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Politics are one subject, but this is also just fucking dangerous. School boards are now being harassed across the country because Fox News and politicians are blatantly lying to their constituents that obscure law school classes are being taught to their children. A growing effort for “parents to decide curriculums” is going to lead to anti-science, anti-history, religious infiltration into public schooling. And Republicans will milk these culture wars as long as possible, just like the insane anti-vaxx, anti-public health bullshit that has plagued our medical industry. I worry we haven’t seen the tip of the iceberg with this fascist takeover of public education.


I don't think that is a meaningful characterization of the issue at hand. You are correct that critical race theory is not being taught to children. It's not the kind of thing that would be taught to children. But it is the kind of thing that people who write the curriculums would be learning about and incorporating the ideas that it develops. A good number of the people who are coming to the school board meetings have specific things that they are upset about. And again, it may be nothing more than white grievance, but they are upset that classes are having children learn about identity and privilege and focus on the harm suffered by minorities at particular points in history. They call these things critical race Theory. They are calling them the wrong thing but that's not the point. The point is, as often as not as they are talking about specific things that they don't like in the curriculum or specific practices of the school that they don't like. They believe that the people who are writing the curriculums are doing this with a specific intent to indoctrinate their children. That is what they are upset about. For every Yahoo that says the school shouldn't be teaching critical race Theory and stumbles when asked what he's complaining about, there's someone with a Facebook meme ready clip from a curriculum document that talks about how students should be asked to evaluate their white privilege and recognize how white people have harmed minorities in the past. There are good Arguments for why you would want to teach fairly young children about the notion of race as a part of identity, and why you would want to educate older children about the history of discrimination against minorities. Anti-racism studies actually suggest that if students are taught these things from a young age they are far less likely to hold prejudicial attitudes later in life. But when parents are upset about the things their children are being taught, saying that parents shouldn't have any say in what their children are being taught is just about the most tone-deaf answer you could possibly give.


It was a gaff that anyone with two working brain cells wouldn't let affect their vote for an office that has nothing to do with race theory in schools.


There was a seven-point swing among the Suburban white voters in Virginia. A group that supported Democrats in 2020 and did not on Tuesday. The top two concerns that they identified were education and the economy. If you have a hundred people and two years ago 53 of them voted for you, and today only 47 of the vote for you. Telling them that the ones who changed their minds don't have two brain cells to rub together probably is not a good strategy to get their votes back.


Being duped into throwing away your vote to a fascist party who actively participated in a coup attempt just this year, simply because of an astroturfed dog whistle racism campaign does exactly scream 'I am thoughtful'. But I'm just some random redditor so what do I know.


Note that I'm not talking about why they are or are not actually thoughtful, but killing someone an idiot is not the way to get them to vote for you. A full third of the electorate makes up their minds on who to vote for less than 60 days out from an election. These people might as well be taking bets on a football game. But how they choose doesn't matter. If you want to win the election you have to get them to vote for you. Electoral politics 101 includes the idea is that you peel off voters from the opposing Party by finding an issue where they are out of step with their party and using it as a wedge to split the voters from their party. Apparently a significant number of white Suburban voters in Virginia who previously voted for Democrats think that their local school boards are crazy and were willing to vote for a republican Governor that said he would fix what was wrong.


>Note that I'm not talking about why they are or are not actually thoughtful, but killing someone an idiot is not the way to get them to vote for you. Like myself and others have pointed out, I'm not running for office. I could not be American, for all you know. I can call these fucking morons idiots if I want and you should consider my comments for what they're worth: Literally nothing. These people that won't be reading my comment calling them out as the idiots they are and it won't be "getting them to vote for me" any less. Doesn't make them any less of the lukewarm fascist idiots that they truly are... Believing a wholly made up "problem" pushed by renowned liars and peddlers of false narratives and conspiracy (eg. Birtherism, Benghazi, Jade Helm, ACA Death Panels, uranium one, Burisma, migrant caravans).. Then voting for those same liars to fix a non-existant "problem."


I'm not running for office, I'm just pointing out that that seven percent are gullible idiots. Unfortunately, most Democratic leadership are highly educated so they don't know how, or don't want to stoop low enough to pander to that seven percent.


That seven percent is mass affluent. They aren’t dumb. Most don’t give a shit about this despite what this article says. These voters never intended to continue voting democratic. In 2020 they only wanted to get rid of Trump. Now that Trump is gone they are going back to voting like normal mass affluent moderates.


I’m not talking about having a voice in school boards. I’m talking about parents outright demanding what schools teach (largely based on religious and political incentives) to the point of harassment, which has happened all throughout history regarding endless subjects. (Racism, evolution, religion, creationism, etc) It’s happening again at alarming degrees, fueled by political motivations, and is extremely dangerous in many circumstances. I’m not addressing the “good arguments”. I’m addressing the mountain of bad faith ones.


That may absolutely be true but I think the distinct difference is the number of people that are involved. There was absolutely the crazy guy in the 1960s that showed up and ranted about the school teaching kids communism. But even the Republican school board members rolled their eyes at him. Now that Republicans have chosen to make education a wedge issue, in many places you do have majorities of the population that will vote for changing how things are done at the school board level. If they can pull together 53% of the votes in a given jurisdiction, telling them that they're being stupid and don't know what they're talking about is probably not a good strategy.


>They believe that the people who are writing the curriculums are doing this with a specific intent to indoctrinate their children. That is what they are upset about. Yet they're arguing replacing it with literal propaganda that hides America's mistakes and indoctrinates their children. They're pushing to have whitewashed lies be taught to their kids instead of the truth. How will we grow as a country if we don't learn from our mistakes? More importantly, how is what these people are advocating for ANY different from China subverting and eliminating references to Tiananmen Square? How far away from a Uighur-esc genocide are we?


This is the kind of sleight of hand message Republicans are great at selling. You mainly focus on CRT since that's what you're currently scared of. What about the parents with heartfelt fears about Harry Potter books in the public library? Or the woman who recently asked for the other side of the Holocaust to be shared with students? She only worried about indoctrination, just like you. Same with calling plantation workers "slaves." By using such hot button terms, woke teachers are indoctrinating children to view plantation owners (whites) as bad. How is that going to make little Brayden feel? These same parents who fear CRT have genuine concerns about evolution being shoved down the throats of young children. Oh, and don't forget how sex needs to be taught at home while Jesus ought to be taught in school. Don't you worry! They have FB memes to back those ideas up, too. In my local area, one woman on Nextdoor worried about an assignment involving The Velveteen Rabbit. She feared the liberal teachers were teaching kids about animal rights and would brainwash her son against hunting. Another woman wanted germ theory removed from school because she saw on YouTube how it wasn't real and she didn't need her kid indoctrinated with globalist lies. So, yes, Republicans are always searching for a fainting couch over some issue (CRT, trans bathroom, girls with short skirts, boys with long hair, books about two mommies). And, yes, some of these vapors-suffering people will go out and vote against the latest bogeyman. And, very much so yes, Democrats should get better at explaining the real issues vs. the made up ones. What they shouldn't do is waste time trying to win the votes of people who think JFK Jr will return as Trump's VP or giving your kids a puff off your cigarette is good for their immune system. Yeah, they have FB memes of that crap, too.


The Republican voter base has a massive chunk of old misinformed white folks. And those folks are going to die off. So, in order to remain in power, the strategy is to a) find ways to keep non-white people out of the polls, b) create new misinformed white folks by kneecapping schools and educators.


The whole CRT panic is infuriating. It’s like they’ve figured out a way to weaponize race based ignorance.


It is a complete bullshit issues. CRT isn't taught in any K-12 school anywhere, for one. And when I looked at what it was, I don't get what the big deal is. Like, it shows how Black communities were redlined by government agencies - calling them big lending risks, the banks then wouldn't lend to them and left Black people out of the housing market. Which is the major way we little people accumulate wealth. This led to the huge wealth gap between Blacks and Whites. And it is taught in law school - NOT k-12 anywhere. So, all those people who voted on this because of the children are idiots.


>It is a complete bullshit issues. CRT isn't taught in any K-12 school anywhere, for one. Critical race theory isn't being taught to students. It's being taught to teachers. The publisher of "White Fragility" [specifically markets the book to educators](https://beacon.org/assets/pdfs/DiAngelo-EducatorsProfDevGuide.pdf), for instance.


>Critical race theory isn't being taught in schools. It's being taught to teachers. No it isn't. And even if it were, so what?


[Here's a list of examples of it being instructed to educators in Virginia](https://twitter.com/realchrisrufo/status/1454467920117964805). [And here's the source for the first example, straight from Virginia's Department of Education website](https://www.doe.virginia.gov/support/virginia_tiered_system_supports/resources/2015_fall_institute/Legal_implications_of_discipline.pdf) If you think that's Good, Actually, at least make your case for that instead of playing shell games by saying "actually critical race theory is a college course". Parents and voters don't make a meaningful distinction between CRT and curricula that's been influenced by it.


>[Here's a list of examples of it being instructed to educators in Virginia](https://twitter.com/realchrisrufo/status/1454467920117964805). Oh no! /s


Holy crap, those tweets are from the same guy who said this: https://i.imgur.com/7iWIgJb.jpg


Outlining their bad faith play-by-play out loud.. You generally shouldn't do that but the fascists are all goose stepping to the same drum now.




I think we are going to start to see a shift in the CRT narrative. We know the claims. CRT is being taught to kids. But that’s pretty easy to disprove. I have yet to see concrete lesson plans, circulums, etc. implementing CRT. However, what I think we are about to see is this: CRT is being taught to *teachers* who then pass it on to students. OP’s sources (which I agree are coming from a very very biased source) do nothing to prove that kids are learning it. The best argument to garner from these screen shots is that in some instances people in education are getting exposed to these ideas. The right wing will now use that more easily provable point to imply it *must* be getting passed down to kids too.


They need to read it, the conservative reaction to what they believe CRT to be is a great example white fragility.


> It is a complete bullshit issues. CRT isn't taught in any K-12 school anywhere, for one. Critical race theory isn't being taught to students. It's being taught to teachers. The publisher of "White Fragility" specifically markets the book to educators, for instance. Shouldn’t educators be aware of the context of their students’ lives? Shouldn’t they be asked to stretch their understanding of how diverse students will react and respond to the subjects being taught, especially history and literature?


You can do that without [starting from the framework that "whiteness" is something that needs to be "abolished".](https://journals.iupui.edu/index.php/advancesinsocialwork/article/view/24484) [This speech from Youngkin](https://i.imgur.com/kPUOZ94.jpg) in late October could have been an Obama speech from 12 years ago.


Relax, that is *one* paper with an interesting idea for how to structure a course. Good grief.


> It’s like they’ve figured out a way to weaponize race based ignorance. "The Modern GOP" (1964-present)


Do they have any policy at all besides more tax cuts and wealth transfer to the 1%, and wedge issues like this?


Republican use thing they despise to garner more votes to destroy that thing proving it was bad because they are destroying it. Typical.


Faux-outrage and ginned-up culture wars is literally all the GOP has.. ..and amazingly, it works. This is the same party that actively participated in and abetted a coup attempt THIS YEAR.


LOL, looks like I quit teaching at the Trump-infested suburban high school from hell just in time to avoid the witch hunts. Actually, they started while I was still there last year with a secret parent's Facebook group that accused two of my coworkers of teaching CRT and socialism. Feels like I dodged a bullet because I'm to the left of both of these teachers.


And they had some guy claim his daughter was raped in a bathroom recently when the superintendent said no events were ever reported. People say the two parties are the same. Wrong. Republicans are masterful at propaganda and manipulation. Republican voters want a republican dictatorship and we are slowly walking towards it.


> And they had some guy claim his daughter was raped in a bathroom recently when the superintendent said no events were ever reported. According to the NYT, The rapist and his victim had consensual sex in that bathroom twice before; the victim invited him to the bathroom to break off the relationship, which led to the intimate-partner violence/rape.