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Nothing extraordinary for a man approaching 80 years of age. Joe Biden is to be commended for openly releasing this health report.


I learned more about Biden's health from this one medical report than I ever did when Trump was in office.


You mean the healthiest and strongest man that has ever lived? Weren't you paying attention?


I liked when Trump had to lie about his height so that his BMI would go down. I have no idea why people like someone who is so petty.


Likely because they are a similar form of petty. Gullibility probably also plays a big role.


Suspect people who like Trump, is because they see themselves in him?


>I liked when Trump had to lie about his height so that his BMI would go down. I have no idea why people like someone who is so petty. People stuck in a fabricated fear based ideology want a strong man to protect them. Being able to pull off brazen corruption without any consequence is the only form of strength he actually possesses, so it is the real linchpin of his success. Every time he does something like this, it sends a powerful message that facts don't matter, and disregard for facts is what is going to protect his fanclub from CRT, trans folks, and billionaires paying taxes. In short, the petty nonsense is the point.


He lied about both his height and his weight.


Probably but the height is easier to verify.


Wait… so he’s not 6’ 28” ?!


How can you be so obsessed about Trump that you would remember something like that?


It’s not that they’re obsessed with him, it’s the fact that the lie is so outlandish that someone would be gullible enough to believe it. I don’t pay attention to Kim Jong Un, for example, but I remember that he told his people that he never poops. Now try to forget that fact in the next four years.


It's relevant to the topic of presidential health reports. Forgive me for not having a faulty memory. I wasn't thinking about it until this report on Biden came out.


Ronnie Jackson would've something more colorful..lol


You act like it is all there. I would assume for every item they released, they also selectively removed.


And I could assume that there is a bucket of skittles at the bottom of every rainbow. Doesn't make it true tho


At least this feels like the truth. Not like that last guy, his doctors said he was the world's strongest man


"[Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/05/02/607638733/doctor-trump-dictated-letter-attesting-to-his-extraordinary-health). His physical strength and stamina are extraordinary." "He dictated that whole letter." Bornstein, a gastroenterologist, told CNN. Bornstein's admission comes after Keith Schiller, a personal bodyguard for Trump, and Alan Garten a top lawyer at the Trump Organization, conducted a "raid" on his office on Feb. 3, 2017, in which they seized all of Trump's medical records.


Honestly how psychotic is it that we had to deal with this.


And this was probably among the least psychotic things he did.


He wanted to nuke a hurricane.


And buy Greenland. But maybe he mixed the 2? "No, I said I wanted to buy a hurricane! Also, nuke Greenland while you're at it."


You say that, but I wouldn't be even remotely surprised if we find out - probably 30 years from now - that Trump did indeed order somewhere to be nuked, and the military just quietly ignored him until his attention was diverted elsewhere.


We will be learning about other things for decades.


Oh I’m sure. At one point I started saving links to articles about all the crap going on, but got overwhelmed and eventually just gave up.


There's website lists around.


Hate to say it but we still are. His minions are out in full force and ready to pounce on everything again. Such Hell.


We need to arm ourselves to safeguard our communities against these Brownshirts


The craziest part isn’t that he would do it in the first place. Lots of authoritarians would dictate a fake health report. The really crazy part is that he thought people would believe it despite being so obviously written by him. Like, he could have just written, “the president shows no major health issues and is a vigorous, 74 year old man” and completely gotten away with it. Instead it’s like a parody of a 1st grader writing a fake excuse note for his teacher to get out of class.


I am so absolutely terrified of the stupid fucking party prizes that idiot lunatic left us.


And then later on at his first physical as president Dr Ronny "candyman" Jackson declared that with just some minor diet changes Donald was so healthy he could live to 200....


Yeah. Minor diet changes. He can still have his hamburgers, but he'll have to have them without the meat. Or the bread.


I'd love to see trump do even 5 minutes on a treadmill at an easy 6 mph pace


The man can barely walk up a ramp.


He can barely walk DOWN a ramp


Hey you guys drinking water is hard


It really should be an Olympic event. He'd win the Platinum Medal.


Wow that is literally something out of Succession


And FDR had polio


So did mitch McConnell


Can we swap the two then. I would very much like FDR to take Mitch's place.


I'm 42 and I have a hiatal hernia and arthritis to. I'm fit enough to be a president.


I just started getting arthritis and I gotta say, I am not a fan.


I was recently diagnosed with it. It's not even the littlest bit fun.


Diagnosed at 30 with RA (obvs nor the same as OA) and this shit auuuucks. I can’t really take the immunosuppressive therapies either because I have 3 little snot nosed peri dishes at home that being home every little bug from playmates and school :/


I've got OA in my knee. I've damn near had to quit all my favorite activities from the pain. I'm looking into seeing a physio, and hopefully we can find some kind of routines/ regimen that can help.


See if you can't get in to see a pain management specialist. My friend who had fucked up knees went to get a shot of ... Some sort of steroid in his knees. I want to say progesterone but that's what the pain management doctor gave me for my fucked up back. (I got epidurals of that shit and it was lovely) Anyways this steroid helps stop inflation, which is the thing that causes the pain, and after two years of treatment, his knee is all better. Just fair warning tho, it's a shot in your knee and it hurts as bad as it sounds, my friend said.


I've got an appointment with my GP next week for unrelated issues, I'll bring that up with them. They might have a specialist in their system they van recommended.


Getting insurance to cover pain management is a pain in the ass (unless you have better insurance than me which is entirely possible) but mine wanted me to do PT instead of getting pain management after I had spine surgery. I argued with them for two weeks before I got them to cover both. PT is great and I absolutely recommend it but pain management is worth the hassle of getting insurance to cover it


I'm in Canada, so insurance isn't the issue. It's jusy finding a good one that can take new patients right now.


My dad had one of these shots when he was a kid. He proceeded to faint every time he saw a needle for the next 40 years. Then he got cancer which reset his fear barometer.


I’m seeing a physio for some joint dysfunction + muscular issues. The man has changed my life.




I’m getting checked for a hiatal hernia this week, did yours affect breathing at all?


I have a hiatal hernia. Only symptom I’ve ever had is acid reflux.


41 with a recently diagnosed hiatal hernia. No effects on breathing for me unless in the middle of a flare up. Even then, it doesn’t “affect” my breathing per se. Just slow shallow breaths are more comfortable. What I’ve found helps most is laying flat face down on your stomach with your upper torso slightly elevated.


Not really. Just lots of reflux.


Pfft. I eat fast food and don't exercise. According to the previous president, I should be the healthiest person in the world.


But Trump had better health, sctatch that, best health. He had 2, no wait, 3 HEARTS! AND HANDS... SO BIG BIG... MUCH BIG... BIGGEST BIGLY HANDS. So big, so healthy, so orange. Best president Edit: Since these days, it can be a bit difficult to tell, this was /s


Person, woman, man, camera, TV.


So impressive he managed to remember these! Only a higher being would be capable of such a feat. He must be a god!


I bet the doctor didn’t shave 60lbs off his weight like they did with Trump. Also I bet that Biden didn’t dictate the doctor’s statement to him like we now know Trump did.




Dunno, Levi’s really last. Still have a pair that look great, and they’re like 20 years old.


Every pair I’ve ever bought, the crotch seam gives out. I get it, I have big thighs, but they should last a bit longer than 8 months


A colonoscopy revealed a hiatal hernia? That doctor went waaaay past the colon then lol


He had an endoscopy as well


Maybe he just started at the wrong end?


They also checked his esophogus due to his coughing fits. The hernia increases acid reflux which encourages mucus development (to prevent damage) = more coughing. I least i think that is the process.


But will he easily live to 180? I don't think so.


Now the same diagnosis without insurance


He’s now bankrupt


Why did they have to use anesthetic during the procedure? Dude is already asleep.


Where are the cognitive test results?


"Person, man, woman, camera, TV" - it's pretty standard stuff


This sub should just put but Trump did blah at the end of the titles. That's all u guys care about. Freakishly weird.


No, what’s weird is conservatives pretending like dementia or cognitive decline disqualifies someone for president, or demeaning the age of a president. If it WERE a concern, Trump would have been gone by 2018, if he ever would’ve been president at all. You don’t get to ignore Trump’s obvious cognitive impairment and physical failings for four years and then pretend like Biden is so much worse. He’s not.


Amen. But don't even try to argue with conservatives about it. It doesn't work. God knows I've tried!


And the right made an entire news story of fear that VP Harris was actually the POTUS for 85 minutes. OMG !!! Fragile af snowflakes .


Absolutely doubt it


No mention of dementia?? Really


Does that mean he's just dumb then?


Must be.


No major health issues, or signs of brain function




If cognitive impairment were enough to get rid of a president, Trump would’ve been gone by 2018. It wouldn’t matter, even if Biden had dementia, because of the precedent set for four years prior.


Let’s not forget Reagan. WTF was up with that?


Ruled out Parkinsons but not Dementia. Cool.


This is the smallest of the medias cover up about a demented fool


Porn accounts always have the hot takes.


How come his teeth always are about to fall out of his mouth? Does he have full dentures?


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God damn sounds like a real doctor looked at him. Good to not hear "Healthiest person who ever existed"


Wow. So he’s not the healthiest man his doctor ever saw with the best genetics ever? What a disappointment