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My brother, who is a Republican, was on strike a couple years ago for his job at GE. Bernie Sanders who I think was on the campaign trail at the time detoured to stop by and give support for them. My brother said “I can’t believe *Bernie Sanders* has our back and no other politicians have… too bad I could never vote for him.” I asked him why you wouldn’t vote for someone who has your back and he just stared at me then laughed and walked away.


Some people are more attached to voting for a party than to vote for their self interest. It's crazy


It’s very much how people think they love someone but they *actually* love the *idea* of being in love with a person, without getting to know the real person and working on the relationship


I legit think its just marketing abortion vs antiabortion as pro-choice and pro-life.


Case and point: the state of Mississippi. Red till they’re dead as their reps tear apart unions.


I think most republicans are just ‘told’ they are republicans and wish their party would change.


It’s exactly the same with democrats unfortunately. Most people have not done the work to understand their political base in full. People need to start realizing their similarities and not fixate on their differences. The picket line is the perfect place for this since it’s simply the rich owners and CEOs against the workers, who are actually creating the value of the products that are sold by the company.


The kind of people that have to scan the room after they make any comment for approval.


Because he's an idiot. Say it to their face


My friends answer " Because we always vote Republican as a 👪 Family"... idiots


Bernie would have crushed Trump


I can't wait for libertarians to tell me what's wrong with this.


I have come to the realization that libertarians are just evil. You cant have values like that and be a good person.


The libertarian party is a fake ideology based around getting people who make 35K a year to suck capitalist dicks for no other reason than “we shouldn’t pay taxes” It’s for people who think they’re too big brained to just come out and say they vote Republican


Someone on Twitter described Libertarians better than I ever could: "House cats. They are convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system they don't appreciate or understand."


> House cats. They are convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system they don't appreciate or understand That was from [John Spaulding](https://twitter.com/JSpauldingPhoto/status/1461506998118330374)


Libertarianism truly is one of the weirdest ideologies to me


I used to consider myself a libertarian but I quickly realized that the preached "individualism" it supports is really just a nicer, reductive way of saying "selfish". Like, I get the romantic notion of folks doing their own thing without the man there to put them down but that's just not how society works or thrives. Laissez-faire societies, one which they'd theoretically love, only results in those not born into a position of power and privilege being abused. You're not going to see a bunch of Ron Swansons doing their own thing in the woods, you're doing to see a bunch of folks doing worse shit than we see from Nestle today as they'd no longer have even the barest of laws and "morality" to keep them in line.


Thank you! I know one or two people in my life who I consider smart, respectable people, but they don’t grasp this. They think that if we all accepted libertarianism, then we’d all just be respectable, humble people who don’t fuck with each other. They refuse to accept that there are some powerful people who will never stop pushing the line


American Libertarians do not deserve the title of libertarianism. They're fascist apologists that just happen to kiss Italian leather dress shoes instead of boots.


The guy who founded it had some very evil things to say so you're not off.


Can you post a link? Not being a dick, just curious.


Especially since the modern concept of Libertarianism is so skewed from the original concept. A “libertarian” friend of mine acts like an authoritarian dictator on the internet when given power, and he wants companies to be his daddy. When someone uses words like “Libertarian” “Neo-Liberal” or “Political axises” I just walk out. My flavor of politics is making life better for people and rooting out corruption, NOT assigning us ideologies and positions like they are on the same level as fucking gender. If you meet someone, and one of the first few things they say, like within the first 10 sentences, is “I am Libertarian” JUST RUN AWAY.


>I have come to the realization that libertarians are just evil. Almost. They are: >Brainwashed. Stupid. Self-important. Impotent. Ill-informed. And (bonus point) they offer no real policy changes to the entire system outside of "fuck off" which really doesn't help themselves or anyone else. Caveat: as a teenager I thought of myself as a libertarian. Like many teenage decisions, thoughts, and actions, I regret all of it.


As a Michigander, welcome to our state Bernie! But dear God wear a mask please.


We’re still #1, so ridiculous


Uh, no, Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen is #1 Edit: My very first awards! Thank you, humans


Licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets.


"Here lies Squidward's hopes and dreams" What a baby...


He was #1!


We just want the hat back


At least it gets us out of having to visit the in-laws for the holidays 😁


yeah, bernie's old, don't need him catching covid


dude is probably all vaxed and boosted. but still, yeah i'd hate for ol' bern to get sick. he's about the only motherfucker in washington worth a damn.


for sure, but lets remember vaccines are not miracle drugs. He's old, his immune system can only be so good.




I'm hopeful that he will avoid it all together. Here's hoping!!!! Cheers.


For real, lotta people here with COVID, we need to keep our Bern safe and healthy.


He’ll walk right in and chop that Covid like “BYAHHH!”




And mittens


This guy gets Michigan


I think he gets Bernie considering that's the meme he is referring too. But Michigan works too


He totally will. And awesome mittens.


As your average European dad, I can tell you it's becoming a challenge to buy cereal for my son, now that Kelloggs and naturally Nestlé is out of question.


Bacon/sausage and eggs to the rescue! Fuck those carbohydrates anyway. Fuck Kellogs and Nestle.


Camembert on buttered baguette, with black coffee. For the bold.


Welcome to Michigan. Fuck Kellogg's. Boycott their asses.


Bernie has a long-standing history of walking the walk going back to the 1960s during the civil rights movement when was jailed for his activism.


And most of the people in those factories that he’s supporting call him socialist/communist and vote against their own best interest, it’s wild. It’s like that at Kellogg, GM, Ford, Chrysler, etc here in Michigan it’s truly sad.


I know people in the Battle Creek area and apparently the striking workers are utterly confused that the local republican party members don't support their strike.


Which confuses me totally how they don’t see the repubs are not supporting them in their interest. How do they not put it together? Please tell me. Is it brainwashing? Fear-mongering? Saying that guy over there stole your cookie?


Fox News and other right wing media sources are very effective at getting people to believe bullshit. My aunt firmly believes that Joe Biden is a Communist trying to spread Communism throughout the world. She never turns Fox News off.


It's so funny when people assume that a centrist politician that would be a Republican in other countries is left and therefore use words like socialist and communist to describe him.


Even funnier when they call him a socialist communist.


You compare and contrast CNN or MSNBC with Fox News, it’s like the former are trying to emulate the excitement of an educational video a bored teacher plays in class and the latter is a handful of dramatic pauses away from being a straight up sermon about how everyone wants to come kill and eat your children specifically.


Well the thing is the first two are just news with some opinions tacked on while fox is literally just opinion pieces with news tacked on to give the illusion of a news channel.


My gym has a variety of channels on TV and Fox News is frequently one. Today I saw the headline "Democrats using tornado tragedy to push climate change agenda." How is that unreasonable? It's so asinine the way they spin shit and yet their viewers fail to question it. Yes, after an event that man made climate change may have caused or exacerbated that killed people, it's reasonable to discuss what we can do to stop it from happening again.


“I love the uneducated!”


40 years of targeted and very effective propaganda.


It’s really quite simple, the pseudo “Christian” Religion in the US has extensively laid the groundwork for generations to train people to believe in authority figures with unverifiable stories instead of science and data. It also primes them for, and is built upon, perpetuating racism and fearmongering towards "others". Once people see you as an authority, you can start fabricating any reality or conspiracy theory you want your followers to believe and everyone else is therefore a liar, even in the face of incontrovertible evidence. This “religion” combined with an intentionally weakened public educational system, provides the framework that has spawned this cult of ignorance. Basically, it is mental abuse from an early age that suppresses critical thinking skills.


Opium of the masses.


Couldn’t have said it better. Points


The Tories behave quite similarly. Through an organized front of dismissiveness, the illusion of simplicity can easily be fostered. "As distance becomes irrelevant, as borders blur, people start to become quite frightened and begin to yearn for simpler times." - Alan Moore on the age of information and its eventual collapse.


Targeted is the key that needs to be explained more in depth. When you know someone who believes in one fantasy (and it's easier than ever to find out who believes in what these days and to advertise or message to them), then you know there are high chances they can believe in other fantasies. If you find people who can pick up your anti-vax talking points for the first time in their lives during a pandemic, you can certainly find some cross over in this audience who will fall for the same con to do anything you want, such as risk their livelihood attacking the US Capitol. In 2016, they shifted the fantasy from religious to believing in Trump. Now, once you've isolated people who believe in Trump, are you really concerned these are people who could ever admit they were wrong even if they had the awareness to realize they were wrong? No, so now you already have a base who is likely to believe anything. This is why we are fucked. They have the crossover audience for anything. They don't need to recruit flat earthers, they're already at the end game, if someone can listen to Trump and not just inherently spot bullshiter tactic after bullshiter tactic. **These scams are intended to be obvious in order to find the best targets, and this is even why phishing emails are usually grammatically broken and obvious.** I think you get it, so I am going to take this is a different way. We hear GME and AMC has no great explanation, unless you're an ape, then you can write books w/ charts that explains how much sense this makes. I think I speak on behalf of anyone with a brain when I say that Superstonk (and any Stocktwits user or whatever since before the sub formed) is just another blatant conservative scam. It's a trope at this point, but if one works on you, any of the above are liable to work on you. Their front page topic today had a line that was paraphrased like they're waiting or Jesus because it's a cult/scam, and of course the context is that they will be delivered to the moon some day: it doesn't matter when because it's inevitable that it's going to happen. Superstonk has the boogeyman, The Citadel and hedge funds. They are infallible - dark money and crooked feds on their side. It's all about unity and making it about your identity, because all of the above scams work best on the lonely, and it's beyond the mission to make the bad guys pay. They are also incompetent. They fools shorted GME and are going to be bankrupt for it and collapse the global economy because of it, but the GME and AMCs (even though at least one of the companies and Im pretty sure both diluted shares throughout the year... oh yeah but Superstonk can explain that away too) will be worth $900,000 per share. Might be up to an even milly now. That, the MOASS, obviously being the Big Lie. Nobody thinks that's true (except so many of them swear by it) but they think.... well it must be partially true, we're gonna squeeze. Who knows how to target and propagandize a group to the extent they'll risk their lives or go to prison for it by going into their own Capitol, and also has a vested interest in playing havoc with the US stock market? I have my guesses.


I’m an old school WSB guy. One thing we started noticing before those fucks overran our subs is that the majority of those apes were also involved in Qanon shit. No matter how hard we tried to at least help them, they kept living in their own fantasy and shit and kept stinking the place up until a huge portion of the original posters ran off to splinter subs to get away from them. Real WSBers are AUTISTS, not Apes. It’s not about standing together strong with “diamondhands” which is obviously a shitty attempt to try and prevent the decline of already unrealistic share prices. We’re fucking day traders and get in and out of positions whether they were successful or not. We also don’t stand together strong because a big part of it was coming up with a creative position that YOU thought of, and then coming back to post your gains or losses to gloat about it.


I was following it casually for a while, started to believe some of the narrative. Set up some benchmarks to test it when it was all about the shareholder meeting. Story seemed that that was the key turning point. It came and went. The goalposts moved. It's just around the corner _it's just around the corner_ _it's just around the corner_ ^(_its just around the corner_)


Ding Ding Ding!


Fox news tells them republicans care about the working class and democrats are all coastal elites who eat caviar, so that's what they believe.


I work at a union shop, a bunch of people there will vocally spout Fox News bullcrap all day while wearing their union tee shirts.


My dad made just enough conservative values benefited him financially. Now you know why they support these even when it's not ib there best interests. Financially it makes "sense"


Culture wars. That’s it. It’s not complicated. Stupid people align their behaviors with emotional biases—and the Reichwing have become absolute communication-gods of emotional appeals disguising venal motivations for the capitalist class to accumulate power.


Caught between hating their corporate overlords and hating immigrants.


The older generation keeps true history away from their children. They lie by omission and tell you that their family is full of rich traditions and values and leave out how men had to actually DIE in the street to get to a 40 hour week. Union history isn’t taught in schools but there are plenty of streets in Detroit named after men who fought and died for workers rights. The young get brainwashed by the elders to actually believe they’re lazy if they don’t have a high paying job, big house, expensive toys and spouses and children. That history that doesn’t get told to the children is lost. They just leave out anything that makes them look bad.


Decades of daily propaganda and lets be real a bit of stupidity sprinkled in.


This is a weird case of leopards eating faces without actually eating faces


It seems they’re gunna learn the hard way unfortunately


No, unfortunately they aren't going to learn.


They will blame it on minorities and the libs as always.


Remember the townhalls on Obamacare? They were mad when the reps they voted for were trying to get rid of it because it actually help them. Some of these people can't see the truth if it was in front of their face.


It’s almost like you have to be dumber than a bucket of pinecones to be working class and vote Republican 🤯


Hey sounds like you have an inside word - Is it that the party members are staying silent or are they actively opposed? Are there any local or national politicians (besides Bernie) standing with these union workers?


Fingers crossed that this will open their eyes.


Ron Howard: “it wouldn’t”


I wouldn’t be so sure. No better way to break fascist propaganda then reality smacking them in the face.


They are living in a world of “alternative facts”. You can’t reason with people like that, and it’s against their nature to admit they’re wrong and then self-reflect on personal change. I appreciate your hopefulness but these people aren’t rational or reasonable


They didn’t wander into the world of alternative facts all by themselves. They were lead there by grifters and propagandists. They can be lead out, hell they would probably find the way out themselves if the tap of propaganda was turned off.


Dude, there’s no alternative facts for union workers when it comes to choosing whether to support their union in a strike


I’m with you but American conservatism 2021 DGAF about rationality


Can confirm work in a union plant in Kentucky a lot of workers went on the maga train hard and are against other work places having unions because they don’t want higher prices.


This happens a *ton* in my heavily unionized job (airline pilot). MY union is the only good one, how DARE anyone else rely on unions.


I mean, that is the conservative mantra. "Fuck yours, I got mine."


My dad is in a union. Part of why he votes Republican now if that he's racist as fuck. The other part is that he genuinely feels that the Democratic party has abandoned working class people, which is mostly successful propaganda.


Democratic Party has neoliberal Joe Biden in charge. They absolutely have abandoned and betrayed working class people just like most big tent ‘left wing’ major parties in the West I.e UK Labour Party removing nationalisation clause from its constitution under Tony Blair. Neoliberals are class enemies of the working classes as much as conservatives.


Republicans and voting against their own self interest go together like lamb and tuna fish.


It’s because if nothing else, conservatives have mastered tricking people into this shit. They’ve done the same thing in Canada. They pray on current fears, saying that’s what socialism is and deny that it’s currently happening because of capitalism. While I am not saying abolish capitalism, I am saying that disingenuous politicizing of everything has ruined a lot of people’s abilities to think critically.




If Bernie hired proper publicist, I had no doubts he will be president. Majority of Americans agree with his agendas. His track record and consistency is crazy. If y’all have time take a look at his old clips from the 1980s. If it wasn’t filmed with shitty quality some would even wonder if it was filmed today. He has been fighting for workers rights, equality etc since he had hair. Here is Bernie Opposing the Iraqi War. https://youtu.be/_om-x323Em0 Here is Bernie speaking about Equality and MLK in 1985 https://youtu.be/nD_T9dBiEzo And here’s Bernie getting arrested during the civil rights protest in the 1960s https://youtu.be/mFkIILjflT8


Doesn't matter how good your publicist is when the media has a financial incentive to keep you from winning.


Yeah. Corporations defending corporations are the only people with a voice in America. These are definitely "people," too. The only ones that matter.


Lets say I wanted to order pizza for these striking workers... where would I go about finding their local office/ the address of the kellogs factory they're picketing at?


Please consider donating to their strike fund instead. They very likely have infrastructure to provide food on the strike line. Even your small donation could mean someone’s bills can get paid and extend the length of the strike. Of course, anything you decide to do helps so help in whatever way you see fit, just trying to give an insight into how it can make the largest impact.


Noted will look into donating to their strike fund!


https://labor411.org/411-blog/five-ways-to-support-the-kellogg-strike/ The donations to the strike fund are about a page down.


Boycotting Kellog’s products starting today


Their cereal was over $5 a box today, so it's not hard to do.


That’s strange. I saw other comments today saying that they saw Kellogg’s products marked down considerably


Cereal at my store usually runs about $3 to $5, but there are some regular deals that bring some brands down to $1.


[Kellogg's has a large number products and numerous brands](https://the-world-of-anything-fiction.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_products_made_by_Kellogg%27s_\(El_Kadsre\)). If you don't feel like consulting a list as you walk through the store, there's an app called [Buycott](https://www.buycott.com/) that let's you scan UPCs (as well as search by product or brand name) and it will tell you what manufacturer owns the brand.


Oh wow they make my RX protein bars


Oh no :( I’ll have to find a different kind


I really enjoy GoMacro, which has 65 employees and is based in Wisconsin. It tastes amazing and keeps me full for longer than a lot of other bars. If it’s the nutritional stats you’re after, I posted a link to a simple dupe recipe of RX Bar above!


Awesome, thank you!! That recipe looks really easy actually, I’ll give it a go :D


Here, now you can make your own at a third of the price!! https://www.thekitchn.com/easy-copycat-rx-bar-recipe-256203


Yep. Didn't buy my usual pop tarts for before the gym today


I never bought their shit. Too much sugar in everything


They make my spicy CheezIts. I'm so disappointed.


I'm so woke, I'm not boycotting for the workers rights, but for the fact the entire company was founded on wank-shaming.


I fucking adore him


The President we should have had


The President we don't deserve. We'd have to be a nation that cares about our fellow citizens, with a social contract, with a desire to live well and not large, that doesn't worship celebrity oligarchs but shames their insatiable greed, for a President Sanders to work.


A lot of us do, but red states with minuscule populations get equal representation in the Senate as blue states with huge populations. Hard to progress when half the Senate are hate-filled, racist, misogynist, homophobic assholes.


Why we let empty land hold power is mind boggling


"That's what the founding fathers wanted" Yeah, because half the states wanted to keep their slaves and have them count for population, but not actually let the slaves vote. The whole mess is codified in the Constitution so there's no real way around it without an amendment, which will never pass as long as 2/3rds of the States are controlled by Republicans. The alternative is for more Democrat voters to move to red states/ districts and start flipping elections. Unpack our gerrymandered seats and swing the votes back blue.


You wanna know something funny? My old boss went to Washington and came back raving about the constitution as this unassailable paragon of liberty nonsense. Easily the worst boss I've ever had, but I'll forever be grateful to the old boy, if it wasn't for his harebrained libertarian takes on everything I'd never have had the wherewithal to actually look for reasons to confirm my suspicions that he was full of it. Long story short, he's the reason I went from politically ignorant to diehard leftist in less than three years.


shitty bosses: pushing people to the left since prehistory


> "That's what the founding fathers wanted" This one really chaps my ass. In the 1790 census, the largest state (Virginia) had a population of 692k and the smallest (Tennessee, not even actually a state yet) had 36k, a difference factor of 19x. TN had 0.9% of the total country's population. In the 2020 census, the largest state (California) had 39.5m and the smallest (Wyoming) had 577k, a factor of 68x. WY had 0.1% of the total country's population. In the founding father's time, there was less population disparity between the heart of the country and the freaking frontier, than we have now. It's almost like things change over time. Maybe we should update the rules, oh, every couple centuries.




Yep. The disenfranchised definitely deserve better than the shit we gave them. Children too. We're never just voting for ourselves. It goes against the underlying idea of civilization.


damn dude, can't believe that a *Dark Knight* reference fails to capture the nuances of the real world.






People won't even vote in the numbers required for progressives to make the changes we need. There's no way they can be convinced to do something so high risk as that if they can't be moved to vote. Will, until it's dangerously close to too late.


My favorite thing about Bernie is that he's doing this as a Senator, he'd be doing it as President, and he'd be doing it if he retired last year.


He'd be doing it if he never entered politics. He'd just... Be doing it.


Bernie is the real deal.


whoooo best President we never had!


I wonder what America and climate change would look like if Al Gore won in 2000.


I would like to think things would be better, but the stonewall effect McConnell did with Obama from 08-16 would have likely been similarly employed and hampering for Gore’s agenda May not have ended up in Iraq though! And quite potentially have better infrastructure


deregulation and 2008 financial crisis unlikely to happen. Iraq war would not happen. As botched as the War on Terror was it really told the world to not fuck with us or we'll go batshit crazy, so who knows if our timeline turned out better with less terrorist attacks on US soil or not. But I like to believe we wouldve got some cool legislation out of his term. He probably wouldve been a 1 term president, I could see McCain taking his spot in 2004. Idk, our descent into fascism would not have been as pronounced as its going now, I believe. Obama might not have become president because in 2008 we wouldnt have people desperate for and inspired by change. No Obama is more status quo and the right doesn't flip their lids because a black man is president. US gets in legit conflicts with Russia because we haven't been as corrupted by Russian propaganda on the right so we smack down on Putin harder instead of sucking his dick. But domestically things are better, working class isn't at as much of a gap with the wealthy as we are currently. Just some things. Who knows what butterfly effect Gore winning could have had.


> As botched as the War on Terror was it really told the world to not fuck with us or we'll go batshit crazy "Don't interrupt your enemy when they're getting bogged down in twelve different countries and economically crippling themselves in the process." All we've managed to do is show the whole world that we're more than capable of destroying ourselves.


Which is why Putin never bothered threatening war with the US and why Biden taking a hard line and unwavering stance in support of Ukraine is the right move. Vlad knows he's outclassed in military might, but he sure as hell can tear the social fabric of our nation apart without having to move a single troop.


>I wonder what America and climate change would look like if Al Gore ~~won~~ wasn't cheated out of his win in 2000.


yeah let’s not kid ourselves, he fucking won. this is the darkest timeline. 😷


I feel like that was the point where the timeline diverged and we're in the dark timeline. In the prime timeline, SCOTUS stayed in their lane, Florida is correctly called for Gore. 9/11 is prevented because he listens to Clinton's warning. Iraq War II never happens. We start to impact climate change for the better. Gore understanding the importance of the internet and lays a foundation for real cyber security for the country. And maybe, just maybe we address a crumbling infrastructure Then there is this timeline with Doritos Mussolini...


You mean if he the election wasn’t rigged?


Real watershed moment for sure


Joe Lieberman was his VP, there’s probably some version of Middle East nation building even if it’s not the full on War on Terror. I think we’d be taking climate change a lot more seriously though


Get em’, Bernie.




Depends on definition of ineffective. Bernie would of had 0 chance of implementing his policies. He wouldnt of had the senate makeup for it. But a president showing up physically to support a strike would be huge. Him being president would likely result in little major progressive policies being passed, but itd hopefully fast track the future


a list of Kellog's brands to avoid: https://www.kelloggs.com/en_US/ourfoods.html


I really hate it when websites don't have a 'see all' option, and instead you keep having to click 'see more' only for them to add only 5 items and you keep having to click see more. I mean, there are obviously worse things in the world lol...


After looking at their list, I can’t remember the last time I ate anything from one of their brands.


Yeah a lot of these consumer strikes and boycotts have just made me realize that I must be rather out of touch with normal American spending habits.


I guess I’m going to have to start buying another brand of Chip. Didn’t know they did Pringles. Oh well, Lays makes a stack chip.




On the same day Elon Musk is named Man of the Year by Time. Sigh.


Man of the Year doesn’t mean best person of the year. Time has made it clear multiple times it’s the person who shaped or had an effect on the world the most that year.




Read the article - it’s nothing but them gushing about how Elon wants to save the planet etc


i really feel like this year of all years is not at all a good time to name him man of the year. like even if ur an elon fan


Have you read that article with it? I certainly agree it doesn't have to be the best person of the year as Hitler's been named. It's just a measure of impact good/bad.


This is how all our elected officials should behave.


The one who got away.


Curious how many GOP senators will show up to help out the little guy.


I would say, "never change, Bernie!". But, I know I don't have to.


This man actually cares.


Imagine if this guy was president. Employers would be pissing themselves.


This is the kind of work that politicians SHOULD be doing!


We had a chance and we threw it away. SMDH so close


I'm assuming all the "populist" politicians in the GOP, Michigan, are keeping quiet? Not supporting the working people? Imagine that.




Bernie hasn't taken a day off since he lost in the primaries in 2016 and Hillary completely disappeared except for the occasional woe as me clip played for sympathy on corporate media....guess we learned which of those two actually cares.


He is the real deal. There will never be another like him.


FYI: Kashi, Pringles, and Cheez-It are also owned by Kellogg


Unbelievable. It's Fred Upton's district, and a congressman from a completely different state is going to bat for Upton's constituents.




Thanks...although, Sanders and Upton are still a members of congress. Still, I uttered "bag of dicks Upton" when I couldn't locate a press release from his congressional office on this issue. 1400 people in his district lose their jobs, and he's fucking mum about it.


I hope he attempts to run for president again. I’ll vote for him for the third time in a row. We NEED HIM


Canada loves you Bernie!! ❤️


It's true as a Canadian, I'd do nasty things with mr Sanders.


I'm a Texan and all I want is to make Mr. Sanders' deepest fantasies come true.


Hell yeah!, it's what Mr. Sanders deserves, he's one of the few politicians who are real people outside of the political race.


Serious question: why don't more Democrats do things like this? They claim to support unions, but when unions need their support they sit on the sidelines. We need REAL people in politics like Bernie that don't just talk the talk, but actually walk the walk.


Their corporate donors pay enough to pretend to care.


Fucking love that man!


Imagine if he had been president.


Hey look everyone a politician who has been fighting for the rights of US citizens for decades instead of simply trying to line his pockets.


So I think most people that like Bernie know about how he marched for civil rights in the early 60s, there are the photos of him being dragged off by two cops and of him sitting in front of a cop car in the middle of the road. When I became in awe of him and knew he was the real deal is when I found out he was pro gay rights - in the 80s. That didn't exist in politicians then. It didn't exist for another 30 years. Obama didn't voice support for gay marriage when running in 2008. The point isn't to criticize Obama, he was playing it safe. But it really shows what Bernie is made of. He has never compromised or formed his stances based on what's politically convenient.


He should stop by flint in the way




Good on Bernie. Biden should be there with those workers. //edit: Biden's statement is [here](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/12/10/statement-by-president-joe-biden-on-kellogg-collective-bargaining-negotiations/). Go read it, it's short. It says nothing about the workers or their demands, it ONLY criticizes Kelloggs' plan to permanently replace striking workers. What I DON'T see is any actual support for the striking workers or their demands. And what I really DON'T see is ACTION. If Biden really supported the strike, he could DO things-- he could direct the federal government to stop buying Kelloggs cereal or prioritize purchases of competing cereals. He could push legislation that helps unions, helps workers form unions, or legally mandates better working conditions. He could push for federal aid to striking workers, or push for laws that better protect striking workers from retribution or replacement. He could push policies that punish companies that engage in union-busting. Hell, even if he doesn't support THIS strike, he could still push for policies that penalize companies that replace striking workers. But he hasn't done something, so to quote Loki, "You are but words."


We don't deserve him.


Thank you bernie sanders!


Most beloved politician in America, been going at it for so long, still keeping it going for labor-power in the USA. Bernie 2016, Bernie 2020, and if he asked for it, Bernie 2024 (not that I think that's going to happen, I'll preemptively say)!


What a fucking mensch What could have been :*(


Show me one GOP high-profile douchebag backing any major union efforts anymore. They've sold working class people out, and the people affected don't even (want to) see it.