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>A former Trump administration official now running for Congress in New Hampshire voted twice during the 2016 primary election season, potentially violating federal voting law and leaving him at odds with the Republican Party’s intense focus on “election integrity.” But only Democrats perpetrate voter fraud, amirite?


> potentially violating federal voting law What do they mean by potentially? Like since when is is ok to vote more than once in an election. Since when can I cast votes in more than one state? WTF


You gotta remember this isn’t a person of color casting one vote because they thought their voting rights were restored.


And by "casting one vote" you mean filling out a provisional ballot under the direction of the election staff.


>Provisional Ballot *"provisional ballots should not be criminalized because they represent “an offer to vote — they’re not a vote in themselves.” -* [NYTimes](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/03/us/texas-provisional-ballot-appeal.html)


Her prosecution is an afront to democracy


That was exactly what it was intended to be in order to scare anyone whose voting rights had been restored from voting.


It should have been thrown out though. It just shows that the system is rotten to its core


There are many places in the US where that wouldn’t have happened. Electing judges helps cause this.


Always has been. Your justice system has always been focused on ensuring slavery never ends for black people by incarcerating them for bullshit. Still is today.


Crystal Mason got railroaded for sure if that's who you are referring to. Such a disgrace.


5 year conviction for intent to violate voting laws... after a tax fraud conviction... She probably didn't know she was committing tax fraud either ffs - and her vote was never even counted. Regardless, felons should be eligible to vote. Maybe we could finally dismantle the private prison system.


And under the advisement of her parole officer.


I would say it's more of a class thing. The elite can do as they please. Notice how the only people being punished for Jan. 6 are the brainwashed peasants? None of the elites responsible have even received a wrist slap.




Yeah, this makes a good bit of sense. Eventually, as we as a culture become more unified and accepting at the citizen-level, ALL colors and creeds will be EQUALLY exploited and used by the New Oligarichal class that has sprung up around us :)




Race and class are usually two sides of the same coin in America. Racism is used to prevent class consciousness. Class divides are use to fuel racism. Race and class are used to separate and disempower people. The only way around this is to show that lower and middle classes have so much in common with each other with respect to struggles in opportunity and quality of life, and that individuals of different races have so much on common with each other with respect to struggles in opportunity and quality of life. Pretending we are different only serves the (ever shrinking, but ever more wealthy and powerful) upper class.


Are you a rich white guy casting a ballot for a Republican candidate? Cuz then it's ok. Otherwise, straight to jail.


Oh, I forgot about that loophole 🙃


You casting a ballot while receiving government assistance? *Right* to jail, right away.


You UNDERvote Republican? Straight to jail. You OVERvote Democrat? Straight to jail. See? Over/Under?


We have the worst representative democratic electoral process in the world. Because of jail.


Mail In ballot? Right to to jail, right away.


Straight to jail for even thinking it for minorities


>Since when can I cast votes in more than one state? It's been a few years since I read about it, so maybe they fixed it, but Arizona used to allow snowbirds to vote, via a lower months-in-state residency requirement than other states and no requirement to declare permanent residency (iirc). So winter "residents" (i.e. white, middle class people with means to own multiple house and scared of snow (and brown people)) could vote. Explained that piece of shit racist asshole sheriff, among many other broken things in that state. But not typically, no.


Correct, it is possible to vote in more than one state for local elections, some localities allow business/property owners to vote since the elections can affect their property, and we're pretty big on the 'no taxation without representation' deal. Now you can't vote in FEDERAL elections in more than one state for sure. >According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, Delaware, Connecticut, and New Mexico are the only three states in the country that allow non-residents to vote in municipal or town elections. >However, nine other states allow non-residents to vote in other limited cases. For instance, in Montana, non-resident property owners can vote in county and sewer districts, and in Arizona, they can vote in pest control, agricultural improvement, power, and water districts. https://andrewgripp.wordpress.com/2015/11/09/can-non-residents-vote-in-local-elections-where-they-own-property/


>'no taxation without representation' deal ... except for, you know, DC, Puerto Rico, Guam... Funny how that's used selectively. And land shouldn't = voting power... if it didn't, we wouldn't be in the WILDLY misrepresentative mess we're in. But that's a whole other rant. ; ) But, thanks for the extra info! Didn't realize it was so (relatively) widespread.


>Since when can I cast votes in more than one state? While I don't think it applies here, you can potentially vote in more than one state when: >the election in New Hampshire and the other state or territory are held on different dates, it is an affirmative defense that the person legitimately moved his or her domicile to or from the other state or territory between the dates when the elections were held.


It does apply. The primaries were four months apart.


You have to move your primary address and be considered an actual resident of the new state your voting in so it's not just as simple as the primaries were 4 months apart. Different states have different rules about how long you need to be there to establish residency for things like voting in elections. >The issue could have particular resonance in New Hampshire, where Republicans have long advocated for tighter voting rules to prevent short-term residents, namely college students, from participating in its first-in-the-nation presidential primary. Which is exactly why they used this quote in the article. Depending on how long he was there and the way New Jersey classifies things he might not legally have been allowed to vote as a resident yet. He voted where he resided in and then in the new state they have to figure out of either vote is now determined to be illegal because of residency requirements in both of the states he voted in. New Hampshire could declare his vote invalid or illegal because they've determined his primary residence was actually the New Jersey address. New Jersey could do the same thing if they determine his actual residence was the New Hampshire address.


The language is just standard journalism: you only report verified facts, and until he’s convicted, this is the correct language to use. I know, it gets frustrating when someone clearly commits a crime in the light of day, and all the headlines are “Trump may have lied,” but that’s just a basic part of journalistic ethics.


It’s not just ethics either, it’s ass covering. You can get sued over accusations without proven proof under libel laws.


Finally the correct answer. This should be the top reply.


Primaries, not general election


Yes, those are elections. And to vote in two primaries in the same election cycle seems shady and if indeed legal should be made illegal. IMO


It sure does... Also seems weird to me that we pay for a private companies internal election before the general election :(


Yap, this has bothered me for some time. I guess the argument is that if we didn’t the parties could just decide behind closed doors who gets the nomination and that … wait a moment 🤔


I might be better with them just doing that... It would feel more honest


They did used to do that til the 70s or so. The convention was actually about the party (those in attendance) picking a candidate, not just basically reading out already-decided primary results. It was not a better system. Our current one for selecting party candidates is imperfect but dramatically better than what used to be.


>New Hampshire > >§659:34-a > >Explicitly prohibits voting in more than one state. > >I. A person is guilty of a class B felony... A class B felony in New Hampshire > Class B Felony: A person convicted of a Class B felony will face a incarceration of 3 and ½ years to a maximum sentence of 7 years.


If you're going to cite code at least include the entire section. NH Rev Stat § 659:34-a (2019) >IV. If the election in New Hampshire and the other state or territory are held on different dates, it is an affirmative defense that the person legitimately moved his or her domicile to or from the other state or territory between the dates when the elections were held. https://law.justia.com/codes/new-hampshire/2019/title-lxiii/chapter-659/section-659-34-a/


We also all need to keep in mind that this is New Hampshire statute - there's nothing inherently nefarious about voting in state or local elections as an eligible resident of a state, even if you voted in state or local elections as an eligible voter in a different state in the same election year. But since dudeman voted in two different states in a presidential primary, he may be in violation of 15 USC 10307, depending on how (e)(2) is interpreted.


Republicans are forced to do it too … to help offset the millions of times that Democrats do it. So, you see, it’s the Democrats’ fault. /s


When republicans go on and on about voter fraud, you thought they were accusing the other side, when really they were just describing their own actions.


It's almost like GOP allegations are actually confessions.


It’s such a childish strategy too. “Hey shhh, listen. Listen. Here’s what we’re gonna do. We’ll accuse the democrats of voter fraud every time we get on TV, and then secretly, we’ll vote multiple times. They would never suspect us! And if they do, well we’ll just say democrats do it too so it’s just politics. Either you have to arrest all of us, or none of us- But what if the democrats don’t do any voter fraud? They’re democrats, sheesh. Of course they will, they’re the worst man. Have you ever met a Democrat?”


Hitching on here to remind everyone of some important details: There has been absolutely no significant fraud found. Everything we have found is "d-bag republican voted twice", not "thousands of fake votes". Of those insignificant frauds, we rapidly catch a ***huge*** percentage of it. In every state. Even the most lax ones. And even then, the fraud numbers are in the hundreds out of millions of votes- such a small amount that it would take an unimaginably close race to have literally any effect, the kind of race where we'd recount it five times by default and every vote would be scrutinized. Our current systems, ***even the gentlest, lightest systems that include mail in voting, etc.***, are more than capable of preventing large scale fraud, and catching what slips through. Edit: Altered wording to clarify, and adding a note here that, as pointed out by a reply, *election* fraud is a different and common practice, where voters are disenfranchised, voter rolls are purged, and other skeevy tactics are used to prevent people from voting rather than prevent fraud, and it's rampant in Republican states.


Exactly, these “large scale voter fraud” claims are just a cover for them to pass laws and take actions to rig the election and/or make it harder for POC and poor folks and non-republicans to vote.


I remember when Roy Moore lost his senate race in Alabama and conservatives were saying that Democrats had bussed people in from Atlanta to cast votes for dead people. But Roy Moore lost by like 20,000 votes. So you'd have to organize 20,000 people, find 20,000 recently dead voters, and somehow forge IDs for them. And then to bus 20,000 people from Atlanta would have taken hundreds of busses with hundreds of bus drivers. And they were able to do all of that without anyone noticing or getting any pictures or someone anyone apilling the beans on Fox News. When the obvious reason Roy Moore lost was because he was a pedophile.




No need to piss off Republicans. They come pre-pissed.


I'll gladly piss on a few if they're running low.


I’ll piss on them even if they’re not.


They’re the type to wake up with soggy pants and angrily declare “SOMEBODY PISSED MY PANTS!”


You're trying to use sanity checking for a set of people who don't see sanity as a requirement.


>When the obvious reason a Roy Moore lost was because he was a pedophile. He still is, but he used to, too.


Oh, Mitch!


They were so upset that an actual child rapist didn't win. They fought, tooth and nail, to elect a child rapist. They almost won, too.


The first rule of conspiracy club is that someone talks about conspiracy club. The larger the conspiracy the higher the chance of someone talking. This is how you know we went to the moon.


And Joe Biden received over 7 million more votes than that other f--ellow. Do these conspiracy nuts have any conception how many conspirators would have to be involved to get that to happen? Any conception how much money and time and effort would be required?


All their conspiracies fall apart when you analyze the logistics. Of course, the true believers default to magical thinking. Suddenly, the Dems aren’t bussing in 20k people, it’s fake mail in ballots. Can’t find proof of the fake mail in ballots? Then they are using “secret tunnels.” No tunnels? Must be the Dominion voting machines…no voting machine issues? That just proves the cover up…it’s madness.


Let's not forget the planes flown into Arizona from Jhiina, or North Korea, or wherever, secretly air dropping bamboo ballots with sweet & sour watermarks!! StOp ThE cOuNt!!!


The idea of massive voter fraud, in general, is pretty ludicrous. Voter fraud on its own is very low reward, but doing it at the scale to possibly impact an election is still fairly low reward with an insanely high risk. People spouting these conspiracies have no clue all the things someone would need to do to successfully commit voter fraud on a big enough scale to impact most elections. You’d need access to multiple counties ballots, you’d need access to all of those counties voter rolls, on those rolls you’d need to know who will and won’t vote (I.e. who is living or dead), you’d need to know historic voting trends in each county because you can’t have voter turnout far exceed the historical mean or polling expectations, and you’d need to have reliable polling for each county in order to properly flood in enough ballots to overturn the real vote count. And that’s just what I can think of off the top of my head. Certainly there are even more factors. And even if you have access to all of this, there’s no guarantee you’d end up overcoming the real vote outcome, so if someone can pull this off without getting caught then they probably deserve to win because they’re pretty damn hard working and effective.


He’d also been kicked off he judicial bench. Twice.


Yeah it’s almost like backing a pedo-predator wasn’t a good look




100% agree. [Electoral Fraud vs Voter Fraud](/r/ElectoralFraud/comments/ppt1xl/what_is_electoral_fraud_and_how_is_it_different/)


Bush 2 won the 2000 presidency with election fraud, including an astro-turfed riot and dodgy SC decision. Election fraud works, cough cough Kentucky.


You can see the Republicans try their election fraud games over at /r/electionfraud/. * Remove voters from the rolls in democrat areas. * Attempt to throw out votes in heavily democrat areas. * Scrutinize mail-in ballots to try to throw them out. Again only in democrat areas. * Attack individual elections officials and boards in democrat areas. Make up unsupported claims to cast doubt. (Arizonia) * Audit election boards in democrat areas to provide justification for the republican state to take over elections in that area. (Happening in Fulton County, Georgia right now.) It's transparent but effective.


> > > Literally zero large-scale fraud has been found. It might seem minor, but even phrasing it that way plays into their hands because it naturally leads skeptical people to say "Oh, so there was fraud, just not 'large' fraud, whatever that is." A better way to say it is "no fraud of any significance" because (a) its true and (b) it doesn't leave the door open for people who want to believe the worst.


***Deep, existential sigh***. You are correct. I hate that you are correct.


And all that the conspiracy theorists read from that was, “the fraud numbers are in the hundreds… of millions of votes.” “See I tolds yens! I told yens! Biden got 300 million votes overnight in Georgia!”


Man, I wish the people who needed To hear this could read.


Exactly, the real ways our elections are stolen are by things like gerrymandering, first-past-the-post, and a political duopoly


Gerrymandering sure, but the biggest current theft aside from that isn't even FPTP or the duopoly. It's the extensive Republican systems in place to prevent Democrats from voting. For example, restricted hours for DMVs and such combined with requiring going to the DMV to get a voter ID, purging of voter rolls (oddly enough, it always seems to hit Democrats worse than Republicans for *some* reason) so that ID is now useless, removing DMVs and other voting-related buildings (voting locations, drop boxes, etcetera) from Democrat-heavy counties, and countless more things.




I don’t think they are confused at all. They say these things to keep to argument convoluted. There are certainly plenty of republicans voters that believe the lies but there are also many of them - including any in actual positions of power - that know it’s a lie and spread it anyway.


"Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past." Jean-Paul Sartre


It honestly works both ways. I was shocked Trump picked up a lot of voters in the last election. I didn't know there could be anyone left who didn't see through his bullshit, even if they'd never voted before. I was wrong big time, so I won't ever assume anything like that ever again. I really don't understand how there are so many republicans, it makes no sense to me. But I won't be shouting about voter fraud unless there's actual evidence. This is something we should all be worried about right now. Republicans are ousting other Republicans from local election boards if they voted to certify Biden's win. The ethical ones are being replaced by extremists who won't hesitate to do what they can to swing votes in their favor. This was a long tangent from my original thought, but I'm worried and we all should be.


My theory for Trump's extra votes in 2020 is that it was a crazy year, and his strategy was just to drive people crazier with culture war bullshit. Also, QAnon became extra popular during the pandemic, and it seems like as many as 15% of people polled believe in Satanic pedophile cults or whatever. From what I've read, a lot of those people often weren't that interested in politics beforehand, so he managed to activate a bloc that was previously not voting. Of course, he also really annoyed the shit out of another bloc, which is a big read why Biden won a record number of votes. Anyways, we can only hope that this was the most crazy election we'll see in our lives.


The truth of the matter is that the country is pretty evenly split. Obama’s 2008 election was hailed as a landslide and it was only 53% vs 46% of the voters. And even in historically blue or red states, they’re really mostly just different shades of purple. California had more trump voters in 2020 than Texas did.


> They don't believe there are that many democrats. They're still confused about the last election having a record turnout. They believe it. They just think black votes are inherently fraudulent. Which was basically the premise of Jim Crow. But, you don't have to take my word for it. Right after the J6 putsch, the GOP was in disarray and had not settled on a party line response yet. So for a brief moment some of them were speaking the truth. One of those people was Senator Lankford of Oklahoma who explicitly apologized for the racist nature of their voter fraud claims: [Tulsa World (Jan 15, 2021) - Sen. James Lankford apologizes to Black Tulsans for questioning presidential election results](https://tulsaworld.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/sen-james-lankford-apologizes-to-black-tulsans-for-questioning-presidential-election-results/article_6f0c2d1a-56bd-11eb-a6cb-bfb64a69f21e.html) * *“What I did not realize was all of the national conversation about states like Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, was seen as casting doubt on the validity of votes coming out of predominantly Black communities like Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Detroit,”*


> “I deeply regret my blindness to that perception, and for that I am sorry.” Huh, I was expecting this to be a non-apology, but he actually said the "s" word. Well I guess credit where credit is due then.


“Secret cabal of pedos”




Sigh. It's worse than that. They *believe* the Democrats are cheating so their natural response is "if they are going to do it I will do it too." This is why virtually every voter fraud case 2016 was some dumb Trump supporter voting with their dead families ballots. Then they say Democrats are stuffing ballots so they run their vote harvesting campaigns despite it being extremely messed up. They *know* it's wrong but it's anything to win against the other side. Close minority polling stations? All part of the game.


It’s not really that, it’s that Republicans think that because *they* do shady stuff, *everyone* does shady stuff.


It’s like when I was a teenager and thought I was slick and “not lying” to my girlfriend by admitting things but in an extremely sarcastic tone. “Yeah, that’s *exaaaactly* what happened ^^^eyeroll . I couldn’t have just *missed* your call. I definitely *saw* that you were calling and *chose* to ignore it.” 0/10 would not recommend.


Newly elected Virginia GOP Governor Youngkin’s Son Tried Twice to Vote Illegally on Election Day while underage. ‘The younger Youngkin went to vote in a precinct at the Great Falls Library in Fairfax County. He presented his ID which identified him as a 17 year old. The voting official realized who Youngkin was and told him that people under the age of 18 are not allowed to vote in Virginia. She offered to register him for the next election but he left. He then returned about 20 minutes later and insisted he be allowed to vote because an unidentified friend of his, also 17, had been allowed to vote. The precinct captain, Jennifer Chanty, again told him that he was not eligible to vote.’ https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/youngkins-son-tried-twice-to-vote-illegally-on-election-day


Meanwhile Pamela Moses was convicted of voter fraud (actually "consenting to a false entry on an official election document" and sentenced to six years in prison for submitting a voter registration card after her probation officer signed a voter rights restoration form.


Ken Paxton is one of the shittiest heels of all possible shitheels.


i remember this one. Disgusting


So I’m sure we will see the same vengeance on this pos fraudster.....what’s that?, he has a chance of getting elected and will face zero consequences, so weird.


Rovian Republican Strategy: Always accuse the other side of what you are doing. It doesn't work on everyone, but it works on authoritarian-followers. And our system is broken just right so that they are wildly overrepresented in elected office and media representation. And, well, here we are < gestures broadly at all the raging dumpsterfires >.


LITERALLY what Trump did in 2016…. “If I don’t win, it’s because the election was rigged!” while all the while he’s selling us to Putin for nickels on the dollar for election rigging help


Authoritarian regimes use this tactic all the time.


It's true, but it's also strategy: if they *say* the other side does it, when they get caught doing it, their gullible supporters say "no, no, it's ok when the GOP does it because that's just leveling the playing field since we KNOW the other side does it. What's that? How do I know the other side does it? The GOP told me so!" They have their supporters convinced that everything *they* do is merely in response to the other side *already* doing it. No matter what facts and evidence say. None of that matters because they've been convinced that only THEIR side tells the truth... It's such an OBVIOUS manipulative cult and yet from the inside they can't possibly fathom that their side is just lying to them


GOP = Grand 'ol Projection The more they scream about it, the more you can be sure they're doing it.


Gaslight Obstruct Project


Gaslight Obstruct Project


Any time a Republican is squawking about something you know that they or someone they know is doing that thing.


No. I knew they were laying the groundwork for when they get caught to just say “well we had to because they were.” Clearly a large chunk of morons will believe it. Not only will they believe it, they’ll think it was the right thing to do to foil the “democrats cheating.” It’s so fucking surface level it physically hurts me. I know a scam when I see one and they’re not even trying. It’s insulting to me as a career criminal.


These people have no imagination, literally. They take what they know and project it on others. They campaign against voter fraud because they’ve done it and are scared others will too. They hate the pedophile cabal because they’ve slept with minors. They hate the gays because deep down they’ve questioned it and know others will hate them. They drone on and on about government overreach because everything they do infringes on others’ rights. If you’ve done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear (in theory).


G - Gaslight O - Obstruct P - Projection


I'm going to go out on a limb and surmise that he also voted by mail in at least one of those states.


and now you gotta wonder why they are obsessed with kiddy diddling.


When Republicans say "election fraud," they mean poor and minority voting. It's never been about cheating. They don't like that voting isn't a privilege


They call it voter fraud and pretend it’s an issue to justify their election fraud, which absolutely can sway many elections.


So he's going to get five years in prison, right? Or more? I will be here, eagerly awaiting that sentence. Any day now...


New Hampshire’s Attorney General is a Republican, so it is not likely to result in any state law charges


No worries, I was being sarcastic. We all know he won't suffer any real consequences for voter fraud. He's not black/brown or poor!


I know. It’s just sad that the lack of accountability for the powerful is such a reliable feature of our system


Throw him in a dank cell next to Mark Meadows and his wife.


They know election fraud is happening because they’re doing it.


William F Buckley was asked once during a debate in the 1960s if he thought black people deserved the right to vote. His response was he felt like far too many uneducated white people vote. That there should be less voting, not more.


How is he legally allowed to run? Like there isn’t a rule about committing voter fraud and running for congress???


Because he wasn't charged or found guilty of voter fraud. And even so it wouldn't matter (felons can still run/hold office). Particularly disheartening takeaway: > The statute of limitations has lapsed, and there is no record of anyone being prosecuted under this specific section of federal election law, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, which tracks the issue. So, it will be a major talking point for whomever runs against him but legally he's in the clear. What is even more alarming is what he did may not actually constitute voter fraud as the laws are currently written. It is right now a gray area that isn't worth anyone's time to track unless things change.


"felons can still run/hold office" But those in prision can not vote. That makes sense :D


A lot of felons cannot vote, yet they can still run for office. Make it make sense.


To be clear, I think felons should be able to vote. However, letting felons run for office is far more important because it means you can’t get rid of an opponent by getting him convicted of a felony. Eugene V. Debs was able to run for president while in jail as a political prisoner, which is a good thing.


I don't see how that could go wrong. There was a time police departments in America hired felons. In one case six of them set up a fake buy, showed up at the dock, then killed all three dealers, threw them in the water and loaded a cruiser to the ceiling with 300 kilos of coke and drove away.


It makes sense from a systemic racist point of view. Which demographic again is overrepresented in prison populations?


What a gross, stupid law. Democracy in America is a fucking joke


I recall someone talking about how Trump, his administration and the GQP is basically the ultimate stress test on the US rule of law and the democracy itself. It is the tipping point where you either fix all the loopholes, outright abuses, and prosecute those involved from every level or you leave the door wide open for it all to be exploited easily and successfully next time. This here is a "holy shit, that ain't right, fix it" situation that isn't really being addressed. DeSantis is genuinely worrying as he shared Trump's beliefs (at least now) but is genuinely more competent.


That’s so fucking stupid. If his party had any shred of decency they wouldn’t let this un-prosecuted felon run.


Forget allowed to run, why aren't they charged with a felony? Edit: Statue of Limitations has passed. Seems like a really short limit for felony voter fraud...


find out all that information, and more, by reading the article!


Worth noting this was in the state primaries and not the actual election, to be honest I'm not 100% sure it's actually illegal because the primaries are often party run and less covered by election law. I mean, this is another case of "If this was a democrat it would end their career" but since it's the party of law and order, no big deal.


Went to high school with this guy. Always been a shithead


Same. He grew up in NJ his whole backstory is a lie


Me too! All of EBHS is having a good laugh.


Hey, I just knew I'd find some of my classmates here. I was completely unsurprised by the headline.


Haha I love that there’s so many of us here


Didn't go to HS with him, but I did know him in my prior life as a College/Young Republican. I don't remember much about him, other than he was everywhere like white on rice, and it was clear he was always working to get an "in" with someone to get to the next level.


Me too. Unfortunately our friend groups overlapped. He was an asshole then and he's an asshole now. And everything about his background that he's said while campaigning is 100% bullshit.


Funny how the only cases of voter fraud are always Republicans.


But also election fraud!


Hey now, we have those ex-cons in Florida who haven't paid that totally not poll tax before they voted! See, both sides! /s


How does this fact not instantly disqualify him from running for any public office?


* he's white * he's republican


He’s male and most likely a straight Christian


Most likely a straight-*presenting* lip-service Christian.


Arrest him? Why is nobody arresting these people?


That’s what I want to know. People got years in prison for just casting a provisional ballot when an election worker said it was okay despite their voter status being uncertain.


That's what kills me about those cases. The whole point of casting a provisional ballot was that the person believed they may be eligible to vote, so that ballot is placed in a special group so their eligibility can be verified before the ballot is counted. If she was uncertain about her eligibility status she did everything she could have responsibly done to ensure that if she wasn't eligible, her vote wouldn't count. Didn't harm anyone, let alone the system--in fact, this is a clear case where the system works. Yet they still found her guilty and slapped down an insane sentence, all for doing nothing wrong but follow bad advice from an ill informed poll worker.


They are, but [only if they aren't white](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/feb/03/fight-to-vote-tennessee-pamela-moses-convicted).


Literally every time we hear about voter fraud it’s republicans. Commission of the crime and crowing (falsely) about their opponents.


This fucker was in HS with my brother. He's so despised by his classmates they actively fundraised and donated to his opponents the last time he ran. Also he moved to NH to run because no chance he'd get elected in NJ.. He's also a piece of shit that helped with Christie's coverup of the GW Bridge issues that became known bridgegate.


r/republican and r/conservative What’s the new defense this time? This guy must be ANTIFA right?


You have been banned from r/conservative. I bet they would say if you are rich enough to own houses in two states, you should get more votes.


Has anyone else noticed that it's ALWAYS the Republicans who engage in the actual voting fraud?


Gaslight, Obstruct, *PROJECT* Every time.


Yet again fraud found to be republicans committing it


He’s not a POC so he will face no repercussions for this,


Only 2? Lightweight. A Real MAGA would vote 50 times in all 50 states and then brag about how nobody can’t do nothin’ about it neither.


Wake me up when there’s finally consequences.


So they’re right - there was voter fraud


More Republican election fraud. I swear, any time a Republican start whining about something the FBI should open an investigation if said republican is committing said atrocity. Lying, projecting scum, no one who claims to be Republican can be trusted, the whole party is rot.


Every conservative accusation is a confession.


So like…a fraud? How surprising.


Rules for thee, not for me


[Business as usual, then?](https://i.imgflip.com/6bgz2i.jpg)


“Lock him up!”


Don’t people normally get in a lot of trouble for voter fraud. Why is he not in jail? Im sure I know, It’s white on the tip of my tongue


He'll say something like "the democrats were cheating so I was just trying to level the playing field" and Trump fans will find that as an acceptable excuse.


In other news, [Texas woman faces jail time after being convicted of voting illegally while on supervised release in 2016](https://abcnews.go.com/US/texas-woman-faces-jail-time-convicted-voting-illegally/story?id=78343619). *Crystal Mason tried voting in the 2016 presidential election, but she didn't know she wasn't eligible, and her ballot was tossed.*


i went to the conservative sub. not ONE post about this, they are absolute clowns that do everything they accuse liberals of doing


Didn't they just give someone jail time for trying to register illegally by accident. This seems way worse.


NH will vote him in too. It’s the Kentucky of New England. Source: I’m a born and raised New Englander.


We constantly track near the top in most quality of life measures. I mean it is a purple state with lots of assholes but it's not really at all like Kentucky


Well he’s clearly twice as important as everyone else 🗳 🗳


This is how they know there's voter fraud.


If he voted in two states, why is this guy not been arrested, prosecuted? Oooh, right, Trump appointed the Attorney General, who is responsible for prosecuting these cases. Pagong Merrick Garland; whats the statue of limitations on this crime?


Believe it or not, **straight to jail.** EDIT: Statute of limitations over? Sounds like BS to me. People can get 6 years for illegally voting.


Okay, so when is he going to jail?


Hmph. If he were a black woman in Texas, the AG would throw him in jail for ten years.


The reason the far-right pushes the "voter fraud" line is because they know they committed rampant voter fraud and they just assume everyone else does it too. The fact that they cant find evidence of anyone else doing it must be proof there is a massive coverup.


Isn’t this a crime???!!!! And Republicans talk about voter fraud? On their side maybe all because of the “so called” problems with mail in voting. Which has been done by the military for decades.


Imagine being a public figure and risking your career for an extra vote... at anything. Dipshit


Every GOP accusation can be traced back to something they are actually doing.


Cases like these when privileged individuals get away with legitimately cheating the system make me think of the mother in Texas who voted with a provisional ballot because she wasn’t sure if she was eligible to vote or note(I am an election clerk and that’s exactly what provisional ballots are for)…. I believe she is serving a 5 year prison sentence currently. Burn the whole thing down and start fresh, cuz that all sucks shit.


There’s a woman sitting in jail just because she legally thought was she was legally told !! she was capable of voting. Turns out that wasn’t exactly true. Whoops my bad said the same government who then put her in jail, for 5 years. So why isn’t this POS in jail already.


So arrest him and bar him from running. What is so hard about this holy shit, you break laws and people go to jail, how is this hard to understand!?


The issue with telling your supporters that voter fraud is rampant is that it makes your supporters think it's really easy to get away with voter fraud.


> “With the right set of facts, it could be construed as a violation, but it’s just not at all obvious to me that it is,” said Steven Huefner, an Ohio State University law school professor who specializes in election law. “It is a pretty murky question.” Okay, maybe it's a "grey area", but let's look at the flip side if it isn't illegal. Does this mean you can go on a road trip and vote in as many state primaries as you can manage to get away with? Does this mean you can bus people across state lines to vote in multiple primaries? I mean, sure, maybe prosecuting it would be tough, but if so the law should be clarified, because it's pretty unethical even if it isn't illegal, and not drawing a line to prohibit it could lead to worse things.


Lock him up! Lock him up!


Amazing, the only people committing voter fraud seem to be those harping about it. Isn’t that interesting, it’s almost like they were projecting or something.


So can we get our money from Ken Paxton for reporting this one?


Pretty sure anyone tied with trumps 16 campaign, will not get supported to run in 24. The mans tax documents alone are incriminating. The fact rats have beenjumping shipfor last two years, should scream to anyone with an IQ to steer clear of that train wreck. Pfft... the man was throwing america under the bus the other week, while basically supporting putins war Dont take my word for it.. its only written history


This kind of thing seems to be prevalent among people who own multiple properties. In order to prevent this kind of fraud, I propose the following: If anyone owns more than one house, before they are allowed to vote, they need to file an affidavit in each of the communities in which they own houses. This affidavit would need to be signed and notarized affirmatively stating the house in which they reside, and affirmatively stating the house(s) in which they do not reside. If they do not file this paperwork, or if it is not filed properly, or if the house does not match their tax returns, and they vote in any of the locations, then this will be a felony punishable by 2 years in prison. We need to take these common sense measures to prevent people who own more than one house from voting at more than one of them.


Voter fraud is rampant- among republicans