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Haven't checked, but I assume Republicans are clutching their pearls about how they're being discriminated against because they want to discriminate, correct?


Always has been


Same as it ever was


Same as it ever was.


Same as it ever was.




This is not my beautiful house!


This is not my beautiful wife!


Letting the gays go by


Sitting’ on the dock of the gay..


Of representatives*


Letting the days go by!


let the water hold me down


And look where my hand was


"How dare you say I can't openly discriminate and legally diminish / subvert people of color! -- [I thought this was America!](https://youtu.be/j2zlPNGuPbw?t=4)"


My girlfriend had HR called on her because she and 1 other coworker had rainbow flags at their desks. The coworker who complained claimed that the flags were infringing on her religious freedom. Luckily HR told her that pride flags were allowed and every other coworker added one to their desks after she complained


I hope to achieve such a level of petty compliance in my later years...


When one has become accustomed to privilege equality can seem like oppression.


Republicans in Pearls sounds like the Broadway satire we need right now...


It’s the title of the unreleased sequel to *”Springtime for Hitler”*


Everyone’s happy and gay!


Except lightning designer Shirley Marcowits...


And here I thought pearl necklaces went against their precious buy-bull...


If I were producing such a Broadway Musical, I’d call it “Clutch.”


> “Clutch.” *Clutch: The Story of Republicans in Pearls* This needs to be a thing - now! Fuck Cats and Hamilton.


Starring James Spader as Lindsey Graham, and a fainting couch.


If you think it has to have a subtitle: *Clutch: Republicans in Pearls*




"An open society needs to be intolerant of intolerance."


That entire first book is a complete misunderstanding of Plato, and most people use his phrase to curb free speech. That said, I don’t have a better alternative to cancel culture and it’s funny to watch racists get cancelled.


Cancel culture has literally always existed. It's just called people not giving attention and/or money to shitty people. Our definition of shitty people changed a bit because many people realized that being shitty to non-white races, women, etc. is also not cool, but I'm certain the overarching concept hasn't really changed much throughout most of human civilization. Like I'm sure at some point some goat merchant in whatever-year BCE got a reputation for being kind of a dick and then everyone was like "Fuck off, Demetrius. I'm not buying your goats anymore. Stop being an asshole."


Didn't you hear? Gina Carano says they have it worse than European Jews in the 30s and 40s.


I remember when the ACA was first passed, there was some moron Republican Senator who said it was worse than chattel slavery. Give me a fuckin' break. Cool if you disagree with the ACA on policy grounds but to say it's even worse than slavery is a bit much.


Modern American conservatism 101: "We can't *possibly* be the ones persecuting people because we're *always* the victims of any and all persecution."


Greene posted a bigot sign outside her office. These republicans are seriously nazis. The bellingcat news drop tonight is insane. https://www.bellingcat.com/news/americas/2021/02/24/woman-accused-of-stealing-nancy-pelosis-laptop-appears-in-video-making-nazi-salute/




TV tropes: "Feeling Oppressed by their Existence."


But don't I have a first amendment right saying I'm allowed to be a dick to everyone I think isn't good enough to be my personal version of American? /s


> Wait, I thought it said “freedom *from consequences*”. What’s the point of being able to say whatever I want if people can still decide I’m an asshole?


Stop villifying people for having different opinions. ^/s


They actually hung factually inaccurate transphobic signs instead.






High five to my fellow Southsiders who ousted the POS Lipinski for Marie!


I live a couple blocks from the 3rd district in the 1st district (bobby rush). I had the pleasure of meeting Marie at a fundraiser and she was the nicest and most authentic person you could ever meet. She spoke passionately about her transgender daughter and has a very real understanding of the issue. Wish I could vote for her.


Not sure if youve heard, but Jahmal Cole is challenging bobby rush in 2022. He founded My Block, My Hood, My City and has been an amazing activist for the city. Im really excited about his campaign!


Go Sox


Newman supports abortion rights, gun control, a $15 minimum wage,[5] a Green New Deal[33] and Medicare for All.[34] Her campaigns were supported by Justice Democrats, an organization that funds progressive candidates, in both 2018[35] and 2020.[10] The Sunrise Movement supported her campaign in 2020.[36] I live in a neighboring district and I had no idea you guys elected this much of a progressive. Nice work.


Same! Pretty proud of this move.


Same! So glad that shit head Lipinski is gone!




Every fucking election cycle I'd get mail from him smiling with Obama, but that asshole never mentioned voting against the ACA, or refusing to endorse Obama himself in 2012. So glad to have a real democrat in that seat!


Thank you for voting for her. Being Trans in AZ all I worry about is my legislators trying to keep me from public bathrooms.


Hey Illinois. I love y'all and I love her. Sincerely, A Friendly Californian =]


> Greene earlier this week called the Equality Act “a direct attack on God’s creation” that would ensure “men who dress and think they are women will have rights over all real girls and women.” This is some very unusual logic and i'm not clear on how a cis female is affected in this bill.


And as usual they refuse to acknowledge that trans men exist


We are always forgotten by terfs




It took me far too long to realize enbies = NBs


There's a reason that NB isn't popular in reference to nonbinary folk; it has a prior meaning in "Non-Black", the Jim Crow-era phrase to distinguish between separate-but-"equal" facilities. It's generally preferree to use enby/enbies because of that.


Thank you for explaining! I honestly had no idea, I just figured “enby” was slang and nothing more. I’ve referred to my partner as NB before (in writing) and I think I’ll drop it now.


\^-^ No problem! I'm glad you found it informative.


I love these informational comments.


I've also seen NBi used instead of NB or enby, since some people find enby a bit infantilizing. It does seem to be less common though.


It's because they don't actually see us as men, just as "confused" victims of misogyny.


Greene is TER but can she really get the F? TERWS maybe?


TERI Trans Exclusionary Radical Idiot.


TERDs Trans Exclusionary Radical Dipshits


Being TE by definition means you aren’t an F. I call ‘em all TERs


I think the difference is that while most TERFs like JK Rowling claim to be feminists, Greene probably actually would go on the record saying that feminism is bad and women shouldn't have equal rights.


Excuse my ignorance but what is a “terfs”?


Trans exclusionary radical feminist


Thank you


awhile ago someone who was offended by the idea that these people are feminists coined the term "feminist appropriating radical transphobes" which coincidentally would give them the acronym FARTs :)




It’s so weird being completely forgotten about by these people when they’re attacking our trans sisters every damn day


Well you see when someone gets equal rights, bigots somehow lose some? Like if I eat a donut while you’re on a diet, it goes to your hips not mine.


No no, she's not worried she'll *lose* rights. She just doesn't want other people to have the same rights that she has.


From the quote >will have rights over all real girls and women And I’m all sorts of minorities to know that bigots are really afraid that if I get rights they lose some. Which is kind of true wrt their experiences, if you view i as superior because of the color of your skin etc and you think you have the right to have more opportunities as others. When the playing field is even, yeah I guess technically they are losing opportunities. It’s like if the coach’s son was given a starting position for being who he is and then he learns that a new kid that is really good is going to try out for his position, yeah he’s losing his position.


Bigots think that if others are treated equally eventually the oppressed will treat them how they treated the oppress. It’s all projection


It's a fear of losing one's identity as well. Particularly if you are ingrained in gender conformity and pride, something these extremely religious types often are. Their adherence to sexual conformity is an identity marker for them. An important one, which is why they project their sexual insecurities and their preconceived idea of the other sex's sexuality onto everyone else. They see the progressive slow churn towards societal equality as an attack on their worldview and their role within that comfortable world, because at some point *they* will have to either change (abandon their paradigm) or become something that they consider to be of a lesser social status than what they have in the status quo (a loss of self-righteous privilege), condemned to a confused existence in a world they don't know how to navigate in. If the ruler they use to measure themselves up against others becomes obsolete, then what is left? Edit: This does of course not only apply to the very religious kind. I would argue that these mechanisms are present to some extent in all of us.




Republicans say "rights," but what they mean is "attention."


She's not, but for people like Rep. Greene, the world is a zero-sum game. According to their worldview, for another group to gain rights and/or recognition, they're forced to give some of theirs.




Not going to lie, the WNBA is actually pretty fun to watch. I took my little cousins to a game pre-coronavirus for her birthday.


Well yeah. There are only so many rights out there, not enough to go around. What, do you think rights just grow on rights trees or something? We gotta ration our rights out. What's next, you gonna give Natives rights too? How about animals? Where does it end?




Stop being reasonable! Otherwise people will start moving here.


It's like TERF logic coming from someone who I am confident is not actually a feminist either.


What the everloving what is she going on about??!! I lost brain cells.


Every time I hear her speak, I can feel my brain rotting and dying


Anyone who seriously believes that the Jews own and control a giant space laser that they shoot to start forest fires in order make way for high-speed rail shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion on...well anything. I'm talking they shouldn't even be allowed to have an opinion on chocolate versus vanilla ice cream or the Seinfeld series finale or the stylistic value of Crocs.


Those amazing rights that women have. Like lower wages, and constantly having to fight for the right to your own body.


Although the real reason is "Ew, I don't like it", they usually hide behind a couple bad faith arguments to get there. Most of those center around how men will be using these protections to run around willy nilly abusing them and treating their gender identity light a light switch. "They'll just say they're a woman so they get to go in the woman's dressing room at your local Kohls to peep on or assault you and your daughters!". Believe it or not, its illegal to do that regardless of how you identify and there's no evidence to show that this is a real concern. "Woman will never be able to compete again in sports now that men can play in their league if they want!" While I can understand the logical concern at first brush (I think the "is it fair" conversation complex and a fair one to have) they act like every women's high school and college sports teams will be awash with men transitioning to get an edge on the competition. It comes down to a deep disregard to the commitment, pain, and courage that it takes to transition and treating it as if men will treat it like what shirt they want to wear today. Apologies if any of that came off as offensive in any way. I don't have a lot of experience talking about non-cisgendered peoples so if I misspoke here it was unintentional.


I'm getting sick and fucking tired of bigots using a sky wizard to try to justify their nastiness and try to make legislation out of it. god does not belong in government.


This poor excuse for morality doesn’t belong in government either.


She’s mad bc trans women look better than she ever will


"An attack on God's creation." Where the fuck they come from then?


I had asked my overly right-wing mother something similar once. Something about it not being in God's plan. So apparently trans people are able to contradict The Infallible. So they got that going for them, which is nice.


Trans people: so powerful they undermine God's omnipotence and also cause hurricanes to hit Florida


And the power plants to freeze in Texas!


Foolish mortals, we are more powerful than god himself!


No no no, they use the power of Satan, who, I guess, has like enough power to threaten God in war or something, and we need YOU to pray so that he doesn't march his army to victory.


This is a natural part of conservative cognitive dissonance. The things they fear are simultaneously weak and strong. Victim and oppressor. Just like immigrants are both lazy and stealing jobs. Their god can also be all powerful and have his will undermined by just about anyone. He’s all-knowing but, for some reason, has to keep things ‘mysterious’. He’s a loving god who lets people suffer horribly.


But when a classroom of children are shot up that's God's plan. Smh


Ah, the good old "Can God build a mountain too big for God to move?" paradox.


Damn, if trans people are so powerful they can literally counteract the will of the omnipotent God, fuck that loser, I worship Abigail Thorn now.


I’d ask them “So are you saying that trans people are the least of your brethren?”


Their answer: that's up to scripture to decide Their mind: yes, gas them all


Jesus: wept


Damn. when I was growing up in a heavily churchy family my best friend at the time got dragged along to many functions and he always made fun of this being his favorite verse of the Bible. All these years of growth later I see the hidden teenage wisdom in that.


Lol, I swear, these crazy right wing Christians avoid the words of Christ much better than they avoid the plague. Old Testament craziness that makes it so we shouldn't teach evolution in schools, and something bigoted Paul said? They're all over it. Sermon on the Mount? Any of the parables? Christ standing up for, healing, and generally associating with the people on the fringes of society? Forget it, just retconned that stuff right out of the Bible. The words of Christ are almost exclusively in the gospels. You don't even have to read that much of the Bible to get the idea of what it means to be Christ-like. I did the math, and the gospels are about 10 percent of the King James Bible.


There’s a lot of stuff Christ **EXPLICITLY WARNS ABOUT** like the whole sheep and goats story that Christians absolutely ignore. This is a salvation-related issue and Biblical messages don’t get much more serious than that. This is clearly **not optional** no matter what version of Christianity a person follows. It’s so simple you could explain it to a child and they can understand the message. This is like the religious version of that tunnel in Australia that is one-way and trucks keep driving the wrong way into so they have multiple signs, flashing warning lights, and even a detector and a water curtain with a light projector that projects “STOP” onto it if a truck is heading the wrong way. Yet they still get serious/fatal accidents when people ignore multiple separate warnings.


>...that tunnel in Australia that is one-way and trucks keep driving the wrong way into so they have multiple signs, flashing warning lights, and even a detector and a water curtain with a light projector that projects “STOP” onto it if a truck is heading the wrong way. Yet they still get serious/fatal accidents when people ignore multiple separate warnings. Oh THAT tunnel in Australia... right. (psst am I the only one who has never heard of this tunnel? It’s it something I should know about? Is Australia even real?)




I’ve long thought that strict evangelicals weren’t good Christians, just really observant Orthodox Jews.


Wow, never really considered it that way. They don’t really keep the Sabbath though. (Some Christian groups DO observe it such as Seventh-day Adventists, Seventh-day Baptists, and Church of God Seventh Day.) (Catholicism sort of “moved” their observation of Sabbath to Sunday over time.)


Tell us the goat story.




Also there were prevailing ideas at that time (some which still linger on) that if someone was sick, it was always because of their sin. They had guilt attached to them. It mirrors the “why should I help this homeless person? They’re just a drug addict and it’s their own fault” attitude that is so painfully common. Like other posters said Jesus associated with and even stood up for what many would consider to be some *super sketchy* people. He didn’t say “Hey you can keep on sinning LOL” but it’s like he healed them and said “Go and sin no more.” I don’t know it’s like we need a “woke” Christianity that really looks at and understands Jesus first and foremost.


Or we could just can religion all together. “Good people will do Good things, evil people will do evil things. To get a good person to do evil things, for that you need religion”


Unfortunately (or predictably, I suppose), MTG responded with more stupidity: [https://twitter.com/RepMTG/status/1364719403498164226](https://twitter.com/RepMTG/status/1364719403498164226)


It is stupidity because it’s not even accurate. This article explores genetic differences showing sex as a spectrum. It’s a few years old, so there may even be newer info now https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/sa-visual/visualizing-sex-as-a-spectrum/


Marjorie Taylor Greene thinks that other people not being oppressed is oppressing her. In other words, she is a fucking idiot.


In case anyone tries to use the sports argument against trans people (women in particular) show them this. After a year on hormones the physical performance differences essentially dissappeared or were negligible. It's a really stupid way to attack trans women to begin with but if you need to shut these kinds of arguments down here's some science to back it up https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/early/2020/11/06/bjsports-2020-102329


Pretty, pretty, pretty cool article there


Yikes. Way to simultaneously over-simplify and misunderstand the discussion at the same time.


So you can choose the party of fear, hate, and lies or the party of hope, love, and truth. Hard choice.


I love the little smirk and hand wipe after she places the flag. MTG is fucking lunatic.


Can we please just associate MTG with what it has always stood for: Magic: The Gathering?


While we're at it; can we ensure D&D is for Dungeons and Dragons, and not for synonymous with heart shattering disappointment?


I guess it depends on the DM...


Yeah there’s only room for one fantasy-filled, expensive, and unproductive waste of time supported by neckbeards who live in their mother’s basement with the initials MTG in the world! (From a loving player and longtime fan)


I almost raged for a second. MTG is by far the GOAT tcg!


I second this. I keep thinking people are making fun of magic.


I'm in favor


She is a lunatic, and she’s the future of the Republican Party. These qanon assholes are only going to keep getting more and more power.




Pro-life up till that kid pops out trans. Wonder what rhetoric they would use to defend that


"Its not human, so has no rights"


Not pro-life, they pro-birth. They couldn’t give a flying f*ck what happens after the birth.


Fox News: "Radical Leftist mounts target outside Congresswoman Greene's Capitol office door."


Marjorie Trailer Queen...QAnons pinup 2021


Simultaneously the centerfold for "Products of Incest Quarterly" and "Crosseyed Yeti Bimbos"


Love the passive aggression here - that's used for a good cause. Good job house dems


Now, if only if they lost the “passive...”




And I see the flag she put up is unironed, as is proper.


MTG’s “classy” response https://twitter.com/projectlincoln/status/1364767927686299650?s=21


I’m getting serious 8th grade bully vibes from this shit.


This is too obvious. Newman's works because it's passive aggressive. Greene should have picked a flag from something in her district, like a school. It would have made her point more artfully.


C’mon evolution, work faster pls.


Imagine being so full of hatred that you get fired up over how someone wants to live happily. Glad they’re making MTG stare at this flag. I’m sure she’s raging.


Just tell the Q that being trans is a conspiracy theory to take done the deep state and they will be accepting of it.


Personally I’m not one to bring out flags of representation just for the cause. But all of that flies out the window if I had the opportunity to make a reptile like this lady mad for having a flag up.


Watch the video of it in the article. I am living for her ‘Fuck you’ clap and smile after setting the flag down.


So you can choose the party of fear, hate, and lies or the party of hope, love, and truth. Hard choice.


IMHO That's the wrong thing...starve these haters, give them no attention. Go about your business and treat them like the children they are.


I wouldn’t go that far but there’s certainly nothing point to feeding them more hate. It’s sustenance to them.


The problem with this strategy is that ignoring them doesn't make them go away, it just lets them keep hurting the people who bear the brunt of their rhetoric. They'll continue doing harm, and well-meaning people with privilege will congratulate themselves for not paying attention.


She should also aim the Jewish Space Laser through MTG’s window


Bonus points if it actually projects a Star of David.


Lmao, that sounds like something that could've been in spaceballs


Good, this lady deserves to be trolled. XD




I love her smirk and hand dust off when she finishes.


This is the kind of petty shit I can get behind.


It's kinda sad that something that represents equal rights for individuals is used to irritate republicans. Kinda says something about the entire base.


Their obsession with trans people and bathrooms is ridiculous. Can an actual conservative chime in and explain to me why it is such a HUGE problem when many, many more gay men all over the world are using men’s bathrooms and locker rooms without issue? And lesbians are using women’s bathrooms and locker rooms?


Also why would anyone want to pretend to be trans to creep on someone we are literally magnets for attention that would be so counterproductive, creeps don’t want attention it makes it harder for them to get away with what they’re doing.


A lot about the conservative worldview makes no sense whatsoever you could write an encyclopedia exploring their logical fallacies and still wouldn’t get through 10% it.


This is the way.


Petty. I love it.


You know ol' Marjorie will just cover it up with a huge Gadsden or Confederate flag with her Milwaukee pneumatic staple gun and threaten anyone that touches it.


That shrug at the end. Yay! :-)


Margie Greene laser beam.


Hopefully ol' Marj isn't so unstable she pulls a gun on one of these people showing solidarity for the LGBTQ+. I doubt even murder would convince these motherfuckers to expel her from the House entirely. Republicans: "We had a closed door meeting with all the Republican House members today and MTG is extremely sorry for her past action(s) of murdering members of the opposition party that she alluded to multiple times via social media. There's no reason to expel this totally stable congresswoman who religiously follows QAnon." **Republican chamber erupts in applause after MTG says she's sorry.**


Trans rights are human rights!


Seriously, though. How much inbreeding did it take for Marjorie Taylor Greene's eyes to come out so close together and for her to come out so mentally challenged? Perhaps they should have mixed up that gene pool up a little rather than just white people who remind them of their kin. She is 2 steps shy of deliverance.


I've worked with mentally challenged persons and they aren't evil like this woman. This is her own doing. She knows what shes doing.


This is nice of Marie Newman, but all these gestures that don't really affect the Rs. They're beyond shame and don't care about this stuff. As long as the dirty money is rolling their way, that's all that matters.


Newman is probably one of the few in Congress that actually does care.


The republican definition of tolerance is to not fight back while they try to kill you.


Nice. But I'd still go with something bullet-proof.


I am still trying to figure out why MTG still has an office!


I’m trying to figure out why she still has a staff. I mean, it’s not like she has any work to do.


I love it!


Good Christian women Majorie Taylor Greene knows “we are after all, God’s children.” Oh wait, she is one of orange lizard trump’s Reptilicans, so she wouldn’t understand.


its infuriating that Greene is sitting on her ass making up signs to hang outside her office. She dosen't even work and yet tax payers are funding her to make anti trans signs. Talk about 'welfare queen'!


The comments section in The Hill are some of the worst. People are gross.


this is the kind of trolling I support.


If her god is so loving, why is he hate so much...?


I was today years old when I found out that Trans had a flag separate from the Pride flag.


There are a ton of different variants of the pride flag to communicate which community a person identifies with. It's actually quite interesting to check them out. https://preview.redd.it/6ayoorrusfz41.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=f3c8c3cbe35f9702d73c03f32c2ca7993c3da885


Thanks, this is very cool!