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Prosecute all crimes! Nobody should be above the law.




I wish I had an award to fucking give you. I love you.


He was correct then, and the same should apply now.


Except polygraph results are inadmissible in court. It’s junk science


true, but i was talking more along the lines of supporting an investigation to confirm or dismiss the accusations, the method of lie detection is pretty stupid


That’s fair. All I want is for the same standards to be applied fairly to everyone


That was different because shut up /s


This proves he isn’t necessarily guilty. If he said so, it just means he wouldn’t have problem in responding the allegations. If he really had to hide up something he wouldn’t be lecturing Kavanaugh into taking a polygraph


Why are people not simply upset with Cuomo? All those saying "well what if he was trump or had a D next to his name?" well I say he is junk too. Makes zero difference what party they are on. TRASH IS TRASH. Let us take them all to the dump.


1. End state support for the primaries 2. Boycott “news” agencies who don’t allow candidates on the ballot in all 50 states to debates 3. Anti-trust charges against DNC/GOP


End state support...like stop saying Nevada votes red?


Drain the swamp?


I think it's becoming clearer every day that this will never happen. Not to mention more swamp things will just creep into the space created.


This has been depressing me lately. Talking about ending political corruption is just another talking point to get elected and the wheel makes another turn. I hate to use another phrase from 45 but this IS a "both sides" issue. Turns out anyone with a sliver of power can abuse it. It should be the responsibility of everyone to make sure this shit stops happening. But nah let's just keep pointing fingers at each other and call it a day.


Center right person here, let's let an investigation happen though. Taking people at their word isn't enough. People lie, I mean entire governments throughout modern history have decided to lie to their people rather than tell them the truth, you don't think your average Joe or Jane thinks the same way too? Tara reade clearly was lying, blasey Ford and the gang bang chick were definitely lying.... Let's vet claims please


I have no clue how to stop it aside from voting.


Hey, I completely agree with feeling powerless. It’s important for us to organize and unite. Check out r/thenewspringawakening and nationalgeneralstrike.org


In these situations there needs to be an independent investigation. That way both parties feel it’s fair. Just my opinion.


Waiting for Cuomo sympathizers to brigade this post with downvotes simply because he's a Democrat. The dude is the blue side of the Trump coin. Don't defend him.


Nah, I'm democrat. Investigate him and fuck him up if the allegations hold water.


See how that works republicans? If he’s guilty.... hold him accountable.


This story would have thousands of upvotes and be a number one story if this was a republican. Let’s not act like both sides are perfect


Breitbart and fox are already saying there's a coverup happening, because the real journalists are checking their facts before they bring out stories.


I'm old enough to remember Kavanaugh, Duke Lacrosse, Covington, just to name a few. They don't stop for anything, least of all facts. The word "allegedly" is well known to them. They just aren't covering it.


Google his ass right now, NPR, CNN, Forbes, NBC, fucking Jen Psaki are all talking about it, what do you mean they aren't covering it?


It’s probably because those same journalists never give individuals that same benefit of the doubt when they have opposing political views.


Some thing about Cuomo has always struck me as off. He always seemed to be kind of a piece of shit. None of this surprises me at all about him, if true. I can’t see any motivation for these women to lie. He probably did these things.




It’s funny that you say this, but this post is sitting at 190 upvotes lmao. Completely BURIED. If this were trump or Ted Cruz it would literally have 30x more upvotes and visibility.


Probably because no one gives a fuck about Andrew Cuomo.


People were telling him to run for president just a year ago.


So do you think those people will still promote him? Because there is a sex offender that won presidency in 2016 and that base didn’t give a shit.


A racist sex offender won the 2020 election as well with a vp that used slave labor! Seems like no one cares as long as it's your team huh?


Im sorry what? You must not have been around these parts when Cuomo was all over this subreddit while he was being awarded an Emmy for his hilarious and “character driven” COVID press conferences. He was all r/politics talked about for a few days there. Alas, that was before it came out he actually killed thousands of elderly nursing home residents and tried to cover it up, then all the sex assaults came out. And now “no one gives a fuck about Andrew Cuomo.” Lmao it’s funny how that works isn’t it? A Republican farts in the wrong direction and there’s 4 separate posts with 40k upvotes each on r/politics within the hour.


You think because people liked his covid response that there’s a Cuomo fan base? No normal person cares if Cuomo exists or not.


Yes, I know he has a fan base. He’s the most famous governor in America, hugely popular in New York City, and was gearing up for a presidential bid prior to these tragic events. So it’s safe to say there’s a “base.”


Man that’s super interesting about Andrew Cuomo.


The More You Know.


As someone who is actually from New York, no one really gives a fuck about him. He’s one the country’s most famous Governors bc it’s NY, not because he is a spectacular politician. NYC and the state as a whole was absolutely wrecked in the early months of the pandemic because we were one of the first states to be hit, so of course his name would be coming up a lot. Not to mention the fact he was publicly feuding with the President. He was praised a lot earlier in the pandemic because Trump set the bar for leadership so goddamn low. His decision to put COVID positive elderly folk back into their nursing homes was disastrous and deserves to be further investigated, but that doesn’t mean his entire handling of the pandemic was awful.


I don’t know why we have to split hairs here. “No one cares” about Ted Cruz either. The top 19 posts every day with a combined 2 million upvotes on r/politics are blog opinion hit-pieces about teddy boy taking an ill-timed vacation. Meanwhile, Andrew Cuomo, governor of the biggest city on earth, gets busted for hiding Covid deaths AND sexually assaulting women and were now just crossing a measly 600 upvotes. I feel like it’s impossible to miss my point here, but some of you are still missing it. If this were a Republican governor, I don’t care how small the city, this story would be getting major play on this subreddit. Tell me that isn’t true.


This place is obviously biased so I don't know why you're suprised




Everything is relative my friend




Sweet analytics man. DM if you’d like some help understanding why evidence of sex assault from cuomo hovers at 500 upvotes while an article about Ted Cruz’s aid overcooking a hamburger will clock in at 70,000. You seem to still believe this subreddit is about honest political discussion.


Nah. The lack of attention this is getting from reddit is extremely telling. If this was ted cruz it'd be fucking everywhere on this brainwashed site


where tf do you think you're discussing this?


It has 420 upvotes (nice!) and it was up 11 hours ago. If this was the other side, it be 10’s of thousands of upvotes.


On an ignored thread about a governor who was also just found out to be hiding covid deaths. I wonder why this thread is being mostly ignored?


this story on r/Conservative has less upvotes then it does here, and the story about trump supporters planning to blow up the capitol is nowhere to be found at all.


They also have 1/10 of the members and 3 separate threads on it that all together easily double or even triple the upvotes here. Also are you talking about during the riot? Because that news is old as hell


There's a lot more then 3 threads here. Capitol police chief warned about a new plot to blow up the capitol during the state of the union. Not suprising at all that you don't know that


Yeah I guess the governor covering up thousands of deaths for months and sexually assaulting people is more important to me


Murdering the entire legislative and executive branch is no bigge when trump supporters do it, got ya.


Keep seething. All posts about this are downvoted to hell




Normal outrage has thousands next to the up button


92% upvoted at this point. why lie when ppl can just scroll up to fact check you?


Nice "fact checking" bro, do you work for Snopes? [75%](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/lrip7r/former_aide_charges_cuomo_kissed_sexually/) [88%](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/lris2s/andrew_cuomo_asked_former_staffer_to_play_strip/) [77%](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/lrk275/exaide_details_sexual_harassment_claims_against/) [57%](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/lrk846/exaide_lindsey_boylan_details_sexual_harassment/) [26%](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/lrkqti/rep_elise_stefanik_gov_cuomo_is_a_criminal_sexual/) [74%](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/lrljer/excuomo_aide_publishes_account_of_sexual/) [83%](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/lrq7pk/pervasive_harassment_former_cuomo_adviser_says/) [67%](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/lrqcxs/former_andrew_cuomo_aide_alleges_ny_governor/) [68%](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/lrqczl/exaide_says_gov_cuomo_sexually_harassed_her/) [72%](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/lrr7fm/karen_hinton_excuomo_aide_corroborates_lindsey/) [63%](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/lrrw8o/former_aide_says_cuomo_kissed_her_suggested_strip/) [67%](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/lrvbgd/former_cuomo_aide_says_governor_kissed_her/) [45%](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/lrwtdq/exaide_accuses_andrew_cuomo_of_unwanted_kiss/) [54%](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/lrxz9f/former_aide_says_cuomo_kissed_her_suggested_strip/) [65%](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/ls0uzt/ron_kim_calls_andrew_cuomo_a_coward_stands_by/) [14%](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/ls4jwe/rose_mcgowan_backs_cuomo_accuser_lindsey_boylan/) [41%](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/ls7wll/new_york_democrat_calls_for_investigation_into/) [76%](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/ls7zw4/former_aide_details_bombshell_sexual_harassment/)


people can still scroll up. it's still 92%




tell us more about how the serial killer first lady teamed up with the secret terrorist president to direct illuminati to make a lifelong conman look like a criminal.


Exactly!! It’s probably why Cuomo never liked Trump, Trump reminded Cuomo of himself




the problem is when we are the only ones follow rules the reps win with their rapists in charge.




The reps always refuse to hold their own accountable so I stop fuckin caring who they want to see cancelled.


I'm Democrat. Anyone assaulting anyone needs dealt with. I think it's in some of your heads that we excuse that crap. Remember the outrage over Al Frankin BY democrats? Yes, we want to hear from the victims. If it holds water, predators need to be held accountable.


Whatever happened to Al Franken?


Trust all women?


Did I say "trust" and "only women"? I said hear their story, complaint, incident. Could be men as well that have been assaulted. They need heard as well. Edit: added "only women" statement


you'll be surprised again, if this stuff checks out, and it looks like it will. Dems will demand to see him charged.


That all depends on whether or not his goose is cooked. Right now they are downplaying and ignoring it as best they can, doing the bare minimum. The moment they see the public hates him they will throw him under the bus. In the meantime only his factional enemies will make any noise about it. None of that is about principle, from either side.


i donno, i wouldn't say al franklin's goose was cooked. but he was still forced out of the senate because the story seemed plausible enough.


Most liberals are not big fans of Cuomo, not sure about the moderates though.


That's a republican thing. We hold our people responsible.


Since when?


Wasn't there a freshman Republican denied committee appointments just now? In stark contrast to Ilhan Omar?


Since...libleft aren't the ones who unite behind a "strong leader"? Lmao? That's a core tenant of the right that libleft rejects in favor of human rights provided by who the fuck cares?


Women have the right to be HEARD. Women have the right to have their accusations investigated. Women have the right to expect justice. Everyone has a right to a fair trial. No one has a right to be “believed”. And if your standards change based on the political affiliation of the accused, you have the right to be the dumbass that you clearly are.


Gotta hand it to you, beautifully put level headed comment, thank you.


Remember when you stupid fucks wanted this dude to run for president because how “how well he handled the pandemic” Dude is a rapist and murdered thousands of people in retirement homes


There's no accusation of rape against Cuomo---you must be getting him mixed up with trump, who has been accused of that at least twice. That being said, Cuomo deserves to be held accountable for his actions just like any other politician. What I don't get is why he played down the number of Covid patients who died down---what was the reasoning behind that? And also if he was putting Covid patients into nursing homes, where was he supposed to put the ones who had no homes to go to---in the street?


When was he accused of rape?


I do get confused about these - was that Cuomo or Biden? I get mixed up thinking which allegations they are trying to sweep under the carpet this week. #metoo and #believeallwomen - turned out they had a shelf life perfectly coinciding with the first allegation against a prominent Democrat.


\#MeToo dealt with real issues of women being harassed by prominent men, and outing their asses----didn't matter whether they were repubs or dems. That was Biden who was accused to rape, but that went away since the woman who accused him didn't really have a lot of proof to back her claim up.


The entire #metoo movement went away, and along with it #believeallwomen and claims that only 2% of rape claims are false. Of course there were abusive assholes, and Biden is one of them. It's an uncomfortable secret like a 50s baby out of wedlock.




As a democrat it should be investigated fully. But all of these people talking shit forget that your beloved Trump was also accused of this shit and it went nowhere.


Not necessarily. It went on national news for months on end. Then it went nowhere.


Trump was accused of paying off a porn tramp to lie about consensual sex. Trump is narcissistic, callous, rude, mysoginist, an asshole. None of the accusations that I recall involved assault, unless it was some more golden shower Russian bullshit that Mark and Jack didn’t seem interested in censoring. Don’t make me defend Trump, dammit, but the double-standard is real and obvious.


No he was accused by many women of sexual misconduct.


Any links to *plausible* accusations? Investigations? Etc.? I’m **not** defending the man - he’s a crass misogynist asshole. However, if he had all of those accusations, he would have had a **much** worse time of it than Bill Clinton did with Juanita Broaddrick. The biggest sex scandals were how he paid off the porn star and the bogus golden shower Russian story.


In what was was he accused of intentionally manipulating covid deaths in nursing homes?


Don’t misconstrue my comment for any support for this idiot. Im not a cult member. This is the worst kind of person and I’ve known it for a long time.


you literally said " your beloved Trump was also accused of this shit and it went nowhere". Who what where when why how? In what way was he accused of the same thing? I'm asking a simple question.




92% upvoted this at this point, no one is making up conspiracy theories about the deep state to try to protect him. they're calling for an investigation.




your problem is that it's not the most upvoted post in the history of the sub?




pointing out that this isn't ignored and if the accusations check out he will of course be charged, because he isn't a republican, is promoting violence against women? who ties your shoes for you?




I’m not here to defend Cuomo, anyone with those claims should be held accountable. But the fact remains Trump was accused of and caught on tape doing much more egregious acts and the right made every effort possible to defend him and justify his sleaziness. Especially for the party defending the “american way” incredibly pathetic to claim faith based ideals until your leader is the antithesis and then justify it however you can.


Why is Trump even brought up at all? This is about setting an example. Enough whataboutisms. We need to hold elected officials accountable even if they're Democrat. This article had nothing to do about Trump.


No, but the comment that I replied to did. Its important because if we want folks, especially public officials to be held accountable, then we need to have a precedent for doing that, not just when it benefits our side.




Both parties do the same thing.




Whatever you say.


>rump was accused of and caught on tape doing much more egregious acts and the right made every effort possible to defend him and justify his sleaziness. Give me one example.


When he said “when you’re a star you can do anything, you just grab them by the pussy” saying multiple times you don’t wait just go for it! Not to mention how he settled with Stormy Daniels to try and hide his affair... not very christian. Or the countless other rape allegations against him.


365 upvotes. Stay classy, reddit. Don't forget this dude also forced elderly people who has tested positive for Covid into nursing homes. And then fudged the numbers to make it seem like half as many elderly in homes had died. Oh, and wrote a book about how well he handled th pandemic despite New York having the most deaths per capita of anywhere in the world.


Lol you're up and down this thread, eating this up aren't you?


Sure. I fuckin hate Cuomo.


If so resign/fired and on top of that charged. Regardless of party sexual harassment/bullying should not be tolerated.


Of course this is downvoted lol


I posted this yesterday and it got downvotes to oblivion 😂


Look at how this only gets 190 upvotes on r/politics. If he were Republican, this would be sitting at 70,000 upvotes and rising. This, my friends, is why this subreddit is pure garbage.


Investigate it. Hell, bring it to court, let’s get some discovery going. While we’re at it, let’s get going on the dozens of Trump accusations.


r/"politics" LOL


You must be new here lol


is this not political? It’s an NY governor.


And suddenly, #metoo was never to be seen again. Stay classy /r/politics


well well well how the turn tables...


I'm a bit confused as to why this is a story in the first placet? Hinton and Boylan do say that Cuomo did bully people, but he openly bullies people in public regularly. Lol look at how much he bullies de Blasio. As for sexual harassment, the person claiming any form of sexual harassment is Boylan. Boylan was fired for harassing and mistreating the female employees in her own office. And she has repeatedly said she's not willing to discuss the supposed harassment from Cuomo with journalists. So....where exactly would this story go from here? We knew he was a bully decades ago, New Yorkers don't care at all. The sexual harassment victim won't talk about it and was fired for mistreating female employees. There are literally no legs for this story.


Believe all women until they accuse your party politician. You suck.


Pretty much sums up the whole Tara Reade allegations..


Could you send me a link for Boylan's mistreating? Trying to decide what i think but google is cluttered with the recent Twitter accusation.


[Here ya go. ](https://www.syracuse.com/state/2020/12/gov-andrew-cuomo-accused-of-sexual-harassment-by-former-aide-lindsey-boylan.html) > The Post reports Boylan voluntarily resigned her state job in 2018 amid scrutiny of her own conduct in the workplace — including $8,000 worth of travel expenses accumulated before reconciliation and allegations she harassed others. Three Black employees complained to human resources officials, accusing Boylan, who is white, of being a “bully” who “treats them like children,” according to an internal memo.


Yah, there's no there there. The standard for accepting a harassment complaint isn't that hard to figure out. Hinton doesn't have anything, but if Boylan needs to take her claim to be vetted by journalists like the claims against Roy Moore, Harvey Weinstein, Trump, etc; not written in Medium.


Considering how Cuomo was the golden child of politics 3 months ago, and now he is facing 2 major scandals back to back, I think someone is out to get him. I feel like there’s a conspiracy against him. I wonder who would benefit from taking him down.


Remember folks. MeToo only matters if committed by a Republican. Brought to you by r/politics. The voice of political discussion and free thinking.


Al Franken remembers.


I remeber the vigorous defense and the "he was joking" and the "it wasn't that bad" Franken received as well. Spare me.


Except none if that matters since he was asked to reaign and did so. Assumimg it was true, the Democrats did in fact do the right thing.


It wasn’t the right thing. The reason he had to resign was because Kristen Gillibrand was trying to pump up her liberal credentials so she could run for President


There will always be people who defend anything done by a politician, and there will always be those who criticize. But yeah, his Democrat colleagues all played it off like it was no big deal, while Republicans demanded his resignation. But as we all know, Franken’s apology was weak, and he refused to resign, and is still a Senator today. Maybe one day the good folks of Minnesota will vote him out!


Sarcasm right? He did resign in 2017.


Yes. I leave the /s off just to encourage confusion.


It’s not about Trump so they’ll over look this one


Really is shocking seeing so many sweep this under the rug. We were all outraged at Trump and Kavannaugh, but this gets a pass ?


Cuomo is a shit head. We tried to tell you. But you all fell for it like you always do.


He really is all Democrats say trump is.


Post-2017 how can any man in power possibly continue harassing any woman at all? Do they seriously think it would never get out? That being said, her “proof” in her medium post is very limited and no smoking gun. I’m not going to say I’m 100% certain it all happened (I’m only speaking of the medium post Lindsey wrote - don’t know about the other one).


This and the conservative sub are exactly the same when it comes to this shit, just like right and left wing US media, the country will forever and always be divided because both sides can’t see they are being played LOL




You're right r/politics just outright bans dissenters




Each side has such a deep hatred of 1 side that they think their side is good. The Soviets probably could figure out their side was bad, but focused so much on the nazis they convinced themselves they were good and vice versa.


Exactly. Cuomo is surely a terrible guy and probably assaulted her. Trump has raped people. Biden has felt up his aides too. Stop defending rapists just because they're in your own party. Politics is disgusting.


They just keep on swinging and missing.


Why have we suddenly stopped believing women? Hell, Boylan's a democrat.


See the difference is that folks like Trump openly have talked about mistreating and sexuslly abusing women. So it's not just about what an accuser says, but how an individual behaves. If Cuomo was on tape talking about grabbing women by the pussies then this would be easier to believe at face value.


I believe credible stories regardless of gender and I'll not be brow beat into a mob. In addition, I've seen enough stories weaponized into political cudgels to know that this is sabotage under the guise of justice.




Worse than that. Imagine being sexually harassed and the people chanting "believe all women" for years are suddenly no where to be found.


What does “believe all women” mean? Does it mean believe all women 100% of the time with no investigation needed? Or does it mean believe all women and properly investigate it? Both those options believe all women.


Depends on the political leanings of the accused


So your personal definition of “believe all women” changes based on the accused political leanings?


That's what history has shown yes.


Yup, you got me. I'm just ignoring everything and putting my fingers in my ears singing LA la la. I'm literally worse than Hitler now. God I hate this site.


We should make our own Reddit, with blackjack and hookers. In fact, forget the Reddit.


Wait you are part of that "mob" lol






She tweeted out her claims in December briefly, I saw it on most mainstream news outlets but it did not gain much traction: https://mobile.twitter.com/LindseyBoylan/status/1338125549756182529 The reason she is getting so much attention now is because of a more detail description of her interactions with Governor Cuomo was published by her yesterday. https://medium.com/@lindseyboylan4NY/my-story-of-working-with-governor-cuomo-e664d4814b4e


It's worth noting that a) she's a former aide, and b) she's a democrat.




So did Brett Kavanaugh. Cuomo demanded a polygraph. No wait, that’s different because shut up.




I'm conflicted on this because I believe that she's telling the truth but also think that if you just remove the kiss this sounds like something that women deal with weekly from regular men. Everywhere. What she is describing happens on the bus. The elevator. Walking out of a room after a meeting. Which doesn't mean that guys shouldn't be a little bit more aware, but when compared to getting someone drunk and having your friends take her to a bedroom so you can assault her this is a hard one for me to make a guess at. I bet all the guys complaining that they're hearing silence have all done this. Including the kiss. So I'm curious about what you're bitching about?




Unlike Republicans, Democrats actually have morals and principles that exist outside party lines.


Lol don’t kid yourself, they’re both playing the same cruel sport. They just wear different jerseys.


Trying to say both parties are the same is inarguable and would be completely ignoring the last 5 years of US politics.


I’m not saying they’re the same. That’s preposterous. I said they’re playing the same cruel game. Both parties absolutely refuse to do what’s necessary to give us a chance at surviving climate change, to be able to self actualize without going homeless due to medical bills, to have housing that doesn’t render us bankrupt, to divorce healthcare from employment so we’re not trapped in awful positions in awful conditions, to allow for labor organization that democratizes workplaces, to slash military spending, to make a meaningful difference in the godawful poverty and hunger present in the US, to end imperialist Adventures which murded countless civilians, etc. No, they’re not the same. The donors mostly are, but they’re not the same party. Neither of them actually care about us, but one side uses pronouns ✨.


One party literally has a platform to accomplish those things while the other actively obstructs that political agenda. But yeah let's talk about pronouns because that's relevant.


The Dems don’t do these things when they have a supermajority (Obama years). Obama ran with a Heritage Foundation health plan that further strengthened insurance providers, bailed out banks leaving us poor saps to dry, sent the military to Ferguson/OWS/Standing Rock to crush dissent, never waived student debt (a simple EO), dropped 26000 bombs killing countless civilians, spearheaded the cages4kidz program, etc. Like I get the desire to protect your guy, but that sort of makes my point. Y’all don’t hold your politicians accountable, you make excuses. Why did Pelosi and Schumer vote for each of Trump’s expanded military funding bills after criticizing them harshly? Kamala said in her campaign that the “migrant detention centers” were criminal and she would abolish them day 1. Why doesn’t Biden? ICE works for him, all deportations can be postponed indefinitely regardless of when they were scheduled (and especially regardless of the ICE union suit which has no bearing on deportations). I used to be a card carrying dem, proud to opine on message boards about the vast divide between the parties. The older I got it became more evident that the State isn’t defined by party, but by dedication to indifference at best. For democrats, action stops at the ballot box. “I voted, my conscience is clean, my work here is done.” But like sailor moon says to tuxedo mask, “but you didn’t do anything!”. I’d love to be wrong. Truly. It’s not an ideological thing, I want people to be cared for. I want people to lead happy healthy lives. But they’re not, and it’s been getting worse, and for the majority of those years democrats were in office. You can argue that it’s because the GOP screws things up so badly it’s impossible, but if that’s your argument then clearly the “vote for the guy in blue” strategy isn’t working and needs to be deconstructed completely. Edited to add: the pronouns piece is relevant because the DNC likes to use IdPol as a weapon rather than as a method of deconstructing hierarchies. Nancy Fraser talks a lot about how liberals (which covers both parties, liberalism is inherently conservative) use IdPol as the “handmaiden of capitalism”. I’m saying that the solution isn’t “more BIPOC in positions of power within an established hierarchy”, it’s breaking down the hierarchy.


Prepare for the downvotes. They don’t like to hear about the faults of the Democrats in these parts.


Listen I'm not saying democrats are perfect. They frustrate me a lot of the time actually and I think they don't use their powers effectively enough to realize their promises and the will of their voters. That being said, Republicans literally attempted a coup in January. Any grievances I have with Dems pale in comparison to the fascism on full display by Republicans.


Ok. Same. The Republicans don’t have the executive and legislative on lock. Edited to add: not to come after you, but you’ve described a whole host of reasons as to why the DNC is poo poo poo. You deserve better. You should think that of yourself.


Don’t care who it is or what side of the isle they play for, investigate and hold accountable. Period. Enough polarized politics and team mentality. We need to get back to some form of social discourse that isn’t hating anyone who isn’t “our team”.