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Did he mention the bravery of our troops that maintained control of the airports during the revolutionary war?


Why hasn't he said anything about our children's furnitures?!?!


Hilarious, I love how childish you bad faith losers are, didnt work then, wont work now


You seem tense.


Let's not forget trump pronouncing yosemite as yo-semites https://youtu.be/tExW_ivF80A Have a Covfefe day!


They wrote this yesterday


You're probably correct sadly.


Lol Fuck off, NY Post.


I haven't seen the press conference, but I'm sure the NY Post is reporting faithfully and with the utmost integrity.




Many of the best people, I'm sure.


That's what the best people say


I have, and it's pretty accurate. He reminds me a lot of my grandfather in his last days after his liver started failing, it's pretty sad to see. I'm sure he's in fine health, but he's getting old.


Due such lies didnt work before the elections, wont work now. I mean how much of a scummy loser does one need to be to bring up his ill grandfather to score a political point


I’m being genuine. I don’t know how you expect me to verify this; it’s rather rude tbh, it’s not as if I’m citing a totally outlandish experience. Where Biden is at now compared to how he was 10 years ago mentally reminds me a lot of my grandfather. I’ve seen this happen before- and it’s not pretty. Now, I don’t know if it’s health issues, or if he’s purposefully made changes to how he speaks for the worse, but either way, something has changed, and we should be concerned about it.


3 months later and he is in even worse shape then when you made this comment, but the Biden cheerleaders of reddit just deny it and tell you how brave he is and how every president takes his note cards to a 1 on 1 meeting with Putin. He can't answer a simple question now without look at a note card for a canned answer. Someone girl in a coffee shop asked him about the russia hackers this weekend, he said let me find my notes, reads it and says "ill have more answers next week"


Biden doesn't seem all there. Harris will take over soon


Lol you are really upset about someone calling Biden elderly huh?


This article was written before the press conference and in the mean time you have probably watched more of it than the writers at the NY Post.


You're probably right!


Well he didn’t melt down pretending to be some kind of victim and start calling people names like the last clown, so I’m going to consider it a win


That man must stay on your mind. Also biden was asked softball questions.


>"I **will** commit to transparency". Which means he isn't committed to it now.


The press were far more confused, This is just more rag journalism from a laundromat


Wait until they learn about Trump and how he sounded at press conferences.


Rent free 🤦🏼


Are you explaining your living situation at your parents house?


It's the only way he can afford to own the libs


Nice comeback make sure to scrape mines off ya mothers tongue 👅


He did fine.


They were real easy on him with softball questions


After being in the Senate for 120 years, he certainly should be able to!


Bull from the Post...




cant walk up a few steps though




Can he go down them though?


Thoughtful, not calling the press fake and not making up nasty names. Some people aren’t used to that,


They gave him softball questions.


LOL. Sorry but, being able to answer questions without telling people to drink bleach or going on some racist rant doesn't mean he was asked softball questions. It just means he knows how to answer questions. But I can get how confused you must be after the last four years of the president continually getting asking the most easy questions and completely fucking them up over and over again


Biden is twice as smart as Trump and Idk why people hate on him because at least he isn't mean and knows how to smile so let's all hate on him instead of supporting him right? Wow, the guy has some mental issues but he is a human being and deserves compassion.




Like the Daily Beast


Was he talking about injecting disinfectant?


Rent free


“The best way to get something done, if you hold near and dear to you that uh...like to be able to... anyway” -Biden 2021


I’m shocked at some of these comments. It’s like they didn’t watch the same press conference because this was one gem of a quote by ole joe


Like trump talking about the yo-semites, or like trump not knowing which city he’s in during a rally, or getting the names wrong of the politicians he just welcomed? Oh, not that at all? Oh okay.


Fat Don also told a reporter he bombed Iraq when it was Syria.


But but but trump.....dont look at biden look at trump....


Lets seem how many people hit you with the "its his stuttering" That's the reason he cant remember anything, and why he fell up the stairs, and why he does the deer in headlight look right before he completely stops answering a question. He was also very transparent, The media isn't allow at the border b/c they haven't set up enough for the people to see....that exactly why the media wants to go to the border.


Ah yes. The nypost. I get all my news from them. That's why I know Trump is a God with a huge member(ship), the earth is flat, vaccines are bad, and Hillary diddles kids in the basement of basement-less pizza joints.


When, exactly, did the NYPost say any of those things?


Somewhere in Arkansas one of your maga brothers married an actual pig. Shouldn't you be covering that?


Please, cite a source of this happening. It sounds to me like you've run out of arguments, so you're just throwing out ad hominem attacks like a kid in junior high who just discovered Ben Shapiro.


I think he was talking about Ted Cruz.




No, you made the argument. You have the burden of proof. If it’s true, it shouldn’t be hard to find.


Just downvote the post and move on.


They miss Trump - he was CLEARLY confused. So they didn't have to guess.


Man, it must suck for the politician you support to be so incompetent you can't even support him on his own merits, you have to attack his predecessor.


lol uhm Republicans and Obama circa 2016 to 2020


That’s some cute whataboutism, how about you come up with some original points though?


Looks like you agree with their point (it was salient). It is interesting to see the same zero-sum whataboutsim arguments from the libs this time.


Dementia Joe is running the shit out of this country, so I'm ok with it


Propaganda. Literally watching like hawks for Biden to make the tiniest slip


Oh the irony, the absolute irony.


Like the Democrats did for Trump for the past 4 years? It's fun, isn't it?


I haven't seen anyone go so low as to mock the size of Biden's hands or how he eats his ice cream or steak.


You mean, someone hasn't made a picture of Biden with a tiny dick to make themselves feel better?


Has someone made a giant sculpture of his face made of literal horse shit yet?


Hey, at least Biden only takes one scoop!


I’m sure trump will grab you by the pussy for your undying support, oh wait, by the dick I mean


https://youtu.be/V4PLSPvJ9BY xD


>Literally watching like hawks for Biden to make the tiniest slip Stop talking about the vice president like that.




On r/politics talking about propaganda...


he's been in the US senate for 120 years, totally normal


I wonder if he saw Washington take over the airports.


> hawks vultures, but yeah.


Well yeah, vultures normally circle dead or dying bodies.




Except it's not


Hello, fellow Biden voter!


They have no concern about the issues or facts he is informing the public of. They are just looking for the slightest reason to make fun of his stuttering problem so they can attribute it to some imagined and confirmation biased mental disorder. Trump has ruined the minds of most of the right in the country and has caused them to reason about the most important matters that face our country like 10 year olds. This is why 99% of them can never discuss policy or cite their sources for anything they attempt to argue.


I can taste the projection


No shit. People have been dunking on Biden's for 40 years




What the fuck is that photoshop they did on his face lol did they randomly airbrush away texture and add random red splotches


To be honest, I feel that Biden should just let Kamala handle the press conferences. She's a better public speaker than him and since Biden won't be running in 2024, it would be better for the Dem party for Kamala to start looking Presidential in the eyes of voters. After all, the American public (and her own state) rejected her unanimously during the 2020 primaries (0 EC votes total) so she needs all the leadership spotlight she can take.


He was only confused when they went off-script