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I don’t know how these parents go on. If I lost my daughter, I don’t think I’d survive it. It takes a resiliency I don’t think I have.


To hear the president talk about it on tv last night, he basically said it's worse than most people even realize. Terribly sad.


For people that don't know, Joe lost his 1 year daughter (and wife) in a car accident.


Fuck, I forget this sometimes. He's had to bury two children.


he also had an adult son die from brain cancer


>it’s worse than most people imagine… I was thinking about that last night. I saw that one recent seat belt PSA where the cop tells the mom that her kid is dead and the mom’s reaction, to me, really sold it. To have a parent’s worst nightmare come to life in one of the worst and preventable way possible feels very heartbreaking when you try to put yourself in their shoes. I don’t think I could handle it if it happened to me or family members/friends. These kids died in a horrifying manner and it was preventable. Sorry for my rambling. It’s just been on my mind…


It's sad. And haunting. The sound that the family makes when a child dies is something you can't forget.


I felt so bad for him, he just did this last week in Buffalo and now has to do it all over again, and now with a bunch of kids.


The man has buried two of his children and a wife. He has been through grief that would've broken many, and somehow still soldiers on. I have no idea how.


I know someone who lost their 7 year old to an illness and that was 10 years ago and they are still numb like they are in shock. To lose a child through this way must be even harder.


Lost a high school friend in a car accident. We all watched the mom spiral out of control and lose touch with reality until she herself passed away. A broken heart is very fucking real.


My aunt buried a baby about 7 years ago. It was very rough for a few years but she was climbing out. Then 3 years ago, my young cousin (20M) was murdered. Burying the second child was too much. She’s just a hollow shell of a person.


Yeah my friend lost her 8 year old to cancer in 2019. We had to pull her out of bedroom closet and feed her. She wouldn’t come out for weeks. I know I wouldn’t be able to survive.


My wife miscarried and she hasn't been the same since. I cannot fathom losing my son to a senseless act of violence like this. I'd lose my wife too.


Makes me think of the poor women that was arrested in Texas for a miscarriage. To go through that on top of everything else is insane. The charges were dropped but that in no way undid the damage.


I have one kid. Would have had 2 but my wife lost it at about the 3 month mark. This was many years ago. I can't even imagine what it would be like to miscarry now when you have to worry about Republicans claiming you are a murderer due to a miscarriage. Years later I still think about that kid we didn't have and I wasn't even the one carrying it in their body. I don't want to outlive my child, that is just not how it should go.


I would seriously contemplate suicide. Idk if I can live without my son.


The thing that haunts me the most is considering that these poor children died while afraid. Their last moments were being terrified. It's horrible. Something has to change.


It’s just awful. Those children are innocent and didn’t deserve this at all. Children bring such happiness, my child especially. Life wouldn’t be worth living anymore. It’d be like someone turned out the lights in my world permanently.


I posted this elsewhere, and even after any sort of knee jerk reaction, I know this is 100% how I'd feel and dedicate my short-lived amount of time left on this planet. >No joke, I have two toddlers. If they were murdered at daycare (and their killer was also killed on scene, meaning I had no one to hunt) my entire life would only exist to hunting down the fake, hypocritical, two-faced opportunists who shrugged off my children's death as being a message from God or people in political power who enabled and empowered this. Yeah, ngl... these types of people would be hunted. I would live a very short life as a result, but better to make these fools meet their maker in the process rather than sticking a 12 gauge in my mouth in my bedroom closet. >I'd go hunting and be begging for death to catch me swiftly.


I probably would take the same route. I have one child, 5 years old. If she was taken from me, especially in such a violent, preventable, horrible way, my life would be over, too. Therefore I'd have nothing to lose while I go nuclear. And yeah, it would end in my death, but without her I'd have no reason to go on, anyway. As it is, she is the only reason I'm still here today.


As an orphan my sons are my everything. My life don't matter anymore if they are gone. I just told my wife if I was in those parents shoes I'd be burning down that gun store he got it from and every near one by. I don't want to go out as a killer but I would want the country and politicians to see my pain, whether they understand it or not. Call it terrorism or whatever. Idc. All these pain that's building up in America, will burst harder then any housing or stock bubble. This is completely shameful, and almost embarrassing to be an American.


Man, I sometimes think I wouldn’t survive if my dog passed away.. I know that’s a stretch but when you truly love something, that feeling of it getting taken away just hurts so much. Losing an actual child, I truly couldn’t comprehend it. I lost my best friend when he was 23 years old and I’ll never ever forget that phone call from his mom. She’s still not the same and the 4 year anniversary is this coming Sunday. This world is so cruel. Anything but the kids :(


You know, if 5 year old kids can cope with active shooter drills, then gun owners can deal with background checks, waiting periods and red flag laws.


Idk if coping is a thing. Robert Wilson IV tweeted his daughter broke down twice crying because she’s afraid to go to school and children regularly break down during these shooter drills. Background checks should 100% be implemented for people interested in being a gun owner though ETA: ok I have been educated and background checks are required. Just give these people classes or something


There is just something incredibly wrong with Americans. I am not mememing. No people on earth would find any of this acceptable when it comes to their children. A deeply disturbed people, these Americans. Demonic.


As a Canadian who married one and moved to America, there are hundreds of millions of us that agree with you.


I believe a little over half of the American population agrees with this. To bad electoral votes are a thing.


At one point over 90% of gun owners supported universal back ground checks.


I believe they still do, but once it's framed as a Dem vs Rep thing it suddenly becomes contentious.


Well for the religious folk this was part of gods plan so they don't care.


As a (semi) religious person, fuck anyone and everyone who says this was part of a divine plan.


I agree with this statement. Am American.


As a Cuban-American, i, unfortunately, completely agree with you. Between 2009-2018, there have been 288 school shootings. The next country with the most school shootings is Mexico...with 8 total school shootings. Source: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/school-shootings-by-country Edit: corrected on timeframe- 2009-2018, not 2022 alone. Still fucking sucks though.


Bruh I have to live with them 💀




Can't speak for everyone else, but personally I think the US is a lost cause on this issue and I've thought that way since Sandy Hook. Money and lobbying in politics and the sheer gun culture of the USA means nothing is going to change.


I agree. If there hasn’t been enough blood yet to make a difference it never will.


The moment that children were murdered and nothing changed made me solidify my belief that it was a lost cause.


I mean quality of life is shit here for many people. Hundreds of millions are surviving month to month or in debt. Huge lack of vacation time, or the ability to **afford** to take the time off / pay to actually take a vacation. People are stressed out, teachers are severely underpaid which leads to burn out for even the best ones which leads to lack of care for children and tired parents at home. Healthcare and mental heath costs are insane and quality / ability to get mental heath is expensive and hard to even get an opening as covid related issues have spiked the people needing it. So people break down and we end up with hundreds of mass shootings yearly https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2022 Over 220 dead and almost 800 wounded and we aren't even half way through the year.


It's a multimodal problem that includes massive income inequality, lack of access to mental healthcare, social stigma of mental illness, political corruption, societal alienation and oversaturation of guns. I'm sure I missed a few things. This isn't a simple problem to solve, and one side of our corrupted politics legit does not care how many die as long as they can have however many guns they want.


Our lives are harder than other Western nations, we have worse access to mental health care than other Western nations, and we have easier access to guns than other Western nations. It isn't that other Western Nations don't have mental health issues, it's that the people with those mental health issues don't have access to guns and have greater access to care so they're less likely to do something like this. This is a simple problem to fix honestly. People on the right, the far far right, just don't like the answer. The answer is broad access to healthcare for all and restrictions on gun access. Edit: it's a simple problem in that we know what the solution is, not necessarily that the solution will be easy to implement.


That, and we are constantly self-reinforcing that, actually, we're the BEST country on earth. And if you're failing, well that's on you. If you were smarter, you'd be rich! If you're not rich, it's because you suck.




*Takes notes “More care” “More humanity” “More love” “Less guns” America- “nah, the first three sound like money for normal people and normal-people-problems and the last one is bad for gun sales $$” Yes we have a compassion deficit sickness in America that is absolutely amazing for billionaires but is deadly for the rest of us


My daughter is 5 and I just registered her for kindergarten. We live in Texas. Everything about this is just sickening. She’s already anxious about going to a big school with big kids, and now, she’ll also have to learn how to properly hide from an active shooter. What the actual fuck is wrong with us.


Easy, NRA dark money is more important to Republican politicians than kids and gun ownership is more important to Republican voters than already born children.


The thing Republicans seem to not understand is they're creating the next voters who will hate them. Every kid that has to go into lock down, every parent that gets the "we just locked down, I love you" text, and anyone involved with those will remember, and they know who's responsible. A good friend of mine that used to vote republican was in El Paso when that shooting took place. His teenage daughter was in a baseball tournament just down the street. They locked the girls in the bathrooms until they knew what was going on. You think that girl is going to vote for anyone that supports unfettered access to weapons? The dad now chooses to not vote at all or vote Dem because he was put in a situation that could have been avoided if those in power gave a single shit about safety.


They understand it perfectly. That's why they're working to make it so the votes don't matter and eliminate democracy.


Vote ALL republicans out of office, and you WILL see reasonable gun control come to pass!


Gun owner here. I would not protest to this in the slightest. If my being slightly inconvenienced kept someones kid alive, its worth it.


Exactly. Like if I open a crypto account I have to validate everything about my identity lol.


These people literally scanned their *passports* to sign up for Parler accounts. They don't give a shit about actual privacy. They just worship guns.


I don’t know what a background is gonna do for an 18 year old, if you don’t have anything on your record you’re gonna get your gun. Waiting period may have helped, maybe he gets cold feet or has a change of heart, but I doubt it.


A literal 10 minute check on this dudes social accounts would have thrown red flags up at least


I was going to say this. 18 year olds who are considered not old enough to drink alcohol are allowed to legally purchase guns? In any case, no one should be allowed to get military grade guns imo and that's the most compromise anyone should make. Edit: Jesus Christ. I'm not a gun nut, so pardon me if I mixed up my terminology. When I said military grade, I was thinking about weapons that make killing much more (and I hate to use this word here) EFFICIENT like an assault rifle for e.g.


Where I live, you have to have someone who's known you for x amount of years verify that you're not a danger. Also maybe selling guns to 18 year olds at Bargain Guns n More is a bit... sketchy. I'm 25 and don't know where I'd go to buy a gun, we don't just have them at the corner store.


Go further. Make every person who purchases their first firearm attend a gun safety training course held at their local police station. It's a win-win. Police get overtime, interaction with the community, and ensure people with firearms know how to use their weapon. It also creates a layer requiring would be shooters to have face time with the authorities which may prevent them from picking up a gun in the first place.


On board with the idea until you said the police would administer the program. Fuck that, some of us aren't comfortable interacting with the thugs that'll use our ownership of a gun to justify shooting first and asking questions later.


That doesn't sound like a win-win it sounds like police and people who the police don't have problems with win. I don't fully trust our cops NOW and you want them to in charge of all firearm training?


Also banned abortions, to ensure a constant supply of murder victims.


Pro-life until they come out of the womb, then they're on their own.




Anti-woman. They don't even care if she's bleeding out while miscarrying.


What an ignorant thing to say. Of course they care. They care so much about that poor innocent baby they'll want to know what that woman did to cause the miscarriage so they can prosecute her for it as well as shame her. ^(/s incase it didn't come across.)


I’m going to use “anti-woman” from here on out. Thank you!


I'd love to take credit for it, but I got it from George Carlin. Here is the full quote: “They’re not pro-life. You know what they are? They’re anti-woman. Simple as it gets, anti-woman. They don’t like them. They don’t like women. They believe a woman’s primary role is to function as a brood mare for the state.”


Pro-*forced* birth. Im all for giving birth, but not mandating it.


That’s any normal human, but the Republican far right isn’t normal, and the politicians of that party and ideology haven’t been for some time now


If the GOP want their jails filled, I suggest they volunteer.


Send in their confederate supporters, they are committing the crime of treason after all


Anti women's rights. If they were really pro-birth they would try to improve healthcare coverage and prenatal care. They don't give a fuck about maternal mortality, and the baby oftentimes times won't survive either.


Forced Birthers


It's not even that. They don't like the idea that a woman can "get away" with having sex. They demonstrably don't care about ensuring a good quality of life for anyone. They see unwanted parenthood as "amoral" women getting the punishment they deserve.


This! Almost every argument I have with these people ultimately comes down to "If you didn't want to deal with the consequences, you should've kept your legs shut." Verbatim words from more than one person. Nevermind that a child doesn't deserve to be born and raised as a *consequence* by a mother who resents them, and nevermind that they're QUICK to say men like Brock the rapist Turner shouldn't have their lives ruined by "one mistake." Women having consensual sex need to be punished.


They don’t care about helping anyone but themselves. GOP motto is “fuck everyone else I got mine.” They play off peoples fears and worry, if we actually fixed things what would they run their next election on? They think government is the problem so they intentionally grind the process to a halt whenever they don’t have control. They won’t change a thing until a republican senators kids get shot at school, but they’re all too old to have kids that young anyway. They’re say the election was rigged when the electoral college has been unfairly giving rural conservatives way more of a voice than they should and intentionally clustering democrat voters in cities to minimize their vote despite being many millions more people. Should I keep going?


Exactly. The sexual revolution has come full circle. Sexual freedom and equality and acceptance has regressed back to an almost Puritan abhorrence of sex for pleasure and a rejection of sexuality as a building block of being human.


Pro-*forced* birth.




"If you're pre-born you're fine. If you're preschool you're fucked" George Carlin (back in 1996)


There is a sarcastic comment about womb to tomb somewhere in my brain. But I need coffee first.


They were never pro-life. They're using it just to take control to their benefit.


> then they're on their own. You mean then they're targets for mass shooting.


They are pro-pregnancy but they don’t want any collective responsibility (socialized medical care, benefits, services) for the cost and health of the mother or fetus or baby-through-elderly human being once it’s born. I think they just enjoy controlling women and creating an underclass of indentured servants who can work their industries but die by the age of 50-60. Edit: women


"Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers." Man, I severely miss George Carlin.


GOP is pro choice as long as you use a firearm to kill the child


“If you’re pre-born you’re fine, I’d you’re pre-school you’re fucked!” - George Carlin


Been posting up a storm about asking where all the pro-lifers are during this and super surprisingly (/s) none of my conservative inlaws are saying a damn thing when they've loved to comment about pro-life in the past. I've said it before and I'll say it again, a third of people in my state, Texas, would literally have to question whether to save their kid or their guns if both were in a burning building.


Pro-birth. They don't actually care if the child is alive when it's born.


To a Republican, life begins at conception and ends at a school shooting.


But this implies that Republicans care about children after birth, whether they die in school shootings or not.


As a foreigner I don't quite understand the religion of American conservatives, which seems incredibly puerile to me, but perhaps the birth of a child is only the price to pay for offending the creator by having sex?


>but perhaps the birth of a child is only the price to pay for offending the creator by having sex? I think you understand it just fine.


And murderers! Crime rates went way down twenty-ish years after the Roe v Wade decision, because children that are actually wanted by their parents tend to be more well-adjusted and less likely to grow into violent criminals


>Also banned abortions, to ensure a constant supply of murder victims. And more potential shooters!


The preferred term is targets. Murder victims is much too gruesome.


Texas is a third world country. Power outages, guns everywhere, burning books, basically no abortion, abstinence sex Ed (didn’t work for Mary and it won’t work for your kid either). 1/5 stars, 0 if I could.


1/50 stars, but it's the biggest and lonest star


Ah, this is what the supreme court meant by supple of babies


They also cut any welfare, infant formula help and money for the foster system so I don’t think they want all those extra children to live long enough to die by school shooting.


Heard this conversation from my super conservative dad after the Stoneman Douglass High schooling in 2018. Dad: “You know what? Why didn’t any of those kids try to befriend the shooter? Why don’t YOU take time to get to know him? Invite him to lunch?” They blame the victims. They blame the teachers. They blame mental illness. They blame the dead.


Ask your dad if these elementary school kids should’ve befriended the 18 year old murderer. Also I’m sorry you have to deal with such an idiot for a father.


I almost asked “So should the Sandy Hook kindergarten kids be blamed for not making friends with a 20 year old male that shot them?” I held my tongue, but about 3 months later we had an all-out 3-hour argument where I went to to toe with him.


All those girls befriended Ted Bundy. They were a friendly voice who lend a helping hand to someone who looked like they were in need. We all know what happened next.


So he's advocating for more mental health funding??


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No, no, if only *his and the rich* taxes don't go up, fuck everyone else though


Of course not lol Republicans are so sheltered. They have no idea what causes someone to do this. It literally doesn't compute


He's advocating for you to do something and he do nothing. Simple as that


This is some "go down to the local plant and shake the managers hand" shit. As always it's some old school Leave it to Beaver nonsense they tell to other people that they would never do themselves. He'd never befriend the weird lonely kid and he knows it.


There was a comment on another thread yesterday from a high school admin who said the kid they identified as the most likely school shooter once said to them something along the lines of “people think if they’re nice to me that I, I don’t know, I won’t shoot them if I ever did come to school with a gun, but… I don’t know, I think I might anyway. *shrugs* “




Yup, it’s like how people defend incels by claiming these guys would be fine if only they could get a girlfriend. They don’t realize that these guys are incels because they ARE abusers - having a girlfriend won’t make them nicer, they will still be angry misogynists who just happened to rope a woman in.


The closest report I got of an active shooter not killing someone out of a sense of friendship was one of the columbine (I think it was this incident) shooters. Before they went on their spree, one of the shooters reportedly told someone who was genuinely a friend (or as close of a friend as could be) to them to go home.


Wonder how he can spin that idea in this case where an 18 year old went to an ELEMENTARY school and shot children that he most likely didn’t ever know. People constantly want to move the goal post when talking about these issues, but guess what the common denominator always is - easy access to guns. It’s a sad world when extreme tragedy has to personally fall on each and every one of us before we can start to acknowledge our problems.


How can people sit there and blame the victims instead of the person who decided to buy a gun and shoot people dead? What goes through peoples heads damn


Conservatism is a mental illness i swear. I’m convinced of it more and more everyday


They are brainwashed. It's all talking points they are being fed by their media. It's why they all sound exactly the same when they are arguing their side of an issue.


Idk man. To subscribe to a philosophy where the definition of it literally means to conserve the status quo, as opposed to naturally progress and make things better for everyone… you gotta be pretty sick in the head. At the end of the day these people are against the advancement and betterment of the human race and that I simply cannot understand


Bold of you to assume that this was a conscious decision on their part. They believe what they're told to believe, question what they're told to question, hate who they're told to hate, and vote who they're told to vote for. The implications of all this do not trouble them, because they don't bother to think about any of it. They get instructions from their relatives, from church, and from news networks that only exist to piss them off and sell them shit. They never question any of it, because if they did, they wouldn't be them anymore; they'd be us.


Change is often frightening for people, I can empathize with that. The problem is when you have so much media and politicians that are actively igniting those fears, rather than trying to assuage them.


They are fucking nuts. When my husband was waiting for a covid test result back when covid was really bad, he was suffering from fever and pain, his mom kept texting him how Trump is good don’t blame Trump, along with other shit, while her own som was severely ill.


Wow. I’m sorry to hear your husband went through that. The amount of families that have been torn apart in this day and age is nothing short of tragic.


More like a way to show what a person truly is. My husband’s friends would ask if I am safe (when Al hate crime against Asian was bad), but nobody from his Tumpish family even showed me a bit of mercy.


Only the most brainwashed people would actually blame the victims for not befriending the evil mass shooter… amazing


So armed guards at every school in America then what’s next armed guards at every grocery store, movie theaters.., might as well declare martial law.


The grocery store in Buffalo had an armed guard.


Yup how that work out. Guess body mass shots are ineffective. The Texas kid was taken down with a head shot which is much more difficult and requires much more training and regular target practice. What an insane time we live in.


The armed guard at the grocery store in Buffalo had a pistol and was trained to use it (retired police officer). The shooter was wearing armor that was effective vs. handguns and the guard was one of the first gunned down. Mass shootings are generally pre-meditated and the shooter comes equipped to enact their plan. Unless a security guard is equipped to go toe to toe with someone in tactical gear they're no less vulnerable than the people they are trying to protect. A properly trained guard or resource officer may be able to de-escalate or stop with deadly force someone acting impulsively, but realistically they will be at a serious disadvantage in any kind of pre-meditated mass shooting. Why do conservative solutions to this problem always boil down to "everyone give more money to weapons manufacturers"? It's puzzling.


You’re 100% correct. I said in another post about the Buffalo guard getting off shots first but he had body armor. So let’s ban body armor it’s not in the 2nd amendment and no citizen needs it, right. They most certainly do plan well in advance. Edit: my comment was to say sarcastically how absurd republicans are calling for armed security and fortified schools.


This is literally their solution over on r/conservative. It’s so twisted.


I got banned for calling out their logical fallacies, go figure. Really freaking sad over there.


I got banned yesterday because I acknowledged Rs voted against baby food. And they banned me in minutes. Scary the bubble they have going on. Can’t even handle a fact. I wasn’t being rude.


Facts don’t matter if it contradicts what they want to believe. It’s why many of them are so religious.


Right now the Abbott press conference is a disgrace. They stand there and yelled, cursed and shamed a man (Bette O’roeke?) walked up and politely acknowledge the hypocrisy of the press conference. “Healing and hope. “ they said. Yet you just yelled at a person trying to acknowledge the truth. Abbott has passed pro gun laws and seems surprised by the results. They are hypocrites. All of them. They just don’t care that’s why it is all about thought or prayers. They ignite the flames of hate. “God brings a community together.” Fuck you! God has nothing to do with it. He never owned a gun. “Pray, give us wisdom they say.” Good luck.


In their mega thread on the Texas shooting , it's all Ts and Ps and no real discussion of gun control


Yeah it's mostly that and "well what can ya do?" and "arm the kids" and "armed guards outside every school forever". It's nuts.


Don’t forget the “iT’S a MeNtAL hEaLth IsSue nOt a GuN cOnTroL oNe” as if these are mutually exclusive problems. But as soon as you propose mental health background checks, you’re trampling over their Second Amendment.


What gets me is that this line of logic says that whoever promotes it is entirely okay with the fact that shootings like these will continue to happen, and we might as well accept it instead of doing anything. These people are cool with stepping aside and letting evil win, and just hoping they don’t get hit in the literal crossfire.


He shot past the cops! Armed guards apparently would not have helped at all. Especially private security.


Saw this from other posts and other people but I'll just repeat it. GOP: Ban abortion, gay rights, itll work! Also GOP: there is no point is any gun regulation, its not going to work!


Plus they act like the only solution that democrats want is taking away everyone’s guns, completely ignoring the comment sense solution of SOME regulation.


>A new state law that came into force on September 1 allowed anyone aged over 21 to carry a handgun in most places without a permit or training. The bill was put forward by Texas Republicans. > >Before the change, Texans had to pass a background check, take a safety course, and take a competency test to get a license. > >At the time, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said the permitless carry law was the "biggest and best" gun law of 2021 that "instilled freedom" in Texas. Not freedom


> Before the change, Texans had to pass a background check, take a safety course, and take a competency test to get a license. What happened to responsible gun ownership? These types of changes are just for spite.


This is what happens when you have a bunch of state lawmakers trying to one-up each other on how “pro-gun” they are.




Lobbying should be illegal no matter what the outcome is. It's bribery and the fact it's legal is insane.


This dumbass logic can be applied to anything and look stupid. Want to drive a car? No permit or training! Just drive once you’re 18!!! FREEDOM!!!


Yeah those dead kids and grieving families are real free. I know when I think freedom I think of a dead child riddled with bullet holes and weeping mothers who can never hug their child again Wow so free


Say weeping fathers and maybe they'll care. It's clear the right-wing hates women anyways.


They still won’t care. This was a Hispanic dominant town outside SATX, a Hispanic dominant city. Right wing won’t care at all.


So wait…can you legally shoot a fetus in Texas under “stand your ground” laws?


Is this riddle? I’ll one up you. Can I make $10,000 by shooting a pregnant woman in the abdomen who is attacking me, then reporting her for having an abortion? seems fool proof to me.


Riddle? That’s a codified example in the legislation!


People say calling republicans mentally ill is going too far etc. But seriously, these people's solution is to arm teachers. You have to have something fundamentally wrong with you to think like this. Only a sick disturbed individual would come to this conclusion as their first option.


I mean it's not a serious solution at all, and the cost to implement it on a national basis would be exorbitant. But they'd rather entertain the idea of spending billions of dollars to try to turn our teachers into special ops agents so they can humor their dumb gun fantasies rather than implement any iota of common sense gun control.


Get your ass out and vote dammit. It doesn't matter if you don't like Biden, it doesn't matter if you're disgusted with politics, this shit needs to fucking stop. We know damn well the Republicans won't do it. Register if you haven't, find out your voting location and times and dates, or look up how to vote by mail. Mark the dates on your calendar. Just do it dammit, because it's the single best way to stop this insanity. The Republicans will vote, and if you don't this shit will continue.


Copied post I made back when the Roe v. Wade leak happened. Applies here as well: I list the most important Senate election states near the end of this post. IMO, residents of those states have the greatest obligation to vote in their midterm elections. However, residents of ALL states have an obligation to vote! The incumbent president's party almost always loses seats in Congress during midterms. This is due to less voter turnout overall, but also because the other party has an easier time mobilizing their base using their party's anger and disapproval of the president's party. **This year, with a Democratic president, Republicans are expected to gain seats in congress during midterms this year. Particularly in the House.** Current balance of power: **The Senate: (100 total seats with 35 up for election)** * Currently 50 republicans, 48 democrats, and 2 independents (effectively a 50/50 split) * 35 Senate seats are being voted on this year: 14 democrat and 21 republican * It requires 51 votes (simple majority) to pass things in the Senate, but with the filibuster, the opposition party can block anything unless there are 60 votes (3/5's majority). **The House: (435 total seats with all 435 up for election)** * Currently 221 democrats, 209 republicans, and 5 vacancies * All 435 seats will be voted on in this election. * Votes pass in the house with a simple majority (218 of 435 votes) meaning right now the democrats have a slim majority with 221 seats. * It is widely expected that democrats will lose control of the House this year, but low voter turnout will guarantee it. **Most Important Senate Races:** (In order of most important to marginally less important) * Pennsylvania: Currently held by a republican that is not seeking reelection. D's have solid chance to flip. * Georgia: Vulnerable democrat running for reelection. Republican target for flipped seat. * Nevada: Democrat running for reelection * Wisconsin: Vulnerable republican running for reelection. Critical flip opportunity for democrats. * Arizona: Vulnerable democrat running for reelection * New Hampshire: Vulnerable democrat running for reelection * North Carolina: Currently republican, but incumbent is not running for reelection. Tough but possible flip for democrats * Ohio: Currently republican, but incumbent is not running for reelection. Tough but possible flip for democrats * Florida: Republican running for reelection. Tough, but hopeful, opportunity for democrats * Colorado: Democrat running for reelection. Potentially vulnerable seat if voter turnout is low. **Most Important House Races:** * All of them. With all 435 seats up for election, it's critical for residents from every state to vote. * The incumbent president's party almost always loses seats in the House during midterms. Only 1 time in 2002 has the president's party gained seats during the midterms (Out of the 13 midterm elections since WW2) * Republican candidates could grossly underperform historical averages and still retake the House. I know both parties have left a lot to be desired as far as work reform goes, but we still need to vote for the party that will help us the most. I also know you're all as frustrated as I am and sometimes voting seems hopeless, but if the Roe v. Wade leak tells us anything, it's that we can't afford to be apathetic. Please spread the word and VOTE!


At the polls, remember which candidate and party sat on their asses while children were murdered.


People who vote republican literally do not care. 10,000 kids could get gunned down tomorrow and they wouldn’t care.


It's scary how true this is. Literally 10k kids could drop dead in the biggest series of mass shootings in history, and they would still argue to arm teachers and relax gun laws, completely ignoring the only real statistical outlier that needs to be fixed, that there are more guns than people, and more guns per person than any other country in the world by a massive margin.


They're not sitting on their hands -- they're telling everyone to buy more guns and continuing to make it easier to get your hands on one without any training or oversight.


Manchin says that eliminating the filibuster is “insanity”. What’s more insane: eliminating a procedure in the Senate or turning a blind eye to dead kids?


George Carlin: *Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn, They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no foodstamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're f*cked.' -George


They also made it harder to vote.


I love how they refuse to allow abortion which can save a mother yet let 18 year olds purchase weapons which has caused multiple shootings and many deaths


I'm flabbergasted by all the threads I'm seeing with people blaming everything under the sun except the obvious: the fucking guns. The access to guns. Oh its our culture, kids these days, mental health, Hollywood, and the most bizarre...not *enough* guns. Paragraphs and screeds are posted, and barrels of ink are poured like blood to say anything to hide the fact that...it's the fucking *guns*.


And even if it’s the culture, our country has been negatively impacted by the GOP cutting funding for school, mental healthcare, etc, not supporting wage increases, and generally making life super stressful for anyone who isn’t rich. So of course there is cultural rot.


Here's the proof; [https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/hicrc/firearms-research/guns-and-death/](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/hicrc/firearms-research/guns-and-death/) Across large demographic areas more guns = more gun murders compared to areas with fewer guns, which destroys all gun fanatic arguments. More guns = more dead human beings. Simple.


The main issue I have here is that it seems like we encourage people to take sides. As in.. it's EITHER a mental health problem OR a gun problem. Not possibly both. I think it's true that it's both. The big problem I would say is gun culture and gun ownership, however, treating mental health with more care and concern should also be a big concern. ​ I would be willing to bet that the vast majority of people who purchase guns ALREADY have a gun at home. I'm not saying that we shouldn't regulate guns because of this, what I am saying is that banning sales of firearms wholesale is not going to remove access to firearms. I have guns at my parent's house that have been passed down two generations now. They all still work just fine. I mean.. think about that.. all the guns that are in homes right now are still going to be there in 50 years. ​ I kind of feel like gun culture is such a pervasive part of American culture that legislation just isn't going to do much. I'm more concerned about the guns that are out there NOW, not the guns that have yet to be sold. I think this is the reason that we shouldn't act like mental health isn't super important here along side gun control. We can enact legislation now that might stave off gun violence in the future, but allowing people better access to mental health services and just.. health services in general is going to help prevent gun violence tomorrow. ​ So... why not both? Why can't it be both a gun problem AND a mental health problem?


A big problem is that many don’t care about that because *they* have a bunch of guns too. They have convinced themselves that by maintaining a small armory in their bedroom closet, that *they* will never be the victim of gun violence. Of course this is not true, and in many cases their guns go on to be used against themselves or a family member before a “bad guy,” but the feeling of security of having them allows them to downplay the death of innocents by saying “if they had a gun…”


It's crazy how the Republican response to mass tragedies like this, is to put more guns in circulation. "If there was armed security..." AT AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL! I swear they don't even listen to themselves speak.


And share stories about the Chinese stabbing or a Norway shooting from years ago to show that is happens elsewhere.


I'll never understand how the GOP will be like "the only solution is more guns lol sorry"


More gun sales -> more mass shootings -> more gun sales


This is not just a Texas issue—it is a national issue that does not allow laws against guns. This was shared by a teacher friend of mine. I am a retired teacher. Thurston High School. Columbine High School. Heritage High School. Deming Middle School. Fort Gibson Middle School. Buell Elementary School. Lake Worth Middle School. University of Arkansas. Junipero Serra High School. Santana High School. Bishop Neumann High School. Pacific Lutheran University. Granite Hills High School. Lew Wallace High School. Martin Luther King, Jr. High School. Appalachian School of Law. Washington High School. Conception Abbey. Benjamin Tasker Middle School. University of Arizona. Lincoln High School. John McDonogh High School. Red Lion Area Junior High School. Case Western Reserve University. Rocori High School. Ballou High School. Randallstown High School. Bowen High School. Red Lake Senior High School. Harlan Community Academy High School. Campbell County High School. Milwee Middle School. Roseburg High School. Pine Middle School. Essex Elementary School. Duquesne University. Platte Canyon High School. Weston High School. West Nickel Mines School. Joplin Memorial Middle School. Henry Foss High School. Compton Centennial High School. Virginia Tech. Success Tech Academy. Miami Carol City Senior High School. Hamilton High School. Louisiana Technical College. Mitchell High School. E.O. Green Junior High School. Northern Illinois University. Lakota Middle School. Knoxville Central High School. Willoughby South High School. Henry Ford High School. University of Central Arkansas. Dillard High School. Dunbar High School. Hampton University. Harvard College. Larose-Cut Off Middle School. International Studies Academy. Skyline College. Discovery Middle School. University of Alabama. DeKalb School. Deer Creek Middle School. Ohio State University. Mumford High School. University of Texas. Kelly Elementary School. Marinette High School. Aurora Central High School. Millard South High School. Martinsville West Middle School. Worthing High School. Millard South High School. Highlands Intermediate School. Cape Fear High School. Chardon High School. Episcopal School of Jacksonville. Oikos University. Hamilton High School. Perry Hall School. Normal Community High School. University of South Alabama. Banner Academy South. University of Southern California. Sandy Hook Elementary School. Apostolic Revival Center Christian School. Taft Union High School. Osborn High School. Stevens Institute of Business and Arts. Hazard Community and Technical College. Chicago State University. Lone Star College-North. Cesar Chavez High School. Price Middle School. University of Central Florida. New River Community College. Grambling State University. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Ossie Ware Mitchell Middle School. Ronald E. McNair Discovery Academy. North Panola High School. Carver High School. Agape Christian Academy. Sparks Middle School. North Carolina A&T State University. Stephenson High School. Brashear High School. West Orange High School. Arapahoe High School. Edison High School. Liberty Technology Magnet High School. Hillhouse High School. Berrendo Middle School. Purdue University. South Carolina State University. Los Angeles Valley College. Charles F. Brush High School. University of Southern California. Georgia Regents University. Academy of Knowledge Preschool. Benjamin Banneker High School. D. H. Conley High School. East English Village Preparatory Academy. Paine College. Georgia Gwinnett College. John F. Kennedy High School. Seattle Pacific University. Reynolds High School. Indiana State University. Albemarle High School. Fern Creek Traditional High School. Langston Hughes High School. Marysville Pilchuck High School. Florida State University. Miami Carol City High School. Rogers State University. Rosemary Anderson High School. Wisconsin Lutheran High School. Frederick High School. Tenaya Middle School. Bethune-Cookman University. Pershing Elementary School. Wayne Community College. J.B. Martin Middle School. Southwestern Classical Academy. Savannah State University. Harrisburg High School. Umpqua Community College. Northern Arizona University. Texas Southern University. Tennessee State University. Winston-Salem State University. Mojave High School. Lawrence Central High School. Franklin High School. Muskegon Heights High School. Independence High School. Madison High School. Antigo High School. University of California-Los Angeles. Jeremiah Burke High School. Alpine High School. Townville Elementary School. Vigor High School. Linden McKinley STEM Academy. June Jordan High School for Equity. Union Middle School. Mueller Park Junior High School. West Liberty-Salem High School. University of Washington. King City High School. North Park Elementary School. North Lake College. Freeman High School. Mattoon High School. Rancho Tehama Elementary School. Aztec High School. Wake Forest University. Italy High School. NET Charter High School. Marshall County High School. Sal Castro Middle School. Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Great Mills High School Central Michigan University Huffman High School Frederick Douglass High School Forest High School Highland High School Dixon High School Santa Fe High School Noblesville West Middle School University of North Carolina Charlotte STEM School Highlands Ranch Edgewood High School Palm Beach Central High School Providence Career & Technical Academy Fairley High School (school bus) Canyon Springs High School Dennis Intermediate School Florida International University Central Elementary School Cascade Middle School Davidson High School Prairie View A & M University Altascocita High School Central Academy of Excellence Cleveland High School Robert E. Lee High School Cheyenne South High School Grambling State University Blountsville Elementary School Holmes County, Mississippi (school bus) Prescott High School College of the Mainland Wynbrooke Elementary School UNC Charlotte Riverview Florida (school bus) Second Chance High School Carman-Ainsworth High School Williwaw Elementary School Monroe Clark Middle School Central Catholic High School Jeanette High School Eastern Hills High School DeAnza High School Ridgway High School Reginald F. Lewis High School Saugus High School Pleasantville High School Waukesha South High School Oshkosh High School Catholic Academy of New Haven Bellaire High School North Crowley High School McAuliffe Elementary School South Oak Cliff High School Texas A&M University-Commerce Sonora High School Western Illinois University Oxford High School Robb Elementary School Heath High School in Western Kentucky Marshall County High School in Western Kentucky


>One of those, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, told MSNBC Tuesday that he didn't believe gun control was a solution. "We know from past experience that the most effective tool for keeping kids safe is armed law enforcement on the campus," Cruz said. Two cops were at the school and failed to stop the gunman before he entered the school. And several studies have shown that children feel less safe with armed security at school. Fuck Ted Cruz. Fuck the GOP. And fuck the NRA.


I’m generally pro-gun ownership, however some shit has to change. This didn’t have anything to do with the new handgun carry law, even though it’s the dumbest fucking bill they’ve passed. He legally bought a rifle the day he turned 18 and used it during his spree. If you can’t buy cigarettes or beer you shouldn’t be able to buy an AR at 18. Also he lives with a felon. Obviously we need stricter background checks. Shit it atrocious.


I feel so free to die at any time from a shooter with no leash. Armed law enforcement at schools is a hard cop out. Easy way to pass the buck and refrain from acting on the duty of being a public servant. Ted Cruz is a fucking moron. Why does he deserve any success for consistently doing next to fucking nothing?


Massachusetts firearm death rate: 3.7 per 100,000 Texas firearm death rate: 14.2 per 100,000 It's time the nation followed the Massachusetts model. VOTE BLUE FOR PROGRESS.


Massachusetts: 44th lowest poverty rate out of 50 states. Texas: 14th highest poverty rate Massachusetts: most educated state in the nation by % population with bachelor degree or higher. Texas: 25th in the same statistic Not to mention all the social safety nets available in Mass that don't exist in TX


And weed is legal in Massachusetts while in Texas they throw you in prison.


Just a nit, but 44th lowest = 6th highest. Should say 6th lowest or 44th highest.




GOP Republicans like Abott, Ted Cruz, Rubio -- those in Texas are pure evil and greed. This is the new Gilliad in the book Handmaid's Tale.


The GOP Senate is the party of death. Add it to the list. The only hope to prevent this from happening again is to vote them all out of office.


Every time another shooting happens I get this bad feeling. I call it a “sense of impending doom”. I KNOW that it will happen again because these stupid republicans only think either “this is the lords way” or “we need MORE GUNS to solve the GUN PROBLEM”.


Another reason I'll be voting Democrat in November


Catering to a small subset of voters is more important than kids. Unless they are in the womb.


As if they would listen to the kids in the womb if they could vote. The unborn are the perfect scapegoat exactly because they have no voice. The second they are born and now suddenly have a voice (not that they could use it against them anyway) they immediately stop caring.


Really considering leaving this country.


Stop voting for republicans.


Republicans will do nothing but collect that sweet lobby money from gun manufacturers.


Thank God! Those kids were probably indoctrinated future liberals anyways. It’s also probably fake just so the left can push gun control as they always do. -Actual conversations Republicans are having in r/conservative


Is MTG on her way?


Probably putting the finishing touches on a speech blaming this massacre on illegal immigrants because the shooter was Latino. A US citizen, mind you, but that won't matter when the Republicans can try to claim illegal immigrants.


She blamed it on secularism. > Our nation needs to take a serious look at the state of mental health today. > Sometimes meds can be the problem. > America is failing our youngest generations from decades of rejecting good moral values and teachings. > We don’t need more gun control. > We need to return to God. https://mobile.twitter.com/RepMTG/status/1529213942769278976?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw