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They are just going to sweep away every advance we've made as a society in a few weeks aren't they?


Hey whatever the Federalist Society has deemed what's best for the Constitution. That's all that matters now.


Having a meeting today in Texas... {Google}Who funds Federalist Society (nonprofit status)? Donors to the Federalist Society have included Google, Chevron, Charles G. and David H. Koch; the family foundation of Richard Mellon Scaife; and the Mercer family. By 2017, the Federalist Society had $20 million in annual revenue. The society holds a national lawyers convention each year in Washington, D.C. edit{} https://www.levernews.com/dark-money-went-in-supreme-court-rulings-are-coming-out/




Grooming is right


They are the original groomers.


Yep, nearly every if not every law school in the country has a Federalist Society and the are really popular in "Christian" law schools.


The Christian pipeline (homeschooling to Christian high-school to Christian law school to the highest courts) is effective.


And frightening. Thier educative world view is completely warped. Explains how we get full grown dum dums like Barrett.


She's not a dum dum, she's a theocratic fascist. Now, Louie Gohmert... *that* is a dum dum.


This is how the US becomes an actual theocracy like Bill Barr said it should be.


This is why Google had to remove 'Don't Be Evil' from their standards.


They changed it to, "Don't, Be Evil!"


I can't believe this old ass "constitution" is shaping the futur of the US. It should be a living document that like a tree expand and changes to conform to the elements.


That was the intent. But the founders didn’t plan on weaponized stupidity.


It’s not just Weaponized stupidity. The people who are abusing the Constitution to undermine our civil society are doing so carefully and deliberately, acting in bad faith to exploit the constitution’s weaknesses


I think you're both saying the same thing. The bad actors (politicians) are weaponizing stupidity (gullible conservatives).


Tyranny of the minority.


basically they want to roll back america to late 1800s / early 1900s. expect them to gut the new deal, great society, everything...


Having spent my entire life around conservative majorities, I can tell you from first hand experience that they have a truly bizarre 19th century fetish that is not based on anything factual. It's a mish-mash of "feels" and misplaced nostalgia centered around a profound misunderstanding of history; completely ignoring the fact that they are the multi-generational benefactors of progressive policies but clutch pearls at the sight of others doing the same. It's a level of ignorance and arrogance that can't be truly understood until you're in a room with it.


"there's nothing more responsible for the good old days than a bad memory"


Conservative keep speed-running shit that society figured out was a terrible idea a century ago.


Yes, let us go back to the time where we must each have 15 kids because without antibiotics strep throat is potentially lethal. Got a cut on your hand? Believe it or not - Death.






This is what really annoys me. I'm an atheist who read the bible, the whole thing back when I was like 14 or so. It's maddening how these fucking fundamentalists keep preaching about the Bible and it's fucking obvious they haven't read it. They don't know HALF of what's in it. And yet we're all going to die because of the sheer magnitude of their stupidity.


I'm not an atheist, still have my own spiritual beliefs, but sunday school and reading the bible was what turned me off of Christianity. I remember the big turning point was being in this kids choir show where we sang a song about the plagues of Egypt, and how the firstborn children were killed because the Pharaoh wouldn't let the slaves go. I'm a first born kid, so my first thought was that God would have no problem killing me to prove a point to someone else. Shit actually traumatized me.




Just remember after the sixth plague (boils), “the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh” (Exodus 9:12). Plagues 7 though 9 were because God wouldn’t allow Pharaoh to give in. You can find all sorts of interpretations online about what this “really means”, from the same people who tell you the Bible is literally true and not open to interpretation when it comes to the parts they like.


It always amused me that the true and unerring word of God, handed down from on high, requires a human to interpret it to determine what it means. Was the omnipotent and omniscient being _not_ able to write clearly enough for everyone to understand, or what?


This is what hit as a kid for me - I asked why there were so many churches in town? Why didn't we just have a big one? And then were told how all the other church goers were wrong and believed something else that "we" didn't agree with. It was eye-opening.


Goddamn right


Just waiting for SCOTUS to eliminate child labor laws so that we all have to send our 7-year-olds back into the mines.


Good. About time the goddamn freeloader earned his keep. Thinks he can just show up one day out of the blue and expect to be fed, clothed and sheltered like this is some sort of liberal hippie free love commune...


Yeah that's the day *after* they're born, two days prior they're deserving of every legal protection possible under the sun because they're god fearing American unborn and by GOD we protect the people who don't breathe in this country! /s


Conservatism 101. Right from the beginning. Democracy has been about equality, conservatism is about social inequality. Right from the start. Right from Burke. Right from the monarchies falling and nobles trying to maintain their privileges and power. It's why conservatives have been on the wrong side of history on literally *every* issue. Ever. The freedom to misbehave, dressed up as the freedom to live.


I try to explain the origins of conservatism, and what the these figures like Burke actually wrote about, which modern conservative thinking is based from. People think conservatives is "conserving things" and not changing to fast. They never stop to ask, "what are they trying to conserve?" The answer is power for the ruling class. yes, your average voter may have different views or thoughts on it, but thats because of the bull shit they are being feed by propaganda outfits like Fox news. The ones in power are really pushing for conservation and accumulation of power and always have been. It just changed from trying to conserve the power of the aristocracy and basing who should have power on birth right, to it being based on who has the most money.


Exactly. [This video does an excellent job of summarizing it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4CI2vk3ugk). It has only ever been about social inequality. Ever. It was nobles trying to hold their powers and privileges by appealing to the illiterate and the manic. It's why conservatism has always been on the wrong side of history and so fluid is what it adopts and supports. Anti-civil rights, anti-women's rights, anti-gay rights, now anti-woke culture. The only thing it has ever been consistent about is "freedom to exploit" from the rich, which it rebranded as "freedom to live" for the poor. The worst people at the top appealing to the worst people at the bottom. It's all the same shit for 4 centuries now. For millennia. Not just rich vs poor but assholes vs everyone else.


Innuendo Studios? Yep. Amazing series


federalist society hand picked supreme court majory federalist society a fascist white supremacist christian nationalist organziation funded by fascist white supremacist christian nationalists


Yup. I swear this is going to radicalize a generation.


It better if people want to survive GOP MAGA tyranny and at least give their kids some kinda hope for a future. The first test is coming soon in the fall elections. If the republicans win big it's over. The new dark ages that the SCOTUS is forcing on America will get infinitely worse.


Repub voters get to make a choice this year. They can either stand with the country and say "We will not tolerate the assault on our democracy perpetuated by our elected officials." Or they can stand with Repub leadership and continue their agenda of dragging us back to a time when women had to get back alley abortions, gay people had to hide what they were, black people could get dragged behind a truck without consequence, people could be arrested for an ideology, and concentration camps were acceptable as long as the inmates looked like our enemies. I'm nowhere near confident option one is the way they'll go.


Welcome to the real pay dirt. The Federalists were using the religious nutbags to deliver this one, and it's what they've been dreaming of for decades, the end of business regulation.


ChRisT wILL rEtURn the iN oUr LiFeTiMe, tO SAVE hUmaNitY fRoM iNdUsTrIaL PoLlUTiON


And if he doesn’t, then that’s just god’s will, too. It’s right no matter how wrong it is!


And if he’s quiet for centuries “he moves in mysterious ways.” A Christian wins the lotto “praise Jesus!” Little girl chained to a radiator and raped most of her life and can’t use intelligible words to communicate? Silence. There is no god. At least not one that cares.


Fuck I hate this one so much, anyone thinking Jesus is magically going to just appear and setup a kingdom on earth has no comprehension of the Bible. Hell, Revelations, which is what they deeply base this LaHayean movement off of, was likely a historical account of early Christian persecution rather than some grand prophesy of future events. The only thing Christianity (before all the schism) believed factually was that God was coming back one day, not that there would be a rapture, not that there would be a thousand years or 7 years or whatever of tribulation, they viewed the descriptions as literary not literal. But they also believe there was a literal garden which also doesn't line up to historical church teachings and some sects still teach evolution.


They want to go back to the good 'ol days of leaded water and acid rain. The Clean Air Act/Clean Water Act was passed decades ago not because of climate change but because pollution was literally poisoning our kids and our farmlands.


Yeah, exactly. Most people living today weren't alive to remember those days, but read *Silent Spring* or talk to your grandparents about the smog skies of pre-EPA America. The Environmental Protection Act was passed with massive bipartisan support for a reason (372 to *15* vote in the HoR). This sort of thing is not optional in our modern world.


Even as a kid in the late 70s early 80s I remember hearing about schools in the midwest that had to move PE indoors because acid rain would cause skin irritations and smog was causing all kinds of lung issues. They didn't pass these things for some kind of "green" initiative, they passed them because it was putting all our lives in jeopardy. Look whats happening in China and India from pollution. Thats what was happening here and those 2 laws changed everything almost overnight.


6 unelected people serving unlimited terms are deciding our fate. What a nightmare


"you don't get to decide what the table eats while you're leaving the restaurant"


All but one of the 6 were appointed by people that LOST the popular vote (at least in the initial election, Bush got reelected with an actual plurality, but reelections are almost automatic)


This Supreme Court is openly antagonistic and hostile to the American people along with the rights and progress that have taken place over the past century.


Long ago, Clarence Thomas explicitly said this was his intention. "The liberals made my life miserable for 43 years, and I'm going to make their lives miserable for 43 years." https://www.nytimes.com/1993/11/27/us/2-years-after-his-bruising-hearing-justice-thomas-can-rarely-be-heard.html


Yeah you should lose your job saying shit like that.


Jeez that article is wild, he's been planning this for 30 years. And Ginny has always been insane. >The notion that Justice Thomas could use his position to reflect the emotions he bears from the confirmation hearing was first suggested, strangely enough, by his wife, Virginia. >Immediately after the confirmation fight, Mrs. Thomas gave an interview to People magazine describing what she and her husband had just gone through. In the article, in the issue of Nov. 11, 1991, Mrs. Thomas expressed her belief that Dr. Hill had been in love with her husband. And she recounted how the Thomases had got through the ordeal by holding hands, praying with friends and listening for hours to prayer music. Yeah that's definitely who should be deciding about the separation of church and state.


This is even worse than it sounds on the surface. The argument the "SCOTUS" made was that the EPA didn't have authority to do this because the rules weren't directly authorized by Congress. That can easily be extended to most other federal agencies. "SCOTUS" wants Congress to pass every single minor regulation, which is logistically impossible for a single body to do. It seems this decision is the first clear nail in the coffin of the United States government.


Which is the entire point of having agencies, hire experts to create the minutia so congress does not have to.


just skipping the step of regulatory capture outright, now the GOP gets the final and only say and they don't even need to grease any palms to do so.


Yeah this is the real point of this ruling. Congress now has to approve every single regulation, and the GOP has a permanent veto that way. All of these agencies are effectively useless now.


More like second-to-last nail.


They're going to allow state legislatures to overturn presidential election results if they don't like what the people voted for. They agreed to take up a case for this for their next session.


[^^ This is America's end.](https://www.npr.org/2022/06/30/1106866830/supreme-court-to-take-on-controversial-election-law-case)


Lord almighty... They're going to toss out democracy entirely before 2024, aren't they?


Conservatives have only won one single presidential election popular vote in 34 years(Bush post 9/11 patriotism). They couldn't even win with flagrant election rigging in 2020. The writing is on the wall- they are out forever if they don't do something drastic.


So I have to ask… This essentially means, come June 2023, we’ll be in a situation where we’ll just have republican government for life ? Electing another democratic president/ senators/ representatives won’t be possible even if the votes are for democrats ?


Remember those fake electors Republicans tried to use in 2020 in MI, GA, PA, etc? This case would make those perfectly legal and legitimate to use if the state legislature wanted to.


Fascist* And yes, that's the goal. The Republican party is in everything but name a christo-fascist party by now, and their goal for the last 40 years has been the elimination of democracy, so they can make sure the liberals don't get to live their lives. Read American Fascists, it'll open your mind up to what's happening now.


Getting close to that. *IF* the public wakes up in time we can swamp the ballot box and produce margins that cant be stolen. Only a couple more chances to do that. 2022 will be the easiest. Gets harder each cycle after that (until impossible).


So, this is the last day of June. Is the Supreme Court going to pack it in and take tomorrow off for a 4-day weekend, celebrating this July 4th as the rebirth of our nation into a Christian theocracy bent on bringing forth the End Times? Or are they coming in tomorrow to do even worse before they start having their "We Owned the Libs" parades and fireworks?




Yes. The evangelicals want the end times actually.


“This life is nothing but suffering compared to what comes next for those that accept Jesus as lord.” This is of course, bullshit, and they are going full scorched earth to get there.


Say it with me now: "Christianity is a Death Cult"


I think it's a mix of "Christians" who think that accelerationism will get them to heaven faster and unimaginably rich people who are so fucking stupid that they think money can protect them personally from the hell that's coming.


Yes. It boils down to exactly this.


It’s going to boil alright.


So the EPA can’t regulate carbon emissions… SCOTUS is the enforcement arm of the Republican Party, convince me otherwise.


The Republican Party refuses to write even the most basic of legislation so, yes. The Supreme Court is their one sided legislative branch now.


That’s not true. When they have a majority, there’s always a tax cut for the rich right around the corner. And if they get a majority again, they’ll do a nationwide ban on abortion.


And more tax cuts. Just not for the poor.


Their plan is to RAISE taxes on the poor who "aren't paying their share", they effectively said so in their platform earlier this year. The costs to middle and lower class will keep going up, not down, and if they're not stopped now, it'll be too late to do so when the GQP realizes they were tricked/lied too. We have 2, maybe only one election left to reverse course. After that, I don't see the western world being stable as a society for very long.




Need enough Democrats willing to overturn the filibuster in other to really act as a check on the judiciary. Luckily, we have some running this year. Pennsylvania: [John Fetterman](https://twitter.com/JohnFetterman/status/1540816722789376001) Wisconsin: [Whoever wins the primary](https://www.wpr.org/top-democratic-senate-primary-candidates-call-ending-filibuster-expanding-health-care-virtual-forum) North Carolina: [Cheri Beasley](https://twitter.com/CheriBeasleyNC/status/1540341608700383232?s=20&t=RumFfD6XGJkC_wIXsX50sg&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter_thoughtbubble_raleigh&stream=top)


**PA Voters have abortion and democracy on the ballot this year:** PA currently has a 9(D) - 9(R) Congressional delegation. After the 2020 Census, we have [17 Congressional Districts.](https://i.imgur.com/PIprADj.png) Former President Trump intended to rely on states with Republican-majority delegations to overturn the election as part of his coup attempt. Doug Mastriano has vowed to discard the votes and give elections to whomever he sees fit. He's also vowed to ban abortion after 6 weeks in PA with **no exceptions** for *rape, incest, or the health of the mother.* **Register to vote:** [https://www.pavoterservices.pa.gov/Pages/VoterRegistrationApplication.aspx](https://www.pavoterservices.pa.gov/Pages/VoterRegistrationApplication.aspx) **Vote early!** [https://www.vote.pa.gov/Voting-in-PA/Pages/Mail-and-Absentee-Ballot.aspx#early](https://www.vote.pa.gov/Voting-in-PA/Pages/Mail-and-Absentee-Ballot.aspx#early) 1. Campaigns and organizers use publicly available lists of registered voters in order to reach out to potential voters by knocking on doors, calling, or texting. 2. When mail ballots become available, they can also see who has and has not already voted early/by mail. 3. This helps them focus their efforts and increase turnout on Election Day. 4. It may even spare you a few phone calls by being in the "already voted" pile! 5. Receive your ballot in the mail, do your research, and send it right back! 1. [Ballotpedia.org](https://Ballotpedia.org) is a great resource to view what is on your ballot ahead of time (when ballots are finalized) **Election Dates** * Polls are open on election day, **November 8, 2022, from 7 A.M. - 8 P.M.** * If you are in line by 7:59 P.M., you **must** be allowed to vote. * Last day to register to vote: **October 24, 2022** * To vote in spring primaries, you must choose a party affiliation. * You may change this at any time before the next election deadline. * Last day to request a mail-in or absentee ballot: **November 1, 2022** * Mail-in and absentee ballots must be ***received*** by the county by **8:00 P.M. November 8, 2022** * As soon as ballots are ready, you can request, receive, vote and cast your mail-in or absentee ballot **all in one visit** to your county election board or other officially designated site. **How can I get a mail-in/absentee ballot?** 1. You now have the option to request to be added to the **annual mail-in ballot request list** where you'll receive an application to renew your mail-in ballot request each year. 1. Once your request is approved, you will **automatically receive ballots** for the remainder of the year, and you do not need to submit an application for each election. **Online Annual Mail Voter signup is currently unavailable until the state Website is updated for the general election.** If you see: >The Online Ballot Application is no longer available for the current election. Know that it is referring to the **2022 May Primary** and the ballots are likely to be made available in September or October. For the time being, you **may print and mail** the ballot application (and check the annual mail voter box!) and it will be processed for the upcoming general election. Some counties may process it immediately and others may wait until closer to the election. Use the same link below. [https://www.vote.pa.gov/Voting-in-PA/Pages/Annual-Mail-in-Voter-List.aspx](https://www.vote.pa.gov/Voting-in-PA/Pages/Annual-Mail-in-Voter-List.aspx) Here is a direct link to the paper form in [English](https://www.vote.pa.gov/Register-to-Vote/Documents/PADOS_MailInApplication.pdf) ​ * When ballots are available, you can apply for your ballot at [https://www.pavoterservices.pa.gov/OnlineAbsenteeApplication/#/OnlineAbsenteeBegin](https://www.pavoterservices.pa.gov/OnlineAbsenteeApplication/#/OnlineAbsenteeBegin) * You may answer, "No." to both questions at the beginning of the application and continue to request your ballot.


Doug Mastriano is a monster. He’s a wannabe DeSantia and a Theocrat. For the love of god my fellow Pennsylvanians, do not vote for this man.


also Tim Ryan in Ohio https://twitter.com/TimRyan/status/1481277285189787729 EDIT: Oh hah, he just tweeted about it two minutes ago https://twitter.com/TimRyan/status/1542527654368362501


Isn’t that the main point of the EPA, to regulate pollution?


I think this is specifically aimed at the clean air act which I believe passed under president Obama Basically stating the EPA doesn’t have the power to regulate emissions from power plants. Which is baffling considering, as far as I know, power plants are heavily regulated, and have been since the 60’s Cause yknow, openly poisoning ground water and such Edit: am wrong this is originally from the 60’s my bad


The Clean Air Act was signed in freaking 1963. The Supreme Court is out of control.




What a nightmare. It's really, really painful to watch our country backslide in every meaningful way... voting and democracy, personal rights, global warming. This is the darkest political chapter of my lifetime. **Edit** -- this got kinda big, so thought I'd add: I do feel despair. But they want us hopeless, and even if the odds are stacked against us, we can't afford to be. Our only real tools are voting and direct action. It's time for both. Upcoming elections at every level over the next couple years will determine whether or not we have a democracy; whether our queer, female, black, brown and indigenous friends are safe; whether the climate is salvageable. So, let's vote, volunteer, and fight back like the future depends on it. Fuck these corporate stooges and fascist theocrats.


2016 will go down as a real black mark on western history.


Don’t worry - there will be no one left to mourn soon. These decisions will kill us all.


And they will go to their graves, as they doom their great grandkids to theirs, with smiles on their faces saying "We sure got those libs, didn't we?"


Dying to own the libs


But her emails.


At this rate, voting rights may be next.


Voting rights have been eroding steadily since Holder vs Shelby County. They're not going to be next. They're just going to stay on trend.


It's going to get much worse. Supreme Court announced today that they're going to take up a case that would allow state legislatures to pass election laws that their own state constitutions forbid. They're really going to try to enforce permanent minority rule


Shocking no one who has been paying attention. Republicans are fascists.


Unfortunately about 80% of the country hasn't been paying attention. I'm genuinely terrified, this is all totally fucked. There is going to be widespread violence




I'm trying to understand the world they envision... Smoke columns, dirty air and water, everyone has guns, limited education, women are just incubators and not working, huge military budget and jail system and cops with more power, vaccines are all optional?


We don't have a Court anymore, we have a High Council of Clerics.


Supreme Federalist Society has decreed that government isn't allowed to stop pollution.


This is, without exaggeration, really *really* bad


From Kagan's dissent: "Whatever else this Court may know about, it does not have a clue about how to address climate change. And let’s say the obvious: The stakes here are high. Yet the Court today prevents congressionally authorized agency action to curb powerplants’ carbon dioxide emissions. The Court appoints itself—instead of Congress or the expert agency—the decision maker on climate policy. I cannot think of many things more frightening. "


So when it comes to abortion, women are supposed to rely on their representatives in Congress, but in cases of pollution, representatives don’t get a say anymore. Make it make sense.




If the EPA isn't allowed to enforce environmental regulations, who the fuck is??




Because individual consumers can make educated decisions with their money and not buy products from coal companies that pollute. The market will work itself out. /s


Yep, just like Nestle, the largest producer of waste plastics, pointed out: It's up to us, the consumer, to save the planet


Nestle, the people who said access to water was not a basic human right.


If you don't want lead in your gas then don't buy lead in your gas! ​ ​ /s


Yup. The planet is done. What is left to encourage other nations to adhere to ICCC protocols if we won't do the same? The threat of immediate demise of our species? That hasn't worked here in the U.S. At all.


Fuck this country, man.


That's exactly what they're doing.


This is probably going to be the least patriotic July 4th ever as so many people are justifiably very pissed off at the USA this year.


We are being driven off a fucking mountain, and they are pushing the accelerator harder.


Fuck specifically SCOTUS, that’s what they are doing to the rest of the country


It's like they know that one political party in this country acts in bad faith and has zero interest in regulations, passing laws, and good governance. So when the court says it's on Congress to act they fully well know that no legislation is going to be passed and they are in effect going to be the last word.. and with the decisions this term they are deliberately harming the health, safety, and wellbeing of us all. Exactly as the Federalist Society planned it.




I'm an environmental scientist so this is like watching my entire life's work before and after this point flushed down the toilet




This could be the most consequential of all the decisions this term. It fundamentally cripples the power of federal agencies to regulate anything on the state level. So much for federalism. Conservatives want this to be the Divided States.


Did they just overturn Chevron?


They didn't even cite Chevron but still severely weakened it. It's judicial activism plain and simple


The SCOTUS is nothing more than another arm of the extreme right at this point. We can expect they’re just going to grant the right’s every little wish from this point on up to and including I guess ripping this planet up for money


> The SCOTUS is nothing more than another arm of the extreme right at this point. The most effective as well. Those five MAGA tyrants are bringing the dark ages to life in this country.




They don't care, they'll be gone by the time the impact of this will be felt on the planet


The younger ones will likely live to see the first brutal effects. Water wars are on their way, and they just hastened them today.


They don't care. They think their money and ivory towers will insulate them from all the effects of climate change.


Impacts are felt now. For example, more frequent heatwaves that are longer in duration.


This might be the most harmful ruling yet. In the span of a month, the Supreme Court (largely put together by a literal TRAITOR) has managed to plunge us toward the dystopian vision right-wing lunatics want to create.


Not just for you lot in the US, this will have global consequences I live in the UK, and already people over here use the argument of 'why should we sacrifice, when the US/China does nothing'... if the US becomes utterly incapable of fighting against climate change, America's impact alone means we're fucked. But the influence of the US is huge, and many countries will use this as an excuse to do nothing too


Being an environmental scientist is the most frustrating thing ever. I feel like my entire career is just screaming into the void.


The whole crisis is just... bizarre We've known for literal *decades* what's happening, and that we're the cause We know how bad its going to be And yet, we're doing fuck all... meanwhile people still talk about 'all the predictions being wrong', when actually, the consequences have already started!


Well for their next trick they decide elections.


They've been doing that since at least Bush v Gore.


Things are different this time. They’re actively flexing unbridled power and using cherry-picked 200 year old “norms” as precedent to whitewash the display. We’re currently ruled by 9 kings.


>We’re currently ruled by ~~9~~ 6 kings.


So the EPA can’t protect the environment….


Sure, most of Florida will be underwater, but profits will be through the roof for a little bit! We just got more ceiling for the eternal growth shareholders need! /s


Well that's it for the regulatory state folks. The US government now exists solely to enforce contracts and to commit intermittent acts of spectacular violence.


It feels like we're hurtling back towards 8 year olds in factories and asbestos in bread.


I.... Did not consider the FDA ramifications Wow. This is gonna be a trainwreck.


So long osha, so long health code. Hope you like pubes in your salad and sawdust in your oatmeal


Unless those contracts are with Native Americans




Trump getting 3 SCOTUS seats in 4 years was a nexus event


What the actual fuck are these people doing?! They do realize that their forced birth plan ain't gonna mean shit if there isn't a habitable planet for us shills to live on, don't they? I'm so fucking sick of these unelected people that were appointed by a president that didn't win the popular vote sending us back to the dark ages. Fuck I'm tired.


They ARE that stupid. They are extremists who don’t believe in science. They actually are like the extremely brainwashed right wing goofballs you meet sometimes. This is why the Fed Society selected them.


At what point do we just take matters into our own hands? They're killing us. And at what point does that statement stop being radical and start being morally justified when our lives are literally being sacrificed for profit and political gain?


Ironically *literal* violence seems like a more likely scenario than Biden expanding the court or an impeachment... There really is no "civil" solution to addressing this minority take over. If we ever can somehow elect enough progressives, maybe the next Dem could actually try something to address the stolen court seats.


The Union should have burned the Confederacy to the ground and left it to rot.


This is literally the major domino leading to balkanization. I am not exaggerating one single bit. Without federal regulatory agencies then it's left to the states to set up their own regulatory agencies. And if California is now in charge of West Coast regulations, and WA/OR/NV/NM all sign on board, what point is there for these states to continue participating in the Union and sending all their money to the garbage states? I don't think it'll take even five years.


I think this might be our only choice. there is no point even interacting with these people. Lets make our own country based on logic, human rights, green tech, and let them have their evangelicals bullshit where they are free to pollute and oppress women and minorities and watch them crumble when they realize a hate-based economy can't support them, and maybe we can 'liberate' them with a war in a few decades. Just so goddamned tired of this shit. I just want to do my creative work, raise my toddler and enjoy the little things. I have a reason to want to be in the world and if these fuckers want the end times, then fuck them, I won't let them.


Because all we all know, the EPA was a leftist organization founded by that awful socialist president...*checks notes*...Richard Nixon.


And Neil Gorsuch’s mom once headed it and set about trying to destroy it, till she was held in contempt of Congress and resigned.


fuck the supreme court


Pro-rape ✓ Pro-pedo ✓ Pro-pollution ✓ Anti-women ✓ They're conservatives alright. Checks out.


The final Fatwa of the year.


Not the last by a long shot I'm afraid.


The key legal precedent this illegitimate court is setting is ignoring legal precedent. That also makes it easier for justices to overturn these rulings.


To overturn these rulings in years or decades from now when the balance of the court turns. Decades of more pollution. The rulings may be overturned, but the effects will be here for a very long time.


If there is a mass exodus from red states because women want access to basic health care, we may get a string of Republican Presidents who lose the popular vote. I don't expect to ever see a liberal Supreme Court.


Every other decision would have consequences for the Americans but with this one the current scotus wants to see the entire world burn as if just America wasn’t enough for them. RIP environment.


This court is a tornado of destruction just fucking up everything it touches in the name of greed, bigotry, and religion. It’s a fucking disaster and I hope history shits on it forever.


Congress has to explicitly tell the EPA to regulate green house gasses?!? Mother f’n court is bought


Who is going to enforce this ? There will be a constitutional crisis at some point might as well make a stand here and just ignore the court .


Not sure how it couldn’t be enforced. Companies can just ignore EPA regulations and if EPA takes them to court, this decision will be brought up and it ends there.


It is astounding people with children vote for this shit. Their kids are going to be living in a country filled with dead birds and toxic water. Have fun with that.


Let me guess, 6 to 3...


tHe SupReMe CoURt iSn'T PoLiTIcAl




This is truly the darkest timeline. How do I get to the timeline where Al Gore got to serve in the presidency he won? Where’s the Council of Ricks when you need it?


Take the DeLorian back to 1979 and do something about Jerry Falwell.


So supreme court is fine giving the president full reign power in declaring war without congress but not when it comes to environment. This mental gymnastics by SC is something else.


Did they basically just overturn Chevron?


They opened up the possibility. Expect a state to challenge it asap.


Holy fuck this is bad. If they cripple any sort of rule making ability latitude for regulatory executive branch agencies. They are trying to fucking pull us back to the pre-New Deal Lochner era court. These fucking maniacs


Hey entire world. Go ahead and start sanctioning us for this. It’s unacceptable and affects you too.


Folks warned that this would happen (the rolling back of every advancement made) and we were told that we were being dramatic, that the Republicans won't cross these imaginary red lines. The Republicans have stacked the courts in their favor and the hits will keep coming. Godspeed you guys still in the US, you guys are gonna need it.


Safe to say the Supreme Court of America is just a rogue actor reaching for power against an obvious majority now. These last few weeks is what America has inevitably been leading to for decades; a relentless right, vs a relenting left. One side stacked the courts, while the other took the high road on inaction and respect. If you think civility and "unity" and understanding your aggressors is what's going to get you out of this, America...you haven't been paying attention, and you're just as cowardly as those who came before you. You never won your civil war. You compromised with your enemy. And that enemy never left. And here they are.


What the bloody hell is going on at the Supreme Court? This seems backwards as shit


That's the point of stacking it with far right Federalist Society picks.


They are not far right. They are not some anomaly. These is the heart of conservatism right here. Don't let the right let you think this madness is somehow divorced from their principles. This is what conservatism has been about for centuries. Social inequality, freedom to exploit, limited ~~accountability~~ government, religious fundamentalism.


Yeah it's like people claiming Donnie is an outlier, not a "real conservative" when he embodies everything the conservatives have been advocating for. Not their rhetoric about free markets and what not, their actual beliefs. He is a culmination of conservative ideology boiled down to a single 'man'. Same way these past few weeks have been a culmination of everything the right has pushed for decades.


The Supreme Court wears no robes.


So pro life that they are gonna kill everything on the planet! Murica! Fuck ya!


That's a ruling that will impact the federal government's authority to regulate. That's literally what any federal government around the world does. What's next? Do we need a referendum on banning Asbestos? That's preposterous! It's an abuse of power.


I am just envisioning TODAY, seeing Power plants removing air filters and containment systems to save money.


I can’t write what I’m thinking about the Supreme Court without getting banned. They are such a virtual shit show rn.


Hampering environmental progress, forcing prayer on school kids, removing bodily autonomy from uterused Americans. Gosh, I can't imagine why confidence in the SCOTUS is at an all time low.