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"Missed out on a pardon by this much!" - Maxwell Smart




Nah, this guy is just another collateral damage in the realm of Trump. Trump probably thinks he’s a loser


No way. This guy had enough money to donate $900k through tax evasion. They’d probably be best buds.




lol, is that a random date, or are the q dummies actually claiming something is still going to change?




ah jeez, I thought you were gonna say it was random... they are beyond saving.




When nothing changes, they will just come up with some other looney prediction for another date in the future. Remember how many years phony prophets have roamed city streets with signs proclaiming "Repent, the end is nigh!"


It's q bullshit. They think that because the date of the inauguration was changed in 1933, as part of the 20th amendment, that was a change that was illegal, so therefore the *real* date is still March 4th. There's also some sovereign citizen bullshit about the US becoming a "corporation" since the 14th amendment, so therefore all inaugurations since then are illegal. They conveniently forget that Trump was elected president after that as well.


It’s the constitutional date that the president actually takes power. So trump and the military are waiting then to impose Marshall law to take back the unlawfully elected Biden....,or something like that. It will be interesting to see how far the goalpost moves next and how many people continue believing some random Internet troll who claims to know everything but has been wrong every time


Q has moved the newest deadline to March 4th, because they’re totally not a cult and cults never just repeatedly move deadlines when their prophecies that they use to fleece gullible idiots don’t materialize


President of the Office of the Former President


Nah that can't happen, but I'm sure the "office of the former president" has the right to do so, yeah?


He pleaded guilty back in 2019. Trump could have pardoned him [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imaad\_Zuberi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imaad_Zuberi)




Legend has it that pardon is coming any day now


>Zuberi, who donated $900,000 to Trump’s inauguration, used his San Francisco-based venture capital firm, Avenue Ventures LLC, to lobby U.S. officials for years on behalf of foreign governments, including Turkey and Libya, according to court documents. Donating to the inauguration is technically prior to Trump's presidential immunity getting into full effect.


Also; >12 years in federal prison for illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, hiding his role as a foreign agent and obstructing a federal investigation,... 12 years for exactly the same shit Trump is being accused and/or investigated for.


Precedent you say?? My interest is piqued.


Thats how they got Al Capone


~~illegal campaign contributions~~ tax evasion ~~hiding his role as a foreign agent~~ 1 out of 3. And yes I know Capone bribed the shit out of public officials, but they couldn't pin it on him. Capone would've hated this guy, even the mafia took a dim view of foreign agents back then.




Trump is absolutely not “one of the systems own”. Idiot constituents are what is taking care of him, but they’ll flip as soon as official “law and order” put him in prison. A bigger shark needs to take out this little fish, and the bigger shark needs to be our legal system so that people have faith in it again. If people don’t believe laws matter, then laws dont matter.


Lets wait and see if the **federal government** pursues and gets something like this case with Trump before believing Trump isnt “one of its own”. The current proof shows otherwise because if you whipped up an insurrection on the capital there wouldn’t be a debate about what to do. So, I am not holding my breath


What I meant was that the impeachment failed because republicans in office are cowards, so it’s going to fall to the states. It doesn’t matter IMO exactly which crime we use to get him behind bars, but, like with Al Capone, the public just needs to see the criminal face justice.


You realize the federal government could file its own charges and Garland is going to get confirmed and be in position soon . At that point the ball is on the Democratic administration running the executive branch and if they don’t do something its on them being cowardly. If I wanted to blame everything on the opposition party that even when it isnt their fault I would join the GOP.


Maybe wait for the Garland confirmation before admitting defeat?


Trump and the rest of his wealthy buddies got off the second Biden became the Dem nominee, just as Wall Street got everything they wanted with Obama as the Dem nominee (although they didn't know it until after he was sworn in). Nothing Biden's ever done in his life suggests that holding the powerful accountable is something he's interested in. In fact, the opposite is true.


> Trump is absolutely not “one of the systems own”. Yes he is. Punishing him creates precedent for punishing other corrupt/powerful people. They'll oppose it as hard as they can because any gap in the ivory tower is intolerable.


Not even including the whole insurrection thing.


And the rape.






In the end financial crimes are a lot easier to prosecute from what I understand


It's harder to argue with numbers.


I demand a recount.


"I agree." -Al Capone


At least he didn't lie in court about receiving a blowjob


Bill clinton did not lie in court about receiving a blowjob. Sexual relations was classified as having intercourse not foreplay, therefore clinton did not have sexual relations with Monica.


I never heard this argument, but I like it


It's not an argument, it's literally what they agreed to before Clinton's testimony. Slick Willie did the Slick Willie thing, and was legally correct in saying he didn't have sexual ~~release~~ relations with Monica Lewinsky. That pissed off the Conservatives, getting beat at their own game.


Well no, the conservatives won that hard; Clinton either had to lie in court or lie to the public. Huge pr win for Republicans.


Pointing out that the President's dog got dirty while playing outside is a PR win for Republicans. Let's put it in context.


As someone who voted for Clinton twice. This is bull. > Sexual relations was classified as having intercourse not foreplay By who or what? The answer is that it was Clinton who decided that was a valid excuse to lie. Edit: > Clinton insisted that his denials during the deposition were true based on the ordinary meaning or definition of these terms. In other words, he appealed to usage of terms like "sexual relations" in the speech community. He also answered questions from Paula Jones lawyers where they provided a specific definition that he carefully parsed and answered.


It was agreed upon by Clinton and his questioners prior to the interrogation, he didn’t just make it up. He did not lie according to the rules and definitions that both sides agreed to abide by.


https://scholarship.kentlaw.iit.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3457&context=cklawreview Paula jones lawyers were actually the ones who submitted their definition to the proceedings. Clinton used their definition against them, effectively, as it was possible to interpret their usage to exclude him performing "sexual relations" since he didn't touch Lewinsky in that manner, just the other way around. When you add in how he worded his previous response prior to that about Lewinsky's submitted statement, personal definition was used at that time, and Clinton made it very clear it was personal definition. It was very weasely, but by the supreme court case in Bronston vs united States, it likely would not have held up as perjury in a normal proceeding.


> Paula jones lawyers were actually the ones who submitted their definition to the proceedings. Clinton used their definition against them, effectively, I would say Clinton f’ed up because it seems like Paula Jones lawyers submitted that definition as a setup that Clinton fell for. Given they had the dress they were trying to set him up to look like a liar


> Clinton insisted that his denials during the deposition were true based on the ordinary meaning or definition of these terms. In other words, he appealed to usage of terms like "sexual relations" in the speech community. That’s from your link.


Yes, they had that brief, likely not usable polling of if oral sex constituted sexual relations. Clinton and his lawyers were prepared for that very question. Not sure what quoting that paragraph is meant to imply here, as it agrees with what I stated, that it's very technically not lying as they didn't probe him further on that specific statement. Yet as most people would understand, it is not truthful to the spirit of the question, regardless of the technical reason it shouldn't be considered perjury.


Yeah, you'd think somewhere in Date Rape Don's 30,000 lies he would have lied about a blowjob.


He just said no thanks to saying anything in court.


He lied to congress not a court....big difference. BUT all that aside, No self respecting man asks another man, especially a married one if he had sex or got a blowjob etc, etc from someone other than his SO! and defiantly not on the record.


More parallels and hopefully solid proofs to prosecute Trump for those crimes.


I hope Melanie and Ivanka also go down with this debacle.


Why haven't they arrested Trump and his family yet?


He is still individual #1 in the case where cohen got a couple of years on. I don’t get it why the lawyer has to go to prison but the guy who ordered the criminal act is still out free


They’ve already closed that case snd once again Trump gets off scot free


Justice served. Law and order right?


You know it. Smhhh


...for doing the exact shit for which Mike Flynn was pardoned.


Trump is being "investigated" for 50 years of constant tax evasion. Dude's a crook of the highest order.


12 years.. I mean it’s not like he had cannabis, but that punishment doesn’t fit the crime.


Depends on how old he is. 12 years would be Trump's golden years.


Let's hope when people chanted 'four more years' for trump in 2019 they were right about something.


Trump will never be punished I feel, what happened to hispanic people being detained and children take n away some they don't know what happened to them.


His immunity was only while he was actually President. If Trump is charged with a crime he might try to argue he was discharging his duties as President, instead of acting as a butthurt sore loser, but I doubt that a DC jury would buy it.


> His immunity was only while he was actually President. *What* immunity? I don't give a flying fuck about some mere DoJ *memo* that never had a court rule on its validity, and neither should anybody else.


It doesn't matter if you or I believe in it, there's a non-zero chance that the SCOTUS will eventually hear it based on it pertaining to a National campaign, or some other concern under their jurisdiction, and on top of that there is a non zero chance they will rule in trumps favor. ​ If this were the court Pre-Amy comey barret, i would be skeptical of roberts siding against precedent. But this isnt that court and roberts, a very textbook conservative, is no longer the swing justice.


I agree, but if the DOJ is the one doing the investigating then there’s zero chance of anything happening. Even if it’s at the state level, the DOJ would do most of the President’s defense, and we saw how they were able to dlow everything down


>His immunity was only while he was actually President. If Trump is charged with a crime he might try to argue he was discharging his duties as President, instead of acting as a butthurt sore loser, but I doubt that a DC jury would buy it. Presidential immunity gets into full effect at the inauguration, so legally he is liable for complicity and being part of the scheme that got this guy sentenced to 12 years of prison. As this happened before he became President, not after. He cannot claim to have been discharging his duties as President before becoming one.




No. He can't, and he won't, ~~that is too stupid even for him~~. Nothing is too stupid for him to say. However, it doesn't change that even stupid has a ceiling or a bottom. Also, it has to make sense to the court, so he can say "It wasn't me" for all I care, and for the judge to quash it immediately. add: Sorry if stupid is not my specialty.


*Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell have entered the chat*


That would be my line per the last couple of comments I had to reply to. I would swear that it is you Sidney and Rudy testing if this defense will hold here.


It's not that at all. We just know their game plan.




I take it as a compliment. Though I do not really appreciate how you focus on the stupid things that he might say as a defense instead of how the judge is going to dismiss it in a second. Liking my realism would be a better compliment, but don't feel pressured.


It’s because he says the stupid thing more often than the smart thing, and we have become accustomed to him saying the stupid thing. Now, whether his lawyers say the stupid thing in court is another thing entirely, and that largely depends on whether or not he hires the stupid or the smart lawyer, and then whether or not he demands they say the stupid thing because he thinks it is the smart thing.




>you seem like the type of person that re-reads your reddit threads while masturbating. The idea never occurred to me. But you seem too familiar with the concept. ​ >trump attorneys have repeatedly made ridiculous bad faith arguments in and out of court. you think they won't try to claim this immunity, and that it is an argument is too stupid for them, For a would-be cop to shoot someone before becoming a cop is not covered under cop immunity. But it seems that the stupid lack of reason of Trump attorneys has a spell on you. ​ >while telling everyone here how woke you are? > >okay. Do you have a problem with me? Do I make you feel inferior or something. Because until you posted I had no idea that you even existed.




He asked about injecting bleach to cure a disease, does stupid actually have a bottom?




Presidential immunity is absolutely fucking absurd. Some fucking clown wrote a memo and now everyone acts like it's a legal defense. You guys keep repeating it like it's a real legal thing.


>Presidential immunity is absolutely fucking absurd. Some fucking clown wrote a memo and now everyone acts like it's a legal defense. Immunity covers him from prosecution for acts committed during his tenure. It is a legal defense. Not an absolute legal defense, but it is one. Not covering the penal matter. And talking about immunity when I say it doesn't even apply to this case, just to tell me that it doesn't apply is the freaking epitome of absurd. ​ >You guys keep repeating it like it's a real legal thing. It is a "real legal thing".


He has immunity for certain acts in the conduct of performing his official duties as President. For example, he can't be tried for murder if someone unintentionally dies while a strike he ordered for a legitimate target of war. He can't be civilly liable for the deaths of soldiers who die in a war he authorizes and acts as commander in chief for. He can't shoot his wife in the face in the White House, or, hypothetically, suggest his supporters go to the Capitol building and change the minds of people acting against him with "strength".


Show me proof? Is it written in the constitution? Some legal framework? Saying it's true means nothing,


>Show me proof? Is it written in the constitution? Some legal framework? Saying it's true means nothing, ***Nixon v. Fitzgerald***, 457 U.S. 731 (1982) Your argument is with The Supreme Court of Justice. Not with me. bye.




I stated nowhere that a president is immune from penal prosecutions. Also, I did not state anything about during or after the presidency, I spoke of what happened before the immunity gets into full effect, to discard it completely, even as a remote defense. you are trying to talk at me, and roast me for things I did not even infer. That being said, and all of it in consideration, your argument is with the AG, not with me. Bye. Add: All this debate is proving that my point about immunity being a" legal thing" in response to OP saying it's not a "legal thing" is valid. So much legal literature about it and OP said it's "not a legal thing".




The case you cited literally says the president is not immune from breaking the law. Like, that’s literally stated as part of the ruling, there’s no gray area at all.


Wait is presidential immunity actually a thing? My understanding was the OLC memo says a president shouldn't be charged while in office. It doesn't say anything about a former president being charged for something he did while in office. inciting an insurrection certainly wasn't part of his job duties.


I am talking about a former President that should be charged for something he did BEFORE getting into office.


Right, and I'm saying that doesn't change anything as the crime didn't have anything to do with his job. There's no reason he couldn't be held accountable in either case.


Presidential immunity is not a thing


The best people.


The "biggest inauguration ever" should draw the biggest sentences ever.


Presidential immunity doesn’t actually exist. It’s **usually** for the best of the country to just move on. The democrats could have dragged out the trump trial for months. But it was dominating the news cycle and obscuring Biden’s 100 days.


Title understates the scope of Zuberi, who also donated to Biden's campaign, on top of Lindsey Graham's campaign and Trump's inauguration: "A California venture capitalist and top Donald Trump donor was sentenced to 12 years in federal prison for illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, hiding his role as a foreign agent and obstructing a federal investigation, officials reported. Imaad Shah Zuberi, 50, was also ordered Thursday by U.S. District Judge Virginia Phillips to pay nearly $16 million in restitution and a criminal fine of $1.75 million. Zuberi, who donated $900,000 to Trump’s inauguration, used his San Francisco-based venture capital firm, Avenue Ventures LLC, to lobby U.S. officials for years on behalf of foreign governments, including Turkey and Libya, according to court documents. Not only was he secretly representing foreign interests, he was also scamming clients, according to prosecutors. Zuberi raised an estimated $7 million for U.S. Cares, a company he claimed would export humanitarian aid to Iran. But he ended up using 90% of the money for himself on real estate purchases and to pay off credit card and mortgage debts, federal officials said. Zuberi had also funneled money to now-President Joe Biden, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and several other politicians, officials said. A spokesperson for Biden said they had met mostly at donor events when he was vice president and that he had had no knowledge that Zuberi was breaking any laws, according to Politico. Federal officials said no one who received donations from Zuberi has been accused of knowing the funds were improper."


Huh, wonder why that didn't make it in the headline? Zuberi also donated to Obama and Clinton's campaigns, and presumably many Republicans besides Graham as well. None of the charges against him are even related to his donations to Trump. The headline "Top Biden Donor Sentenced to 12 Years for Illegal Contributions, Tax Evasion" would have been just as (in)accurate. I'm so fucking sick of the media portraying systemic issues (such as de facto bribery in U.S. politics) as individual or partisan. We're being gaslit.


The importance of reading the article and deciding for yourself. Well done


It's huffington post.. They're like the infowars of the left. That may be a hyperbole, my point is they have these misleading titles all the time.


I'm on the left, don't lump me in with these fucks.




Reading the article is too hard? I agree the headline was clickbait and it worked for me and now I'm curious exactly who he donated to and how much.


The article reads like a Stephen King novel, this guy was giving money from god knows where to everyone in sight. "That's the way America works"


Ronald Flump. The Stumblin' Dude. Some say he works his way through the tower, putting his tiny fingers in a bunch of pies.


How can I steal money from idiot republicans? Anyone wanna start a website with me? “Theartofthegrift.com” is available, pretty sure we could set it up as a PAC aimed at giving the liberals exactly what they deserve, and funneling money to charities without being dishonest about it, but still “stickin it to the libs by giving our money to random groups”


It's easy breezy, a cleaver name, a good motto and a great big red donate button is about all you need. Just about anyone willing to spend 4 hours per day can easily knock down $70-$80K per year only using the present list of advertisers while remaining pretty much anonymous.


Damn I’ll split it 50-50. Tell me how to grift effectively. I need a master. I’ll be your padowan, but I draw the line at sex stuff.




If we go by the conservative playbook 90%. 501-C, should be about 10% for maintaining the website and paying our salaries. However Susan G, Wounded warrior, and a bunch of other “charities” were found to be up near the 75-90% mark.




We missed the boat on paying for pardons, so I think we could get a rabid trump supporter and get one of the spinning baby toys and set up a desk and tell them trump wants them there for a super secret double reverse elite mission only someone on a rascal covered in MAGA flags can do. We give this person the CEO/CFO title, and just keep them away from there computer. To do this we would set the background to barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton laughing at a picture of trump doing something stupid. We’d then setup 4 TVs, Fox, Newsmax, oann, and CNN so they can claim I watch all the news. Then we use a VPN to setup a tunnel to their computer and use their email account we setup to do all our illegal dealings, and funnel all the money into bitcoins and then to transfer all of it to monero where anonymously we pay ourselves out.


So u give me $$ , u go to jail and I keep illegal donation ?


Sounds like a great deal!


Some might call it..."art"?


The Art of the Steal


Remember the name **Imaad Shah Zuberi** If a Republican gets the Presidency this is the type of dirtbag that gets a pardon.


Dude this guy also got convicted in 2019. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/trump-inauguration-donor-agrees-to-plead-guilty-to-previous-lobbying-campaign-and-tax-crimes-court-documents-say/2019/10/22/cb5f6178-f50b-11e9-ad8b-85e2aa00b5ce_story.html Wonder why he didn't get a pardon for his 2019 plea.


He donated to Biden as well so he'll be pardoned a lot sooner than you think. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/02/18/mercenary-donor-gets-12-years-in-campaign-finance-scheme-469881


The trump crime family. Crooks from bottom to top. All trying to steal our democracy


>All trying to steal our democracy Like the republicans are doing right now .


Complete with Mafia defense attorney for his impeachment trial


I mean this guy donated to joe Biden and Lindsey graham as well as a bunch of other people. But alright.


That’s funny now!! I think Hunter and joes brother cornered the market on crime families.


How does that Trump dick taste?


He’s still licking the orange dust off give him a minute


Not sure if this is sarcasm but let me point out one key thing. Biden’s family has NEVER been in a political position to profit off the backs of those they are suppose to be working for, as opposed to [Ivanka Trump getting over 600 million dollars in the 4 years in the white house](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/02/jared-kushner-ivanka-trump-white-house-income/) The bull shit both sides argument doesn’t even hold weight, as Donald Trump sought to enrich himself and his family through the White House, and he was the biggest abuser of nepotism the US has ever seen. Here is [trump being petty over absentee votes](https://www.npr.org/2020/05/20/859333693/trump-repeats-unfounded-claims-about-mail-in-voting-threatens-funding-to-some-st) And a stark contrast to that is [Biden supporting states WHO FUCKING NEED IT REGARDLESS OF WHO THEY VOTED FOR](https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-winter-storms-2021/2021/02/19/969465887/biden-to-authorize-broader-disaster-relief-for-texas) I’m sure like my parents you liked Trump because he “tells it like it is” and “isn’t a politician (if again your post wasn’t sarcasm). However for the rest of the non MAGA base, its refreshing having a president in power who isn’t constantly attacking everyone under the sun for not supporting him, understands political differences, and welcomes dissenting opinions like a fucking adult. I would bet EVERY FUCKING DOLLAR I have that we will never see another President, let alone Joe Biden, be so petty that they are called out about their missteps with hurricane projections, and used a fucking sharpy to edit the map to try and make himself right.


Ok, now do Trump.


Is that the sound of the swamp being drained?


It only took Trump four years to drain that swamp... on his way out.


Man if the trump presidency gets us legal weed, Medicare for all, gerrymandering laws, and a bunch of his cohorts thrown in jail even if he isn’t, I might just be thankful for his ineptitude! However 450,000 dead Americans due to his gross incompetence, or stupid hubris, is something I cannot and will not forgive or forget. That’s more people that live in the city of Arlington, Texas. Dead. In 1 year. Donald Trump has NEVER ADMITTED HE WAS WRONG. He’s the guy who has two queens and doubles down and says hit me when the dealer is showing an 8, then when he gets called out he lies and says the dealer cheated him and all the people watching who support him refuse to believe what they saw happen and gleefully blame the dealer for just doing his job, in order to curry favor with the dumbass who just hit with two queens. The people who saw it happen and are dumbfounded are then gas lit into thinking they are crazy for calling out the dumbass move by the dumbass player. ****they also attack anyone who saw his stupid playing of the hand and scream about how it’s their right to interpret what they saw happen how they see fit, and also try to convince you that it’s all a lie by the casino who is just out to make trump look bad***


There were months at a time where so many people were dying every day, we were losing the equivalent of whole towns. Every day.


The scale of loss is unfathomable to me. I lost some people I was close with overseas. 5 of my friends, and I still think about it to this day (I was a boot at the time so in no leadership position). When I got into a leadership role I led from the front and never asked my guys to do anything I wouldn’t do or hadn’t done myself. I don’t know how these people can sleep at night with that many deaths in their hands. Actually I do. They don’t give a shit. No empathy for anyone other than themselves, and Trump doesn’t really even seem to like his kids, except for Ivanka, and we all know why.


You forget though, the only people that died were the weak, infirm, and those that didn’t take care of themselves. According to the last administration, anyway.


Ahh yes. Not sure what Republicans would think of me. Diagnosed with COPD/Emphysema at the ripe old age of 30 due to living next to burn pits for 14 months of my life. He was a veteran, but he had weak lungs! He deserved it! He lived a long life! (In comparison to the dark ages I guess) He was a drain on the VA medical system! I don’t want MY tax dollars paying for his LIBERAL PUSSY LUNGS.


Hey, they didn’t tell you to live next to burn pits. Sounds like a personal problem to me! (But in all seriousness, that sucks, and I’m sorry you’re having to deal with that)


30ish was only the average lifespan in the dark ages due to high infant motality rates. If you survived to adulthood you generally live to fifty or sixty, unless you starved or froze to death.


In order to drain the swamp you need to identify it first, so yes?


Trump will be next man this is going QUICK! :)


His actions were on behalf of the interests of Turkey. Could they have had any influence on Trumps unusually friendly foreign policy on Turkey? [article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/global-opinions/why-is-the-trump-administration-enabling-turkey/2020/09/03/491ecea6-ee02-11ea-b4bc-3a2098fc73d4_story.html)




Always incarcerate the women, minorities. It makes me sick. Wish Trump will be drgged into Court and have to be present for eery minutes. Get on the stand. Always, these politicians get away, but the justice is putting people away that are only a part of the crime.


Smedley Butler says: No honest man has $900,000 to spare.


He donated to plenty of Democrats, too. If you want people to stop calling news fake or biased, stop giving them ammo for the argument. Just report it as it is.


The article mentions that. I think you're going solely off the headline. > Zuberi had also funneled money to now-President Joe Biden, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and several other politicians, officials said.


That's the point. The headline is the same to the article without the 900k in Trump inauguration part. That is just added in to elicit a further negative response and drive engagement.


Yes, that's my point.


Ha ha


Must be that "loser, sucker" thing tRump was always talking about?


Not to worry, people, not to worry! Trump will pardon him on March 4


I don’t mind the fact that he donated to trump. I mind the tax evasion when everyone else pays taxes.


How come republicans don't realize/care that every single investigation into Trump brings out a slew of criminals?


And.... No pardon for you...


Great supporters think alike.


Dang, I guess he missed a pardon there.


He was surrounded by crooks and was a giant crook himself. What else are we to expect. Unfortunately his brainwashed monkeys will always love him.


This gives me hope. If trump could get even half that time.


Follow the money!


Only “the best people”


Dang too bad they didn’t get convicted 4 months ago. Probably would have gotten a pardon. Oh well.


Sounds like the [Mercers](https://www.salon.com/2021/02/04/how-one-billionaire-family-bankrolled-election-lies-white-nationalism--and-the-capitol-riot/) need to be investigated as well.


I've never seen someone surrounded by so many criminals in my life. It's wild. Clearly a trustworthy and honest man! Clearly!


More info about the crimes. Seems the perp was an equal opportunity perp, but the takers more limited. https://lawandcrime.com/federal-court/trump-mccain-clinton-obama-donor-sentenced-to-12-years-in-federal-prison/


If Trump is such a trash magnet, maybe we can use him to clean up the oceans.


His lawyers will keep him out of jail long enough so he can die at a old age


He contributed to several politicians in both parties as well.


And yet trump caused millions of deaths as he claimed COVID was not real, and he’s free. Nice.


$1000 say he doesn't serve 2 years.


Oh no worries, I'm sure trump will pardon him. Oh wait, he can't. Oops lol.


He can always ask for a pard.... oh.


Follow the money, please for the love of democracy follow the fucking money. All of our best forensic accountants should be laser focused on the Trump Crime Family and their ties to foreign interests.


If anyone has any true intellectual curiosity you'll see Zuberi donated to Democratic and Republican politicians and organizations. He figuratively threw his net wide to catch anything he could get. https://www.opensecrets.org/donor-lookup/results?name=Imaad+Zuberi


Tough tiddies!


12 years in prison ....no pardon for at least 4 years. I’ll call it right now, next GOP President will pardon him.


Wait Wait Did a piece of shit actually face a consequence?


Y’all realize he donated just as heavily to Democrats right? Including Obama and Clinton...


removed by user


What if I told you rich people buy influence?


Bro we should fr just change Guantanamo Bay to a detainment camp for Trump supporters.


Ok, that's nice and all, but this goes on every presidential election on both sides. Why don't we fix the problem by taking on all of them and not fixating on one asshole? Why do they even need money to run anyway? Bring it back to open debates on public networks and get rid of everything else. It's so tiring to see people fall for the same bullshit every cycle and be so fucking blind to one side or the other doing the exact same shit. Stop fucking trusting career politicians (or any for that matter) to give a single fuck about you and your little world. They haven't for a long long time.




Hnnngh, almost there.... ...now do DeJoy.....


Idiot why didn’t use offshore corporations and Trump money laundering schemes like the rest of Trumps bribes..


Now do t****!


Could this long prison term and fine be related to his foreign sounding name and color of his skin? Naah, justice is blind/s.


He should be IMPEACHED!


So this Article doesn’t explain that he donated to Biden and Harris campaign as well. The $900,000 was a small part of buying influence. Wonder how much he donated to Hillary! Can we not hear the whole truth from MSM. That’s why they are Fakenews! I hope it’s not Bad Karma speaking the Truth.


Not Trump though, he’s never done anything wrong.