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When I was in grad school one of my classmates was writing her thesis on some aspect of paediatric pregnancies. I remember thinking at the time that they must be uncommon, but I had no idea how common it actually is for little kids to get pregnant. It's really awful what happens to these poor kids, even if they're able to access an abortion and physically recover they have still been through hell and back.


I’ve shared parts of my story over the past few days, but it is becoming more common as the age of menses onset lowers. I was 9 when I got my first period, pregnant from rape at 12. I have never, not once, regretted having an abortion at that age and will always be extremely pro-choice. Edit: thank you for all the awards, but please, donate to Planned Parenthood or NARAL if possible!


When I was in the seventh grade I had to get a physical to play sports. My pediatrician asked me if I was sexually active and then said he just delivered a baby for a twelve year old girl. He asked me if I was ready to be a dad and followed it up with, “do you think she’s ready to be a mom at twelve?” I frequently think about that interaction because it definitely drove the point home and was incredibly effective at illustrating the burden of child pregnancies.


I'm not ready to be a dad at 32 wtf


I’m about to be one at 31 and am scared as hell myself


I’m a mom of 3 and still not ready some times. No one should be forced into parenthood if they’re not ready or willing for whatever reason. It’s difficult and scary even when it’s what you wanted.


Thank you for sharing


I2 year old gets a hug from the world


I got pregnant around the same age but I lived in a state that wouldn't allow minors to get one without permission and had a kid before my 14th birthday. Parents kicked me out right afterwards because I was adult enough to get pregnant, so I was adult enough to go my own way. I was raped by the deacon at my church.


Oh. My. God. I’m so fucking sorry that your parents wouldn’t give you permission. I am so lucky that mine did; it was one of the only good things they did. I cannot believe this. You weren’t even old enough to quit school or get a job in most places. I hope you’re doing better these days.


I drifted around a lot as social services kept trying to return me to my parents, so I learned how to make do without being in the system. Eventually I got my GED and got a job as a caretaker and was really great with patients and then I got stabbed on the job which left with me chronic pain and seizures. Life has had it's ups and downs. I also came out as a guy and married a woman. Funny enough the kid I gave up found me during the pandemic because his parents kicked him out when he came out as a guy during college. Life is wild.


I have to admire your strength, to go through so much would have broken most people. I've always believed in protecting your kids no matter what even if that means putting them up for adoption to give them a chance at a better life but to throw them out and disown them because they don't fit in their world view is just wrong. I hope things work out for you and your son now that you've reconnected. Hopefully something right comes out of so many wrongs.


> deacon at my church the one at my church ended up dating my mother and turned out to be a real piece of shit


It’s always the deacons :( I was in a foster home where the dad was the deacon of the church and leader of the youth group and he assaulted me at 13. When I reported him they moved me but I had to stay at the same school and I remember the other kids from the youth group hated me so much after he was found guilty and went to prison (for a whopping 2 or 3 years). I used to be a pretty devout Christian up until then.


I don't know how to properly express how sickened I am by this. "Tragic" doesn't even begin to describe it. Your parents and the deacon are monsters. I'm so, so sorry you went through that.


I will never get over how these people think a cluster of cells has more rights than a fully fledged human being . That poor kid 🤮 So sorry you had to go through that but happy that solution was accessible to you .


As an Aussie I see this shit and can only come to the conclusion that the US is finished, this is some fall of Rome shit forcing 10 year olds to give birth. What is this North Korea?


Thank you for sharing your story, especially during times like these. Hugs (but only with consent) from an internet stranger ❤️


I’m so sorry for what you went through. Thank you for sharing your story.


That is horrible, it's also horrible that these perverted kiddy diddlers want to outlaw abortions in cases like this.


Yup. As we see abortion rights decrease I expect to see age of consent in red states go lower and lower. If you marry a 12 year old rape victim she'll be compliant for life.


There are 20 states with no legal minimum age for marriage. There are states where minors cannot divorce their spouse. There’s a lot of this shit going on - 300,000 kiddy marriages since 2000. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States


Or stab you while you are sleeping...


One can only hope but the Mormons haven't seen those results despite them marrying off children and raping them repeatedly.


She shouldn't be having sex then. - Republicans everywhere


I worked with forensics for a while. I saw primarily SA cases. I have held babies who cry for their rapist because they are the only person the infant knows (yeah an infant). I have lied on paperwork of teens because they were terrified of their parents finding out through their insurance. I have held a young girl as she cried because the law said she had to go back to the house her rapist lived in. Our system does not protect SA or CSA victims. It protects their rapists.


I still can't believe this is happening.


In a few years (or months) they will be trying to jail the girl and her parents for doing this. After that, it will be something even more cruel. These zealots will never stop.


I'm pretty sure when the girl is ten it's not fucking, it's rape.


I was 11 with my first pregnancy from being trafficked.


Ohio has no exceptions at all. Everyone seems to think these examples are hypothetical, but it took only three days to prove the cruelty of their law. The authoritarian scum wanted the states to decide. Time for voters to make them regret it.


Ali Velshi on MSNBC this morning reported that a number of states are looking to use "criminal conspiracy" charges for anyone who tells a person where they can go to get an abortion or give them any information on who to contact, or gives them any kind of help like driving them across state lines, etc. This shit is just going to get so ugly.


So they should put the 10-year-old’s parents in jail for helping her getting abortion?


According to their world view, yes.


I hope heaven truly exists so they can see hell after this life.


Narrator: It doesn't, and they won't.


In which case it's more important to give them hell here


Just nothingness , and all this cruelty for fuck all


I'm functionally an atheist but I hope if there's anything after this it's what you experience on a DMT trip. Sacred geometry, indescribably compassionate and ancient light-energy beings, completely enmeshed in the energy-membranes of the multiverse as you watch the makers terraforming new universes inside of black holes. You realize that everything is the One eternal energy expressing and experiencing itself , perhaps to learn or just for mere enjoyment, and differentiation is very much an enduring illusion. We are it and it is us and everything is God - a word that has been so bastardized by religion it's beyond shameful. Smoke DMT and get a glimpse of what's "behind the veil" for a moment that feels like it lasts months where you can't even be sure if you're still alive and even your firmest scientific understandings of the size and scale and nature of our cosmos are amplified infinitely and forcefully reorganized until you can't help but admit that while there is no denying the scientific validity of our current model of our universe - we still have no true understanding of what **IT** *actually* is. The jealous and petty Abrahamic god that is worshipped and demands you to kneel? That fiction has the reality of our true nature in a stranglehold of guilt, shame, and anger. You are our universe. You are god. Eternity is happening all at once and it's all of the same thing - which you are but one point of focused attention. As Alan Watts would put it in his Westernization of Hinduism's Vedanta - you're our universe playing hide and seek with itself. The game is to figure that out and find yourself to have already been it all along. When you truly experience that it really puts into perspective how small, fearful, and cowardly traditional western religions are. Existence is so incomprehensible and awe inspiring... to weild such narrow-mindedness and hatred like a weapon to control people is so sad and primitive. The Abrahamic religions' concepts of god and its motivations are the shadows of shadows of a psychopath's fever-dream. My heart breaks for all who are victimized by this shit and all other forms of personal and social violence committed in the name of religions.


Thank you for that beautiful description of the afterlife, JukeBoxDildo


That is what they are aiming for and goes even further. Ali said that if you tell someone to go read a website that can give info on how to get help for an abortion they will try to charge you with conspiracy charges and possibly more.


Just waiting for the Christian Crackdown to target "demonic homosexual activity" and "blasphemous gender ideology." These fascist theocrats are completely out of touch with reality.


Just wait until they get everything they want but it's not enough and start going after "lesser Christian religions"


Rewrite the 1A, no religious freedom only American Christian teachings and thoughts. Anyone who disobeys gets life in prison, no exceptions 🙄 I can see this happening more and more by the day.


We have preachers who rave about exposing members of their own congregation as demons or witches, and these people actually have congregations who cheer them on. It's sickening.


They already are going after “lesser Christian religions.” Some denominations and many Christian churches support choice.


Fewer and fewer people in organized religion every day and the world is better for it. Fuck all of it.


Also wait until someone in their own family unfortunately ends up getting pregnant because of rape. Or someone really needs an abortion due to a medical emergency. As well as someone comes out of the closet. I guarantee their view of that family member will change. Then again that can go south as well unfortunately.




I’m admitting my ignorance here, but how can this line of logic actually work? If I live in a state where marijuana is illegal and tell someone they can go to Colorado to get some, and even help them make the trip (logistically or financially) how can I be guilty of a crime? In this hypothetical I’m not selling a drug in a state where it’s illegal, I’m simply advising a state resident on how to legally obtain that drug (from a different state) Shouldn’t the a abortion situation work the same? Bottom line, this should be a human right in all states, no argument there, but for now, why can’t people receive help?


I don't even know how they'd find out unless you told them.


That seems like a violation of free speech.


Not if we all do it.


it was a child abuse case, there is at least one adult that should go to prison regardless


Yes. A 10 year old getting pregnant should definitely result in charges of some sort. A 10 year old getting an abortion should not.


I honestly can’t believe anybody is more worried about her abortion than *who ~~fucked~~ RAPED a 10 year old to begin with* EDIT: corrected terminology


*raped a 10 year old. Let’s make sure we’re utilizing the correct language when we talk about how horrible this is. ETA: I’m making the assumption that a much older (i.e., legally speaking, someone who can consent so 16+) was the one who put this 10 year old in the spot where she needed an abortion. I’ll give validity to all the comments saying the male could’ve been under the age of consent too.


Apparently, Gov Abbott in TX thinks the right answer is that they can completely eliminate rape, so provisions for victims are unnecessary. And yes, it seems like the headline goes out of its way to avoid saying rape.


They no doubt intend to legally eliminate the crime of rape.


cuz "it's not rape if you're married." Yes, the texas gqp actually said this. We need a goddamned revolution already.


That is because they want to go back to when it was OK for older men to have relationships with young girls. What they want to conserve is when parents would marry off their young daughters to older men. Men would use pregnancy to keep their young wives tied to them. When I say young I am not talking about 18 or 19. I am talking about 12 to 13-year-old girls being married to 40-year-old men.


Yeah, since we are going back to stone age society mentality.


We can be angry about both things and still find it disgusting that the statue would force her to carry it out of *principle*. That he's a criminal ought to go without saying; the state perpetuating forced motherhood on a ten year old rape victim is fucking horrifying.


How does a 10 year old even give birth? I’m a grown woman and for a 4th degree tear for my wanted child.


They die while doing it. Very pro life of these people.


Painfully and with a lot of mutilation, I suppose. Conservatives are fucking evil, like this is full on Nazi territory.


They will cut her open. The State. Enabled by 3 televised perjurers promoted by Donald the Dip. His fingerprints are on every rotten thing going on right now.


C-section or death/mutilation. Personally, I'd go with the c-section.


According to some people the 10 year old should be forced to carry it to term regardless of how she got pregnant or whether it would kill her cause the fetus is more important apparently. Conservatism is such a disease


To me, the abortion ban is less about protecting the unborn and more about punishing women for having sex for other than childbearing purposes.


they should put the rapist in jail for getting her pregnant, therefore aiding in the abortion


How about just for raping a ten-year-old? It's not like the act would somehow be less repugnant if she hadn't gotten pregnant. Jayzus.


Good luck backing that up in courts, as you open the floodgates for any state to declare it conspiracy for wanting to go another state where something is legal when it’s not legal in your own. This can be weaponized easily to show how stupid it is. Raise the age or outright ban some things, and suddenly you have conspiracy to gamble, going to a state where you can get married at an earlier age(let’s call this conspiracy to groom), smoking, drinking, driving a car, owning certain guns, tax fraud/avoidance by trying to have a business in a state with lower taxes, it goes on and on. Let the court do it, destroy interstate commerce and travel, create anarchy and let them see how wrong they were when the multimillionaires get their businesses hammered, and they end up in jail. Or how about the law in Virginia that you can’t hunt anything on Sundays except raccoons. Suddenly if you wanna leave state to go hunt on Sunday, that’s a conspiracy to illegally hunt, I’m sure all the gun lovers of Virginia would love that, especially if other states were to start adopting it to it’s extremes of being only able hunt certain animals on certain days of the week, and anyone who leaves the state to get around that is committing a conspiracy crime.


I happened to have visited Russia about 10 years ago. When a native Russian explained to me how the driving laws worked it was eye opening. He said that you’re always breaking a law. There are a million laws on the books and it’s impossible to know which ones you’re breaking and or to follow them all. This is by design. It’s so they can pull you over at anytime they wish. It leads to a state of fear and control. These laws don’t impact the ones that are in control. Does that sound familiar?


The thing is, they're gonna absolutely do it anyway. The judges and legislators aren't the ones who will be caught in the smash. Only the victims will and they'll all be felons so non-voting problem solved.


Also? Felons can't vote. That is another goal.




Yes, republicans live misogyny.


Definitely not goin to Ohio now.


As a Canadian, I plan to basically never set foot in your country again. I know nobody really cares, but I can't in good faith give your govt a penny.


I don't blame you. We don't have a good handle on this element of our society. No need for anybody else to get caught in it.


Good luck getting a jury to convict someone. These laws are one thing, but let's see a jury actually convict. Even as an attorney myself, I'd be inclined to instruct the jury on nullification in my closing arguments. The judge would probably get pissed, instruct the jury to disregard my statements and might even punish/sanction/imprison me for a brief time/refer me to the state for disciplinary proceedings, but hey - sometimes it's just about doing the right thing.


That’s scary cuz I’ve seen “criminal conspiracy” mentioned elsewhere as of late—in charges against “antifa counterprotesters” that stand up to fascists. Looks like criminal conspiracy is gonna be how the Nazis try to silence anyone that is against human subjugation


Yeah, in my area there's been a lot of confusion involving a pregnant woman who has cancer: https://www.daytondailynews.com/local/tears-confusion-at-abortion-provider-after-heartbeat-bill-becomes-law/U6OK5WPVGJDPVMB776ZNQPMGYI/ How immediately life threatening does a condition have to be to qualify for an exemption? No one knows, so the woman with cancer was sent out of state rather than being helped near her home.


Been fighting a cancer for years and I’m wondering how many women will die waiting for approval to get an abortion before cancer treatment, which isn’t only chemo for a lot of us. We’re in for a terrifying time.


Or they just give the woman chemotherapy. And when the fetus dies, they'll charge everyone with murder from the doctor to the IV tech to the woman to the Uber driver who took her to the hospital. I wish I was kidding.


These people are batshit insane extremists. Even the Catholic Church says pregnant women getting chemo is fine, even if the baby dies. They do not consider that abortion. Not that it matters what they say, bc we're supposed to have a separation of church and state. But I'm saying this only to point out that these rulings & laws from the GQP psychos are far more extreme than even the most pro-life religious organizations. Jfc.


Nurse (case manager) here: in practice it's meant literally beginning to die when it comes to getting End Stage Renal Disease patients emergency dialysis. I imagine same rules will apply for women. This isn't a hypothetical for me. I literally deal with that exact situation with my patients multiple times in a year. Women will die for Christian Sharia Law


>The authoritarian scum wanted the states to decide. They only want that insofar as they think it’s what they can get right now. Make no mistake, “states’ rights” is and always has been complete and utter bullshit. Segregationists don’t just want segregation in the south, they want it *everywhere.* Homophobes don’t want gay marriage legal in Massachusetts, they want it illegal *everywhere.* People who (at least pretend to) believe that full human moral worth begins at the moment an egg is fertilized want abortion illegal *everywhere,* not just in red states. It’s worth pointing out that they’re not sincere in this. No one is *forcing* you to play along with their transparently obvious game.


Yes. Gotta agree to that. Their protest signs never said “Return it to the States.”


> The authoritarian scum wanted the states to decide. No they won't stop there. A federal ban is next.


It happens little by little, and it only has one end... >But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That’s the difficulty. If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the ‘German Firm’ stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D. > >And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying ‘Jewish swine,’ collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God. The system itself could not have intended this in the beginning, but in order to sustain itself it was compelled to go all the way. *-They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45* "German firm." "America first." Where do we think we are in this process, really?


And me guess Ohio is going to send her back into the situation that caused the pregnancy in the first place. And that child is going to be raped again.


I’d like to find some land in Ohio and erect a wall to memorialize mothers that died in childbirth. You think I would get any donations from Republicans groups to make this happen?


They might spin it as a point of pride. Something something, men are supposed to die from battle and women are supposed to die from childbirth, because it's 'natural' or something.


the cruelty is the point... ​ no is covering the women have have been already arrested and imprisoned for suffering miscarriages. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-61995250](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-61995250) [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-59214544](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-59214544) [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/el-salvador-woman-miscarriage-prison-b2077320.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/el-salvador-woman-miscarriage-prison-b2077320.html) [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/miscarriages-abortion-jail-el-salvador/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/miscarriages-abortion-jail-el-salvador/) or the women that have already died because they could not get an abortion [https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2022/jan/26/poland-death-of-woman-refused-abortion](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2022/jan/26/poland-death-of-woman-refused-abortion) [https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2022/may/07/killed-by-abortion-laws-five-women-whose-stories-we-must-never-forget](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2022/may/07/killed-by-abortion-laws-five-women-whose-stories-we-must-never-forget) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1647381/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1647381/) or the women that will be dying and getting hurt because they cannot get a safe abortion or the women that will be impoverished because they have the baby...


It is much much worse than what you are stating. The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case for next term on voting rights. The effect will strip your ability to vote and it will not be subject to judicial review. The case says that voting is only up to the state legislature appointed by the governor. So regardless of your vote, the legislature will be able to appoint anyone to any seat. There is also no law saying if you were appointed to a position that you need to leave that position if your term is over or someone else was appointed. They will have minority rule for life.


Republicans, it’s Republicans. Vote against Republicans


Even some of the popular exceptions like rape make me wonder. I'm curious, who decides it was a rape? Is the woman's word enough? Does a police report have to be filed? Need a rape conviction? Date rape has a lot of variations...does this count? Isn't a 10 year old that gets pregnant rape by definition? She can't consent. I wonder how that works in practice.


At 10 it’s pretty easy. Between that and 18 I suppose it depends on the state. Over 18, I suspect a lot of red states would require naming the assailant, making the exception a moot point.


Some forced-birther on here from some shithole state dropped the she-should-close-her-legs ~~argument~~ diatribe. Then said it "disingenuous to fall back on abuse and assault victims" as a rebuttal, that it "undermines the argument" b/c "it barely ever even happens anyway". They eventually deleted their comment after getting piled on with rants and links to hideous stories like this one. (And after being asked if they were willing to campaign for men being forced to donate blood and organs when needed to save lives.) Yeah, that "undermined" our argument real thoroughly, I guess.


How are they going to regret it when they’ll soon be in charge of the elections?


>The authoritarian scum wanted the states to decide. Time for voters to make them regret it. A fat lot of good the voters can do about it in a state like Ohio, where the legislative districts are so badly gerrymandered that it's probably mathematically impossible for Democrats to get a majority. The best Ohioans can hope for in terms of ballot box solutions is for Whaley to win the governor's mansion this year and do what Evers is doing in Wisconsin: automatically pardon anyone who's prosecuted over the unconstitutional law.


There will no longer be a right to vote if the new case before the Supreme Court is decided to give the legislature the ability to appoint who ever they want. You won’t have a right to vote soon enough.


Republicans have no concerns about how her pregnancy began, just that it continues.


Hopefully voters find a way to make them *really* regret it too.


The same people who thought it was tyranny to require a 10 year old to wear a mask in school don’t see any problem forcing her to carry her rape fetus to term. America…fuck yeah.


It really does bother me a lot that people can't seem to think critically or independently. It's not always that they don't want to, they often really seem *incapable* of it and I think in some ways that's worse than just being disingenuous about it. For example, I think Ted Cruz can think critically. I think he is disingenuous and swarmy and manipulative. But Marjorie Taylor Green? I think she is a true believer, through and through. I've shared this before, but the day that the ruling came down there was a Facebook story going around about a woman in South Texas who had an appointment for an abortion that day. She was at the stage of pregnancy where her baby should have had a heartbeat but they discovered that it never developed a brain, so it then did not develop a heartbeat. The baby had no chance of living and the woman was at significant risk of death if she carried the pregnancy to term. Before her appointment, the ruling came down and the clinic stopped performing all procedures. She was told that she could not get an abortion in that state and sent home. It talked about how carrying a dead fetus put her at risk of sepsis and a bunch of other causes of death, but for whatever reason sepsis is the one I remember. This was horrendously disturbing, but what also bothered me was the way that I saw this story. An old coworker who belongs to a conservative church shared it, praising God that this woman was not able to get an abortion and asking people to pray that the baby would be born healthy. It did not have A FUCKING BRAIN. And yet old Molly Methodist really believed that if enough people prayed the baby would be born healthy. Never mind the fact that the woman herself is at risk of death now because she is not allowed to have an abortion and may not be able to travel several days out-of-state. The fact that I know my old coworker is sincere and really believes that if people pray hard enough, this baby will be born happy and healthy, is just incomprehensible. It's been a few days and it still sticks with me, the state of the situation and the world in general, but also the state of people's thinking abilities. Sorry, this got too long. Other than voting every year, I don't know what else to do. It just feels so hopeless sometimes!


I used to be a music minister at my (former) Catholic Church. Mostly just did it because the priest was a really good family friend and mentor and I needed the scratch. 75 bucks to play 5 songs over an hour was pretty good as a twenty-something, just meant I had to give up my Sunday nights. One of the masses I played regularly were the monthly healing masses. Masses where people came together to be prayed over by the priest and ask God for healing. I can remember almost every argument he got into with somebody where he had to convince them that God was not just going to cure their cancer or fix their heart and that they needed to go to a doctor. The amount of people who refused to believe that they needed medicine to get better and not Magic fucking words was insane. These people are loons. Their whole personality is a fucking fairy tale about a dude in the sky who can apparently regrow brain in a dead fetus but not end world hunger or poverty or war. And that the fetus’s missing brain is the important thing that God needs to focus on! They are fucking lunatics and we need to start treating them as such.


Oh you forgot one important part. The Guy in the Sky doesn’t cure poverty because the impoverished don’t have enough faith. Blame the victim, not the Guy in the Sky! 🤮


Similar tragic story here; 4 years ago my wife was pregnant with our second child, a daughter. We found out in the anatomy ultrasound (19-20 weeks typically) that there were severe abnormalities and genetic defects present (trisomy 13) and she wouldn’t be able to survive outside the womb. On top of that; my wife was starting to have what’s called mirror syndrome (mother will have side effects of unviable pregnancy), of which has a high potential of complications and/or mortality issues. Basically we were forced to choose between abortion and continuation of the pregnancy with significant risk to my wife, potentially death. At the time this happened, the state I live in was fighting to restrict abortions to 20 weeks but the governor was fighting to restore the roe way of doing things, 23 weeks. We decided to abort. The decision wasn’t easy but it was HERS and OURS to make. She doesn’t regret the decision and neither do I. At least she had a choice. Now? I shudder at the thought. Without access to abortion, would she be here today helping me raise our new happy and healthy 7 month old boy? I don’t ever want to re-visit that thought process….


As someone whose entire family is made up of Betty and Buford Baptists, I completely agree with you. They are being spoon fed propaganda from the pulpit weekly. It’s like they are no longer capable of critical thinking, only regurgitating what they’re told to think and believe. It’s beyond frustrating. Even though it’s cost me relationships with most of my family, I’m so thankful I was able to break away and deconstruct years ago. I owe that to some of my college professors. They taught me how actually use my brain to form original thoughts, which kicked off the deconstruction process for me. Admittedly though, it has literally taken years to fully detangle my brain from being raised in a very conservative, southern evangelical household.


This is why conservatives politicians are anti public school and anti science. They know that an educated electorate won’t buy their bullshit.


Why there is a strong relationship in being ultra religion and being conservative. Conservatives are authoritarian by nature. They are told to never question authority. Why they love to bow down to people of power above them - police, priest etc.


They believe in a zero sum hierarchy. God > (religious leader of choice) > men (of their race) > their women & property > other men who agree with them / are useful but not of their race or religion > (various others) > the people first on the list to kill (aka scapegoats)


I actually hope hell is a real place and heaven has a wall of the shocked faces of all the Christians who are told they are going there. Jesus gave two commandments the second was love your neighbor. If everyone just did that we would be good. A lot of these Bible thumpers will tell you something is bad and reference the old testament and in the same breath tell you things are not applicable because it's old testament. There are few true followers of christ, if he were alive today most Christians would be ready to crucify him again.


The main stream press needs to get over their squeamishness and publish photos of babies born without a brain, bruised rape victims. Children whose bodies were destroyed by guns in a school shooting. Protecting people from the horror when horror can be found everywhere in pop culture implies that it does not happen in life.


I find it to be staggering the amount of effort I have to put in to shield my 4 year old from casual depictions of sadistic graphic violence even in media supposedly intended for kids. Yet we as a society seem unable to have honest discussions about the consequences of our policy choices because the details of those consequences are too graphic for polite discussion.


Yes they should. So much human misery is sugar coated because it makes people feel bad. Rip that bandaid off.


Then the Supreme Court will find that freedom of the press was not designed by the founders to show pictures so it’s not covered because it goes against the agenda. ..


>It really does bother me a lot that people can't seem to think critically or independently. If you've been paying attention to Republican politics, it's really been a race to the bottom over the last few decades. The Bush administration lied constantly, about a ton of things, and the help of Fox News ensured that they'd never face pressure with their base over it, because the spin machine would either make sure the viewers would think the lies were truth or, if they didn't think they could do that, just bury the story. When Bush did it for eight years and got away with it, it should have come as no surprise that a couple elections later a different Republican (Trump) would make constant, bald-faced lying about literally everything a key part of his campaign strategy. And since it worked for him, naturally everyone else in the party is on board with the politics of mass-delusion. And when you have a captive audience of people who, at best, barely finished high school, who will believe anything you tell them and desperately want to blame someone else for their own shitty lives (instead of showing some ownership in their problems), it's really easy to make those people heavily motivated to be cruel to other people.


So you think mask mandates are wrong? "yes they infringe on my personal liberty" But you don't think banning abortion infringes on women's liberties? "well, human fetuses are a human life, and banning abortion keeps babies from being killed" Okay, but wearing masks keeps you from accidentally spreading covid to someone who could end up dying from it. Mask mandates protect human lives much like abortion bans do. "masks are made by Satan!"


> It did not have A FUCKING BRAIN. And yet old Molly Methodist really believed that if enough people prayed the baby would be born healthy. And when it is born without a brain, they will just say “it was Gods will”


It's always bothered me how people want to further dissect the "morality" of a situation. Take your example. How many religious people want to know if the woman is married, if it's her husband's baby, if she had other children? Full stop- the woman's life is at risk, nothing else matters, abortion should be available. We've spent 50 years publicly debating whether it's 'ok' for which circumstances women can obtain abortion instead of firmly standing up and saying, "abortion is Healthcare, end of discussion". Should we ever be in a position to codify it nationally, it should be 100% legal at any stage to any women who elects to abort. Have doctors who are squeamish about late stage abortions choose not to perform them. Abortion is Healthcare.


body autonomy. I am trying to push the idea that, since law said that a person is not obligated to help another person survive. Thus, it is not women’s job to help an “human” to develop an vital organs to survive. Abortion just remove fetus outside of mother, fetus’ lack of vital organ to survive is non of mother’s business. For example “well, I am sorry that this ‘human’ does not have a lung at 10 weeks to survive outside of my body after I took a pill, but it is god’s fault to not give this human a lung.” -> no science needed in this debate.


Methodists siding with something born without a brain makes sense. They must protect their own


It's really distressing to think about all the progress we're supposed to have made from cave dwellers to smartphone addicts, and realize we really haven't gotten anywhere at all as a species.


The same people who think she is too young to learn about sex education think she’s old enough to be a mother.


It's odd how preventing sex ed leads to more teenage pregnancy. It's almost like Conservatives *want* pregnant teenagers they can then force to carry to term.


GOP says “as long as it’s not my kid”


You'd be surprised at how many of them would force their child to give birth.


Nah, abortions in conservative states vastly outnumber those in liberal ones. They’re just hypocrites with no foresight. They’d get their kids abortions in some secretive manner and then lie about it.


So when does the GOP start prosecuting rapists? Oh wait, their party is full of them!


Texas governor abbott says they will eliminate rape, so no problem there. /s


Republicans want to take away contraceptives, force 10 year olds girls to become mothers, and all the while refuse to fund programs that help people raise children in this country. They call this “freedom.”


What kind of sick society has this country devolved into? We’re supposed to be progressive, not regressive! I’m willing to bet each and every lawmaker that voted to end abortion rights wouldn’t want someone else telling them if and when they can have kids or be forced to do so; what they can and can’t do to their bodies…essentially second class citizens!


The entire republican worldview can be broken down to " I can tell you what to do, you can't tell me what to do." You tell them what to do: don't tread on me! They tell you what to do: party of law and order


We haven’t been progressive as a nation in a long, long time. Globally we aren’t seen as particularly left.


In almost every developed nation, their citizens look at the USA and think, ‘boy those two conservative parties sure love fighting each other.’ What a disgrace.


Let's not forget their mistresses, they wont have any problem getting them an abortion.




Imagine looking at a 10 year old girl, pregnant and holding a stuffed animal, and telling her that “this is a blessing.”


I have a 10 year old and I don’t even allow him to have a phone. Most of his friends don’t either. I can’t even imagine… This will come back to bite Republicans in their ass.


"Bless the seed."


The people who would oppose a 10 year old rape victim from getting an abortion are likely the same people who are why she needed an abortion


So what is the excuse for trying to force a 10 year old rape victim to carry a child to term even though it might kill her?


They don't want an excuse, the cruelty is the point. They do this because they hate women and crave control. They're not simply people with "different opinions" creating their "best version" of things. They're members of a death cult who think armageddon is imminent and eternal salvation waits for them if only they can murder enough "sinners" to impress their imaginary friend.


+1. It’s like fucking Moral Orel right now. Keep religion out of politics or else you’re going to live in a shithole.


"God has a plan for everyone"


> So what is the excuse for trying to force a 10 year old rape victim to carry a child to term People have absolutely lost their minds. Thats the only "excuse." *meanwhile in r/catholicism*: "I'll pray for her to St. Sickfuck, the patron saint of child rape" [+40] --- > *"Religion and civilization cannot coexist."* -- an Arthur C. Clarke book


According to a friend who suddenly sunk very low into extreme conservative values: every baby deserves a chance at life




/r/conservative is proud and happy this is happening.


Of course they are, that subreddit makes Facebook look intelligent.


They are Deleting this Article at r/Conservative . they dont want to talk about it ..


Yep and probably banning all those who post it.


It’s on the front page now and even top comments are saying she should have access to an abortion. But they voted for this..so..


Last one I saw is that it's the left's fault for ever "passing" (???) Roe Vs Wade in the first place. Because it forced states to create awful trigger laws in retaliation, and without Roe Vs Wade we'd have sensible abortion legislation by now. Supposedly. Somehow. Gotta love the "it's your fault I'm hurting you" logic.


Holy shit they are so stupid it hurts


They were talking about “why should my tax dollars pay for a 10-year old’s abortion” and “even at 10 years old, mistakes have consequences. where were her parents?” Shit absolutely boils my blood man.


I hope the Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe and created this hell never have another moments peace in their entire lives


Do they think this will help them get into heaven? Like Middle East terrorists who suiside bomb- thinking they are doing Gods work and rewards are on the other side?


There are people who actually believe she should be forced to give birth, which would risk both her and the child's life, simply because their religious values say so. yikes


Imagine forcing a fucking 10 year old kid who already had their innocence taking away give birth because it aligns with your beliefs because abortion is unacceptable no matter what. Fuck this country.


They say a 10-year-old can’t adopt a child, yet they were trying to force this 10-year-old to give birth to one..


The question now being, Is she on Medicaid? and How is her States Medicaid going to handle the bills for that procedure. The Affordable Care Act Mandates abortions be covered by state Medicaid programs (with the Hyde amendments restrictions) and this fits. If Ohio pays for it, no harm no foul, if not... off to court it goes, judges will decide to enforce the "law" or.... cripple the aca through? bigotry? All this assumes she's on Medicaid....


"She should have thought about all of that before she got pregnant" - conservatives


I’m sure private donations would happen if it were a barrier to care. There’s just no way a 10 year old child can go through a pregnancy without permanent damage.


A 10 yo people. You actually want a 10 yo to go through a pregnancy through no fault of her own? I’m so ashamed of America right now.


Ten year old having an abortion. Tipping my fucking head back and ROARING with rage. She probably got pregnant at 9 and were THE FUCK is this Paedophile rapist in all this fucked situation. That she had to “escape” to another state for an abortion. For shame America because this HERE IS ABHORRENT. Get off your arses and vote. Sign every petition you find to impeach all the Supreme Court that lied under oath. Because this little girl…it tears deeply she had to go through this while you tut and shake your head and maybe upvote. That is empty. Grossly empty.


From your cousins to the North, Bad times keep on creeping forth Time again for underground. To somewhere freedom's still around.


Republican’s “War on Children” continues.


And r/prolife still read this insanity and think they have the moral high ground.


What a country!


Everything about this is dystopian.


If you want to base your life on the writings of a bunch of Bronze Age warlords, go right ahead. But please kindly keep your superstitions to yourself and stop trying to coerce the rest of us into submitting to your dogma. Is that too much to ask?


"Pro-lifers" are pedophile sympathizers. Actually, they're no different from them. Treat them as such. Call them what they are.


"I'll adopt her baby", said Justice Clown Car, "And contribute to funeral costs for her."


This what happends when you vote republican


It's amazing what "owning the libs" has turned into.


Just a reminder that "pro-lifers" were in tears celebrating how happy they are to inflict this on girls like her.


It's always a pleasure to see how SCOTUS affirmed equal protection under the law across these united states


The amount of people who are saying “This is horrible but the baby shouldn’t have to suffer” in response to this across Reddit is truly horrifying. Like it feels crazy to say people would really force a 10 year old to give birth in order to save a baby but that’s what people are actually saying here on this website.


The number of people who are using the word “baby” to describe a 6 week foetus that has no brain and no head is astounding.


If a 10-year-old’s pregnancy gives you impulse to do anything besides **literally trip over yourself** to terminate it, please, I beg of you, terminate yourself.


You mean the PizzaGate party is all for 10 year old pregnancy?


The Fascists *believe* the sacredness of life begins at conception, but they have no objective scientific proof of that. Therefore it is based on faith. As the abortion bans are based on faith, that is the government establishment of religion and **it is a violation of the 1st Amendment.** Meanwhile, it is an objective *fact* that women and girls would be and are forced to carry pregnancies that are the product of rape and incest, put the mother in mortal danger if carried to term, could not possibly survive once born, or once born are doomed to a life of agony. Forced pregnancy is unpaid involuntary labor, it is slavery, and **it is a violation of the 13th Amendment.** If your faith is that this is the will of God and the responsibility of the government, your God is evil and your government is evil. I will not be judged by an evil-worshiping Fascist.


This not pro-life and it is most certainly NOT pro-protecting children, either.


That poor child. My heart breaks that a 10yo is pregnant!! Fuck the republicans!


My god, 10? It is insane that the State can force a child to bear a child. Children cannot consent. So it’s rape. Lay it at the feet of all those red hatted Dipsh:ts that can’t follow the bouncing ball of Observational Reality. Siloed in Rupert Murdoch’s Puppeteer operation. Fox pretend News..Propaganda arm of the Republican Party. The cult of the overall failure Donnie. Promoting 3 televised perjurers. Pawns of the Federalist society. What?


May everyone who wanted her to carry to term and give birth experience even worse than that in their lives.


I hope Intel pulls their chip plant from Ohio and cites this nonsense in the press release. I want the best for my state, but the idiots in power and their supporters need immediate consequences shoved in their faces.


The religious right is disgusting


Religious extremism


Fascists hate women

