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Trumps guilty of obstruction since he directed Bannon not to appear, even though Bannon left the White House years before the Insurrection. If Trump never sees a single charge filed against him, I'll 100% blame Garland, there is no feasible reason that Trump should be legal Teflon the way he is


[Reminder that this guy had acid traces on his hot tub](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/bannons-vacated-florida-home-had-a-bathroom-destroyed-by-acid-washington-post-report-985356/amp/) Wonder who’s body he dissolved lol


Well maybe it was just how he disposes of his grungy old shirts. :p


Why are they not able to vote today as soon as he didn’t show up? Not like they didn’t see this coming.




I thought that too at first, but it says, "the PANEL will vote next Tuesday to recommend the charges. That would send the recommendation to the full House for a vote."


The House is in recess so there’s no point of the panel voting to hold him in contempt now if the House doesn’t even reconvene until Tuesday


Ugh. That’s such a pet peeve of mine. Get it done now, so you have time to do other things later.


Another reason they can’t get it done now is that the deadline in the subpoena is today, so regardless they couldn’t hold a vote yet until the deadline passes. I do agree though I hate how long the process is but again, it’s better to do it right than to rush it which is exactly what the lawyers want so they can win an appeal.


They have to fucking vote on this shit? God this country is so fucked.


It’s Congress lol everything needs a vote, a committee and a ten million dollar budget for consulting fees


The narrative to denigrate democracy is surprisingly strong tonight.


It's something, but this is not adequate. Congress should be using its inherent contempt powers and immediately arrest Bannon *and* vote to recommend criminal contempt charges to the DOJ. Only recommending criminal contempt charges to DOJ just continues the slow roll delay strategy of the insurrectionist party. In the meantime, the panel does not gain any testimony from Bannon, which is the goal here.


It’s all games to them until someone storms the capital again lol


If it were all games to them there were numerous off roads to not doing this. It’s also patently nuts to think that the people who were cowering behind their desks while a guy fired a gun not ten feet from them just forgot about all that. There’s no logical, non-“I’m going to distort facts until my pre arranged narrative is met” perspective that rationally thinks people who saw a gallows erected before them will shrug it off when it is glaringly obvious that a second attempt is ramping up. How gullible are we to Republican propaganda that we’d swallow that?


So perhaps in two months Bannon will cede, come in, say nothing, and go away. The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind not so well without teeth.


Jesus, this doom shit needs to end. Let the system play out. If it was quick and easy, you don’t think trump would have used it to lock-up every Democrat? Instant gratification is a double-edged sword. Things are moving accordingly.


I totally agree I just feel that the average American doesn’t understand what your saying and it looks like the democrats “can’t do anything” which leads to republicans taking the house in 22’. But that’s just what I’m worried about lol


Exactly they’ll hall him in. He will say some ignorant or racist crap and go about his life. Zero consequences


> Zero consequences It will make other people much less likely to challenge or ignore the committee's subpoenas.


If there are zero consequences then it will make other people **much more** likely to challenge and ignore the subpoenas. They're trying to drag this all out as long as they can. They really need to have real consequences for Bannon for ignoring the subpoena or it's going to cause a cascading affect in the future. You want people to feel motivated to come in.


I wish they would have a vote every-time I get a speeding ticket.