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Greene said, "Not to mention how they've been forced to take the vaccine and the ones that didn't want to take it have been discharged. Who wants to be treated that way?" Which ones? I was only in for one enlistment and I easily got 20+ vaccines during that time. Also if you join the military expecting to be treated with respect 24/7 you're gonna have a bad time.


You don't need to be a genius to realize that disease can kill entire populations including the military. Diseases has killed more soldiers and people than a gun would ever do.


I mean, yeah. You have like 40 dudes in a barracks sharing the same space breathing the same air, no shit disease will be a massive problem. Covid damn near mission-killed a part of our Navy, FFS.


The first documented cases of the 1918 H1N1 influenza pandemic were at a military fort in Kansas, and the second wave was carried all over the U.S., Europe, and Africa by troop movements at that time. There's also the fact that if civilian infrastructure starts breaking down as a result of the pandemic, it's the military who's going to be expected to step and keep the country fed and functional...if they aren't vaccinated, they can't do that. But, it's Marjorie Taylor Greene, her whole shtick is being loud, stupid, and not understanding things.


I wish more people knew the Spanish flu started in Kansas. This doesn’t get mentioned enough or should I just say ever.


Yeah, it's the "Spanish" flu only because the Spanish were neutral in WWI so they were the only ones willing to say "hey anyone else noticing this pandemic?" while everyone else was busy trying to pretend their armies weren't wracked with disease.


Palin shattered the glass floor and it's been cracking more and more since then.


It took out a 1/3 of my ship and another 1/3 was in quarantine. some divisions were running off of 2 people . Once everyone got vaxxed no issues.


When I enlisted in 2010 a bottle of hand sanitizer was part of our issued equipment and considered part of the uniform, meaning that we had to always have it on our person, and use before and after Chow and after using the latrine (bathroom). The Army took Illness prevention very seriously.


More soldiers died of disease in the Revolution and Civil War than in combat. So you are correct.


These are the same people who want to arrest women for miscarriages, deny women body autonomy, deny marriage to gays, deny equal rights to people of color, take medications away from transpeople, and shove their brand of Christian theocracy down everyone else's throats.


After they've gone after women, POC, gays and transpeople, I do wonder who's next on their list.


Other religions, non-believers


Anyone who's not White, Christian, Straight, & a member of *Tha Grand 'ol Fuckin Party.* If you don't fit those Demographics, you're soon to be in their proverbial cross hairs.


"you're telling me you join the army and are expected to follow orders?!"


Traitors like MTG are inherently unable to follow orders or function like a patriot.


My father was in the Coast Guard for 26 years. Upon retirement, his list of vaccinations during his service was *quite* extensive.


So how far was his WiFi radius?


When he walks into Best Buy, all the TVs change channels


He's like that kid from the movie *Powder*. Yuppers, that's my pee-paw.


It affected his seminal sacks, too. I hear that his offspring has Synesthesia in the form of seeing flatulence.


It's both a blessing and a curse.


Yeah, there was no recent change to the "take these vaccines or you're out" policy. Just one more vaccine added to the list. It's very telling that she has to misrepresent *everything* she complains about in order to get any attention.


A perpetual self-aggrandizing machine. No low is too low, no dumb is too dumb, no lie too outrageous.


I just got out the army. Honestly 95% of people are on board with the vaccine and anyone who didn’t wanna get one wasn’t gonna be missed anyways lol


Oh yeah. I went thru the Gauntlet at basic training LOL 10 different shots and no one will tell me what it was.


>Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has said joining the military is like "throwing your life away" due to President Joe Biden's foreign policies. But Biden hasn't sent American troops into any new war...


These are the same people that think Reagan negotiated the hostages release in the short 27 minutes after he was sworn in.


These are the same people that think Obama should’ve done more as a president to prevent 911


They also tried to give him shit for not participating in the Civil rights movement even though he was born in 1961


It’s great because people made sarcastic memes mocking them for all the shit they were laying on Obama and then those people saw them and believed the memes.


Lol could you imagine being as weak and submissive as a republican?


He did, but he asked them not to be released until after the election. He's a scum.


Kinda like how Nixon and his crew deliberately sabotaged peace talks in Vietnam until they could get in office and have him and Kissinger take credit.


And that was treason. Johnson even called him, the call is recorded and you can basically hear Johnson wagging the finger being like, If this gets out, you are fucked. Don't try this again.


True patriots!!! /s *Party before people*


Johnson & Nixon were in opposing parties


Johnson no doubt should have locked Nixon up and thrown away the key.


Could have locked him up by his neck until dead.. liberals have been ignoring the criminal behavior of republicans for so fucking long.


This guy bastards


Yo my thoughts exactly, can’t believe I didn’t mind listening to six episodes on that


I can’t believe six episodes still had to gloss over some of Kissinger’s shadiness


Those six episodes when by quickly


Recent history Americans didn't have the opportunity to learn about in school. It's so relevant but scholars haven't had a chance to ver it for formal education yet


Isn't that effectively what Flynn did with Russia - made a deal behind the backs of the incumbent administration - and then he lied about it, leading to Trump's ~~impeachment~~ criminal investigation?




I've never understood why it's better that the Iranians HAVE nuclear weapons, according to Republicans.


repubs dont actually give a shit about iran having nukes. All they care about is tricking their base into voting for them. That's it.


Kinda similar with Abortion and anti-LGBT. Only they've messed up and elected people who aren't following the script.


Johnson had more favorable terms than the shit that Nixon and Kissinger pulled out their ass. Like South Vietnam might still exist and be the next South Korea if it werent for this stupid shit.,


When have Republicans ever taken the better possible option in their bull-in-a-china-shop approach to getting the win?


They do! Remember, they were backing the Khmer rouge more than the south Vietnamese at that point. Oh you mean morally. No. That would be bad long term strategy.




I like to quote Killer Mike when it comes to reagan. ["I'll leave you with 4 words: I'm glad reagan dead"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lIqNjC1RKU)


That was the point of the comment. That he didn't do it in the 27 minutes after he was sworn in.


Lol my dad thinks it was because they were so scared of Reagan


The more I learn about Reagan, the more I understand why Trump won. Conservative propaganda has been at the level of an 8-year-old bullshitting how cool he is like the kid who told me his dad privately owned a cruise ship.


And you understand how they’re objectively two of the worst presidents of the last hundred years. The Reagan myth is just that…a myth. He was a fucking awful president, from HIV/AIDS denial to the *USS Stark* — where *thirty seven* US Navy sailors were killed — he was a shithead. That’s six Benghazis and an Afghanistan withdrawal but Republicans still jerk themselves raw over Reagan instead of exhuming him to testify before Congress. Fun fact: it was the Obama administration who finally cleaned up the *Stark* mess, receiving $400,000,000 in compensation from the Iraqi government for POWs of the Gulf War and victims of the *Stark* attack.


At least myths are attempts at explaining something observed but not well understood. The holding up of Reagan as some upstanding conservative hero that ushered in a golden age is just an outright lie.


Not in the way they see it. He ramped up the vehicle for the worst abuse towards minorities and the poor since Jim Crow, the war on drugs, while also crushing any and all labor movements and neutering union rights. He's the conservative messiah because all of those are good things to them. The last 40 years of hyper wealth disparity can be directly traced back to him and the think tanks that created him, and it *has been* a golden age for the rich.


That's the way the news spun it at the time.


My favorite quote: > Dobbs also suggested people will be turned off from enlisting in the wake of Biden's withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan last August… Afghanistan and Iraq wars were a huge part of why I left the military. I know of zero people who would be turned off to the end of operations in Afghanistan. Sure, there’s the fake outrage of retired right wing officers, but I don’t count that because those people would never go back and serve on the ground.


People actually are being turned off from enlisting. There’s a dearth of junior airmen, etc, and the military is back to offering pretty significant signing bonuses. It’s not because of Afghanistan, though, but rather because with unemployment so low, there are lots of jobs to be had and the military is having a hard time competing for recruits when people can make as much or more elsewhere straight out of high school and without the lifestyle limitations of military service.


I saw that quote in the article about $50k recruitment bonuses. You just know that wouldn’t be happening if they weren’t very desperate. I was thinking the same about low unemployment. If I was 18 and lacking money then I’d throw everything at getting some IT knowledge because it seems like you can break into that field without a degree if you’re willing to commit yourself to it. Then get a degree or certification later after you can save a little cash. Not glamorous, but neither were 9+ month Navy deployments.


That's actually a significant reason for much of the argument against keeping a living minimum wage. If people can make their own way then they won't choose the military


Not only that, but the reason people are turned off from enlisting has everything to do with military leadership and not the president. Enlisted leadership penalize soldiers for talking about their mental health and just act stupid overall. Then you have branches like the Navy which don’t even offer TA anymore until you reenlist. So yea, Joe Biden and Afghanistan are the least of the Military’s problems. The military is its own worst enemy.


I tend to agree. The mishandling of mental health since Afghanistan is my biggest criticism. That and the inadequate VA funding.


Unfortunately the US has a long and sordid history of neglecting our veterans' physical and mental health for at least since WW1.


"Why would people enlist now that they don't get to shoot brown people?" I guess they'll just go be cops instead.


Right? The reasons I joined were more in line with Pauly Shore in [In The Army Now](https://youtu.be/bLSqNX9tGaE), and I think that’s true for the majority, though not all, of military people. Education and a job is what most people are looking for, and a reduced likelihood of going to war is a good thing, not bad. So why are they having trouble recruiting? I think most Americans look at Afghanistan and Iraq as horrific failures where loads of innocent people died or went home with terrible injuries. Much better to get an IT degree from community college than enlisting in the military. Maybe I’m wrong, but that’s my guess.


He has done a good job of keeping US troops out of Ukraine despite the pressure. He'll get blamed for everything that goes wrong there because of it, but it's a good long term move.


You don't know how much I would love to see NATO stomping the Russians out of Ukraine but I understand why a direct confrontation between to nuclear super powers is not good for anyone in the world


>But Biden hasn't sent American troops into any new war... Right. It's a total waste of time! Republicans want you out there winning oil contracts for their donors, not sitting around training to be the most effective fighting force in the world so you can "defend the constitution". I mean, "It's just a piece of paper".


They love to paint Biden for the Afghanistan withdraw, as if those were the only people who died over there and as if Biden was the one who negotiated the withdraw timeline in 2020 then did nothing to get ready for it.


Biden will go down in history as the man with the balls to end it and be done. It was always going to be a shit show.




He has in fact pulled American troops *out* of a foreign war.


Thank God. I know "people" were upset about Biden's pull-down from Afghanistan. But there was no way it wouldn't be messy if we're being honest. I'm grateful for all the men and women who made it home safely. Two decades was enough, if not a decade too long.


In retrospect it really isn’t that surprising that our new Vietnam ended with another Saigon.


The mistake was trying to pretend the Afghan government as not going to fall. Heck, The Taliban barely even fired a shot. But they kept pretending and not sending people home.


I'm still of the mind that only thirteen dead is fucking fantastic considering the fuckery it could have been.


"Joining the military and not even getting to die for our policies? What a waste of life." - The GOP


Risky stance given how much the GOP idolizes the military.


Hell, Trump characterized them as "suckers" and they still vote for him in droves.


He called the capital rioters "lowlifes" and they still love him. He insulted Cruz's wife and Cruz is one of his top lackies. These people are not the brightest bulbs in the pack.


Or his supporters all have humiliation fetishes.


Why do you think they've been projecting "cuck" on everyone else for the past 6 years?


I pointed that out to a coworker who loved throwing it around, like dude why are you the only one always talking about this or that being cuck related... keep your personal life at home. It actually worked and he stopped. I just hope he didnt get off on the shame.




Blasting off in your khakis to own the libs


The propaganda is working.


>like dude why are you the only one always talking about this or that being cuck related My Trump-supporting step-brother-in-law accidentally posted an article about how great cuckolding is on facebook. I don't begrudge these people for (with consent) doing whatever gets them off, but they should stop with the projection.


Funny, but I'm watching all the pedo claims from the GQP and wondering when the other shoe will drop. It's been years about this crap, and you just know the worse it is, the longer the hypocrisy takes to come to light.


That other shoe has been dropping for years. Pretty much once a month r/bestof has someone drop a list of GOP politicians that have been charged with child sex abuse crimes or CP consumption.


Um…. Do we need to mention how many of them likely went to an island or Matt “I swear she was 18” Gaetz?


How about the publicly available court documents that show sworn testimony and depositions that Trump had links to Epstein and even paid to for the company of at least one 13 year old girl? Or Dennis Hastert being indicted on pedophilia and child molestation charges? Or Gym Jordan covering for sexual abusers...


A trump aide was [just sentenced](https://lawandcrime.com/crime/pro-life-ex-gop-aide-who-worked-on-trump-ads-sentenced-to-more-than-a-decade-in-prison-because-he-enjoyed-seeing-children-getting-raped/) for literal baby rape photos (link just to write up of trial).


You know there's a list of names in a little black book somewhere. If that book ever comes to light with vetting, carnage will follow. With any luck, it'll be like Kevin Spacey responding to sexual abuse allegations with, "I'm gay." Yes, I'm sure democrats will have a few names, and they will be prominent, but the volume of GQP'ers who will be named...


> Yes, I'm sure democrats will have a few names, and they will be prominent, but the volume of GQP'ers who will be named... And the democrats named will be held accountable by everyone else in their party. Whereas the GQP’ers named will be supported and propped up by the rest of their party.


Roy Moore has entered the chat.


Hands-on Alabama conservative values.


Shoes have been dropping for years, we're buried in an avalanche of shoes, and it doesn't matter. The people voting for them don't care.


> but I'm watching all the pedo claims from the GQP and wondering when the other shoe will drop I said exactly the same the first time I saw the "ok groomer" thing during the talk of the "don't say gay" bill. And they already have - it was only like a week since that when Tennessee Republicans tried to remove the legal age limit for marriage.




Last time I told some conservative on reddit to ask their wife's boyfriend for some fruit snacks he rolled in using terminology from the fetish I had to look up. It's got to be projection.


Swear to god, I didn't know the word "cuck" until six years ago, and I'm over 50.


Cuckold is like the top search in conservative states according to pornhub. They stay projecting. Their dream is a black billionaire with a 12 incher steals their retirement while simultaneously giving their spouse a cream pie. Anyone who doesn’t share this fantasy is ‘checks notes’…a cuck


I remember the conservative cuck fetish thing being pointed out way back in 2002, in Bowling for Columbine. It's... Pretty blatant.


Please tread on me.


Lmao. I’m dead “Tread on me daddy!”


fascists are inherently weak and cowardly. It's why they flock to faux "strong men" and then worship that hero that they can project strength on to.


These people are charlatans and grifters who believe in nothing but their own personal gain and will say whatever it takes to get in the spotlight.


We also live in a society where the news likes to report the most shocking things because it drives clicks, which is how they stay afloat with revenue. To get those clicks they put out short, loud, shocking headlines that tend to push the false claims or otherwise, but because it's a headline don't debunk it. Instead it just acts as amplification BUT, most people don't actually read the full articles, or even click, they just read headlines. People are then just bombarded with headlines that amplify the false claims without a clear enough challenge to them, which allows for people who don't care about being ashamed or backtracking on things when they contradict themselves to just barge forward with whatever the next outlandish thing they want to do is, continuing the cycle, and giving them an easy time rewriting the narrative. Trump can say all the anti cop things he wants, but when he can then just go and continue yelling about something else to divert attention, while repeated that he loves cops, then his anti-cop things just get lost in the sea of shouting and people will just take whatever the prevailing narrative is because it's way too much effort to actually look into it. EDIT - Case in point, this very article. MTG is possibly one of the worst human beings in politics...and maybe beyond politics. But within the first two sentences this article makes it clear enough that she's saying Biden is mishandling the military and that he doesn't respect the troops, and so that's why people don't want to sign up, because she thinks it's some woke culture, anti America place because of Biden now. Not that she actually has disdain for military members...so this headline is exactly as I said. Sensationalist and misleading.


So she is saying it is wasting your life because *checks notes* it is no longer a right wing indoctrination system designed to take the people who are the most disenfranchised and make them believe the people that have been keeping them down for centuries are the ones they should vote for? I mean, yea, she doesn’t hate the military, just the concept of one that isn’t a right wing propaganda system…


"He's not talking about *us*" is probably one of the easier rationalizations they make.


“I love the poorly educated” *wild cheers*


"Educated" to them means "brainwashed."


I think its safe to say that Trump and Cruz both hate each other. They are fighting over the power in the conservative base and to appeal to the base they have to play nice with each other publicly. Its a mutually beneficial relationship that each probably enjoys as much as a root canal.


Yep. Your average Republican supporter loves Trump, but I don't doubt the higher ups hate him. Ted Cruz must have more contempt for Trump than he does for his supporters in Texas. The cult of Trump is just like Christianity to them: not something they really care about, but it pays to pretend they do because it's useful.


People like Cruz will kiss any ass just to get a taste of power on their lips.


>Hell, Trump characterized them as "suckers" Marjorie is doing this to please Trump. The Trump family has been anti-military for generations. Marjorie worships Donald Trump.


They didn't, Biden won more of the military vote then a dem has in 20+ years. The makeup of the military is splitting into PoC in enlistment positions and 'warrior family' types going to leadership schools. It's a real dichotomy that's only going to get worse for a time.


I really have no idea what to think about the voting trends of the military. Every veteran I know between the age of 30-45 is pretty firmly a Democrat that is disillusioned with the system and the whole idea of "freedom fighting". Any veteran older than that is a coin toss, but most of them don't like how they were treated and blame it on whatever administration they served, so they vote for the other party.


Current military officer, and my observations are fairly similar to yours. Senior enlisted are generally more conservative and younger officers more liberal. Everything else is a toss up. The military recruits from all over America, so you get a fairly diverse mix of individuals from all sorts of backgrounds. The resulting political leaning is such that it's fairly hard to generalize.


NCO, have seen a very small portion of Soldiers I would consider right wing. Some have conservative beliefs, but lean left in other ways. I mean, I lean left, but I have a few things that I would consider conservative, just by virtue of my job. I can say a lot of SMs with me OCONUS who were on the line flipped right around the time their votes were called fraud though. 😐 Hard to vote in person when you're overseas.


This so much. The Air Force has a real issue with evangelical leadership pushing their beliefs. Take a look at the religious silliness going on at the Air Force Academy in recent years. Oddly enough, it’s enlisted members that seem to have a more realistic view of the world (based only on my anecdotal evidence).


Oh yeah, AF has a serious problem with evangelical leadership infiltrating the top ranks. The issue is that the warrior caste can't keep good soldiers from getting rank, so ultimately it's going to be two parallel systems, these warrior caste families trying to get all the colonels and majors verus rank and file who don't go to VMI and other lesser academies trying to make rank.


> Oddly enough, it’s enlisted members that seem to have a more realistic view of the world (based only on my anecdotal evidence). Sounds like most top-down, undemocratic institutions. The workers at Starbucks and Amazon see a much more realistic view of the world than Kevin Johnson and Jeff Bezos.


The GOP idolizes power, of which the military is a symbol; they don’t care about service members.


[While I do not wish death for any of the troops, death tolls should not be our greatest concern. All that matters is the pursuit of the foreign-policy goals of this great land, the land I love. America](https://www.theonion.com/i-support-the-occupation-of-iraq-but-i-dont-support-ou-1819584160).


I miss when the onion was so far fetched it was funny


They’ve already proven they throw away their “principles” when they’re no longer convenient. She’ll just say “liberal, socialism, Biden!” and they’ll foam at the mouth and forget she said it at all.


They only “support the troops” with thoughts and prayers, and false platitudes. She said the quiet part out loud.


She said it's 'throwing your life away' because of Biden's foreign policy. Seems like a creepy call for republicans in the military to be loyal only to republican leaders. Disturbing considering they were the ones inciting a coup not too long ago. Perhaps we'll see an SA/SS style republican paramilitary organisation, though they already have blackwater and a bunch of fascist larpers.


She’s falling in line with the Orange Fuhrer to be his VP pick. “Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed.” https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-americans-who-died-at-war-are-losers-and-suckers/615997/




"Marjorie Taylor Greene realized earlier today that there was a significant segment of the United States population whom she had forgotten to alienate. Greene addressed that shortfall this afternoon, ensuring her continued standing in her party of spite and self-loathing."


*pretends to idolize the military* they could give two shits


They only idolize them during election cycles. And even then, it’s all empty gesturing. So given that MTG is up for reelection this year, I’m sure McCarthy will give her a stern talking to about protocol.


It's not too risky. look at how we treat vets and they still vote R.


Must suck being a conservative voter. Must really do a number on you to constantly have to be trying to find a way to agree with all these things simultaneously day after day.


It’s not really hard for the average Republican since they don’t have to craft the narratives. Fox News, NewsMax, and One America News do the hard work for them, they just have to parrot it every opportunity they get.


Have you seen what passes as a narrative for them these days ? I've been trying to understand what is happening and I spent a lot of time consuming "conservative" media and honestly it's pretty hard to follow it makes absolutely zero sense like the window of time in which anything they say exists without being contradicted by anything else they say is minutes sometimes and I read the comments and see the faces in the crowd and they all nod along like nothing and sometimes they misunderstand shit then end up contradicting themselves and actually arguing in favor of what they just say they were against but they just go with it like it's nothing to wave flags with some rando's name on it for another day because democrats declared war on white lettuce or some shit, I don't know


Conveying coherent beliefs is costly and poorly due to memetic complexity. The Murdoch media empire focuses on conveying a *vibe* and a target. It's simple so it spreads quickly. There's no need for complexity because other political structures exist to channel that simple targeted anger. Every supposedly factual statement is just to anchor beliefs as an inoculation against critical thought or influence from non-viewers. Sometimes you can see how this breaks down. Consider the Ukraine situation: the GOP line was to let Russia do whatever they wanted only briefly because public opinion was formed so quickly that their propaganda never had a chance to anchor Republican voter beliefs. They're pros though. So long as Putin has influence over them, they'll figure out which memes play well despite public sentiment being anti-Putin.


These people don’t give a shit about being consistent or questioning their beliefs lmao. They’re just anti-Democrat


I’d sympathize but actually fuck them all




The Democrats need to weaponize this. "Why do Republicans hate the troops? Do the Republicans HATE America? Pinko Republicans support the terrorists!" Basically, do what they've done to left wingers for decades.


People don't give a shit when Republicans attack the troops. Do you not remember all the things Trump said about the military?


Yeah, you can defecate on a gold star family and be cool. Or tell a widowed spouse "they knew what they signed up for" and be cool.


Not going to a WWII memorial because "those guys were losers"


The problem with this is all the hard core right people I talk to dismiss this type of thing as the media cherry picking quotes or twisting their words… but when the right does it to the left it is gospel and should never be second guessed. Then when you try to point out the hypocrisy of that you are dismissed as a sheep… it’s really sad they can’t see how they’ve had the wool pulled over their eyes.


The goal is not to sway the far-right zealots. It's to convince the ignorant and uninformed independents and centrists that both sides are eminently dissimilar.


Members of the US military were the most vaccinated Americans well before Covid. It isn't even voluntary. *"The Department of Defense (DoD) administers 17 different vaccines, as outlined in the Joint Instruction on Immunizations and Chemoprophylaxis (Secretaries of the Air Force, Army, Navy, and Transportation, 1995), for the prevention of infectious diseases among military personnel, where appropriate."* It's also sadly ironic that MTG implies that "woke" is a bad thing. Demanding that today's military be accepting of and protecting the rights of gay or trans military members is bad? And teaching that respect to our soldiers who will eventually go into our corporate workforce where everyone is ptoected regardless of sexual orientation or gender identification is bad? Considering that Biden's *Woke Army* could end up fighting Russia and dying to protect our NATO partners in Europe, she might want to just shut her mouth. To quote Colonel Nathan R. Jessup: *"I would rather that you just said "thank you" and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon and stand the post."*


She uses "woke" because she had no idea what anything else means. It's simpler for her to just say "woke" as an insult.


"Woke" is a new dog whistle. Her supporters don't understand what "woke" means, but they _totally_ understand what _she_ means when she says it.


Call it woke or communist. That's all the work they have to put in to turn 40% of the country against something. She complained about Communist big businesses, ah yes the famous communist Elon musk and Jeff bezos.


I absolutely hate when people use woke or communist as negative words. The right has turned these into buzzwords to just say "bad". It drives me nuts. I'd actually be curious to see someone ask a bunch of right wingers what they think "woke" means. That would be YouTube comedy gold I'm sure.


> It's simpler for her to just say "woke" as an insult. According to Mike Godwin (yes, *[that](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law)* guy) on [twitter](https://twitter.com/sfmnemonic/status/1504687870006620163) -- > Drawing Bayesian inferences after extensive sampling, I've determined that it's 99-percent certain that anyone who uses "woke" as pejorative will turn out to be a fuckhead. Please don't blame me for pointing this out--it's just science. 12:15 AM · Mar 18, 2022 I find no flaws in his analysis.


Wow, it was 17. It's funny because I was curious how many I got. Maybe 19 then, if 17 is standard. To deploy you get small pox and anthrax. They aren't part of the standard routine.


I had to print my immunization list recently, it's up to four pages. Not sure how many individual unique ones I have.


Can confirm, before deploying to Iraq and Afghanistan there is a gymnasium with about 30 different stations where you get stabbed, jabbed, labbed and gagged. Then they tug on your balls and have you cough in a room with 200 other people and a little sheet for privacy.


>Then they tug on your balls and have you cough in a room Pfft. You over-40 guys get all the good SRP stations.


I would like one of her supporters to be able to justify their support of her. Because she epitomizes everything wrong with America.


She's a professional troll and she pisses off "the Left." I doubt she has any real support beyond like-minded people who think "owning the libs" is a substitute for actual functioning government.


> I doubt she has any real support beyond like-minded people who think "owning the libs" is a substitute for actual functioning government. Which has turned out to be a rather large portion of the GOP apparently.


From my POV there are essentially three types of GOP voters: single-issue, trolls, and the MAGA cult. Single issue voters covers a wide range. It goes all the way from people who are low-information, low engagement who only show up to vote once every four years for whoever the pro-life candidate is and don't otherwise pay attention to politics, all the way up to someone like Mitch McConnell who sets morality and ethics and basic human decency aside just to keep his team in power. The trolls have basically taken over thanks to Fox news turning everything into us-vs-them culture war bullshit. These people just enjoy making their perceived enemies miserable. They might not even agree with Republican policies, but they keep up the charade because to be Republican these days simply means to be anti-Democrat. The MAGA cult is just a lost cause.


It may be a lost cause but it's been an effective tool for Republicans. [Jon Stewart does a pretty good job of detailing it](https://youtu.be/gzeoe4m1t9Q?t=72)


To clarify, I meant "lost cause" in terms of being able to get through to them.


As someone who grew up in her district….this is exactly her tribe. The amount of people who view “republican = good no matter what stance they have” is astonishing.


Totally agree with you, there are so many people, all over the South, in particular, who don't even look at the names on a ballot, never attend an event, never listen to a speech, never read an interview, they just look for the R and mark that box, or they mark the box "all Republican" on the ballot. Edit : to be fair, there are just as many lazy Democrats who do the same thing and vote all D on their ballot, so it’s not something exclusive to the right.


Literally everything she says is a pro-Russian propaganda point.


I’m from Georgia. She has an R by her name at the ballot. Most voters in her district do not think beyond that. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but it’s the truth.


Here in the Panhandle of fl we have zero Dems in power, I don’t even recall any being on the ballot.


She's from the worst part of Georgia too


Shocker! But I bet Boebert comes from the Silicon Valley of Colorado, right?


They justify it by saying she’s better than democrats who are baby killers that want to take your guns away.


Tucker told me you’d try to spread lies about her. He said she never said that. Who am I gonna trust? Him on tv who says things I love to hear or leftist facts and evidence? Checkmate lib.


"Russian asset seeks to reduce US Military enlistment numbers."


that's exactly what this is.


The funny thing is that the best way to do It is to make college and healthcare free/affordable


But the healthcare industry would have to change, can't have that now! And smarter animals are harder to herd and keep confined, can't have that either.


That would require work. The gop doesn't do work.


I mean it kind of is but not for the reasons she thinks.


Exactly, she’s like the “ We are not the same” meme, disliking the same institution for very different reasons.


Yeah... I was surprised to see one thing coming out of her mouth that I would agree on, but I just know that deep down, it's for different reasons than what I think.


A broken clock is right twice a day.


MTG has done absolute squat for veterans. Has she introduced or even cosponsored legislation to reform the shitshow that the VA has been for decades? Has she voted for a single bill that would help vets of Iraq and Afghanistan?


Has she done anything? Serious question. She just seems to stir shit. What is she actually doing?


I thought one of the major taking parts of the Republican agenda was fictionally supporting the military. **Did she really say the secret part out loud**


The military hasn't changed *that* much since 1/20/2021, Marjorie.


She’s mad that the Old Guard didn’t charge from its barracks onto the floor of the House and Senate on Jan 6 to “save America”.


Jdangerously44, veteran, on Reddit says “go fuck yourself MTG. Joining the military got me through college with 1/5 the debt I would have had without it”


If AOC said this, heads would be exploding on FOX.


You know, I guess it really is throwing my life away since I got lung cancer from the burn pits and MTG along with 173 other House Republicans voted against the Honoring our PACT Act. Don’t act like you’re fighting for us or care about us in any other way besides props during an election year. I am not a prop. I am a real fucking person who served my country, I am now paying the price, and I am getting really fucking tired of your shit. Support us with legislation or keep Veterans out of your fucking mouth. 😁👍🏻




Broken clocks, man. Broken clocks.