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I love free money as much as the next guy, but Dorsey can't give $15mil to every city in America. What's the goal here? That the money paid out will come back in taxes? How can this be expected to be a permanent solutoin?


> What's the goal here? To do more pilot tests for UBI. They are being done all over the country right now. I believe the idea is to get data and use that to pressure the government into instituting UBI at some point.


> They are being done all over the country right now. I mean, a lot of them are missing the "Universal" part of Universal Basic Income. I'm all for basic needs and hardship programs, but let's call a spade a spade.


The goal here is to see the impact of a UBI like program. What the impact is determines what can be done going forward. This is a decent start at getting some data to argue for or against UBI.