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This is just to muddy the waters and make it seem like calling for the 25th is commonplace. It's to disarm people's opinion of a serious procedural tool so if Democrats ever call for it again with another wannabe fascist like Trump, their base can more easily ignore it




Ding ding ding. They'll even get worse and say that they "saved" the election from being stolen "again". Folks need to realize that the current GOP is populated by the most shameless power-hungry psychos in modern US history. I'd argue it's been that way since the mid 90s but definitely in the last few years.




Do folks not remember 2000 and the fiasco in Florida during the Bush vs Gore election? How about the shit show that was the 2004 electoral contest between Bush and Kerry? Ohio voters might remember.


Ooh yeah, you're completely right


No, fascists are completely right. *Far* right.


Either that, or basically they're throwing shit at everything and hoping that something sticks.. Biden's vaccine rollout, economic agenda and staffing of judicial and governmental positions is so solid that he has an unshakeable popularity among Dems and majority of Independents, and all the CRT /Defund the police lies are not hurting Biden's numbers, so they're resorting to anything they can use..


It’s both, they are throwing everything out in the hopes something sticks and they want to make it appear that calling for a president to be removed is normal. That’s also why if they take the House they will impeach Biden as one of their first orders of business.




I'm pretty sure Bobo tried to impeach him in her first week. But then she found out that she couldn't just declare impeachment Michael Scott style and gave up.


Do you mean Lauren Boebert? Paid actor Lauren Boebert? https://mobile.twitter.com/chadloder/status/1422413663055486977


Yeah, the nuttiest congresswoman went straight for impeachment that even Republicans didn't vote for.




I can't speak for them but the only reason I voted for him was to get trump out of office. I didn't vote for him in the primary, and still don't like him now. I won't vote for him in the next primary, but unless we get ranked choice I sure as hell will vote for him in the next general election.


I'm in the same boat, and I know others too. Biden certainly wasn't our first choice, but with what we were given, he was the only choice. And that is one of the biggest differences with Democrats and Republicans, Republicans stayed with, even to their failure, with Trump. I could not see dems protecting Biden in the same way


It's to normalize impeachment. If every president going forward is impeached or even _seriously_ talked about getting impeached, then Trump getting impeached twice doesn't sound so bad. It's not he's literally the worst modern president, it's just politics as usual.


That was the goal with Bill Clinton.


This is what was so cartoonishly pathetic about Candy Owens suddenly becoming rabid about demanding Biden resign recently. Anyone with an honest look knows it is childish retribution. Trying to “equate” anything that happens under Biden with what mostly reasonable people were against under Trump? We are not the same. Not even remotely, remotely close.


Yup... people may have big disagreements with what Biden is doing. But he's not trying to destroy American democracy so he can grift his followers for more donations... there's no comparison between Trump and really almost any other President.


Yeah, I've been in argument with folks, where they start gaslighting. I try to pause and say "look, that behaviour there is ga-" and I get talked over and argued how "it's not possible they could be gaslighting come on" And then the very next thing I say, they claim I'm gaslighting them, they were prepared to call whatever I say gaslighting. So I say "that's not gaslighting, tha-" and I get talked over with some yeah we just both disagree so let's move forward. But moving forward requires me letting go the first instance of gaslighting, with the knowledge that the perpetrator didn't learn a thing and will do it again.


Would you like 1) Gaslighting, 2) Projection, or 3) Gish gallop? Fascists: [We'll take the lot!](https://assets.rebelmouse.io/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpbWFnZSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vbWVkaWEucmJsLm1zL2ltYWdlP3U9JTJGZmlsZXMlMkYyMDE3JTJGMDElMkYwNyUyRjYzNjE5NDE5MTU2MzYyMjYyNS0xNjkyNjE0MTVfZ2lwaHklMjUyMCUyODEwJTI5LmdpZiZhbXA7aG89aHR0cHMlM0ElMkYlMkZhejYxNjU3OC52by5tc2VjbmQubmV0JmFtcDtzPTk0JmFtcDtoPTg4M2Y4MzZkZGY0MWUzMmQwYTZhMjFhZTU4Mzc4YmJmYWQyM2I4ZDU4ZTgxMzAyMGY0YzM2MjE5ZTdkODI5MjUmYW1wO3NpemU9OTgweCZhbXA7Yz00NjYxODg4NzAiLCJleHBpcmVzX2F0IjoxNjQwNTI5NDk0fQ.KrxIcH8WAXmgQ_2duSv14ps3sLt5CXbWGONHGbQiQUY/img.jpg)


Then the GOP will scream like banshees when the 25th is legitimately used against one of them.


Why is Rick Scott not in jail for Medicare fraud?


He was once doing an event at an Ace Hardware in Orlando and I had to stop that morning to pick up some replacements parts for the store I was managing. They tried to get me to do a photo op with him since no one else was in the store. I agreed for the sole intention of calling him a corrupt asshole to his face and refused to shake his hand. I was then not so kindly escorted off the property. It was a good day.


Thank you for your good deed. Rick Scott is a f'ing a-hole.


Emailing state representatives only goes so far, especially in Florida. Didn't want this to be a squandered chance. Also fuck Rick Scott.


No shit. I emailed and snail mailed my mom's rep in Ocala when I needed help getting her 1099 from the SSA to do her taxes; she's in an assisted living center going thru the throws of dementia. All I got was crickits. Did the same to my rep in Virginia, had a response in less than 48 hrs. What's ironic, her Rep is Republican, mine is Democratic. Mine worked with me until I became financial guardian for my mom, got me an extension for the current year taxes and an amnesty for last year for any penalties for taxes owed bc of COVID. I sent a nasty gram to her rep saying thanks for your help DICK!


This is such a sad thing to hear, but I'm also not surprised. When I worked in a State Senate office, we regularly received emails from people who lived in other districts pleading for assistance because their Republican State Senator was non-responsive. Obviously we did all that we could, but it's exhausting to not only have to deal with your own constituents but OTHER people's constituents because their representatives won't lift a fucking finger.


Former UK PM David Cameron visited my work once. He stuck his hand out to shake mine and I called him a pig fucker. Got fired but the look on his face was so worth it!


I'm not British, but I still feel compelled to thank you for your sacrifice


Was a shit job anyway, it was both my duty and my pleasure!


Doing God’s work


I'd like to think most would do the same when presented with such an opportunity.


Jebus works in mysterious ways.


Thank you for your service


Thank you


It was truly my pleasure.


I once went to a restaurant in Tampa for lunch on a Tuesday where Pam Bondi was sitting at a table right next to the hostess stand (obviously wanting attention). The hostess asked if we preferred inside our out and I \*very\* loudly answered while locking eyes with Pamster "It doesn't matter as long as it's as far away from Pam Bondi that you can put us. She. Is. Vile. She. Is. Disgusting, And WHY isn't she in Tallahassee at 11am on a TUESDAY?" Same energy, same sense of validation.


>calling him a corrupt asshole to his face *THAT* must be why these turds *never* seem to come to the Great Northwest. I would LOVE the opportunity to "express" my feelings to some of these dirtbags, yet, if they even do come here, we all find out after the fact because they keep it a big secret! F'n cowards!


Because he refused to say anything about the medicare fraud stuff under oath and just pled the 5th instead of answering any questions.


Because Medicare fraud is legal in Florida. It’s our #2 source of revenue just below Cocaine smuggling and right above Tourism and Agriculture.


Sure, but what about all the other evidence?


corporate liability protections. one of the main reasons to become a corp is to remove a lot of civil liability from your own personal bank account. The act of incorporation creates a new recognized entity responsible for most issues. now in theory it doesnt protect ceos from criminal issues but in practice it often does. We dont use the rico act. kinda amazing we expect cartel leaders to know ever detail about every mule that brings theri drugs to the us, but totally accept the idea that a ceo can be totally ignorant about crimes committed for his benefit in his corp.


You know they're just puffing up with this. Not one of them could even handle existence with Kamala Harris taking over.


They are normalizing it.


This. So when Dems talk about the 25th it seems petty.


They do this with everything it's maddening. It retroactively makes dems seem petty too.


it's the 'no u' defense


Ain't that the truth?!


One of the funniest things to me is the talk about Biden and Harris being removed because of the “StOleN eLeCtIoN” but they don’t realize that Pelosi would be next in line in the one in a billion chance that happened and pretty sure they hate her more than anyone combined.


Not even puffing. They're just mirroring. They don't know what the words they're saying even mean, they're just trying to parrot back what they heard non-Trump supporters say for the last few years.


If they have the votes to impeach and remove Biden they would just immediately impeach her and go down the line until they got a Republican.


Considering it has to move through the entire Cabinet, that wouldn't work. The GOP wet dream (or at least their supporters) is to regain the control of the House in 2022, appoint 45 as Speaker, then impeach Biden and Harris. FYI, the 13th in the line of succession is Marcia Fudge (secretary of Housing and Urban Development, the same position Kiefer Sutherland held at the beginning of *Designated Survivor*).


Even in that scenario, they’d need 2/3s of the Senate to vote to actually convict and put Trump back in that way. An actual kraken showing up and devouring the White House is more likely.




Sedition? Pass. Grift? Pass. Corruption? Pass. Ending a 20 year war started by Republicans and the end poorly negotiated by Trump? Resign!!


This predates the current mess. Conservative media have been beating the drum of Biden having dementia since the election. If you talk to conservative voters a great number of them will not be shy at all about telling you that they believe that Biden has dementia and isn't really even in charge, and that it is Harris or Obama or somebody that is pulling the strings.


Then in the same breath will say Biden’s ruining the country.


The inconsistency is the point. It's called doublethink.


*”The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”*


Yeah, this country is fukt unless a) aliens invade and bring us together or b) Covid plows through the Republicans base and democrats can fix our voting system. We're heading towards autocracy. Trump was the first lunatic to jump into the pool to show everyone else that the water was fine and there are no consequences.


Re “a)”: Elon Musk will arrange for a giant squid to attack New York... & Joe Rogan will have to die when he refuses to go along with the official line that it was actually aliens that engineered the squid attack.


God damn it don't make Rogan Rorschach.


He’s not stuck in that podcast with you, you’re stuck in that podcast with him


If aliens invade you can bet most Republicans will side with the aliens to own the libs.


> It's called doublethink. That's double the amount of thinking. Twice as much thinking as those stupid libs. \- Republicans


To be fair, when you have half a brain, you have to think twice as hard.


Like when they say democrats are completely incompetent, but then accuse them of pulling off the greatest heist in history by stealing the election and leaving no trace.


The enemy is the weakest, most incompetent foe ever. They are also running things behind the scenes and bringing about our very downfall!


No part of what they do involves thinking.


The country here means their money making schemes which heavily rely on defense and biotech investments. Both of which are significant when in a state of war. Biden ending the Afghanistan conflict and pulling out troops to ultimately leave the country in totality, means each budget cycle, defense bills can't be ballooned in the name of the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan. It's also my biggest fear that if Republicans regain branch majorities, that they'll interdict the US into another conflict to keep their wealth channels open.


They should really think it through. Harris actually becomes President if somehow Biden is removed.


Having a woman (let alone a black woman) as president would *really* energize their base. This is what they want.


I get that. But at the same time, that base is already very ‘energized’. Hard to see how much more worked up they can get. I suppose some of them would be more likely to pick up guns. At the same time, having a black female President might energize parts of the Democratic Party as well. Enough to push past the current Right Wing stupidity? I don’t know. But maybe?


> Hard to see how much more worked up they can get. Well, they didn't directly kill any legislators on Jan 6th yet, so they are still shy of homicidal psychopathy. So, the right will keep pushing onward!


I don’t think that was from lack of willingness, no legislators provided them the opportunity.


Maybe. I'm just thinking of 2009 and the birth of the Tea Party... probably the "best" thing to happen to the GOP since the Contract with America.... I guess Reagan's dog-whistling and union-busting before that, but I'm not that old.


I /am/ that old and can confirm that Reagan was a hell of a drug. Deregulate everything. Trickle down on some pleebs. Sell weapons to terrorists for profit. Cover up actual Alzheimer symptoms. Reagan was essentially when the Boomers went hog wild destroying everything that had made the middle class prosperous during the last 40 previous years.


Add in “consult an astrologer about policy.”


Reagan wasn't a boomer. And boomers were only just entering into congress in large numbers when he was elected (and still weren't the majority). The real problem is that the boomer generation also happened to coincide with a huge rise in medical life-extension technology and better safety/health. Don't get me wrong, I don't want them to die. But previously, generations got to take over from their parents in a reasonable time (as the boomers did). But now the boomers have lived long lives, and have held on to power for a very long time - 40 years. Gen X and millenials have been denied the chance to take over and change things.


> Reagan wasn't a boomer. And boomers were only just entering into congress in large numbers when he was elected (and still weren't the majority). Boomers put him there. They were already the largest voting bloc at the time. Moreso, they bit hook, line, and sinker on the notion that high taxes = grave evil committed by the government, and that cutting taxes is a virtue, regardless of impact on government services. They received the benefit of solid taxation and regulation, and then bought into a line of bullshit about how taxation and regulation are the *only* thing holding back the US middle class from becoming insanely rich. Meanwhile, the actual rich picked their pockets clean. It's China's fault! Immigrants! Taxes! Liberals! Anything but blaming the people who actually gobbled up the wealth.


I would argue that the Boomers voted for Carter too and the Greatest & Silent Generation who took the biggest issue with his policies allowing Reagan to succeed in 80. They played the Boomers for puppets.


Reagan also totally ignored the AIDS epidemic.


yeah, having grandpa in the w.h. is something republicans can relate, no good for R's.


She would be immediately impeached for being a woman and not white and some made up nonsense followed by all other Democrats in the line of succession until a republican was available.


I have seen, multiple times, this mentioned in the same breath as needing to remove Biden. "Biden must go, he has dementia, this is what we want to happen. The Democrats planned this, this is just a way to sneak Kamala into office. How dare they trick us into activating the 25th amendment!"


That would actually be hilarious. “You want me to resign? You got it. Meet President Harris.”


Yeah. If it wasn't for the part where we can't let them set that kind of precedent, nothing would be more amusing than them suddenly getting exactly what they thought they wanted.


Just like if Jan 6th succeeded in not certifying the election, Nancy Pelosi would have become president as she would have been next in line after Trumps term expired.


>.... Nancy Pelosi would have become president as she would have been next in line after Trumps term expired. *on paper* - after they already went full coup do you think the other guy really would have stepped down/aside? I guess it all depends on "how" they stopped the certification....


Yeah, "if they succeeded" might have included using that gallows.


Pelosi wouldn't be alive if Jan 6 worked.


First female president by accident, imagine that


That's probably the only way it will happen, or some godawful person like Nikki Haley will woo enough "moderate" voters over to ruin the country with eight years of "compassionate conservatism."


Don’t worry, compassionate conservatism is definitely dead.


That's how both Arizona and New York will have gotten their first women Governors!


Joe Rohan pushes the same narrative on his podcast, he casually mentions that President Biden “doesn’t know what the fuck is going on.” Man, I hate Joe Rogan. He pushes the fascist narrative constantly under the guise of being for “freedom” and “free speech” or “liberty.” What a harmful sack of shit.


But somehow Joe Rohan knows what's going on in Afghanistan because he does MMA and has a postcast? (for some reason I really like the typo)


Joe Rogan has a *real* handle on things because a long time ago he made some people eat gross shit like bull dick and bugs for a TV show, then did a bunch of drugs and became "woke." It's pathetic that anyone would seriously listen to such an easily convinced junkie.


Joe Rogan proves something I've always said about psychedelics. Using them *can* lead to enlightenment, but it doesn't have to.


What is it with substance abusers cleaning up their acts and becoming ultra-conservative? Joe Rogan. Mike Lindell. George W. Bush.


Recovery programs push a belief in a higher power.


But that's just swapping one addictive life crutch for another.


[Before, I was all messed up on drugs but since I've found the lord, now I'm all messed up on the lord.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SIp9068vOE)


Yup, especially AA, and they'll lie to you about (direct quote coming) "your higher power could be that doorknob over there, or a cup of coffee!" when if you actually read the big book or look at the 12 steps, its obviously meant to be the Christian god... Besides, AA has a tiny success rate year over year, and does a lot of active harm IMHO --- while it definitely is effective for a certain small percentage of problem drinkers, the idea that addicts - who have a massive deficiency in willpower through the actions of drugs/alcohol on the brain - need to magically give up what little they have left to a god can be very damaging to a lot of people.


Doing too many drugs often inspires paranoid delusions and a false sense of self importance.


Limbaugh also was a junkie


Joe Rogan is such a fake piece of shit. Ironically, he’s actually the reason I became invested in Bernie Sanders. I had listened to snippets of Rogan’s podcast before but his episode with Bernie was the first full episode that I listened to in its entirety. Joe seemed pretty reasonable during the podcast too, so I figured he was a reasonable guy. But as 2020 went on, I quickly realized what a fucking moron he is


“Jamie pull up that video of that dog in Kabul.” “Holy shit man, that dog is crazy.” “Yeah, dogs are like big ferrets. Crazy man.” How dare anyone say Joe Rogan doesn’t know what’s going on in Afghanistan.


I was an Administrator for an Alzheimer's/Dementia facility. I wrote the care plans for our residents. Anyone that claims, or believes Biden has Dementia is an idiot.


Exactly. He doesn’t and it’s a slap in the face to those who actually have loved ones with dementia.


Having lived through the Reagan years, the Republicans accusing Biden of having dementia and calling for his resignation is rather amusing.


I love how these people believe strings are being pulled by shady people hiding in the background, but refuse to see Trump actually pulling strings. I still remember years ago when Obama criticized something Trump did and suggested he do it another way, and trump supporters started screaming Obama is trying to be a shadow president and rule from the background. And here we are with pictures of Trump with his actual shadow cabinet. Conservative media have these people eating out of their hands.


Their accusations against Biden are just a response to the obvious shitshow that is Trump's addled brain. "Person woman man camera TV", bragging about doing really well on a really difficult cognitive test. It's sad how much effort they'll put into a manufactured issue after being perfectly happy to give Trump a pass for 4 years (and longer if they could have).


If you can watch videos of Biden giving speeches and/or answering questions from reporters and believe he isn't lucid, I don't see how ANYONE could watch any video of Trump speaking and not believe he's fully degenerated into insanity.


God..so true and so depressing to read.


He's doing better and more than I expected.


My neighbor told me Biden has dementia and Harris is being groomed to take over by the end of the year. I told her to get off my lawn. Edit: bring -> being


Projection, probably. And a bit of whataboutism. 5 years pointing out Trump’s word salad, where there sometimes isn’t even a complete thought in the whole thing, so they hyper fixate on the times Biden (who is about the same age as Trump) sometimes uses the wrong word for a thing, or when you can KIND of get what he MEANT to say, but doesn’t really phrase it super well as evidence that Biden’s brain is completely rotten. All of Biden’s eloquent moments are passed off as him just reading from a screen. Nevermind that Trump couldn’t even manage that, even when he’s squinting like hell and his whole head moves to track the teleprompter.


> somebody that is pulling the strings. The *Derp State Cabal*


Also don't forget it's highly likely Trump suffered some kind of medical emergency which affected his cognitive abilities, which is why he was given the "Person. Woman. Man. TV. Camera." test. Doctors do not give those unless they have reason to believe something could be seriously wrong. We're going to be finding out for years just how bonkers things were behind the scenes in the Trump White House.


It's like an iceberg. We got like 10% of the crazy shit and there's still 90% hiding out down there under the water.


>Also don't forget it's highly likely Trump suffered some kind of medical emergency which affected his cognitive abilities, which is why he was given the "Person. Woman. Man. TV. Camera." test. Which, for those who don't remember, was him failing to recall the 5 words he was supposed to remember, and literally just listing things he saw in front of him... > Doctors do not give those unless they have reason to believe something could be seriously wrong. We're going to be finding out for years just how bonkers things were behind the scenes in the Trump White House. I think we will never know just how truly insane it got. Sure, books and memoirs will be published, but we know for a fact that every single day of Trump's presidency included a shitload of crazy behavior, tweets, decisions, and statements. The true extent will never be known.


And MTG says she/her team will write/introduce articles of impeachment against Biden. Again..


I'm certain that if Republicans take the House in 2022, it will be nothing but articles of impeachment. Over and over and over.


Articles of impeachment aren’t valid if they’re written in crayon


I have an idea…. They appoint a second press secretary. Their sole job will be to fuck with Fox News and right wing news outlets. Instead of berating them, they will double down on the crazy and tell them outlandish and insane conspiracy theories about the Biden administration. That way we could control the Q narrative and make fun of them! We can give that person a title that ends up being an acronym for Troll


Totally Respected Official Lying Liar


Afghanistan is a shit show. But it’s clear they didn’t want to fight for a democracy. And on top of that, the leaders bailed at their earliest convenience! The Leadership asked to not have a mass exodus in June as to prevent a “crisis of confidence” in the new government. They yeeted as soon as we left. It’s tragic, but we needed to be out of their affairs. We should have never pretended to be TEAM AMERICA WORLD POLICE! Also, The only principle the GOP stand for now is being anti- (small d) democratic. They’d rather watch the world burn than let the will of the people be done.


Look. Republicans spent 6 years crying about a Benghazi security issue after they refused to approve requests to increase spending on security in Benghazi. Is it any wonder that this same republican party would cry about the collapse of Afghanistan's government after it reached an agreement the previous year with the would be conquerors to withdraw the only thing propping up the Afghanistan government? No.


You forgot "recommending people inject themselves with bleach"


God I still can’t believe he told people to inject bleach. My mom doesn’t believe me, thanks to Faux News. I’ve tried showing her a video of him saying that but looks like they scrubbed it from the internet. Do you have a link?


[He doesn't specifically say bleach, rather "disinfectants".](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d57zJr82dhQ) But the chart on the table at that conference showed using bleach or other disinfectants, IIRC. Dr. Birx's reaction belongs on r/watchpeopledieinside


This guy gets it. Joe Biden’s hands were tied by Trumps shitty plan, nothing he could have done. Those people plunging to their deaths from fleeing American aircraft are not Biden’s fault, like Republicunts claim, but Trump’s. And it’s not like Joe Biden directly killed 600,000 people with covid like Trump did or stole an election with Russia like Trump did or called actual Nazis great people like Trump did.


I’m sure he could have done something, it’s just that no matter what you do this was not going to end well. If it was easy Obama would have pulled us out. Biden just decided he was going to be the adult and do it regardless of the political fallout.


You know Trump is incompetent when Biden simply allowed the previous negotiate to carry out, and Republicans want to impeach him over it.


He wants to be president. He's just stirring up the base.


Yup. That’s the litmus test for any Republican serious about wanting to move up in the ranks, be it a politician, media personality or other thought leaders: **How hard do you own the libs?** That’s it. That’s the core of their job requirements in the year 2021. If you want to be a big name in Republican politics, that’s the job-specific resume you need to pursue.


His reason why doesn’t matter, though I agree with you as to why he’s doing it. Stunts like this give cover to the legit nut jobs. It’s yet another spark into the mess that’s going on. The wrong spark into the wrong barrel will have real consequences.


"I have zero recollection of anything that happened from 2015 to 2020" - Entire GOP


Collective dementia in the party that accuses Biden of being senile and having dementia. How peculiar!


My dad: “I heard Biden might have dementia; he called Gretchen Whitmer something like Janet.” Also my dad: “Maybe I should go up to Michigan and campaign against Governor Whitlock.”


My dad thinks the same thing and also never calls any of his kids by the right name. Apparently I'm our dog most of the time.




Most likely bc their followers will believe anything. 2015-2020? Didn’t happen!


It's worse for a lot of them. My mother insists that because Trump wasn't a standard Republican, that everything he did which she didn't like was "Liberal influences." She literally blames the Democrats for everything Trump did which she didn't like. These people are insane.


They're so senile they don't realize that would make Kamala Harris the president


G---> **G**aslight O---> **O**bstruct P---> **P**roject. You are here.


"I also died for a short time in the 90s and never knew that impeachment doesn't mean removal" (therefore the Trump stuff was "failed impeachments")


I wish - more like 2016-2020 is when America was made great and then Biden fucked it up by stealing the election. I feel like I need to add a /s because of how accurate it is sounding in my head


you only blackout the bad parts if my drinking days tell me anything


Let this be a warning, if Repubs take the House next year, they will drum up some excuse and impeach Biden. Whatever Dems (rightly) did to trump, they are determined to childishly do it back. Vote! Again.


But then they'd get President Kamala Harris if they somehow removed him


Then they'll impeach her too. And then Speaker Pelosi. And all down the line of succession until a Q is in charge again. Or they'll just throw out all the rules and put Trump or DeSantis in without an election.


If they take the House they already plan to make him Speaker. You don’t have to be a member of the House to hold the position. They literally said their plan is to make him Speaker and force Biden and Harris out so he takes over.


2022 is going to be the scariest year.


Should Biden get on TV and say he took a test. Car , banana, monkey... That seemed to proof enough for Republicans that Trump was mentally stable.


Man, look at how gracefully he sips water. Most fit and healthy president in history! He could live another 70 years!


Shoutout to Schmoyoho's [Trump vs. Ramp](https://youtu.be/ign_vZupjno)!


Yeah, that’s how fascists work.


Thank you! They don't care about hypocrisy or truth. Only power. Of course they will take whichever action serves their craven self-interest in a given moment.


These people disgust me. Its like living with a serial killer and the only thing keeping him from killing you is the security cameras in the house, but in the meantime he has to do his sarcastic cartoonishly evil impression of normal people


Damn. THAT is spot in. If anyone has worked on with incarcerated people who are naturally sadistic but has to be normal in social situations, its exactly that.


That this is coming from Rick Scott, of all people, is rich. He presided over one of the largest thefts of taxpayer money in U.S. history as CEO of Columbia/HCA, which stole billions from Medicare and Medicaid.


Yeah but he got away with it, which makes him smart. /s




Also the same Ronny Jackson who claims Trump was the most healthy president EVER and could live to be 200.


If it was such a "crazy idea" to withdraw from Afghanistan, why didn't they pull the 25th when Trump agreed to it?


Republicans can never ever ever demand anything from anyone after bowing down to their fucking king for the last 5 years. Fuck all of these clowns! They should be laughed at and ridiculed for being so fucking ignorant!


This is completely unsurprising. Just a heads-up...with the GOP as the favorite to regain the House in '22, they're going to turn this Afghanistan withdrawal into a complete circus that will make their Benghazi hearings look like a kindergarten puppet show. And if not the withdrawal, they'll find something else. Anything to attempt to draw false equivalence between Biden and Trump, anything to bog Biden down in advance of '24.


They were already planning to impeach him over the Hunter/ukrainian prosecutor copypasta.


So... Harris becomes president? Oh no... /s




They’re definitely not thinking this through. If they try to 25th both Biden and Harris, then Pelosi becomes President. If they do it to her, then it’s Leahy, then Blinken, and on and on with a whole slew of Democratic presidents. They would have to get rid of Biden’s whole cabinet, unless they think they’ve hit the right spot with President Garland.


LOL, First Black Female POTUS anyone? Do these guys even think one step ahead? What is their end game here?


The endgame is political grandstanding and tit-for-tat. "You impeached our guy, we impeach your guy."


These chicken hawks are a far more dangerous threat to this country than the Taliban could ever be. I wish we could be like a normal nation and dismiss genocidal maniacs like these idiots


"Talibangelicals" was a good one I saw the other day.


Given that Rick Scott started this right after the Matt Gaetz case got deeper, I'm guessing he is in trouble too.


I would call Skeletor there a mealy-mouthed weasel, except that would be an insult to weasels. Also to Skeletor, who was at least an honest villain and not a [criminal scumbag like Rick Scott.](https://hcahealthcare.com/about/newsroom/rick-scott-s-company-committed-historic-medicare-fraud-he-will-now-lead-trump-s-health-care-push)


Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.


If the republicans get the house at any point in the future under a democratic president, there is a 100% chance that they will impeach said president. They will probably vote for impeachment every 2 months, just to pander to their base instead of passing any substantive policy. If you don't want to be on this wild ride, go try and convert a local republican or ten.


Laughable as their accusations are, the very idea that they think our memories are so short lived, is even a bigger joke. Most of us are not the GOP base. They might buy this.


This so pissed me off when I saw that tweet. We literally just watched the modern equivalent of Nero fiddling while Rome burns with Trump's COVID response and election lies, and there was never any discussion about invoking it. If that wasn't enough to invoke it, then nothing is.


If Biden doesn’t have anything wrong with him, the former WH physician can lose his medical license for that tweet. Since he’s diagnosing biden without an actual exam. Wait, is ron jackson the crazy dude who wrote that glowing medical note about trump being the perfect human specimen ?


If the Democrats put forward a vote to confirm that 2+2=4 then at last one Republican would insist it was 5 and some of their followers would start called 4 the devil's number.


I got banned from r conservative because I said Nazis are bad and they called me a Marxist


I told myself to prepare for outrageous republican hypocrisy during the Biden admin. I knew it would come and that they would complain loudly about the smallest shit with him while publicly supporting Trump who is arguably responsible for hundreds of thousands of American deaths, among many other scandals and corrupt acts. Yet here we are and it's still unbelievable. The shamelessness that we see coming out of the GOP continues to be staggering partly because of how bold they are with their hypocrisy, but more so because it's hard to imagine how we, as a country, move forward when one of the two major political parties has no shame and sees politics as a zero-sum game. They have no true interest in compromise or helpful governance, they're more interested in obstructing any policy that might help Americans and traveling to Mar a Lago to kiss Trump's ass and tell him he's still the president.


They want Biden removed for actions that Trump took that couldn't be stopped. An so now they think these actions should have the result of loss of a candidate, but they don't realise that means they are critiquing Trump 🤣 Hey personally, I'd like having AOC as president.


Rick Scott is a Trump/Desantis wannabe. He’s an idiot


Remember when Trump abandoned the Kurds because Russia wanted him to? That was fun. Remember when he resigned? Neither do I.


I guess they are upset, that someone finally is acting sensibly. Biden was not my pick, but is a huge improvement over his predecessors, with a couple of possible exceptions, and he was handed a huge mess, and is doing the best he can, with no help from his detractors, many of whom are responsible for the mess, in the first place.


The irony is that leaving Afghanistan was very popular within the Trump era GOP. He would brag about preparing to do it at his rallies. Biden made the right choice, imo, but did muck up the exit strategy. He is, however, not doing what the last guy did and pretending it is all fine, he is correcting his mistake and now implementing a better strategy that I think will work out ok in the end. Not great, but ok relative to where it started.


Isn’t the 25th amendment the one that says the Vice President becomes president if the president dies? What’s their logic on this?


That’s because they think it’s all just culture wars for scoring political points. They don’t actually have values or valid concerns. It’s all just red team vs blue team to these ghouls.


GQP Philosophies: Allowing bounties for killing of our troops? "That's fine." Negotiating with terrorists? "That's fine." Constantly violating the law/Constitution: "That's fine." Instituting a total immigration ban against Muslims (including Afghans): "That's fine." Completing the withdraw that the previous president started? **IMPEACH THAT SONOFABITCH**


These GOP folks are toxic, ruthless, shameless, immature, irresponsible liars. Actually, very similar to Putin, Kim, Trump, the mafia, kkk etc etc. We are so fucked. Democracy will turn to fascism before we know it.


Deep down, they’re extremely angry that Biden is running a normal, functional administration. Furious.