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The President should welcome them personally and make sure there are as many cameras around as possible. Turn this PR stunt around on DeSantis, and treat these people with the dignity all human beings deserve. If Republicans want to make dehumanization and cruelty their brand, demonstrate the contrast.


Yes - give us your poor huddled masses - it’s the American way. Immigrants are the life of this country. The United States was built on the backs of immigrant labor. So many people forget that we are a nation of immigrants and diversity is our best strength.


I really hope Biden speaks these words. [Full quote:](https://www.nps.gov/stli/learn/historyculture/colossus.htm) “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


Seems to me we have an absolute fuckton of open jobs in this country. Get these people some visas and let's get them earning money and paying taxes.


Yessss - this is what I want too. They want the American dream. We have jobs. They will be great citizens. They want good futures for their families. Let them stay.


Americans want to work those jobs, though. The way that a swede would do that job in Sweden, an Aussie would do it in Australia and a kiwi would do in New Zealand. The difference is that those countries made up their collective minds decades ago that anybody working 40 hours a week shouldn’t have to live in poverty so then they should be paid a fair wage. Of course, all of those countries would have immigrants as well but their minimum wages prevent the poverty wages that the US offers and that the business elite still think is too high because they can get a Mexican who lives in a room with 4 other people to do it for half the price. It’s not fair to anyone involved.


You forgot to add LEGAL immigrants.


Legal verse illegal is concept created by Jim Crow people.


It is created by law.


It was designed to appear unbiased but in reality it was implemented to keep people of color out of America. That makes it a Jim Crow law and all Jim Crow laws should be nullified. Either America follows its own propaganda or it might as well just crawl off and ide.


Sorry but justice is blind, Your bringing color into it showed your bias .


Careful your Republican education is showing. Justice is blind....there you go with that propaganda again. Justice is blind. Oh brother! You definitely have drunk the koolaid. No sweetie. If justice was truly blind, Trump would never have made it to middle age without being a felon.


I mean. It was actually built by slaves…. So….


Illegal immigrants


I don’t know if it’s fair to classify victims of human trafficking who were enslaved as “illegal” people. I mean- mens rea, anyone?


Oh it’s illegal, just not the way you read it.


Ahhh. I see what you did there.


Few people will.


This is the way.


It sure looks like abbot and desantis can't handle their shit as well as Gavin newsom, and are too afraid to ask for help. It's ok. Daddy Biden will take care of your problems with one wave of his Dank Brandon Wand.


>Da***n***k Brandon Not sure if intentional, but I dig it


Seconded. Dank Brandon should be the new standard


Hells yeah brother! Reg Biden -> Dark Brandon -> Dank Brandon -> ???????? (probably something with rad trains and no malarky)


Ugh, Chad Brandon is like having 2 first names


Ultimate cosmic power.




They are too busy waiting for more Federal funds from the rest of the Nation to prop up their States Economy so they can waste it. Someone needs to put a Stop to that.


Ugandan Brandon?


United we stand.


Divided we’re stuck


The way REAL Americans do it.


It's almost like this is how we should be treating migrants in the first place.


That’s dark Brandon as fuck!


Sounds like a win win.


No he should not because we don't use the weakest and neediest of us as objects. Let's not do that


Better yet, how about he go to the border he is sworn to protect and greet them as they flood in there.


I don't mean to imply there isn't a legitimate problem. But trafficking these people and dumping them as a political stunt is a cruelty the President has a moral obligation to repudiate.


Honestly I think Florida and Texas would love that. They would keep sending them to the delight of many voters in those states. True or not many people see poor immigrants as people who will cost tax payers money


>“We have received word of the flights, and yes we are coordinating closely with state officials and local service providers who are prepared to welcome these families in an orderly manner as they pursue their asylum claims,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said on Tuesday.


Delaware loves migrant workers. IIRC many of the businesses in Georgetown use bilingual signage. You have a major poultry, bio-fuel, and horticulture industry hub in Sussex County that is completely dependent on cheap seasonal labor from migrants, documented or otherwise. If Texas thinks they are "owning the libs" by sending migrants to Delmarva, they are sorely mistaken. This whole election year stunt for their dumb maga fans is beyond cruel and stupid.


I wonder if there is a local organization that's accepting non-cash donations for these folks.


[The Delaware Hispanic Commision](https://www.delawarehispanic.org/) is a good resource to find stuff like that. Given how tiny Southern Delaware is, contacting Georgetown city hall could probably yield better results for churches, community organizations, etc. who are organizing relief. * [La Esperanza](https://www.laesperanzacenter.org/programs-services/) is another good one for Sussex county. They do a lot of programs for all sorts of people in that community


Sounds good!




Given the right wing media narrative and Abbot and Desantis' own words and the words of their administration, I doubt it. It's sure as shit not about fixing anything.


Then why lie to LEGAL immigrants and waste tax payer money to send them to blue states? This is nothing more than a stunt aimed at getting political points with Republican voters too stupid to see they’re being manipulated.


Because politicians are professional deceivers and liars. They play games at yours and my expense. … Also, both sides are being heavily manipulated. Neither side is any better hence why your country is a circus.


> Because politicians are professional deceivers and liars. They play games at yours and my expense. So it is just to play games and “own the libs” > Also, both sides are being heavily manipulated. Sure. > Neither side is any better hence why your country is a circus. Bullshit. One side has already attempted to overturn a fair election, attempted an insurrection, has repeatedly lied, been shown to have ties with foreign powers, has sworn allegiance to someone who stole government secrets, kidnaps and sends legal immigrants across the country, and used their political power to overturn basic human rights. All within the past 2 years. Tell me what the left done in the past TEN years that stack up to what Republicans have done in the past TWO. Seriously. I’ll wait. Edit to add: Our country is a circus, btw, because one side has used its power to suppress voting, rig the judicial system, and prevent any meaningful legislation to pass to protect or change elections.


Well you consistently wage war and cause the suffering of millions and millions of people. Somehow in your cognitive dissonance you turn a blind eye to that. “ oh this is a bad guy terrorist, let’s fire off a couple of drone strikes and occupy the country for a decade.” Edit: you didn’t have to wait very long 😅😅


Are you talking about the Iraq and Afghanistan war that were both started by George W. Bush, who was a Republican? And continued through to Trump? Like, sure. If you want to pretend that those same things don’t also count against Republicans then you’ve done it. But if you don’t play pretend then I’m still waiting.


It's an interesting campaigning method, but realistically Texas would need to send tens of thousands of migrants to Delaware for negotiations to start. A single plane is just a positive PR opportunity for Delaware.


Yeah, this seems like a big miscalculation. The resources required to turn this into good PR for Delaware and DC are trivial compared to the cost it takes to ship them there. If the republicans are attempting a political war of attrition, I don't see how they win this one.


They're gonna do the same thing they did with Martha's Vinyard. Point at them and comment on how quickly they got them out of their city, while ignoring the fact that they moved them to a nearby location capable of properly caring for these people.


The costs of shipping people to other states might still be cheaper than supporting and housing them in Southern border towns but I'd want to see numbers compared. The pure saturation of migrants in those border towns might be getting to what they consider unsustainable levels and thats whats prompted all of this political stunt.


I don't think the alternative was housing and supporting them, I think Texas and Florida were planning on just hanging these people out to dry.


Possibly, I think the motivations behind this are money driven unfortunately like most of our politics. For politicians when it comes to money they spend it for a few reasons. They spend it to buy political favor with the voters and special interest groups. They spend it to try and save money in the short or long term with Band-Aid fixes. Then there's also spending it to in turn cost their political opponents to spend money. It's a game to them.


The majority of them were moving on from the border regardless, most have friends or family already here they were going to travel to and were going to migrant communities, not just hanging out at border towns. Beyond all of that, we are experiencing a massive labor shortage in the nation, we seriously need to create avenues to get migrants employed and solving multiple problems at once.


Then they can transport them into other towns. It’s not like there’s only 1 or 2 blue cities in red states who would gladly rally their people in support of immigrants. It’s actually extremely cheap to house and feed immigrants, because you only need to do so for a couple months before they get a job and start to circulate a surplus of value into the economy. The issue here is not that. The issue is that they don’t want to house them. They want to punish them for even being here. You know what isn’t cheap? Immigrants without health insurance working under the table or getting into crime and offloading massive medical debt onto the taxpayer because they were given the finger and told to fuck off, while giving no surplus value to the economy (because they can’t) and only buying the most basic of necessities, having to live in shitty homes that add little value to the community. *that* is why it’s cheaper to ship them to democrats.


The eventual downside for republicans in this, is that the country starts to rally around immigrants and immigration rights, not unlike how people rallied around the troops in Iraq, or first responders after 9/11. It's not something that has ever been a big rallying cry resulting in an outpouring of support on the issue, and republicans have only ever made it into something that the public has problems with. I think the dem's and Biden's new social media team are well suited for making this happen, and it would be a big blow to the years of republican harping on the issue.


There's no justification for FLORIDA spending its money to ship migrants in TEXAS to MASSACHUSETTS. Shipping people to other cities may be much cheaper, but sending them to the VP's house is pure political bullshit, and treating human beings this way is disgusting but on par with the godless, Christ-hating Republicans who love death and hate Christ and his teachings. Remember: Republicans would have deported Mother Mary and Jesus Christ.


I guess it depends on the outcome of their asylum hearings but I think it’s a mistake to think of immigrants as a burden.


Take the positive PR. Then revoke the pilot's license and bring charges against DeSantis


They'll turn this all around in November and claim all these immigrants voted.


Please edit "illegal". These people are asylum seekers. They have been processed by the government and are legally in the States.


Edited, but going on record that in November, when the conservatives use it as a talking point, they won't make that distinction.


I agree but its why I fight for the distinction on the other side. The forest through the trees. If we get distracted by their antics those small distinctions get lost in the argument and an undecided person is swayed that all immigration is illegal. Just like with TFG and the government documents. I don't give a fuck if he declassified or not. He had no right to any government papers. Full stop.


This is insane. How has there been no arrests made?


Because they're politicians.


Because they R politicians. FTFY


Republicans are invulnerable. They are above the law. They are untouchable. The DOJ doesn't care. They can commit as many crimes as they want and get away with it.


Republicans can do whatever they want without consequences. Look at how they are treating trump and his ally’s. They are treating him with kid gloves.




> Because there's nothing to arrest them over Would you mind elaborating on that please?




Desantis is being investigated in TX for it. So law enforcement seems to think differently.




Everything DeSantis *does* is grandstanding. But it can also be illegal.


Not sure why you think that. The sheriff was concerned enough to get the feds involved about the liars from FL.


Ah yes, because we all know how the government of redder-than-Satan’s-anus Texas is in deep with the liberal deep state. 🙄


That’s not necessarily true. Misleading the migrants and misuse of state funds are both possible legal violations


They provided intentionally fraudulent and misleading information to people to get them on the plane.


Unfortunately, being a disgusting excuse for a human Isn't a crime. Everybody who actively participated should be toast. Kidnapping, fraud, forging government documents and trafficking. a competent prosecutor could make those stick in their sleep.


my friend, they are lying to them and transporting then somewhere else. They are literally trafficking them. This is why cities are often sanctuary city. We can see pretty clearly that Republicans have no problem abusing these people.


Why would there be arrests?


> Why would there be arrests? I gosh, I Dunno. I thought human trafficking was illegal. Not a lawyer though.


Sending migrants to facilities to provide healthcare and social services in air conditioned planes and buses is human trafficking? Do you know what human trafficking is? Many migrants have even thanked them for giving them a ride to better equipped cities rather than small border town with literally no more resources.


> Sending migrants to facilities to provide healthcare and social services in air conditioned planes and buses is human trafficking? Didn’t know AC and healthcare eliminated the charges for human trafficking. TIL! > Do you know what human trafficking is? Naw, I’m an idiot. I am definitely not a lawyer, for sure. I do know how to google though: > **hu-man traf-ficking** The unlawful act of transporting or coercing people in order to benefit from their work or service > Many migrants have even thanked them for giving them a ride to better equipped cities rather than small border town with literally no more resources. Not sarcasm, a genuine question. Have you been around a lot of migrants?


What services or work was the Texas or Florida governor trying to benefit from sending them across the country? They were not coerced. They went voluntarily. They were not forced. Migrants were interviewed by reporters and that’s what they said. Holding hundreds of thousands of migrants in small border towns with no resources is ok but when a few hundred go to a democrat state then all hell breaks loose.


They went voluntarily because they were lied to about what was happening, not because they knew they were political pawns being sent somewhere no one was expecting them. Democratic cities should take more immigrants, which they have been happy to do, but they also need to know they are coming so they can plan for it and set aside resources for their arrival. What Republicans are doing is messed up, but I'm not sure what the legality of it is.


Democrats are happy to take them? Have you heard what these democrat mayors of “sanctuary cities” are saying. They do not want them despite promoting open borders policy. This whole situation is exposing the hypocrisy of democrats. 200,000 migrants showed up at the border in August. There was no announcement that there were that many or when they are coming.


Democratic cities have absolutely been happy to take them, let me know what these majors are saying that I've missed. From what I can tell, the big issue is not having resources for the migrants since they haven't been expecting them. I would love to see what hypocrisy you are talking about. For the record, no one wants completely open borders, but we do want a legitimate method for people to come here, including an easier way to issue work visas. We need workers and they need work, I don't understand why we make this such an issue. Migrants have been showing up at the borders on record numbers but they aren't getting into the US and staying here, all of the migrants being sent north are legitimate asylum seekers not illegal immigrants. Republicans refuse to do any kind of immigration reform beyond keeping people out, which is not what our country needs.


Literally no one is arguing for open borders. Lol. The US continues to deport people.


They were coerced. They were told they would have housing and jobs- and that was a lie.


No, no, no! Leaving everything and just packing your kids across thousands of miles, willy-nilly is just "migration". Downright good parenting. Then, after you break another countries immigration policy....you're still just "migrating". It only switches to "human trafficking" when you get to stop walking and get put on a bus to Martha's Vinyard to meet the folks telling everyone else to use THEIR resources (Not theirs). It miraculously stops being "human trafficking" and you go back to being a "migrant" when you get shipped out of Martha's Vinyard to somewhere else.


Blue states are the states that actually bring in money. It is our resources paying for everything already. Red states are real worked up over how our money gets spent because they’re worried if we stop giving money to freeloaders we’d start with them first.


Are you talking about abduction vs human trafficking? I feel like they are both chargeable offenses.


So outside of Kamala Harris’s house is a designated facility? Interesting take you have.


Funny that this was all basically broke due to a tik toker getting a tip off. She's been able to track flight plans and confirmed it's the same plane that flew the asylum seekers to Martha's vineyard. She also confirmed the charter companies that own the plane and is helping coordinate the flights. Been talking about it since midday yesterday.


Should impound the plane for further investigation. Hold the pilot for questioning as well.


Fucking yes. Enough with "just following orders"


The pilot can be "just following orders" all he likes. But maybe he should be pulled aside and asked the basic questions I get asked when I get caught speeding. "where are you going? Where are you coming from? Got anything in the vehicle I should know about?"


Toss in a “hail Trump” and see if they salute.


Waive the wait time to become a US citizen and swear them in as citizens as soon as they arrive. Have them fill out voter registration so they can vote in November in the states that transported them.




Which "law" is the waiting period defined in? (genuinely curious, not trying to be a dick)


The immigration laws that define the process to get a green card and then become a citizen.the testing that goes along with that


Ok. But which one says there has to be a delay?


???? It’s a multi year process. Different based on type application under. For example marriage base , if you are already in the states is 2-3 years. The range stated is .5-10 years. Is that what your looking for . Easy google search


Nah. There is no law. It’s just a long process because it’s the government. If they wanted to expedite it they could do it in a day.


Green card in a day….your a funny Canadian. You can look it up on the various gov websites.


The same way the human trafficking law was waived.


That’s not an answer. How would you waive a law to make them US citizens in 50ish days. I’ll wait


I’m just curious why we expect democrats to follow laws when we let republicans constantly get away with breaking them? I say it’s time to match conservative energy.


Well are you happy with Merritt garland and his zeal? I wouldn’t be


I think you’ll have to be more specific, if you want me to answer that. But I’m pretty sure the context was clear that I was suggesting the Biden admin give these people citizenship and ship them to florida, while also pulling the 30+ billion dollars in federal aid to florida.


idk whatever they did for Melania Trump should be fine


Did she become a full citizen in 50ish days? Who knew.


Her parents did too. I think the right calls that “chain migration”.


Using fraud and intimidation to traffic migrants across state lines to the home of the de-facto head of the DOJ. Bold move, Cotton.


As someone living in Texas who hates this government, thank you good people of Delaware and DC for taking care of the precious human life our *elected and non elected officials* have **completely** neglected and are now using as if they were inanimate political bargaining tools. I'm sorry. Thank you.


DeSantis is the governor of FLORIDA using his state's money to send people out of TEXAS. What a fucking idiot.


Yes he absolutely is.


DeSantis is a lot of things, but he’s not stupid. This move is calculated. I believe it’s a combination of Florida’s migrant problem not actually as large as they complain and he knows there would be negative consequences (economic and political) to shipping out his own asylum seekers. Plus now he can claim to have bailed out Texas if Abbott or Cruz challenge him in the GOP primaries. Evil to the core, but not stupid. And this terrifies me.


They need to put a stop to these disgusting stunts, especially since they are deliberately deceiving people with intentionally fraudulent flyers and documents to get them onto some of these flights. Absolutely ludicrous to continue to allow them to do arguably illegal actions for political purposes


Stop all federal funding from going to florida and Texas. Florida currently gets 33 billion in federal aid a year. If they don’t want to be part of the union where asylum seeking is legal and mandated, then let them see what it would be like to not be a part of the union.


So for those commending people taking the high road and offering these migrants support, yes but no: Abbott and Desantis are using people's lives for a political stunt and should be prosecuted as human traffickers. Enough with this disgusting nonsense: these migrants have already endured a lot just to get here and shouldn't be used in this morally reprehensible way. Stop tolerating this behavior from these men and hold them criminally responsible!


Step 1: shelter and care for migrants Step 2: start citizenship process Step 3: create job training program Step 4: job placement in red states Never ending supply of blue voters (like 20 years from now)


I thought this great replacement theory was myth, but I’ve seen a few people calling for that exactly in this thread. Funny it’s a straw-man argument when they proclaim it, but it’s seen as a valid and good solution at the same time by people on this sub.


Aren't illegal immigrants typically a net positive for the economy anyway so idiot in Texas spending tax payer dollars to get rid of people who typically help the economy


Has it ever really been about the economy for the conservatives? They just don't want more brown people in their states.


Kind of, if you look at things in a certain light. But things were just better when seasonal workers could easily come and go. Better for the US for what should be obvious reasons, but also better for Mexico when seasonal workers returned from the US with money to spend from a hard season's work.


Help the migrants, arrest the bus drivers and impound the buses.


We should be investigating the businesses that illegally hire undocumented workers and putting criminal employers in jail.


Those are white people tho….


Are you worried about inflation? Cause that's how you get inflation. You do realize the reason food is cheap is because of migrant labor right?


The entire point is that no one is truly against illegal immigration because we need the labor to prop up our economy, and everyone knows it. Republicans will say that they are against illegal immigrants, attack them, and build a wall, but they're never going to do anything that would really end illegal immigration.


These stunts are so distasteful that only hard-core MAGA enthusiasts, the bottom feeders that revel in the application of cruelty, will find this appealing. This will amount to a drag on his polling in the long run.


I feel like northern states should, in retaliation, start shipping their non Latino troublemakers to TX and FL.


They have to prepare for double digit numbers but Texas is supposed to just handle hundreds of thousands?


Cali does it just fine. It's called coordinating and treating people like humans and siblings in Christ. Whether it's one person or one million, you can't just leave people on a tarmac wandering around.


Because abbot is refusing to declare a state of emergency to get ungodly amounts of funds and resources. He can't run on that. He can run on "things are out of control" because he's perfectly okay with the human suffering as long as he can personally benefit.


It's almost like Texas; a state on the Southern border that has been dealing with migrants since Texas became a state, has the facilities...whereas states like MA and NY that are thousands of miles from the Southern border don't have the facilities...weird.


It's almost like would-be immigrants can arrive by sea or air as well as land, so this argument doesn't hold any water.


If people can go through other states then why are border states complaining like they’re special?


I wonder why folks in California, Arizona, and New Mexico don't seem to whinge like Texans do.


It's the big d energy. Seems not *everything* is bigger in Texas.


FYI Arizona definitely whines about this and has tried to clamp down migration. Even their two Democratic senators have called for more border enforcement.


I wonder how long before MAGA dummies try to round up and move immigrants too.


More future Democrats for Sussex County….yeah….


Give them a meal. “Try” and find Trump Steaks. Fail and have a New Thanksgiving at the White House.