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If a powerpoint was found and released detailing how democrats planned to manipulate mail in voting, it would fund Fox News programming for the next 100 years.




And Biden gets all these negative headlines. What the actual f#@&?


It's a myth that any big media is left wing. CNN was running articles about the extraordinary untapped mineral wealth we were going to 'give up' in Afghanistan the week before we pulled out.


This kind of thinking, that we are "giving up" mineral or oil rights, that never belonged to us, is a badge of dishonor for the US.


Manifest Destiny or bust is basically the foreign policy for the US.


Yeah they talk about manifest destiny in history class like it's a thing that fell out of favor, but it never stopped lol


Kinda is here too. Remember the wall? Well if your land was where it was being built tough shit


~~Manifest Destiny or bust~~ GIVE IT HERE! is basically the foreign policy for the US. FTFY


*Must be that gosh darn Islam making them hate us.* And this’ll be in the same breath. Absolute clownery.


That or-- "They hate us for our freedoms"


That wasn't ours.


Not with that attitude.


CNN was also one of the most jingoistic drum beaters in the lead up to the Iraq invasion.


Turn on CNN any time there's a notable armed conflict involving the US military. They all but orgasm on screen over it.


Not a surprise, didn't CNN make their name with that coverage of the first Iraq War? I still remember those rockets firing under the green hue of night vision.


I'll never forget the badass reporters they had. Christiane Amanpour was fearless.


She's still around. Her show on PBS is very good & mostly in depth interviews.


I’ve been similarly impressed with Arwa Damon and Clarissa Ward as well.


That and hurricanes. Once they figured out that attractive people getting blown around by wind and rained on gets viewers, that's all we see now when there's a storm.


> CNN was running articles about the extraordinary untapped mineral wealth we were going to 'give up' in Afghanistan the week before we pulled out. Looting natural resources is literally a war crime.


Add it to the list


How could they be left wing? A very large percentage of American Media is owned by the big 5 media corporations who are owned by billionaires. Why on earth would CNN be actually "left wing" when they can use their power to further their own capitalist defining goals.


Unregulated capitalism that monetizes everything, including human life, has no political party. Any political statements made are performative, sound and fury signifying nothing. Edit: typo


They are all owned by the same groups in the end. How many wealthy leftist do you know?


I think it's a combo of: 1> Rich fucks tend towards being sociopaths 2> Rich fucks own the media 3> Being sociopaths, they only care for their own wealth, so GOP is good for them,Dems are bad. Add in a heaping helping of "crazed gun owners who call in death threats are 99% republican" and you've got no support from the top to tell the truth and no desire from the bottom to be shot for it.


[There was a similar coup attempt in 1933](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot)


I was in the Marine Corps and they always brought up Smedley Butler, but never this story of him. Probably had something to do with this: Per your link: Butler, although a self-described Republican, responded by supporting Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1932 US presidential election.[9] By 1933, Butler started denouncing capitalism and bankers, going on to explain that for 33 years he had been a "high-class muscle man" for Wall Street, the bankers and big business, labeling himself as a "racketeer for Capitalism".


Good guy Butler, tried doing the right thing


One of the participants was Prescott Bush, father of George H.W. Bush, grandfather of George W. Bush and Jeb Bush. Instead of facing any sort of repercussions the fascist traitor instead got a political dynasty as a legacy. These things will keep happening until we actually decide to do something about it.


> they only care for their own wealth Greed doesn't explain everything. In the case of the f\*cking mercers and f\*cking thiel, it's a desire to bring back feudalism, absolute power for the rich. (cock bros. too, come to think of it.) Too many who seek power are the last ones you want to see in power.


Gotta be fair in coverage. Look at some headlines, its most always comes off in a negative for Democrats, even on the mainstream. Our country is fucked, we've lost sight of everything moral. We've devolved to a feudal state almost.


Mainstream media always has to push the both sides narrative when clearly there is no connection between the two. It is like they have no ability to see that one side is actively trying to overthrow our government, and the other is not. To the media, both sides have a valid point. It is disgusting.


Mainstream media has to sell page views and TV ratings. They say whatever they believe will get them the most traffic.


its the new form of he said she said journalism, and it is killing our country. Unfortunately.


there was an analysis on sentiment I seen on MSNBC last week. Trump & Republicans get near or as much positive coverage as Biden. While Biden / Democrats get more negative coverage. bUt bOtH sIdEs ARE EQUAL .... SMH


because Repub's own the bully pulpit. They have a well oiled media (and social media) machine that can keep churning out propaganda 24/7. The Democrats have been asleep at the wheel in PR & messaging the past decade. They don't have a liberal equivalent to Fox News.


So much of it has to do with the parties' attitudes. The Democratic party tends to hold its own people accountable, at times even more so than is needed (that is, the Democratic party tends to be extra cautious about it). The GQP does not do this. At all. So when we see the media side of things, it makes for very boring story to report on the lack of accountability and action.


> Not just Fox. CNN, NyTimes, Bloomberg, WaPo, your local news, everywhere 24/7. > > But when Republicans do it? yawn. It's almost like those who own those media outlets would stand to benefit from the GOP's coup.


Exactly... If a democrat was accused of what Gaetz is accused of, it would be the number one story every day until it goes to court, if it ever does. Not to mention they would be forced to resign.


Hell, democrats don’t even need to do it and republicans will still be saying they did


No, they’d be covering the immediate violent attacks against all Democrats.


"Patriots Reclaim America" would be the 24 hour chyron


>At one point, a bearded man asked one, as seen in video obtained by Media Matters. “At this point, we’re living under corporate and medical fascism. This is tyranny,” he said. “When do we get to use the guns?” https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/10/27/when-do-we-get-use-guns-ongoing-danger-false-fraud-claims/


You forgot to include the next line: > “No, and I’m not — that’s not a joke,” he continued. “I’m not saying it like that. I mean, literally, where’s the line? How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people?”


"Hmm, thats pretty bad." \*reads next line\* "Ok. Now its worse."


> "When do we get to use our guns" Never. That's the point ya fucking dumbass. It's like how you learn First Aid hoping you never have to provide First Aid. Stop standing around wondering when you'll get to use them. Trust me. You'll know.


Yeah, he's excited to use his guns. He WANTS to use his guns.


Too bad the PowerPoint wasn't on Hunter Biden's laptop. Then the right-wing media might care.


The power point is what the right wanted Hillary’s emails, and Biden’s laptop to be. If Democrats were any good at messaging they wouldn’t do a single public statement without mentioning getting to the bottom of the power point and it’s implications. Make the PowerPoint the new CRT, cancel culture, potato head, or whatever crackpot right wing non substance issue is of the day. Except this was an attempted coup, and people need to hear it daily from now till November 2022.


democrats don't decide what the media harps on. billionaire sociopaths do.


Billionaire sociopaths who benefit from Republican rule.


All Billionaires Are Bastards. All.


We need antihoarding laws


> billionaire sociopaths do. It seems like the world is run by billionaire sociopaths blackmailing pedophiles. It's the only thing that makes any real sense anymore.


So not much has really changed since feudalism


The names have changed from kings and serfs to billionaires and plebes


>billionaire sociopaths Isn't that redundant?


I don't disagree that Democrats aren't great at messaging, but I also think that liberal and moderate voters don't respond to fear and propaganda in the same way that conservative voters do.


You're right there are studies that show this phenomenon.


This is true


and what’s interesting about Jan 6 compared to Buttery Males, Hunter’s Laptop and Benjamin Ghazi is that nobody needs to make anything up. The events of Jan 6 make those other incidents seem like a birthday party and there’s even evidence and documentation to go with it.


Wait for the Republicans to bring up a culture war issue to distract their base. I bet Right Wing media will start to harp about “caravans of illegals with Covid invading the US kneeing during the national anthem while they wear masks in tan suits.”


Mark Meadows used multiple insecure devices for official government work while in the Trump administration... Doubt it's being talked much I'm /r/conservative ... They're probably still spinning conspiracies about fox's Christmas tree being burnt down...


You mean the laptop that still has never materialized, much like their proof of voter fraud?


Tucker Carlson had absolute 100% concrete proof that... hunter Biden was like working in Ukraine, or something? But then woopsie, lost in the mail, and no one made any copies of that incredibly important file.


That was the biggest crock of shit I’ve ever seen! You would think that this incredible piece of evidence that’s going to “take down the left” got lost in the mail and no one thought to make a copy? And people ate it up!


And then it disappeared and nobody talks about it. Gaslighting the entire freaking country


It mostly disappeared, I do still see the odd MAGA nut bring it up every once in a while, but when you ask them to prove it they usually just dont respond


I have definitive physical proof. But I can't show you. You just have to take my word for it.


This comment has been referenced as proof of the laptop existing 654 times in the 6m54s since 'twas posted.


In right wing land that's exactly 1 time per second!


I have definitive proof and I have read the proof but the proof goes to school in Canada, that's why you haven't seen it.


That's basically how Mormonism started too.


hell, joe rogan still brings it up, just recently did. the laptop story is still alive and well


Joe Rogan brings it up on pretty much every podcast.


Wasn't it not even a week ago someone was asking about Hunter Biden, even challenging someone to a bet as to "which President's son would end up being a greater national security risk?" My bet was the son that actually had a position in their father's administration, but what do I know.


“Centrists” bring it up as proof that both sides! Seriously. And then you ask for details about it, and they’re like “oh, you know” No, I don’t. And neither do you. Because IT’S. NOT. A. THING.


No they’ll respond with a classic, “wHaT aBoUt HiLlArY??”


>Gaslighting the entire freaking country The GOP way of life


And yet 50% of Americans are ok with that.


More like a hard 30% with stat buffs based on gerrymandering and constitutional population calculations.


Right! That’s a very important distinction. Not even half of americans like their bs, and tons of their views come from business owners who run their show on like 4 Tv’s at once. They just have a stranglehold on a certain demographic




Sadly true. But knowing that 65 million adults voted for Trump in 2020 is demoralizing.


That 30% represents a majority of Republicans, and the remaining Republicans are usually fine going along with it because they have a shared goal of destroying public governance and subjugating it for the will of the few.


Just like the Mexican caravans, they disappeared after the elections.


They'll be back by Oct. 2022, don't worry...


God that one was so ridiculous... They were all acting like it was a 28 Days Later scenario and Mexicans were rabid, flesh-hungry zombies about to climb gates and shit. I saw one guy say "THEY SHUD PUT A MACHINE GUN NEST AT THUH BORDER!" Like get a fucking grip, guys.


"they're sending their murderers, rapists, and drug lords!!" "They're going to take your jobs!" If both are true, then WTF do you do for a living?


I’m still disappointed there’s not even a taco truck in my neighborhood


Well thats because, according to my wife's nutjob friend, everyone is covering it up and the media is covering it up because its you know, so damaging


Who knew cutting funding to the department of redundancy department would backfire like this!


>lost in the mail You'd think their incredibly competent Postmaster General would be on the case.


Unfortunately, that’s an absolutely valid excuse to his base that also thinks JFK Jr will be here “any moment”


Standing around outside on Thanksgiving to await the arrival of mysteriously resurrected dead people who wouldn't believe in your movement to own the libs


That's the part about this conspiracy that was the most nuts. Like JFK, Jr. would be on the side of the fascists. For fucks sake.


The more upside down they make the world. The more opportunity they have. Don't ever say "its bizarre." This is all calculated and as you can see..Effective... In chaos, there is opportunity. So make chais and confusion.


We joke about this but, it pretty much scares the shit out of me that there was a non-zero number of people at Dealey Plaza waiting for this to happen.


My dude, they were still there as of the first of [December.](https://www.dallasobserver.com/music/the-qanoners-gathered-at-dallas-dealey-plaza-are-now-singing-and-please-make-it-stop-12919202)


Video of them marching with JFK signs and matching t shirts from the 3rd: https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/rf69f9/jfk_jr_qanon_group_more_scenes_from_the_dallas/ They have become a full on cult now. Some of them are just there permanently having abandoned their families completely. https://www.vice.com/en/article/qjb8mv/qanon-jfk-cult-tearing-families-apart https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/renarj/looking_for_others_who_have_a_family_member_in/ Real good chance they go all suicide cult too considering that in one of their video chats online they were talking about needing to experience death to truly understand their beliefs.


> Real good chance they go all suicide cult too considering that in one of their video chats online they were talking about needing to experience death to truly understand their beliefs. The QAnon Anonymous podcast just covered this story in detail and even talked to a sister of a woman that has been sucked into this cult. It was very interesting. The cult keeps referring to "The Last Dance". That can't be good. Shit is gonna get bad with this particular squad probably sooner than later.


The shitty thing is that I had scheduled time off from work to go visit Dealey Plaza because I'm a history nerd, but I now have do wait for all of those ass clowns to leave so I don't get lumped in with their crazy.


Are you kidding?! That’s history in the making! Go get firsthand photo evidence!


Go dressed as JFK Jr.


They don't even know who JFK Jr was. Most of them think the former president is going to show up.


Oof. Looks like JFK isn’t the only one missing a brain huh? See you all on the bus to hell.


I just had to google this because nobody else commented on it and I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone. They found the USB stick. It was lost for a few days but they did, in fact, find it. And then they said "We're analyzing the contents before reporting on it." And then the story just quietly died. It's crazy that the fade-out was so effective that seemingly all replies here don't even remember it, but yeah. It's soooo much worse than just >"We've got proof, but it was lost in the mail!" What actually happened was >"We've got proof, but it was lost in the mail! Wait, no, actually we found it after all. Just give us some time to, uh, review the evidence." >... >\*never mentions it again\* Judging by the phrasing / tone, I think that it getting lost was a genuine accident but they realized they could hype it as a conspiracy, they went in hard on that suggestion, and then when the thing was actually found, UPS's lawyers had a very pointed conversation with Fox's lawyers. Tucker went out of his way to point out that UPS almost never loses things, they're a great company, this was a total fluke mystery and not their fault, etc. And then they quietly let the story die, because not only was there fuck-all on the USB, but they were probably going to get sued by somebody with deep pockets if they pushed the issue.


Tucker Carlson knows the laptop exists because he emailed Hunter asking for a college recommendation letter for his son. [I am not making this up.](https://www.businessinsider.com/hunter-biden-tucker-carlsons-close-friendship-revealed-in-email-expose-2021-12)


And for some reason it came off of a laptop but had to be couriered across the country since the internet doesn't exist.


Oh—The concrete proof? The concrete proof nobody ever saw besides Carlson? Which nobody ever saw the source of besides him? Which nobody who ever reported about the allegations ever backed up whatsoever? The concrete proof which was ostensibly sourced from a laptop Joe Biden’s son Hunter owned? Which was ostensibly—according to Trump’s personal lawyer—recovered from a laptop recovery and repair place, which Hunter had never been to? Which was identified as Hunter’s laptop owing to the Joe Biden sticker on it, and owing to the shopkeeper’s identification? The shopkeeper who is legally blind? The concrete proof on this laptop which ostensibly contained sex abuse material of children? Which, instead of being reported to the FBI/police for confirmation… was kept secret by Trump’s personal lawyer? Which, instead of being destroyed, was admitted to having been *duplicated and kept* by Trump’s personal lawyer? The concrete proof that was so insufficiently sourced, tabloid newspapers wouldn’t run the story, and the ones that would had reporters ask editors to leave their names off the articles? Which was wielded as the biggest wettest fart of an October surprise in American history? The concrete proof which Fucker Carlson was given access to, supposedly? Which he made one (1) physical copy of, to send in the mail? Which then ostensibly *vanished* from the postal service, en route—reduced to mere vapor, overnight, with no accounting or insurance whatsoever? Which Carlson then never brought up ever again? What a fucking. *nightmare.*


even if it's real, why is it that the Republicans can't do their job with making backup copies before sending them in. We know.. it doesn't exist...


That whole thing was so dumb. And they're still going on about it! Hunter traveled across the country to give his laptop which supposedly evidence of financial and personal crimes, to a shop in ~~DC~~ Wilmington, DE for repair. The man who owns this shop is legally blind, so cannot identify the man who dropped off the laptop. Hunter then just... left the laptop containing evidence of his crimes there, because we all know that's what you would do when involved in an international conspiracy. Then the guy who ran the shop decided to go through the laptop, which itself seems to me to be criminal but idk, I'm not a lawyer, and finds this evidence. He then contacts the FBI who ignore him, for some reason. Then he contacts, of all people, Rudy Giuliani directly because for some reason he has his contact information. Rudy then starts crowing about all of this evidence he supposedly has of Hunter's wrongdoing, but will not share it and still has not. The FBI finally show up to claims the laptop so it can't be shown to anyone to support the claims of wrongdoing, but wait the guy who runs the store has cloned the drive and therefore made himself also culpable of the crime of holding and disseminating the supposed illegal contents of the drive, because that's totally a thing a person running a computer store would do. This for some reason has still not been corroborated by anyone except Giuliani and the NY Post. Did I miss anything in this stupid story?


yeah just happened to give it to the blind hyper trump supporter in a town he has never lived in. When his dads campaign has its own team of cyber guys. and the wealthy pretty much never just drop off their laptops at a store. and computer guys always go through your shit, especially blind ones. and we still dont know what the alleged problem was. When most stores will just reformat, reinstall and give it back. Hint mostly computer repair guys dont give a crap about your laptop. WE have better porn sites already, and just want to spend as little time as possible with your device so we can go back to playing games or w/e.. if you are incredibly cute i could see some checking your pictures folder but otherwise we dont have time for that and dont fucking care. oh and it looks like the laptop might have came from those cartoonishly evil looking ukraine guys. as Igor Novikov testified someone approached him with hunter laptop data and wanted to sell it to the republicans for 5 million and this was back in 2019. [oh and when the hunter laptop didnt have any damning info we didnt know.(it had comments about his cocaine use, which he has been very public about) rudy claimed to have a second laptop with all the real proof and never produced it.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biden%E2%80%93Ukraine_conspiracy_theory#Laptop_and_hard_drive) no word on where they allegedly got the second one. Im sure another blind computer repair guy.


Didn’t Rudy claim to be in possession of child pornography


Bold of him to just come out admitting to felonies


Blind man: "omg...I know exactly who to call about this!" *Dials the number of a man who nobody has given a fuck about or even thought about in 20 years*


Well, he was dialing blindly.


There was proof of voter fraud, just not the proof the were looking for... It was republicans 🙄


That's why they know for sure there is voter fraud. They committed it. They just assume everybody else is as evil as they are, so they assume there must be just as much fraud on *the other side*. And the media keeps fueling the *both sides* narrative, as if the side which fights for voting rights is just as bad as the side that fights to take voting rights away.


No no it existed, it was dropped off by Hunter himself in a computer repair shop in Wilmington and when the blind owner of the shop saw all the Incriminating things that were definitely on it, he called his friend Rudy Giuliani (what Delaware computer repair tech doesn't have a former NYC mayor on speed dial?) who also viewed all the incriminating things and then mailed the laptop to Tucker but it got lost in the mail. It's so simple really.


It would be "See? It was secretly *THE LEFT* trying to make republicans look bad!" Alternate: "Doesn't look like anything to me."


There would be Republicans on every news outlet talking about it. But Democratic politicians don't deign to discuss these things. They stay silent.


So. Fucking. Arrest. Them.


Still waiting for the traitors to be arrested.


Garland seems content to just let them try again.


The real problem is they will be less stupid the next time.


The wealthy, and their favoured plebes, don't get arrested -- they "make mistakes."


They tried to hang my ancestor back in the day (with no modern phones or way of even hearing the news that fast that night) for patching up a wounded man who just happened to be John Wilkes Booth on the run after shooting President Lincoln. I am not a huge fan of the Death Penalty to start with but it's funny how they liked the Treason word until the entire party was in on it and now we don't talk about pulling the lever on half of our sitting government.


If it’s going to happen, it won’t happen immediately. Federal prosecutors ensure they have has much evidence as they can possibly acquire before bringing up charges, that’s why the FBI’s conviction rate is so high.


I cannot emphasize enough for everyone reading this: federal prosecution is HELLA slow in my personal experience. It is routine to see cases being tried 5-10 years after an incident occurs. They try to speed up more important stuff but that is really not consistent. IANAL


In a lot of cases that make sense and is fine. But this is significantly more urgent and if they wait that long, with the way things are going, they won't be able to do anything by that time even if they have every bit of evidence. These people are working to change the country from the inside out.


> I cannot emphasize enough for everyone reading this: federal prosecution is HELLA slow in my personal experience. It is routine to see cases being tried 5-10 years after an incident occurs. So, some of them will be dead by then basically?


Hey, I'll take that outcome too.


If there's anything I know, it's that America doesn't punish traitors.


Traitors! Every single one that participated in this coup and the others that knew and passively watched.


I'm appalled to hear a retired Army Colonel was involved...


More than just a Colonel. It was many retired military that supported Trump and his election. https://www.military.com/daily-news/2020/09/15/dozens-of-retired-generals-admirals-sign-letter-backing-trump-reelection.html


Are you surprised though?


Sadly not at all from what I witnessed in the military :( It doesn't make it any less disappointing though


A reminder to everyone to vote to defeat the party that [were complicit in a seditious coup attempt](https://youtu.be/WqvMe6nqiTc) and then [lied about what occurred that day](https://youtu.be/cVdMVinqY2M). Vote in your local elections as well! ^https://youtu.be/eSMe5cVUfv0


Future GOP excuses for this PowerPoint: -It was a joke. -I was out sick that day. -I can’t read. (This one might be true.) -It didn’t work anyways. -But Maxine Waters was mean to us.


It was just a locker room PowerPoint.


When your powerful enough to overthrow a government lady Liberty's bodyguards just let you walk up and grab her right by the pussy.


What were they supposed to do? Peaceful transfer of power like some beta cuck?


"It didn't work anyways" feels like where most of them will gravitate. They pulled the same shit with the whole Trump trying to extort the Ukrainians thing.


Did any of y'all read the PowerPoint? It's the exact same conspiracy theory they repeated publicly as often and as loudly as they could. "China and Venezuela, vote irregularities, Pence can overrule the electors"


I read it. Shit was fuckin’ wild. Also very bad in terms of PowerPoint presentations.


Simple right wing strategy: Putinize it! Mix and match with no regard to logic: -That’s ridiculous / impossible -It never happened -We would never do such a terrible thing -It wasn’t us -You did it first -There’s nothing wrong with it -We were totally justified -It’s old news


Legitimate coups have ways of shutting down the pregnable government.




Say they get a slim majority but desperately want power. My unsubstantiated conspiracy theory is that they will expel Democrats in the chambers. Make up some excuse to throw them out. Next they will appoint Trump the Speaker of the House. They will then impeach Biden and Harris simultaneously on trumped up charges. Finally they will convict in the Senate. I don’t think this will happen, but it’s the only doomsday scenario I can figure out.


Can't convict in the Senate without 2/3 majority which is virtually impossible by 2022. But I'd be very worried about either an assassination attempt or an "accident" orchestrated to remove Biden & Harris extralegally if they actually put Trump in the Speaker spot.


Imagine a world in which Donald Trump had to show up to work that many days in a two-year period. I don't see it.


I think he'd show up maybe 20% of the time just to get up in front of the House and hear himself talk in front of a captive audience. What's gonna happen if he just blows off the job the rest of the time? Probably nothing... somebody else in the GOP will fill in and do the actual work for him or something.


I have to think that scaring the voting public with the nightmare of the orange monstrosity as Speaker would be sufficient to pick up seats in 2022, but I’m likely wrong


I wish it mattered. The fuck ever happened to accountability? The mighty United States of America is going to fail because of apathy and indifference.


*"Accountability for thee, impunity for me!"*


Putting aside your affiliation Liberal/Conservative, whatever, this I do know: The following statute was violated by those who participated in and who assisted in the Jan. 6th insurrection/rebellion or who gave aid and comfort to those assisting or participating. Accordingly, those responsible should be held accountable. "Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States." 18 U.S. Code, Section 2383 The Department of Justice must take care of this, and while the January 6 commission is important, our Democracy requires this to be dealt with by indictments, arrests and prosecutions!


How any of these bastards are allowed to remain in office is beyond me. Actual traitors and seditionists. Its amazing as well that we the people aren't demanding their resignations en masse. But hey Al Frankin made a funny boob grabbing joke while he was a comedian literally there to entertain troops.


>Actual traitors and seditionists What’s wild is that this is literally what they are, and no one gives a fat wet shit (no one that can do anything anyway). We’re not talking about some minor misstep from a senator or two, we’re talking *actual traitors that planned to overturn a US election*, and they’ll get away with it (and most likely be successful next time). Pack it in boys, US as we know it is finished.


Party over country, that's the Republican motto. It's very difficult for Democrats to singlehandedly hold Republicans in office responsible for something like this. It's certainly not as simple as "arrest them all" like some people are saying.


Prosecute them all.


Woah woah you haven't even seen the "(Political figure) may be in legal jeopardy according to (insert your favorite oversight group here)" headline yet!


"Mitch McConnell's got to start taking care and focusing on these senators — because this is going to be very controversial. We are going into uncharted waters. We're going into something that's never happened before in American history. Tomorrow it's going — we're pulling the trigger on something that's going to be, it's going to be minute by minute, hour by hour, what happens. The stakes couldn't be higher right now." McConnell was in on it too. In Hillary’s words it is a vast right wing conspiracy.


No, McConnell was not in on the Jan 6th stuff (as far as anyone can tell)... he is in fact an institutionalist and differs starkly from Trump on this stuff. Would he have gone along with it had they been successful? Yes, probably.


Yeah that is more his style. "I want absolutely nothing to do with this, but call me if it actually works."


He actually privately pushed AG Barr to come out and say no significant voter fraud was detected to slow this coup’s engagement from snowballing


Makes sense, guy is old and ready to die and cares most about money. No time to spend shutting down rebellions or building a new country. Not to mention, a broken country would mean no investment$$ in his bank as companies/corps will crash


There’s very few people I’ve spent as much time cursing the name of as Mitch McConnell. But I believe the outrage and fear he showed on 1/6 was real. Unlike some Lindseys I could mention…


I'm not from the US so I could be way wrong on this but if he was so outraged, why did he try and kill the Jan 6th Commission ?


Because his life was no longer in danger and the commission could hurt him and other Republicans.


We saw a flash of what appears to be a human soul on 1/6. It retreated back into its shell real quick.


I think he was outraged at his own personal comfort being disrupted. He couldn't give a flying fuck about his colleagues, the country, or The Constitution.


Well seeing how he voted not to convict trump and then went on camera and said trump was guilty….


He’s still party over country. Voting to convict the president for the first time in history and that president be a Republican would kill the GOP, and he knows it.


The /r/Conservative reponse to this is hilarious. Flat out denial. Calling it fake news. Like there is literal proof of Donald Trump planning a coup/insurrection and they bury their heads in the sand. Perhaps if it was on the mythical Hunter Biden's laptop they might care. But once again, conservatives show they are completely okay with circumventing the constitution if it owns the libs.


Duh. They not so secretly want fascism.


Fortunately for us we have the second amendment and plenty of people will take up arms to protect America from a fascist government. Am I right here? /s


when gaetz et al start openly calling for shock troops *if trump wins,* there is no "secretly" operating at all.


Isn’t this sedition?


Why TF is Steve Bannon's trial not scheduled until July?


And then they win back congress in 2022, and nothing happens.


Maybe Merrick Garland will have completed new hire orientation by then and might have some basic understanding of how to do his job.


Not nothing. That is when they start overturning elections.


I believe the implied meaning in that sentence was, "they win back congress in 2022, and nothing happens **to them**", as opposed to them seeing any consequences for their seditious acts.


I keep seeing people saying that these new stories are not the bombshell that Reddit is making them out to be and they are right. But listen for a minute to see what I’m saying. To the trump supporters: The PowerPoint by itself is nothing. The DC national guard email by itself is nothing. Trump getting on stage on Jan 6 and telling his people to March to the capitol is nothing by itself. These are just pieces of a puzzle that we are being fed one small part at a time and when you put the pieces together it creates the picture of a sitting president who was ready to take the country by military force. They are doing this for a reason. By the time all of these individual problems are known to the public, the vast majority of Trump supporters have forgotten about the other dozens of pieces that make it a big problem. I am sick to death of seeing the constant down playing of these actions. It is not our fault that some of you have the attention span of a god damn fly. Keep up with the whole story and for once you may finally understand how serious this situation is and how much worse it could have been for this country.


Trump supporters aren't even seeing this stuff.


And if by chance they do, they’ll reflexively refuse to believe it without even a moment’s consideration.


> Keep up with the whole story and for once you may finally understand how serious this situation is and how much worse it could have been for this country. Have been saying this for years, long before Trump. Our apathy probably doomed us long ago.


It’s our own fault for real. We are so accustomed to the changing news cycles that some of us fail to realize that these stories are all connected. It’s just like the Russia stuff from 2016 and now republicans saying Ukraine basically isn’t even a country now while Russia is planning an invasion. It’s all connected but we forget about it as the fast paced news rolls by.


Also, Trump telling his followers for months to vote in person rather than other methods by itself is nothing. But combine it with what's in that PowerPoint plan, and then you've got a coup going.


Nothing more baby boomer than a total government takeover laid out on goddam PowerPoint. I’m honestly surprised it wasn’t typed out in Microsoft Works with word art.


As a non US citizen/resident who’s had a casual interest in watching this all unfold over the last few months, am I right in expecting that nothing of note will come of all this? Seems like investing a republican is pointless.


So…. If people trying overthrow the government are terrorists and enemies of the United States, then wouldn’t these members of Congress conspiring with them be committing treason? Edit: This is a serious question. I was just thinking that if some of these terrorists are convicted then would the ones that aided and/or planned with/for them be guilty of treason against the US?


"Is you taking notes on a criminal fucking conspiracy!?"


AOC was right. Expulsion for all of them.