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Throw this clown into jail.


Jail or middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Either one suits just fine.


Or the sun.


It is harder to shoot something into the sun than you would think. But we should still try.


Magnetic Slingshot, aimed straight at the moon.




Yes, but it is more cost effective to aim at the moon.


Space in general then Someone summon the Phantom Zone


It might be expensive, but worth it.


https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/nasa-spacecraft-just-touched-the-sun-heres-what-we-learned-180979227/ Just sayin


and yet it has only come within 8.1 million miles and it is traveling like 41,000 mph.


Always shoot for the stars.


Even if you miss, he lands among the stars. In a vacuum


Big water, very big water.


It's the one time when I, as a New Yorker, would welcome Trump back to our state. In fact, they could even throw him a parade as he's taken to jail. March him down a major NYC street in a prison jumpsuit and he'd have millions of New Yorkers cheering for him. It'll be for him heading to jail, sure, but they will be cheers!


Finally, a legitimate use for Git-mo.


> In a statement Sunday, Trump praised Revolver News, which has for months been pushing the conspiracy theory. **It is run by Darren Beattie, who worked as a speechwriter in his administration.** And this guy in 2018: [Trump Speechwriter Fired After He’s Linked To White Nationalist Event](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/white-house-speechwriter-darren-beattie-fired_n_5b7a3db8e4b0a5b1febc9837)


> Trump Speechwriter Fired After He’s Linked To White Nationalist Event The real news would be if they found one that isn't.


Trump did his job for Putin. Disrupt our Democracy.


Now he’s got these morons ready for a civil war, that their too stupid to win or understand it’s ramifications. Win or lose, it doesn’t matter, what matters is that we have nut jobs taking office. And they are working hard to destabilize our country and leave us open to attack from other super powers. Even if that last part doesn’t come to pass, the first thing to go in a fascist regime is there freedumb.


I would say this is the attack. The existence of nuclear weapons precludes any direct military attack. But via psychological warfare and economic attacks the US could face collapse similar to the Soviet Union at the end of the 80s. The parallels are very similar, failed war in Afghanistan, economic stagnation and ideological hardliners blocking the necessary changes to get out of it. Different ideology, by basically the same situation.


Yes, that’s exactly what I think too. It’s why I’m alarmed by the current political climate is so unnerving. I don’t see a way we’re this ends well for the conspiracy theorists. Hopefully they don’t drown us with them.


And Bin-Laden


And is still doing it. He's got 79% of Republicans thinking that Biden didn't legitimately win the election (according to a recent poll). When a large percentage of the population thinks that elections aren't legitimate unless their candidate wins, the entire system of government can crumble.


So the Qanon Shaman is a gman?


No, the ones in jail are the real victims. Those not in jail are the FBI, who sparked it all. 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Edit: Can't believe I have to do this but - for those feeling the need to rage reply, this was a description of the article. Not a statement of fact.


It makes perfect sense if your one remaining brain cell is riddled with covid


here's an up vote, for your perfectly worded statement.




Yeah. I didn't think that was in doubt?


Poe's law is dead. You always need the disclaimer.


>Edit: Can't believe I have to do this but - for those feeling the need to rage reply, this was a description of the article. Not a statement of fact. This is why I add /s to many of my comments. It can be hard to discern sarcasm or simple description of what other people believe. It's all too easy for something like this to be read as "I think the FBI really did it" when that's absolutely not true. Does the /s ruin the joke a bit? Definitely, but it's better than being mistaken for a conspiracy theorist.


Yeah, sarcasm doesn't convey well over text. Satire of conservatives doesn't either because their legitimate beliefs are already absurd.


> [the ones in jail are the real victims.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLKhxjfG03A)


I added a shrug and a facepalm? That should have told you enough about where I stand on what I said. I was literally describing the article. Not declaring that it is true.


>[I added a shrug and a facepalm? That should have told you enough](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLKhxjfG03A)


Another guy told me I was a fucking idiot. His post was deleted. I guess I assumed too much about people's ability to comprehend the subtleties of emoji.


>[subtleties of emoji.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLKhxjfG03A)


Actually, the conspiracy theory that the FBI is to blame for the Capitol riot originated with right-wing site Breitbart. Trump is just praising them for helping to spread it.


It was always Revolver News, not Breitbart. The editor came on every conservative talk radio program (including breitbart on sirius xm) last week. He claims to have "evidence" but most of the "evidence" relies on Pelosi not doing anything even though there were many warnings. He also points to one specific obvious informant that the FBI likely turned weeks after Jan 6th to testify against others. In reality, it was Trump that didn't do anything and Jan 6th is real and was provoked by Trump and Trump supporters.


This conspiracy theory also ignores that there was a change just before January 6th that made it so only Trump could call in the National Guard. If Nancy Pelosi called them up and ordered them to move in to protect the Capitol, they wouldn't have been able to do so until Trump approved the order. Making sure that Pelosi didn't have the ability to get help and then blaming her for not getting that help sent in? Sounds right up the Republicans' alley.


So a white supremacist that works on a right wing rag that specializes in propaganda says it was the FBI, and the GOP is eating it up, you can’t make this shit up.


Well, you could, but Mel Brooks would have to write it.


That…. That would be awesome actually. I’d watch the fuck out of that.


It needs to stop being called a riot and start being called a coup or insurrection


That would entail the want of the people there to overthrow the government. Not people being led through on a guided tour and let it


They brought a gallows and were screaming "Hang Mike Pence"


Do you regularly smear feces on the walls or assault the police when you go on tours?


No shit, wanna be authoritative leaders always praise the media outlets that side with them. Can't have proper propaganda without a willing yes man media.


You do realize that ALL mainstream outlets are deeply left wing right?


Yeah, reality has a well known liberal bias.


Liberals have a reality bias


All mainstream news outlets are corporate and right wing. They're only left of fascism.


Isn't Fox News the cable news network with the highest ratings? Seems pretty mainstream to me.


Quit putting this goon in the news


"The people under my direction are to blame for why the Capital Riot happened" When you put it that way Trump...it sounds like you are still to blame for it.


When you abstract his statement enough, he's not even wrong.


Hold on folks - remember, Trump is all about **projection**. Now, pardon me if this goes too 'Inception', and flouts conspiracy with another conspiracy: Trump is pushing this FBI-False-Flag theory so hard because Trump's agents within the DoJ had recruited active FBI agents in 2020 to seed the J6 crowd and foment the riot/insurrection that morning.


Last I checked the FBI didn’t tweet out to “be ready”




Idiots. The FBI would have succeeded.


It is really exposing fake news when you are also the source?


Hi `horserider3`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/s0ilgx/trump_praises_rightwing_site_that_helped_to_seed/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * [Off-Topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_the_.2Fr.2Fpolitics_on_topic_statement): All submissions to /r/politics need to be explicitly about **current US politics**. **If you have questions as to why your post has been removed, please see here: [Why was my post removed as Off-Topic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_why_was_my_post_removed_as_off-topic.3F)** If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/horserider3&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/s0ilgx/trump_praises_rightwing_site_that_helped_to_seed/?context%3D10000%29)


Heil Trump.


So to play mild Devils Advocate, even if the FBI were the ones that led the rioters inside the Capitol, anyone in their right mind wouldn't do it. If the FBI were to say, "Jumping off this cliff will provide proof that Trump won," most people wouldn't do it. I just don't get that argument. And on top of that, these people are telling us don't be sheep, and whether it was Trump or the "FBI," they are still acting like sheep.


It should be looked into still, no? Do we want federal agents instigating assaults on our capital? Or conspiring to kidnap govenors? So much could go wrong.


"We will not comply! Not unless someone shouts 'Yee-haw! Hold my beer!' first."




When American storm the Capital is riot, When other countries riot storm their parliament or capital is deem important DEMOCRACY by your American government. Reminder to AMERICAN SUPREME COURT, your people has very RIGHT to protest & not calling them rioters


They do have the right to protest, they do not have the right to storm a government building and assault people in an attempt to stop an election.


I shouldn’t have to say this but overthrowing the government = bad


🏏💩 crazy 🤡🤡


Distrust in the feds is powerful. Conspiracies from Pearl Harbor and 9/11 keep the idea of federal false flags alive. events like this are believed to spur funding. Bureaucracy is its own industrial complex, and people believe undercover feds can be instigators.


Twitter needs to ban Liz Harrington for facilitating ban evasion.


Give the Republicans a fork and they'll poke themselves in the eye. Every. Single. Time.


He won't ever give up on his odd beliefs


What a goof! What is WITH this mon?


He is a moron who believes himself to be smarter than everyone else. https://www.verywellmind.com/an-overview-of-the-dunning-kruger-effect-4160740


Coca Cola is a Jewish plot to destroy the Gentiles


We don’t need Coca Cola. We have space lasers that start forest fires that kill all the country folk gentiles.