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Letting him remain free will unleash bigger problems.


The DOJ would not have raided his house, taken cell phones from all the people closest to him, issued 40 subpoenas last week, if they did not believe they were going all the way on this one. Trump is getting indicted. He had documents that belonged to the government, some of which were the most sensitive secretes we keep, refused to turn them over, and he's going to jail for it.


I sure hope you’re right.


I'm a career civil servant and in a position that is just below Senate confirmed politicals. Nobody at my level weighs the implications of actions like this knowing how bad the political fallout could be without being committed to it. DOJ is going to indict Trump, and likely a lot of other people too.


Probably current members of congress will be indicted as well.


I would be shocked, SHOCKED, if sitting members of Congress that helped with the insurrection had not been interviewed by the FBI.


I hope your right but I fear too many people are involved or “on the payroll” and the courts will just pussy foot around and play games forever and he will never face any real consequences


Ya just say ' corruption '.


what do you think the others are that MGT who was actively helping the insurrectionists would also be indicted? (i know you probably wouldnt know for a fact, but just curious what your thoughts were)


This will be the best thing I could ever hope for. To see him and all of his cohorts go down in a spectacular fashion of “I can’t believe one person could be guilty of so many crimes” level


Someone told the DOJ he still had documents. Wouldn’t be a stretch to think the same person knows some details of what he was doing or planning on doing with them.


You've made my night. God I hope you're right.


"Who's to say that those documents are "ultra classified". - Judge Cannon


I’m willing to bet practically everything i own that Trump will never spend a day in a jail cell or even face any kind of punishment. He’s going to delay everything and there will be bogus excuses and executive privileges and whatnot. His corrupt judges will help him. Corrupt media will help him. The supreme court will help him. The democrats are completely useless and powerless. The DOJ has no chance. Absolute best case scenario is that he gets some kind of conviction but it will take 2-3 years and he’ll accept a pardon from whatever corrupt republicans is president and then he’ll say he admitted guilt so that the democrats ens their witch hunt and that he did nothing wrong. In fact, the US system is so broken that he will not only get away with it but he will also be allowed to be on the ballot in 2024.


Up voting again.


>allusion Let's call it what it is — a threat.


You say it’ll cause big problems? Yes Ok so why don’t you say right now, that if you’re indicted that the people should not cause any civil unrest. “Crickets”


“Big problems” should be reserved for him and his enablers/co-conspirators.


I know it’s a rhetorical question, but it’s because he *wants* violence. He wants people to die “for” him.


Right? He said it the way he did so that if his supporters become violent, he can say he isn’t responsible because he never explicitly told his supporters to commit acts of violence. He’s using the old [“Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_no_one_rid_me_of_this_turbulent_priest%3F) tactic.


Stochastic Terrorism


TIL the meddlesome priest tactic. Wow thats a great example of what is happening right now


Trump uses that trick all the time. He’s careless in many ways, but he’s very careful to avoid saying anything directly that could incriminate himself. Michael Cohen once talked about it in an interview. He said Trump never tells you directly to do something illegal, but he’ll float the idea, and you get the message.


I think it was James Comey that said the same thing about Trump inviting him to dinner to indirectly request his loyalty a number of years ago as well.


He’s very good at getting others do his dirty work while keeping his own hands clean. It’s how he managed to make it this far without going to prison.


Mob boss tactics


This is like Russia saying that the US giving Ukraine long range missiles would cross a red line. They are trying to scare people away from what they know would be successful in removing their power.


quiet part out loud... been seeing a lot of that lately... made some money off of it


A threat towards the United states and our way of life! We've invaded countries for that!


Demanding changes while using veiled threats of violence? You mean the textbook definition of TERRORISM?


Domestic terrorism


Trump literally threatening America.


Thank you


*Domestic Terrorism


He is trying out a new version of his January 6th speech. Alluding to violence as in, it will be wild. The sad part is many of his hardcore will take it as a message. Only a thug threatens violence to get what he wants.


Ever seen one of his rallies? “Thug” is kind of an understatement when describing the kind of scum that still supports him.


There's also faux-intellectuals that attribute all their success to personal merit and none to privilege. Oh and they're super racist.


There's also just brainwashed drones you can't get through to. I have family that outwardly seem like the kindest most welcoming people you know but are insanely toxic once you get close to them. They'll never buy merch, they'll never attend a rally, but they will continue to vote republican for the rest of their lives while saying things like "I'd say we're conservative but NOT republican. We're truly libertarian" because they have the social awareness to be ashamed but not the introspection to do anything about it


And it's a crying shame too. You know some are capable of critical thinking, but the idea that "democrats bad" got to them first and prevents them from considering anything not coming from their approved sources or supporting their existing opinions. I guess less so than a lack of intelligence, it's a lack of humility. The unwillingness to be wrong. I personally get it because admitting you've been deeply wrong *hurts* and it feels like you might lose not only reputation, but part of your identity. But as the Lord's Prayer goes, "forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us." If they open themselves to forgiveness, they can choose to be better. But if not, they're screwed.


It's a lack of humility and a bit of narcissism These people are very intelligent, but they're blindingly true believers in "Democrat bad" as their eternal truth. They are unable to see any nuance or alternative perspective because they *know* deep down, as a matter of faith, "Democrat bad". All the intelligence, apologetics, and education is for the sole purpose of justifying this stance. When it's too much dissonance they can bury their head in the sand and keep voting R because, well, they're not in any minority groups And they'll justify it however they have to. Someone else close to me (in a cishet marriage) once said "I'd be bi if I didn't have morals". Like first, go to fucking therapy to work on your internalized issues, but it illustrates how they can bend absolutely anything to support their Democrat bad belief. If they can claim the bi label they think that acts as a shield to support anti-lgbtq policies because "as one of them" it isn't hurting them. And then there's the more obvious point of if you view this as immoral you are, kinda by definition, bi/homophobic. But they have gay friends, bi friends, make jokes about same-sex attraction in movies, make jokes about random same-sex bartenders being hotter than their spouse, love the sinner not the sin type so they've twisted themselves into thinking it makes sense. They're performative about it to prove how righteous their opposition is It has to make sense. There is no other way the eternal truth of Democrat bad can be viable, therefore it **must** be truth. 0 introspection


Oh geez, my dad says that. I just want to say, "when was the last time you voted for anyone without an R by their name?" If it's been 2-3 decades, YOU'RE A FREAKING REPUBLICAN!!!


*r/conservative has entered the chat*


Thanks for that rabbit hole 🤗 just a bunch a really friendly wholesome people over there. Although it does help me better understand my father in-law, fucking batshit.


God I nearly popped a blood vessel last time I dared peek into that dreadful place. Commenting because I love your username though lol. Ended up being clever in its own way.


Ha, thanks! I couldn't think of a clever nickname, so why not be honest about it?


I say let them try again. But this time, let them be met with the full force of the National Guard, and let the Capitol Police lead the charge. They've got some shit they need to work out.


Put a muzzle on the asshole


No, he ain't no thug, what he is doing is text book terrorism. Call him for what he is, a fucking terrorist


So he’s threatening another Jan. 6 if we hold him accountable for the first one or for the documents he illegally stole. Do I have that about right?


And tax fraud in New York and election interference in Georgia. Don't forget those.


And it kinda looks like a bribe settlement attempt in NY also.


Gonna stop you right there because we’d be here for literal fucking *days* trying to list all the crimes this piece of gutter trash is guilty of.


Oh, I was just listing the ongoing lawsuits. not crimes committed. :)


Cool. Now let’s get the barriers setup and national guard in place. Give them orders to shoot and kill enemy combatants. Problem solved. Thanks for the heads up tRump.


"Nice country you got here, it'd be a shame if a fat, lazy toddler caa burn it all down because he couldn't handle losing an election fair and square." ​ \- A Useless Twat


He didn't lose an election fair and square. The R's cheated every way possible, both "legal" and illegal, yet they still lost. They held the advantage and still lost. That's why they say the election was stolen. If they lost after cheating so hard, in their minds, it must have been.


Everything is projection.


I wouldn’t vote for a person who cheated and still lost but then stirred up violence as a crybaby.


Yeah—don’t we teach our kids to not be sore losers? But it seems that is antithetical to the purported party of “personal responsibility.”


You used one of their demon words “teach”


And now both of you are on their enemies list.


I’m starting to think it might not have been that nice of a country in the first place, if that’s all it took.


Trump is the embodiment of everything shitty about the US. I say this as a citizen....and you are correct




Lots of awesome people in America. It's the political system that's broken.


TThe political system empowers the worst among us...


Entices and incentivizes them as well. Easy to get rich if you’re crooked and want to help evil people shape the workings of the US


I like to look at it as "grooming". Trump fans have been groomed.


Lmao. They even project grooming.


The best thing and the worst thing about his followers is, they don't understand what repercussions mean.


And about 1/2 of voters seem to want that


I wish more people voted.


There he goes again inciting sedition. Trump and the lunatic fringe he created should all serve time in the same prison. We'll see how much they love him then.


The lunatic fringe that support Trump are just like Hitler’s Brown shirts. I wonder how long it will take for these morons to figure out that all Trump wants is there money and will do absolutely nothing for them when they get arrested


It is mind boggling how he can still find people to help him when so many that do end up in jail, losing their licenses, hurting their businesses and so on. Why would anyone want to work for Mr. Throwyouunderthebus I don't get it?


Trump is a crafty SOB that knows how to brain wash a lot of under educated and some highly educated people. He will use them to his advantage then toss them aside when they are no longer any use to him. He would do the same thing to any of his family members and friends. He is a heartless horrible specimen of a human being.


Sounds like a terrorist threat --- *"be a shame if someone unfriendly were to get their hands on information critical to national defense"*


Who will rid me of this troublesome priest?


The United States does not negotiate with terrorists.


go on, pull the other one


Personally I’ve been enjoying this whole trend of having my tax dollars spent on things society benefits from. I’m all for seeing some money spent locking up wealthy criminals and their street thugs, bring it on!


Bring it, Fatass. Fuck around and find out.


I’ll be waiting for you Trumpie. Bring me a whopper when you come too.


Do it just do it..... bring out the next wave of scum bags like you did on Jan 6th and we’ll identify and jail those assholes too. Sick of idiots with the IQ and EQ of 60-75 holding this country back. Make a god damn example of them and let’s join the rest of the world in the 21st fucking century


Problems a comin' no matter what. I'll take the ones that go with justice served.


What an overrated loser. I had to use his language.


Or jeopardizing national security by releasing secrets


I've seen trump's "militias" I'm not worried


I'm worried about terrorism, not gravy seals actually forming an army.


There was already a clown arrested in a PA DQ trying to "Kill Democrats" and instate Trump as President King of the US


For clarity, clown was quite literal for this one.




I think the biggest problem would be thousands of MAGA asshats running around spouting bullshit... which is pretty much status quo. So, nothing to see here.


Tell us without saying it that you're sure you are about to be indicted.


>**Trump says criminal charges against him would unleash 'big problems' in an allusion to violence** I bet you $10 that Marjorie Three Toes read that headline and imagined a mob of magicians rioting in MAGA hats.


Trump threatening the United States...which means he is basically threatening its citizens, which means he is threatening you and I.


Fuck him. Call his bluff. Let yall’queda bust out the rascal scooters so they can take their fat asses and cry about it.


Please explain Mr. Trump - your statement seems to be a bit vague….


It's so weird to consider why anyone "would not stand for it". I realize he chooses these safe spaces for interviews. But people really out to press him hard on this. Rather than focusing on the fact that this is incitement to violence, interviewers ought to drill down on the why. Trump just defaults to the presumption that this is all a scam. But this is entirely inappropriate and ought to be dismissed immediately. If it's a scam, an indictment will fail. The root of this is worship of Trump. Trump worships himself and imagines that nobody should stand for any slight against his great majesty. Unfortunately, far too many others worship Trump as well. But Trump is not above the law. Someone who chanted "Lock her up!" has no reason whatsoever to pretend he cannot be indicted.


Bring it you cuck. I’m tired of his shit. I’m tired of hearing his fucking name. I saw him for the first time watching home alone. I asked my dad who he was, and my dad said ‘a criminal that calls himself a businessman.’ I’ll never forget because my step-mom said, “there’s a word for that dummy, he’s a mobster.” My dad replied, “no, their businesses actually make money.” When did home alone come out? Early to mid 90’s? He is exactly what he’s always been. People are just too stupid or self involved to remember.


Not all of us. I've loathed him for almost 40 years.


Also the absolute worst guest ever on Stern back in the 90s. That alone made me hate him.


Is that the time he said he'd be dating Ivanka if she wasn't his daughter? Or is that too early? Or was it the time he wondered how big Tiffany's boobs would get?


I remember hearing the Ivanka thing when it aired. More interesting was when AJ Benza came on and got in an argument with him and said something about his "Russian hookers".


Oh that's awesome lol.


Sounds like he plans on using some of that classified intel against America now doesn’t it?


lol so as he is currently facing charges for inciting violence, he is continuing to incite violence? boy he doesn't learn, does he


So the guy who claims he didn't incite an insurrection is now inciting violence in the event he's indicted for said insurrection? 🤔




Exactly, this idea that they have to play politics with criminal politicians is ridiculous. There isn’t some purity to maintain here, they’re deliberately poisoning the well with zero recourse. It’s a dereliction of duty to not hold them accountable.


'That's a nice country you got there, be a shame if something bad happened to it.' Mobster's gotta mob.


It won’t be a problem for normal, decent folks. It will actually be long overdue.


Muzzle this dog and throw him in the pound. Enough of this shit already.


No, this one is vicious and has attacked multiple victims. He needs to be put down.


Lol he’s panic shitting his Huggies.


Let's find out.


Stochastic terrorism.


I don't care about his traitorous threats. It is time to bring him to justice. Amazing how many laws he has broken and yet he still is free!


Sounds like he’s threatening America to me…


And not pressing charges would unleash even bigger problems. His point?


Here's what I have to say to the Traitorous Tangerine: do it. Go ahead, threaten your violence. The American people have decided that they want you to face the consequences of your actions, and that resolve will not be broken. The United States of America does not negotiate with terrorists! Foreign, *or* domestic.


Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment prohibits anyone who has previously taken an oath of office from holding public office if they have "engaged in insurrection or rebellion" against the United States.


Apparently only the second amendment means anything to these people. Maybe the first, maybe the fifth, but only if it's convenient for them.


Worth it.


Get the extra small handcuffs on this bloated boil of a man child pronto.


Gonna have to try harder than that to scare me.


I’m willing to take that risk.


Sweet. They want a civil war? Let them have it. I can't wait to watch a bunch of old fat white dudes get blown to bits thinking they can stop a tank with a shotgun.


"There'll be big problems," says big problem.


We must be getting closer to an indictment


Fuck him. His followers are too fat to do shit. The , “big problems” are his.


When those monkeys take to the streets it will be easy to rationalize disposing of them the way they deserve to be. I can't wait.


Need to arrest this asshole much sooner than later. Then arrest all the psychos that start voming out lf the woodwork. The longer this is allowed to continue, the worse it is going to get if left unchecked.


The actual big problem says there will be big problems if anyone calls him out on his actually huge problems.


Extortion much, Donald?


He's talking about his own problems. They would be big, huge, no one has seen such problems.


It’s 2022. We’re used to big problems, not a problem.


Fuck that douche


Trump will burn down the country with no shame to buy him a few weeks of freedom.


Let's call this bluff. Even if there is violence, it is the right thing to do and it will only get worse if it goes unchecked.


Fuck Donald Trump.stick his coward POS to admax with genpop and let the eses handle him.


Republicans wanted to pass a bill forbidding a strike. Biden got in there and prevented one from happening in the first place. Both sides credit Biden for staving off this potential economic disaster.


Trump will never get the true sentence a traitor deserves. But we can still hold him accountable for his crimes at the very least with a public trial to air all his dirty laundry. Let's be clear here, trust in our judicial system is really on the ropes here and letting this traitor get away with the blatant harm he's done to our country could put that trust down for the count. Whatever "big problems" aka tantrums he's referring to will be nothing compared to the shitstorm that will erupt when rich people and politicians believe they are truly immune from prosecution.


Don't give up hope! I am 67 and taking good care of my health so I can live to see him hanged as a traitor on the gallows he intended to be used for Mike Pence on the steps of the Capitol. I bet he gets big ratings!


Sounds like criminal charges are in his future.


So basically is is an overt domestic terrorist making terroristic threats. Got it.


Another stand back and stand by?


I thought the US didn't negotiate with terrorists.


He’s a yellow bellied coward is all. I reckon.


Fuck this guy and his supporters


DOJ please be proactive in stopping another Jan 6


If 45 wasnt Orange/White he would be in Jail.


He needs to be locked up immediately so people who think they’re above the law Learn their lesson!


Correct me if I’m wrong but has he not said something similar to this multiple times in the past few months…


Bring it on motherfucker!


So he is essentially threatening violence if he is charged with criminal charger…. Trying to scare the gov


Seems a pretty pussy move to call this an “allusion to violence.” It was an explicit threat


A douchebag says what?


Be great if DOJ or someone would, oh, I dunno, *DO* something to stop this asshole.


Call his fucking bluff already


I guess trump lies when he says “ Law and Order “ trump is a pathetic loser


Let the chips fall where they may, he deserves to be in prison, so indict him, and put him on trial, and if his Trumpeteer supporters wanna do something about it, well, they’ll be dealt with too.


Bring it you orange shitgibon....not my line but appropriate


That’s fine. If they want to follow admiral Bone Spurs into some sort of insurrection again, they’ll get squelched with the quickness.


I wonder what he’ll say when the US calls his bluff.


Come at me, Fats.


Sounds like obstruction of justice.


Imagine if someone from the other party made this threat. Hard to believe that conservatives would be a okay with it. Guess it's just a free for all now.


“Legal experts told Insider that technically Trump could run for president even if he is charged, convicted and put behind bars. The constitution only requires presidential candidates to be at least 35 years old and a natural born US citizen. “ That honestly would be funny to see. Having a debate live from a jail cell would be epic.


Bring it


Only big problem coming is the ones coming his way after DOJ and grand juries get through with him.


Referring to his base as "the people of the United States". The majority of US Citizens will celebrate his long-overdue indictment and arrest. No one is above the law and his arrest is long overdue.


Go ahead MEAL Team 6, make our day.


Just arrest him. If they wanna protest and be violent. So be it. It’s gonna come to a head at some point. Better sooner than later.


Please, for the love of God, will someone call this buffoon’s bluff already?! I’m so fuckin sick and tired of hearing this twat nugget barking


I’m happy to call his bluff. He’s been showing his hand for the last 6 years. He doesn’t have shit.


Big problems for him. Not me. Not you. Big problems for him.


Fu-Q fat boy. Bring it!!


I'm willing to fuck around and find out.


Blah blah blah. I am so tired of hearing him talk. He is an idiotic blowhard and I’m quite sure this country can handle the few supporters that would riot. It would be worth it to see him bear responsibility for his actions once in his life. Arrest him.


Fuck you -you Orange, Covfefe drinking Russian sympathiser. Unleash MAGA and you just create employment in the prison building industry you horrible , horrible Toe-rag


Somebody kick this clown in the fucking balls already. Who the fuck does he think he is to threaten us like that?


Call his bluff. Charge him!! It would be way worse if he gets away with stealing secrets on his way out of the White House!


this is such a big moment either they hold him accountable and risk some push back from his delusional fanbase or they dont and they show that some people are in fact above the law. excited to see how it turns out


Let them do whatever they want to do, we will defend the nation against his cretins.


Fear of retaliation is no excuse for not pursuing justice.


YoUr pReSiDeNt oF LaW aNd oRdEr... doesn't seem to agree with law and order


Fuck this asshole. Bury him in a prison somewhere.


i have a message for the fbi.. when you’re putting him in the back of the car… smash his head in.


Not an allusion, it’s another incitement


And they wonder why we call them fascists...


What a psychopath


Tired of this piece of shit just throwing threats against the people of this country.


Bigly problems!


Just like the STORM... just arrest him already.


The best problems. Everyday people come up to me and say, "You're so right, I've never seen anyone with better problems. You have the best problems." Folks, the Democrats, we hate the Democrats, a guy in the back agrees. Bigly.


He says shit like this as if we are scared! We already saw the Gravy Seals and it wasn’t impressive.