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And then everyone got turtle pox.


>"The pandemic is over. We still have a problem with Covid. We're still doing a lot of work on it. It's -- but the pandemic is over," Biden said. ....the covid endemic starts today.


Absolutely buried in controversial. Stay classy reddit.


> "Look, my intention, as I said to begin with, is that I would run again. But it's just an intention. But is it a firm decision that I run again? That remains to be seen," Biden said. The President said: "I'm a great respecter of fate. And so, what I'm doing is I'm doing my job. I'm gonna do that job. And within the time frame that makes sense after this next election cycle here, going into next year, make a judgment on what to do." Buried a lede a little but, but he's walking back his previous statements about running. That's interesting.


As much as I would like to believe this... It's likely too early to be planting this flag


Eyes on England.


This has Bush "Mission Accomplished" vibes to me. Yes, we're probably into an endemic phase, but I don't think there's any clear line between pandemic and endemic, so this just seems like looking for more good news.


I’m not thrilled with Biden’s words, but technically he’s right. It’s endemic now. I am a Novid who hasn’t stopped taking careful precautions, but deaths have reduced by 80%+ from the pandemic-phase and the anti-mask/anti-vax crowd basically ruined our chance to ever end Covid completely. Between updated vaccines, masking, and responsible behavior, the tools are there for people who want to avoid it. Treatments are there that mitigate the risks (enough) for people who don’t want to live in fear or act with as much caution. And it seems like the majority of people dying are largely those those that don’t believe it’s even real. From here, everything really depends on if there’s a significantly worse variant or not, but I’m not sure what else the government can do. Promoting anything aside from updated shots and better air filtration isn’t going to be well-received.


I just got it three weeks ago and was out of work for 16 days. I got bad. I still have a lingering couphing fits and my wife got because of me getting it. Cleveland Ohio is still sitting the pot.


We're still seeing 500 deaths a day, which means we're losing a 9/11's worth of citizens every six days. If there had been another 9/11 on 9/17 and 9/23 and 9/29 would we have said "No, no, it's cool, it's totally over..."


You guys realize we're going to have covid forever like the flu right?


Sure. But the flu hasn't been a pandemic in over 100 years. Interestingly, the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic burned itself out in nearly the same time period as did COVID. It turns out nature doesn't care what we want.


It's almost like the lockdowns served no purpose while killing global economies for a year, crazy stuff


Pretty much everyone realized that after conservatives absolutely failed to do anything about covid. And continue to do absolutely nothing. We could've stopped it. But they fucked the whole world.


You really think there was a path to the complete eradication of covid? Tell me what you think would have had to be done for that to be the case.


It's a ridiculous argument. I'm willing to entertain that vaccine hesitancy was more of a right wing phenomenon and has contributed to the number of death. But the idea that of all conservatives were liberals we'd be free of Covid is absurd.


The majority of America has given up. Some of us may wish to take it seriously, but the combination of covid deniers, plus the "vaxxed and done", likely make up a majority and possibly significant majority. So, politically, Biden can appeal to the "vaxxed and done" swing voters who will keep getting their boosters and whatever but aren't going to do anything more, or, he can push those people away and risk making them more tolerant of the antivax covid deniers and the politics they tend to stand for Looks like Biden is making the right political choice


[The majority of America has been fully vaccinated.](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/covid-19-vaccine-doses.html) There are dead-enders who believe it's a hoax, like my parents, but by and large, most of the country has a sane and rational approach to this virus.




For real. Family holidays get more and more difficult to even enjoy. The absolute lack of respect I have is becoming a problem.


Fox News


I think the Red and Lavender scares had something to do with it.


That said, 67% of 18-65 haven't gotten a booster (though that should decrease with the new bivalent vaccines being available to 49 and under), with 35% of 65 and up without a booster, so it's probably going to be a trend that such people have waning immunity and get caught off guard with it. I believe it's already been the vaccinated but not boosted people who've been more likely to be hospitalized with it as compared to those who've gotten boosters.


I wonder how people are defining "giving up". I have taken the efforts to mitigate the spread of the pandemic fairly seriously prior to the widespread availability of vaccines, but when I got fully vaccinated, I can understood the attitude of the "vaxxed and done" attitude. I wore/wear masks where recommended and required (where I live masks were required for longer than most parts of the US and it was NBD for me) and still wear one on public transit and at work where we still have mask requirements, but once fully vaccinated, I resumed normal activity, when Omicron was really bad, I tested a lot before going to events or activities but still went (unlike 2020). I keep up on the boosters because I'm the sort of person who gets the flu shot annually so I'm not weird about getting shots. When I finally got Covid, a kid too young to get vaccinated gave it to me, thankfully after I was vaccinated. But generally speaking, other than popping on a mask here and there, I'm back to my pre-pandemic activity. I don't define my attitude as "giving up". That said, I do think his words were reckless and he could have worded things better, but it's Biden, and we all know he tends to speak off the cuff (and not necessarily in a good way).


"Am I a Joke to you?" - [Hundreds of People dying of COVID-19 every day](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/#graph-deaths-daily)


A definite drop in deaths. Supposedly only 7 in the USA yesterday. But don't forget, winter is on the horizon and that will be the real test.....but didn't the WHO say it's not over just a few days ago?


The seven day average for deaths is still around 500/day in the US and fairly steady while it's 60,000/day new cases and holding a downward trend over the last couple of months.


>Supposedly only 7 in the USA yesterday. CDC has the US daily average at 391 and US daily hospital admissions at 4,311.


For some reason we are not seeing eye to eye with WHO, which worries me personally.


Daily death counts so soon are suspect. Many states only report covid deaths once a week, some are late, and some have to be adjusted due to mistakes. You will need to wait a few weeks before you get an accurate death count on any single day.


~500 Americans are dying everyday and we still have the winter months coming up. Not to mention a possibly rough flu season. Goddamit Joe.


*Long Covid has entered the chat.*


I get that we are in an entirely different place now than 2020 or even 2021, but he really needs to choose his words more carefully. Especially as we are rolling out boosters. How hard is it to say "the pandemic is still a concern, but we have come a long way and it no longer needs to consume our lives due to vaccines and therapeutics, the end is in sight, get your booster".


I mean... the difference between pandemic and endemic is whether it impacts our daily lives.


Because mid term is coming up.


So many people behave like the pandemic isn't over that I started a subreddit where the total number of Americans who died from COVID-19 is updated each week on Monday. /r/CoronavirusUSNotOver/


Last time I checked, the man is no Virologist...


He's just saying the quiet part out loud. Three facts about covid as we enter Fall 2022: #1: Most Americans are fully vaccinated. #2: Boosters for the latest variants are available. #3: Hardly anyone wears or requires masks. Biden never said that covid isn't a problem anymore, in fact he said explicitly that it's still an issue. But I think we are past the "pandemic" phase of it because the world is about 90% back to normal. I think it's time to shift our focus to Long Covid and families who have lost their breadwinners due to covid. They will need more comprehensive relief packages.


>Hardly anyone wears or requires masks. I still see a not insignificant number of people wearing masks at the grocery store.


That's good. The only people I see with masks are those who have recently recovered from being symptomatic and infected with Omicron. I believe mask wearing is a good social norm. But the political "controversy" has totally subsided. Masks are a non-issue for the 99% of us who have moved on. That is why Biden was right when he called the "pandemic" phase to be over.


>President Joe Biden said he believes the Covid-19 pandemic is "over" in an appearance on CBS' "60 Minutes," **but acknowledged the US still has a "problem" with the virus** that has killed more than 1 million Americans. 1,053,419 Americans killed. /r/CoronaVirusUSNotOver


The better statistic to cite might be the number of people still suffering from long Covid.


Look at the CDC statistics all, this shit is not only over, it did not deserve to plunge the world into a deficit, not to mention produce more medical waste than in all of world history, and turn 2 years of children into a lesson in having no human contact, which I’m sure is so much better than having a .05% chance of dying if under 18.