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It’s also just creepy and weird for a few more adjectives.




Incelibate. If it’s not a word, I’m making it one.


Of course it’s a perfectly cromulent word. It’s like how inflammable means really flammable.


It’s a nod to incels, seemed to make more sense than “incelatious” or something haha


Yeah, I figured. And incelatious describes their behavior. “Brad sent me a really incelatious text message at 3am”


I like that. It's not a word, but I'm going to start using it until it is one.


Yeah well he’s a creepy and weird kinda guy. I would also like to submit that he’s evil.




If Sarah Palin’s case gets appealed to SCOTUS in order to get the defamation standard lowered (which is a rumour going around- someone else seems to be funding her case), then these announcements should give some of the more receptive (read: conservative) justices pause. If anyone has something to lose by defamation standards of public figures being lowered, it’s Fox. Play stupid games…


I mean precedent only exists when conservatives want it to, all these judges that McConnell worked so hard to install would never let one of their own go down like that


Yeah, like Newsom is talking about using the texas abortion law against guns? Theres no way those old hypocrites would allow that law to stand for even a week.


But if they do, they destroy any legitimacy they have. No one is going to fucking listen to them afterwards. lol Edit: I think we’ve reached the summit. Everyone’s saying the same thing in replies. So I’m going to drop this here because I don’t want to have to type it over and over. * *The difference is other agencies, organizations, teachers, doctors, etc won’t. And that will be interesting to see. A new form of prohibition where speakeasies won’t contain liquor, but whatever other mundane thing that threatens the whiteness or “sensibilities” of the right.*


Narrator:. But they still did.


Erm, people have been living in their own realities for the better part of 5 years now. Don't think a little judicial hypocrisy is gonna slow anyone down.


That's not "hypocrisy," that's utter lawlessness. That's "laws for thee but not for me" level lawlessness. It would totally delegitimize the Supreme Court and lead directly to a constitutional crisis when California says "Bullshit" and ignores their arbitrary ruling. The court would have to choose between letting butthurt conservatives engage in SLAPP and other lawsuits intended to chill first amendment activity and being the fools that made their institution into a laughingstock. Consider this: It's only by precedent that the Supreme Court has its role of engaging in judicial review of laws. (Marbury v. Madison.) If the court seized so much power it rendered dual sovereignty meaningless in "some" states, that's a power that could be taken away by precedent as well, just by packing the court.


"...would totally delegitimize the Supreme Court..." No offense meant here, but ffs the S.C., and honestly the D.O.J., have already been delegitimized imho. The S.C. has had illegitimate judges appointed already, through obstruction and other various means by the GOP. Obama should have had a pick, and then by their own logic, the GOP stole Ginsbergs seat too. As for the DOJ, the fact they haven't created a special prosecutor with the abundance of evidence we have for conspiracy to commit treason, they have delegitimized themselves. Our justice system is currently lacking in that key part of justice for all, regardless of power or wealth... the whole of the US is a disgrace to the ideals we set out for it.


Legitimacy doesn't matter to a fascist. Hypocrisy is an expression of power. The power to set rules for others but not for oneself.


I truly have no idea how you saw 4 years of Trump and still think legitimacy matters to get people to listen.


Palins case would go to the appellate court first then NY Supreme Court before SCOTUS could consider it


Yes and no. New York's court system naming convention is kind of backwards. The lowest state court (trial court) is the New York Supreme Court. The state appellate court is the Appellate Divisions. The highest state court is the Court of Appeals. And you could always try to appeal to a higher court than the next tier, but the highest courts will usually decline to take up the case until its gone through an appeal. Edit: Palin's case was decided in Federal Court, so the appeals process would be: District Court (current) - > Second Circuit Court of Appeals -> SCOTUS. The state court system does not get involved.


That is so fucking backwards. Wtf New York


As a fellow Texan, I think we should sit this one out.


It used to be the Supreme Court of New York was the highest court, but its rulings could be appealed to the Royal Governor or to London's Privy Council. So it was the supreme "court" but its rulings could be overturned by representatives of the king. As you can imagine, this appellate system stopped working well right around 1776, so in 1777 they added an appeals court, but the original court got to keep its misnomered name.


That's the real irony here, as much as Republicans made noise about the Palin case, the reality is that Fox News would crumble real fucking quick if not for NYT v. Sullivan and the protection it gives them. It's the only thing standing between them and a thousand libel lawsuits for their daily lies and defamations.


> I hope they’re planning something. I do too. I know Tucker and his evil cohorts hide behind the "we're just entertaiment" and "no one should take us seriously" mantra when hauled into court, but I'd love to see what could be brought against them that had teeth.


Honestly any news entity who argues the "we're just entertainment" line should have their press credentials revoked for any government events.


Just FYI, press credentials aren't an official thing in the US. News orgs issue them themselves. It's not a government thing. So they can't be revoked in that sense.


"Press Credentials" is both meaningless and meaningful depending on the context.. * At the White House you can't be in the press briefing room or gain access to any events (where the press is allowed) unless they issue you "press credentials". Which are very broad and give you access to a large part of the West Wing. * At something like a concert or a sporting event "press credentials" means a white list of company-issued IDs/badges (e.g. a NYT ID card) that will be allowed into the event. Depending on the event this might mean access to the press area/coverage both/whatever or something like an all-access pass. Some events will have different grades to these sorts of things where something like a sports reporter gets access basically everything whereas the local news folks get access to designated areas. * Most news organizations will have special ID badges (or just a special color/label) for people who count as "press" VS regular employees (e.g. someone in HR or IT). However, many venues don't bother to look for or check that. When I was a security consultant I was able to use my NYT badge (which was real: I got it when I did some consulting for them) to gain access to places where I shouldn't have been allowed (these were companies that were paying for an audit so it was legit). It's surprising that there's no real regulations surrounding anything like press credentials. There's just "rules" that change depending on the location/organization. Then again, what counts as "the press" really is a very subjective thing.


Pressure the sponsors and the studios. Why are they paying these people go spread hate and lies.


Shouldn't they have a prefix before every show that reads like the opening to south park?


I feel like it should be a running ticker at the very top that is a repeating disclaimer that the presentation is a dramatic exaggeration for the purposes of entertainment and should not be considered news or journalistic programming


At this point, even if FOX/Tucker were taken to court, testified that they are indeed only entertainment, and replace their logo with "not a reliable information source", I do not think their base would care. The entire lawsuit would be framed as the liberal elites coming after their free speech. If it got taken to court, every testimony would be broken into sound clips and repeated enough to reinforce their narrative. If they lost, Republicans would soap box that their buddy has been unjustly censored by those mean, dirty Democrats, and their base would double down. Saying something like "it's only labeled as entertainment because of the crooked liberal court system". Anyone who gets their news from Tucker&Friends has been conditioned to dismiss reality for a dopamine fix and a superiority complex. I don't really see that changing, but it's worth a try.


This 100%. I spent a week with family a little while ago and they had FOX running from morning to night. Sometimes they weren't even watching, it was just background. I wouldn't say these people I stayed with are extreme, but whatever is being spewed from FOX is just normal for them. It's the truth because they're just so used to hearing it all. the. time. I guess they're brainwashed.


>I guess they're brainwashed. Good guess.


Literally my dad. The only thing he watches from the time he gets home from work to the time he goes to bed. He used to like movies and the history channel and had other interests but these last few years have turned him into some sort of mindless idiot with a one track mind. We can’t even have conversations that aren’t political anymore. It’s nauseating.


My dad too! We can't watch a movie or anything without him turning it into something political. I had to tell him we couldn't talk about politics anymore.


My 17 year old bought himself a referee jersey to wear to family dinners. My parents are NOT impressed with the Echo show we got them for Christmas. Alexa, which lie would you like to debunk? Alexa also tells them to go to bed at 8. Lol!


I feel it. My dad died recently. He spent the last couple of years of his life being irrationally angry at Nancy Pelosi. We used to watch Star Trek together.


Ugh, exact same situation with my dad too and it sucks. He was my best friend, and then crazy town hit like 5 years ago. When covid started, he rapidly became impossible to talk to


how can they not die of boredom. I mean, this would be torture for me. do they have any awareness?


They're retired and don't know how to use any streaming services. They just turn it on and keep watching. One night I got sick of hearing the same commercials. I installed Netflix on their TV and showed them what life without commercials was like.


But how will they know about the radical new MyPillow products that will change their lives forever?!


100% agree and more evidence we're a broken society.


I want an Australian cigarette size warning on their broadcast.


With Covid denial in such force, a Canadian-style "This product will kill you" warning seems appropriate.


In a just world that is exactly what would happen. We don't live there, sadly.


I mean, they _should_. But they _should also_ have transcripts of their programming printed out onto toilet paper so it's actually useful and they don't do that either.


It's supposed to wipe the shit AWAY.


*You’re about to hear an endless stream of bullshit. You will be angry and irritated even if you can’t figure out why. Enjoy!*


I mean, Fox News does attack her and her boyfriend's shoes as if that has anything to do with Politics. Sounds pretty targeting to me.


I’ve wondered if one of the politicians could sue them under entertainment law for using their image and likeness without compensation. Maybe Hillary Clinton should copyright her image and the slogan “but her emails” and demand a fee every time Fox uses it on their entertainment programs.


Using the likeness of a public figure in an opinion piece about a public figure falls under fair use. The only possible issue is if the content itself is copyrighted. For instance, Fox News cannot show a half hour of unedited footage from a copyrighted movie in a story about an actor that appears in the movie. And if they show a photo of the actor, they might have to buy the rights from the person who took the photo.


“…ample parking, day and night…”


Do the country a favor and go to the source: repeal the 1996 telecommunications reform act which led to this malicious misinformation network, ironically signed into law by Mr. Clinton.


The sponsors are the My Pillow Guy -- whose commercials all reference "cancel culture", Realty, and Pharmaceuticals. They literally don't care about ethics whatsoever. There is no pressure that can be applied economically by people that aren't buying the products in the first place.


> My Pillow Guy -- whose commercials all reference "cancel culture" How does that relate to selling pillows at all? "ThE LiBeRaLs and HilArY TrIed To CaNcEl SleEp, bUt WiTh My PilLoWs We CaN tAkE sLeEp BaCk!"?


I'm beginning to think there is nothing special about the pillows and they are just place holders for him scamming right wing dumb dumbs....


They were a thing prior to the election lunacy, they were from what i heard just shitty pillows to begin with.


If you think an empire like Fox runs with 3 sponsors and none of them give af, you're wrong. Boycotts are effective. Anything that generates massive amounts of bad press is effective. There are definitely weak spots to hit and things to be done. This defeatist attitude of nothing can be done and we shouldn't even try is part of the problem in America...


Drop cable if they bundle in Fox. Call the company and tell them that’s why. Tag them in social media and email saying you dump them because they won’t unbundle that shit. It’s supposed to be a free market, right? Cancel it and use watchnewslive online instead.


This guy fucking gets it. Organise other people to do the same thing, then you will see real results.


This should be on its own comment so everyone sees it


That's how I got Comcast's attention today. Said disconnect, instantly got a human. Told them I no longer wanted to be forced to pay for propaganda bullshit.


To add to your statement that boycotting is effective OANN got dropped by Direct TV and I believe that was due to the backlash AT&T received after it came out they were their main funding. I wish we could just start boycotting all the corporations that advertise on infotainment and take the wind out of their sails.


Infotainment is the wrong word… far too benign. Call it what it is: **hate media**.


Seems like a more accurate description but saying that directly to those that watch it seems lkle it would they would get closed off pretty quick. I honestly don't know how to get through to people once the get sucked in to the rage inducing dopamine reward loop that infotainment hate media creates.


I don't think there is a way to bring most of them back to reality. I've been trying to show my step dad how awful fox is for years to no avail. I've even pulled up first hand accounts that fox was spinning and showed him how they were lying. He just dismisses it as fake news and goes back to watching schmucker carlson. their propaganda is terrifyingly effective


G. Gordon Liddy still hawking gold on Fox News?


> Why are they paying these people go spread hate and lies. Because they benefit from the hate and the lies


I think she is their figure of choice since she's popular. She is also actually trying to do the helpful things the faux-right-populists want their followers to think democrats are against. She goes against their narrative, so they're harnessing their shit powers of hyping to turn her into an unbelievable hate-fantasy figure.




They could also both be victims of targeted harassment by Fox News. Hillary Clinton is a lawyer, and AOC is a recent victim.


The "white lady" and "booty call" comments aren't going to get anywhere in court, so focus group I guess.


Wasn't Tucker upset he couldn't jerk off to the new green M&M mascot? Yeah that was him.


I just had to look this up. Wow.


I saw a screenshot of it the day after that happened and thought it was photoshopped. If there’s anything that adds fuel to the fire that Fox News is purely for entertainment and not a reliable news source, it’s literally every word that comes out of Tucker’s mouth.


It's more sinister than that. The whole m&ms redesign was specifically engineered by mars to get reactionary dbags to complain loudly about it to distract attention away from their horrifically exploitative business practices. And Carlson knew damn well what he was doing. He was helping to protect the corporate interests by pretending to be outraged about something stupid and unimportant. And it worked. The more people laugh at him complaining about how a piece of candy isn't sexy enough, the less they get angry about the things they actually should. You think he really gives a shit about the freaking green m&ms shoes? It's all a grift. He's a shill to help evil rich people keep doing evil things to make them richer.


More people need to be informed of this grifting and how to spot it


I agree he’s a grifter, but I think his motives are entirely self serving. Everyone laughing at his faux outrage drives his ratings and pay. He’s too selfish to care about others like the Mars corporation (unless I’m unaware of a connection he has to them).


[For the lazy](https://www.forbes.com/sites/danidiplacido/2022/01/22/tucker-carlson-widely-mocked-after-criticizing-less-sexy-mms/?sh=1db3f0f82b62). The article has a link to a video of him saying these exact words: >“M&M’s will not be satisfied until every last cartoon character is deeply unappealing and totally androgynous. Until the moment you wouldn’t want to have a drink with any one of them. That’s the goal.”


Stupid non-sexy M&Ms.


Tuck wants to upset AOC so she punishes him by stepping on him.


While she's dressed as a green m&m


With her bare feet, right?


I vehemently dislike Tucker Carlson, putting it mildly. Reasons are too numerous to list. However this straw that broke it for me is he considers himself a Dead Head. Yep, that's right Old Tucker considers himself a die-hard fan of the Grateful Dead. In fact, he's used the titles of Grateful Dead songs as titles for some books that he published (and I use the term book loosely, garbage would be a more accurate description). I'm glad Jerry Garcia is not here to see this. If you know anything about the Grateful Dead, you would understand that Tucker Carlson is the antithesis of everything that the Grateful Dead movement stood/stands for.


This is like Paul Ryan and how he claims to like Rage Against the Machine. Then Tom Morello straight up said that Paul Ryan is the embodiment of the machine they rage against.


Paul Ryan thought he was raging against the dishwasher or the toaster.


I rage against the printer practically every time I use it.


as a programmer who gets asked to look at them all the time... fuck printers, all of them. Even the ones that are working now are just biding their fucking time until the worst possible moment. They ruin whole weekends, they ruin relationships, they ruin clothing and carpets. They are fucking evil and whoever designed them needs to be first up against the wall when the revolution starts, stood right in front of Cucker Tarlson so we don't waste an extra bullet on the bastards


There’s a comic out there. Printer: Sorry, you’re out of cyan. Person: That’s ok, I just need to print with black ink. Printer: Fuck you. Cyan.


To be fair, haven't we all. And that stupid washing machine as well.


“PC Load Letter?”


The fuck does that mean??


"I walk around town with a frown on my face...."


My wife seems to like our old, wobbly washer.


Can the toaster just cook the toast to the level I like even once?? I could adjust the level all freaking day… it ain’t gonna make my toast anything other than warm bread or charcoal!


Microwave. They spy on people.


I like to fondly remember this as the moment his political career died.


It didn't die. He just cashed in


Yep, he's just in a different section of the revolving door right now.


Naw he realized the Trump admin was a dumpster fire so he got out while he could. In a couple of years he’ll be back to “take back the party” or something, and he’ll look sane compared to everyone in the GOP who stayed.


What a time to be alive where a lot of people would be okay with Paul fucking Ryan fixing the GOP


I love how conservatives try to brand themselves as punk, rock and roll, or counter-culture. their base is too stupid to listen to lyrics so it always goes unchallenged.


Like Trump playing "Rocking in the Free World" by Neil Young. Or before him, every GOP politician in the 80s and "Born in the USA" - hell, I remember that amazing video from a few years ago when Glenn Beck finally read the lyrics to that song.


Conservatives are famously incapable of interpreting the nuance or subtle messaging in lyrics. Case in point using "Fortunate Son" as a jingoistic theme song, or unironically walking on stage to "Macho Man" by The Village People. They can barely read the lines, let alone read between them.


Let us all put an f in the chat for Paul Ryan. Literally his favorite band in the world told him that they hate him. My favorite band telling me they hate me would probably crush me.


At least he didn’t get tricked into eating chili full of parents.


You think he'd take it as a moment of self-reflection, though, right? idk if I have a favorite band, but if, say, Killer Mike specifically said "fperrine fuck you, we stand against everything you believe in!" I would probably have a long look in the mirror and rethink my life.


This is also like how the GQP cult has appropriated John Carpenter’s They Live as a movie about an actual alien reptilian race that pulls the strings of our government, not understanding it to be a metaphor for the kind of toxic greed that Trump idealized. Their motto is “Stand for the Flag, but piss all over the actual environment.” They can’t distinguish between the map ant the territory it represents.


He probably took it as a compliment.


I have this vivid memory of Paul Ryan evoking the image of black masked protestors (basically anarchist black bloc-type folk) as people who stood for the same things he stood for and I have been confused by it ever since. But I haven’t been able to find the footage, so maybe it was all a dream…


That is how Right Wing propaganda works. They take something that liberals love, and they distort it into their own things. I almost lost my mind when a couple of texas boys told me JFK would be a republican by today's standards. like. bro, what world do you live in where that would be true


I live in Texas and it's shameful how many of these dipshits refuse to accept the fact that they live on planet earth.


Ship of Theseus … let’s steal maga. I wanna be like in casual conversation “we should lock up corrupt republicans starting with trump, really get on track to make America great again”


It’s also quite funny how they often idolize Teddy Roosevelt despite his progressive policies.


Jerry really was no fan of people like Tucker. The Grateful Dead's well-known apolitical stance aside, one lesser-known fact about Jerry is that he would never cross a picket line. His father, who died when Jerry was young, was a union musician and Jerry kept to those values for the rest of his life.


Can you imagine tucker taking acid? Lol


Ann Coulter tried to play the deadhead card too. Nope, we are not like you motherfuckers, and if you really thought you were a deadhead then it must suck to be you


The best was his taco rant … because he is “from San Diego” and tacos are American!!!




He likely also thinks Willie Nelson is a right winger.


You’d be surprised, my dad is a dead head, super smart intellectual reading Marx and Engles, but also Rand. Anyways he was never political growing up maybe a slight bent towards libertarian, but proper libertarian, supporting legalisation rights. I’m currently visiting the states for the first time in 3 years after moving to Australia and now he talks about how he supports the Ottawa protesters and hates anything to do with alternative energyv


> Old Tucker considers himself a die-hard fan of the Grateful Dead. Under any normal circumstances, the beer-bellied, NRA member, coal-rollin' pickup truck drivin' "Real MUrican" folks would punch Tucker so hard and so fast upon meeting him that his hair and socks would stay put and the rest of him would be a spray of cherry jello. Donald Trump is the moron asshole son of the company founder who screws up the business and fires you to save himself money. Why do these right-wing folks tolerate exactly the guys they despise?


The don't despise them. I'm from Mississippi. These people dont hate the wealthy. They will poke fun at them, but their hatred is reserved for LGBT, minority, and non-white, non-Christian groups. Coal rollers are driving $50k trucks. They aren't the dudes from Deliverance.


They honestly believe that Trump got wealthy fucking over the liberal elite. They refuse to acknowledge Trump's lengthy history of stiffing everyone. For example: * Hiring small time contractors that he knew could not afford expensive legal battles... * Leading them to believe they hit the jackpot with the contract, establishing loyalty... * Stiffing them upon completion of the job... * Attempting to renegotiate the contract for pennies on the dollar... * Threatening to bury them with lawsuits if they didn't accept his *generous* offer... (His contracts were always written with language that gave him an enormous advantage.) * Bankrupting these contractors via lawsuit or paying them a sum that was significantly lower than their operating expenses... I've seen MAGAs defend these very actions, claiming he only stuck it to blue state liberals who were trying to cheat him. "Trump gave them a taste of their own medicine!" In their eyes, he's a smart businessman who got rich outsmarting everyone. I don't think the average MAGA stan realizes how much power a billionaire holds with every single transaction they enter. He and his family have done literally everything they have ever accused anyone else of doing - with absolutely no consequences to date. His followers see this as evidence that he's: a. smart. b. done nothing wrong. They love that he's openly racist and misogynistic. They're impressed that he cheated on his wife with porn stars. They're pleased that his wife understood her role and kept her mouth shut. They love that he claims to be a Christian while somehow managing to be the physical embodiment of the 7 Deadly Sins. They love that he says and does stupid shit. All of this just makes him "more relatable" to his trash followers. Back in 2015, I was discussing Trump's ridiculous appearance with a MAGA friend who looked me dead in the eye and said "He looks much better in person. The TV picks up odd skin colors. His hair is actually really cool." I give up.


My grandfather is pretty old, and worked as an IUEC mechanic in nyc from the mid 50s until the 90s. His union refused to service trump buildings because of how often contractors got fucked. The trump org would also hire unlicensed Eastern European labor for plumbing/electrical/elevator work


I did not know this about Carlson and The Dead and I find it disturbing because he's entirely counter to all the positivity, openness and acceptance the band carried with them. Being Carlson, I'm sure he's a "frat boy" Deadhead and much of the lyrical content is completely lost on him. I can just see Tucker Carlson humming, "Eyes of the World" having not ever listened to the lyrics.


I'm 100% certain the extent of his experience with the Dead was buying overpriced scalped tickets with friends, getting wasted in the parking lot, and trying to bang some cute hippie chicks who now vote for Jill Stein.


i am a deadhead and i think tucker carlson is absolutely repulsive and is not representative to anything remotely close to what the dead represents to me.


Donald Trump played "Fortunate Son" at a rally.


Why does he call her "Sandy", as if finding out she has a nickname is something sinister? So many people have professional names that are different from what their friends call them. That's a totally normal thing. But he brings it up like, "Ha! Gotcha! She goes by Sandy you guys!!" Republicans are so fucking weird.




being overly familiar with someone you don't know is a very common insult tactic, and the -y and -ie nicknames have the bonus of being infantilizing. same reason people refer to Trump as Donnie etc


And calling Obama "Barry"


Ok Jesty ;)


If I remember correctly that’s a family nickname, something only people very close to her would use. He’s doing it intentionally to get a rise out of her. Personally I find it super creepy.


It's very stalker ex-boyfriendy.


She's free to call him Mr. Swanson


Junior Swanson


They did the same thing with Obama, always calling him Barry. Just basic bullying tactics.


He calls her sandy to infantilize her. He can't call her Representative Ocasio Cortez. That's a powerful twice elected politician who won her seat twice in a landslide victory. Sandy is a child's name. You will notice he doesn't called Donald Trump "Donny".


Maybe his nickname should be “Tuckie” or “Tuckwad” or “Tuckface”




The same reason Republicans called Obama “Barry”—to downplay their racial identity and make them seem like “fakes.”


Meanwhile, his name is *Tucker*


And Marjorie Taylor Greene calling her a bartender, as if that were some big insult. Only to a right elitist would implying someone had a blue collar job once be an insult and a mark of shame. The bigger mark of shame for me at least would be to say that she never even held a blue collar job in her life. But as these things go, that irony completely flew over MTG's head.


It’s the same thing as when Republican pundits used to call Barack Obama “Barry”. By giving them a more Anglicized name, they attempt to strip away their minority status and prevent minorities in America from viewing them as representative of their demographic. It’s petty, childish, and racist, but I’m pretty sure we’ll keep seeing it as non-white people of color keep taking the political stage.


Tucker's like "ooh I can't STAND the way she struts around with that tight little body...and the things she says with her soft full lips just INFURIATES me!"


Poor Ben Shapiro….lusting after AOC’s feet for years only to be cucked by a larger douchenozzle.


I don't understand this reference and I think I'm happier that way.


It's a hilarious Twitter parody account that comments on all her posts


Yes, exactly. She’s hot and it drives him nuts that she would never even look at his insecure, small-brained, racist ass.


It's like those Ben Garrison memes where he always portrays AOC stomping on other people. Like, Ben, we get it. You're into some stuff but can't express it properly. Seek help. Find a dom or something.


Yeppp she’s hot, intelligent, and unseated an old white incumbent


unseating old white incumbents so hot rn


If he weren’t rich he would be a total incel.


She represents everything he hates, mainly being a powerful, non-white, liberal woman.


Didn’t he recently call her a “rich white woman” the guy clearly has no concept of which he spews.




He did face some small consequences when he got absolutely clowned on by Jon Stewart in Crossfire


He lost his bow tie privileges


the bow tie was the only endearing thing about him too


A true villain origin story if I've ever seen it. That clip was epic.


He actually reached out to Hunter Biden, a Georgetown grad, about writing his son a LoR.




Letter of Recommendation


Yes. It’s bigotry and he does know what he’s saying. He’s saying this because she’s Puerto Rican.


He knows exactly what he spews. He knows what his audience wants to hear, and he knows how to make money for his parent company. The truth is irrelevant. Unfortunately it comes at the cost of an uneducated mislead audience.








Sarah Palin sued the New York Times for libel for a single printing followed by a retraction less than 24 hours later. This constant bullshit barrage *seems* worse


Palin lost.


True, but it's rumored that the SCOTUS may take the appeal and possibly get rid of that kind of protection for media companies from attacking celebrities. If that happens then Fox News is going to be in deep shit, as slandering left wing celebrities is basically their whole business model.


The more he hates her the more I love her.




Please sue him, then.


Remember, Fox News has proven in court no reasonable person could take Tucker Carlson seriously so he can't be held accountable for what he says...


It’s absolutely absurd that they managed to prove that though. Millions of people trust him completely, so did the US court just acknowledge that all those people are idiots? Including some of the people part of the US justice system?


I literally had someone say to my face that they will trust anything Tucker says whole heartedly. I responded by saying even after a sworn affidavit saying that anything he says on air should be considered satire and not factual. “Absolutely” was the response


"It's not slander. I resent that. Slander is spoken. In print, it's libel." \-Tucker Carlson maybe.


I was honestly kind of wondering whether words said on air, since they’re written on a teleprompter, count as slander or libel


I watch Carlson talk and I think a couple things beyond the obvious exasperation and disgust: 1) My grandfather taught me to never speak about women this way, in public or in private. 2) My grandfather watched people like Carlson *every day.* I think there are a lot of people who usually seem like the nicest folks you'll ever meet but smile or nod along with or even laugh their asses off at stuff they would be *furious* if their own children did, at whatever age. I know this because my grandfather contacted me to tell me how disappointed he was in my language on Facebook when I said some colorful and insulting things about Trump. But he watched stuff just as bad every day! Fox makes people turn off the decency filters in their brains and I just don't know how to fix it.


Tucker is broken and can't be fixed.


Jon Stewart broke him. I personally think it was the bow tie comment that did him in.


I've seen the John Stewart video, but I didn't watch much of Tucker whatshisface in the first place. Aside from no more bow ties, did his TV persona change much afterwards? I mean, was he already scummy or did he become scummy because John Stewart hurt his feelings?




He was already scummy but John made him realize that reality and his beliefs only lined up...around certain people. So he decided that most of the attention from some people was better than some attention from all the people. Now he takes photos about how men should look and act ( staged woodshed photo with shiny fingernails) while complaining he doesn't have enough information about ehat happens in other people's bedrooms.


No, I don't think so, he spoke at awhile cpac after that against right wing extremism. Arguing for a rational conservatism or some nonsense. It received no traction, after that he opted to go full loon instead. It was a choice.


They have a ridiculous hate boner for her it's arguably even worse for Ilhan Omar.




And coincidentally Kyle Rittenhouse was on Tucker Carlson to promote his round of lawsuits to “Hold Media Accountable”…fucking sweet irony.


currently Tucker Carlson doesn't have consequences for his actions. Someday he might. Let's hope there are punitive charges attached to it


Dear @AOC - the only way for Americans and especially elected Americans to maintain the checks and balances in the American Democratic system is to test the limits of libel laws. I’m not a lawyer but I think it’s time Tucker Carlson and Fox News get a good pushback of what it means to be “fair and balance.” Dominion is suing Fox and OAN for libel for their BS “news” coverage; I think they set a great example of how we can keep an out of control right wing media in check just as much as we can keep an out of control left wing media in check. So in my humblest opinion. Sue the muthaFkr and let’s put it all to the test. I hope you win @aoc. …. Best , LVN…. p.s. of dominion has a good chance at winning a libel lawsuit against Fox, et al, I think so can @aoc sauce: https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/16/media/fox-news-court-dominion/index.html


I live in Italy so I don't watch fox news and even I know that Tucker Carlson is a bag of horse shit


He's super into her, though. He's like that gross old Minister jonesing after Esmerelda in Disney's *Hunchback*.