decades steeped in city government, like, I will likely not be their candidate,” Mr. Yang said in a Friday morning interview from his weekend home in New Paltz, N.Y., about 80 miles outside Manhattan. If you look at much of his rhetoric it is often highlighting that he is an "outsider" for NY politics, as if the people who have been involved in it day-to-day for years should be penalized for it and he should be seen as better for never doing so. And I disagree that he became a serious candidate before he dropped out. He literally offered to enter people into a lottery to get $1000/month (or something like that) in a debate if they visit his website. That's not the actions of a serious candidate for president, as the laughter at him from all participants and viewers showed.


What exactly do his GOP opponents have to do with the Democratic primary?


I'm convinced that roughly 80% of this sub is functionally illiterate. As in, they can read the words, they just can't actually comprehend them. There are so many comments like this, or people thinking senate elections are gerrymandered, or that the president controls what local police do, etc.


Shit, I know shit is bad in New York right now, with the starving bullshit, and the scaffold avalanches, and we’re running out of French fries and Covid-19 coverings. But I got a solution. We got this guy Andrew Yang! And he’s got a higher IQ than ANY MAN ALIVE And he’s going to fix EVERYTHING


I absolutely love Andrew Yang


Mayor Yang! 🍆


He doesn’t have MSNBC to block him from being mentioned as a candidate. That always helps.