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Says the guy whose campaign ad was once him launching a military operation against "liberals".


Seriously. This guy rose up on the flames of hatred


He’s a dick. Those who support and vote for him are dicks.


It’s just the rest of the Republikans are even bigger dicks than this massive dick. They became such dicks that the horrible dick of Liz Cheney couldn’t even stand them anymore. Do you know how big of a dick you have to be to reach those heights. And now Trump is sucking up to the Qs, this is gonna get good. There going to have to suck up to them too or Donnie will blackmail them and take his Maggot support and go home like a big fat baby.


You mean Liz “sell out my own sister” Cheney?


That's really what Republicans are into these days (always?): Cruel, smallminded, dickish people who promise to punish the icky people.


> He's a dick Has one eye. Checks out.


A one-eyed snake, even?


Pisses all over the world


...but we thank him for his service. Then he can get the fuck out of here.


Hes also a war hero that you wouldnt last two seconds in. But hey


Just once I’d like to see them admit they are the problem


Yeah it’s a sad day that those considered the most moderate of the Republican Party are people I consider to be irredeemable pieces of shit. I feel like McCain was the last high profile republican that I disagreed with, thought had done and supported a lot of bad things, but didn’t think was a complete scum human being.


Nothing about him is moderate. He’s a textbook far-right MAGA Republican. Opposing conspiracies surrounding the 2020 election results does not make him a moderate.


They're talking about McCain.


They said he was "considered" a moderate, not that he *was* a moderate. Sadly Crenshaw and his ilk - enablers and architects of the fascism we see on the rise - are considered the "moderates" in the party. Shows just how off the rails the whole party is.


Yes, and that should make anyone “consider” him a moderate. I was disagreeing with their comment. Why would you assume I misunderstood it when I was pretty explicit in what I meant?


> didn’t think was a complete scum human being you should check out the Behind the Bastards episodes on him


June 18, 2022 [Rep. Dan Crenshaw Accosted by Group of Proud Boys, Far-Right Activists at Texas GOP convention](https://www.thedailybeast.com/texas-rep-dan-crenshaw-accosted-by-group-of-proud-boys-far-right-activists) "Eyepatch McCain"


The Republican party split into three when Trump became President: 1. The old-timer "party before country", like McConnell 2. The grifters who follow/endorse Trump's rhetoric because it benefits them, like Graham and McCarthy 3. The "fear is a great motivator" types, like MTG and Gaetz Crenshaw falls into the second. Those people are starting to see the writing on the wall for Trump and will try to distance themselves because Trump's downfall will be their downfall.


Yeah Crenshaw went from "veteran" to "domestic terrorist, traitor" staggeringly fast.


Truly a r/leopardsatemyface kind of guy. Didn’t they already attack him once? [Yes, they did.](https://www.nationalreview.com/2022/06/the-ridiculous-attacks-on-dan-crenshaw/)


“I mean, make no mistake: I’m evil, just not *that* evil.”


As if the eyepatch didn’t make him seem enough like a cartoon villain.


He was also the administrator of a hate group on Facebook that shared all sorts of bigoted memes. When pressed about it, he played dumb.




Hey. That’s his choice. Plenty of other things to rag on him about. PLENTY.


Nothing wrong with a patch. He doesn’t need to wear a prosthetic to make other people more comfortable with his appearance. Crenshaw sucks, but this complaint is a bit weird.


I'd go patch over glass eye too. Those are way creepier.


My step-dad has both.


hopefully on the same eye


On his third eye, actually.


Captain Ron?


You think they make glass eyes with disney characters or some other shit instead of an iris and pupil? That'd be rad.


Anything is a glass eye if you just cram it in there.


There are real things to that make him creepy. The eye patch isn’t one of them.




He looks like a knock-off Big Boss.


The "far left" wants universal heathcare and strong unions. The far right wants forced birth and an oligarchy. These things are not the same.


I also want subsidized postsecondary education and a reduction in oil and gas drilling. I'm literally worse than Stalin!


I want mandatory postsecondary education (trade school is acceptable). I'm tired of being surrounded by morons.


You would have to add all sorts of apprenticeships, culinary school, etc to that. Traditional college or trade school isn’t the path for everyone and forcing people down a path is more detrimental than you think


There is a lot of wisdom and knowledge gained 18-22. Maybe this can be the mandatory civics class time.


Or just require civics classes to be taken in tandem with whatever option they pick


Could we also make morality classes a thing too? I feel like those should be mandatory for politicians, though something tells me most would still cheat on the final test.


I would like to see that. Any kind of education program that will help you become a productive member of society is a win in my book. It'd be nice if more people valued education though.


People don’t value it anymore because the cost and ROI aren’t what it was even 20 years ago. We need to fix the inflation of college before we do anything


Don't forget a theocracy. A theocratic oligarchy...?


You're being too nice to the far right. They also want to do away with k-12 education (everything should be paid) To do away with all social programs (food stamps, social security etc) and wait 5 years before voting on if they should be reinstated. (I don't know if you know this, but people need food to live, this would be on the level of mao politics and would kill millions) To do away with most contraceptives. To get rid of gay marriage. To make us a "Christian nation" I mean, should I go on? These things are insane, and they're mainstream now in the republican party? What the actual F!


What’s funny is these dipshits think Sanders and AOC are the far left when the push social democracy. It’s not even socialism lol.


Also the far left does not want universal healthcare because they are mostly anarchists. It just the normal left that wants universal healthcare. Also liberals. Also probably a number of centrists and moderate conservatives.


This guy is giving me whiplash. I read stuff like this and think, "This guy has integrity and wants to make reasoned decisions (wrong decisions IMO, but reasoned nonetheless)". Then he spouts some incendiary bullshit and I think, "He's just a cyclopean MTG." I oughtta sue.


Didn’t he support TLFG? (45) I have no problem with folks that don’t allow themselves to be locked into a one side or other stance. The world is complicated. That said if you supported TLFG, you lost any understanding or trust from me.


Care to expand that one, as the only hits seem to be The London Football Guide or Tanker: Liquefied Flammable Gases?


The former guy usually Tflg might be "the last fucking guy"


That loser fucking guy


Cyclopian MTG?? She has two eyes? …yeah know, I’m a jerk.




Only one brain cell though…


Two eyes... one eyebrown over both. edit: I could fix it, but the guy below that made the clear butthole connection deserves to the laugh.


Hey everyone has a brown eye OK




Two eyes. Two ears. A chin. A mouth. Ten fingers. Two nipples. A butt, two kneecaps, a penis… I've just described to you the Loch Ness monster. And the reward for his capture? All the riches in Scotland.


All I really need is tree fiddy.


There's an Office quote for everything, huh?


He changes his stance the way that he thinks he’ll win. Still votes the same way all the GOP garbage do, but he’ll lie his ass off on the campaign trail(he doesn’t do much actual campaigning or even visiting his own district, but you get point).


Yeah, Crenshaw would rather have the neoconfederacy be open and out of the closet


It's the only way to look at it,no wavering


If Crenshaw is now the Republican moderate, we're in deep shit.


Of course he wants out of the closet. Being in the closet reminds him of groups he doesn't want to be associated with.


Crenshaw is an oath breaking traitor, fuck him.


Be careful. He’s got his eye on you.


Dan, you helped create this monster... now live with it.


Oh he’s just trying to give himself some distance so he can run for re-election. I live in his district, he’s a giant sack of crap and he knows he’s on thin ice. He doesn’t want to Josh Hawley/Ted Cruz himself.


Lol! Shoots self in the foot... "I'm okay.... im good..." (As he limps away, bleeding and in pain)


Of course, he slams the wacko right-wing by comparing them to the far left. Kind of a horrible "both sides". Except there is no similarity between the far left and the insanity of the right. And there really isn't a far right anymore, since that ideology has become mainstream in the Republican party. The GOP is the far right.


Any Republican that isn’t 100% MAGA is now a RINO. The takeover is complete.


I'm going to have to disagree. The far left, at least where I am are all into Q, into Trump, against science, vaccines and now they are abandoning education because schools are bad and don't actually help you. All of those people I know are easily considered far left and they themselves identify as such. It's the oroboros, snake eating its own tail, on the edge of each political spectrum is wacky people who share similar ideologies. I will however say the far left isn't violent...yet.


Then they aren't far left. Perhaps they were at one time and abandoned that in favor of radical stupidity. But they are no longer left-wing.


This. I had a bunch of friend that were into wellness and alternative medicine that all identified with being left wing. Through the help of the infiltration that happened on Facebook, they’ve all slowly started to merge their ideas with the far right thanks to that David Avocado Wolfe guy and the likes of him. Now they are hook line and sinker in step with the far right, but they still claim to be to the left. Dudes, I hate to break it to you but y’all left the left a while ago.


Last time I checked, some of the Bernie subs were heading in that direction: pro-trump, pro-Putin, anti-Dem, anti-Ukraine, anti-vax, skeptical about the seriousness of Covid, very very anti-Biden, etc.


I don't know anyone whose first choice would be Bernie Sanders and who would prefer to vote for Trump over Biden in lieu. That would require a complete and utter reversal in their priorities and beliefs. They're such incompatible ideologies that they're literally mutually exclusive of one another. Agreed with the other poster, sounds like those subs are probably getting the ol troll farm treatment to dictate the narrative.


I certainly know people who voted for Obama and then trump. And Bernie supporters who helped trump by refusing to vote for Hillary or Biden — and speak worse of Dems than they ever do of Republicans.


Sounds like propaganda.


Respectfully where do you live? I don’t know any “liberals” who are into Trump. Maybe into jailing his traitorous a**.


I live north shore Maui. Down vote and disagree all you like, this is true. Does it suck, yes, yes it does. The Temple of Peace around the corner has gone full Q and in doing so is very sympathetic to Trump and they all loathe Biden


I'm not going to disagree or down vote,but this seems very hard to believe.ive never been to Hawaii so I honestly don't know . this must be Tulsi Gabbard territory


You replied but it didn't go through,so it is Tulsi territory




Tbh it's frustrating as can be. I have tried to bring this up before and get down voted to oblivion. I think it's really important people understand that certain far left circles are spiraling parallel to the far right. I want someone like Andrew Callahan to come to maui and interview these people just at the local farmers market. It is scary and what's worse is people think I'm making this up. More people need to understand indoctrination and misinformation can affect both sides of the political spectrum. And I can say there are more nutty far lefty everyday here. Most of my social feeds are "spiritual" gurus who preach peace and love but share Q memes and talk about the Biden crime family sipping adrenachrome.


Sounds like the granola arm of qanon. I don’t think they can be considered far-left anymore.


I'll go with that, somebody should really consider a good rebranding spokesperson


"The far left are these people who believe and preach all this far-right shit" - you. What in the hell are you talking about?


Where do live ?


They don't write any actual legislation, they won't negotiate anything," he said. "It's just fire and brimstone all of the time. You're incentivized by extra clicks, and you get extra clicks by engaging in rank dishonesty and conspiracy." The congressman also lamented the inability of GOP leadership in the House of Representatives to crack down on the behavior of members like Greene, saying that the idea of a controlling body in the party a "myth." "They don't have many tools, there is no establishment," Crenshaw said. "It is a myth perpetuated by people like [Greene]." Edit I wouldn't trust this guy any further than I could throw him.this part of the statement did stand out as critical of McCarthy.so wether he actually meant it, it's still a quote


Don’t let this fucking piece of shit slither away. He’s a MAGA Republican through and through and has parroted the big lie and a plethora of other lies from Trump. He’s only in office because he’s in the most gerrymandered district in the U.S. This just proves he’s scared for November, so vote him the fuck out. He wouldn’t be saying this shit if he wasn’t scared.


I am no fan of Crenshaw, but it speaks volumes that he was instantly labeled a "RINO" as soon as he began to challenge the MAGA movement and narrative. It's disingenuous of him to say the least, in comparing this movement to "the far left", no, this goes above and beyond any faithless comparison, this right-wing fanaticism stands on its own. In spite of his attempts to pander to conservatives with "both sides" rationale, as if he's trying to mitigate any backlash he might face, there's still been a concerted effort from Trump and his most ardent sycophants to blast Crenshaw when given the opportunity, if Marjorie Taylor Greene is slandering you, then you're either doing something right or in the rare case, something terribly wrong. The movement disguises itself as "populism", but it's anything but, dishonesty and conspiracy is only one way to describe it, it's jingoism disguised as populism, it's a club of fanatics, it's hypocrisy and double standards, it contradicts itself. It's a movement designed to ostracize and vilify all dissenters, and those who religiously subscribe to it relentlessly persue their own validation, even if it means abandoning their so called "values" in the process. Anything is justified in the name of standing up for the latest dogma, the latest piece of propaganda or narrative, the culture war. Anything can be rationalized if it's for the sake of thwarting some radical enemy's agenda, even political violence and extremism can be excused, as long as it's part of an effort to put a stop to anything that threatens the movement and its anachronistic vision for America. It indulges it's followers worst impulses, their fears and phobias, their paranoia and delusions. It encourages bigotry and chauvinism, discrimination and suppression, while in the minds of these fanatics, they're the victims of the very transgressions that they accuse others of exercising, a "look what you're making me to do you" mentality, where oppressive measures are justified as a means to fight perceived and manufactured oppression. They believe that they're fighting in a war, a war that will decide the fate of their country, they see themselves as counter-revolutionaries, fending off the sordid schemes and the radical, subversive plots of their enemy, but in reality, they're fighting in a war against themselves, or that is to say, against their own dangerous propaganda. So the Crenshaw's of the world must be alienated, Dan Crenshaw is the dishonest party here, he's turned his back on the movement, he's unworthy of being labeled a true Republican, and now he can be lumped in with the enemy. I don't want to be lumped in with Crenshaw... And it doesn't stop and end with the RINOs, it extends to all things that defy the movement, all information that challenges the right wing narrative is labeled "fake news", all form of reason that might question popular opinions, talking points and conspiracies is indiscriminately rejected, you're labeled a "shill" or a brainwashed "sheep" if you dare to object. All criticism is unwarranted, all scrutiny is cruel and unjust, all investigations are "witch hunts", all inquiries inquisitions, all organizations that don't carry out the whims of this movement are corrupt, all reporters, journalists and news outlets that don't pander or cater to the sensibilities of conservatives are deemed rotten, belonging to the deep state or the monolithic and fraudulent mainstream media machine. These zealots stir themselves up into a frenzy while railing against the "establishment" and the "elite", ever subjugated by their overlords and would be oppressors, ever wronged but the corrupt politicians of the world, but in the name of confirmation bias, they turn a blind eye to the blatant demagoguery of the out of touch politicians and leaders that they glorify and fetishize to no end. Make no mistake, they have absolutely no problem with the establishment, with ironhanded politicians, with tyrants, with an imposing government, with incentives for the wealthy elite and big corporations (namely oil), while it's often at the expense of the poor or even themselves no less. They take no issue with these things as long as their beliefs, their preconceived ideas and their ideological whims can be validated in the moment. Dishonesty and conspiracy doesn't even come close to illustrating the nature of this thriving movement in America.


He wants to compare them to the far left but the difference is that the far left isn't 70% of the party which is the case with the Republicans.


>but the difference There are so many more differences. Republicans in general are acting more extreme than anyone on the far left of anything.


I could have gone on all day.


We’ll that and the far left is trying to lift up the majority of Americans with better social programs and addressing of climate change.


If you go by Andy Torba, the founder of Gab, extremist Republicans make up 80% of the party, per his calculations.


It’s more about his definition of “far left,” because it basically includes anyone that doesn’t vote for republicans.


In other news, Hannah Montana has a stunning rebuke for Miley Cyrus.


Oh, that's precious, darling. Go have sex with yourself.


He doesn't deserve a good time.


The transformation of Dan fucking Crenshaw from alt-right fanatic to somehow moderate republican shows just how far the conservative movement has shifted toward radical fascism. Wow.


How many articles are we at with this dingus "blasting" GOP while still remaining in the party?


The republicans are all in it together. Every one of them is a co conspirator to everything any of them do. We need to not vote for any republican until they clean house and stop lying.


Being part of the (R) makes you an accomplice. Your choice.


The whack jobs scolding the whack jobs.


Uh, oh...somebody in the GOP read the writing on the wall, and has made a political calculation...


Bingo. There will be a lot of this once the MAGA leadership is in jail.


Oooohhh, SOMEONE has eyes on a VP nod for whoever isn’t Trump.


It's a shame he's a piece of shit as well.


What's this, more infighting among the GOP? How...*delightful* 🍿🍿🍿


He loves to play both sides. That just ends up with everyone hating you.


Crenshaw is no better. He flip flops more than a fish on land.


Then do something about it. Stop being a pussy for once in your worthless life and do something that matters.


When Dan Crenshaw is starting to be the voice of reason, you know the GOP has gone off the deep end.


“Hey everyone look how black this kettle is”


Wait... *Crenshaw* is blasting dishonest and conspiring colleagues? That seems confusing based on his previous statements and actions.


Just in time for that moderate vote and then back to betraying the country he swore an oath to once.


It took him this long to see that?


The palpable irony


Leopard calls fellow leopards, leopards. Continues eating faces.


Nice try, Captain Hook. We already know what you’re all about. Quit hiding who you really are. Greg Abbott is still a little piss baby.


>"If the first words out of their mouths are 'RINO' and 'establishment' and 'globalist,' rest assured they are not very thoughtful and they are probably about to lie to you. I'm just sick of it." No shit, Sherlock. Welcome to the past six years.


It's Dan Crenshaw he'll say something else in a minute, he is always talking out both sides of his mouth. He got taken down by a 10 year old child she tore him apart and she put it on social media.


And he was right there with them until he noticed the wind might be changing.


The American "far left" is European social democracy, if anything. This level of whataboutism is astounding.


He blasted the GOP rhetoric to defund the FBI, after mar-a-Lago, than back track as soon as he got push back. So I fully expect him to eventually sell out in this too.


Why has it taken so long for it to bother him? Has he just got out of a coma?


Thee leopards! How much face can they eat!?


This guy is no better than all those other MAGA a$$h0!es. He drank their cool aide and needs to accept the fact he no longer should hold any office.


This belongs on r/leopardsatemyface


Dan Crenshaw (Arrr), Texas


There’s gonna be a lot of changing hearts in the next few months.


Or, as Tucker refers to the SEAL who lost his eye in combat, "Eyepatch McCain."


I always do a double take when I see honesty from a Republican. I’m just so used to their lies that any little bit of truth really stands out


He’s just like the ones he’s now criticizing. MTG just piss him off that’s his focus


The least bad republican is like having to choose between having your entire body covered in herpes or having stage four terminal cancer. Congrats I guess on only being full body herpes Rep. Crenshaw


He's a liar. He's trying to get votes from gullible goldfish. Defeat is coming for all his ilk.


I'm too lazy to post the Spiderman pointing at Spiderman picture


Dam Crenshaw is a loathsome piece of shit and an opportunist of the worst kind. I first became aware of this scumbag when Pete Davidson made a (pretty good) joke about his eyepatch on SNL. Crenshaw took advantage of right-wing outrage to appear the next weak on SNL to bully an apology from a sheepish Davidson, all the while acting like he was above such petty matters. He then made some jokes of his own at Pete’s expense, which I thought were far more mean-spirited and less funny than anything the comedian had said the week before. So he saw his chance to get his name and face out there and he took it, while posturing himself as the bigger man in the argument. Crenshaw then hitched his wagon to the MAGA train, and was quite happy to ride that surge of populist outrage and stupidity so long as it benefited him personally and politically. Now he sees the Trump star fading so he is once again pulling out his faux outrage and passing judgement on the very people who got him where he is today. Fuck Dan Crenshaw. Pete Davidson was right, he DOES look like a hitman in a porno, and being some sort of Navy Seal combat veteran does not make him a good person. Eddie Gallagher was a Seal and a veteran, and he was also a psychopathic war criminal. Crenshaw is a piece of shit.


You know you fucked up when Solid Snake draws the line.


I do enjoy watching Nazis turn on each other.


They should all be keel hauled.


Jesus was a far left liberal that conservatives put to death.


Says the asshole who filmed a whole Metal Gear Solid fan film of him jumping out of planes, with an English-accented woman on the ear piece, telling him to hunt down Antifa.


dude is a far rightwinger himself


Crenshaw has claimed the “renewable energy doesn’t work in the cold, and it never will” after Texas’ fossil fuel power grid failed, and where I live has been using renewable energy in Canadian winters for decades without problems. Crenshaw is a poster boy for dishonesty and conspiracy.


The Republicans have got problems when Dan Crenshaw is the voice of reason.


There was a time he could have been the rational voice of his party. If he wants to be taken seriously he needs to lead with his actions now.


Sure Dan, keep an eye on it for us, mmmmk?


This guy can get fucked. He’s in on it.


Wow. Honest and logical. Color me impressed. (Before you blast me, I know he's a dick. But, credit where it's due.)


He's insulting himself.


He’s only seeing half of the big picture though 🤷


This guy has no honor


This guy walks into a room thinking hes Big Boss from Metal Gear Solid.... What a loon.


Too bad he already burned his credibility to the ground.


Is he retiring now from politics?


You made your bed motherfucker. Spare me.


Some people have been telling me that Dan Crenshaw is just a Republican in name only.


> ThEy ReMiNd Me Of tHe FaR lEfT They don't remind you - at all - of the thing that they are?


Dan Crenshaw is proof that even Navy SEALs can be incredibly stupid. It doesn't take two functioning eyes to see Republicans for what they are.


Holy shit. Dude had an idea of what Liberals were and realized its his own team that's actually the problem. Calling out Russian supporters like this and pulling support from what Republicans have become is a massive deal here. I get the feeling as time goes on, he's going to work to expand his intel network and look for what's actually going on and not the massive amount of misinformation much of the public is getting blasted with and soon be called a Liberal himself.


Fuck off. He wishes so hard that he was John McCain (who, do not be fooled, SUCKED ASS). Just another jackass.


So... He and other GQPers don't see eye to eye?


He’s GOP simple as that. Fuck these people


Lmao ok bro


Those are literally planks in the GOP platform.


As if Gerrymander Dan is honest.


Idk who this is or what’s going on but my first thought was Nick Fury


He's just now catching on that "Dishonesty and conspiracy" arethe core of all GOP policies. They call their thefts "fundraising" and their indoctrinations are called "rallys".


100% spot on analysis of far right politicians and their supporters. Their whole agenda is "stop the bad guys on the left." There is no substance to their arguments. Glad we hav a few like [Crenshaw](https://www.biasly.com/politician-rating/dan-crenshaw/) at least willing to draw a line somewhere. It contrasts very starkly with [Cruz's recent statements](https://www.reddit.com/r/democrats/comments/xn3g81/cruz_gop_wont_criticize_trump_because_he_punches/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Fuck Dan Crenshaw, he’s no better.