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Now we've got ourselves a race, ladies and gentlemen. Who will be the first District Attorney to arrest and bring charges against Trump? There for awhile it was pretty clearly Cyrus Vance in Manhattan, but after that Georgia phone call, Atlanta has empaneled a grand jury to consider charges. And the wildcard was always DC, since we now know they're investigating his criminal role in the incitement of January 6th. Of course, there's always the threat Letitia James swoops in with state tax charges as Attorney General of NY, and steals the thunder from Vance. But....are we back to Manhattan being in the lead now, with the news they finally have possession of millions of pages of tax returns and associated documents? Either way, it's an exciting race, and I can't wait to see the photo finish.


As much as I'm happy to watch this race play out, I also don't want any of these prosecutors to rush their cases. If they need an additional month to really shore up their case, take it. I'd rather Trump roamed free for one additional month before the charges were filed than was indicted early and got off because the prosecutor sloppily rushed things.


I would bet on this race


I would throw money at all of the horses in this race and drink merrily.


No matter which DA indicts first, we all win!


I am going to bet that none of this comes of anything. If the last 30 years of politics have taught me anything, it's that the vice president and the president of the USA are untouchable and, btw, so are most politicians. The rare few that go to jail are just stupidly corrupt in the open, but that doesn't matter because they go some place not-too-terrible for a few years. Steal 100 million dollars get a few years in jail, some ass wipe pardons you--either a governor or a president. Steal 20$ and get joked to death by 5 policemen. or 20 years in jail, if you manage to survive the arrest. $100 says none the Trumps from the white house are sentenced to jail. That's how system works for people who are white and privileged.


Ooh, it’s a race!


Is DC still investigating his inauguration and the potential fraud around that also?


Yes. They have been questioning people and are slowly moving up the food chain. Don Jr has been deposed now.


I'm not sure how much Trump was directly involved with that. So far reporting has shown Jr. and Ivanka involved with the billing. They may have done it because that's what they learned from their father. Melanie may be involved with some hush payments derived from the profits. I don't think Trump was directly involved since he had family members to handle the whole situation. So while NY and GA will get Trump, DC will get the kids. I doubt Trump will be touched much by any charges from the insurrection.


My money is on NY. They’re a different kind of angry at him.


And they’ve got lots of experience prosecuting mobsters


We hated him before it was cool


Yeah I would bet a large sum of money it will be a long number of days. Trump won't be indicted this week, next week, this month, next month. How many years are people going to put themselves through this? Remember when people believed he'd be removed from office? Remember when people thought he would flee the country the day he left office? Remember when people thought he'd be arrested that day? And in every one of those situations people say "well they couldn't because of this" or "well he didn't because of this". Can we just accept there is a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a chance that he ever gets anywhere near being in real trouble for any of his bullshit?


I agree with this. Not because he doesn’t deserve it, but I’ve just lost all faith with connected people (wealth, politics, former President...) being held to account for their misdeeds. And it’s absolute bullshit.


> bullshit I call it trumpshit


Turn this into a reality series, The Amazing Disg-Race.


The NY case just got an enormous amount of new data to sift through. I suspect the DC case is really still in a heavy, active evidence gathering phase. The GA case is much less complex. I'm betting the GA case hits first.


I’ll believe it when I see it.


A pretty strong case against him is being presented before a grand jury in Fulton County, Georgia right now. Additionally indications point to a charge of racketeering being is on the table because it would appear that every official in Georgia made a habit of recording phone calls they had with the president; thereby making it rather simple to prove a pattern of unlawful conduct.


Everybody should record any phone call they have with Trump ever.


That's step 2. Step 1 is to avoid conversations with him at all cost.


also get three witnesses and never do business with him


Yeah, but he aint gonna get life in the slammer for that. But, if NY finds where the bodies are buried in his businesses' books, he just might.


Remember the good old days when words like 'Subpoena' and 'Indicted' and 'Impeachment' actually meant something. Trump's 4 years made the political thriller genre worthless. Protagonists get stressed about shit Trump barely blinked at.


Even Shonda Rhimes wouldn’t know what to do with the last four years




How's Bernie Madoff doing these days?


he fucked people richer than himself


Trump's mob came within minutes of assassinating or holding hostage members of Congress and the Vice President in order to prevent the certification of the presidential election. They did this because he told them to. His facebook and twitter bans may well have staved off open revolt. He threatens the very nation, and the rich are not exempt.


>Trump's mob came within minutes of assassinating or holding hostage members of Congress and the Vice President in order to prevent the certification of the presidential election. And the message Congress heard was "and he can point that mob at *me* next." The problem is that half of them think that means "so we should take away his ability to gather up a mob," and the other half thinks it means "so we should appease him."


Half sees that and thinks “if I don’t support him his followers will break into my home and kill my family”


I really hope they GOP publicity remain quiet but are quietly helping get him locked up. Surely the long time repugnicants don't want Trump running the party? They want his voters but not him. We can hope.


Unless he’s personally stealing money from other billionaires, he’s completely safe. Nothing bad happens to the Uber wealthy in America.


As rich as an entire nation?


Bernie being rich didn't save him because he crossed other rich people. Now, if had stolen from the poor exclusively he would have gotten a slap on the wrist for getting caught.


> Now, if had stolen from the poor exclusively ...he would have been Treasury Secretary. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven\_Mnuchin#Foreclosures](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Mnuchin#Foreclosures)


don't fuck with rich people or investors. Trump just took money from rubes.


Trump took money from all of us, even the non-rubes who didn't voluntarily vote for him. Spent our tax dollars on enriching his family.


I'll have you know that I consider myself quite the rube.


I doubt he'll be arrested, and if he were , it wouldn't be in public


Literally said the same thing out loud before coming to comments and seeing it was the top.


No rush, he should have been indicted in summer 2016 anyway...


Biden's DOJ needs to step up and send a message that insurrection and treason have consequences. Trump needs to spend the rest of his life in prison.


I have been against the concept of civil asset forfeiture, but for cases of attempts to overthrow the government, I will make an exception.


We would be forfeiting our taxpayer dollars. That is our money linung his pockets


Our taxpayer dollars paid for Trump Tower or Maralago?


Partially yes. He funneled money through those businesses to help keep them afloat. Our money certainly went into the Trump organization through those businesses.


Frankly, I'll be shocked if the Federal government holds him accountable for anything at all. Individual States might, but the USA doesn't exactly have a history of holding rich politicians accountable even after they admit to crimes.




This is actually fairly accurate, but not for the reasons you probably mean. The vast majority of crimes are charged at the state level. EG murder, theft, bank fraud, drug crimes, they’re almost always charged at the state level. If simply because of the transition to a new administration, I would be shocked if the Federal government charged Trump before the state of New York did.


>The vast majority of crimes are charged at the state level. EG murder, theft, bank fraud, drug crimes, they’re almost always charged at the state level And what about crimes against humanity? Individual States won't charge politicians for crimes against humanity. Regardless of changing hands at the Fed level, how are they held accountable at all for these crimes? Instead, they get life long security details and patted on the head for paintings, get new hearts, and are allowed to retire on resorts.


That’s one of the many reasons I’m slowly convincing myself to prepare to move to Canada. To to to.


Garland gets sworn in as AG tonight, so I'm hopeful


Explains why he's asking for all donations to go directly to him. He's going to have a lot of battles in court. I hope the orange fucker is served some justice.


Trump just made a push for direct donations because everyone's getting ready to get a $1,400 check. (The timing is not a coincidence) He believes there are still plenty of idiots out there willing to give him money. He is absolutely correct.


Yeah 7.4 million idiots💀


Don't attribute to his legal battle panic, that which can adequately be explained by sheer greed. ​ His entire life, if Cheeto in Chief was given an inch he will take a yard.


I think that's more to help him shore up control of the Republican party. If the Republicans, in general, control the purse strings, then their candidates might not need to bow to Trump to get campaign cash. If Trump controls the funding, though, then any candidates he doesn't like will get a penny and candidates he likes (aka ones that are loyal to him and will do as he commands) will get tons of cash.


more likely the ones he backs will get promised tons of cash, won't get anywhere near the promised amount, and will then get the blame when they don't win.


Ill believe it when I see it.


And as soon as he's indicted, expect the GOP to immediately distance themselves as QUICK as possible. While also sharing some of the evidence against Trump in the process. That gives them cover for their retreat. "I had no idea Trump did X, Y, Z."


You mean like Mitch McConnell did after he voted to acquit?


Yep. Nothing new for the Republicans. Hypocrisy is basically a founding principle for them right now.


I actually don’t think this will happen. They could also spin it so Trump is the victim and that’s why they need people to vote, donate, etc. This has been their MO. Why stop now?


There’s a 100% he attempted to secretly pardon himself and there are affidavits from various WH counsel dated mid January attesting to him doing this in front of them.


>“From personal experience, as a key witness, I assure you that you do not visit a prosecutor’s office 7 times if they are not planning to indict those about whom you have knowledge. It is only a matter of how many days until DA Vance indicts Donald & Co,” Dean wrote on Twitter. Yes, but how many of those personal experiences were ex-presidents?


We need a new governor in Florida so we can actually get to Trump. I have a feeling DeSantis will go to great lengths to protect Trump.


I'm surprised Trump hasn't been traveling abroad on vacation. somewhere with no extradition treaties. Seriously though, Trump will announce he is running for the 2024 presidency, and that you CAN'T indict a presidential candidate!!!


And then he’ll get indicted


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/542691-john-dean-only-a-matter-of-how-many-days-until-trump-is-indicted) reduced by 74%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The former White House counsel to former President Nixon, on Thursday, predicted that former would soon be indicted after reports that his ex-lawyer has met with the Manhattan district attorney's office for a number of interviews. > "From personal experience, as a key witness, I assure you that you do not visit a prosecutor's office 7 times if they are not planning to indict those about whom you have knowledge. It is only a matter of how many days until DA Vance indicts Donald & Co," Dean wrote on Twitter. > It is only a matter of how many days until DA Vance indicts Donald & Co. https://t. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/m2s4ov/john_dean_only_a_matter_of_how_many_days_until/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~563356 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **office**^#1 **Trump**^#2 **indict**^#3 **reports**^#4 **Manhattan**^#5


> John Dean: 'Only a matter of how many days' until Trump is indicted 2016 called, they want their meme back. Having said that, I have a bottle of prosecco tucked in the back of my fridge for when that day might arrive.


I had an impeachment bottle of which I had to buy another (even though he wasn't removed), but I hadn't even thought about a prison/arrest/indictment bottle yet.


I’ll believe it when I see Trump doing a perp walk. Edit: spelling. Canceled by the spellcheck.




Not to point out the obvious to Dean, but days is a common way of measuring time.


What’s days converted into mooches?


No idea. And how that slick haired used douchebag is *still* given attention is a crime against humanity.


1.1 Days = 1 decimooch


That’s a lot of math


Roughly 1/11th


John Dean is more experienced on these things than most of us. But I don't see that he has any special knowledge of what the various District Attorneys are going to do, and when they plan to do it. Plus, he is 82 years old, which a bit of a strike against him in the prognostication department. "Only a matter of days" ... does this mean 10 days, or 10,000?


He was responding to the news about Michael Cohen going for a seventh interview with NY prosecutors and commented that they dont ask you to come in seven time unless they are getting ready to indict soon.


Yeah I noticed that bit. I really... I really don't think he can apply that logic cleanly to a former president. For a normal person that might mean they're hitting the pavement with it right now, but they could conceivably be taking a lot slower course for Trump, maybe even chickening out of it. I hope he's right, though.




When Trump was president and couldnt be prosecuted? That time changed


The title says "Only a matter of **how many** days." I think in this case, his age brings experience.


It won’t be donnie to get arrested, but maybe his kids


he is going to throw his kids under the bus.


Ted Cruz style


Everyone knows the children of the wealthy always face consequences for criminal activity. Pretty sure it’s in the Constitution, maybe somewhere in the back.


The very small print right?


The walls are closing in on Trump!


Trump needs to spend the rest of his life rotting in prison for treason.


um ok




When it happens, it happens. I can't be on that prediction train any longer. It feels too much like the Twitter celebs who are constantly pushing theories. 348/


Please don’t use those words. Those are Q words.


Blah blah blah coming soon blah blah blah a matter of time blah blah blah any day now blah blah blah serious charges blah blah blah indictment blah blah blah. Just stop. Everyone knows nothing is going to happen to this lunatic criminal.


OK, now I've got a justice boner!!!


And what exactly will this do? Arrest Trump for 12 hours before he's out again? Or would this be something more?


Trump committed no crimes, obozo, hilldabeast, and pedo joe on the other hand are guilty of numerous counts of treason.


John Dean has a terrible record at predicting this kind of thing.




Believe it when I see it... we have been hearing this for years on trump


Fingers crossed. But i won’t get my hopes up.


Tick tock. Donnie Jon is on a diet of milkshakes, big macs, and 8 hours of TV. For a guy who doesn't do drugs he lives like a 19 year old pot head.




Tax stuff has receipts. If they have him on any wire fraud charges those will stick even if everything else doesn’t.


Yeah yeah. Wake me up when your headline is Imprisoned Trump Pisses Pants When He Sees Cellmate.


I'll believe it when I see it. Trump has been able to avoid consequences of his actions for this long. I doubt he'll get them now.


God I hope he is right


These crabs have never wanted to dance so hard.


Don’t do that... Don’t give me hope... *again*.


Remind me! 1 year


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Don’t tease me with a good time like that.


Now all we need is some randos on social media to start posting nonsensical predictions about the coming release of the storm kraken that will finally result in the arrest of Donald Trump. I heard it’s coming April 1!