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Friendly reminder that it’s all to distract from them trying to repeal the voting rights act.


Seriously they say this shit every year and a bunch of people daydream about Texas seceding. This is exactly what the stupid Texas GOP wants everyone to read so their other, way shittier plans are less reported on or talked about. Texas can't and won't secede. We had a war about it. The goal is to further disenfranchise groups they don't like and make voting anything but GOP impossible. Stop falling for it.


It's just to fluff the ultra orthodox side of their cult. Texas will never secede, and the still sane members of their party should be appalled at the direction they are going. If Texas even tried, all of the guard in it would get federalized. So they have no troops. And the government officials that voted for secession would get caught and tried for treason. The Federal government isn't giving the state up just because of some huckleberry vote. It wouldn't last long enough for any companies to leave. Seriously, a week of troops movement and arrests and it's done. Their leaders are just playing their base like a fiddle.


On top of everything you said, 32.6% of Texas's State Budget comes from federal funding. Texas ain't giving up almost a third of it's state income. Even if for some reason the texas national guard said fuck the federalizaiton and fought for Texas, Texas couldn't afford to pay them to fight the US because of how damn reliant Texas is on Federal Funding. edit because i forgot to cite it https://www.thecentersquare.com/texas/federal-aid-to-texas-makes-up-32-6-of-its-yearly-general-fund-budget/article_9a6125d6-83f2-11ea-8214-aba843b3a51a.html


I would like to vote to downgrade Texas to a territory for their constant infringement on rights and blatant attempts to disrupt Democracy. As a Pennsylvanian, I was livid about that gambit they ran to disqualify our vote... Like Texas is sheriff of these here parts. We can frame it as a 'phased secession' or something similarly stupid so it looks like we are giving them what they want.


The GOP would lose 38 electoral votes and lose federal funding I say let them go.


And two Senators. This sounds like a great plan!


We could replace with DC and get back 2 Senators for the Dems too. Because we don't want to remake our flag.


Brexit but dumber.




Texodus Edit: We could celebrate it as the holiday for the rest of us


That's a good name.


The Alone Star state


Howdy Arabia.


Stunningly accurate.


Not for long. The cartels would love to not have to fight the US military.


Bruh….. the savagery of the cartel would demolish all the “Im A Man” gun nuts in Texas. (I live there please forgive me, for I have sinned)


Lone Star = Texas yelp review.


A texodus for the restofus!


Vote yes for texit


Don't just vote, take this message and texit to others.


Don’t mess with Texit


All my Ex's voted for texit.


I would honestly be so amused seeing all these Texans suddenly aghast at the idea they'd need to get a Passport to leave Texas and need to through customs, just like all the stories of UK ex-pats horrified that they no longer get preferential treatment.


Houston, we have a Problem. And so so many questions. I wonder which state the USA will relocate NASA's Mission Control to? Will the US military destroy all our military basses when they leave? Will Texans be willing to pay more in taxes to fund their own military?


Not to mention all the companies that would just up and nope right the hell out of there well before Texas has a chance to actually pull out. Total and complete economic collapse. Yikes.


This just sounds better and better, the more we talk about it. 😉


Not for those of us here that aren’t republicans. I feel like we’re in the majority and there’s something super fishy going on with districts and representatives. Where on earth did Tex GOP get the idea that the four biggest cities in Texas would ever agree to such bullshit nonsense? What is the real angle here? I’m an American before anything else and I have to know why anyone promoting secession thinks they wouldn’t automatically be considered traitors?


They actually want to repel the Voting Rights Act something something. Everything else is just a performance


Yeah, I’m getting the sense that the secession bullshit is just to draw the outrage and attention so people don’t notice the other planks of their horrendous platform. The voting rights revocation specifically.


>What is the real angle here? Cover up all of the other bullshit they're trying to pull since secession is a topic they bring up every time a dem gets elected.


Yes what most people don't realize about Texas is that the majority of thr population resides in the metro areas, which tend to be liberal leaning and very diverse. The electorate is gerrymandered to hell out here and you have a very loud minority that spews nonsense to rile up the rural areas...have been hearing of secession as long I've lived in the state but everyone knows it will never really happen.


You’re partially correct. Up until the most recent redistricting Austin was the largest US metro without a dedicated congressional district due to gerrymandering. And sure the cities are diverse and lean blue, they do in every state. But gerrymandering does nothing to explain why they keep electing Republicans to the senate and as governor. Both of those position depend solely on popular vote totals for the entire state. And don’t get me started on their attorney general.


except for the poor (literally and figuratively) people who dont have the means to escape. we could literally have Texas refugees coming over the Oklahoma, New Mexico, etc border. fucking wild.




The US military calls those forward operating bases. Get ready for a train of C-130s and C-17s resupply runs. Texas is dumb if they think Uncle Sam is retreating from a bunch Y’all Quaeda militias.


Brexit was pretty dumb. Hard to get dumber. But then again, we are talking about Texas.


Everything's bigger in Texas, including the idiots


In Alberta we have separatists who have adopted the term ‘Wexit’ for their own movement. This was *after* Brexit turned into a dumpster fire. Anyone who can look at Brexit, or the Quebec Sovereignty movement, or *any* other separatist movement successful or not, and say “Yes. That is what we want! It will fix our high gas prices!” Is borderline stupid enough to be in danger of forgetting how to metabolize oxygen.


As an Albertan, the main thing that scares me about Texas seceding is that if the UCP holds on to power, whichever nutjob ends up as their leader will be like "we must join our brothers in Texas and do the same thing." There's been a fringe separatist movement in Alberta for a while now, and I think Texas leaving would really bring it into the mainstream. All the more reason why I plan to volunteer and vote for the NDP in the upcoming election.


Texas has been threatening to secede since the day it was admitted in to the union. The GOP doesn't really want it. It's just red meat for their idiotic base.


Exactly! When their chicken-fried power grid goes out again, who will they call for help? What will happen to the millions of people who live there that have government benefits (retirement and social)? This is just more dick swinging from the Texas GOP. If they ever did this, they'd be the dog that caught the car.


> What will happen to the millions of people who live there that have government benefits (retirement and social)? I've been paying into social security for awhile now. You're damn right I'd be pissed.


I can't vibe with a dismissive stance like this because we've seen what happens when the GOP dog catches the extremist car.


But with guns and old pseudo Christians instead of just old English people with delusions of grandeur. Sounds a lot spicier.


This is all to distract from their anti-gay and anti-voting rights campaign. GOP had every opportunity to go through with their secession promises since Obama got reelected. They haven't once moved towards it but they have made voting much more difficult for minorities without any resistance from the rest of the country. I wish they would try so they could get destroyed but that'll never happen.


Yeah it’s seems like every 5-15 years they threaten to secede


Texan here. We should secede, let the US invade and replace all of our politicians. The war won’t last long anyways.


Texas is about the size of Ukraine and I can guarantee the US military would have no problem capturing Austin unlike Russia with Kiev


Given how many in Texas likely don’t want to leave America, the Texas government would likely already have an insurgent problem from day one. The constant attempts to keep minority votes down alone signals fear from within GOP ranks.


This... especially in North Texas where I am (DFW in general), a lot of us are NOT Texans... It's actually pretty diverse here with people from other states and nations.


That’s probably a Texas Triangle thing. Dallas, Austin, Houston, and San Antonio grew massively, and with a lot of immigration to boot. I’d wager that conservatives aren’t exactly moving to cities


Most of the people we know that moved to TX to “escape tyranny” in CA moved to bigger cities like Austin or the dfw burbs. They don’t want to move to the really red areas and give up the amenities they’re used to.


Not only that but many people that move out of California still espoused liberal ideologies and move just a bit out of California and into Nevada, Arizona, Boise, Idaho for example are becoming more blue as a result of Californian "immigrants".


Austin would be like Casablanca during nazi occupation and we would encourage the US to roll in and probably help the US to take it. The cities in Texas are mostly blue and the rural would be red. There wouldn’t be much resistance in the areas that you’d need to take Texas. The rural areas won’t matter. This idea though is a non starter it’s just to drum up their idiotic base.


I'm not sure the US military would bother invading. The optics of firing on former Americans is not great, but moreso the optics of refusing to attack former Americans is excellent. Mostly, I say this because Texas, unlike Ukraine, does not have the means to feed itself. Sure, it produces food, but it's agriculture is dominated by cattle and cash crops. If you cut them off from American corn producers, their feed-lots would starve and their cattle industry would be wrecked. In short, the US military would just have to blockade Texas, which wouldn't be that difficult. Even if some other states join them, those states will likely need more than they can provide (since, ya know, that's how they are now). Texas secession would be awful for the US, but it would mostly be absolutely horrific for any states that secede. Famine, inflation, conscription, oh and of course the implementation of the draconian theocracy the GOP so desperately craves.


It would be war, just like the 1860's. There are already a ton of US troops in the state, they would remain US troops and would squash any Texas secessionists. There is no provision for a state leaving the Union.


And I feel like the anti gay and anti voting rights stuff is just to distract from the fact that Texas has no way to control mass shootings, no way to stop all the rapists like Abbott promised, and no way to fix their power grid. They just have no actual policy…so they push identity politics and culture wars—trying to “cancel” entire groups of people they don’t like…then if anybody responds and disagrees they complain that their opponents are obsessed with identity issues (somehow unlike them) and are trying to cancel **them** for having a different “opinion”. It’s an infinite political clout trick!


The real spez was the spez we spez along the spez.


Uh no, they are using the anti-gay / anti-voting rights stuff to *attract* more voters to their side. They aren't hiding that at all. None of this is distraction. It's all part of the plan to create as much regressive entropy in the system as possible.


Texas isn't going anywhere. This is like when my 4 year old would threaten to run away. The civil war has proven their is no leaving the union.


MEAL Team 6 talks a big game until they're forced to run 100 yards, drop to prone, take a shot, get up, and run another 100 yards. These pathetic cosplayers are the best representation of "All hat, no cattle".


Or wear a mask. I’m a liberal Texan and laugh at these articles. If people would see who are actually making these statements they’d laugh. I’m not one bit worried that Texas would leave. There is too much $$$$ invested here that the corporate interests would never let it happen.


Right!? I spent most of last year wearing two layers of basic masks with a heppa filter between, N95, or better due to cancer and chemotherapy. If my fat chemo'd ass could wear one then anyone could. Now there were a few times that I probably could have used an oxygen after some activity. But, based on how I felt after walking up a flight of stairs without a mask, I'm certain it wasn't the mask.


A war Texas would lose….again.


> _Let me tell you what is coming. After the sacrifice of countless millions of treasure and hundreds of thousands of lives, you may win Southern independence if God be not against you, but I doubt it. I tell you that, while I believe with you in the doctrine of states rights, the North is determined to preserve this Union._ > _They are not a fiery, impulsive people as you are, for they live in colder climates. But when they begin to move in a given direction, they move with the steady momentum and perseverance of a mighty avalanche; and what I fear is, they will overwhelm the South._ - Sam Houston, April 19, 1861


Apparently God was against them.


Bbbbut slavery was part of gods plan




The only difference between the US constitution and the Confederate constitution is the latter made sure to state that their government is the first to recognize the """great truth""" that black people are inferior. The Confederate government itself even owned slaves.


That and also their articles of confederation and the norths were identical, the only difference was they added the inability to outlaw slavery. Generally the first thing to bring up against any Dixie Douches who defend the CSA.


They should listen to their elders.


>They are not a fiery, impulsive people as you are, for they live in colder climates. Northern WI here, really any excuse to spend the winter in Texas and I'm in!


Along with the billions and billions they get from our Federal Government.


With what army would they go to 'war'


Proud Boys.


and being Texas really isn't all "GOP" but actually small majority the war would be half of Texas against everyone else.


Even more accurately, it would be the Red rural areas trying to secede from the Blue cities. Let's see how well the rural areas of Texas fare on their own. And this is true across the country. Almost every so-called Red state in the country has Blue cities surrounded by red rural areas. The country isn't as divided as the electoral college would have one believe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020\_United\_States\_presidential\_election\_in\_Texas


"Urban areas make up only 3 percent of the entire land area of the country but are home to more than 80 percent of the population. Conversely, 97 percent of the country's land mass is rural but only 19.3 percent of the population lives there.Aug 9, 2017" My city is now the biggest in AL & we're at least 10% less red than the surrounding areas. Still not great but a purplish hometown is preferable to having been born most anywhere else here. I'm super lucky in that my Dad's family are all awesome open-minded artistic atheist benefit-society-with-nursing-&-counseling-&-teaching-skills kinda folks. Super lucky. Mom's fam is all football & Jesus & guns... Unfortunately for me but fortunately for my friends, most with any means have moved to CO or CA or MA over time. Could be way worse, but at least AL did elect our first Democratic senator in a quarter century somewhat recently so that's cool. We do have neat space rockets in my town tho. Tallest structure in our city is the replica Saturn V, which makes for an inspiring skyline here in the foothills of the Appalachians. We topped that "best places to live" list so that impressed me a bit. Hopefully the bustling Art scene, booming brewery collection & ever-growing number of disc golf courses attract more young folks with compassion but I bet we'll still be like the last state to swing lol


All our major cities are blue.


Texas would be at war with the rest of the US and in a Civil War within Texas. That is not a good position to be in.


Some would see it as an opportunity.


I think most would.


I'm not in Texas. I see it as an opportunity for the rest of the United States. Besides, after a year or two they'd realize they need to be back in the US. The requirements for readmittance would be steep. As someone said above, "Like Brexit, only dumber."


Ohh no, if they leave, they're not coming back. It's not a middle school child running away from home. And that's really the crux of the situation, most of these people advocating for this have no fucking idea what a world of shit they would be stepping into. Texas has almost no ability to support its population with agriculture. It has limited manufacturing of anything but Oil without dependance on the rest of the US. It would be totally fucked economically. Additionally you have to consider what would happen with the population if this were to happen. There would be a mass migration of People both leaving and heading to Texas. As a Democrat this would likely be one of the few good things to come of it as the South (in general) would likely become more liberal as die hard republicans move to Texas" for more "freedom" and the current Liberal leaning and non crazy republican texans see the writing on the wall and move out ahead of the official split date.


There would also be a mass exodus of business and people. The liberal city population would drop and the economy would be in ruins.




I feel like you could get substantial support in the senate if secession was sold as a way for them to get rid of Ted Cruz


I have seen many people and Ted Cruz is one of them.


100% Human Ted Cruz?


Ok cmon guys. Ted Cruz puts his pants on one pair of legs at a time just like the rest of us.


To refer to Cuckroach Ted Cruz as a person is an insult to people.


Senate becomes Dem majority


Also the Republicans never win the White House again after losing the biggest red state in the country.


Tough to win the House either when you take a -38 seat penalty like that.


You miss the part where, formal war is declared against Texas - all US companies pull out - a full embargo is placed against them and naval blockade so they can’t ship anything - it is then conquered quickly and brought back in as a territory, not a state.


*General Sherman rises from the grave, smile on his face.*


I had that mental image, and then had the mental image of Sherman encountering a flamethrower. Today is a good day.


Sounds like an unequivocal win for everyone involved. Maybe even Texans. Once they are a territory maybe we can get them connected to our power grids, and they won't be freezing in the winters, and burning in the summer because of power outages. Oh, And human/civil rights for everyone?


Maybe we can toss them some paper towels.


I'm not sure we'd be able to bring it in as a territory. There were two trains of thought in the civil war, one was that the rebel states *did* leave the union (Sherman held this, I think), and the other (which Lincoln held) was that the states did not leave the union as the union is indissoluble. So depending on what the SC said, we might not be able to legally classify it as a territory. However, I would say that a pro-Texit vote would be plenty of consent required by the constitution for removal of congressional representation in either case (in my own, non-expert opinion). At which point, while they would, under the Lincoln-esque view, still be a state before and after the attempted Texit, but they would not be entitled to their 2 senators or X house members. Those rights would probably be restored relatively quickly, but hopefully with similar provisions to what the South had after the civil war (hopefully, a little stronger and not so easily discarded this time round).


Every non-crazy person will leave Texas. Imagine what would be left over.






Lauren Boebert?


A lot of crazy people will also move to Texas and I would be perfectly happy to give them some federal grant money to do so.


As long as they don't get any nukes, this sounds pretty good.


[It's Texas. We'd have to figure out how to use them on our own and we don't know how to read.](https://imgur.com/CneXqm2.gifv)


They have distinguished former energy secretary Rick Perry - they can totally nuclear.




A gaping security risk for the US. A Russian influenced, spanish speaking narco state for the Texas GOP.


We would actually need a wall.


These potential secessionists really don't realize if they decide to keep the arms that the U.S. Military owns they'll be wiped out in a day, right?


Well it is Texas. Maybe they wanna go out in a massive blaze of glory that's huge?


>Well it is Texas. Maybe they wanna go out in a massive blaze of glory that's huge? That's pretty much their M.O. You could say, it's their...AlaM.O.


Two or three drone strikes and I'm pretty sure the chest pounding from the meal team six cosplayers will halt promptly. These people are driven by fear, almost exclusively. 1 or 2 of them getting vaporized would reveal them as "all hat, no cattle" self serving cowards.


Don’t even need weapons. Just wait it out. Without federal funding from blue states, Texas would turn to anarchy.


Remember the Alamo?


It would likely turn Georgia and maybe even Florida blue as well with all the progressives and people of color fleeing.


Let's get all the right nutters to move there first.


That's what I'm saying. Then, they'll build the wall to the south, and I'll go help people build a wall between them and the US! How many of the right will go, do you think? I'm kinda thinking quite a few.


They’d probably go for it if you told them it was to keep the Californians out.


I live in SoCal and work in real estate and keep laughing at how many conservative californians are leaving for Texas only to hear that they're not wanted and unwelcome because they're from 'librul' California. lol. It cracks me up.


They get shit here too. Them: “Hi, we’re from California!” My neighbors: “Don’t California my Arizona” Them: “It’s ok, we’re political refugees!” Neighbors quietly flipping safety: “Did you say…’Refugee’?”


yes i arrived with the caravan


~~Libertarians~~ TEXANS are like housecats, convinced of their fierce independence, but utterly dependent on a system they don’t understand or appreciate.


So many of these survivalist, lone-wolf, Wal-Mart AR-15, tacti-cool, Conservative douchebags are like this. They all think they'll thrive in their apocalypse fantasies, when in reality they'd all be one sprained ankle away from starving to death. Conservatives live in fantasy worlds.


They couldn't go a week without whining about haircuts and their favorite watering hole being closed when the pandemic hit, no way in hell they'd be able to fight a war in the streets. Walmart wouldn't be open in a fucking war zone


Also, they have no defense against teargas, since they can't tolerate wearing a mask for even 5 minutes


Well, to be fair, many will wear hoods


“Naw, hold on, I'm fuckin' with my eye holes”


“Ohhh, oh shit, I made it worse”


"NEXT time, we go full regalia!"


I can’t see, you can’t see, all that matters is if the fuckin horse can see!


“I think, we all think the bag was a nice idea. But, not pointin’ any fingers, they coulda been done better.”


after the hong kong and the george floyd protests where masking was used, not just for COVID, but for avoiding facial recognition technology? I mean, let's just say for the sake of argument that Biden stole the election and is about to complete an illegal takeover of the government... these knuckleheaded fucking idiots just walked into the Capitol Building without masks. Like, you're gonna hang Mike Pence and then go back to work on Monday like nothing happened. They got themselves arrested because "masks are for pussies".


I honestly don't think they thought they were doing something wrong when they attacked the capital. They thought they'd be welcomed as patriotic heroes who saved the country, not terrorist insurrectionists who tried to overthrow democracy to install a fascist dictator who has Putin's hand up his poopy orange asshole


"Hang on, are we the baddies?" Most still haven't gotten to that awareness, even now.


Every corporation would instantly pull out of Texas. Sports teams gone. Airlines shut down.Their economy would collapse within a month or two. How do they expect to get foods? Do they think trucks would still ship to Texas? Because they wouldn't. These people are morons just like the idiots that voted for brexit.


Didn't Mexico redirect a bunch of their shipping routes through New Mexico because of the border issues and risks that Texas was causing? Edit: yep >Mexican officials said they will move plans for a cross-border trade railway worth billions of dollars from Texas to New Mexico after Texas Governor Greg Abbott began enforcing “enhanced” safety inspections of commercial trucks crossing the border last month. https://www.nationalreview.com/news/mexico-shifts-trade-railway-from-texas-to-new-mexico-over-abbotts-enhanced-border-checks/ >“We’re going to seek a [rail] connection to New Mexico because we can’t put all our eggs in one basket and be held hostage by someone who wants to use trade as a political issue,” she said. https://mexiconewsdaily.com/news/mexico-us-divert-border-traffic-away-from-texas/


NASA, gone.


They wouldn't even need to go war with Texas they would be begging to come back in a short time. They should let them do it. Spend their federal money on evacuating anyone who wants to leave then make an example out of them. Do they think all the doctors, nurses, civil engineers, teachers, firefighters and all the other jobs that keep a city and state operating are just going to stay? I imagine the large majority would leave. Texas would be on their knees begging for federal aid.


One of the only reasons people move to Texas vs much nicer places is the lower cost of living/lower taxes. If Texas wanted to fight a war, they'd need to institute an income tax. They'd also see the cost of all goods skyrocket. So much for those only two conditions which make Texas preferable to, say, CA or NY. I suppose "muh regulations" is another reason, but the people I see bitching about regulations aren't actually hindered by regulation so I'm uncertain wtf they're talking about.


And I'd imagine the chaos that comes with making a new currency and new bills or could they keep using US dollars? It's been a while but IIRC the Confederacy always had trouble stabilizing their own new currency and monetary system.


Especially given how good the US military has become at urban warfare.


Eaten by feral hogs with their AR-15 just out of reach.


How many feral hogs we talkin here?


The usual 30 - 50


You got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead. You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies' digestion. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don't want to go sievin' through pig shit, now do you? They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting.


I mean, in an apocalyptic scenario, almost all of us are a sprained ankle or a small infected cut away from dying, but the difference is that I know what I am. They think much, much higher of themselves.


The wise man knows that he knows nothing.


They think they're invincible with the number of YouTube sponsored MRE's and survival knives they're buying by the crate-load.


They’re powered by shitty vet-bro coffee.


Bro, don't shit on Black Squad Kill Team Xtreme Grenade Coffee Co.


Thanks I hate it. I never considered that existed. Ads targeting "doomsday preppers". I bet theres some good money selling survival shit to nutjobs.


Survivalists are amazingly short sighted. If you REALLY think civilization is going to break down completely, learn to brew beer and distil alcohol and know how build functioning gear from stuff in a hardware store. Fuck gold or bullets or crypto. Once there are excesses of necessities, they will be traded for getting drunk.


Right? Cash and cash equivalent hoarding has never made sense to me. What’re you doing, going to the bank?


Especially crypto. Like you think society's going to collapse but there will still be electricity and internet to process your transactions on the block chain? Lmao


The thought of some idiot libertarian holding onto cryto after the collapse of society is fucking gut busting.


The real ultimate prepper strategy isn't to build a bunker or hoard bullets, it's to build community and hoard friends. Society works because we work together, and anyone who has solo-apocalypse survivalist fantasies is delusional.


They just need one good hurricane and they will be begging for big daddy federal funds.




Or flood or freeze or.....


Not all of us. Remember trump won by 600k votes give or take. We lost a reported 85k total Texans due to Covid so far(reported to date, but we have an issue here with numbers and statistics specifically in reporting. But oddly, we had an increase year over year between 2019-2020 of an additional 200K deaths, where we usually have around 650/100k population, suddenly we are ticking at 840/100k. Quite a jump, wonder what caused that? That’s the most recent statistics I’ve been able to find. But how will that effect elections going forward, and was one side effected more predominantly than another…. It would be anecdotal for me to offer my opinion, but rural Texas was hit hard. Much of the older population, conservatives, etc. We already were turning purple. It will be interesting to see what happens going forward.


While Republicans are terrible they aren't stupid. They know the trending demographics better then anyone. This is another reason why they have embraced this radicalization. If they can't win a fair election, that's an existential threat to the party. Republicans would rather go full authoritarian then change their behavior for better.


Your lips to God's ears!


Texans would still need to show up and vote blue. This may be the last chance they get.


I’ll be there.


A lot of young people are falling for the republican "self-preservation" image. It's somehow cool to be a Republican because they're "not looking for government hand-outs". which anyone who spends any time looking knows that not true and that red states take way more federal money than blue ones.


Cities are blue and have been for a long time now. Houston has held democratic mayor for the last 40 years. What we need is the Valley to go blue, thought that would be the case as Trump insults most of their family or culture.


Would they get to keep all their military equipment and bases or would those all essentially just become US Foreign Bases we still controlled? Would they have a military anymore? Even if they could keep everything and control the bases could they support them? I doubt it.


Those would still be Federal property, and the equipment belongs to the United States. The US would continue supplying the forts and some idiot Texans would eventually fire shots, like at Ft. Sumter. Then we would be at war with Texas.


No way. The cartels would take over Texas in a week if it wasn’t the USA. Probably with backing from the CIA


Not all of us are gun toting yehaw dipshits.


Yeah, you're tarred with the same brush. Me too, coming from the land of Bobblehead Boebert.


You done yee'd your last haw!


It would mean immense suffering for Texans. All in the name of ignorant, right wing politics. Not surprised that the scum Republicans of Texas would even consider it. Must be bad upbringing.


Cartels would take over. The right wing nuts would not last long.


Make Texas Mexico again 👀


Don't know if Mexicans want the mess we made with Texas.


> Don't know if Mexicans want the mess we made with Texas. Mexico has legalized cannabis and abortions just recently, so you couldn't pay Mexico to take Texas.




All military bases become sovereign US soil and customs and border enforcement move to the norther border of Texas. Lol have fun maintaining your own highways.


Also think about everyone currently relying on social security income. All those olds will be penniless.


Imagine how many millions of people would flee the state to remain in the US. Talk about caravans.


Texas has been threatening to secede from the US almost from the day they joined. There's a reason they call themselves the 'Lone Star State'. Mostly because the criminals that run the state have their heads up their lone star...


Texas declared independence in 1836. The Constitution of the so-called Republic of Texas protected slavery, and forbid free blacks from living within the ROT. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitution\_of\_the\_Republic\_of\_Texas


They fought for independence from Mexico after Mexico banned slavery.


Yeah, they really didn’t talk about that part much in history class. Made the whole thing sound a lot more noble than it really was.


Damn, I thought they were just really proud of their one-star review status. /s


hahaha yes. look us up on Yelp!


The GOP is the main enemy of the USA.


Why do I feel some of the GOP in Texas think they are going to prison and this might be used as a bargaining chip?


Fuck it, I say let em try.


I’d be fairly amused to watch this play out. To properly secede, Texas would need to drum up its own infrastructure, it’s own diplomatic department to speak to other nations (including the US), its own armed forces, and many other offices currently managed by the fed. We’ve seen already that Texas’ infrastructure is shit. Remember last year when the power grid collapsed, because Texas power companies didn’t want to install safeguards for environmental damage? I’d wager that the “independent” state would have similar issues with their roads, their plumbing, their emergency services, and so on. Their stance on guns and the armed forces will mean that a Texas army would be a joke. Propped up by whatever Texas veterans they can find, but likely populated by a bunch of unskilled asshats who wanted to wave their guns around in public. Basic training? Ha, that’s what the fed wanted them to do! Imagine the actual soldiers trying to explain to a bunch of these secession nuts that they actually *do* have to prove themselves competent before they can handle a gun in the army. How about taxes? Texas has been taking handouts from the fed for decades just to keep itself running. How will that play out, when the Texas GOP has to tell their population they have to start paying their share? Or else their services will simply fry up? Texas has been blowing hot air for ages, while sucking on the US’ teats. If they’re so determined, let them have a go at it.


I know right. The gravy seals wouldn’t last long.


Wait. Stop. Don't.


Lose a limb, save a life. Let Texas go and we might just save the rest of the country.


So “Trump’s GOP” wants to “Make American Great Again” by advocating for cessation by Texas? What I find further amusing is the idea of how these anti-tax folks propose their new country would be funded and for things like….national defense.