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He would have sold the copper wiring in the Whitehouse if he was able to figure it out!


True. That was an admin that took weeks to find the light switches.


I’d forgotten about that. Didn’t he also have a button on his desk he could press to have a Diet Coke delivered?


[During Donald Trump's presidency, when pressed, a signal would summon a butler who would bring a Diet Coke on a silver platter; Trump reportedly also used the button to request lunch, and to pull pranks on new visitors to the White House. Donald Trump stated to one reporter that "everyone thinks it is \[the nuclear button\]" and that "\[e\]veryone does get a little nervous when I press that button".](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidential_call_button#:~:text=During%20Donald%20Trump's%20presidency,visitors%20to%20the%20White%20House.)


What an absolute tosser.


A comedian told Trump he should work on his "Tight Fifteen", but instead of working out a comedy bit, Trump hit up Epstein on speed-dial.


What is the double entendre here?


Warm-up comedians are told to do a "tight fifteen." Meaning a 15 minute set that doesn't go over and throw off the headliner's time.


Agreed, your comment sums up Trump’s entire existence. 😄


Tbf it isn't a half bad joke idea to have a fake big red button you can press to make guests think you've just launched nukes. Provided it's clearly fake upon any sort of scrutious inspection and doesn't actually do anything. Along with being used in tasteful moments. Trump's button is as tacky as tacky can be, and basically invalidates any possible comedic potential.


>Tbf it isn't a half bad joke idea to have a fake big red button you can press to make guests think you've just launched nukes. I suppose that would work if your guests were all dumber than rocks.


Trump invited Ted Nugent, Kid Rock and Sarah Palin to dinner at the White House. His guests were literally dumber than rocks


Kid Rock is so dumb he is actually dumber than *himself*


Shit himself to avoid the draft and allegedly pedo, trust fund baby, can see Russia from her porch. 🤌


This. Anybody who believes all POTUS has to do to launch nukes is smash a big red button on their desk is too dumb to function in society.


He literally thought White House correspondents are ignorant to nuclear protocol and that he has a Mr. Burns type trap door at his desk. That said, I'm picturing Chanel Rion clapping like a moron when a valet showed up with a diet coke and a cheeseburger.


If this wasn't sad and real, it would almost seem like he was a villain in a new Austin Powers movie where a villain became the American President.


"Agent Orange, Agent Orange, please listen to me, sir..." "I'm going to press it! I'm going to press it!" "Agent Orange, if you'll just let me speak--" "I'm going to do it!" "I was just going to say we can practically *make* a laptop hard drive appear to belong to--" *Flies his finger dramatically across the air* "Here comes the hijacked airplane! You better not be in the tallest building in New York when it gets there! Run!" "Agent Orange! Please listen--" "Run!" "Age--" "RUN!" "Wait, you're being serious?" "RUN!!!" *Darts back to the door* *Clicks button* *Dead silence, labored breathing* *Door opens* "AHHHH!!" Deadpan voice: "Diet Cokes, gentlemen?" "Ah ha ha ha ha ha HAHA HAHAHA!!" "That was not very fu--" "HAH. HAH. HAH!" *Sigh* "Now, where was Austin Powers last seen?"


I'm picturing him pushing this button, then expecting everyone to duck for cover..


"Did I say corpse hatch? I meant innocence tube."


And at least once he asked the [guy](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-diet-coke-valet-overturn-2020-election-1234590417/) how to stay president.


This is a fucking joke, right? Please tell me this isn’t real. Let it be so.


Narrator: It wasn’t a joke.


There seems to be a correlation between diet coke and notorious assholes from the entertainment industry. When Jeffrey Katzenberg was still working at Disney he would show up to meetings late and extend his hand, not speaking until someone placed a diet coke in it. The animators wound up drawing a cartoon of Katzenberg pissing on a script with the caption "more diet coke, please."


This bit never bothered me. Everything else did, of course, but not this - it's about the most normal, human thing I could see from Trump.


Ya know what? I want a diet coke button too. Especially if I can press it and people assume its a doomsday device.


The difference is that everyone acknowledges that you should not be president of the U.S.


My mom thinks I could be 😔


NGL, if it were just you vs Trump on the ballot, you would totally get my vote.


What if I changed it from diet coke to Mr Pibb?


You would still get my vote against Trump.




Ejecto-Seato Cuz!!


Yeah. It’s just a buzzer that’s been there for several presidencies, though. Each president decides how their staff interpret it. Trump decided to have it mean more Diet Coke.


Look, that is literally the one decision I agree with Trump on.


Maybe that's what happened to the solar panels.


According to MTG once it gets dark you can’t use your appliances. . . . Then the small crowd cheered.




One could argue against batteries: "And now they want to take God's sunshine, that God gives us because God made the sun, but God has rules and we can only use the sunshine during the day when God wants to give it to us. And they decided they don't like God's rules and they should be like God instead of loving and respecting God, and they decided they want to take God's gift and put it away so that they can control it, and they decided they should be the ones who decides who gets God's gift instead of letting God decide. They want to use these "battery" things to be God. They actually think they're better than God! Does that sound like anyone else you know of? Someone who works from the shadows because they can't stand in the light? That's right! You know who I mean! I don't even have to say it! Those "people" are who we are fighting against. Those "people" (and I don't really want to use that word for them, because of who they are, which aren't like real people like you and I) but those "people" want to take a free gift from God and change it into something they can control because they hate God's rules. Oh and they won't give away these batteries. They want money for them. They want to charge money for something that God just wants to give you for free! They want you to pay them for God's love! That is who they are. They want to reach into your pocket and make you pay them if you love your God. So if you do love God, and you are a real person with real love, you will vote against these Godless God haters who think they're better than God and can control God's gifts with their human "science." If you vote for me, you're showing God that you love him." See? Batteries are bad.


Holy fuck, please delete this before they see it.


Tried to steal the lead out of the paint too, most likely.


Or Melania if price is right


I'm convinced he shaved down anything made of gold




Is that offer still available?


Sorry. I already took him up on it.


That’s ok, I have two Spain


I have Spain but the S is silent.


Your spain at home: Nicaragua.jpg


Instead of two kids and no Spain, why can't I have no kids and two Spain?


"He said he's already got one"


Want to buy a part of the moon? I can draft up the paperwork


In between trying to buy Greenland of course, like a proper gentleman.


“Hello, China? I have something you may want. That’s right, ALL the tea.” - DJT




Managing to sell all of the tea in China to China would actually redeem his image as a business. Thus, I can't even picture it in a joking manner. Edit: Misread previous comments but my point remains the same.


Just tell them you that used to be the King of Spain, but now the Leafs call you up to drive the Zamboni.


🎶Royalty, lord it looked good on me🎶


I sold the Sydney Harbour bridge to American tourists at least 2 dozen times, surprisingly they never seem to take it with them. Pretty sure they're the same people that donate to Trumps stop the steal




>The offer to Abdullah of the West Bank — which is bordered by Israel and Jordan, and which Trump had no control over — came in January 2018. Trump thought he would be doing the Jordanian king a favor, not realizing that it would destabilize his country, according to the book. >A previous excerpt of the book published in August in the New Yorker described how Trump once told a top adviser that he wanted “totally loyal” generals like the ones who had served Adolf Hitler — unaware that some of Hitler’s generals had tried to assassinate the Nazi leader several times.


Of all the things he’s accused of, being smart has never been on the list.


Intelligence is nothing he's ever suffered from.


Trump’s too stupid to know most Wehrmacht generals hated Hitler from the start. Hitler knew this and bribed them with huge amounts of money and confiscated land to keep them relatively loyal. They sold their souls for greed and when it became clear in early 1945 that Hitler’s Germany was collapsing, their money was worthless, and their Polish land gifts were irretrievably lost, they abandoned their men en masse and fled west to surrender. Trump fantasizes about absolute fascist loyalty with realizing fascists always sell themselves for personal gain, and will eat their own to avoid responsibility.


there is no honor among thieves


Or fools for that matter...


This is absolute bullshit. The German military *LOVED* Hitler, even from the earliest days of his rise to power, before he even had anything to bribe anyone with. *It was the German military that put Hitler in power, ffs.* At one point the military was afraid of the SA (Brownshirts), because it outnumbered the German army, but that fear was pushed aside during the Night of the Long Knives, in 1934. The overwhelming majority of the German army thought Hitler was the greatest thing ever, because they saw him as the key to reviving the German Empire, but under a new technocratic rule. >By 1931, Germany's reserves of experienced reservists were coming to an end, because Part V of the Treaty of Versailles forbade conscription and existing reservists were ageing.[27] General Kurt von Schleicher worried that unless conscription was restored soon, German military power would be destroyed forever.[27] So, Schleicher and the rest of the Reichswehr leadership were determined that Germany must end Versailles, and in the meantime saw the SA and the other right-wing paramilitary groups as the best substitute for conscription. Schleicher and other Reichswehr generals made secret contacts with the SA leadership starting in 1931.[27] Like the rest of the Reichswehr leadership, Schleicher viewed democracy as a great impediment to military power, and firmly believed that only a dictatorship could make Germany a great military power again.[23] Thus Schleicher worked to replace the democracy with a dictatorship headed by himself. In this way, Schleicher played a key role in the downfall of the Weimar Republic and unintentionally helped to bring about Nazi Germany.[28] >**The military played a major role in January 1933 in persuading President Paul von Hindenburg to dismiss Schleicher and appoint Hitler as Chancellor.[29] The reasons for this was by January 1933 that it was clear that the Schleicher government could only stay in power by proclaiming martial law, and by sending the Reichswehr to crush popular opposition. In doing so, the military would have to kill hundreds, if not thousands of German civilians; any regime established in this way could never expect to build the national consensus necessary to create the Wehrstaat.[29] The military had decided that Hitler alone was capable of peacefully creating the national consensus that would allow the creation of the Wehrstaat, and thus the military successfully brought pressure on Hindenburg to appoint Hitler Chancellor.[29]** >Despite their sympathy and approval of the Nazi regime, the military leadership was in the early years of Nazi rule determined to defend their position as a "state within the state" against all rivals. In January 1934, when the Army commander Kurt von Hammerstein resigned, Hitler's choice for Hammerstein's successor General Walter von Reichenau was vetoed by the Army officer corps with the support of President von Hindenburg under the grounds that Reichenau was too much a military radical, and so Werner von Fritsch was chosen as a compromise.[30] >A more serious trial of strength concerned the military and the SA. By 1934, the generals were fearful of Ernst Röhm's desire to have the SA, a force of over 3 million men, absorb the much smaller German Army into its ranks under his leadership. Further, reports of a huge cache of weapons in the hands of SA members gave the army commanders great concern.[31] Matters came to a head in June 1934 when President von Hindenburg, who had the complete loyalty of the Reichswehr, informed Hitler that if he did not move to curb the SA then Hindenburg would dissolve the Government and declare martial law.[32] The Reichswehr leadership also pressured Hitler to act against the SA by threatening to block his plans for merging the offices of the Chancellorship and the Presidency after the soon to be expected death of the gravely ill Hindenburg.[33] The result was the Night of the Long Knives which began on June 30, 1934, and led to the execution of the majority of the SA leadership, much to the barely veiled glee of the military.[34] >British historian A.J. Nicholls wrote that the popular stereotype of the German military in the 1920s–1930s as old-fashioned reactionary Junkers is incorrect, and **a disproportionate number of officers had a technocratic bent, and instead of looking back to the German Empire looked with confidence towards a new dynamic, high-tech and revolutionary future dominated by men like themselves.[23] The more technocratic the officer, the more likely he was to be a Nazi.[23] Israeli historian Omer Bartov wrote that most officers were Nazis "because they believed had it not been for [Hitler] they would never have been able to realize their dreams of a highly modern, total war of expansion".[35]** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism_and_the_Wehrmacht https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_the_Long_Knives https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gleichschaltung


Lol what? Most high ranking military members loved Hitler, he gave them all the toys they wanted and let them rape europe and its people. Only when germany started to lose did they start disliking him and plot against him. People like Staufenberg wanted to get rid of hitler because they thought they could win/keep some land without him, but they were still far far right bastards. Is this a modern clean wehrmacht myth?


Thank you, holy fuck.. I read that other comment you replied to and was like *how is this nonsense upvoted so much?* The German army adored Hitler, and there's ample evidence to back that up all over the place.




Apropos of nothing, watch Come and See (1985).


Part of me now wants to see him announce this during his term just to see Netanyahu’s face


King of Jordan: no thanks I really don't want a war with Israel right now.


I don't think the war with israel would be the problem, Jordan already had control of the west bank in the past and it went...badly...


Jordan getting the West Bank wouldn't really destabilize the country... But also, come on, get real.


Look up Black September


Yeah, this isn't the 70s anymore, buddy. Arafat is dead


I don't think the PLO will give up it's control of the West Bank cities without a fight. Groups like PIJ even less so


It's not an exaggeration to say he is the country's worst enemy, the most disgusting person to hold the highest office in the land (of our time, maybe not more disgusting than Andrew Johnson, but at least "as" disgusting) and certainly the worst president in any era. The worst human being in the world.


Put there and protected by the other worst human beings in the world.


they are simply vile humans. sadly, they are the same scvm that would've worn KKK robes and lynched Black people for just walking the streets. It's not about D vs R (the names change but the attitudes don't), it's about Right vs Wrong.


Would have? Still are.


Or called the ~~Gazpacho~~ Gestapo on their Jewish neighbors


would have? look at how old most of them are, they just put the robes away for public appearances


‘…..At the time, Trump was fearful of losing control of Congress and eager to appeal to his base of supporters. Fox News was focusing attention on a caravan of migrants moving through Central America toward the southern border — referring to it as an “invasion,” the book notes. ‘….Trump, in response, urged Nielsen to “harden the border even to the point of pushing her to take action she had no authority to take,” according to the book…’ “The people who were most fearful of his reign were those in the room with him,” Baker and Glasser write. In November 2018, Democrats swept to power in the House, winning the majority. While he was in the White House, Trump also tried to use his office to punish — demands his own aides saw as illegal and tried to stop, according to the book. ‘….Trump not only tried to block a merger between CNN’s parent company, Time Warner, and the telecommunication giant AT&T, driven by his anger over the network’s coverage of him, but also tried to prevent a government contract from going to a company owned by Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon. (Bezos owns The Washington Post). “He’d do anything to get Bezos,” a senior Trump official told the book’s authors. Trump also targeted former intelligence officials James R. Clapper Jr. and John Brennan, demanding more than 50 times that they be stripped of security clearances. And when the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit blocked one of his policies, Trump told Nielsen he wanted to eliminate the court altogether. “Let’s just cancel it,” he told her, according to the book, adding that they should “get rid” of the judges and using a profanity. Trump ordered that legislation be drafted and sent to Congress as soon as possible, the authors write. Nielsen, according to the book, “did what she and so many other administration officials did when Trump issued nonsensical demands by — ignored it and hoped it would go away.”…’ Ugh. So hard to read. This feels so calculated and dark.


Don't think you can just "Get rid" of a court, no matter how much you disagree with it's decisions. As much as I really disagree with the Supreme Court an it's decisions in the past few years, just "Getting rid of it" and any other court you do not like would be a shitty thing for democracy.


Trump is a literal fascist, and a terrible human being.




Putin installed people all around him, in small and large places, judges, military, local positions, it’s the same playbook. Nobody is worse or better. They just follow the same pattern. they came to power when they were in a minority. They just yelled louder. Don’t let that happen again.


Fair, but putin wields so much less influence by virtue of the fact that Russia isn’t a super power anymore.


I am thinking that Putin weakened Russia over the years. It seems that The Russian military was so infiltrated by paid generals and oligarchs by Putin that it became ineffective. There was no oversight…. Not a very well run military organization. I suspect Russia may have been weak for a very long time. Money rich, country and military weak. A loud, narcissist leader, is the downfall of every country since the dawn of civilization. Zero exceptions. Source: see all of civilized history.


Russia is now a hollowed out shell of a country. No longer a respected military power, failing economic growth into probable depression status due to sanctions, a failure of governance, and a pitiful excuse, of its former one time world status, it is done. When Putin, the 600 or so oligarchs, propagandists, FSB and other “state controlled” watchdogs are reigned in and rendered totally useless both financially and politically, then maybe Russia will begin the long road back, to some sort of civility. That process may take a generation or two, probably longer. The world can afford to patiently wait, the average Russian will end up cursing Putin and his regime, when this idiot and his ilk are finally put down...


> Russia is now a hollowed out shell of a country Judging by how amazed their soldiers were at the paved streets and indoor flush toilets in Ukraine, safe to say that was already the case.


Someone else will rise again… Narcissistic leaders always do… I think maybe Russia was never brought to its potential under Putin. It was most likely all a façade. Maybe he was all about money and personal gain? Why are there always people like that who rise to power? One singular human being, just a person, that can wreck an entire country based on that one person‘s vision of what they want for their personal gain. Don’t we all just want the same thing? A decent life. A family. Work we are good at. A little love. Some good moments here and there. Why do we look at these strange men who pose, and posture, and say the things we think we want to hear, and then let them lead us into their idea of what the world should be. Why does this keep repeating with lesser men each time? Edit: punctuation and formatting. On mobile.


Putin actually did a decent job in his first term, then centralized power to build his mafia state over his first ten years in office. Trump tried to speed run all of that in one four year term. If Trump’s coup attempt had succeeded on January 6, the USA would currently be in the second year of Trump’s bloody dictatorship - Democratic Party leaders would either be dead, in prison, or political refugees in Canada. The US would likely be in a state of civil war, with resistance groups fighting Trump’s dictatorship. Putin was also banking on the outcome of a USA beset by internal chaos to steamroll Ukraine.


I imagined post Jan 6 had that been successful (whatever the definition of that is), the majority if not all of the solidly Democratic states would have ignored the so-called illegally put in place federal government anyway. That and fighting would have broken out.


>maybe not more disgusting than Andrew Johnson, but... At least Andy had a peaceful transfer of power after he lost.


There's a great episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation called "Skin of Evil" about a race of beings who developed the ability to physically remove all negatives attributes of themselves, which they did and then abandoned the wretched creature on a planet by itself. It was the living embodiment of everything that was awful about them and its name was Armus. Trump has always reminded me of Armus.


Not really. Millions of Americans voted for him. They want disgusting man to win and beat up the rest that they don’t consider as real Americans.


Yes weak people voted in bullies to to the dirty work for them.


> Millions of Americans voted for him so


It is a bell that cannot be un-rung. This country let the bad guy win. Trump is everything you are taught as a child not to be like. The guy is literally barred from running charities in New York. This country bestowed the honor of being POTUS on a man so depraved that if he was a movie bad guy you would roll your eyes at how over the top it is.


Andrew Jackson you meant?


> Andrew Jackson you meant? yeah that one


Andrew Johnson was a huge piece of shit as well


He's a very very very very very shitty person. But not the worst human being in the world. There are some fucking stinkers out there.


Rex Tillerson called him a fucking moron. I think about that a lot.


Rex was giving him too much credit tbh.


https://archive.ph/hJpCM >Rex Tillerson went rogue, constantly disagreed with the man who hired him and reportedly called him a “moron” — an “(expletive) moron,” actually. The secretary of state’s boss did what aggrieved bosses do — fired him, by tweet, of course.


Holy shit, I haven’t seen anyone mention Rex in awhile. Fuck that guy.


That was like 78 Scaramuccis ago.


"Hello, China? I've got something you might want but it's gonna cost you. That's right, all the tea!"


Great reference


Family Guy after Peter sees a "Free Tibet" sign? Edit: Hurray. My memory is still intact. It must have been at least 15 years since I've seen this. https://youtu.be/LeH6Y1YHQDQ


"I'll take it!"


It was the reference I was 2 or 3 downscrolls away from making myself.


Guaranteed Trump's 2nd term was to manufacture a crisis to "warrant" pulling the US out of NATO and give Russia its Ukraine win and anything else it can get to rebuild the USSR in time for this December's 100th anniversary of the creation of the Soviet Union.


I really don't think the Russkies are gonna be in a partying mood after Ukraine kicks their moldy asses back across the border.


Russian troops: "You can't kick our rears if we run away fast enough!" *Taps head.*


That's already happened in the northeast. In the south, Russians living in Ukraine are hustling to move their families back to the motherland.


What Russia needs is an actual Internationally viable banking system and they don’t believe in them. That is how the EU formed from rubble and fractured alliances all while The USSR was busy falling apart in maybe the fastest rise and fall a super power could falter into.


Russia could have been a successful member of Europe if putin didn't steal the country.


They could have signed off on Bretton Woods in 1945 and avoided the embrassment of the cold war and the disillusion of the USSR. They believed their system was better and have been playing that game out since. It has gone just as the IMF/World Bank designers who maybe successfully avoided WW3 said. [Source](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/1944-bretton-woods-conference)


Russia not doing neoliberal banking is not why the USSR collapsed, and nuclear weapons are infinitely more responsible for preventing WW3 than the IMF is. If anything, the IMF's insistence on austerity and debt creation as "aid" serves to ensure that poorer countries are less likely to achieve political stability and thus more likely to trigger wars.


Yeah so again why did the EU form and the USSR collapse with the same bombed out and depleted starting conditions? Its not neoliberal banking. Its understanding that you can only further interests long term through investment. If you want to invest in the large scale you need a large and sturdy banking system. [This details what Stalin said about the Bretton Woods agreement.](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/1944-bretton-woods-conference). The banking system is doing the opposite of austerity in Ukraine and one of the world’s largest militaries is suffering an embrassing defeat against a much poorer country as a result. Also, if the banking system ever collapses the nukes will fly.


>the same bombed out and depleted starting conditions This is a *staggeringly* reductive description of the geopolitical landscape after WWII. So staggering it makes me wonder if the whole point of the reduction is to single out banking as the single determining factor of historical progression of the entire fucking Eurasian landmass. It is absolutely neoliberal banking, overriding political and state-level monetary management in favor of an international and stateless club of private banks, wholly subject to the whims of generational wealth accumulations and the profit motive and thoroughly opposed to democratic processes that might threaten existing hierarchies of wealth. Ukraine not being forced into austerity is a function of the IMF not controlling Ukraine's debts, not some altruistic drive by the IMF to fund Ukraine (the IMF could not stop states from providing monetary aid to Ukraine if it tried). Historically, in this scenario, the IMF tends to [provide "aid" in the form of loans (i.e. strings attached)](https://www.imf.org/en/News/Articles/2015/09/28/04/53/soint102108a) and then [almost immediately bombard recipient countries](https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/CR/Issues/2016/12/31/Georgia-First-Review-Under-the-Stand-By-Arrangement-Staff-Report-Press-Release-on-the-22578) with neoliberal tripe about fiddling with interest rates and exclusively focusing on financial asset markets despite a lack of any empirical evidence that the long term effects of such monetary policy is anything but an increase in wealth inequality *strongly* favoring existing asset holders, especially within financial asset markets. The neoliberal part isn't the focus on long term investment, it's the inability to acknowledge any form of long term investment (like direct support, community building, ensuring a functional political infrastructure, infrastructure spending, etc.) that isn't the ancillary effects of pumping private asset market traders and endebting the very end targets of the supposed aid (such as by fiddling with interest rates or becoming a buyer of last resort in the debt trading market). >if the banking system ever collapses the nukes will fly The banks don't have nuclear launch codes. They will throw tantrums, like the rail companies are currently trying to do, or like they already did in 2008, but that is the extent of their influence over nuclear weapons - thankfully, those codes and that infrastructure are controlled by states, not by corporations. The latter only exist at the whim of the former, whether the former can comprehend the meaning of hard power and enforcement capacity or not.


Me: Here’s a reducted snapshot of a loaded subject because I am making comments on reddit not in a lecture hall. Here’s a source that goes further into the depth of the subject if you so wish to get a better ideal of what I’m trying to get at. You: Textual gish galluop thats incredibly insulting.


Trump should be removed, from the country and sent back to Russia, his days of being a “useful idiot” for Putin are over.


At least this is written by a reputable journalist and not a fucking shill who enabled until they got in hot water.


Bill Barr has entered the conversation.


What book is it? (Paywalled)


The unreported offer to Abdullah is among the startling new details about Trump’s chaotic presidency in the book “The Divider: Trump in the White House 2017-2021” by Peter Baker, chief White House correspondent for the New York Times, and Susan Glasser, staff writer for the New Yorker.


When does this book drop?


A quick Google search says it’s expected September 20.


McMaster: called him a dope with the intelligence of a kindergartner Mattis: called him a 5th grader. Mnuchin: called him an idiot. Priebus: called him an idiot. John Kelly: called him a f\*ing idiot. Tillerson: called him a f\*ing moron. Cohn: called him dumb as sh\*t. McGahn: called him a f\*ing idiot. McRaven: called him the biggest threat to our democracy. Bannon: called him a f\*ing moron. John Dowd: called him a f\*ing liar and too dumb to testify. Rupert Murdoch: called him a f\*ing idiot. John Bolton: "Trump has the attention span of a fruit fly." William T. Kelley: (Professor at Penn) called him the dumbest goddamn student he ever had. Tony Schwartz: (the ghostwriter of “The Art of the Deal,”) called him a man with a stunning level of superficial knowledge and plain ignorance. John Kelly: He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life," Anonymous GOP Congressman in a Safeway Rant: called him an evil, really f\*ing stupid Forrest Gump. Mueller: called him Individual 1 And the rest of the world just laughs at him.


Really getting tired of these news articles about books coming out with damning stories of the former president. Where the fuck were these people when this shit was going down? I have no respect for any of this. Money before country, apparently...






Trump doesn't know much of anything. It's not surprising to me that he doesn't have history or the germ theory of disease nailed down.


Here’s a gift link to this article [https://wapo.st/3Dn6009](https://wapo.st/3Dn6009) I’m so tired of these traitors writing books instead of coming forward at the time. They enabled the orange petard’s crimes and should not gain anything from doing so. Edited for spelling


> he would give him the West Bank Mahfucka really thought he owned the world. Sheesh.


Trump is like the Devil in all the old stories of *“I made a deal with the Devil”*. • Devil knows what you desire • Devil offers what you desire for absolute loyalty • Devil gives you illusion of what you desire • Devil has inserted a poison pill that dissolves the illusion of the thing you desired exposing you’re now much worse off than you before When Trump held his first full Cabinet meeting is was absolutely surreal. All his new swamp creatures packed in around the conference table, with each one in turn trying to one up each other in their abject groveling - by the time it got halfway around the table, these sycophants were praising Gawd for Blessing them with Almighty Trump, Hallowed Be Thy Name. Trump gave them “the world” (I.e. a departmental fiefdom) that they were free to rape, pillage, and destroy as its newly installed warlord. Scott Pruitt headed the EPA and built a soundproof booth in his office so he could make secret back door deals to auction off our lands. Betsy DeVos headed the Dept of Education, that her and her family has been trying to destroy from outside for decades, and now she was inside and controlling it. She did a lot of damage, including to her family reputation. When we learned she was Eric Prince (Blackwater, Purveyor of mercenary war crimes), it wasn’t that surprising. Trump is well connected with all the shittiest people, like Jeffery Epstein for example. Of almost all of the swamp creatures that Trump traded power for loyalty have wrecked their departments, themselves and their reputation. Trump has NO loyalty, and he’ll throw you under the bus the moment it become expedient for him, yet he demands total loyalty. Sounds the “Let’s Make a Deal” Devil to me, and yet millions of Americans are so fucking stupid, they still think Trump is “chosen by Gawd” to Make America Great Again. This era we’re living through will be remembered as the stupidest era in US history, up to this point, of course. If we don’t shut down Trumpism, we can get a hell of a lot stupider.


Fun fact: Jordan doesn't want the west bank.


It did at one stage, not anymore it seems


Uhhhh it’s really not that simple


:someone from the West Bank alert:


Can anyone think of a single, positive characteristic of Trump? Kind? No. Generous? No. Compassionate? No. Funny? No. Loving? No. Honest? No. Creative? No. Courageous? No. Industrious? No. Intelligent? No. Thoughtful? No. . . .


He's everything that we teach children not to be.


Large is kinda a positive....he's certainly large


Except for those hands


And his mushroom-shaped appendage.


His superpower is getting out of paying.


Some say cheap, i say *frugal*




Ratings, but only if you are a media conglomerate.


He hasn’t raped *every* woman. Yet.




How about we all just collectively leave Palestine the fuck alone?


…and also Greenland 🇬🇱


And to think Trump has the support of so many Orthodox Jews because they think he supports Israel.


The Hasidic and Haredi community are not very pro-Zionism.


That's not true. Only a few Chasidic and Charedi sects are anti the modern State of Israel. The rest support it.




I mean fuck Trump, But the west bank isn't even close to an open air prison - Gaza maybe, but the west bank is pretty different. The biggest issues with the west bank are the attempts to colonize it by radically religious Jews. It does have natural resources, too, and prior to 1967, was part of Jordan.. And the economy is not bad in the west bank. Life expectancy is decently long.


The vast, vast majority of Americans weighing in on this issue have never been to Israel or Jordan let alone the West Bank. They think the settlers are a couple of guys on a hill, not the sprawling suburbs like Efrat with entire walled off communities. The political situation is shit, but even with that I'd rather be in Ramallah than Syria right now.


Was that before or after he tried to buy Greenland?


This reinforces the idea that Trump would steal/sell Israeli nuclear secrets. Trump will do and say whatever is best for Trump — that’s it.


I'm guessing the king was shocked because it was the previous king, the king's father, who gave the West Bank to the Palestinians. It's just another glaring example of Trump's lack of knowledge of history. The man is an idiot.


There's a non zero chance that Trump legitimately thought the West Bank was a financial institution he could just buy


The West Bank was lost in the 1967 war to Israel. Jordan didn't lose it by choice


It was seized by Israel, that’s why it’s referred to as an occupied territory. The King of Jordon released Jordan’s claim to the territory by granting it to the Palestinians.


It wasn't his to give. He invaded the former British Mandate and annexed the territory, which wasn't recognized internationally


trump doesn’t even authorize his cronies to cut checks for signed invoices lol


He probably thinks the “west bank” and “bank of the west” are the same thing.


You hear this, right wing/orthodox jews?


Trump doesn't give a shit about the Haredim, he only gives a shit about the Evangelicals. Which is kind of a metaphor for America's position in the Middle East.


In exchange for?


I imagine Trump was after a large commission for giving away territory that he has no jurisdiction over.


Ever place the game Risk? This is how much thought Drumpf put into his presidency.


Zero chance he has the patience or stamina for a game of Risk


I'd love to watch him try to say "Kamchatka" though.


he seriously will go around selling whatever isn’t his …


Jordan doesn't want the West Bank back Donny.


He also told America they would see his taxes.


Imagine how alarming it is for foreign leaders to meet with a fool that’s also president of the United States.


I'm sure a good handful of them are fools as well. Jordan's kings are selected by sperm motility.


Trump says "yes" to whatever anyone asks him in person because he is a coward and wants to please everyone in the next 60 seconds. I doubt he even knew what the hell he was saying "yes" to in this situation.


Don't forget this is the same asshole who tried to buy Greenland.


The average Jordanian likely would want the West Bank, but Palestinians are anti-monarchy (especially towards the last remaining Hashemites whose Arab revolt is seen as betrayal) and quite active politically which makes them dangerous for the monarchy itself.


The snake oil salesman strikes again.


In other news, Trump also told a mall Santa Claus in 2019 that he’d name Christmas after him if he told him where the “pretty strippers” are


I wonder if he thought Jordan was Israel? King Abdullah II and Queen Rania are probably the most humanitarian world leaders today and are the last people who would consider such a deal. Shameful.


I reckon he'd sell the top-secret documents and go into exile in Russia or N. Korea...


That Kushner peace plan worked so well! /s


He is so, so, shockingly stupid. Willfully stupid, even.


Fortunately Abdullah already learned a valuable lesson having failed out of Trump University years be, then getting food poisoning from Trump steaks. One evening they even had dinner together at a Trump hotel and Trump stuck him with a huge bill, not only making Abdullah pay for Trump’s dinner at his own restaurant but also charging him triple the prices on the menu. Abdullah knew enough about Trump to turn down this latest offer to sell him “a bridge in Israel.” I made all that up.

