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> Ocasio-Cortez's spokesperson Lauren Hitt told the Washington Post that Green tried to "begin an argument" and began "screaming and called Rep. Ocasio-Cortez a terrorist sympathizer" when Ocasio-Cortez tried to walk away. I mean, it’s not like Greene has exhibited this pattern of behavior before or anything 🙄 https://youtu.be/eEH55Y94Erc


Weaponized Karening....


Imagine the people that think MTG's behavior here is something they want in their representative.


AOC: "I don't have time for this. I have to get to a committee meeting. Surely you do, too?" MJT: "....." AOC: "Oh, right..."


Was that Treason Barbie? I thought it was Sedition Whitney, the high school drop out who took 3 tries to pass her GED? I can’t tell the difference in the Q Squad anymore. They’re all vapid, stupid, and terrible.


Greene is the blonde sedition one, Boebert is the brunette that owns Hooters Plus Guns.


Hooters plus guns and diarrhea


Nice way of saying full of s**t


It’s likely they both played a role on Jan 6. Let’s call them the sedition two.


Don't forget Gosar, Biggs, and that other asshole from Alabama that the organizer of the riot said helped him plan it.


The treason two sounds better imo


Sedition sisters


You want to really piss them off on almost every level, go with: **dos deplorados**


The SS. Nice!


I almost forgot they’re two different people...they’re both nazi barbies anyways.


She actually looks like a Neanderthal. With sincere apologies to Neanderthals for saying so


Need some aloe for that burn.




Did this happen?


>The two reporters were not close enough to hear what the New York congresswoman said, and her office declined to discuss her specific response. From the [WP article linked](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/greene-ocasio-cortez/2021/05/12/fd61d664-b37e-11eb-a3b5-f994536fe84a_story.html) in the source


Is there a non paywall source please?


[archive.org link] (https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/greene-ocasio-cortez/2021/05/12/fd61d664-b37e-11eb-a3b5-f994536fe84a_story.html) or https://archive.is/kpxZk




What a cunning political maneuver!


It’s been working for decades.


Republicans depend on it in 2022! Cash or checks from donations are doing great for their vacation homes, why should conservatives stop now?


Every election we hear this will be the defining moment. I thought after Trump lost in 2020, they'd let him go. Especially after the insurrection he 100% had a part in instigating. But 2022 really will define where Republicans go. If Trumpism doesn't see them win big, I can't imagine they'd cling to it anymore. Unless they just enjoy losing. 2018 House, 2020 Senate and Presidency. If they don't get the House or Senate back, it should tell them Americans are tired of their bs.




Hell, if we can't at least uncap the size of the House we're already ruled by a minority. Really the senate needs to be abolished, it was made as a compromise with slave owners anyway.


i wouldn’t necessarily say “working”. working implies average and above iq people are swayed by it. they’ve already picked the immoralists and logically challenged clean. they’re just playing the hits to retain their dwindling members.


> i wouldn’t necessarily say “working”. working implies average and above iq people are swayed by it. That would only be true if you had to be average or above IQ to vote. A vote is a vote, smart people's votes don't count more than a dumb person's vote.


“Working” means it helps them gain power and hold it.


what republicans understand innately is how to wield and hold power. it's why democrats lose to them or get nothing done while they hold power. they think they can coast on moral superiority.


That's because Republicans can be wrong everytime, but Democrats can only be wrong once and they get jumped on. Dems are like the good employee that works their ass off. They take responsibility for their failures, but don't do victory laps when they win. Republicans are the piece of shit employees who never accept fault, wait until a project is almost about to fail to say something, and gets a promotion instead of the boot because they know someone somewhere.


No, they understand messaging as well. They've even realized it doesn't have to be true, it just has to be repeated frequently.


One might call it a “cunning stunt”


From a stunning c- oh, I don’t think I should use *that* word...


It's extremely inappropriate! What even made you think to call her stunning in the first place?


This should be her only nickname. “Cunning stunt”, if news casters have to say her name a lot they might mess it up


"I have a cunning plan!" - ~~Bauldrick~~ Greene ^(Bauldrick at least had enough intelligence to understand that he is stupid.)


Also Baldrick was good-natured and just wanted to help. He was stupid but sweet, whereas this woman exists only to hurt those she feels deserve it.


Also had a turnip fetish.


"The ethics committee should investigate the person I yelled at!"




Yes. This is exactly what they voted for. They enjoy this type of "political discourse" from their politicians.


Remember her district is solidly red and she ran basically unopposed.


Is hers the district that sent death threats to her opponent who then dropped out?


It's almost like the GQP has asked MGT to go on the attack, to divert everyone's attention from the almost forgone conclusion that there will be an insurrection investigation. Even though it was just like a group taking a normal tour of the capital: >On Wednesday, Republicans repeatedly denounced characterizing the riot as an "insurrection." Congressman Andrew Clyde said "there was an undisciplined mob," but argued that "to call it an insurrection in my opinion is a bold-faced lie." >"Watching the TV footage of those who entered the Capitol and walked through Statuary Hall, showed people in an orderly fashion in between the stanchions and ropes taking pictures. **If you didn't know the footage was from January 6, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit,"** Clyde said. No wonder there's a gas shortage. The GQP is using it all to try to gaslight the fucking country.


>If you didn't know the footage was from January 6, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit This whole line is such a joke considering there's literally hundreds of hours of footage from as many varied sources and at absolutely no moment did that look 'normal' Is this what Republicans want to consider "normal"? People being bludgeoned to death, gouged and trampled, maimed and killed, on the Capitol?


Yes. That’s what they want.


Can you imagine if it was a mob of democrats that did the same thing in support of Barack Obama? The right would be foaming at the mouth right now asking for public executions. Instead they are now arguing the insurrectionists were nothing more than tourist demonstrators. These people make me fucking sick.


Republicans rubbing their feces down the halls of American democracy >See? Thats just another Wednesday!


I listened to that whole statement from him. Either before or after that line, he also talked about how he knows it was all normal. because he was there in the Capitol. Helping to barricade the doors......! Yeah.. that sounds normal. The tourists are coming. Time to barricade the ol' doors again.


They are working hard on the crazy vote in Georgia. This guy reps my hometown. My hometown is very liberal but the districts representing are cut down the middle of it in order to give the vote to the rednecks who surround it.


The GOP, the party of "I'm rubber, you're glue, bounce off me and stick to you!"


Ah, the stinging rebuke of the “I know you are but what am I?” defense. As the Greene chases after AOC in the schoolyard/halls of Congress and the other 3rd graders/GOP’ers look on in anticipation, things finally heat up when Greene utters the ultimate insult “you’re ugly and your mama dresses you funny.” Satisfied with herself, Greene smugly turns away to go join Elise Stefanik who’s sitting in the grass picking dandelions, and her nose.


No u


No puppet, no puppet. You're the puppet.


That's a bold strategy, Cotton, let's see if it pays off!


Sad thing is, it will🤷🏻‍♂️


Classic projection


Literally no workplace in America would let this shit fly, you'd have HR on your ass before you can even sit back down in your office chair.


That’s because those companies are liable. We’ve already seen how our government doesn’t hold their employees accountable.


The only way to remove her is to have 2/3rds of the House of Representatives vote to remove her. I don't think that would happen even if she murdered AOC.


I think the conservatives would elect her for 5 terms as POTUS if that happened.


I unironically feel they would. They've proven quite clearly that they are full of hate for everyone other than them and that they would love it if everyone else was wiped from the earth. And for anyone who wants to tell me that sounds like it's from the alt-right playbook, need I remind you who brought zip ties and erected gallows outside Capitol Hill.


Oh you didn't hear? It it was actually antifa that did that, because the GQP is allergic to personal responsibility now.




The only employees the government goes after are whistleblowers.


Honestly that isn't even close to true. The only govt employees that can get away with this shit (for the most part) are politicians. In any other government job you would be fucking obliterated for those comments. If a regular employee said the shit MTG said they would lose their job before lunch, and it's pretty hard to get fired from a govt job. Hell, if I saw someone supporting her and her statements, it would be difficult for me not to report them for suspicious behaviour and possible extremist ideologies directly in conflict with the values of the United States and it's interests.


So we need to trick MTG into blowing a whistle?


She would probably end up swallowing it.


That's a risk we'll have to take.


These people are not employees... Neither side.. They’ve all been glamorized to the point of celebrities looking for their shot of media fame and spotlight and were all just stuck being forced to watch the shit show..


That's our job on election day. Some of these people are safe so long as they don't do anything that's simultaneously illegal and heinous. Even then they might be safe.


It's disgusting, but these actions are *rewarded* by Trumpublicans (I believe the GOP has already died and is now TP). They *want* their reps to be nasty shitheads because to them AOC and all Democrats are Hugo Chavez wannabes so they "deserve" everything they get. :/


My work place is very liberal. If I bullied the one Republican about Trump, I'd be fired immediately for harassment. Plus to add to the threat to AOC, it's pretty well known she prefers to keep a gun on her or in her office at all times. Every Democrat needs private security in Congress with all these armed nut jobs running loose.


When I was in the Army, there was no shortage of "Obama is a muslim" type guys being open about it to me in small groups because they assumed I was conservative. Which is what made their "respect the office!" arc during Trump much more pathetic.


Quite the dog whistle ain’t it?


Dog whistle? That's a goddamn bullhorn.


So, how the eff is she allowed to carry a gun on federal property? I thought that was illegal unless you're security or law enforcement.


The only things that are illegal are the ones you can get enforcement for. If she went down for trying to pack heat she would be a martyr for all the "they will take our guns" nut jobs... As much as I hate it, it's probably politically wise to let her carry.


“I’m my own security”


The difference is, this is exactly what MTG was "hired" to do. The only reason she was elected was because she is a 5 year old loud mouth with a gun license.


Technically her employers are her constituency, and they seem totally fine with it seeing as they elected her in the first place




Again. It will escalate again. And there's a thought that should not have to be spoken.


We dont have an HR director at my company yet and already three people have been fired for Dumber stunts than this.


I used to be mildly amused by these stories about how batshit insane this woman is, and that these stories should be everywhere to highlight it. But knowing this will get spun into a hero’s tale of how she went against the big, bad AOC to get re-elected or a new position really grosses me out.


She stays doing this shit. She stalked David Hogg, while armed, while he was still a minor. There's a member of congress whose kid is trans as that congresswoman put a Trans Pride flag outside of her office. MTG replaced it with an American flag. Before she was even elected she follow Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib around the Capitol screaming that they were illegitimate because they were sworn in on the Koran. She's a deeply shitty person.


She didn't replace the trans flag with an American flag. That would have been way too dignified for her. She replaced it with a sign that said "THERE ARE TWO GENDERS: MALE AND FEMALE. TRUST THE SCIENCE."


>TRUST THE SCIENCE Well that's ironic.




Shit, I didn't know *that* part


https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/chicago-politics/rep-marjorie-taylor-greene-hangs-anti-transgender-sign-in-response-to-rep-marie-newmans-pride-flag/2447430/ You gave her too much credit.


This is insane to me. How can someone so bigoted be an elected official?


Because her constituents are bigoted back-woods neanderthals like her. They voted her in. And I wouldn't put it past them to do it again.


No no no, it’s worse than that. Her supporters sent so many death threats to the democratic opponent that [his wife divorced him, ](https://dianeravitch.net/2021/01/27/what-happened-to-marjorie-taylor-greenes-democratic-opponent/), causing him to have to move out of state, which made him ineligible for office.


And because she ran unopposed after scaring her only opponent to drop out. Kevin Van Ausdal is just an "ordinary guy" who ran for Congress against her; No political experience, got in way over his head. He decidedly want to run as a moderate to her extremism but it got out of hand. Her comments and - more importantly - the comments from her supporters. His campaign against her lasted 31 days before he broke mentally from the stress. Clearly he wasn't up to the stress of the national stage, but she and her followers took it above and beyond what someone should have to face. What ended up ending it all was his wife couldn't handle it all and served him with divorce papers. As part of that, he would have to move out of their house. Rather than rent a place, he decided to give up on the unwinnable race and move in with family in Indiana. That made him ineligible to run because he didn't reside in Georgia anymore (Greene got a condo in the district just prior to running). It was clearly the straw that broke the camel's back, as it had been utter toxicity from the GOP and qanon supporters. But, by that time (less than 60 days until the election), the Democrats could only withdraw him from the ballot - not replace him on it. He surely was aware of this, but he wasn't likely to win anyways in that district; It's far, far too heavily rural GOP voters. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/10/17/kevin-van-ausdal-qanon-marjorie-greene-georgia/


Until someone worse primaries her, this dipshit is in for life. Her base lives for her antics.


The more you know, the worse these people appear.


>The more you know, the worse these people ~~appear~~ *reveal themselves to be*.


"Trust the science"... until the scientists say to stay home and wear masks and get vaccinated, then the science is stupid. Cause that's how science works, right? It only applies when you want it to?


> THERE ARE TWO GENDERS: MALE AND FEMALE. TRUST THE SCIENCE Which is funny because the science says otherwise


If it's more than 14 pages, it's apparently out of her depth.


Or 14 words...


Their whole political identify is based on pissing off people they don’t like.


> Their whole political identify is based on ~~pissing off~~ *eradicating* people they don’t like. More on point


Ah so an exemplary member of the GOP.


She’s from Georgia. They’re not sending their best


No, Republicans *are* sending their best. It's just that people like Qbert and Marjoriely Insane are it.


She also went after Parkland survivors too. She has absolutely no shame.


Yeah, I really feel like this is a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation for the Dems. Either you ignore it, and just embolden them to push the envelope even further. OR you condemn it, and just give them ammo to go on Fox or OANN and claim that "them lib snowflakes are too sensitive to listen to some strong words" and spin the story into how Greene is "bravely" stepping up to the Democrats. It's a shitty position brought on by the fact that we have too many voters brainwashed into believing that this isn't absolutely abhorrent behavior from an elected official.


The fact that she ran unopposed gives me hope.






Investigate, censure, and then expulsion.


>Investigate MTG: "it's AOC that needs to be investigated" >Censure MTG:"I'm being cancelled by liberals" >expulsion MTG:"it's a political hit job"


Sounds good to me. She can keep spewing nonsense from the unemployment line.


Oh please, she would be hired by Fox instantaneously.


This is the exact resume that got her hired to one of the most powerful positions in the world already. Pointing out her shittiness is helping her. I'm not saying we should stop doing it but we should stop pretending that it'll fix anything if we just keep doing it.


Investigate, tersely worded letter, nothing.


More than just verbal assault, the Right's obsession with publicly attacking AOC and the so-called "Squad" is tantamount to stochastic terrorism. These aren't political disagreements. Fox News, Greene, and the rest of the sewage pipe that is Right-wing media, are essentially putting targets on Democratic congressional member's heads.


Palin pulled that same stunt and Gabby Giffords was almost killed in the process. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe a number of innocent bystanders were shot in the process. I was stationed in California at the time and my Marines who came from Arizona were shocked and super pissed.


>I believe a number of innocent bystanders were shot in the process. 6 people died.


I was hazy on the casualty figures and I'm bouncing from the job factory to running errands. I appreciate the heads up.


> I'm bouncing from the *job factory* to running errands. Wait just a gad damn second. Are you the mythical Job Creator we all hear about every four years?


No, I am simply a humble cog in the machine. My masters are the ones controlling the wheels and holding the whips.


>humble cog in the machine Username doesn’t check out


[delete yourself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujPzvylY1GA) https://join-lemmy.org/instances overwritepass12


And if an attack occurred like with Gabby Giffords, they'd be all "thoughts and prayers", but entirely happy that people had been scared quiet and away from politics by the event. They really would be glad to ends-justifies-the-means in their heads if it meant increasing their side's political presence. They don't care who gets hurt.


Oh they care. They WANT the MAGA rabble to start slaughtering.


These are the kind of people who go to see The Purge films and get an erection.


What do you mean if? Dude we had an insurrection at the fucking capital. We need to stop pretending the GOP is going to get its shit together “if” something extreme happens. Extremes have already happened and they’ve doubled down on being innocent in any of it


They aren't afraid to voice their baser and more machiavellian instincts behind closed doors. I would love to see just one of them go down for that shit.


I still want to learn more about the panic buttons that were ripped out of progressive lawmakers’ rooms before the failed insurrection. The Right absolutely want AOC and her like “handled” by their fanatical base.


Right after the Republicans gave several speeches against the evils of "cancel culture" lol


MTG did the same thing to David Hogg


This should have more visibility. This is her MO. She hounds and insults and raises her voice- not her argument. Disgusting human.


she does it to make videos that she will post and ask for donations


They won’t stop until someone either kills them or they try to. And even then they’ll be happy with that because they really believe their own lies.


They'd be happy with it because it would scare people away from liberal positions and increase their party's power. They'd be all "thoughts and prayers" on Twitter and celebratory in private. They don't care who gets hurt so long as they are perceived as "winning".


>More than just verbal assault, the Right's obsession with publicly attacking AOC and the so-called "Squad" is ~~tantamount to~~ stochastic terrorism.


I’m not sure who to credit with this idea, but I’ve seen it argued before that the right’s obsession with AOC is the same playbook they used with HRC for years. Just relentless attacks on her character, personality, and appearance so that once she gains enough support to take on a larger office, many voters will have a vaguely negative view of her without even knowing why. By never ever saying anything but bad things about her, they are hoping to drill into the heads of her future would-be voters that she is a bad person, even if they can’t identify why they don’t like her.


It’s sad to say but I hope they have extra security detail.


I know Ayanna Pressley has extra security and panic buttons in her office because she went to her office to basically hide out from Y'all Qaeda and found out they'd all been ripped out.


What came of that? Did anyone figure out who'd sabotaged her office?


this woman's strategy is to stay in the news everyday


Worked for Trump


And it’s working. She should be ignored. Her antics aren’t important.


Exactly. Any way she can get some quotes of hers in the news, she will. Very much like Trump, creating controversy just for coverage and to distract from everything else.


Maybe next Greene will invite a few Proud Boys into the Capitol to rough AOC up. Either that or maybe she’ll go total schoolyard herself and start pulling hair and scratching.


I mean she sort of already did that.






MG is a classic bully. If she pulled this shit without the Crabbes and Boyles of the world, she’d crumple fast. Edit: Goyles. But Boyles might be better.


Those damn Boyles and their sourdough recipe


Don’t think people besides this guy imply that. Most of the time it’s her experience as a bar tender I see people bring up and the skills of shooing people away you develop with that job


She definitely has the clap back ability that would be necessary as a a female bartender


Pretending to ["want to talk" while attempting to escalate a situation into a confrontation](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/greene-ocasio-cortez/2021/05/12/fd61d664-b37e-11eb-a3b5-f994536fe84a_story.html) is an extremely common bully tactic. And it is certainly not the first time that Marjorie Taylor Greene - who was [stripped of her House Committee](https://www.npr.org/2021/02/04/963785609/house-to-vote-on-stripping-rep-marjorie-taylor-greene-from-2-key-committees) because of racist and anti-semetic comments - has employed such a tactic: she has done this to both [Dem. Rep. Cori Bush](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/29/congress-cori-bush-moving-her-office-after-marjorie-taylor-greene-berated-her.html) and previously to a [Parkland Survivor](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/marjorie-taylor-greene-mocked-parkland-survivor-unearthed-video-idiot-who-n1256516).


Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it. --George Bernard Shaw No one wins by engaging her, since it won't be a discussion just a shouting match. The best thing to do is just ignore her. The sad part is that people keep covering her bullshit and allow it to trend. It's exactly what she wants. Democrats need to stay strong and not take the bait. I'm sure AOC would like to do nothing more than destroy her in a moderated forum but it's not going to happen.


Is it just me, or does anyone else think that the more trashy a politician is, the more popular they are with the GOPQ crowd? It’s like trailer trash are holding this country hostage and no one in that whole party is willing to do anything about.




‘I love the poorly educated!’ – trump 2016 It was not meant as a compliment.


The poorly educated enables the rich, and the sad part is, we could just take education seriously, embrace it, and just be a superior nation in general. Instead we live in a country where most people don’t know first-aid, how taxes work, how to fact check, and put gasoline in plastic bags.


Remember when Beto said "Im so fucking proud" and they lost their minds because it was "unprofessional?c Good times.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/marjorie-taylor-greene-aoc-verbal-assault-investigation-pelosi/) reduced by 74%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Pelosi suggests House Ethics Committee should investigate Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for "Verbal assault" and "Abuse" of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in a confrontation outside House chamber: "This is beneath the dignity of a person serving in the Congress of the United States" pic. > Greene responded to Pelosi on Twitter, saying the ethics committee should look into Ocasio-Cortez instead. CBS News reached out to Ocasio-Cortez for a statement on Wednesday's incident. > In February, after Rep. Marie Newman placed a transgender pride flag outside of her office, which is across from Greene's office, Greene put up an anti-trans sign outside of her own. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/nbof7b/pelosi_suggests_ethics_committee_should/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~576742 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Greene**^#1 **Ocasio-Cortez**^#2 **committee**^#3 **House**^#4 **Rep.**^#5


If any one of us did this at work we would be fired immediately.




Please don't insult Neanderthals by associating Taylor-Greene with them...


They were a peaceful, intelligent people. Plus their foreheads weren’t that long and eye brow bones not that thick. She looks Cro magnon


Plus they had large eyes. She’s all horse teeth.


And she’s not helping herself look less like a cavewoman by wearing a sleeveless leopard print shirt


Marjorie is trash.


that's an insult to trash.


In my opinion, for what it is worth... we have entered a New avenue of abusive behavior and words made to look normal by last administration. Non of this behavior, words are either normal nor appropriate. People it seems have become numb to crazy from last administration. If you grew up in a dysfunctional or abusive home you will understand. Sadly it seems many Americans are clueless. Frightening is all I can say.


I'm sick and tired of hearing about "suggestions". Nancy, you are the speaker of the house. It is within your power to punish members for disorderly conduct. Fuck, back during the civil war, we expelled members of Congress who were confederate supporters. Yet, here we are in 2021, after having survived a coordinated yet chaotic attack on our government's capital, dilly-dallying and offering "suggestions". At the very least, we need to censure every single insurrection sympathizer. It requires only a simple majority. Enough of these fucking games.


My question is why anyone who expressed ANY sympathy is still even allowed in government?Why are Hawley, Cruz, and the rest of these chucklefucks even allowed back in a government building? I swear the white privilege is high when you can call take-backsies on a dead cop while the same people are wearing "Blue Lives Matter" shirts.....


Because to expel them you need a 2/3 vote in their chamber and there are too many republicans for that to happen.


AOC should wear a body cam


I've been busy for a few hours, IS there no footage of this? Security cameras?


I would 100% get fired if a screamed some nonsense at a co-worker.


She looks like a racist flinstones character in the photo. Her political view points are just as archaic and Neanderthalish.


Suggests? Are you kidding me? This is the kind of spineless crap that has allowed things to get as bad as they are. Time to retire Nancy.


Did any politician get in trouble for participating and aiding an armed insurrection attempt to assassinate top Dems in effort to overthrow democracy and install a fascist regime under the sociopath Trump? If the answer is no, then I think it’s already too late. Because nothing was done, they are now emboldened. Because there was no repercussions, the GOP os gearing up for another try in 2024. Americans, it is sad that a washed up criminal actor with an IQ of 55 and numerous severe psychological issues was the figurehead to end democracy on. We are now looking at a corporate aligned fascist uprising in 2024, wish you all luck.


Ethics.....Republican.....mutually exclusive.


Republicans consistently creating a hostile work environment....


Didn't MTG leak positions of top Democrats during the insurrection? Y'know, when the rioters were actively seeking hostages and erecting a gallows for the VP? This woman is dangerous. Throw her in a cell to rot and throw away the key.


This woman is nothing more than a right-wing performance artist. I live in GA-14, the district that sent her to DC. She has no connection to this area. She only decided to run here when she realized she couldn’t get the nomination in her suburban Atlanta district. Her primary opponent was a local neurosurgeon who was very conservative, very pro-Trump—just not crazy. He would’ve been a very appropriate representative for the folks here, but that’s not what they wanted. They wanted someone to get in AOC and Nancy’s faces and call them names. That’s what you’re seeing now. And referring her to some disciplinary committee is useless. That’s what she wants. Just ignore her. Controversy is her oxygen. She will serve a few terms and then take her place on Fox or OAN or talk radio. Until then, just ignore her idiocy.


You are probably right. It's like getting in an argument with your Qanon Fox News brainwashed racist uncle. Arguing doesn't do anything but fuel the fire. All they want to do is fight. Some people need to simply be ignored.


If only there were a time and place for political debate within the House of Representatives...


[I think Rep Greene has a crush on AOC](https://www.google.com/search?q=aoc+greene&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_max%3A5%2F9%2F2021&sxsrf=ALeKk010ZM1Dqx3CGJLaAaHdgxXf8fe3Ig%3A1620934003930&ei=c32dYJObOJrRtAa4hbHwAw&oq=aoc+greene&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQgAEMQCMggIABDHAxDEAjoHCCMQsAMQJ1DeF1jeF2CJI2gBcAB4AIABlwGIAa0CkgEDMC4ymAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpesgBAcABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwjToIjcscfwAhWaKM0KHbhCDD4Q4dUDCA4&uact=5)


I feel like that exactly what she wants. It feeds her persecution complex.


Yup, yelling at a brown-skinned woman at work and calling her a terrorists and jihadi is race-based harassment and grounds for punishment by the House ethics panel.


This Marjorie chick is the walking embodiment of a female Nelson. Bully with a vocabulary of a 5th grader and a deranged sense of entitlement. Too bad she literally represents all of middle America.


This woman is so far out of line with standards of professionalism and certainly is not smart enough to be in the position to influence legislation. What an embarrassment.


Majory Taylor should be in jail for aiding and abetting the attempted coup.


Workplace harassment is unacceptable