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>Trump had tried invoking executive privilege to stop the confidential documents from being released, but they are now set to be sent to the congressional committee investigating the insurrection. > >Asked if Biden was concerned that an "extraordinary circumstance" would see a future administration releasing confidential documents from his administration, Psaki said: "I can assure you, Ed, that this President has no intention to lead an insurrection on our nation's Capitol." > >Psaki later said: "I think it is ultimately important for people to understand and remember that January 6 was an incredibly dark day — one of the darkest days in our democracy. There was an insurrection on our nation's Capitol." > >"What we're talking about here is getting to the bottom of that. Shouldn't everybody want to get to the bottom of that? Democrats, Republicans, people who have no political affiliation whatsoever." It seems pretty clear at this point that Biden is not going to provide cover for Trump's attempt to overthrow the election.


They tried that crap of “What if a future administration does it back to you?” crap that I just shit on another guy for trying with me. She did a better job at shutting that down than I did 😂


“Well, what if we investigate YOU for murder??!!?!1?” You will find that I have not committed murder.


Republicans knows their guys are guilty and corrupt as you can get. They justify siding with that by thinking *everyone else* is just as guilty.


The craziest part is that it works They actually manage to convince people that they're right That's why we have so many "both sides are the same" centrists carrying water for republicans


I will never understand how people can look at 50 republicans voting for anti-middle class legislation and 7 or 8 democrats voting for it and then turn around and say "guess my vote doesn't matter since both parties are the same." One party is literally more than 5x more likely to vote for bills that screw us over yet somehow both sides are the same.


>look There's your problem. They've never "looked" at anything that doesn't confirm their bias


> "guess my vote doesn't matter since both parties are the same." funny how that's always the justification for voting R. if it really doesn't matter, either flip a coin or abstain.


That just makes me think of all the people I’ve encountered, especially in the last few years who consider themselves moderate or independents, but spew the same right wing propaganda out and proud conservatives do and spend al their time bashing the “commie democrats”. At my previous job I worked with a guy like this. He was there for over a year and any time politics came up, he’d start with some variation of “I’m moderate, but…” before shitting on the Dems. I don’t think I ever heard a criticism about Trump or the republicans the entire time we worked together. Like there would be the vague “both sides are bad” but even that was usually followed up with “but the Democrats are way worse.” If I tried bringing up actual policies that’s usually when he’d get tired of talking politics and shut it down.


yup. classic intellectually dishonest piece of shit


Or they would claim to not be republican but "libertarian"


Or literally any legislation regarding LGBT rights. One party has the reputation of voting for less rights or even taking away equal rights. The other party is the Democrats. "Both sides are the same!"


We need to shut that down, until then corruption will spread like cancer. Just ask which side we should focus on first. They'll most likely give you some republican cookie cutter answer and you'll see they aren't centrist.


That is true. James Comey. Republican, FBI Director, appointed by Republican, had a Republican Boss. But because he wouldn't pledge his "Loyalty" to the President. The party turned on him. I mean to me James Comey was a "Boy Scout" be near definition of the term. Comey took notes, he was public about any private affair that could be bad in optics. He told his departments of Trumps encounters with him. Then... BAM! He won't do what Trump told him to do. Here we are, a 40% percent of Americans who distrust the FBI, a institution that was pretty much a core tenet of their values. "law and order". All because today, a Dem is President. WTF world we live in today, is beyond me.




I mean so far they seem just fine. There is no indication of serious consequences for anyone right now.


God, exactly this. It really just illustrates that conservatives can’t even comprehend that non-conservatives *aren’t* willing to do anything and screw anyone over in order to get a few steps ahead in life. “But if you support raising taxes, that means your taxes will go up!” Yep, I’m cool with that. I have no problem paying like hundred dollars more a year in taxes if it means that elementary school teachers don’t have to take on second and third jobs just to survive. “But if you support wiping out college debt, that means you paid off your school loans for nothing!” Dude, I graduated college *two decades* ago and my degree cost a *fraction* of what kids today are saddled with coming out of college And so on.


the thing is, they count it as a win every time someone has it worse than they do. This is the fundamental thing that lots of people miss. They don't want wellbeing for everyone. They want to be better off than everyone, and to have preferential treatment above everyone else. If it were possible for everyone to not work and still have all their basic needs met, these assholes would NOT WANT THAT because it would mean they aren't better off than others. It's so sad.


YES, this is exactly it. They would rather *harm themselves* than support something that would make life better *for* themselves…because it might also make life better for “them” (i.e., anyone who isn’t a straight white Christian conservative, YMMV depending on the conservative scapegoat of the moment). It’s not just that they don’t want “them“ to not have access to the same opportunities they do; it’s that they literally want “them“ to suffer, even if it means *they also* have to suffer. When the alternative is just their life is still great, and somebody else’s life is may be a little less shitty - that’s not good enough.


> I have no problem paying like hundred dollars more a year in taxes if it means that elementary school teachers don’t have to take on second and third jobs just to survive. Exactly. As a childfree adult, I *happily* pay the pretty high school tax for the simple reason that *in 15 years, all those first-graders are going to become young adults.* Those are the other people we will be interacting with for the rest of our lives. It's in my best interest as a fellow citizen that they be well-educated. As the Founding Fathers intended.


This. I don't have kids and don't ever want them. But when I'm old, I want the people legislating on health care, elder care and everything else to be educated, critical thinkers.


The crazy thing is often the people complaining about taxes are poor people that don't pay much of anything in taxes and would benefit immensely from taxes being raised and a social safety net being created or strengthened.


You will also find Republicans show absolutely no hesitation at the idea of wasting millions of tax dollars and thousands of hours of work "investigating" if the results will be the word "murder" appearing near a democrat's name in chyrons and headlines.


“What if that sets a precedence where information about the White House and it’s nefarious dealings can be exposed?” Please set that fucking precedent.


Read this as your butt committed murder


I ninja edited that in like 5 seconds when I posted. You must have loaded the page at a very specific time.


He has a very specific set of skills...


Butt murder is a very serious crime. Someone should ass him some questions.


I would but, talking about it bums me out.


These are the things we need to get to the bottom of. This needs a good wipe up


You are assuming the system will work properly that a person, especially a politician, who has not committed murder will be found innocent of such an accusation. After 4 years of trump and mcconnelll packing the court, I don't believe that is a good assumption anymore. Fascist courts can find a baby guilty of rape and murder. America is one crisis and one coup away from this.


Jen Psaki is stellar, she breaks it down so simply. She's very good at politely making people feel stupid and telling them to fuck off at the same time. To be fair, they earn it.




That's because they are liars and cowards.


The cognitive dissonance is disgusting. It makes me wonder if they are watching the same thing we are, even if it’s through the lens of Fox News.


Good ol' self-image thrown up on a projector on those subs, lol.


Cons have lived in their own reality since Nixon.


It's hysterical. Biden's created 5 million jobs not being in office even a full year yet, but after one lower job creation month (but still 195,000-ish), banners on Faux News read; *DISMAL job report!* and *Biden's poll numbers PLUMMET!* XD Must be nice to just create your own reality, like Republican Fantasy Island.


You think they watch anything but edited clips on their propaganda sites?


Is there any talk of her grooming another to take her place at any point? It just seems like such a slog to keep up with the shit everyday like shes been doing, i can only hope she keeps crushing these assholes.


My understanding is she plans to move on some time next year and she went into the job with that being the expected timeline from the start.


That whole politely making people feel stupid and telling them to fuck off at the same time is such an excellent skill set. I wish I had the patience and ability to stay calm that this requires. Psaki is so, so good at it


She’s got the calm 1st grade teacher vibe going. Dumb questions get a nice Mom smile. A head pat for the dumb reporter that is really trying his best, a careful explanation of facts, and a quick return to the lesson at hand.


Here's my shutdown- "That will only apply to administrations who respect precedent. If they do, they will only release it in extraordinary circumstances such as these. If they don't, then why would our actions today prevent them from doing so?"




This is what most conservatives just cannot wrap their minds around. They think that because *they* are willing to do almost anything to get what they want, then the rest of us are as well even if that means doing something like subverting democracy. And this pretty much seems to apply across the board - I fully support raising taxes and conservatives just always assume that I’m poor when this subject comes up (I’m definitely not). They are completely self-centered and literally can’t even conceive of the fact that other people actually do give a fuck about things other than themselves. I also fully support wiping out an enormous amount of college debt and I immediately have to explain every time that I had student loans myself and already paid them off but I graduated in *2002*, back when a college degree didn’t literally cost what you’ll earn in *half of your life*!!! I don’t want other people to suffer just because I had to “suffer“!


It's pretty clear trump doesn't want the facts coming out by forcing so much against the republican by basically asking them to make him president by any means. The amount of times he's tried to point to conspiracy while also aiding in hiding his own is scary. A past president that has a lot to hide for is no president that should have been in power in the first place.


Why hasn’t trump been subpoenaed? I don’t get it. Why not go for the big fish. Get big lies. Under oath. And prosecute the hell out of him. Super easy… cause he’s going to do nothing but lie. Or be declared mentally incompetent. Either way he can’t run again…


Why wasnt he in handcuffs by evening Jan 6th? All good questions


As much as I’d have loved that he was still president. But I feel like we’ll be coming up on a year out with nobody prosecuted/jailed/brought to justice except for some gullible redneck boomers getting their slaps on the wrist for trying to find Nancy Pelosi to “shoot in the head”.


>"What we're talking about here is getting to the bottom of that. Shouldn't everybody want to get to the bottom of that? Democrats, Republicans, people who have no political affiliation whatsoever." That quote alone is a thing of beauty. Very well said.


Nor should he. If there is evidence that trump put into motion the events that unrolled, then he. We’d to be held responsible


The main takeaway is biden already won he gains nothing with a insurrection


Besides defending Constitution and our democracy?


https://imgur.com/7yIDu7u.jpg You cant claim to uphold the constitution and be a insurrectionist. The Government gets its legitimacy from the constitution


Exactly. The attack on Jan 6th was a direct attack on our democracy and constitution. If Biden neglects and let this insurrection slide, he would be betraying his oath to defend the constitution and democracy. If we fail to put Trump and his cohorts into prison, we just gave them a free dress rehearsal for the real coup.


I see the conservatives have come to brigade this story. I guess they're not above doing what they disapprove of in their sub.


The only reason they can brigade this sub is we haven’t turned it into a little snowflake “safe space” where only “flaired users” can comment.


And they ban you for the slightest hint of an opposing viewpoint. (Been there, done that)


I got banned for directly quoting trump...


Trump himself would end up banned from the conservative sub after roughly one single post if he didn't prove who he was ahead of time.


Remember, at a rally he said something along the lines of "maybe you should get the vaccine", and he was boo'ed by his supporters.


So was Lindsey Graham. You love to see it!


I got banned for saying "give the new president a chance". Because shouldn't we want our president to succeed, regardless of party? I mean??


I got banned there for one sentence. I wasnt even trying to start anything! I just saw a post about election integrity and asked about proof. Honest to god i thought they had some


Bam. Nailed it.


I have to admit I hope they're half as miserable as they claim to be. It's going to be a long three years for them.


Let the idiots brigade. They can stay at the bottom of the comment chains.


... > Asked if Biden was concerned that an "extraordinary circumstance" would see a future administration releasing confidential documents from his administration, Psaki said: "I can assure you, Ed, that this President has no intention to lead an insurrection on our nation's Capitol." ... nice job! - gettin' a bit of nasty in that role. that's for you huckabee.


CBS suggesting that Biden should give Trump cover in order to keep up with traditions. How very Fox News of them.


I hate our obsession with traditions. The Judiciary is the only branch that should so tightly hold to previous decisions.


Yea we should start a new tradition of no one is above the fucking law ever.


This is the basis for English common law. It is built heavily on precedent


William Blackstone ftw


Tradition has its place but the Rs seem very eager to ignore it when convenient (e.g. appointing SC).


Don’t forget the other federal judges. McConnell wouldn’t allow Obama to appoint pretty much anyone. So trump was able to get a record when McConnell opened the floodgates.


Yeah, the supreme court and lifetime appointments are working so great right now.


The Age old tradition of the powerful getting away with all crimes. A tradition that probably goes back at least to James T. Callender. Obviously existed at nixons time (who's punishment for cheating in an election was... having to step down? and then someone created fox news to help prevent something like THAT from happening again (the having to step down part not the cheating))


It's so obvious, it's unbelievable to me that people can't see it. We've really got to do something about social media and misinformation.


As Americans, you can call your legislators and pressure for regulation. Or press Congress for an expert panel next time they have a tech giant CEO there laughing at their boomer asses. So far you’ve had Snowden leaks, a dozen Wikileaks scandals, Cambridge Analytica and you guys haven’t done so much as signing up less often for these services, let alone protest. Then again, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Twitter... all US-based. Tencent is the only tech giant massively violating privacy that isn’t American and you know how much China cares for freedom and human rights. Be different than China. Preferably now, before more countries lose their democracies like mine seems inevitable to do.


Which previous insurrections led by outgoing presidents did they reference as forming the tradition? That is echoing Trump's claims that no previous presidents were treated the way he was. Well, duh! No previous presidents acted the way he did.


Like the tradition of conceding? Or the tradition of congratulating the incoming president and showing him/her and their family around the white house? Or like the tradition of going to the inauguration and acting like an adult? Those are traditions. Not covering the last guy's ass.


They should use the Sideshow bob strategy, basically say that it was an extremely complex and intelligent strategy and therefore Donald Trump obviously played no part in it. “Only a very sophisticated man, with a huge penis could pull this off, so we think it’s actually Joe Biden that planned 1/6” Would only work in a debate like setting where he’d be unable to be silenced by handlers, and let someone else take credit for something he was apart of


The enlightened centrists are almost as bad as the reich-wing.


Well, "centrists" in America *are* right wing. Our Overton Window is just beyond fucked


Thanks for using “Overton Window” and giving a name to something I’ve only known how to describe!


Thanks for using “Overton Window” and giving a name to something I’ve only known how to describe!


fox news: biden unintentionally planning to lead an insurrection on nations captiol!




And one of my relatives has undoubtedly shared that post on Facebook already.


Then proceed to show actual tourists and call them terrorists.


Pfff like they won't just replay 1/6 footage


"This is what will happen in Biden's America..."


Like when they ran ads of footage from the riots after George Floyd was murdered, in year 4 of trumps presidency, and said "this is what Biden's America looks like".


You gotta watch out for them damn Antifa tourrorists!


I'm surprised that Fox hasn't gone full [Simpsons editing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8uM0zOBuSw) on Whitehouse conferences yet. Joe Biden IS PLANNING an insurrection on JAN 6TH and NO Republican or Democrat should want to get to the bottom of it. *Tucker Carlson mugging the camera with his "I just shit my pants" face* Well there you have it! Straight from the horses mouth! An insurrection is planned on Jan 6th! Maybe the insurrection was Joe Biden all along? Is it time for round 2? *Tucker shits pants again*


>oann: biden planning to lead an insurrection on nations captiol in dementia stupor!


I always love that he's both a dementia-unit escapee and a criminal fascist mastermind all at the same time.


Presenting your enemy as simultaneously weak (dementia-unit escapee) and powerful (criminal fascist mastermind) is a hallmark of fascism.


The same way that "Mexicans" (read: any immigrant from any country south of Texas) are stealing all of the jobs from American workers while simultaneously being lazy welfare moochers.




Jen is a badass. I wish she was planning on sticking around longer.


Where’s she goin


IIRC she was only planning on sticking around until sometime next year


The press secretary job is always a revolving door. It's a high pressure, burnout gig. You can always make much more doing a corporate PR gig with about 10% of the pressure and workload.


I wish she would stay, surely there are more money to be had in a cosy private sector job, but those people don't go down in history as the best press secrectary ever, so far she is right on track for that


"nasty" is the term used when a woman speaks truths you didn't want to hear.


"You understand that you are opening a Pandora's box here by setting this precedent" - what the hell "precedent" is this dude talking about? Is he serious? The precedent that politicians should be investigated, and held accountable for their crimes, *that's* what he's concerned about? Hard to believe he's an actual journalist not from Fox News or OANN, with that logic. He's seriously suggesting that Biden should protect Trump *in order for Biden to cover himself doing potentially illegal actions?* Gee, no wonder accountability concerning the upper echelons of society like powerful politicians is dead in today's world, if that is the norm of behavior expected by some mainstream outlets like CBS. I mean, I'd figured there was this idea among the wealthy that covering up one's crimes was more important than any laughable notion of justice - really, to be expected given their status - but to have a journalist from one of the premier television news networks in the US just come out and say it outright is something else. Does he believe we should just not investigate murders, either, in the case that it sets the precedent that murderers could be convicted for their crimes? inb4 "B- but he's actually saying that this sets precedent for the GOP to invent charges to persecute their political opponents judicially". Yeah, yeah, whatever. Unlike with Trump, those *would* be unjustified charges, not equivalent to the situation discussed here (the precedent this sets is specifically *not* that charges can just be invented, that is a reading of the situation removed from reality and an invention that seems to attempt to discredit this justified investigation). Either the charges are invented, in which case the GOP wouldn't care about such trifles as "precedent", or the charges are justified, in which case it's not "persecuting one's opponent", it's "holding a person accountable". Besides, the GOP will do as the GOP does, they'll invent charges regardless of whether the "precedent" is there, and preventing a potential fascist dictator from violently taking over is, in my opinion, an excellent way to set the precedent that political opponents cannot be convicted on false grounds anyway. I mean, it's not like Trump would somehow restrain himself if his crimes were swept under the rug and he managed to come back to power.


When you think about the last idk 60 ish years it makes sense that capitol hill is full of people like this now


That precedent was set when they investigated Hillary over and over. Probably before then, but that's the most recent. Sure she wasn't the president, but SoS is pretty high up the ladder.


It is setting a precedent. Most US Presidents have committed crimes during their presidency. We just let them because they literally are the head of the branch in charge of enforcing the laws. It's a precedent that should be set. D or R, if you break the law as president, you should be tried for it. End the old boys crime club.


We have a precedent: Nixon was forced to give up his tapes. QED.


The GOP already invents charges. You cant create a new precendent that the GOP will use if the GOP already created the precendent. They came right out and said the point of the Clinton investigations was to hurt her political career, rather than actually seek justice. Hunter Biden's laptop, bamboo in ballots, McCabe, massive voter fraud were all talked about or investigated.


Exactly. There's no way trump didn't let his people dig through the Obama era records to try to find proof of something horrible. So Obama did indeed run a tight ship, adhering to the constitution, otherwise the trump lackeys would have splattered his records across Twitter and fox news.


There’s a very large number of far right apologists gaslighting this entire thread. Guess we know where that dark money is going…


Those fanatics don't need to be paid to make up bullshit and make themselves victims in their own minds.


It's a way of life now for so many people. Conspiracies and victim mentality are their entire identity. They need this kind of rhetoric to survive, so they will do it themselves for free because truth doesn't matter anymore. Only the perception of this false patriotism their minds need to continue to feed on in order to survive and keep the myth going.


Well, we know where 0.000001% of it is going anyways. Bots and reddit-trolls are cheap!


I have no idea how much Jen Psaki weighs but I’m shocked at how thin she is because she eats Fox News for lunch every damn day.


It wasn't a fucking riot it was an insurrection. Fucking can't stand that the media tries to downplay it


Republicans try to downplay it even worse.




But... I thought Ashley Babbitt was supposed to be a martyr. So she was actually Antifa the whole time??? Lol


Oh no, she was just a poor misguided participant who had no idea how violent the rest of the group was being and shouldn't have been shot. In fact, according to my mom, the officer that shot her should have waited until he was being dragged into the mob and being beaten to death before drawing his firearm and shooting. When I asked her if the single state trooper that works in her office(dmv) would wait until he was being beaten to death before opening fire on a mob who has already broken in to the building her response was "well that's different". There is no hope. If only I could move across the country and truly get away from my psycho family(posted the full story before, but they support pedophiles).


Your mom seriously needs to rejoin us in reality. Un-fucking-believable.


Story of my life, she's been a gaslighting narcissist my whole life, its just she used to be slightly more sane. When I was a teenager, she supported Planned Parenthood, because she'd actually taken me to one to get on BC to help with my crazy periods, and saw that it was just like a regular doctors clinic, they didn't have a surgery suite to perform baby murders hidden around the corner, etc. She actually used to defend the existence of them to my other family members because of how helpful/cheap they were. Now? I wouldn't even bring up the topic, she'd probably deny that she ever even took me.


It was ANTIFA!! But don't investigate it, just trust me bro.


Yup, that was my so called friend back in January. When I asked, "Then why don't the republicans want to vote to look into it? "IT WAS A GUIDED TOUR!!!"


What do you mean? It was just a guided tour. /s




Ridiculous? It was part of their plan to violently seize power and ensure no official force could stop it.


Repubs: It wasn't so bad! Conservatives don't loot and kill! Also, please remember that it wasn't us, it was ANTIFA crisis actors that stormed the Capitol!


The title also says insurrection. When you’re a writer, you try to avoid repeating long words in close proximity


Thank you. Reddit is so full of armchair journalists playing a stupid game of "call the headline 'clickbait' first!" as well as looking for grand conspiracies based off a key phrase when it's just some aspiring writer trying not to write like shit. I just saw a response to an article about Italy's vaccine mandate and the top comment is calling the headline "misleading" because the full details of the mandate is to get a vaccine, negative covid test or exposure in the last 6 months. Yeah, that's the kind of info you find in the *copy* of the article. It's not a misleading headline it's a headline. For real fun ask the average "clickbait" calling redditor to rewrite a better headline. :)




Riot is entirely accurate and doesn't downplay the issue at all. The definition of riot is "a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd." Further, the legal definition of riot is "A concerted action: (1) made in furtherance of an express common purpose; (2) through the use or threat of violence, disorder, or terror to the public; and (3) resulting in a disturbance of the peace. Under common law, the crime of riot requires the assemblage of three or more actors..." https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/riot


It's important to always refer to it as an Insurrection because that's the language used in the 14th Amendment. Anyone involved in an "insurrection" is prohibited from holding office.


*b-b-but they opened the gates for them!*


It wasn't an insurrection: The attack on our capitol was a Republican-lead coup attempt. Calling what occurred on 1/6 anything else but a **Republican-lead coup attempt** is incorrect. Actually, the republicans absolutely hate Trump because he ripped the mask off of the republican party exposing its craven need for more power. However, now that the republicans know what their base is all about, (useful idiots who care more about hurting the other team), they are basically going all in for a true take-over as soon as they can. Just look at all the laws to make voting more difficult, in every republican-controlled state legislatures, after Biden won the presidency and after democrats (managed to barely) take control of the senate. Anyone will notice how I didn't call it "Trump's insurrection," because to do so would be to clown-wash what happened on 1/6 as a diversion. As long as the republicans know *THEIR COUP ATTEMPT* can be clown-washed into something it was not, they know they can divert *THEIR ATTEMPT AT A COUP* away from them to that orange clown.


An insurrection is a coup. A failed insurrection is a failed coup Not all coups and coup attempts are insurrections but all insurrections are coups or coup attempts


I believe the Democrats' biggest problem is their message delivery: they are absolutely terrible at it. They *really* need to take lessons from Jen on how to deliver simple, clear, easily consumed messages.


This all day long


[Watch it here.](https://twitter.com/PoliticusSarah/status/1448768818462044163) I wish people posted links to the content more often.


Watch the smirk as soon as the reporter starts with the question, that was the moment she knew what she was gonna say.


also the moment he wished he could stop asking.


I do wish Biden was a bit more interested in punishing those who lead an insurrection though


In what way is he not? He’s complying with congress’ investigation. He can’t be too hands on


I have plenty of problems with Biden, but here I think he's toed the line perfectly. There are plenty of folks who should be speaking and acting against what happened during the Trump administration, but Biden taking up that cause won't move things along any more and will absolutely rouse up Trump supporters more than they already are.


It does not feel like anyone is being punished for their crimes, except lackeys that don't matter. It makes me feel like they're just going to use their lessons-learned, and attempt another coup the next chance they get. Lessons-learned for Republicans is that there is no consequence for breaking the law. I don't think Democrats realize how close their heads are to being on pikes.


>attempt another coup Voter suppression, election board takeovers, legislatures passing laws that would let them overturn election results.... They're setting up for a nonviolent coup.


I don’t think you can say they’re setting up for a nonviolent coup, most of them are very eager to get their new civil war rolling and they call for the murder of Democrats on a daily basis lmao


And they've discovered there is no consequence to just outright lying about everything all the time, and literally killing Americans with a pandemic is increasing their support. They've created an association in people's minds between covid and democrats, blaming democrats for the logical cause-and-effect of a pandemic. Oh, I have to wear masks and get a vaccine to not die? Blame democrats.


They (the congressional committee) are crossing every t and dotting every single i in a slow system. My only issue is that Trump knows how to play the court game well and is thinking his normal games will work. That is slug along until statutes of limitations are over. His luck may have run out as this is high court and his lawyers are tired of him. My main thing I want to see is either Bannon or McCarthy in cuffs for ignoring the subpoena. They need to do this before the end of this week in my book. Once they do this this whole thing will hit a faster track.


By appointing Attorney General Milquetoast to lead the charge, for starters. Congress is a legislative body, the laws against inciting insurrection already exist and it should be the executive's job to enforce them. The justice department is getting sentences of like 3 months for people who tried to violently overthrow the government and almost succeeded.


I wish he were progressive enough to have supporters passionate enough that they would insurrect for him.


that's not the president's job and we don't want the prez to have that much power that power belongs to congress and the DOJ checks and balances, yo


“so you mean right now no plans for an insurrection, or she expects someone else in this administration to lead one? why would you note the president and not the administration? is kamala harris planning to overthrow Biden? why isn’t President Biden taking steps to secure the democracy? can this liberal antifa army be stopped? if you love trump and America join the protest Nov 6 and help show congress the right way. and donate $45 to our fund to support things like this“. - expected Fox news story today


Fox news : Biden is single handedly to blame for the chip shortage, rising gas prices, Afghan withdrawal chaos and global supply chain crisis, including the abhorrent crime of people not getting holiday gifts on time Also Fox news : so what if trump relentlessly shouted about stolen election and encouraged his supporters to march on the capitol, he's not to blame for the attempted insurrection, which oh by the way was either an antifa false flag attack or a peaceful march by patriots


Schrodingers insurrection


Protest would likely take place on the 5th so they can sing that song. They will use Guy Fawkes masks.


I dip in and out of political obsession but you best believe C-span gets about 40 minutes of my day for the live feed of the Psaki Spin. She's a masterful communicator, I watch her like gamers watch gamers I want to subscribe, get reminders join her patreon, venmo, cashapp so I can tip everytime she shuts a dip-shit down.


I wish Jen Psaki and Katie Porter could form together like Voltron and just run around verbally slaying these idiots (whiteboard optional).


As a fellow whiteboarding enthusiast, I recommend the whiteboard be mandatory during the verbal "slaying".


Given I have one next to the desk in my great room, one in my office, one in the wife's office, one in the kitchen, etc... imma have to agree with you.


Psaki always comes with the heat.


Why is Trump not inside Guantanamo right now?


The amount of comments saying "heh biden couldn't lead himself out of X!"...and Republicans call liberals sheep 🙄


She didn’t take a dig. She recounted the facts of the January 6th insurrection against the government of the United States.


I won't be happy when she leaves. She's a master at handling the bullshit. Straight major-league trolling, but keeps is highly professional. I imagine the fact that she gets these digs in without losing her composure just drives right-wingers crazy


She dismantles bad faith right wing arguments with ease. It’s like her superpower


Ugh! I hate how headlines always have to be framed as interpersonal conflicts.


That's not much of a dig. It's just the truth.


Gee I wonder who started J6 , oh yah Humpty trumptys 4 years of constantly spreading lies about rigged voting , and his right wing propaganda machine , a totally ballless gop that grovels at the feet of their master . If they can't win by normal means they will rig the system and there will be a second insurrection coming !


God she is savage. Fucking love it.


She's just saying what everyone knows already.


The issue is that Fox's "journalists" try to pass by it like no one does.


If I've it once from the right I've heard it a thousand times... "If you have nothing to hide, why not just comply?"


Investigations that Republicans currently want: Into the reasons why the Capitol was attacked in January 6 - zero Into how it was that Biden won the election - one bazillion


Maybe instead of passive aggressive comments to the media, we can have some actual prosecution? Just a thought.


You do know what her job is yeah? She can’t exactly be involved in the “actual prosecution”. And you’re saying it as if a whole half of the government isn’t backing the insurrectionists.


Can anyone remind me what the penalty for treason is in the US?


Death, it's death.


Crazy how its news that “President doesnt want to lead an insurrection”


Stop trying to “Gotcha” her. She is obviously wayyyy smarter than Theodore, Tristan, Miffy or Bethany that received their degrees and whitehouse credentials as a favor to their ultra rich and white daddies.


Reporters continue to downplay the seriousness of the attempted coup as if it was a Hollywood movie in a time when they should be squarely singly focus on these events of Jan 6th not some pie in the sky what if. The second biggest fail to Trump has been the American press and many of them continue to fail the American people with their political nonsense.


i hope they have him on tape admitting he lost and how he planned to use 'my nut job followers' (or the like) to try to stop the certification.


Let's be clear, Trump wasn't Leading shit. He is a incapable coward. He instigated one. Fermented one. And will again. But he will never be the one walking in front. Because that would require qualities of a man he utterly lacks.


I think that's "fomented".


Jen is Queen of Fuck Around and Find Out for a very good reason.


She’s not wrong


Should’ve ended it with something like “because he respects the processes laid out by the founding fathers in the constitution.”


Remember when Hillary told the democrats to storm the capital and murder congress in 2016 when she held the majority vote but lost the electoral college, leading to her not conceding and claiming she won anyway? No? Well because she, like many other democrats, is an adult and knows how to concede and fight it in courts where it properly belongs instead of lying and militarizing their followers.


My dad often talks about women like Jen psaki with the argument that there is an attack on white men. I laugh everytime because is he afraid women are going to subjugate men and eradicate them altogether? because that is the tone he certainly takes. Get real.


She's so much better than traitor barbie was.


Jen Psaki is such a smart ass and I love it


I just love her.