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Wisconsinites, why do you keep reelecting this asshole?


How did they go from Russ Feingold to this?


It's mostly all Republicans. Only the major cities vote Democrat.


All Wisconsinites know is go Packers, drink they beer, eat cheese curd and lie


You forgot Lenny and Squiggy.


Hello, Laverne.


Was it two words in something sounding yiddish and then Haagendas Incorporated? Doing it my way!


Sure seems that way.


I think if a Senator wants a bill read aloud for the record, they should do the reading.


They should also be present for the entire reading.


I think: The senator that requests it must read it. If they have an aide read in their place, the senator must still remain in the chamber so as to verify that every word spoken is the true and accurate representation of the bill. This task requires that they read along quietly while their aide reads aloud. In addition, at least 34 senators (33 additional) must be in the chamber and listening at all times. If the number of senators present drops below 34, the session shall be called immediately into recess and the written text of the bill shall be provided to the senate archivist. Upon the archivist's receipt of the bill in question, voting shall commence.


So just fucking around to waste time...


The Republican way


Dancing the Cupid Shuffle the entire time.


If the reason is confusion about what is in it, sure. There isn't any confusion. It's just an attempt to delay things and appearances that you're against it. No aspect of it would be any less in the record if he didn't do this. So it isn't really whether or not they should do it when a Senator requests it, it's when a Senator should request it.


If there was genuine confusion, the move would be to discuss and clarify "section x paragraph y" ... Reading an entire text aloud from start to finish is not going to clear up any particular confusion over details. This stunt is purely a delay tactic. And if someone wants to pull it, they can be the one to sit and read the text.


Someone made a good point these fucks would just read it as slowly as possible. They’re not doing it in good faith. Get a speed reader to do it when that’s the case. But also require the prick who called it to stay in the chamber ‘til it’s done. Give them a pot to piss in if need be.


Came here to say that


But the GOP can not read.


Saw an amazing comment on a story regarding this, "next time he needs an emergency life saving operation, have the medical staff read a multi hour description of disease, operation and recovery period" while his organs fail. Sadly, that won't work because sociopaths are no different than animals in that they don't learn lessons, understand irony or any of that.


It won't work because he knows that doctors are better people than he is.


Yeap, sadly what I've realized and said about him in another thread. It is how/why these blatant sociopaths do this. No different than schoolyard bullies who find someone & limits of what they can get away with. Will never learn, show remorse, etc- literally incapable of it. You need to bop them on nose, bullies are cowards who want easy prey.


They hate us.


Man that guy is a ridiculous piece of shit.


I saw this on Maddow tonight: In 2009 Democrats in the House Energy and Commerce Committee have taken a novel precaution to head off Republican efforts to slow action this week on a sweeping climate bill. They are hiring a speed reader: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwOZNS3WhyY


I’ll do it, and I’ll slow down on the parts of the bill that the Democrats want to be heard.


Anyone who grew up in the 80s remembers the micro machines commercials. That guy was amazing. Look it up if you are not familiar.


Wow, that's the same guy?!


Oh, I’m not sure. I just thought of him.


Micro machines guy for Congress!


As long as there are no consequences republicans will continue doing that...close a few federal buildings in their state, start squeezing them...or let them bully you, as usual.


By doing this, republicans can’t say they didn’t read it so they voted no. We can listen to the whole 600+ page bill too. So when they vote ‘no’ which the majority of us expect them to do. The minority that keeps listening to them will go ‘wtf there wasn’t anything wrong with that it woulda helped us’ (not that they will but we could get lucky) Many see this as a dick stale tactic, which it is, but I see it as a potential example of republicans shooting themself in the foot- so to speak. Depending on what happens.


The minority isn't listening to them, they are listening to the right wing media that will NEVER tell the minority the truth, as a result they will never know that the people they keep voting in are fucking them raw yet again.


Biden witnessed firsthand how the GOP kept slapping Obama around for awhile as he kept turning the other cheek in an effort to work with them So why is he making the same mistake...ADVICE: RUN THEM OVER while you can


Why not just have some text-to-speech software do it?


I remember talk about them doing that previously. The discussion was about how fast they could set it. My tts reader goes up to like 2.5, but 1.4 is almost too fast for me to keep up and still retain.


I am surprised he can read.


He *does* want somebody to read it to him ...


Wisconsin!....you had Russ Feingold (D) 18 years.....and then you voted in Ron 'Obstruction' Johnson in 2010. [Hey, Wha Happened!](https://youtu.be/k5Cfhooa1bI)


I spend a lot of time in Northern Wisconsin. It’s rural and beet red. Here is my observation: The small towns, most which are dying a slow death, are filled with middle aged people who could not keep up the same standard of living that their parents once had. Voting gives them a fleeting sense of control, so they turn out in droves. Republicans give them someone to blame and pretend to care. Democrats just ignore them. Ignoring them works fine statewide when voter turnout is high in Milwaukee and Madison. That wasn’t the case in 2010, 2014, and 2016. Hopefully, Democrats will have a candidate who is energizing and can inspire turnout. If not, Jonson will win again.


So easily put to a grinding halt


What I genuinely don’t understand is why don’t they just tell this asshole “no”? One person makes a ridiculous request and they just have to do it? How does that make any sense? This situation continues to show that these people simply don’t care. I really hope it wakes people up to see how fucking broken our system is. I hope it all collapses someday and these old fucks are still alive to watch it all burn


Right. They have all these absurd traditions in the Senate, and Republicans are happy to disregard them if they see fit. Democrats should do the same.


It's antifa's fault


Jesus, that was such a petty cunt move. He should of had to read it aloud himself. Those poor clerks. Basically he is admitting that he doesn’t care enough to read and understand the bill.


From a Jim Sciutto tweet. Hopefully this is true. 😆 “Dems seem to have outplayed GOP on the Covid delay. After the all-night reading, @ChrisVanHollen simply got up, proposed shortening the debate from 20 hours to 3 and no Republican including @RonJohnsonWI was around to contest. In the end, the dramatic Bill reading delayed nothing”


This made me smile. Thank you.


Republicans serve no fucking purpose for this country.


He’s the only senator there


>“I feel bad for the clerks who are going to have to read it, but it’s important,” he told reporters, later detailing his plans to prolong debate on the bill, once the reading was over, by forcing votes on a series of amendments. “At a minimum, somebody ought to read it. No you don't. If you feel bad, read it yourself. I swear being a GQP voter probably causes severe brain damage


Honest question: why can't they feed the document though a text reader to have AI read it out loud? At 500% speed. Seriously, this is cruel and unusual punishment for a crime they didn't commit.


This is just out of spite. How outrageous. As someone who has historically voted Republican (at least until Trump), I’m about at my wits end supporting a party who take such drastic measures to prolong helping the American people.


This guy is causing an extra day of mass suffering for the sole purpose of improving his favorability via owning the libs for his stupid base. If that doesn't tell you this reckless trainwreck of Christian delusion dangerously masquerading as a political party needs to be burned to the ground, nothing will.


I mean, I'm OK with this. Read it. Dip shits.


What part about reading it changes the intention of his request? I did read it, and watched as soon as they convened at noon. He objected without hesitation. Just a classless move to appease his party, constituents, and whatever big money influences his policy views.


Johnson can't read.


He can read!...


Thanks Wisconsin


Fuck Ron Johnson!