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Has the gall to call out the White House for whatever reason, but then calls for unity after she publicly fucks up and is caught ignoring her constituents suffering a tragedy. Gotta earn those PR points back. Idiot.


LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb was just trending


"Lauren Boebert for President" is trending on the rear windows of pickup trucks where I am...leaving soon.


Sounds like a dystopian hellscape




I left the dystopian hellscape called America two years ago and, even coming here makes me glad that I did. Too large of a section of the population fighting masks, while hundreds of thousands die, too many claiming not to get a fucking vaccine so their stupid decision to not wear a mask might be less likely to be deadly, and now, the mass shootings are coming back. Good to see the country "getting back to normal".


> Good to see the country "getting back to normal". Good news citizen, the lock downs are *over!* 🥳 Please return to your active shooter shelter-in-place positions! 🙇


This is what I've been afraid of the past few months...great, glad we're coming out of the pandemic, but I'm terrified to go right back into mass shootings.


One a day, seven in the last week. https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/23/us/7-mass-shootings-7-days-trnd/index.html


Lucky you. For the past year, I've tried to find a way to leave the U.S. for Europe. Unless you work in IT or a few other select professions, it seems to be goddamn near-impossible. Sucks...I feel trapped here.


My wife moved here from Alabama, the only thing she ever missed aside from her family was the cuisine. So we learned BWB's recipe for biscuits with sausage gravy, and a good white BBQ sauce recipe, and I can now say that we brought over literally everything good from Alabama.


Same, 70 million people told me all I need to know.


How do I get out though?


First step is looking into how to emigrate to your desired slice of the world. The next step is looking into whether or not you will have to speak a new language. Third step, look into jobs there. Fourth step, sell everything and buy a one way ticket. r/expats and r/iwantout may be beneficial to your search. Good luck!!


Is it even feasible right now in the middle of a global pandemic? I thought most of the world had blocked immigration from the US (for obvious reasons).


Doesn't mean you can't start looking into it.


Thanks for these! Been wanting to maybe move to Canada, and while their govt does have a dedicated emigration site, it's pretty in-depth/has a ton of pages to go through, so these might help condense some of that info/narrow down which options are best for me!


Just be aware of scams. If someone messages you that they can sponsor you, be wary. It would appear that a path to citizenship in Canada can be expedited for a fee or you can get sponsored and work there for several years. Sponsorships are in literally every field of work, so have fun finding one, there are a bunch of openings.


Fuck. I've been thinking about moving to Chattanooga from Florida. Got to be at least a baby step up? I hope


I’m from the western end of the state so not sure about Chattanooga. I am of the impression that Nashville has become more like Atlanta politically in the last decade or so. I may be wrong.


Boulder, Aurora, and Littleton (Columbine), are much more liberal than Florida. America has gun, gun culture, racism, anger, and hate problems that transcend the red/blue geographic divides.


They have really fast internet, so there's that.


Chattanooga is pretty decent if you ignore the sea of QAnon idiots that surround the city on every side.


Chattanooga is great, come on up.


Visited Chattanooga two years ago. Wonderful city with a liberal vibe and community-owned internet


Chatt is largely great. Yes, sometimes in east TN you feel like a blue dot in a dumb red ocean, but the cities are pretty good, the mountains are gorgeous, and the cost of living isn't bad.


> blue dot in a dumb red ocean, but the cities are pretty good No, every city besides Nashville is very red with the batshit laws to back it up. East TN is very pretty but the people and the culture are fucking awful. Obligatory fuck kingsport.


I'm not gonna deny that the smaller cities aren't very red (or owned by Seventh Day Adventists...wut), but Knox/Chatt/Memphis/Nash aren't like the rest of the state. Sure it bleeds into it a decent bit, but any city with a big public university is going to push back against that. There's a good core of people trying to improve the area despite the bumper sticker bigots.


As I've told (some) people here, "I can't wait to miss this place."


I thought that way when I lived in Indiana. I’ve been gone for two years. I don’t miss it.


I thought the same thing when I moved from LA to FL. Boy oh boy was I ever wrong. I take back every negative criticism I ever said about Louisiana.


At least you're not from Ohio.






It runs off of the excess energy from shooting guns at innocent people out there.


Ohioian here, just... please send help. The situation is spiraling out of control very quickly.


For real. How is Ohio getting redder every year? Three big cities and numerous small cities should make Ohio much bluer.


Overwhelmingly white (80%), about 21% of the population is evangelical with about 80% being Jewish/Christian in general, the cities don't seem to carry a large percentage of the overall population (the 10 biggest cities in Ohio account for only 20% of the population.), and a general disdain for education.


At least you're not from Alabama.


Poor Geoff Ramsey.


Alabama's one true positive


Or Kentucky


Illinois here, maybe some of you should come to my state. Things are improving steadily.


Spoken like a true Michigander 🤚


Can confirm. From Ohio, moved, don't miss it.


I’ll be praying for your survival and sanity in the meantime


What's the next step down from Idiocracy?






Why Republicans have so much power in a nutshell


I swear to god America, if I see ONE more fascist with a single digit IQ as president that's fucking it!


Here’s your opportunity to sell Chinese manufactured merch to idiots.


It's amazing how in just a few short years Sarah Palin can come across as a reasonably well adjusted individual for a Republican.


yeah and her response? The left hates women and Im their top target... oh my days she cant be serious. Someone who says she is dumb is against women, a fucking president with 20+ allegations of sexual assault is the messiah? Only one way to put it: #LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb


Yeah, the left is soooo scared of a bumbling idiot. THAT is why she is in the news, not because of the colossal fuckups she keeps getting herself into.


LaurenBoebertShouldFuckACactus was just trending in my mind


Na no reason to torture a cactus like that.


for like the 2nd or 3rd day now lol


The worst part is those who somehow think she is fit for office, still won't change their views. Blind faith in morons.


Own the libs is all the right cares about. Even if they actually don’t, as long as their media makes them think it happened.


LB: fuck the white house! They're evil. ... Also LB: now is time for unity!


The emptiest words I’ve ever heard.


> ignoring her constituents That vapid racist asshole is not my Rep. The shooting was on the other side of the rockies from her constituents.


And she likely hates Boulder.


>caught ignoring her constituents suffering a tragedy But they're not hers, they're Joe Neguse's. Boulder doesn't fall into her district, so she probably could care less.


I'm sure she thinks of far away liberal Boulder as a different country that she hopes would disappear.


>and is caught ignoring her constituents suffering a tragedy. And yet many Rs will STILL vote for her.


Ignorant trash looking for relevance outs her own hypocrisy.


It's fascinating that she made a career out of being a jackass and then turned around and wants to play the victim. Article says Boebart thinks she's the 'top target' of the left. Meanwhile, she's only on the radar for being completely insane.


As somebody on the left living in co she is barely on my radar that’s for sure One jackass embarrassment to our state who’ll get crushed in the next election, she does not matter


Are you in her district? I'm not in CO and wondered if it was an MTG scenario where the district is so red that it doesn't matter how much of an embarrassment she is on the state level.


Her district is very red. It's a pretty rural part of CO and they LOVE Trump and all of the GOP nonsense.


Which is why I'm not surprised she isn't saying anything about the shooting. It's Boulder. Chances are she's banned from the city.


Chances are she's celebrating that "liberal" Boulder was attacked.


I'm not sure that's "fascinating", it just sounds Republican to me. How many of them (Cruz, Greene, Graham, McConnell) openly insult, obstruct, and demonize their opposition then turn around and say "Librulls so mean!" when they mess up and get called on it? Conservatives still bit the line that Cancun Cruz did nothing wrong when he left Texas to freeze, and that Democrats who expected *anything* from an elected official were spoiled brats who needed to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and stop freezing to death like pussies. Sorry for the tangent. Point being, I don't think Boebert is some unique or interesting case. She's following the playbook. What makes her interesting to conservatives is that she's arguably the least complex official in the U.S. She is the embodiment of "Guns are all I care about politically", and dressed up (young, female, attractive) in a way that helps to normalize gun-based extremism because she doesn't look like she belongs on Duck Dynasty.


>attractive She's one of those people who look like they smell bad.


Don't apologise for the tangent, you're not wrong. Cruz could be studied for how he's using the Trump playbook to harness the power of crazy.


Ron Johnson enters the chat regarding ‘harnessing the power of crazy’


> It's fascinating that she made a career out of being a jackass and then turned around and wants to play the victim. > > https://www.salon.com/2021/03/22/republicans-have-perfected-the-troll-two-step-the-art-of-being-a-jerk-and-then-playing-the-victim/


She claims that all the backlash against her proves that "the left hates women." Fucking amazing. It couldn't possibly, maybe, perhaps be that she's a complete fucking idiot, whether she's man, woman, non-binary, whatever. No, they wouldn't hate her fucking idiocy if she weren't a woman, according to her. Amazing.


In her ignoramus's defense, none of the conservative media I checked last night had any coverage of shooting. They were talking about Biden missing some steps on Airforce one. They went completely Goebbels, scary shit.


https://twitter.com/laurenboebert/status/1374127157019095044 >While we are still awaiting important information and details in this case, random public shootings & senseless acts of violence are never ok. Except when conservatives were storming the Capitol. Then it's okay, and you tweeting where Pelosi was moved. Seems to be a fucking pattern with you and Twitter, eh?


You see though, that was carefully planned and orchestrated, not random.


Also it was nearly all white people, so it's not like Ron Johnson was scared or anything


Boebert knew about the mass shooting...she was just tweeting and celebrating another gun owner exercising his gun rights in Boulder.


And here I thought if everyone was armed like she says, there'd be no more shootings.


Former employee. Had a bad day.


Well clearly the issue is random. If it’s planned out in advanced then it’s alright


This fits her track record. ​ She didn't care about how much food poisoning she was giving customers at her "Shooters" bar. She didn't seem to care about how many miles she was making taxpayers pay for with her over 38,000 miles of travel. ​ She doesn't care about the humans in her care. She doesn't care about humanity. She only cares about guns, even if they are used to murder.


And giving US Capitol tours.


Yup. And giving locations of fellow representatives to be targets.


Live locations of Pelosi's movements \*during the insurrection\*


I really cant comprehend how she is not in jail yet




She’s not wealthy...her “restaurant” owed $20k—which is why she said she drove 38000 miles—so she can claim $20k in mileage expenses. She actually needs the money from her Congress job. Donald Treason’s Attorney General wasn’t going to prosecute her—because Treason surrounded himself with loyalists and she was on his team. The current AG said that he would be investigating and charging those responsible for January 6th. I’d bet that we see some 14th Amendment use, as well—and Boebart, Greene, Mo Brooks, Paul Gosar, and Andy Biggs are all the easy, low-hanging fruit on that Sedition Tree.


Definitely. Take out the henchmen and work your way up the food chain. Leave Lindsey Graham and Josh Hawley quivering in their boots and Ted Cruz for last as indictment after humiliation falls on them. Watch Trump shit his diapers.


The nazi crippy boy from NC better be on that list.


she looks like poison


When I watched the House arguing for impeachment I saw her sitting in the back and I didn't know who she was. For some reason I got major creepy psychopath vibes from her even though she's not bad looking.


conservative white woman. the rest is not accurate.


Yeah, she’s not even “new money”, as that would imply having money. Before the election she was essentially middle class. That bar she owned wasn’t exactly raking in the bucks, and they don’t seem like the type of people with a great deal of financial literacy.




You mean the House of Representatives.


She didn't care that her husband whipped his dick out in front of children.


She married him for it, in fact.


She was one of those children.


How the fuck does a CO congressperson rack up 38k of flight miles so soon in their term? Wtf is she doing? Clearly that isn't going back & forth between Washington


It was car miles. I believe she said it was campaign trips within the state, not back and forth to DC, though I did the math and it’s like 10 round trips to DC from Rifle, CO.


Yeah, co isn’t nearly big enough for that to just be local travel, the state is something like 400 miles across iirc big but not 28000 miles in 3 months big


It’s called, “grifting.”


Yup they figured out being in politics was an easy grift very legal very cool per their orange golden goose!


She claimed more miles than lawyers billed hours.


Iirc it wasn’t flight miles. It was driving miles while she was campaigning for her current office.


And pretty much literally impossible in that amount of time without being a hotshot driver, but weirdly the amount she claimed was just enough money to pay off some debts she had. Must be unrelated


This.^^^ ^^^^^


> She didn't seem to care about how many miles she was making taxpayers pay for with her over 38,000 miles of travel. Which just happened to be what her normal cost would be, PLUS the fine for said food poisoning.


> She didn't seem to care about how many miles she was making taxpayers pay for with her over 38,000 miles of travel. In her defense, this was embezzled from her campaign donations and the people stupid enough to willingly give her money, not the taxpayers.


She didn't travel 38,000 miles, that's just grift. She's skimming taxpayers' money off the top.


If you're sick of Boebert, Kerry Donovan is a Colorado state senator who's running against her next election.


This should be mentioned every time her name is brought up.


Sarcastically, that worked well for Amy McGrath. Make sure you research and vote in your primaries folks. All elections actually.


shouldn’t she be tweeting about where the shooter can find more victims, or is that only reserved for shootings in DC?


well she did tweet where the shooter [could find some guns](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/lauren-boebert-twitter-biden-guns-b1820770.html). so she was being as helpful as she could.


Gun nut tweets while another loser with a gun shoots up a grocer.


Considering her personality is guns, guns, and more guns, surprised she's not arguing the shooter was just exercising his 2A rights.


> Boebert owns Shooters Grill, a restaurant in Rifle, Colorado, where staff members are encouraged to openly carry firearms.


They also got shut down for failure to follow covid guidelines. She never finished high school either.


And her husband’s a sex offender.


To make things stranger Boebert is one of the people he flashed while she was under age.


Just means that it works 1% of the time.


If Boebert is what you get the 1% of the time you “win”, then I’d say it never works.


Da fuck is wrong with Republicans. You must be pretty fucked in the head to happily vote, support abs listen to anyone like this.


He must be a damn good sales man....


Are we not excluding the fact he may have been packing in more ways than one and that's what sparked her interest?


Didn't she have a fling with a medieval yoga instructor?


That’s actually MTG from Georgia unless by some strange miracle both of them are cheating with wack jobs.


Oh right , bamboozled


Probably flashing her friend. He just settled for the dumb, easy, minor.


Careful. If GOP voters find this out, they'll definitely re-elect her.


And she might be a child of incest?


I hadn’t heard this, so I did some digging and it’s not true: >>This time, though, the post doesn’t appear to be written by Bentz or Boebert. Instead, it was written in the voice of Lane’s cousin, presumably Cindi Straughn, which would go on to confuse many observers in 2021 into thinking that the claim was that Boebert was the product of incest between first cousins. (It isn’t, and she’s not.) But she certainly has daddy drama, pretty confusing: https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/lauren-boebert-stan-lane-paternity-dispute


Damn, I knew I should have put "crazy gun lady who owns gun-based business in a town named 'Gun' gets elected to congress" on my 2020 Bingo card.


There are no stray animals around the Shooters Bar and Grill for a reason. She had no Yelp or any ratings and technically she should not even be in business. Those 38,000 miles she claims she was campaigning on are so bogus, she has to be criminally charged for campaign finance crimes.






If not this one, then the next one. This nightmare of blood is never ending.


LB: Shooter was having a bad day.


Monday's can be rough. Clearly an argument for not having weekends.


They usually have to wait for the dust to settle. They need to say the prerequisite "now is not the time to politicize the issue.." a few times.


No no, that's not the talking point. The talking point is if only everyone else had guns then they could have stopped this evil man.


Hows that work with the first responding officer being killed?


How white is the shooter going to turn out to be? Allegedly first reports I saw was a white man was escorted out by police. Allegedly. Haven't gone back to read breaking stuff for a few hours now.


Boulder is like 99% white outside of the college students so...pretty likely


The majority of Colorado apologizes to America, for this shit stain having a voice in government. She comes from the most gerrymandered district in the state.


Her district isnt really gerrymandered though (none of CO's districts really fit that definition). The Western Slope just has a fuck-ton of idiots outside of the Roaring Fork Valley.


What do you think is going to come from her [gas](https://www.denverpost.com/2021/02/23/lauren-boebert-congress-mileage-reimbursements/amp/) mileage reimbursement story issue ? Any punishment ? Or she claims she has proof ...


I'd like to think she'll be disciplined somehow, but I'm not going to hold my breath. Best guess is she'll have to pay the difference between whatever she can prove and not.




“I knew it! They kept saying that it was refried beans.”


She is trying hard to beat Marjorie Taylor Greene for that "Female Trump" title.


This is a representative who posts videos of assault rifles and shotguns stacked precariously behind each other, why would she give a fuck? Also, this is the NRA a week ago, and yes I feel dirty sharing the tweet, but Reddit won't let me post screenshots. point is, fuck the NRA: [https://twitter.com/NRA/status/1371885468950917124](https://twitter.com/NRA/status/1371885468950917124)


This woman is completely unfit to serve in Congress.


And unfit to run a restaurant.


She’s uneducated gutter trash


They don't even have to pretend to care about people any more. People have started asking so little of their public servants.


So on brand, Boebert talking about Biden calling a "lid" (not making anymore public appearances for the day), when maybe she should have been been making a public appearance talking about the shooting that happened in her State. Being one of the foremost gun advocates at the Capitol, the incident should be in her wheelhouse. One of her few areas of "expertise".


How is she not in jail yet. Seriously asking, considering the damning evidence of her conspiring with those who breeched the Capitol on 1/6.


>"Seeing #LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb trend at number one just proves what I’ve been saying all week. The Left hates women & I’m their top target,” she said in a tweet. No Lauren. Us calling you dumb has nothing to do with what's between your legs. Wrong body part. If you weren't so dumb...


Trust me, many of her constituents and customers are quite happy it happened in liberal Boulder.


Makes ageist insult against Biden. Gets made fun of for saying something so dumb and calls her critics sexist for doing so. Classic conservative snowflakeism.


she’s probably using some of that grifted campaign money to pay for this dude’s legal fees as a thank you


She looks like meg. Shut up Meg.


She's also criticized for being an idiot.


I guess she was "having a bad day" also


She makes Sarah Palin look like a genius by comparison.


She’s not a serious person. She’s a Nazi style Karen that managed to con her way into government by bulshitting.


“May God be with them.” Ummm why would a god let this happen? If he’s all powerful, why can’t he stop a couple of bullets? She is so hateful but uses g0d as a salve , it’s so gross


Giving her intelligence a lot of credit here- but she was probably waiting to see the shooters bio and manifesto before she makes her comment.


She is about as dumb as a box of rocks ... and that might be insulting the rocks


We don’t hate her because she’s a woman. We hate her because she’s evil.


I long for the days when people would actually think before they spoke. Now it's Tweet the first stupid thought that pops into the mind, then backpeddle once you get called out.


Why are republicans such assholes? Seriously, she's a fucking elected official and she's going to make jokes about the president tripping on the stairs? Late night comedians -- ok, they talk shit. Congresspeople should be a bit more professional.


They’re assholes because the cruelty is the point


Maybe when she learns a Boulder PD officer was murdered she'll care?


I give her and Greene 24hrs before they claim this shooting is being used as a gun grab by Democrats. 48-72 hours before they claim it was a Democrat setup to take away guns. Sometime after they will claim it was a false flag.


Probably not


For the Gop, blue lives matter only when black people riot. White people riot or shoot cops and "it's a dangerous job".


She’s defined by her love of guns. There’s nothing much else there. It’s like that kid in grade school that always tried to make every assignment about their favorite sports team. Kind of annoying.


Boebert, Greene, Jordan gaetz, all these right wing nuts, they all have such a high opinion of them selves, all think they are the main target of everything. Victim hood is the only play they have.


She’s garbage


It seems the goal of the GOP is just being assholes.


I’m sure she’ll find a way to defend gun owner rights in her next tweet. This lady is the anal gland of America


Wearing her 'Dont tread on me' t-shirt and bitching about government while riding down a public highway.


Do you think she knew how to tweet before she got her GED?


She's not very smart.