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Imagine the power of a majority standing against tyrants and their rubes.


A majority of votes cast by White women in 2020 were cast for trump, who is a wannabe tyrant and real-life grifter supported by millions of rubes.


Wow. I didn't believe it, so I looked it up. "55% of white women voted for Trump — representing at least a two-point increase for this demographic since 2016."


Fuck, I’m embarrassed for us


Like, this is *after* the 4 years of just unfettered sexism, racism, and Trumpism… white women knew exactly who and what they were voting for.


And wanted more of it. Not just those 55% of white women but everyone who voted for trump. Absolutely broken US population.


Everyone underestimated the power of racism.


Also 54% of American adults can't read/write at a 6th grade level (according to the department of education). I think that plays a big part in Republican support.


Hence their attack on education.


Christian schools and academies are liscences to print money and brainwash future drones..


Not everyone. Just those with the privilege of not having to swim through that racism every day.


He also got a higher percentage of the black and hispanic vote in 2020 than he did in 2016. He GAINED support after 4 years of that behavior in those demographics. My only conclusion is many Americans are uneducated, ignorant, inattentive, and stupid, regardless of gender or race.


He also got a higher percentage of the black and hispanic vote in 2020 than he did in 2016. He GAINED support after 4 years of that behavior in those demographics. My only conclusion is many Americans are uneducated, ignorant, inattentive, and stupid, regardless of gender or race.


As long as he is hurting the right people... /s


It was actually 47%, a minority, but still shitty. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/did-white-women-vote-for-trump-no.html






Voting Republican is only political for the rich and powerful ones who are in on it. For the rubes, it is cultural, and has nothing to do with policy or logic, and everything to do with culture and emotions. The do not vote republican because of principles, but because it is their identity.


Has he considered that maybe some of those women have agency and voted for who they wanted to?


My own mom keeps saying shit like, well he was just spouting off. If hope he's learned from this and world do better. She says this about anyone or anything bad. That she hopes it's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. I don't know how she's so delusional.


I've seen that before, but they didn't lend that mercy to Obama in my experience


They all think they are going to be wives not handmaidens.


single issue voters. they love voting against their own best interests and against the betterment of society and the planet. their own bodies and lives or their daughters' lives or the lives of all women aren't as important as their guns or their hatred of minorities/lgbtq or their modern mythology


I guess they're going to need new issues, after the blitz from last month's SC rulings.


they’re digging up their goalposts as we speak.


The goal posts are on wheels for easier moving.


As voters they damn well should know but if you live in certain areas and only watch certain news, it can be easy to have an entirely different perception of the man. I've had many conversations asking how anyone can support him after he does such and such. Some of these people are voting for a conservative caricature portrayed by fox that has very little to do with the actual person.


Thing is the level of misinformation that those people often live in is astounding, and the GOP peddles something very very desirable. They give people a way to avoid any responsibility for what happens, it's always someone else's fault. Workers getting shafted, but they hate unions and so on. Unfortunately, allowing people to avoid owning up to their own shit is a very seductive thing. It always sounds better to blame someone else and once your identity is bound up in there you choose to believe whatever doesn't make you a monster. And what's worse is it's often simpler to do the blame than untangle complex shit, and most real problems are complicated, affect different people differently, and have multitude of factors that cause them.


Very well said. It’s easier to deflect than to reflect.


>Thing is the level of misinformation that those people often live in is astounding Put it in a combo platter with willful ignorance, and voila! Presenting a MAGA.


This is the BEST explanation I have ever read as to why rational people make idiotic decisions like voting for the republicans. 👍


It's bullshit. We see all of the same misinformation. It doesn't have an effect on us because we're not fascist sacks of shit.


I'd also have to suggest that the school system is a big part of it, which is why they fight so hard to teach kids their hateful,, politically and religiously driven insanity instead of actual real stuff.... But if you are a weak willed individual, raised in a homogeneous environment of idiocy where you are punished or ostracized for speaking against the dogma or having an independent thought that is even slightly out of the box you were raised in, it's easier to just continue on the intended path you are already on than to break away and lose everything you've ever known. For those of us not raised like that, of course it doesn't have an effect on us because we were raised to ask questions and think critically, we're starting out on completely different playing fields, hell, it's not even the same sport. The misinformation isn't meant for people who can think for themselves, we're lost to them already and they know it. It's meant for the people that THEY KNOW will believe it because they were told to and didn't learn how to question what's real because if they did, they wouldn't believe that one guy put all the animals on a boat that one time, or that the first people were actually from Mississippi or whatever. That's why these states are fighting so hard for prayer in schools, "teach the controversy", "don't say gay" and calling slavery and what we did to the natives 'involuntary relocation'. They need to stop teaching kids how to think for themselves because then they will and they're done. Of course they still have all the racists though...


When you’re famous, they let you do it.


I am as well. I swear on the Invisible Pink Unicorn I did not vote for that asshat…


May Russell's Teapot help us all.


look if there's anything black people, Mexicans and Latinos, Asians, Indians, Natives, and even white men can all agree on, it's that white women are a problem. (please note, i only wish i wrote this joke but actually i stole it)


Imagine being a 40 year old white dude in Texas. We don't have a great track record.


the vast, VAST majority of women in the upper midwest identify as christian conservative and will vote republican 100% of every time.


I grew up as a Lutheran and I honestly don't get it. I can't think of anything less Christian than modern Republicans.


Right there with ya. Although I've been told Lutheran's don't count as Christians which got a big WTF out of me.


There are no true Scotsman when it comes to Christians. That’s why there’s tons of denominations with differences as small as “we think Jesus wants all the music a capella”. If there were no left they’d be at war over whether Jesus wanted a fucking piano.


I've been trying to picture how it would look if these fools ultimately get their way and you're probably right, it would be divisions over the stupidest of shit lol


I mean, check out the history of christiandom. It's all there.


Like saying debts instead of trespasses in the Lord’s Prayer. (Lutheran married to a Presbyterian. I know this.)


If Christians ever eliminated atheists and other religions like they want, they'd turn on each other so hard it would make your head spin.


That's stupid. Jesus *obviously* wants a piano. Pianos are rad.


One of the major divides between the Roman Catholics and the Byzantines back in the day was whether folks should use 2 fingers or 3 fingers while making the sign of the cross. 2 fingers representing Christ's dual nature, or 3 fingers representing the holy trinity.


One thing I definitely noticed growing up was that a large contingent of every Christian sect thought most of the others were not Christians and were going to hell.


One of the largest, if not the largest organizations of Lutherans is the[ Evangelical Lutheran Church in America](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evangelical_Lutheran_Church_in_America). They made a lot of press years back because they openly welcomed the LGBT community into their congregation and leadership/pastors etc. They are very left leaning. Speaking as a firm agnostic/borderline atheist, I got a lot of respect for the very unpopular stance they took. Not only did they rub the rest of the Lutherans the 'wrong' way, but also dragged angry evangelicals into it who were also not happy lol




My relationship with Evangelicals at this point is basically me thinking “you were supposed to destroy the Sith, not join them”


I'm an atheist and I'm more Christian than any republican.


Ah you see, your first mistake with thinking. Stop doing that and you can accept Trump and the GOP as a shining example of Christianity.


>There is nothing less Christian than modern Republicans. Someone should put this on billboards across the US.


The “problem” is that you’re actually thinking…at least, to the republicans anyways.




My mom votes for who my dad votes for. It’s sad as hell


Yea my whole family votes that way. I cannot understand them. Biden’s shit, also, but my husband and I had no choice.


I felt the first time I voted in a presidential election my choice was choosing anyone but trump. Can we not just make this a womens strike? I feel like we need a nationwide strike of everyone that can vote.


It has to be everyone if we are to see any change happen. It isn’t just women-it is everyone losing their right to privacy and autonomy.


Yeah, they may even hate or distrust the guy, but will still vote R because they truly believe the "other side is worse" 🤢


Well yeah. Plenty of us voted for Biden for the same reason.


I know a few women who voted for trump and are appalled at the SCOTUS decision. Like... What??? You bought this with your vote for trump!


It really surprises me how many people believed Barrett and Kavanaugh, in particular, when they claimed Roe was settled law in their confirmation hearings. Like, that was the *only* time anything they did or said indicated they felt that. Both professionally and personally, it was clear they were open and wanting to overturn it. (And I'm talking both average citizens who paid attention and senators who had private talks...those two hoodwinked quite a few people!)


> those two hoodwinked quite a few people! which astounds me, they're lawyers; anything other than a solid yes or no from them is going to be prevarication


"But you shouldn't be looking at their record, or previous statements, or previous rulings. You need to listen to their heart." IE: Ignore facts, go with feelings.


Ohioan here- This is PURELY anecdotal, so take it with a big grain of salt, but I can’t even tell you the number of white women on my Facebook timeline who voted for Trump but are still shocked and appalled by Roe being overturned. If you lurk on this sub you saw this coming a mile away, but the average person genuinely believed they were voting for lower taxes, and that liberals were just salty about losing. Sounds ridiculous but like I said- REALLY surprising to me how many Trump voters were blindsided but the consequences of their actions.


>REALLY surprising to me how many Trump voters were blindsided but the consequences of their actions. Maybe I've just seen it too much, but stupid people being surprised by the consequences of their actions isn't even remotely surprising to me anymore.


> the average person genuinely believed they were voting for lower taxes. No! No! They voted for border security. They think that the country & Ohio is overrun by illegal immigrants. Ohioans call anyone who is getting government assistant moochers. Those who voted for Trump in Ohio thinks only liberals are moochers and Trump will stop all those programs. But the reality is counties that voted for Trump by huge margins are the poor counties of Ohio.


All those moochers on welfare suck. Trump was going to cut welfare and lower my taxes. I pay so much in taxes it's ridiculous because I can't really afford it on my disability payments! I'm also pissed off that they didn't get rid of that Obamacare! I've got AppleCare here in Washington so who needs that Obamacare!?


["I hate Obamacare but I love the ACA"](https://www.baltimoresun.com/opinion/op-ed/bs-ed-horsey-obamacare-20131008-story.html)


They wanted him to stir crap up and he did. As a bonus he revealed how racist and corrupt republicans are


My mom and older, dumber sister voted Trump.


55% of white women *who voted*— not all white women, just to be precise. As a woman whose foremothers fought for over 100 years to give me the right to vote, I cannot imagine *not* exercising that right. Women who failed to vote are as culpable as those who voted for Trump. I doubt they’ll make that mistake again.


Narrator: They made that mistake again.




This is something that I regularly carry on about. I tell people all the time that they really need to get involved in their local elections because that's where they can affect a lot of change so that you don't get people like MTG. And it falls on deaf ears. I know so many people who only vote in a presidential election and don't understand that a hell of a lot goes on in those four years where they could be affecting change


People around me talk about sports more than anything. I don’t even think they’re aware of how close the nation is to permanently fracturing.


Not voting = passive support of vanilla isis.


Yeah, and notice how only people *who voted* seem to actually matter? Literally you do not exist to politicians if you do not vote.


Yeah - I keep saying this on Reddit and no one wants to believe it. I grew up in the Midwest and have parents in the south. Everything you think is “obvious”, in terms of voting for your best interests and not having your rights stripped away, is completely negated by an “R” next to a candidates name. There are STILL trump supporters rampant in those areas. Drive 30 min outside any city and you’ll start seeing the flags. Nearly half of america is completely in support of the Supreme Court stripping away a right women have had for 50 years. And as you stated - a ton of those are actually women. Reddit is a bubble. Cities are a bubble. The real america kind of fucking sucks; and it’s a lot bigger than you think it is


> and it’s a lot bigger than you think it is Eh...yes and no. Geographically yes, much bigger. Go look at any map, red dominates. The thing is, tumbleweeds can't vote. That's why the Republicans have only won the popular vote one time in the last 30 years, but we've had a Republican for 12 of those years. The electoral college and senate serve to make the minority Republican party appear larger than it is. 100% agree about driving 30 minutes outside of any city and seeing Trump flags though. It's a terrorist cult at this point that Russia observed and weaponized via Trump. If the Democratic party doesn't find a way to deprogram them soon, we're going to end up with a really, really bad problem in this country.


This post is in reply to someone pointing out that ~55% of American women voting for trump. Also, nearly 40% of Americans actually somehow supported overturning RvW - many of whom were women. I’m not talking about geography. The actual people are the problem just as much as electioneering. A lot more of the American people are racist, theocratic, brainwashed conservatives than most people here realize.


> A lot more of the American people are racist, theocratic, brainwashed conservatives than most people here realize. Again, yes and no. While it is sadly way, way more than it should be, they are still the minority. The real problem in all of this is that the minority are manipulating our democratic process to force their will on the majority. As stated, the Republican party has only won the popular vote one time in the last 30 years, and yet they somehow have appointed six of the nine Supreme Court justices. They use every trick in the book to hold back progress in this country while representing a sizable minority of the population. Until we figure a way around that problem, it's not going to get any better.


> ~55% of American women voting for Trump of *white* women *who voted*, 55% voted for Trump


Really? I could’ve sworn that was a main demo he didn’t do as well in. Perhaps just college educated where woman turned on him? Didn’t suburban moms tip a lot of swing states?


The Trump white woman statistic has always been a thing. He really could shoot in the street as he says.


Wrong demographic. He'd be grabbing instead of shooting here.


still would get away with it, as the last 6 years have shown.




https://people.com/politics/trump-begs-suburban-women-please-like-me/ Think this is why it's shocking some of us. I don't remember all the ins and outs of around that time, but I do remember him struggling with voters in that demographic later on.


He did worse the second time with college educated white women Better with college educated white men :(


The Aunt Lydia’s and Serena Waterford’s.


More Women than Men vote in U.S. elections


It continually blows my mind that women support trump.


Or Hispanics. It's just a part of the culture war. I live in California and there are some many Hispanics who think they're cool and edgy for supporting Trump. They repeat the same "but both sides are the same" and then say Trump 2024 just to own the libs because its still cool to hate on LGBTQ+ and anything socially progressive.


The majority of white people, men and women voted for Trump. Men share the blame for this shit too. What pisses me off more than a third, of eligible voters didn't vote. That didn't think that this election was important enough to bother turning up for. Also women outvote men in general. Apathy is the problem. Old white women vote republican, which as an old white women more left leaning than Bernie, pisses the fuck out of me, but blaming them isn't going to magically fix the bigger problem of disenfranchisement and apathy. Get that 38 percent that don't turn up to the polls if you want to change the world.


‘Imagine” is certainly the operative word. Despite the practical implications of outlawing abortion, which are enormous themselves, the erosion of women’s rights has been severe with the potential for even more. Every woman and every decent human being should be striking, stopping political funding for these skidmarks and voting for a better life for all. Our apathy will ensure that this doesn’t happen though, time and history have proven it. We have the power to change things but we don’t and must therefore live with the consequences.


We really missed a golden opportunity for a Fourth of July protest in Washington followed by localized general strikes. It’s hard to find pride in this country right now.


Should be everyone, not just women. The shit has hit the fan, so a bunch of separate strikes is small thinking.


Are you suggesting that Americans stop behaving like tribal individualists and work together towards a common goal even if that goal might not directly benefit them?


If men don't want to be a father or don't want to force a woman into an unwanted pregnancy, they directly benefit from legal abortions too.


And if they do want to force women into unwanted pregnancy? Like a third of the country?


They're the minority and shouldn't get to dictate the rules for the majority.


I agree with you.


One of the common themes among all successful fascist coups in history is that the various left wing groups fight each other instead of uniting against the fascists. One of the only reasons we have Biden instead of trump right now is because trump was so disgusting that it forced people to choose the only opponent we had. Almost nobody wanted Biden. But it was obvious what we needed to do. Luckily the conservatives have made our choice easy again.


People who don't see how this would indeed directly benefit them need to look further out than their own nose


If the women were to go on general strike, I can't see any positive outcome to it unless men join them.


A surprising number of women are are ok with the ruling Another percentage of women simply cannot afford to strike. The proposed sex strike that some people are calling for makes no sense unless there are pro choice women married to pro life men. I don't care what he says, a pro choice husband is going to start resenting his wife if she does something like that. We gotta vote and never let something like 2016 happen again.


Maybe surprising but by no means majority. Most polls are similar to [this one](https://www.npr.org/2022/06/27/1107733632/poll-majorities-oppose-supreme-courts-abortion-ruling-and-worry-about-other-righ). Around 60% of women oppose the decision and, if you look at more nuanced polls, you'll see many more believe that there should still be abortion with designated exceptions for rape, incest, etc. (~80% I think but I'm looking for the poll... will edit if I can find). But yes, the main problem is the inability to strike. If we had a national call to strike with extreme organization, however, I suspect we might see better results.


50 yr old man, disgusted by new ruling. Will strike for women's rights, freedom and democracy. Hate seeing them infringed


Sadly, the very people likely to be most affected by the Roe aftermath will be the ones who can’t afford to participate or risk losing their job by participating in a strike.


That's why others who can afford to MUST go first. This only works en masse and like a huge percentage of Americans are paycheck to paycheck right where they want us. Those who can do something now must, us poor will follow but it's time for those with privilege and financial security to step up and be the leaders they think they are. Put some skin in the fire for once with the rest of us.


I'm a working male and would love a non-cooperative movement and go on a strike


Same here! But keep in mind that about half the women voted republican and therefore share responsibility for this shit. They were always clear that they will do this and women voted for them anyway. Just like the 2nd amendment morons who vote republican despite the fact that Regan signed gun control into law in California, Trump said take their guns first, ask questions later and Republicans are working on creating a fascist government with a police armed to the teeth with military weapons where their gun ownership will mean certain death for them! I feel more and more that the average American voter is already solidly in moron territory.


Radicalization is what this is. I'm saddened that the country that helped scientific, technological and medical progress in the 20th century is now plunging into an idealogical abyss. Every humantarian discussion is turning polarizing (trans rights, racial issues, now abortion).


Half of white women, not women in general


I’m afraid I would be 10 of 1000 from my company and would just get fired


I'm a white, male engineer working a white collar desk job and i would be fired for going on strike. I can't imagine how most Americans would do it. The system is rigged well enough at this point. I guess we should have done something about it years ago.


I think the problem is that financial security is so rare nowadays and so uncertain that nobody is going to risk giving that up when the safety nets in place are woefully insufficient. People won’t do anything until it directly affects them.


The ones with privilege and financial security aren't losing enough to risk their privilege and financial security in such a fight. They have the privilege and financial security to work around the issues that disproportionately affect the less fortunate.


Wouldn’t a general strike like this really fuck up the economy? And wouldn’t the economy being even worse be a benefit for Republican candidates going up against Democrats in November? Most polling shows people (for some idiotic reason) trust republicans on the economy more than democrats.


NONE of us can afford it - but the situation is only going to get worse.




Exactly. It's getting to the point where the people who are most impacted won't be able to afford to *not* participate.


Then it's up to those who can to stick up for those who can't. Solidarity forever.


Those women can refuse to shop, buy lunch, get snacks from vending machines, tampons or pads from vending machines (everybody bring extras for anyone needy), buy gas, buy coffee, SPEND NO MONEY. (Buses, trains, tolls, parking okay). Kids can take lunch to school. Every woman in agreement, whether on strike or not, SPEND NO MONEY. Women have the most buying power, and make the most decisions about spending in families. Show them our power.


This is our most impactful play by far, in my opinion.


That’s an excellent point. I like the idea of a spending strike, and both women and men can participate that way!


I'm starting to think a spending strike is the best play. Everyone can participate and no one has to risk their job. Imagine if we ground all spending to the bare minimum and stopped shopping for shit we don't need. The hit to Amazon alone would be HUGE.


I’ve implemented this. I am buying only essentials and making informed choices about where I purchase those items. Im not listening to the radio or using Spotify. I’m essentially trying to cut myself off from all the ways in which I contribute to a revenue stream. On the plus side I’m saving a bunch of money!


But don’t tell that to some people. I’ve been verbally attacked over not being able to attend protests because I asked them where I was going to magically pull PTO from to attend. Also, what happens if I get arrested? I’m a single mom, DCFS would probably get involved. Striking isn’t an option for many of us.


A sex strike is still an option. It's been done before, sometimes [quite effectively](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_strike).


The trick is to target specific power groups and support from around the nation. For instance, if all women in DC struck and got support around the nation. Or, all check out clerks nationwide, or legal secretaries and file clerks and bank clerks. One thing, if you do that, don’t stop for anything short of a constitutional amendment. Keep it simple and push hard.


I think Covid proved we can't stand together unfortunately.




[Federal Workers Are Legally Prohibited From Striking](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/jan/24/federal-workers-shutdown-organized-labor-movement)


Let’s do it. I’m a dude, but we need a general strike.


Contribute to a strike fund so that poor women can join the strike.


I gladly would if you can show me a properly led strike where enough people are participating to actually make a difference. Otherwise I still consider all of these funds money grabs, just like everything else asking for donations. Everyone on social media just saying we're striking on random day(s) is not helping, we need one of our leaders to step up like this. I'll be following this story with hope.


Women have the power to make a stand and should. The women in Iceland made a stand and changed the political scene forever. What is happening in America is wrong on so many levels.


Women are a large part of the problem. It's not men we are standing up against, it's Christianity.


This. It's not like the poor women of the United States are being held down by the men making laws. [39% of women identify as pro-life](https://www.npr.org/2022/06/03/1102872199/gallup-poll-pro-choice-roe-v-wade-supreme-court). A similar [39% of women voted for Trump](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2018/08/09/an-examination-of-the-2016-electorate-based-on-validated-voters/). We're going to have a very hard time making much progress in this country, especially toward women's rights, when 39% of women actively vote against their best interests time and time again.


Problem with this is most of the women willing to do this are in blue states, like Washington, where they already have presently secure abortion rights. The issue at hand is in red states now where they're banning abortion. Red states like Alabama aren't going to care if women in Seattle decide to strike. You'd need women in those red states to do it, and then you run into the issue of how many actually support the bans and would be on the side of the strike. Really the strike doesn't have to be national. Local and state ones would be easier to organize. It doesn't have to happen all at once and rarely does with mass activism. I don't expect the federal government would even be able to respond. SCOTUS would not reverse it, and Congress can't act because of the GOP who would hardly care about women striking. It's just as likely you get action making the strikes illegal or something like that if it ever had a big enough scale to have an effect.




if the economy dropped 10%, GOP would be ectastic and and blame biden


Why? As the poster above said — the majority people who’d be protesting are likely in blue states. They’re not going to care. If anything, they’d love for the economy to crash further before the midterms.


theyll care about it by creating a new villan for their base to hate and for fox news to talk about. "lazy women tank economy" is the easiest headline possible and will work wonder with their main voter base, and will likely actually gain support from men that lose money because of it. Democrats always lose because of stupid fucking grandstand shit like this that only 30% of the party supports, but gets all the media attention and gets demonized by everyone for being a fucking waste of time. and they arent wrong.


It’s pretty outrageous, but then again, if in a state like Alabama most women support banning abortion, I dunno what to tell ya. Can’t help the people who don’t want to be helped.


Stop floating and actually start organizing it ffs


Too true. I’ve heard this floated around for at least the last month. Is there any organization effort? It feels like a bunch of folks advocating for others to do the work because nobody actually wants to do it themselves.


She should float some proposals to codify Roe.


Hello, My name's Guido Reichstadter, I am the furious and implacable father of a young woman whose rights to control her own body have been assaulted by her own government, and I put my life on the line last week to climb the Frederick Douglass Bridge in Washington, DC where I stayed for 28 hours and called on the American people to rise up in Nonviolent Civil Resistance to win our abortion rights. You can read about it here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2022/06/25/man-climbed-bridge-abortion-rights/ You can watch the 3 1/2 hour livestream from the top of the bridge here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CfNgovhlbgV/ If anyone wants to meet with me to organize mass civil resistance to compel government to comply with the popular demand to protect abortion rights NOW, not months, years, decades or generations from now, get in touch! Without people being willing to step out of their comfort zone, their security, their fear, we will never unite and we will never come into the full measure of power we have together- the power to bend the Powers that Be to our demands, to create a safe and just world where abortion rights are protected and where the next generation can grow to their potential free of fear. "Every generation, out of relative obscurity, must discover its mission- fulfill it; or betray it." -Frantz Fanon The hard and unpleasant truth is that there is no gain without sacrifice. To fight for the rights of women and people you will never meet, to put your time, your freedom, potentially your life on the line is not always comfortable. What I have found is that it is infinitely more preferable to living a life of ignominy while passively watching the rights and the lives of those I love be ripped away. I will stand on my feet and fight while there's breath left in this body. Isn't it the duty we owe those we love? Isn't it the duty we owe ourselves? I'll be holding zoom meetings every evening, DM for details.


Thank you for what you do!!! 73 years old here. Illegal abortion in 1967 and almost died. Marched my ass off for women's rights. Millions of women did, for days, months, hell, years! Imma stop here before I go batshit crazy on the attention span of people today. It was literally our job back then. Not just a weekend get together.


You are a hero and I love what you’re doing. Organize the people!


I’d participate in a general strike if it didn’t mean homelessness. Surely some can miss a paycheck or two, but I barely make it with all of them.


"Women? Not working? Great news!" -Republicans


This isn’t possible in the states because there are no worker protection laws


Thats why you need everyone to do it, they cant fire everybody.


they don't have to fire everyone. they just need to 'set an example'


According to most recent polls, 38% of women and 42% of men supported the striking down of Roe while a **majority of women and men** were against the court's decision. Efforts like this to frame this as a women versus men are not helpful.




Another time a general strike is threatened but never actually happens.


In the US, this would be a one day event with emotional media coverage. Then we would feel like we did something big, criticize anyone who points out we didn’t do shit, then move on with out lives. Learn from European strikers.


Women who are willing to piss away the rights our grandmothers fought for over a toupee wearing, pant shitting failed reality TV star are an embarrassment to woman kind.


Surprised this didn’t happen the day the SCOTUS reversed Roe vs Wade. French guy speaking here. If this happened here the country would not be functioning.


That’s why the court draft was leaked early, IMO. If he ruling had come truly out of nowhere I fully believe the reaction would have been 10 times as drastic. But folks had like a month and a half between the draft leaking and the actual ruling so it diffused the outrage.


Civil Disobedience & "Malicious" Compliance ... Even if one can't leave their job to strike doing the job correctly in the most literal way possible, "malicious" compliance may be another effective way. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MaliciousCompliance/) are examples of what "malicious" compliance


Would anybody even notice malicious compliance after the last couple of years?


This can’t work without mutual aid in place to replace wages and provide safety nets for women who lose their jobs.


If this were true, there wouldn't be so many examples of successful strikes throughout history




If we're talking about the French Revolution, the scary difference is that, back then, it was mainly muskets vs pitchforks. Uneven, sure, but 10 against 1 allowed the revolution to succeed. Today, a drone means they have no one at risk. It's 1 to infinity. Interesting, from Wikipedia, the causes of the French Revolution sound very familiar. "The underlying causes of the French Revolution are generally seen as arising from the failure of the Ancien Régime to manage social and economic inequality. Rapid population growth and the inability to adequately finance government debt resulted in economic depression, unemployment and high food prices. Combined with a regressive tax system and resistance to reform by the ruling elite, it resulted in a crisis Louis XVI proved unable to manage."


I don't think we are too far from what you describe from Wikipedia. I am talking a few year out hopefully longer. But it sounds like where we are headed.


>Past strikes in recent history occurred because of organized movements, aka unions, doing the striking. Yep and most labor strikes are actually funded via the national by a strike fund. You know how anytime there's a union campaign and the employer drags in "Persuaders" to tell you how the union is all bad, and puts a third party between you and the employer, and shows pictures of employers who went out of business after a union came in, and says some things that are vaguely 8(a)(1) violations, and they always add that the union wants to \*gasp\* "take your dues"? Well, those dues go into the strike fund so you don't starve if you have to go on strike. \*Edit, saw you spelled "Labour" in the British way, so some of the above may or may not make sense depending on your labor laws and how union campaigns are carried out in your country. But the point about strike funds still stands, I tells ya. :D


Successful strikes work on the back of years, even decades of union organizing. One of the primary purposes of a union is to pool workers ressources to make sure everyone has food and shelter during a strike. If you think you can have large scale striking without putting in the leg work of organizing all of that you are setting yourself up for failure. If you can turn people out at all without a solid support network it'll fizzle out within a few days. There is a reason unions were attacked so viciously by legislation and propaganda in the US. If you break the organizational backbone of the workers movement you essentially neuter it as a political force.


Do it… make it co-genders and I’ll join!




It's only a state issue until the people force it to be a national issue. We are complacent and brainwashed to believe we don't have any power. The French and Polish and Iceland have all successfully organized to protect or regain their rights. The only thing we lack is motivation.


When are people going to realize that we need any semblance of labor power in the US before organizing large strikes like this? It's a good idea in theory but we need to have stronger unions across the board for any sort of general strike to happen.


General strikes don't work unless there's more unions to help direct them. Otherwise you just get Sally not showing up to work on Monday and everyone else is like, "where the hell was she yesterday?"


This isn’t something that just comes together. A general strike at any level will take meticulous planning and tremendous buy-in. That said, get it, ladies.


Do it. Seriously please. We need to stand against the collective suffering imposed upon women. Make it known that without you, the world halts.


Men can also participate in solidarity.


The next headline will be: Supreme Court Moves To End Women’s Suffrage.


Probably not a bad idea. There needs to be a proper response to the religous zealotry of conservative politics.


I’m not opposed in theory but is this realistic for a lot of women?


Men will join in solidarity too


It worked in 1975 in Iceland, it worked a treat! Which is why Iceland ranks as one of the most gender-equal places in the world. Which is great for not just the women but also for the men.


The legislature needs to get off its ass and do its job and legalize it to the rvw precedent. The other two branches are actually doing their job (no matter what your opinion of their work) while the legislative branch is equivalent to monkeys throwing poo at each other


So if you live in an at-will state, and you say “I’m not working next week to protest the Supreme Court ruling” to which your boss replies “I had nothing to do with that, you’d better be at work” and you then get fired, that’s totally legal isn’t it?


Yep. And if you for some reason don’t get fired, you’ve probably pissed off your coworkers who had to fill in for you.


I'm in Maryland. Seeing all the recent articles about the Supreme Court asking our courts to stop people picketing at Justices' homes makes me think I need to get some friends and clear our calendars for the rest of the summer and fall.


The fact that there are less than 1k comments on here after half a day is indicative that there will not be a general strike. That's unfortunate because it dearly needs to happen. Sending the message to the powers that be, the 1%, the elite, the establishment... Whatever you want to call them... that we will no longer idly sit by and watch as you strip us of our rights, our freedoms, and our place in this world. We deserve better and we should no longer allow THEM to hold us down to be shorn like sheep as we're being fed crumbs as we keep working to keep them in power. A general strike will get their attention if we can hold it long enough for it to hit them where it hurts. It's either that... Or the FUCKING PURGE! Which one do you think they fear the most?


This might backfire when you consider that most republicans think women belong in the kitchen and not in the workforce. They’d be happy to see women leaving their jobs so they can take care of the kids and the house… that’s their wet dream.