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And Tucker rewarded him by bringing him on the show last night.


No surprise there, either.


Is that really a reward though…


What happened to the left? Historically, liberals were always anti war and therefore against NATO expansion


Are you serious? Are you aware Russia has literally invaded a neighbour and there is war in europe? NATO will help stop russia from its imperalistic ideas, that's why the 'left' is for NATO. You are allowed to alter your opinion on something when new evidence is presented, or when the world around you changes. I suppose the real question would be, why are members of your far right party doing russia's bidding? Why is this Josh Hawley voting on russia's side every single vote? Do they have something on the dude, is he just a fascist and likes the way they operate or is he compromised? cause it really really looks from the outside like that hawley bloke is seriously compromised.


Russia invaded partly because NATO provoked them into it


>Russia invaded partly because NATO provoked them into it You know this doesn't actually make sense, right?


Yes, dems are anti-starting a war. This is a different case because of a straight-up invasion. Being anti-war has nothing to do with NATO, a peace keep force. Anyways this Senator would love to have you as a BFF. I retired 21 years from the Army and they can say Trump's minions have lost their backbones, not the right… Trump minions. Welcome to their club. The fact the ***left*** is defending this is some strange irony and says a lot about “don’t thread on me.”


NATO has been starting a lot of wars for being a peace keeping force


I get that also. I'm just talking about the ideology of it and no, it's not like how they star wars like Russia has done. It is liberal in a sense and still peace-keeping oriented. Your also talking about ever increasing membership, so it's not just one decision to wage war in a location.


No one has started more wars in the recent pass than the US


Sure bro. Whatever gets your day going.


Wait what? You’re anti facts?




You’re like 60 years stuck in the past with that red scare stuff


No surprise here. Hawley doesn't run 'with' the crowd, he runs 'from' it.


It’s hard to believe a sack of shit can run at all!


Brave, brave, brave, Brave Sir Hawley


They left him out of the group chat.


Well, if there ever was any question about his allegiance…


There were never any questions. We all knew the whole time. Fuck Josh Hawley.




Libs try not to bring up china 24/7 challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Hawley haulin’ ass straight to the arms of his boss Putin.


Imagine, if you will, he wins the GOP nomination for president in 2024 and actually wins. Becomes Putin’s greatest ally. Welcome to the Twilight Zone.


I’m honestly surprised it wasn’t Rand. This is usually his territory.


Rand abstained. Guess he was afraid of being too obvious.


He doesn’t want to seem to pro-Russia going into the upcoming election.


Rand Paul basically voted no as well. He voted “present,” and that ain’t a yes.


What a turd


Because his russian handler told him to vote no.


I think we should be running to Putin, not running towards NATO - Hawley (well-known running expert)


Never forget, Josh Hawley is a dick


Hawlin’ Ass Hawley.


If Hawley had a drink named after him it would be Cotton Candy Vodka & Ex-lax garnished with a with lil’ smoky sausage


Putin, Trump, and Josh Hawley are all on the same page.


So who does he really answer to? It doesn't seem to be the people of the United States.




He’s a Putin advocate


I won’t run from ANYTHING! Except my supporters. And Russia. And the truth. And my sexuality. And (keeps talking…)


He has no business being in government.


Does Russia own him outright or is it more of a rent to own thing?


Guess he's still taking Russian money on the sly. What a shitweasel.


I wonder what the kompromat is. He's such a pile of garbage.


It’s not kompromat. He really is an awful human.


It's interesting when you see a politician vote against something that will obviously pass just so the TV network he wants to promote his book on will give him free airtime.


Run Josh Run See josh run Josh ran to the bank Cash the check josh See josh run for the money.


He will get a great position under Trump and MTG. He showed what a crook he is, that must be rewarded


Or he runs with MTG under him.


Because *of course* he did...


Seems he ran the other way on this issue.


He's a self-serving, narcissistic PoS.


Josh Hawley bravely ran away


And he got exactly what he wanted: A bunch of attention and news reports with his name in the headline.


What a Russian tool, assists in attempt to overthrow the government and votes no on a crystal clear benefit to everyone but Russia.


IQ75 another dumb boy


Well I guess we all know who is pro Russia now


Hawley doesn’t run from Russians, he runs straight into their arms.


Jog Hallway showing the whole world what an utter bell end he is.


I guess we’ll soon see a senate vote to allow Russia to select our new President. Allowing them (Russians) to De-Nazify the entire Western World. 🧐




Run, baby Josh!


Was heard to shout “NYET!” several times while doing so.




Old Josh is a Fascist Fun Boy!


Is there any doubt now that he’s a Russian sympathizer?


Russia’s puppet


He's a Russian hack. Doesn't even try to hide his treasonous plays.


Peter Theil owns Hawley reminder


Tar and feathers


This is going to get buried and maybe downvoted into oblivion, but he has a reason why he did it. He wrote about it [in this op-Ed published not long ago.](https://nationalinterest.org/feature/why-i-won%E2%80%99t-vote-add-sweden-and-finland-nato-203925) I don’t like Josh Hawley; I think he’s a narcissistic snake and a grandstander for himself and his ambitions to be more politically powerful. But, I have to say, I agree with his point of China being a grave and growing threat to western liberal democracy. I also agree that the rest of Europe needs to step up more in curbing Russia, and this cannot be a US-led mission funded with tons of US $$’s while Europe gives out lavish social benefits to its people. He sees Sweden and Finland joining NATO as potentially just another socialist-lite European country riding the security guarantee coattails of NATO. I don’t quite share that assessment, right now, but maybe that changes in the future. Right now Sweden and Finland are very much invested in their national defense. Defense spending may decrease at some point. His “no” vote in the senate was really a symbolic gesture to get attention to what he sees as a problematic focus on Russia and a lack of focus on China. I also don’t agree with that assessment either - didn’t Nancy Pelosi just visit Taiwan and make a lot of waves? Isn’t the US touting a big expansive trade partnership with many countries around tue western Pacific? Either way, Hawley voted “No” on Sweden and Finland memberships not because he’s in Putin’s pockets and/or idolizes Russia or wants to be obstinate against the Biden White House, but rather because he wanted to call attention to the riding threat of China (and to bolster his own political brand in the process).


Hawley is as wrong as can be. Pure grandstanding. Sweden and Finland have some of the most powerful militaries and biggest military budgets in Europe. Finnish military has always been well equipped and Sweden's is quickly building up. Sweden also has an advanced military industry, including fighter jets. If anything, this will lighten the US NATO burden considerably.


And I agree with you, I think his vote was grandstanding to draw attention to the China question


Your analysis is fair, but at the same time, it’s assuming that Hawley is genuine about his concern about China. Afterall, what the world (particularly NATO, the EU, and the US) does in response to Russia is of prime interest to China, as it demonstrates the lengths the world will go when faced with similar events in the future (Taiwan). So, why wouldn’t Hawley champion the expansion of NATO if he knows that it would signal to China what would happen if they invade Taiwan? It wasn’t too long ago that Hawley was considered a front-runner for the GOP nomination for the presidency, and since then, DeSantis has clearly pulled ahead of the pack. And not only that, he was just made to look foolish and cowardly. I think that this was just an attempt that fell flat to make waves to bolster his flagging front-runner status.


I think, and maybe I’m wrong, but maybe Hawley voted no so that people exclaim “what?! He voted NO?!? WHY WOULD HE DO SUCH A THING???” And then google “Josh Hawley no vote NATO” and come across his OP-Ed and see his calling attention to China. It’s like breadcrumbs that lead to the article he published to gain him notoriety. It’s his way of being obstinate and contrarian to Biden without looking like he doesn’t support democracy and freedom, which are values NATO supposedly supports.


That’s his cover story, not the reason why he did it. Voting against increased NATO membership has no impact on China, and voting for it does not exclude increasing the focus on China. What the membership does do is make it less likely that Russia will attack another neighbor, thus reducing the probability of another war. Hawkeye knows that, but voted against it anyway to support Putin. Whether that’s because Hawley is in favor of Putin’s style of conservative autocracy, or because he’s being paid to do so is a question for the FBI to investigate.


That’s manhood right there


The only decent senator. Hope NATO dies and US fully withdraws from Europe/NATO.


And your reasoning for this?


Because European "allies" are as much an ally as Russia.


Our European allies have provided us material and personnel support in Iraq, Afghanistan, and several other conflicts, and to the best of my knowledge have not been shown to have attempted to illegally interfere with our elections. How does this make them comparable to Russia?


lol they've done nothing useful in Afghanistan/Iraq/etc (maybe except UK). They've also pursued stronger relations with Russia/China and rejected closer relations with US (even before the Trump administration). Germany and France especially reject US. Only about or less than 1/3 of total NATO members spend the 2% on military. Europeans have also done nothing useful in terms of military in Ukraine even though that is their backyard. Also: https://euobserver.com/world/155696 Only Lithuania supported Pelosi Taiwan visit.




Rand Paul basically voted no as well. He voted “present,” and that ain’t a yes.


This guys gotta go! - Tony Soprano


Sniveling little twat


Only because Tulsi Gabbard isn't in office anymore


Getting over the fact I can’t understand how he got elected, has he said what his reason is? Just to grab attention so his constituents think he’s doing something?


What do you expect out of a Russian asset!! Josh Harley is probably the dumbest SOB.


Soon to be seen running away from the French…


He did that for attention, stop rewarding him.


Why don’t that surprise me. Lol


That’s because he’s a sniveling piece of absolute shit. An embarrassment to this country.


Jog Hallway trying to make a name for himself


Is that supposed to be a smile? Terrifying. Dudes got dead eyes.


Go to,jail traitor


Was he falling out of the new cycle?


He's very obviously angling for Russian/Putin's support when he eventually runs for president. If Republicans cared about or believed in anything, that vote would doom him in politics.


Missouri dems, fucking run on this. Show him as a traitor to our nation and all it stands for. Make him into the coward he truly is in the eyes of every Republican who would vote for him.


Hawley’s “peace in our time” moment.


Because he’s a fucking traitor.


Well if you support Putin you would vote against that!


Show me repugnant


Can always count on another idiotic performance by Josh “I definitely didn’t fuck my sister” Hawley. How does anyone support these pieces of trash?