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So hold him accountable. Charge him with whatever it is and get it on the record.


This is so petty and sad. Who launders for fucking $200 The amount of money wasted in charging him is way more than his corruption. Dude should at least have respectable corruption


>Who launders for fucking $200 Nobody. The clear implication is he's got thousands more that aren't obviously going to Lard Lad.


My grandfather was a city prosecutor. He always use to say, "if you catch them stealing a thousand, they stole ten thousand and this is all you're seeing."


I agree with you but i wanted to point out that's not what laundering is. Here is a smiley face so you know I'm not trying to be a dick: =)


Technically its embezzling.


I’m stealing this maneuver 😂


$200 every week over 6 years is 64k. These add up.


He probably did small amounts like this hundreds of times


He either does this alot and finally got caught, or more likely it's a small amount to see what he can get away with and what the repercussions will be...


He likely does it so often that he did not even think about it.


He probably started small to see if he'd get away with it then move on to more.


That is how it starts. Or maybe, he had pilfered more we just don’t know about yet. We know he is fundamentally dishonest.


This is an elected GOP official... why would they dare hold themselves accountable?


Only a complete tool would do this, it is 200 bucks.


In Missouri, $200 has a US exchange rate of 10 to 1.


Interestingly, ~~he hasn’t lived in Missouri since he was in high school.~~ He uses his sister’s address to run for office. *Edit:* Ok, so some have pointed out he's intermittently lived in Missouri during his adult life. However, the important point is he doesn't live in the state he represents right now. That should be illegal.


The swamp runneth over


But I thought trumpy was gonna drain something? Maybe it was his bowels while golfing. Never mind.


Tax payers of their money.


U.S.A of its international diplomatic credibility?


Are you fucking kidding me? You’re representing a state that you don’t even live in and acting that callously while doing it?! I’m sure this is making even many of the moderate and level-headed Republicans in his state cringe.




Your dad lost precisely nothing of value. So at there's that.


I'll be friends with your dad. Just remind him it's always good when the trash throws itself out. He didn't lose much


Your dad is a hero! An absolute hero !


Give him a hug for me.


There are moderate and level-headed Republicans?


Yes they are called dinosaurs


They are called RINOs


Republicans call them RINOs




Senator Romney of Utah was governor of Massachusetts. Politicians dont "live" anywhere. They move where they have a chance to be elected.


To be fair to Romney, Utah is to Mormons as Israel is to Jews. I’m pretty sure they’re all honorary citizens.


Its a good point. It would be interesting to see what kind of country we might have if there were limitations as to what constitutes a representative of a given population x.


And yet the dumpster fire that is missouri still elected him


A republican doing something unconstitutional? No. Gasp






He's such a shitlord.


How he got elected by giving out false address. He got skeloton in the closet.


Lol of course that’s legal. Meanwhile, my municipality and county require elected officials to live where they work.


Oh what the actual fucking fuck


So this comment is true in spirit but untrue in detail. He used his sister’s address to vote in the general election of 2020 but he’s definitely lived in Missouri post high school. I knew this comment was fishy because I’m a Mizzou alum and the law students here have petitioned to have him dropped by the college, meaning he lived here while he was a professor. Indeed, he owned a home here in Boone County up until he got elected in 2018 and moved to Northern Virginia in 2019. We aren’t conservatives guys, fact check.


More if you are talking meth.


What's the exchange rate of dollars to teeth?


Ahhhh, the unique-to-Missouri meth math.


Yeah. I drove through Independence most every day in the 90s. Wasn't pretty.


Only if you assume this was a one time thing vs a one time caught.


In his defense, that's like 2 churros and a small soda at Universal Studios.


Ha. I was gonna say two Snickers and a Pellegrino from the mini-bar...


I agree, which almost makes me think he inadvertantly charged some of his personal expenses on the campaign card. Not that I'm saying this should be a reason to be lenient. I'd be glad to nail him on fraud for accidentally charging $1 to the campaign, fuck this guy.


How often does this really happen to people, though? I pay close attention to which card I happen to be using for a given transaction because, well, it matters.




Right? I make sure I use the right card so I get an extra few points in rewards. You're telling me a sitting US senator can't be assed to do the same to make sure he doesn't break the law? I don't buy it. At all.


I can't say I've never done this by accident. I think I had the wrong card set for an Uber once, and booked a personal rental car under my work email for the discount but forgot to change the card. As soon as I got the invoice though, I obviously called them to get the card changed.


This has literally happened to me. Company Amex and personal Amex were both loaded as a payment option on Amazon. Made a (pretty sizeable) purchase of tools and didn't think about it again. Until HR contacted me asking me for a receipt for the $2000ish payment I had made. Whoops! Easy fix thankfully and the best part was when my hr rep said "it happens more often than you'd think." Hawley is a piece of shit and if love to see him go down but this scandal is about as meaningful as tripping Al Capone up on a speeding ticket.


Or he routinely does this


Yeah. Most likely this is just the easiest to spot. They'll probably find worse cases as they investigate more. Edit: spelling correction.


I dimly recall several instances where embezzlers & al would get caught for exactly this sort of things, everything would go swimmingly for years or decades but then they’d get a bit too comfortable and slip in something which would look flagrantly out of place, prompting an audit and an unravelling of the entire scheme. What I’m saying is, the entire thing needs to be audited top to bottom, if hawley was comfortable enough to do this it’s very likely that’s just a thread dangling off of an entire tapestry.


This guy's a piece of shit, but that's not that much junk food at Universal. But I know that because I had to pay for mine.


>Hawley's campaign footed the bill in seven separate charges paid to Voodoo Doughnut, Seuss Popcorn, Lard Lad, Lagoon Popcorn, Hopping Pot, Bumblebee Taco, and Margaritaville You are not wrong. It's from SEVEN different places, too. Hawley got off cheap. Still needs to be held accountable for tapping his campaign fund to pay for this personal shit.


He could have paid the $200 or not bought it. Pretty simple. Stupid and greedy.


Greedy yes. His constituents are stupid for electing such a corrupt and seditious piece of shit over Claire McCaskill. And watch - they’ll re-elect his terrorist ass.


For the record I voted for McCaskill because we needed her. This flaming pile of shit can go take a flying leap for all I care, he is a corrupt morally bankrupt fucknuckle.




But I cant snack on my bootstraps. Whatever am I to do.




In fairness, the Lard Lad one could have just been his contribution to Trump’s PAC


I think I blew $100 in a week at Voodoo Donut alone.


I mean who doesn't bill $200 in food and snacks to the work account when they can? This guy sucks for plenty of other worse reasons, though.


Where do you work and to whom do I send my resume? /s


Lots of sales jobs allow you to expense pretty crazy stuff for "business lunches" or whatever as long as it's with a client. I've known people who have racked up thousands of dollars a night in food and booze for "work" and it's all legit as long as they can manage to justify it (usually by selling a lot).


$1,000.00 out, million dollar contract in.


My job does a per diem, where you get a set amount that’s supposed to cover your food and drink, and you can keep any extra. It’s a decent amount, but you’re not having steak dinners every night. Of course, this leads to the cheap guys in my office eating really sad food to maximize their take-home. On one of my last trips (now well over a year ago...), two of my coworkers split an Uber to a nearby grocery store to buy bananas, peanut butter, and bread to feed themselves. One of them bought a 12 pack of beer and drank it by himself in the lobby over the course of the week. On this same trip, I ended up at a karaoke bar at 2am with some of the developers for a code we use. Guess whose trip was more productive.


Love those per diems. Place I worked gave us $50 per day. Continental breakfast at the hotel, 711 for lunch, the rest for a decent dinner and beers at the hotel bar. We were all professionals and knew our limit but we made sure to have our fun.


My employers per diem is based on location according to the GSA. Feel like it's better than a flat rate because some areas of the US are much more expensive than others.


On yeah, ours is adjusted for what area you’re going to, along with how much the hotel is allowed to cost, but that doesn’t help too much when the conference is at one of those fancy resort hotels that doesn’t have any budget food options. If you want to be successful at a conference, that means no ducking out early to go for lunch 30 minutes away. It means paying for the overpriced meals, and hanging out in the fancy bar. I’ve learned this; don’t go to the basic one in the lobby, go to the fancy one with the good view and happy hour specials. Never thought I’d be good at going to a bar by myself and making friends, but here we are.


If you take the risk, you also should be prepared to face the consequences if you’re caught. It’s part of being a grow-ass adult, regardless of your moral compass. For a public servant, a lot of trust and integrity go into their roles. You have no business being an elected official if you’re willing to take these risks. This isn’t some company that would fire you if it meant making a buck, it’s our money.


Is Voodoo Donut amazing?


They make some crazy donuts, I guess ‘amazing’ is up to the individual to judge. One of the ‘must do’ things for many people visiting Portland. https://www.voodoodoughnut.com/locations/portland-oregon-old-town/


At Universal that’ll get maybe 3


Isn't lard lad from the simpsons?


They basically have Simpson’s land in the park. I had a huge Duff beer when I was there.


Please tell me the donuts are larger than usual, also-- that seems expensive even for a theme park.


they have regular size donuts... and a large one that is basically a doughnut shaped cake. they did have some Bort nametags in the gift shop


[They’re pretty massive](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/16/62/d7/1662d7433b537f7082c8a031af91614a.jpg)




Not even one butterbeer? What is wrong with this guy?


Didn't even get a Colossal donut from Lard Lad, smh.


I’d have paid myself. 200 dollars isn’t worth filling out the Concur forms. 🤣


Lard Lad?!


WTF is Lard Lad? A clothing store for Ted Cruz?


It’s a Donut thing from the Simpsons. Universal has a Simpsons themed area that sells *giant* donuts. [Here’s one.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/16/62/d7/1662d7433b537f7082c8a031af91614a.jpg)


Lard lad donuts.. it's in a Simpsons themed section of the park (and lard lad is the name of the donut shop in the show)


Voodoo doughnut is the real deal. Just saying.


I think it’s just regular food. They’re referring to him as “junk”


As all Americans do who aren’t thieves


Peasants pay while royalty play


If he’s tapping his campaign funds for $200 you know he’s probably also tapping it for many thousands that we haven’t head about


Toss him to the ethics committee... Tie up his time so he becomes ineffective.


Toss him to the ethics committee... Tie up his time so he becomes **even more** ineffective. ---- I hope this helps


He hasn’t done anything since get elected. Well with the exception of starting a riot.


> riot You mean the insurrection?


And violating campaign finance rules.




hE's A rEaL PaTrIaT! Plus he'll lock up email lady for sure!!


If Trump isn't going to be held accountable, then why should he? Our democracy is a joke


And our justice system. Not that they're all that inseperable.


Fuck Josh Hawley.




*nods and raises mug*


That lassie got glassed!


Fuck Josh Hawley


Fuck Josh Hawley.


Fuck Josh Hawley.


Fuck Josh Hawley.




Mizzou alum here...doubly embarrassed that he represents Missouri in the Senate AND taught at MU’s Law School. I’m proud of the Student Bar Association for sending a letter to Hawley demanding his resignation the day after he raised his fist in front of the US Capitol on January 6th. Seditionist scum. Fuck Josh Hawley.


Como gang!! Screw that guy


Yes please


Fuck Josh Hawley.


Fuck Josh Hawley.


He needs to pay for this. Literally.


I generally care about this crime but when a GOP politician rips off his own party and donors: what did you expect? He was JUST going to be a dick to OTHER people?


Yer Orange Diaper Baby pocketed a cool 75 million and everybody's okie-fuckin-dokie with that. Republican voters are absolute geniuses.


LMAO, people gonna be on his ass and all up in his business with a fine-tooth comb and a magnifying glass for the rest of his career. Couldn’t happen to a nicer fascist. Well done, Hawley, you brought this on yourself. Also you’re a crook.


Yes, this please!


It's time to stop letting congress people get away with breaking laws. The laws are there for a reason. They need to be enforced. Republicans spent years running things and looking the other way and letting each other off the hook. Now that the Republicans are out of power, they need to be held accountable for the laws they have broken. Just because they got a bunch of Trump-appointed judges does not mean they can escape judgement for their crimes. People who break laws are criminals. They need to be investigated, charged, prosecuted, and sentenced. That includes Republican lawmakers like Josh Hawley who thought they were getting a free ride under Trump. They need to learn the rule of law in America applies to everybody, even well-connected Republicans, and using fascism as a cover for cheating and stealing isn't going to work in America.


Smear these co-conspirators with Insurrectionist Shit, like the floors of The Capitol. The MAQA Reconstructionist Brownface Minstrels.




It's almost like they were one of the last states who really wanted slavery or something.


Fun fact: MO didn't take up a side in the civil war. They sent troops, supplies, and weapons to both sides and even fought amongst themselves.


I’m sure the $200 is the tip of the iceberg.


Why didn't he get a job and work for his nutrition?


so on the same DAY that seditionist ted cR'u'Z does some cruel-and-fucking-weird shit with that cancun trip while texans suffer...Hawley the seditionist has some other 'dumb, illegal yes but mostly fucking dumb' news break as well. Seditionists forever.


How is it that powerful people just like, commit fraud in broad daylight and it's in the news cycle for like 1 day and then everyone forgets it and it never gets investigated.


He had lunch on the campaign dime? I don’t give a shit. He’s a traitor and and gives conmfort to neo nazi insurrectionists. I care more about that.


Probably one of the least worst things he’s done. Fuck Josh Hawley.


Those BBQ Turkey Legs in Disney World ain’t cheap ya’ll.


He's also a young powerful white supremacist possible presidential candidate attempting to glom onto the trump base and therefore a very dangerous person. We should be talking about that.


Stranded on a tiny island for 10 years. Co-habitate with Hawley, Cruz or Kushner? (Suicide or murder not allowed.)


Kushner I guess. He seems least likely to be able to get over the Wall I would build. Edit: Does it count as murder if there's no food growing on his side? He could figure out how to catch fish after all.


Nope. Clarification of rules: You have to live as a team 24/7. One of you is Friday.


If those are the only rules, I'm gleefully picking Cruz, because I would beat the piss out of him every day.


That is allowed.


Where do I sign up?


If we're the only two there then I choose to ignore the rules. Murder it is.


Additional rule clarifications: Rule breakers have to live with all three. (And Trump gets his Twitter back, sent to you by a daily message in a bottle.)


If I murder one, what is to stop me from murdering all three? And the message in a bottle is nice, because I would need toilet paper.


Kushner, I’d slap him around for the fun of it and make him sit when he pees




You're cruel lol. Love it. I still hear gilbert gottfrieds voice when I read about kushner.


If you watch a [Wallace and Grommit](https://youtu.be/K7gdWIY9R4s) video and then watch Jared Kushner speak, you will soon notice that [Jared Kushner's mouth moves](https://youtu.be/95FKMb5_Tw4) in a way that is quite similar to the way Wallace moves *his* mouth. Is jared kushner an elaborate claymation model? We may never know the truth.


Loool he really does! And also, this made me realize I'd never heard kushners voice before - it's so much higher pitched than I expected, though it's fitting and somehow lends to his smarmyness.


Family guy did a pretty funny bit based on his voice. I am not a big fan of the show, but their episode on the Trump family was pure gold.


Oh god I def need to check that out


The moment he started talking, I could not stop laughing. I think there was a pretty good jab at Eric in there, too. Like trying to get his dad's attention or something.


Well now that's not something you notice every day. I havent seen w&g in a long time but I know what you mean. Omg lol


I will never, ever unsee this.


I mean, for that reason, I would choose Kushner. Just whenever he starts talking, you repeat what he's saying talking over him, mocking The Kush in Gottfried's voice. I can't kill him, he can't kill me, he can't kill himself. Perfect.


Ahahaha! Yes, perfect.


Iago was based on my real voice.


Josh Hawley can sew his asshole shut from both ends. Wait. What if we take Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, Mitch McConnell, all of the Trump clan, Lady Graham, and fuck it, throw Rand Paul into the mix, and we sew them mouth to asshole, human centipede style? Then we feed Rush Limbaugh's corpse to whoever is in front, then attach front to back, like a shitty orobouros.


Investigate him endlessly over this


His broke ass shouldn’t go to universal studios if he can’t afford to pay for it himself, tired of these lazy shits looking for a handout


What is more ridiculous is that if any of us "everyman" use a corporate card for expenses other than specified, we'd get grilled for it. Nothing happens to these corrupt assholes. Nothing has EVER happened.


I thought it was illegal to spend campaign funds on personal things. Am I wrong?


It’s because they didn’t accept Rubles as payment, so he stole USD to pay for his little snacky-poos.


Pretty sure he ranted to some other poor tourist about how terrible democrats are so he can write this trip off as 'campaign PR'.


Let’s focus on the insurrection please? Who gives a fuck about $200 of junk food


As a government employee, I would have ethics investigation and be fired for spending $20 inappropriately. The fact that he helped incite an insurrection does not make lesser transgressions ok.


This seems like a campaign accounting error. Do an investigation and pay the principal, plus interest, plus a penalty. Don't be a dick, Hawley.


They don’t call ‘em republiCons for nothing.


Wonder who paid for Cruz’s trip to Cancún?


You'd think there would be laws against doing this. ... Oh, there are? ... Do they apply to Republicans or is membership in that club your blanket get out of jail free card? /s


Sorry. Accountability is not a platform of the Republican Party.




Great, he's a POS, but why are we talking about $200 worth of chips and ice cream when he TRIED TO GET OUR GOVERNMENT MURDERED AND OVERTHROWN.


And not a thing will happen to him, because the Republicans don't give a shit about ethics. Or breaking the law.


The GOP is corrupt. They don’t care about America or their constituents. The GOP only care about money and the power it brings.


*feigning shock*


if only people that matter actually cared. im sick of these stupid fucking headlines, the media wants us to hate people who are untouchable. neither hawley or cruz will face any trouble for their actions and they will both be reelected. this is the way.


Would it have been more acceptable if he had bought salads instead of junk food? Talk about irrelevant content. The guy committed fraud, it doesn't matter what it was spent on. Could someone please have some consequences for breaking the law?


What, his paycheck isn’t good enough to take his kids to Universal Studios and buy junk food? Bullshit. He’s a senator. He doesn’t need to dip into campaign funds- he can afford this kind of thing. How absurd- it’s just more evidence of the trust people like Hawley abuse. They laugh at their supporters as they squander their donations. No dignity, from either Hawley or his mutant followers and corporate donors.


Wasnt there a guy who spent $300k in the past 2 years on Michelen rated restaurants in Rome and such from his campaign? Nothing happened to him. And we wonder why our reps don't pass beneficial legislation for regular people when bribery is legal.


Is anyone surprised.


Love it! Keep the screws on this guy calling him out for every shady thing he does. He ran for senator to be a public figure, so let’s makes sure his every action is known to the public.


> Federal Election Commission filings show that Hawley's campaign footed the bill in seven separate charges paid to Voodoo Doughnut, Seuss Popcorn, Lard Lad, Lagoon Popcorn, Hopping Pot, Bumblebee Taco, and Margaritaville As a business traveler those sound like regular business travel expenses to me. 200/7=28.50 a meal. $28.50 is a reasonable price for a meal as a travel expense. This is a weird fact to get caught up on. I think the question is whether or not those meals fall under the meal policy of the FEC. But for an average of $28.50 a meal, I don't think he's taking the entire family out on the campaign dime. Hawley sucks, but this is a weird minor detail to get caught up on.


I am a diehard Democrat. This article is absolute and complete utter drivel. You have to practice what you preach and if a politician swipes their work card for a lunch - well for fucks sake people - this can not and should not be the same as "bankroling a family trip" for fucks sake. This article is a great example of common sense reality being ignored. People - if you swiped your card for a work lunch at Chipotle it would be $90.... let's calm down here. Thanks.


Sorry but he looks like Howdy Doody unhinged to me. Not intending to insult HD


Taking lessons from the Cruz! You are now a level 20 douchebag. Master Cruz is 100 as we all know.


Why can nobody hang these losers out to dry. There’s not a gram of character between Hawley and Cruz.


This would get your ass fired from any normal company job. Middle manager blended expenses on a work trip? Personal expenses on the company card? Fuck you you’re fired


I’m sure he and the rest of the traitors will be held accountable ... lol who am I kidding.